CURRENT NEWS. The sudden death of Rcjbert P. King, of ihe firm < f King § Baird, printers, Philadel phia. is anie unced. Judge A. S. Blake, of Goshen. Ind., hither to a leading Radical, publicly abandons Grant and Colfax and comes out for Seymour and Bhar. : In a recent Grant and Colfax procession at Atlanta. Georgia, there were but three white men. Bradlev, the nigger jail-bird, is a candidate for Congress in Georgia. But what ol that ? Is m>t thief Butler a meinter of Congress, , and Dan Sickles a shinning light ? They are exponent* of moral ideas. Miniature photographs of Grant, set in breas'pins, have been served out to Southern negroes by the Radical party, and are worn by those lragrant suffragans in the bosoms of *uch as have shirts. The people are said to bo starving in the : region of Red river < f the North, owing to the destruction of crops. A down-east paper say*: '"General Grant's J utterances are few but remarkable." So aie • those of an Andalusian Jack. -t negro in V.rguiia r. ad a "Gram and Colfax"' banner. Grant and Colored folks. The St. L u's Times says that every one j knows that Frank liiair was J ounuvted tor j the Speaker-hip of the Thirty-seventh Con- ' tre-s by "loil" John Hickoisn, and supported i by Bingham, Colfax, Kelly, L'Vtjoy. Sher man and for'y-thiee others, on the first bal lot, when his mine withdrawn. These same Helical- now ve with each o'.ber in de- , preciauiig the election ol Blair because he is ; a "rebel and a traitor." Andrew Lacy, a well known negro living j in Marton, Aik., at one tiino acted with the Rid cai party, hut, having become a*hatned i .of hi- a**' ciation and disgusted with Carpet- | backers, changed lo be a Democrat, for | which reason bis house was set on tiro and burned Uwn. Let us have peace. It has cost the people about 82,500 sines ; the W.r i r each negro that has been made a voter f r the benefit of the Rad cal party \ If bite laboring tnen in ihe North work five i days for themselves and one for the negro, j each week. United S'ates sixes (five twenties) sell lesg in the markets of the world than Prussian, j Russian, Moori.-h and Braz iians fives. If'hy? j Because the country can't carry 83.000,000.- 000 of debt and the loil leeches too. Forney's definition of "the people:" all the ' blscks and as many whites as will Vote the t Radical Ticket. Tight work—getting three sheets in the wind. The Radical war cry—"Up with the negro and the taxes. Down with the white man and the trade of the nation !" Radical tolerance—lf you don't believe as 1 do you're a traitor. " Deeply, darkly, beautifully " —Grant's j chance for Presidency. The Radical motto—" If e'll fight it out on I lyin', if it takes all 6ummer." The bluest party out is that of the "Boys in blue." Not only their leader, but their i prospects arc uow irredeemably azured. The Boston Post says that Beecher is to be sculped in bronze and Tilton in brass. We would suggest that Grant be done in "stun," if not stunned enough a'ready. The Chicago Republican ha 3 au article en titled: "What Grant is and what he isn't." What be is, is infinitely less than what ha isn't. Tbe Radicals need not raise such a hubbub about the ejection of negroes from the Geor gia Legislature. Everybody knew that in all such cases, the woolly heads must be worst ed. Work-bouse Howard, Commissioner of the National Soup Kitchen, has 58 clerks in his headquarters office. Salary 870,420. Let the nerro work for a living like ail the rest of us. At Clermont, Indiana, on Friday night, the Radicals attacked a Democratic torchlight procession because it passed under a Grant and Coltax club. He are happy to add that the Radicals were beaten badly. I The Detroit Free Press gives moat encour- , ageing accounts of the campaign in Michigan, and says that tire Domoorats hope to their exclusive vote on the defeat of tbe last negroized Constitution. I It is understood that A. S. Welsb, Michi ' ( pan carpet bag Senator from Florida, having drawn his five thousand dollars salary and mileage for seven hours service as United States Senator, has gone to lowa, to assume 1 the Presidency of an Agricultural College. ' 1 An election bet in San Francisco compels j ; the loser to ride through tbe principal streets of the city mounted on a jackass, facing the ( tail, with a negro leading. Five negroes from Arkansas recently set up a dictatorship over a county in Mississippi, and when tbe neighboring blacks refused to 1 recognize their authority they hunted them ' into the woods. The Hon. Mr. Brandreth, 6on of Dr Brand 1 relh, and formerly a Republican member of ' Assembly, has joined the Democratic ranks, 1 and made a speech at a Seymour and Blair ( meeting in New York city last week. 1 "The Hon. Fred. Lauer. of Reading, Peon., and 121 of his friends and employes, all stout | • Democrats have come out for Grant and (ol- j 1 fax." * j I Tbe above, from the Tribune on Thursday, I ti i an unmitigated falsehood. Mr. Lauer is a i liferlonjr, staoocb Democrat, and will vote i v tor ceytnotif and BDtr If >• employes, being ' Democrats, also will vote for the same candi- i a date. Th • "atraw '8 U* 'tribune* turns c out to t* "ail gaaa " | ti Cbc Democrat. HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. '' Wednesday, Sept. 30, I 868. FOR PRESIDENT, HOI. HORATIO SEYMOUR. CF NEW YOKE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. : HON. FRANCIS P. BLAIR. OF MIsSOCBI DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET Auditor General, CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette. Surveyor General. Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia |OIsrKHI AM) COUNTY TICKET* FOB CONGRKSS. COL VICTOR E. PIOLLET of Bradford County, FOB SENATOR, ZIBA BILLINGS ESQ. ot Nicholson Tp. FOB REPRESENTATIVES, GEORGE OSTERHOUT ESQ of Tunkhannotk Tp. C. C. MILLS, of Susquehanna County. FOR TREASURER, HIRAM HITCHCOCK ESQ of Forkston, FOB COMMISSIONER WM. F. CAIRL ESQ. j of Monroo Tp FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, JOHN SITTSER ESQ. of Tunkhannotk Boro. FOR CORONER, DR. SARGEANT KELLY, of Tunkhannock Tp. FOR CCCMTV SURVEYOR, WM. S. SCIIENCK, ESQ. of Washington Tp. FOP. AUDITOR, CAPT. P. M. BURR, of Meshoppen Tp ROBERT F. CLARK, Esq. one of the i ablest and most prominent lawyers of Co lumbia Co., —who was in 18G2, —the Re publican candidate for Congress in this dis trict, and who speke with and for Mercur, at a Republican Mass Meeting, in this place in 1864, is now addressing the Conserva tive citizens of his county at all the impor tant points, IN FAVOR OF SEYMOUR, BLAIR AND PIOLLET. Mr. Clark has become thoroughly dis gusted with Mercur and all that political class. Unless reports are very incorrect, many, very many otl cr honest republicans have taken alarm at the ruinous course of Jacobins who now control the policy and conduct of that party ; and are uniting themselves with the only safe and constitu tional party of tbe country — The Demo cratic party! Representative Conference. The Democratic Representative Confer ference for this District met at Nicholson the '24 th inst., and confirmed the choice of their respective Counties of candidates for this office, to wit :C. C. MILLS, of Sus quehanna, and GEORGE OSTERHOCT, of ! Wyoming. Our citizens are so well acquainted with ! the latter named gentleman that commen dation from us would be superfluous. Mr. Mills the candidate presented by our Democratic friend, in Susquehanna!), is an intelligent, enterprising man and most ex cellent citizen, and, would like Mr. Oster | hout, if elected, truly and honestly repre sent the interests of the people. Let the Democrats of the district show their appreciation of these good and true men by giving them a rousing vote. December, ISCo, Mr. Stanton, then Secrctaiy of War, gave as the cost of the War Department on a peace basis the I sum of thirty three millions of dollars. From official records it is shown that - the War Department ir. the three years since the close of the war has cost six hundred and ten millions of dollars, or mote than six times that named at the close of the; contest. Why is this ? Because the Rad- i icals are running peace on a war footing. They are keeping a large standing army, feeding thousands of idle negroes, and thus increasing expenses at a fearful rate If continued in power, no man can meas- ' ure tbe cost of this government. That of Eugland or France will bear eompar ion with it. EVERY laboring man lias to work two and a-lialfdays each week to pay the taxes on what he eats and wears during that time. The "beat government on earth," | DEMOCRATIC_MEET!NGS 11 ' Arrangements hive been made for hold ing Meetings of the Con-er vntive Citizens of this Connty, as follows : TUNKHANNOCK, Monday Evening, Oct. stb. Mass Meeting and Pole Raising at IVlirjlj CITY. Tuesday Afternoon Oct. 6th. MESHOPPEX, Wednesday, Oof. 7. MEHOOPAN Y,Tbursda\ Evening, Oct. 8. FORKS T 0 X , Friday Afternoon, Oct. 9th. C'ENTREMORELAND, Saturday Even ing, Oct. 10. MONROE, Monday Evening, Ocl. 11th. J. 13. McColluni, Dr. Wheeler,and ; others will be present and address the j Meetings. Let there be a general attendance ! By order of Committee. J. V SMITH, Chairman. "Let us have Peace." So says Ulysses. Who is hindering peace? I Who perpetuates the -p lit of strife and tears open-afresh the wounds of war? The party that has taken Ulysses for its standard bearer, j Trie party thai is inciting negro hatred I against the white race. The party that lias established a negro government over eight m.liions of whites. The party that encourages negro tnobs to hunt down black men for opposing des j putism. The party that proposes to arm the blacks and put new shackles on the whites. The party that has organized the black , for violence and plunder. The pany that palliates negro attacks upon Democratic meeting-, i The party that tell- the n -gro he must i protect himself at all hazards, and gives | him arms to shoot his neighbors, i The party that < xasperates the white ! man by placing a negro over him. j Tiie party that says the war end d too , soon, as the Tribune said ouiy a few day s 1 a g°* ! The party that says, through its organ, i thit "the rebellion should have been j eru-h' d inch by inch, till its leaders had t died in ba'tle or fled from the country.'' "Till its armies had dwindled into bands ( of robbers." "Till its people had been driven into the swamps to starve and peri-lr." The party that is continually hatching new schemes to madden a powerless peo- P l^ The party that has tried to disgrace the ' leaders of the South, knowing that when it ' struck the leaders it wounded the followers. The party that has sent thieves and con I victs to make laws for honest men. I The party that sent rnurdereis to rule j these men with the bayonet, i The party that cants about national hon or, while it lives by plunder. The party that has brought mourning to a million firesides. The party that spread desolation over the fairest part of the land. The party that is stained with the blood of over a million men. | The party w hose present leader refused to exchange Northern soldiers. I Who left them in Southern prisons till they died of wounds and starvation. Who wrote to the agent of exchange j that "not one mora man must he ex changed." The party that spends Northern money 1 to support vagabond negroes in the South. ! The partv that made war on women and j children, and filled dungeons with free- i , born Americans. Tbe party that is laboring to bring on a | war of races in the South, so that it may j , again clutch the throats of the whites. The party that began its career with Bi i bles and bayonets, and seeks to prolong it ;bv placing bayonets in the White House. The party that trampled upon law, and j dispersed courts with the sword. This is the party that echoes the cry of l I its leader, "Let us have peace ! " j Americans, be not deceived. That par- i ty mean', " Let ft! hare irrtr. ' " —Bonner oi Liber - 'y. Work ! Work !! Work !! ! Our lriends must go work and keep at work, and their work will be done in the I right way and with the right results. The ' following suggestions deserve the attention i I of every Democrat. 1. Form a Seymour Club at once in every township, with an independent work ing organization in each election di-trict. 2. Get the name of every Seymour and ! ; Blair voter in the district, ami have him a I member of the Club, if possible. 3. Next, record the name of every other 1 voter in said district, witli every one enti tled to become or to he made a voter be fore November 3rd. 4. See that every one who will read i Democratic papers is provided with at ' i least one good one. 5. Make arrangements that will render ; the polling of an illegal vote in that dis trict morally impossible. 6. Take care that —no matter what may i be the weather—every Seymour voter in i that district shall be at the polls before j noon of the election day, and shall vote as I early as may be. 7. Look out for the undecided or waver ing that they vote for us so far as may be. Friends ! such is the meaning of work, i Are you already about it ? GALISHA GKOW (Crow) says: "If Scy-! niour and Blair are elected there will be war." Who will fight' Which one of the ( Mongrel leadeis will fight ? Is it Sumner, 1 or Greeley, or Phillips, or old Ben. Wade ? When these fellows light, Butler's ' apple bloom" will cooie in the dead of winter, f The boys that fight are on thr other side— they are with the white men now, Th y have had enough of fighting for negre.i Wanted—A Congress. Is it not about time that wo had a Con gress once more, one composed of sound men, who would legislate for the whole country and the people's interests? As it is, we have nothing of the kind. The as semblage that at present bears that name is but a political caucus, a Central Directory in the exclusive interest of the Radical I party. It is controlled, manipulated and managed by such men as Summer, Yates, Butler, Kelley and Ashley, inside, and Forney, Browniow, Greeley and the whole herd of small potato dictators, outside.— Fur the past three or four years we have had tlie sad experience ot its partisan ' character. What it has done in the way of legislation lias been of a "special" char acter—that is for the sole benefit of the Radical party. It has kept the Southern States from their rightful places in the L nion in order to perpetuate its own pow er, and only (considerate tyrants! ) graci ously allow the people of that section of : the country to vote after it has placed the white man under the heel of the black, and think to hnve "fixed" the vote so it will ibe Radical- And now fearful that their "reconstruction" acts will prove a blunder and that they are in danger of being "hoist with their own petard," they on Monday last re-assembled "Congress " The peo i pie are not consulted, neither are the Con ; ervative members ot the body, but a Rad ical Committee issues the order for its meeting ! Is not this the strongest kind lof evidence of its partisan nature ? It meets at the call of party , not to legislate i for any of the wants ot the nation, but to i concoct something or other to help the Radical taction. How do the tax-payers lue their money spent in this manner ? Are they satisfied to give politicians each five thousand dollars a year to do nothing | for tne public good, but merely to go to Washington and spend more of the peo ) pie s money in supporting a certain politi -1 cal party ? If so, then they have but them-elves to blame for present and future evils. If not —if they desire a present mis-named Congress to he the last of the kind—if they would have faithful, honest Representatives at the seat of Government i —if they would have a stop put to extrav agance in high places—in a word if they would have a Congress to legislate, nut f'r a party but, for the people ; thev will cast their votes against Ulysses Mercur the Radical Congressional nominee, and tor Victor Fi. Piollet, the Democratic (.'an didate for Congress. Bradford Argus. What We Have Done. The civil war took the shackles from 4,000,000 of ncgrots, and the Radical aristocracy propose to put these shackles upon 25,000.000 of white men as tax-pay ers. The really rich mm of the country own half the wealth of the country, and much of it is held in bonds which pay no taxes. The injustice of this was illustra ted last week by Mr. Cary, M. C., of Ohio, who said : "Let me illustrate—l live at College Hill, near Cincinnati. Before the war there was a man living there worth 82,500 wiiich he had invested in an omnibus and horses. When the war broke out he hired a man to drive his 'bus, and went into tt.e war. He came back, and is now running his 'bus again. That fellow has to pay two and a half per cent, of his eart ings every month to the tax- ( gatherer—two and a half per cent o 1 ! all his receipts I found, by looking at the assessor's books, that he pa d ; SI 18,46 government tax last year. The man j that lives right across the road, same place | was engaged, during the war, in making j army wagons, and he invested 850,000 in I Government bonds. Ho pays five per cent, tax on his income, but is entitled to take out 81,000 of that as President of a National Bank. Yet the fellow who runs this 'bus, and fought the battles of the war, has to pay SI 18,49 on his bus.*' Better is it a good deal for the rich bondholder that he pay his share of what , is due and needed to support the govern- I mer.t. While this property of the rich man is exempt from taxation, everything the poor man wears and eats is taxed. Why, • your wife's night-cap is taxed, and the ! cup of coffee you drank this morning, one j | cent and a half of its cost was government j I tax. You are the men that pay the taxes I have a house that I rent, and I have got j ! some tenants. They put it pretty heavy . upon me ; but every ten dollars they put me I sock upon ray tenants." (Laughter.) j A YOUNG LADY OCTRAGED BY NEGROES, j A Fortress Monroe dispatch says that: "On the 10th a fiendish outrage was I perpetrated oa the person of a young girl, residing about four miles from Hampton, Va., on the Yorktown road, by two nig gers, named Henry Harrison and Wm. Jones. The young lady belongs to a ! bighlv respectable family. The perpetra . tors were arrested, and are now held in a i military prison, awaiting their trial by the i civil authorities." These outiages are becoming frightfully common ail over the South, and especially in the neighborhood of nigger troops. — The law must take its course in reaching i and punishing such frightful atrocites, but the law is not equal to the offense. The i nigger now so wooed and courted for his j vote, and elevatedjto important offices, must find his own level. Jacobinism has I taken all decency out of him, and freedom with him, as with the most of his kind in Africa seems as a warrant for the gratifi- j cation of his beastly lusts.— Ex, THINGS TO BE ATTENDED TO. —Every ; Democrat must he on the look-out and see that on the second Tuesday of October there is not a single Democialic vote ab sent. Sec that every Democratic voter is legally assessed. See that no Democratic vote fails for want of naturalization. See that no Democratic vote is lost for wnt of payment of taxes, Sec that no Demo cratic voter makes business or pleasuie ar- ' rangements that will make or probably may make, his being at the polls on the | I3tb of October uncertain. Misrepresentation in Congress—An Evil to be Cured next Month. Pennsylvania has twenty-four Repre sentatives in the lower house of Congress. Of these, in the Fortieth Congress, eigh teen are Republicans and only six Detuo crats, At the election in 1860 these Rep resentatives had respectively aggregate party majorities of 36.784 and 25,345, making a difference in favor of the lie publicans 11,439. According to all rules of fairness, the Democrats on this vote should have had at least eleven ol the twenty-four Representatives to which the State is entitled, and the Republicans hut thirteen. By the present districting of the State, however, the State has been so gerrymandered Mat, in effect, 11,439 voles elected twelve Republican members, while the six Democratic members actually received 292,351 votes in their election.— At this election, in 1860, no Democrat was elected by a less majoiity than 5,000, while ten Republicans were elected b\ majorities ranging from 515 to 1,884 Of the total vote cast (596,141) the Demo crats electing six members, polled 29,!,- 351 votes, and the Republicans, electing eighteen members, polied 303,790. In other words, it required 48,725 votes to elect a Democrat, while 16,877 elect a Republican ! And these twelve Republi cans, elected by 11,439 votes, are called •'the Representatives of the people," and Pennsylvania is said to have "a republican lorm ot government," This is Republicanism—it is Radicalism —and leaves Mr. Drake's new Coiistitu of Missouri, his test oath and Registration law quite in the shade, because we arc told by the Democrat , "the number ol whites disfranchised in this State, ac cording to the best information that can i e obtained, is between twenty and twenty five thousand," whereas in Pennsylvania about one hundred and twenty-five thous and Democrats have been virtually dis franchised bv this gerrymandering process Wuicli has deprived them of an equal oi relative representation in Congress. Yet Pennsylvania has always been called a ••loyai" and libeity-loving State Happily however, the Republicans, who got into power by the very reverse of honorable means, in redisricting the State of Penn sylvania, under the census returns ot 1860, have overcome the matter. In order t secure undue influence in Congress, it was necessary to carve out Democratic di.- i iricts with large majorities and Republi- ! can districts with the smallest pos-ible ma jorities that would secure election. Tb consequence is that there is no possibh chance lor defeat in any one of the six D. mocratic districts. On the other haud, with the small majorities in eleven of the eighteen Republican districts, aided by the reaction which has been developed at every election held within a year, the Democrats arc sure of electing a majority of the members of Congress in Pennsylva nia in October, and they may completely turn the tables upon their unscrupulous opponents. If so, as we believe will be the case, we shall Lave another illustration of political dishonesty defeating its own purposes, and the vicious contrivances ot bid men returning to plague their iuven tors. — St. Louis Republican. "STAND BY THE CONSTITUTION." —This should be the rallying cry ot the opponent.- of Radicalism. The Constitution is the sheet anchor of our liberties, the only se curity we have for the presevation ot order, and of the rights of property and person. ITie Radical dogma, that the Constitution can be set aside by a Congressional enact ment, by the result of an election, by a uoisy outbreak of a popular passion, or the feverish unanimity of designing dema gogues, or of an excited press, is a crime against civil government, and an insult to liberty regulated by law. The Constitu tion is the will of tbe people, solemnlv and formally expressed. It stands as the'bond of national life. It cannot be touched save in the way itself provides, without expo sing us to the horrors of anarchy and the insane fury of contending factions Let the men who even hint at governing "out side" of it beheld evermore accursed a disorganizers, enemies of social order and popular liberty.—A ationul Intelligencer, CONGRESS. —This body, fitly styled a " Rump" met in Washington on Monday 21st at the call of Radical politicians, but adjourned, without doing doing any busi ness, until October 16, and then, by the Speaker and President protem , until No vember 10, from which time the adjourn ment should be until the first Monday in December, unless at either time it should be determined to transact business. Oi course the mileage of these infamous con spirators must be paid, which amounts to a large sum. This is Radical economy for you ! lamb-like Browniow, in a recent conversation, said lie "was bitterly opposed to rebel enfranchisement, and that the on ly proper way to treat the hell-deserving rebels"-all white Southerners are so callel "was to annihilate them by fire and sword." Is this the peace General Grant is sighing for ? honest soldier or patriot states mm can remain a Democrat."— State Guard. "You lie ! yon villain, you lie !— Horace Greely. It is a confessed fact that less than one half of the taxes collected trom the people reacli the treasury of the Unite i* States. It illustrates the honesty of the Mongrel oliicials. A LABORING man must now work one day to pay for five pounds of coffee. In old fashioned Democratic times, a day's work would pay for sixteen pounds of cof fee. EIGHT day's work are now required for a barrel of dour. Elect Grant and make ten day's labor necessary to bin - a barrel of flour. GETTING WEALTH ! —Dick Yule-, the Radical Senator of Illinois, in a recent speech, called the working men of this country "miserable scabs" and lousy sons of—who paid no taxei- CAMPAIGN RHYMES. The sneaking, snarling, radical "babes'* That have destroyed our Country's rest, Should be packed off to ,'baby-dom"— To "Lapland" or to "Breast." There send ,; H. U. G," of the "Black marines," Whom Ben Butler's hanging 'round. With all his "confi.-atlon" schemes- Ben, —should be hanged or drowned. I "Spoons" should go where he and "Thad." Would make a better show With "Impeachment" In the other world That other world—way down below Joe Brown should on the tread-mill go; Ned Stanton to his favorite "Burgundy Bingham should "blubber" on an isle. With seals in the bay of Funday. Oreely should from the States seeede, With foul Forney, while he can; Ben Wade should go to go "Botany bay." | And Grow to China—or Japan. j Bout well's already lost in fog, With ail the "radical rump," Whose -speechless" candidate ran "smoke" While only "Cold £aets" takes the "stump" We'll Colomize these worthies ail, Who now begin to shiver, Because the people, sure this Fall, Will send them up—"salt river." Then there'll be peace. j Lovelios, O- H- H. J9?~Tliat our high and manifold oppres sive taxes, and the vastly increased expeD | ses of living, are the fruiu of Republican I misrule and mismanagement, no sane man will question for a moment. They had all to themselves for upwards of seven years, made the laws and administred them, and lta\e done all things in their own way. Ihey, and they alone are held responsible t y the people. fOVKB. The public ara hereby notified that I have left with P. 11. Point r, of Lemon Tp. one red cow, to be kept by him during my pleasure. All persons are cautioned against molesting or interfering with the same, and that thev will do so at their peril. GEORGE STOCKEL. Turk Pa. Sept. 7th, 1569. v9n64w. COAT LOST. A DARK colored SACK COAT was lost, on Wed- J\. nesday, August 26:h, between ruokhannoclt aDd Auburn Corners via Keistrvtlle, probably be rwevn Keiserville and the Camp Ground. Any one 'efurmrg said coat, or giving information where it mav he found will be suitably rewarded S. F BROWN. Tunkhannock. Sept. 15, 1363--3t. SCHUI.TZVILLE. Mil,l, CITV AND TUNKHANNOCK TI RXPIKU ItOAD COMPANY. BOOKS will be opened for subscription to the Stock of the above Company, at Mill City Hotel, on Monday, Sept. 29, 1569. at 10 o'clock, A M. The books will be kept open for 10 days there ifter. or until tbe whole amount of Stock is taken. The following is the act of incorporation : AN ACT to incorporate the Sehultxville, Mill City ard Tunkhanno k Turnpike Road Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Represcntaiices of the Commonwealth of Pennsylraniatn General Assembly met, and it is hereby er acted by the authority of the same. That N. B Chil'ls. A McKinstry, II IV Rozell, Michael Walter, F. V Sickler, C. Sherw,x>d, A. Secor, Joseph Graham and William M.Piatt, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby app inte i commissioners to ,pen books and receive subscriptions an J organize a Company by the style and title of the Sehultxville, Mill City and Tunkhannock Turnpike road Company, with power to construct a turnp.rke road, partly clay ana partly stone,or all ot either, conimen teg at the most leasiblo jioint in or near Schul'zville, and m iv •onnect with the Newton and Scran too turnpike road company and thence by the most practicable route to Mill City, with power to extend it to the bridge across the Tunkhannock creek, near the liini's of the borough of Tunkhannock, subject to all tbe provisions au i restrictions of an act regulating turn pike and plauk road companies, approved the twen ty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight hun lred and forty-nice, and tbe supplements thereto : j Provided , That the said company shall have pow,r to erect gates and collect tolls on said road when one >r more miles are completed. SECTION 2. That the capital stock ot said iotn nany shall consist of two hundred shares of twenty five dollars per share: Provided. That the said company may lrom time to time, by a vote of a ma jority of its stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose increase tbeir capital stock so much zs in 'he ; r opinion may be necessary to complete the road ar.d to carry out the true intent and meaning of this act " ELISHA A. DAVIS, Speaker of the House of Representatives J AS. L URail AM, Speaker of the Senate. ApproteJ, the first day ot April, Anno Domini oße thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. J.NO. W GEARY. Sep-t 15, 1363. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION. PURSTAXT to an Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to elections in thi9 Commonwealth,' approved the second day of July, Anno Domini, oae thousand eight hundred ani thirty-nine, IM. \V\ DEWITT, Sheriff of the County of Wyoming, Penn sylvania, do hereby mako known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the raid County of Wyoming, on TUESDAY. the THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCT. NEXT, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight at which time, persons will be roted f>r to fill the following offices • One person to fill the office of Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania One person to represent the Thirteenth Congtes fional District of Pennsylvania composed of the coun ties of Columbia, Montour, Bradford and Wyoming, in the House ef Representatives of the I'nited States of America, One person to represent the counties of Wyoming, Susquehanna and Bradford in the Senate of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons to represent the counties of Susque hanna and Wyoming in the House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Treasurer of the county of Wyo ming. One person for County Commissioner for the ceun ty of Wyoming. One pterson tor District Attorney of the county of Wyotn ng. One pierson for Coroner fur the County of Wyo ming. One person for Auditor for the county of Wyo ming. One pierson for County Surveyor for the county of Wyoming. I ALSO HE It EIIV MAKE KNOWN ANB OtVK NOTICE, that the places of holding the aforesaid Election, in the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Wyoming, are as follows, to wit : Braintrim District, at the house lately occupiied by T. D. Spring in Laceyviile. Clinton, at the new school house in the village of Factoryviile. Eaton, at the house of Peter Stroh, in Eatdn township Exeter, at the bouse late of Solomon Brown, in Exeter township. Forkston, at the bouse of Hiram Hitchcock, in Forkston township. Falls, at tho house of Levi Townsend. in Falls township- Lemon, at tin school-house, near H. G. Ely, In Lemon township. Monroe, at the red school-house in Monroe towu ahip Mehoopany, at tho house of Peter Bender, in Me hoopany township. Meshoppien, at the house of Daniel Hankinson, in Msshoppen towuship. Northuioreland, at the house of Winters A How ard, at Centremoreloud Corners, in Northmorelind township- Nicholson at the house occupied by P. S. Bacon in Nicholson township. North Branch, at the school-house near the store late of John PfouU, in North Branch township- Overfish!, at the old eohool-boure near Lawrence AfUl, ia QfwM4 tomuhip. Tank Borough, t the Court House i n t ougr: of Tubkhanrtoek Tunkhannock Township, at the Court Hr.u the borough of Toukhannock. Windham, at the house of Divi I Fisk m V. bain tow nab ip. Washington, at tbe baptist Church on Hum*.: j in Washington township. In pursuance of an A<-t of tbe Genera A of tbe Commonwealthcf Pennsylvania, er,:,-: Act relating to ba Elections of this to ninonwe pased the 2d of July, A. I' i-J.h I also uiakoknawn unl give not.-a - j 3 ~ oj ( the 13th section of tbe aforesaid act, I am e *un i. if he claim a vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years, ne shall depose on oath or affi, motion that ho has re sided in the State at least one year before his appli cation, and make su-h proof of bis residence in the district as is required by this act, and that he joes verily believe from the accounts given hiai that he is of the age aforesaid, ani give su-h othereviiei e as is required bv this act, whercupia the name of the p-erson so admitted to vote shall be inserted ia the alphabetical list by the inspectors, an 1 a note ta i:e opposite thereto by writing the word •' tax ' if h. shall be admitted to vote by reason of havii g pi.i tax. or tbe word "age," if he shall be admitted t vote by reason of such age. and shall he eaiied oat to the clerks, who shati make tbe like notes m the list of voters kept by them. '• In all eases where fhe name of the pers-a claim in? to vote is not founi on the list furnished bv toe commissioners and assessor, or his rijht to vote whether lound thereon or not is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the Inspe tors to examine such person on oath as to his qual " cations and if he claims to have resided within the .State for one year or more, his oath will be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, ih it he has resided within the district for more tb.n ten days next immediately preceding said election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide res dence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is within the district and that he did not remove into said dis trict tor the purpose ol voting therein "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall mate due prnol, as is required shall be admit ted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. " If ally person shall prevent, or attempt to pre vent any officer of any election under this act from holding such election, or u s e or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his dutv V ot shall block up the window or avenue to anv win dow where the same may bo holding, or shall riot ously disturb the jeace at such election, or shall me or practice intimidating threats, force or violer * with a design to influence unduly or overawe anv elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain 'i| e choice, such a person on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not less than one month or more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the court where the trial of such offence shall be had that the person so offending wis not a resident of the city, warl or district, or township wliero the said offence was committed, and not cnti tied to vote therein, then, on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay ~ tine of not less than one hunlred dollars or more than one thousand dollars, aad be imprisoned not less than six months or more tbia two years. "Ia case the person who shall have received the second highest number ol votes for in-pector shall not attend on the Jay of election, thea the person who shall bare received the next highest number <.'■ votes for judge at the last spring election shali a,: as inspector in his place And in cose the persou wo ' shall ha e received the highest number of vote for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, or i! any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour alter the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the townsnip, ward or district for which said officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election shall select one of their number to fill such vacancy " It shall be the duty of the several assessors, re spcctively to attend a't the place of holding every general, special or township electi >n during the tic said election ts kept opcu, for the piurposo of gtvinr information to the inspectors and judges when calleJ on in relatinu to the right of any person assess® I by them to vote at such elections, oru.-h other nn ter in relation to the assessment of roters as the sa d in speclors, or either of them, shall, from time t ■ time require " Pursuant to the prorision# contained in the loth section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of tbo election ol their re spective districts, and produce ihctn at the iseeting of one judge from each district, at the borough ot Tunkhannock, on the third day after the day ot tie election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, tie 16th day of OCTOBER next, then and titer ■ to <■" and perforin the ditties required by law of said judges. Also, that where n judge by sickness or unavoida ble accident is unablo to attend ,-uch meeting 1 judges, then tbo certificate or retur i afore.-ail si 9 ! be takeu cba go of by one of the inspector- •' clerks of the election of raid district, wh > thail ' and perform the duties required of said juJges if* ble to attend. Given under my hand, n my office at Tut-khau oock, the lota day of Sep em er, iS63. X. W. DEWITT. Sheriff ' SkftlJt, Office, TaukhwioJl, i,