ttpmittf Bfiuofrat, HARVEY SICKLEB,, Publisher. VOL. VIII. lUpmiitg fbmocrai. 4 ly Terms —1 copy 1 year, (inj adrance) 52,00; if not paid witcui six months. '2.50 will be charged SO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar. rsaragesre paid; unless at the option of publisher. RATES OF ADVERTISING TE.T LIVES COVSTITCTK A SQCARE. One square one or three insertions #l, Every subsequent insertion less than 8 50 REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY", and GENERA,, ADVERTISING, as may be agreed upon. PATENT MEPICISES and other advertisements Dy the column : One column, 1 year, * #6O Half column, 1 year -*35 Third column, 1 year, - Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Ittisiness Cards of one square or '.ess, per year with paper, 88 [ |Y ETUTORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with out Advertisement—ls cts. per line. Liberal terms made with permanent advertisers EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, s'■?,so OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI OIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general ntcrest, one half the regular rates. Advertisements mast be handed in by TLES LAV'NOOV, to insure insertion the same week. JOB WORK >f all kinds neatly executed and at prices to suit the times. Ml TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid for, when ordered Business \otices. n It. Ai W ELITTLG ATTORNEYS AT l\ LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannock Pa HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON . Newton Centre, LuierneCounty Pa. UA I„ PARRISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. V' Offi-e at the Court House, in Tunkhanoek Wyoming Co. Pa M. M. PI A TT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Uf fice in Stark's Brie k Block Tioga St., Tunk racnock, Pa T J IIIASfcT ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL 1 LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa L-pecial attention given to settlement of dece dent's estates Nicholson, Pa.. Dec. 5, 1867 —v"n!9yl Ml. WILSON, ATTOKNFY AT LAW, Col • lecting and Real Estate Agent. lowa Lands ft sale. Seranton, Pa. 38tf. T W . KHOADS, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, J . will attend promptly to all calls in b;s pro fess! n. May be found at his Office at the Drug t: re, or at his residence on Putman Sreet, formerly occupied by A. K. Peckhatn Esq. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, AND GSNAMEJITAIi P AINTINGr, By )K HUG Bit, Artist. R*m over the Wyoming National bank,in Etark's Block, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Life-size Portraits painted from Ambrotypes or apographs—Photographs Painted in Oil Colors, — All orders for paintings executed according to or der, or nocharge made, Portrait and Landscape Painting, in Oil or water Cuiurs. and in all branches of the art. Tank.. July 31, 'ffl -vgnso-tf. TTUFFORD HOUSET TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS RECENTLY l been refitted and lurnished in the latest style. Ltery attention will be given to the comfort and • Avenienee of those who patronize the House. H, HUFFORD. Proprietor, lankhannock, Pa., June 17, 1368.-—v7n44. BOLTONHOUSE. HAHKISBUftG, I'ENNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the liUEIILER HOUSE " property, has already com a's ed such alterations and improvements as will nuler this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior. to any Hotel in the City of liarrisburg. A continuance of the public patronage is refpect fully solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TU \KUAN NOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. THIS establishment has recently been refitteJ an furnished in the latest style Every attention *l.l be given to the comfort and convenience of those 'ho patronise the House T. B. W ALL, Owner and Proprietor*. Tunkhannock, September 11, 1361. MEANS' HOTEL. TOWANDA, PA. P. B- BARTLET, Late of t„ h BRAIVABI) Hot sr, ELMIRA, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, Done of the LARGEST BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt '* D.ted up in the most modern and improved style '"ln, pains are spared to make it a pleasantand 'peeable stopping p(ace for all, v3udl-ly. FOR SALE CHEAP, &UTroRM A 'JEREMIAH CAMPBELLS', Tunkhannock Pa n49-tf. NOTICE. A" persons indebted to me, by note, judgment, or * K Account, are requested to make payments iin -eLately and save tost. T DANIEL WRIGHT , May 13, 19g3.—n40. dOO() Yds. DELAINES for 15 cts. H'jard, *t C. DETRICK'S. aOOO Yards Best Prints, for Mctsper yard, at 0, DJSIRICK'S. TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. -WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1868. | Latest JVews. Late arrival of New Goods. Great Bargains at the New Store of O. Detrick., in S, Stark's Bri;k Block, AT TUNKHANNOCK, PEI'A. Having just ret nraed from the City, X am now opening an entire New Stock of FALL GOODS, and one of the lorgoat and riakeat assortments ever offered in this community. Consisting of RICH AND FANCY COL'RD DRESS SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, EMrRESS AND PRINCESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, PAREMETTO3, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCAS WOOL. ARMLRR, PERTH AND MOUSELIEU DELAINS, INPORTED AND DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, PRINTS of Best Manufactures and Latest Styles, Ladies Cloths and Saequeings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satenetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonades, Drills, Denims, Ticks, Checks, Sheetings Shirtings, Bleached A Brown. % Shawls, Sontags, Hoods. Furs, Ladies' Reticules, Shopping Bags and Baskets. TRUNKS, VALISES, and TRAVELING BAGS, Latest Styles, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Cotton 1 Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Toilet and Fancy GOODS," . FANCY SOAPS, PERFUMERY, JfC., IfC -, Black and Colored Velvets, Ribbonc, Ruffles, Frills, Fringes, Braids, Beads, Ball and Bugle Trimmings A Large quantity LATEST STYLE HOOP SMRT3, and CORSETTS, direct from Manufacturers, at grertly reduced prices, FLANNELS all Colon and Quvktici. READY MADE Clottiing, AND GENTS Furnishing Goods. HATS AND CAPS of Latest Styles, CALF, KIP, and HEAVY, BOOTS A SHOES. Ladies'. Misses', and Children's Kid Prunella Mo rocco and Calf' Gaiters, Shoes, and Slippers, Wall aad Window Paper, Window Curtains A Curtain Fix tures, Carpets A on - • Cloths. China, Glass, and Stone Ware, Tinware,—made expressly for'this Trade, and warranted to give satisfaction, 20 per cent. Cheaper than the usual _ rates in htis section, Nails, Spikes, Iron Sled, Horse Shoes. Horso Shoe Nails, Nail Rods, Paints, Paint Oils, Painler Material, Putty, Window Glass, Kerosene 0 Ball, Tarlor, Stand, and Band Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp ChimnUs, Shades, and Burners. COAL. ASIITON, TURK ISLAND, A BBL. SALT FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, BUTTER, s-EHEESE, LARD, PORK. HAMS, and FISH. , " V „ SUGAR. TEA, COFFEE SPICES, SYRUP, A MOLASSES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, HOPES, CORDAGE, BASKETS, BROOMS, PAILS, t TUBS, WASH BOARDS, CARPET SWEEPERS, BRUSHES, ol all kinds, PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGS, and DYES FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Ac., Ac, These goods have been selected with great care to suit the wants of this community, and will be sold as heretofore, at the lowest living rates for cash or exchanged for country produce at market prices. Thankful for the past liberal patronage, I shall endeavor by strict attention to my business, to merit a continuance f the same, and will try to make the future still more attractive and ben eficial to customers. C. DETRICK. WHO ABK THE RADICALS P The Press, last week, republished an ar ticle from the Indianapolis Journal , head ed "Who are the Democrats?" AB this opens an interesting field of inquiry "on the other side," we subjoin a partial list of the distinguished Radicals of the country whtj are advocating the election of Grant and Colfax. Here are 6ome of the wor thies: . " Parson Brewnlow, who said he would rather go to hell with a loyal negro than to heaven with a Copperhead, is a Radi ical. Carl Sohurz, who publicly announced that God was an imaginary being, the Bi ble only fit to. amuse children, and the Cbrßtain Sabbath a relic of barbarism, is a Radical. . Benjamin F. Butler, who took such good c#re of the silver spoons in the South that they have never been seen or heard of since, is a Radical. • A. Alpeora Bradley, an ex convict from Sing Sing, and a colored carpet-bagger who wants to go to Congress, is a Radical. Parson Kollock, who was expelled from his parish in Massachusetts on account of his beastly conduct, is a Radical. Hector Tyndale, who applauded to the echo the brutal conduct of the murderer and incendiary, John Brown, is a Radical. Nathaniel I', Banks, who proposed to let the Union slide, is a Radical. Williom Lloyd Garrison, who denoun ced the Union and Constitution as a league with death and a covenant witb'hcll, is a Radical. John A. Bingham, who assisted in the conviction and murder, by a military com mission, of an innocent woman, is a Radi cal. i Edwjn M. Stanton, who helped to slaughter Union soldiers in the South by refusing to accede to a fair exchange of prisoners, is a' Radical. Simon Cameron, who was compelled by President Lincoln to resign the office of Secratary of War, on account of the " hue and ci) - *' raised against him, and was cen sured by his own party in Congress, is a Radical. John W. Forney, who was forced to re linquish the lucrative position of Sypratary of the Senate, by Simon CameroD, on ac count of serious charges made against him on the floor of the Senate, is a Radical, Morton McMichael, Mayor of Philadel phia, who "went a fishing" when the Pres ident "came to town" and grossly insulted the Chief Magistrate of the nation, is a Radical. T. C. Callicut, who now is in prison in New Y'ork for defrauding the government as Revenue officer is a Iladical. James M. Ashley, who wanted a gov ernment appointed for a friend, and wrote to the latter that in case of his success he desired to have afiugeriu all the contracts, is a Radical. , Turner, the negro in the Georgia Legis lature, who denounced the while men of the country, and aunounced that he inten ded to call a convention of his people and "send for carpet-baggers, scallawags, Y'an "kees, and any body for a Legislature ex "cept Georgians," is a Radical. The President of the Union League at Anderson, Texas, who is now in jail for stealing, is a Radical. Horace Greeley, who was willing to "let the wayward sisters go in peace" when secession was first threatened in the South, is a Radical. The spies and informers who were or ganized into a band of mercenaries during the war. and levied black mail on peacetul and unoffending citizens in the North, are Radicals ~: The loyal leaguers who incited the mas scs to pillage and arson, broke into private mansions, destroyed printing establish ments, and muzzled free speech, ore Radi cals. The contractors and jobbers who grew rich by cheating the government, and helped to swell the natioual debt by their fearful frauds upon the Treasury, are Rad icals. The party, whicb, according to Mr. Dawes, stole more from the nation in one year, than the wholo expenses ot Mr. Buchanan's administration amounted to in four, is composed of Radicals. The men who have increased the pub lic debt, augmented the taxes, broken the Union, sneered at the Constitution, para lyzed trade and commerce, advanced the price in gold, advocated negro equality ne gro suffrage, established the Freeduieo's Bureau, built up a standing army at an enormous cost, disfranchised white men and enfranchised negroes, suppressed the writ of habeas corpus, organized military com missions, created mobs and urged on a ser- Vile insurrection, knocked judges off of the bench and persecuted innocent womeu and children, are Radicals, This is but a brief chapter of the beau tics of Radicalism. It is enough, however, to show how utterly unworthy of public confidence are the Radical leaders and the Radical party. It is such meR and enor mities that have stirred up the popular in dignation against the party which has be trayed evciy trust reposed in it, and will be swept away forever at the next Presi dential election, SURVEYOR GENERAL.— If the peoplo want to reward a real soldier, one who marched, fought and bled, suffering all tho hardships and encountering all the dangers of war, let them vote for Gen. Wellington H, Ent, and elect him Surveyor General over the Radical candidate Campbell, who has no war rocord, and whose only evidence of soldiarship ia hia commission. If a sol dier must fill the office, let bim be at least a genuine one. and not a sham. " To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. " INTERROGATORIES FOR THE RADI CAL CANDIDATE. Will the Don. U. Mercur go before the people and avow himself in favor of re trenchment and reform ? Col. Piollet has publicly announced his determination to begin a system of retrenchment by re ducing the salary of the office for which he is a candidate ! Will the Radical candidato, Mr. Mercur, come out and state just how much money he has received from the Treasury for the three years service he has performed as member of Congress for this District ? We want the people to know JUST HOW MUCH of their money, this grasping, ava ricious mau has had, for the ardunous duties he has.performed ! We are aware that the pay of a member of Congress has reached the enormous sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS per annum, Mr. Mercur's advent to Congress; but this is not all. It is not the half! Let us know bow much he has received while travelling with free tickets over the vari ous Rail-Roads leading to and from the Capitol! Just the sum he pocketed while acting as member of the Committee ap pointed to investigate/'the Southern Rail- Roads !" While Mr. Mercur claims great credit for voting against the increase pay of mem bers of Congress, what evidence is there on record, to show that he expressed his virtuous indignation against this outrage, by argument or protest 1 Certainly he pocketed the money, or we should have had his virtues trumpeted through all Radical Journals of his District! Fellow-citizens of the District ; we have been represented in Congress twenty-two years, by three Lawyers of no very great celebrity in their profession, viz : David Wilmot, Galusha A. Grow and Ulysses Mercur. Will vou not uphold us in the effort to change the character of your representation ? Do you not believe that your true interests would be better con sulted by sending a Farmer, a practical business man, of the character and stand ing of Col. Piollet, to represent you, and bring back salaries to a standard com mensurate with other employments in which the masses of our people are obliged to engage! It is currently alleged that the Post-of fice Department is deprived of much of its honest dues by Franked Envelopes with Mr. Mercur's name Stereotyped on them ; and these envelopes are used by all the CLIQUE in Towanda in furthering their business and political correspondence ! Query ? Are these sold to enchance i his individual income, or are they given out gratutiously to members of the Ring ? Will some member of the Bar be good enough to inform the people how much it has cost the county, and how much it has cost snitors in Court to put over cases to suit the convenience of Lawyer Mercur, while he was playing Counsel for individ uals before the Committee on Claims —or concerting plans for the impeachment of the President ?— Bradford Argus. More Radical Plundering. A week or ten days ago it was announ ced that the several members of a promi nent Radical firm in Bufialo bad been ar rested, charged with frauds upon the Gov ernment during the last seven years amounting to more than half a million of dollars. On Tuesday, as a fit companion to the arrest of Commissioner Rollins and Deputy Commissioner Harlan, a number of other Radical officials in the Post Office, Auditor General's and Public Printing departments at Washingtou were arrested on tlie charge of being in conspiracy with these Buffalo depredators. Their MODUS OPERANDI has been as follows: When requisitions were made for twine, paper,