Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, September 16, 1868, Image 2

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Radical spirit—Grant and whiskey ; Grant
outside of the whiskey of course,
An exchange says that ladies who do not
want their dresses trodden upon should car*
ry a placard "no followers allowed." He
should recommend "form no attachments'
as better.
There must havo been a "dusty time" in
the Georgia Legislature. One of the colored
men declared to be ineligible to office, is
said to have "shook tho dust from his feet
when he left the representative hall."
Tho Radicals are making a great fuss about
about Vermont. Their eternal clucking re
minds us of a he., with only one chicken,
"Deeply, darkly.beautifully blue"—Grant's
chances for the Presidency.
Two thieves in Pittsburg met a gentleman
walking the streets late atnight with a box
under 4ns arm, undertook to show him to a
hotel. They relieve! hitn of the box and ran
off with it. The gentleman was a naturalist
an 1 his box contained four rattlesnakes.
Josh Billing says it is his "honest opinyum
whiskee is second only tew original sin ; it is
a uiillstun, bung upon the neck uv poor de
graded human nature, and if the devil was
allowed leave uv absence for six months tew
vis>t this earth, the first thing he would dew
would be to lobby our legislatures for a re
peal of the excise law, and then inVest his
pile in gin mills."
GREAT TRIUMPH.!— "The wickedest man
in New" York,'' we are informed, has been
found ana" CONVERTED. The "righteous" are
going to try Greeley next.
The Democratic majority in Montana, is
Lookinu up. —Mongrel Bu.' timer —"I
you, copperhead, yer bound to be .'hiked, for
we are looking up, we are."
Copperhead—"Yes, old rummy, I can see
you are looking up, JFhen a party is fiat on
its back, it has not the slightest difficulty in
looking up."
A prominent Republican went to a great
Grant rally at Newton, New Jersey, and re
turned early to his home, telling his wife she
would'nt catch him going out soon again "to
meet three or four men."
"B'hy don't the Southerners behave ?"
Tribune. ' Ma, make Bill be quiet—every
time I bit him on the head he hollers."
On one of his "drunks" during his late
trip to ibe Rocky Mountains, Hiram Ulvssea
the Presidential candidate of the God-and
morahty party, got so sick on bad whiskey
that he puked in a soup tureen at the dinner
table. A beautiful beast to set in the Presi*
dential Chair, indeed Who would'nt go for
him ?
"Sing a song of Hiram,
Very full of rye :
Four and twenty cocktails
Sparkle in his eye ;
And when the fount was opened
Oh ! such a 6tream did flow ;
lie had become a very tri—
Butary of the river Po !
Sow, was'notlhe a naughty man,
Disgraceful, bad and mean,
And never can be President,
To thus use a soup tureen."
Gov. Geary's stump efforts in the western
counties have earned for him the sobriquet of
"Baby Elephant."
The eldest son of the late Mr. Lincolu
has been good enough to write, and have
printed a letter relieving Mr, Seymour of
the imputation that he intends to vote
for him.
A radical bid for votes is five hundred
million dollars a year in taxation.
A negro Tanner's Club has caused dis
sension ammong truly loyal Chicagoans.
At the rate of §12,000,000 increase of
the debt in one month (August), how
long will it take to pay the national debt ?
Illinois is on fire. At Lealand and at
Ottawa, at Springfield and Joilet.at Cairo
and at Peoria, immense Democratic meet
ings were held on Saturday.
The bogus Governor of North Carolina
has appointed him a military staff of four
colonels ; and four major-generals to take
charge of the negro militia.
Work-house Howard, Commissioner of
the National Soup Kitchen, has 58 clerks,
in his headquarters office. Salary $70,420.
Let the negro work for a living like all
the rest of us.
The Republicans claim Connecticut,
Mew York, New Jersey, and such like
Democratic States. We hove known peo
pie o claim umbrellas that didn't belong
to them when clouds looked threatening,
before now
Hon. John Conger, of Fort Wayne, Indi
ana, and Gen. Whittaker, of Kentucky,
have been quoted as for Grant, Each de
nil's it emphatically, and desired the re
port to be put down to the account d? ''the
branded liar and villain."
Mr- J. K. Cooper, Postmaster at Thom
sonviile, county, was written toby
Geneial Alfred Pleasanton, for a contri
bution to the Tanner cowards, and answer
ed that he would see him further first, also
requested him to send one hundred copies
ot Mr. Pendleton's Bangor speech.
W hiltemore, a broken down Massachu
setts parson, now r.constrncted member of
Congress from South Carolina, lately beg
ged money enough from the negroes to
bnv up a Grant flag and then, pocketing the
cash, borrowed one from the garrison quar
termaster. Tin- garrison moving away,
the flag had to be given up, and now the
parson is bleeding the blacks for another.
The presiding officer at a meeting of
"all the intelligence" party in Maine, re
cently introduced the speaker of the even
ing ns the champion of the gallant 1.-Sil
t-is Grant. Will the Radicals never learn
to know thti torreet name of their cindi
ditto 7
Cjje Democrat
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1868.
Auditor General,
CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette.
Surveyor General,
Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia
of Bradford County,
of Nicholson Tp.
of Tunkhannock Tp.
of Forkston,
of Monroe Tp.
of Tunkhannock Boro.
of Tunkhannock Tp.
of Washington Tp.
of Meshoppen Tp
[Special Dispatch to the N. Y. World.]
Latest News from Maine.
BANGOR, Me., September 15-2 A. M. —
ing the most desperate efforts of the Re.
publicans, and an immense expenditure of
TEN THOUSAND over the test vote of
1806. The Democrats are rejoicing and
holding a great meeting. The Republicans
who anticipated 25,000 majority, feel
Of the conservative citizens of Wyo
ming County will be held at the
Grove near TUNKHANNOCK Borough,
on Tuesday, the 22d of Sept. inst., at j
1 o'clock, P. M.
To avoid unnecessary delay, it has
been deemed expedient by the Com
mittee of Arrangements to construct i
a table upon the ground for the ac
commodation of those who may find
it convenient to bring with them their
own refreshments. In this way all
will have an opportunity to hear all
the speakers, without incurring the
risk of losing their dinners,
Hon. GEO. W. WOODWARD and V.
will be with us upon that occasion,
Hon. Ulster clymer,
and other eminent statesmen will also
be present, if other engagements shall
To the Democrats of the several
townships we desire to say, let us
prepare to make one more effort to
remedy the svils, remove \he burthens,
and avert the perils that have been
brought upon the country by Repub
lican misrule. Not as partisans, mere
ly—not for the sake of party, but for
that of the country, let us indnlge
th hope that such effort will not
prove fruitless. " Awake i arise ! or
bt forevet fallen,"
I lie Radical " Mass Meeting" held
at this place, on Wednesday, was rather a
slim affair. Gov. Harriman, repeated iiis
oft told tale of the "wickedness of the re
bellion" ir. rather good English for a deoun
eaUer —hut wisely avoided the vital issues
of the campaign. lie revamped the stale
and false charges of Democratic sympathy
with disunion in 1860 —but did not advert
to Greeley's, Chase's, Bank's, Sumner and
Phillips', disunion sentiments in that year.
E. D. Culver, the lawyer, Judge, and
foreign minister—as he told us—is, if a
lawyer at all, of about the 7th rate. He
is evidently a bondholder, for when he
came to speak of their patriotic services
in behalf of the government he bohooed
right out. O! how it did hurt the old
fellow's feelings to think of paying the
patriotic chaps in the same currency which
the wounded soldier, the widow, the or
phan and the laborer is obliged to take.
This mass meeting was composed of at
least one-third Democrats and all were
well accommodated in the Court House
JT-if A new power press, which we
have put up in our office, since our last
issue, occasioned a delay of a few hours
in getting out our paper this week. We
expect, in the future, to get our paper out
in time and at a great deal less expense
of muscle.
W e invite our friends, who come to
town, to drop in and take a look at our
new machine. Wer'e as proud of it, as a
young mother is of her first baby. We
suppose however, that like them, it w ill
como to be an old . story —nothing but a
squawl after all.
Appointments by State Committee
901 & 003 Arch St., V
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4, 1808. )
IION. S. S. COX, of New York, will
Sept. IG, evening, at Allentown.
" 17, " " Philadelphia.
•• JB, " " Harrishurg.
io. " " Altoona.
21, " " Lancaster.
" 22, " " Chester, Delaware
HON. J. R. DOOLITTLK, of Wiscon
sin, will speak
Sept. 25, day, at Erie.
" '2G, " " Wanen.
" 28, " •' Williamsport
" 29, " " Lewisbnrg.
" 30, evening, Pottsville.
Look at tlie result of the State elec
tions in the North, held since the nomina
tion of General Grant :
Attend to the Assessment.
No person can be permitted to vote in
this State on the Second Tuesday in Oc
tober next, who shall not have paid a State
or County tax within the two years imme
diately preceding that day, which tax
must have been assessed at least ten days
previous to the 13th of October. It is
highly important, therefore, that all our
friends should immediately give their at
tention to this matter, so that no democrat
shall lose his vote at the approaching elec
tion, on account of non-assessment or non
payment of tax. Bear in mind that the
assessment must be TEN DAVS BEFORE
THE ELECTION. GO at once and see that
your name is on the assessor s book.—
Let no vote be lost to our ticket through
failure to attend to this matter.
jC-fT By the act of the Legislature, pass
ed last session, the assessor of each town
ship is authorized and directed to receive
and give receipts for the extra assessment
The deep piety of General Grant
will bo no longer called in question bv the
most bitter of his opponents. Ho may
show too strong'a penchant for horse
flesh, and perhaps indulge sometimes in a
little old Bourbon, when Stanton or Sher
idan calls, but he is undoubtedly pious.—
We have it on the authority of the Titus
ville (Kadical) Herald that General Grant
declared that "as regular as Snnday
morning came, he made it his religious
duty to read one of the Kev. Mr. Nasby's
Petroleum will bo White House Chap
lain in case of Grant's election.
Think of it! 600,000 ignoran t, de
based and brutal blacks holding the bal
i ancc of political power in this country 1
j The votes overbalance tho*e of tiie 600,000
voters of Pennsylvania. The latter have
j twenty-four representatives in Congress,
two United .States Senators j the former,
the 600,000 blacks, are represented by
KIVTY- six members and TWENTY-TWO
Senators in the Congress of the United
States. Such is the work of the party of
which Gert. Grant has consented to be
come the tool.
4 ■— ■
WISCONSIN* —There are good grounds
to believe that the electorial vote of Wis
consin will be given to Seymour and
In 18S the Kadical majority was 23,904
In 1867 it was only 4,704
Democratic gain in the year 19,140
i A similar gain duiing the past year
would give the State to the Democrats by
upwatds of 14,000 majority.
The Radicals have done what King
George the Third did not dare do, they
" I forced an annoying and expensive Stamp
! Ac! upon the American people.
Congressional Conference.
At a meeting of the Conferees of the
Counties of Bradford, Columbia, Montour,
Sullivan and Wyoming comprising the
13th Congressional District of Pennsylva
nia, held at the Court House, Danville,
Montour County September 10th 18G8.
Bradford—A. E. Menardi, Edward
Ilerrick. Jr.
Columbia— M. E. Jackson, Richard
Montour— W. D.Weidhamer, J. C.
Sullivan— M. Meylert, J. 11. Lawrence-
Wyoming— C. D. Gearhart, J. Lee.
M. E. Jackson was called to the chair,
and M, Meylert and Edward Derrick, Jr.
were chosen Secrataries.
The Chairman announced that the busi
ness was to nominate a candidate for Con
Mr. Menardi named Col. V. E. Piollet ;
of Bradford.
Mr. Ammerman named B. K. Rhodes,
of Montour.
Mr. Lawrence named Hon. G D. Jack
son, of Sulliuan.
On motion nominations be closed.
Mr. Meylert presented a letter from G.
D. Jackson desiring Iris name to be with
drawn positively declining to become a
candidate at this time, and, in obedience to
his wishes thus expressed, his name was
The ballot being taken Col. Piolett re
ceived six votes and B. K. Rhodes four.
Cel. I'iollet Laving received a majority
of all the votes was declared the nominee
of the Conference.
On motion of C. D. Gearhart, seconded
by Mr. Meylert, the nomination of Col.
Piollct was made unamimous.
On motion of Mr. Ammerman, a Com
mittee was appointed by the Chairman to
wait upon Col. Piollct and inform him of
his nomination, and introduce him to the
The Committee consisting of the Mon
tour conferees having performed their du
ty introduced Col. Piollct, who being wel
comed by the Chairman and the result of
the conference communicated to him in
Mr. Jackson's usual happy manner. Col.
Piollett in a few judicious remarks accept
the nomination and said he should endeav
or to fulfil the expectations of the people
nominating him and who he believed
would elect biin.
Mr. Rhodes having been called upon,
made a few remarks thanking the members
of the conference for the voles given him,
and fully endorsing the action of the con
ference in making the nomination of Col.
l'iollet unanimous.
It was resolved that the next Confer
fercnce for this District meet at Tunkhan
nock Wyoming County on Thursday next
after the first monday of September 1870.
Resolved that the preceedings of this
meeting bo published in the Democratic
papers of this District.
The Conference then adjourned.
E. M. JACKSON Chvirman.
~ , - becrataries.
CURE FOR SMALL -VOX. —Wc clip from
an exchange the following prescription,
which is said to be an infallible cure for
Won't some Black Republican get the
disease in order to test its efficacy? We
take the prescription from a paper of that
stry pe; and if a good one, it ought to cure
our "colored bretbern," who fought so
nobly. If a humbug, it is like everything
else found in their papers. We give it
for what it is worth :
"One grain of sulphate of zinc, one
grain of fox-glove ( digitalis ;) mix with a
little water and sugar; then add three
ounces of water ; give the patient a table
spoonful of this every hour. At the sec
ond hour the patient begins to feel its ef
fect by a great sense ot comfort. At the
third hour a genial and natural warmth
pervades the system, and by the eighth
hour the disease is thoroughly arrested, no
matter what stage it may have reached.—
It can be given at any period of the dis
ease. A smaller dose for children, accor
ding to their age. One dose is far .better
than two vaccinations.
It has been usod and is being used with
certainty in every case, arresting the dis
ease at once. It is used in the same man
ner lor scarlet fever, add with the same
positive success."
Philadelphia Age pays the following just
compliment to Hon, George W, Wood
ward candidate for Representative in Con
gress, in the Luzerne district:
"Hon. George W. Woodward has been
renominated for Congress by tho Democ
racy of the Twelfth District ot this State.
This is a well merited tribute to one of the
ablest defenders of the Constitution, and
tfhe riohls of white men under that instru
ment, in the Fortieth Congress. The
speeches of Mr. Woodward are models of
logic, while at the same time they fire the
popular heart ami make men know they
have interests in this country, and defend
ing them by all lawful and honest means.
The Forty-first Congress will have no
more fearless defender of republican insti
tutions Irom the assault of Radical traitors
than the statesman and patriot just renom
inated by the Democrats in the Luzerne
The Georgia House of Reprenauves has
resolved by a vote of 80 to 23 that negroes
were ineligible, and expelled twenty four
or tw< nty five of them from seats in that
body, to make room for white mcPi
If white men are anxious to know what
kind of peace the nation will enjoy under
Grant and the Radical party, let them read
the following account given by the Macon
(Georgia) Journal and Afexsenyer of an
affair which occurred a few weeks ago in
Dooly county, Georgia :
"On Saturday last, a body of negroes
numbering from 150 to 200, armed with
guns and pistols, assembled in obedience
| to a summons sent them bv tbeir leaders,
at the cabin of an old negro, some two
miles and a half from Vienna, the county
site, for drill, "to form a Grant club, and
for the security of all their rights," as they
expressed it. Threats were freely made
to capture the village, tear down the jail
and liberate certain negroes contained
therein. The aspect of affairs was BO
threatening that the citizens of the county
were summoned to meet at the court-house.
About two hundred responded, and upon
consultation a committee were appointed
to go and see what the Degroes were at,
and what they intended to do. This com
mittee when nearing the rendezvous, were
halted by an armed negro to whom they
made known their wishes to see their
Captain, as he was designated—a
origiually from this county, aud calied
Hugh Dean.
After several refusals, he at last came
out to the committee, and in answer to
their demands as to the object of this meet
ing of armed men, replied that it was to
form a Grant club to secure tbeir rights
—that hereafter whenever a negro was ar
rested the club intended to sit in judg
ment on his case, and if they did not deem
the testimony sufficient for bis detention,
they intended to release him from jail.—
He also said that the club were determin
ed at the end of the year, if the planters
did not give them all they wanted, either
in money or in crop wages, to seize their
honses and property and help themselves.
In answer to a question as to the authori
ty under which he acted, he said distinct
ly, that "they had received their commands
to assemble in this manner from Governor
Bullock, and were acting under his au
thority, and he was their leader and pro
Will vote for Seymour
The following prominent gentlemen who
have formerly voted with the Rapublican
party have recently declared their inten
tions to vote for Seymour and Biair:
Hon. R. M. Briggs, of Fayette county,
Ohio,—Republican candidate for Congress
in the Gth District in 1862, now Common
Pleas Judge, is on the stump for Seymour
and Blair.
Hon. A. L, Bachus, a distinguished
lawyer of Cleveland, has pronounced for
Seymour and Blair.
Gen. A. Saunders Piatt, of Logan coun
ty, Ohio,in a recent speech pronounced
for Seymour and Blair.
Col. J.M, Council, of Lancaster, Ohio
who commanded an Ohio Regiment, dur
ing the war, and recently represented
his district in the State Senate, is now on
the stump for Seymour and Blair.
Gen. Jos. U. Geiger, of Columbus, one
of the most eloquent speakers the Repub
lican party over had, is on the stump for
Sevmour and Blair.
Ex-Gov. Sherwood, of Wisconsin, has
come out uuequivocally for Seymour and
Ex-Gov. Johnson, of Pennsylvania,
made a speech at Pittsburg, a few days
since, in whi'ch he said he could longer
vote with the Radicals but woultj support
Seymour and Blair.
A. S. Blake Esq., of Goshen, Ind., un
til recently a leading Republican of North
ern Indiana, is on the stump for Seymour
and Blair.
Hon. W. B. Jones, nominated by the
Radicals in Alabama for Grant Elector in
the 4th district, has declined defeat on the
Radical ticket, and taken the stump for
Seymour and Blair.
Gen. Richardson, of Monroe county,
Hon. S. Lind, of Toledo, and thousand of
others less prominent Push on the ball!
Gov. Curlin, of this State, was asked the
other day, in the Union League club
bouse of Philadelphia, what was his opin
ion of Gov. Seymour, He replied
•"Well, sir, if I were asked to mention a
man who, in my estimation, had the at
tributes of a perfect gentleman, a cultiva
ted scholar, a thorough statesman, and a
sincere Christain, I would, without hesita
tion, name Horatio Seymour of New York."
"How about Seymour's loyalty," "After
the dispatches that I sent Seymour at the
time ot the rebel raid into Pennsylvania,"
replied the Governor, "it would hardly be
come me to impugn his loyalty ; the fact is
I havo never doubted it. I understand
that Belmont is having all the dispatches
sent by Stanton and myself printed, and I
have no doubt they will bo in the hands
of every Seymour stump speaker through
! the campaign. We had better give up
attackiug Seymour's loyalty, for the oppo
sition hold the trump card in that mat
i ter.
JUDGE WOODWARD.—-The Philadelphia
Herald thus speaks of the nominee for
Congress in the Twelfth District,
"The country has need of such men as
Judge Woodward at this time. A pro
found statesman and jurist, an able and
eloquent orator, a stalwart and unflinching
defender of the Constitution, we rejoice
to know that the country will have the
benefit of his services in the Forty-first
The Luzerne County people have gone
to work with a will to elect Judge Wood
ward ; and will do it by a majority that
will dumb found his enemies.
/•if" I will have no policy of my own,"
says Gen. Grant. The mongrel policy as
shown by the report of the Secretary of
the Tresnry, is a further increase of twelve
millions more to the public debt.
PUBLIC DEBT, —The monthly statement
of the public debt of the United Btataa,
shows an increase of 18,000,000 for Jnly
and over 12.0u0,000 for Augutt, 1808.—
Let ui baft piici.
Club Meeting in Monroe.
The democrats of Monroe, held a meet
ing at the Montross School Ilonse, on the
evening of the lllb inst., which, notwith
standing the darkness of the night and
the muddy condition of the rond9, was
largely attended.
The meeting was addressed by Messrs.
J. A. Sittser and O. L. Parrisb, of Tunk
hannock, besides 9ome pointed and well
timed remarks by Messrs. M. W. New
berry, C. D. Remer and other members of
the club-
The following resolutions were offered
by C. D. Remer Esq., and unanimously
Resolved, that we tender to Messrs.
Siltser and O. L. Parrish, onr sincere thanks
for their able and interesting remarks, and
for the interest manifested by them for the
success of the Democratic party.
Resolved, that we, as democrats, will
vote the ticket, the whole ticket and noth
ing but the ticket, and will use ail and
every honest means in our power for the
success of the same.
Resolved, that we heartily approve of
the wisdom shown by the late Democratic
convention of Wyoming Co., in placing in
nomination men of honesty and intelligence,
whom the Democratic party may support
with full confidence that they will never
be impeached.
After which the meeting adjourned, to
meet in two weeks, at the red School
C. D. REMER, Sec'y.
flefo fjafoertisemeiits.
A DARK colored SACK COAT was lost, on Wed
nesday, August 26th, between Tunkhannock
and Auburn Corners, via Keiserville, probably be
tween Keiserville and the Camp Ground. ADy one
returning said cost, or giving information where it
may be found will be suitably rewarded
Tunkhannock. Sept. 15, 1663-3t.
WHEREAS, letters of administration on the es
tate of Richard Adams, deceased, late of the
township of Forkston, have been granted to the
subscriber. All persons indebted to tbe said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands against the estate of
the said decedent will present them duly authentica
ted to tho subscriber, wtthout delay.
AUSTIN P. BURGESS, Administrator.
Forkston, Sept. 15, 1869.-6t-pd.
BOOKS will be opened for subscription to the
Stock of the above Company, at Mill City
Hotel, on Monday, Sept. 29, 1860, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. The books will be kept open for 10 days there
after, or uDtil tbe whole amount of Stock is taken.
The following is the act of incorporation :
AN ACT to incorporate the Schultzville, Mill City
and Tnnkhennock Turnpike Road Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representaiives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylraniatn General Assembly met, and it is
hereby eracled by the authority of the same. That
N. B. Childs, A McKinstry, 11. W. Rozell, Michael
Walter, F. V. Sickler, C. Sherwood, A. Secor, Joseph
Graham and William M. Piatt, or a majority of them,
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to
oper. books and receive subscriptions anJ organise a
Company by the style and title of the Schultzvills,
Mill City and Tunkhannock Turnpike road Company,
with power to construct a tarnprke road, partly clay
and partly stone,or all ot either, commencing at the
most feasible point in or near Schultzville, and may
connect with the Newton and Scranton turnpike
road company and thence by tbe most practicable
route to Mi'l City, with power to extend it to the
bridge across tbe Tunkhannock creek, near the limits
of tbe borough of Tunkhannock, subject to all the
provisions aud restrictions of an act regulating turn
pike and plank road companies, approved the twen
ty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-nine, and the supplements thereto :
Provided, That the said company shall have power j
to erect gates and collect tolls on said road when one
or more miles are completed.
SECTION 2 That the capital stock of said com- ;
pany shall consist of two hundred shares of twenty- j
five dollars per share: Provided, That the said i
company may from time to time, by a vote of a ma- i
jority of its stockholders, at a meeting called for that !
purpose, increase their capital stock so much as in !
their opinion may be necessary to complete the road
and to carry out the true intent and meaning of this -
Speaker of the House of Representatives, i
Speaker of the Senate, i
Approved , the first day of April, Anno Domini j
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.
Sept. 15, 1968. j
PURSTANT to an Act of General Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled'
"An Act relating to elections in this Commonwealth,' ,
approved the second day of July, Anno Domini, oDe :
thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, IM. W,
DEWITT, Sheriff of the County of Wyoming, Penn
sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to
the electors of the connty aforesaid, that an election
will he held iu the said County of Wyoming, on
NEXT, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-eight, at whloh time, persons will be voted
for to fill tbe following offices t
One person to fill tbe office of Auditor General of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Surveyor General of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the ihlrteehth Congres
sional District of Pennsylvania composed of the coun
ties of Columbia, Montour, Bradford and Wyoming, j
m the Ho use ef Representatives of the United States
of America,
One person to represent the eounties of Wyoming, '
Susquehanna and Bradford in tht Senate ef the Com- :
oonwealtb of Pennsylvania.
Two persons to represent the oountles of Susque
hanna and Wyoming in the HouSe of Repreaenta- '
fives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for Treasurer of the county of Wyo
One person for County Commissioner for tho eeun- I
°f Wyoming.
On. person for Diittist Attorney of the county of ,
One person for Coroner for tbe County of Wyo- 1
One person for Auditor for the county of Wyo- i
One person for Connty Surveyor for the county of j
that the places of holdiog the aforesaid General ;
Election, in tbe several werdi, boroughs, districts
snd townships within the county of Wyoming, are
■ as follows, to wit:
Braintrim District, at the house lately oocupied
by T. D. Spring in Laceyville.
Clinton, at the new school house io the village of
Eaton, at tbe house of Peter Stroh, In Eaton
Exeter, at the house late of Soloffioh Broton, In
Exeter township.
Forkston, at the house of Hiram Hitchcock, in
Forkston township.
Falls, at the bouse of Levi Townsend. in Falls
Lemon, at the school-house, near H. G. Ely, In
Lemon township.
Monroe, at the red echool-house in Monroe town
Mehoopany, at the house of Pater Bender, in Me
| hoopany township.
Mesboppen, at the house of Daniel Hankioeon, in
Mesboppen township.
Nortboioraland, at the house of Winters A How
ard, at Cantremoralond Corners, is Norlhmorelsnd
, township'
Nicholsen at the housa oooupisd by p. 6. Baeon
i in Nicholson township.
North Branch, at the school-house near tha Itfire
I lata of John Pfouts, in North Oraeeb township
j Qverfleld, at the eld ichnol-fcouie Msf Lew, MM
| April la QwfaM wwMbip-
| Tutk. Borough, at the Court House in the Bor
ough of Tuckbannoek.
• ' Tuukhannoek Township, at the Court i n
i the borough of Tankbanoock.
! Windham, at the house of David Fisk, j n Wiod
. ' ham township.
Washington, at the Baptist Church on Kussell Hill,
in Washington township.
In pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly
1 ; of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ' An
! Act relating to the Elections of this Commonwealth,"
| passed the 2d of July. A. D 1839.
• i I also make known and give notice, as in and by
| the 13th section of the aforesaid act, lam directed
! "that every person, excepting justices of the peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment of prufit or
; trust under the government of the United .States, or
| of this State, or any city or incorporated district,
! whether commissioned officer or otherwise, a eubor
j dinate officer, or agent, who is or shall be employed
. under the legislative, judiciary or executive depart
ment of this State, or the United States, or of any
i city or incorporated district, and abo that every
J member of Congress aDd the State Legislature, and
of the select and common council of any city, com
missioner of any incorporated district, is by law in
capable of holding or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk
of any such election, shall bo eligible to any office
then to be voted for."
Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of As
sembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions, and
for other purposes" approved April 16tb, 1840, it is
enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not be
so construed as to prevent any militia officer or boro.
officer from serving as judge, inspector or clerk at
any gennral or special election in this Common
Also, that in the 6let section of said act, it is en
aoted that '-every general and special election shall
be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the
forenoon, and shall continue without interoption or
adjournment until six o'clock in ths evening, whea
the polls shall be closed-"
Tbe general, special, city, incorporated district
and township elections, and all elections tor electors
of President aDd Vice-President of tbe United States
shall be held and conducted by the inspectors and
judges elected as aforesaid and clerks appointed as
hereinafter provided.
No person shall be permitted to vote at any elec
tion, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of
of twenty-one yeais or more, who shall have resided
in the State at least one year, and in the election
district where he offers to vote, at least ten days im
mediately preceding the election, and within two
years paid a State or couoty tax, which shaii have
been assessed at least ten days before the election.
But a citizen ot the United States who has previous
ly been a qualified voter of this State, and removed
thorefrom and returned, aDd who shall have resided
in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State
six months: Protidtd, That the white freemen citi
zens of the United States, between the ages of 21
and 22 years, and have resided in the election dis
trict ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote,
although they shall not have paid taxes.
AND I FURTHER civE NOTICR of an act of Assem
bly, of this Commonwealth, passed and approved the
sixth day of April. 1863, being a supplement to an
act entitled "An act regulating the mode of voting
at all elections in the several counties of this Com
monwealth," approved the thirtieth day of March,
1866, so far as relates to tbecountios of Luzerne and
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representstives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylonnia in Gen teal Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That
the provisions of an act of Assembly approved the
thirtieth day of March, 1863. entitled, "An act regu
lating the mode of voting, etcetera," be, and the
same aro hereby repealed as to Luzerne and Wyo
ming, the mode of voting shall be the same as re
quired hy laws in force immediately before the pas
sage of said act of Assembly.
Sac. 2- That the Sheriffs of Luzerne an! Wyo>
ming counties shall, in their proclamations for the
General Elections of tho year 1968, give notice of
the repeal of the said act of Assembly relating to
the mode of voting. ELISHA W. DAVIS,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved the sizth day of April, A. D., eighteen
hundred aod sixty-eight, JOHN W.GEARY.
" No person shall be admitted to vote whose name
is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants
furnished by the Commissioners, unless: First, he
produces a reoeipt for the payment within two years
of a State or county tax, assessed agreeably to tha
constitution, and give satisfactory evidence, either on
his own oath or affirmation, or tho oath or affirma
tion of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on
failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath of the
payment thereof, or, Second, if he claim a vote by
beiDg an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years,
he shall depose on oath or affirmation that he hag re
sided in the State at least one year before his appli
cation, and make such proof of his residence in the
district as is required by this act, and that he does
verily believe from the accounts given him that he
is of tbe age aforesaid, and give such other evidence
as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the
person so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the
alphabetical list by the inspectors, and a note made
opposite thereto by writing the word " tax," if bo
shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid
tax, or the word "age," if he shall be admitted to
vote by reason of such age, and shall be called out
to the clerks, who shaii make the like notes in the
list of voters kept by them.
" In all cases where the name of the person claim
ing to voto is not found on the list furnished by the
commissioners and assessor, or his right to vote,
whether found thereon or not is objected to by any
qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the Inspec
tors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifi
cations and if he claims to have resided within the
State for one year or more, his oath will be sufficient
proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least ono
competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector,
that he has resided within the district for more than
ten days next immediately preceding said election,
and shall also himself swear that his bona fide resi
dence, in pursuance of bis lawful calling, is within
the district. aDd that be aid Dot remove into said dis
trict for tbe purpose of voting therein
"Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, as is required shall be admit
ted to vote in the township, ward or district in which
he shall reside.
" If any person shall prevent, or attempt to nre
vent any officer of any eleotion under this act from
holding such election, or use or threaten any violence
to any such officer, or shall m'errupt or improperly
interfere with him in the execution of his duty, or
01 ahall block np the window or avenue to any win
dow where the same may be holding, or shall riot
ously disturb the peace at inch election, or shall use
or practice intimidating threats, force or violence,
with a design to influence unduly or overawe eny
elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to resira'n
the freedom of choice, auch a person on conviction
shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars, and imprisoned for eny time not less than one
month or more than twelve months, and if it shall be
shown to the court where tbe trial of such offence
•hall be had. that the person so offending was not *
resident of the city, werd or district, or township
where the said offence was committed, end net enti
tled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he stall be
sentenced to pay a fine of not lest than one hundred
dollars or more than one thousand dollars, and be
imprisoned not lest then six months or more than
two years.
"In case tbe person who shall have received th
second highest numner o( votss for Inspector shall
not attend on tbe day of election, then the person
who shall have rtoeived the next highest number of
votes for judge at tbe lest spring election, shall act
as inspector in bis place. And in ease tha person who
shall hare received the highest number of vote:
for inepector ahall not attend, the person elected
Judge shall appoint an inepector In his place, cr if
any vacancy shall continue In the hoard for the
space of one hour efter the time fixed by law for
the opening of the flection, tbe qualified voters of the
townsuip, ward or district for which said officer shall
have been elected, present at tbe place of election,
shall select one of their number to fill such vaciiwy
" It shall be the duty of tho several assessors, re
spectively. to attsnd at the place of holding every
general, Special or township election during the time
•tid election Is kept opeu, for tbe purpose of giving
information to the inspectors and judges when called
on in relation to the nght of any person assessed bf
them to vote at such elections, or such other matters
in relation to tbe assessment of voters as the said in
spectoral or either of them, shall, from Ume to time,
Pursuant to the provisions contained in tbe 76th
section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the
aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of
tho certificate or return of the election ot their re
epectlre districts, and produce ihem at the ueetiDg
ot one judge from each district, at the borough of
Tunkbanoock, on the third day after tbe day ot tbe
election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the
16th day of OCTOBER next, then and there to do
and perform tbe duties required by law of •'
Also, tba: where a judge by airkness or unavoiaa
| ble accident ie unable to attend such roeetirg of
judge*, then the certificate or return aforesaid *' a "
be taken cba r ge of by one of the inspectors ot
Olerks of the eleotion of said district, who (hall no
end perform tbe duties required of eeld judges ena
ble to attend.
Given under my baud, i® roy office at lunkhen
peek, the 15th day ef 3ept|tßbr, 1868.
M. M DKIVITT, Sheriff
, BMff'l m*, IllPlbwWO*, Sp J| 136*'