CTJTLREKT NEWS. • When tbe Rads ask each other to take a drit.k, they say : '-Let'a endorse Grant's policy." The Philadelphia Port, Radical, says "thr people ol Philadelphia prefer an upright and capable Democrat to a corrupt and ignorant Republican." That's the reason Philadel phia will give a majority for Seymour. The Radicals hope to defeat Seymour and Blair by excluding the twenty-fire rotes of Mississippi, Vitgioia and Texas from the electorial college, and by a legislative usur pation of the eleren rotes of Florida and Al abama. Will freemen submit to such an out rage 1 Tbe Lancaster Intelligencer offers to pay SSOO to any person who will ,prore thai there was a negro delegate in the Democrat ic Convention in Nw York. Who speaks ? Come, Rads—you started the story, now prove tbe truth of it, if you can. A Charleston paper says: One of the Congressmen elect from South Carolina "is s murderer, a forger, a liar and a gambler."— If he is a drunkard, he is the right man in the right place. Fire pall-bearers at Mrs Vanderbilt's fu j neral represented $250,000,000. Judge Chase says the Conservatives will j carry West Virginia. The rumored withdrawal of Grant is still in circulation. Prnsia bas one hundred and forty-four j millionaires. The Michiganders are talkiog of base ball on horseback. Tbe Minnesota bug crop is larger than tbe potato crop. Gen. Frank P. Blair is to stump the State oflllinuis. lie that in the world would rise, must read the news and advertise. Easton boasts of a young lady who weighs five hundred pounds. General Grant's most conspicuous political acts appear to be io that be voted for Presi dent Buchanan and lied to President Juhn aoo. Senator Doolittle is making magnificent addresses, in Michigan. Friday night he spoke in Detroit to about six acres of Demo | crats, The Democracy of Maine are fighting s good fight. They are thoroughly organized, and are holding monster meetings in ever} section of the Slate. . Telegrams from Charleston state that fifty thousand negroes are armed and ready for action in North Carolina. "Let us have peace." New York seems determined to beat the Kentucky majority of ninety thousand. The Democrats of the Sta'e claim only a hundred thousand for Seymour. Seymour and Blair enthusiasm still spreads like wildfire over ail parts of tbe country Ratification meetings are held nightly in every section, and the great orators of tbe Democratic party are doing gallant service in the cause. A Radical paper ssys thst in order to se core Grant's election they ''must get out every voter." You can't do it, gentlemen— Some of them are in for a number of years There's Callicott, for instance. Gen. Carl Schnrz is making speeches for the bondholders, in Indians, and according to tbe bondholders' press, bis speeches have a very wonderful effect. There cannot be much doubt about the wonderful effect pro duced by his speech at L*gan*porf, the other day. It was very wonderful tha', alter con cluding bis hsrangue for Hiram Ulysses, the crowd arose almost in a body and gave three cheers for "Seymour, Blsir, tnd greenbacks." There are few records of Jaqpbin speeches having such a wonderful effect. The death ofThaddeus Stevens, leaves the radicals without a leader. Who succeeds— Butler, Greeley or Phillip* I Let ns know who we have to fight. Whether the beast tbe hypocrite or the fanatic. Taxed on whatever is pleasant to see, To hear, to smell, to feel or to be. Taxes ! taxes ! nothing but taxes ! Grinding our noses as sharp as axes. AND WHAT ARE THE TAXES FOR? Why—the Freedman's Bureau to keep in repair. So that Radical loafers can each hare a chair. The Radicala are greatly trouble! to get sheep-skins to make aprons of. If they will wait till the election time, the Democracy will furnish them nigger skins with the wool on. We understand that the Radicals, in tome parts of the country, are organizing Grant Tanners clubs. Ilad'nt they belter celebrate the tanning they have just got from Ken tucky. A Jacobin paper ssys "Blsir out to be heeled ." No ooe could say that about sny member of the nigger party. They are all heels ! The jacobin* of New Hampshire, in honoi to Hiram U. a..d bia mule there, had to abol ish tbe law that prohlbita circuses in the State. It can hardly be expected that much en thusiasm will be manifested for Grant until it comes time to remove muzzles. What Graut aioaua by the "people" : Dig gers and nigger ! When you hear a Radical howl about "rebels," and "rebel prison pens," ask him bow it cornea that he supports a party that tried to make Joe Brown, tbe "rebel" found er of Andersonville prison, a United States Suoator? Grant "takea well" eaya a radical exchaaga. About tbe only thing he takee ia Gin. | Ejjt Democrat. HARVEY TICKLER, Editor. j TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Wednesday, Sept. 2, 186$. FOR PRESIDENT, HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR. CF NLW TOKK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, GEN. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. ■ Auditor General, CHART,US E. BOYLE, of Fayette. Survey or General, Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia DISTRICT AVI) COUNTY TICKETS. FOB COAUBICSI. COL. VICTOR E. PIOLLETT , of Bradford County, FOlt SENATOR, ZIBA BILLINGS ESQ. ct Nicholson Tp. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, GEORGE OSTERUOUT ESQ. of Tunkhannock Tp. FOR TREASURER, 111 RAM HITCHCOCK ESQ. of Forkston, FOR COMMISSIONER WM. F. CAIRL ESQ. of Monroe Tp. FuR DISTRICT ATTuRNfcV, JOHN SITTSER ESQ. of Tunkhannock Boro. FOR CORONER, DR. SARGEANT KELLY, of Tuukhannock Tp. FOR CCCWTT SfJRVKTOR, WM. S. SCIIENCK, ESQ. of Washington Tp. FOR AUDITOR, CArr. P.M. BURR, of Meshoppen Tp POSTPONED.— The Democratic meet ing, which it was intended should be held in this county, on the 15th iust. , ha* been postponed to the 22nd, on I account ot previous engagements of | ; speakers intended for the occasion I ; Democrats will take notice and gov- I era themselves accordingly. Our Candidates. The ticket placed in nomination by the Democratic Convention, which met here lon Monday last, ia a good and unexeep- J I t ion able one, from top to bottom. Exactly , such a one as is fit to follow in the list, headed by Seymour, Blair, Boyle and Ent. One with which we can, in October, give the Jacobins a stunning installment of the Waterloo defeat which awaits them . iu November. Look at the list. For Congress. COL. VICTOR E. PIOLLETT. I j Who has the unanimous voice of Wy- i oming County and we believe of the Dis- 1 trict, is a man so well and favorably known in Pennsylvania, that nothing that we might say of him would-add to the es teem in which he is held, by his most in timate friends aud acquaintances in this District. As a farmer, as a projector, con tractor and builder of great public im- ' I provements, and as a Legislator be has shown himself to be the peer of the ablest in the Country. As an intelligent tbo' unas suming citizen farmer he rauks above all. Tbe door of his hospitable house has nev er been closed to any honest man. His hand and purse have always been open to the appeals of the poor and unfortunate. While be lias been a most zealous and active participant in great public affairs, he has never at any time neglected the little small courtesies of life—the local neigh borhood affairs which have made his town ship and neighborhood a model one in his I County, ' The people of the whole District with a I unanimity never before felt, now look to I him as one of their deliverers from the tai aticisra Sc. corruption which have prevail ed in the cooocils of the nation. He has proved to be a pure, incorrnptaMe and sagacious leader. The day of the tri , umpb ot truth aud right, over falsehood I and injustice, is drawing near. Let tbe j masses be but trne to themselves, and j their country's best interest*, and we can j not doubt that the result will be The tri umphant election of Victor E. Piollett— the peoples' candidate for Congress. ZIBA BIt.LIXGS, ESQ. Tbe nominee for State Senator, well known to all in this County as "Sheriff Billings"—though almost a stranger to the people wlten inducted into that office, left it with a host of of ardent friends. He ia put down in men's memories as "one of the best Sheriff swe ever had,*' Though t there is but little hope that he, if concurred, in, can be elected in this District—the other counties of which are so strongly Republi can—we eball have the proud satisfac tion that we have a man well worthy of otir suffrages. One who wlil carry a large vote at least in this County where he is known. GEORGE 09TERIIOCT, EFQ. Of LaGrange, in Tunkhannock Town ship, the Candidate for Representative, is —wherever known, recognized as an hon est, capable mail and most excellent citizen. We feel certain, notwithstanding the heavy Republican majority against us in the Dis trict —that if ho was as well known in Sus quehanna as he is in Wyoming County, his election would be assured. That be would bean honor to the district, if elected, no man who kows him can hesitate to be lieve. Let's elect him ! UIKAM HITCUCOC K, ESQ. OfForkston, our Candidate for Treasur er—everybody knows "Uncle Hiram" ! the "wheel-horse of the the Democracy," who has streached the traces in the cause— in its every contest, front the Jacksonian period down to the present time. His nomination and election is due from the party that owes so much to his fidelity. He is a capable and honest man; and the Republican nominee—whoever he may be just now it seems pretty difficult for them to find one—won't see the tip of his Coat tail, in the race. "Uuolo Hiram" is now a Leader—and worthy of the position. WM. F. CAIRL, ErQ. Of Monroe, our Candidate for Commis sioner, is an intelligent, prudent industri ous citizen and farmer, of high moral char acter —just such a man as the people want to take charge of their interests, in the af fairs of the County. The people will not fad to elect hirn for that reason, and be cause his democracy as well as liis integri ty is above reproach. JOH.V A. SITTSKR, ESQ. The Candidate for District Attorney is j at present one of ti/e justices of the Peace , for our Borough. \\ hile he is a Democrat all over—as an official he recognizes on ly his oath of ofi:c",aml discharges its duties ! with strict impartiality. Tie is a young rnso of fine talent.-; and will perform the responsible, —and, oftentimes, unpleasant duti*sof the office for which he is nomina ted in a conscienitous, fair and faithful manner. DR. SALIGEAST KELI.Y Of Tunkhannock, the candidate for Cor oner, is a good man for the position and is centrally located. Though it is to be hoped that he wiil have but l.ttlc, it any business —the office is, iu certain con tin gencies, an important one, ami the candi date in every way worthy of the posi tion. WM. s. SCBLXCK, ESQ. Of Washington Township, our Candidate for Co. Surveyor, is not personally known to us. We are obliged to judge hirn by the company io which we find him. He keeps his courses and lines within the well defined land marks of the only Constitution al party in the County* CAPT. P. M. BCKR Of Meshoppen. out candidate for Audi tor is a good accountant, and an excellent man for this very important, though un remunerative office The Captain enter ed the army in tbe late war, its a private, under the assurance that it was to be a war for the restoration of the Union, "an I not for any purpose of subjugation or conquest, but to maintain the supremacy of tbe Constitution and to preserve the Union with all the dignity, e juality and rights of the several States unimpaired." For this Capt, Burr fought four years, by his bravery and good conduct rose from the ranks, to a Captaincy, his scars attest his bravery. He never forgot the princi ples for which he was contending, and t* still battling for them, in the ranks of the Democracy. Some .of our readers may remember that Capt. Burr, as Post Master at Meshoppen, refused to aid the Republican black mailers in their demand on him for money, to he used as an electioneering corruption fund. QUEER ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.—The Gold Hill News of the 14th has this : The Cential l'acfic Railroad Company i have constructed and placed on their roid i six large camp cars for the accommodation of the workmen engaged in track-laying. ) The sleeping-cars, four in number, are about twice as high as an ordinary car and I much broader; each car contains five tiers jot bunts, and there are seperate cars tor I the Chinese. Une car is fitted up with a cooking range and all necessary culinary apparatus, and another for otfioeis' head quarters. The six huge-wheeled boarding and lodging houses will accommodate sev eral bundled men, and move along as the track is laid, which is at the rate of three miles per day. The Black Teat. "I do solemnly swear that I accept the civil and political equality of all men, and agree not to attempt to deprive any ptsrson 'or persons, on account of race, color, or previous condition, of any political or civil I right, privilege, or .miuumty enjoyed by any other class of men. So help ine God." j Southern Radical Carpet Big Constilu j twos. No northern man, soldier or civilian can i become a citizen of any of the "Recoustruc- I ted Slates" without takki'this oath. Democratic Convention. Pursuant to call the Delegates to the Democratic County Convention, met at the Caurt House in the Borough of Tun l bannock, on Monday, August 3 let. J. V. Smith chairman standing committee, called convention to order. On motion Dr. A. J. Tripp of Nortbmoreland was chosen chairman. E. N. Bacon of_Nirbolson and Sam'l H. Sickler, were chosen secretaries. The list of Townships being ealled delsgates pre sented their credentials as fellows. Braintriin—G. L. KenuarJ, Abel Piatt Cliuton—llenry Newcomb, E S. Graves. Exeter—Sam'l Sickler, Henry Wall. Eaton—J". N. Pilgrim, Wm. Huutor. Forkston—Chapman Hitchcock, D. L, Vaow. Falls—D. C. Post, Harrison Smith. Lemon— Nathan Keiui, Geo. WqStark. Monroe—E. Swingle, J. W . Burnett. Meshoppen—T. J. Sherwood, P. M Burr. Mehoopany—Geo. lleoning, B. N. Finney. North Brunch —0. P. llurlburt, H W. t'omstock- NorthinoreUnd— A. J. Tripp, Geo. Waters. Nicholson—Wm. H. Stark, E. N. Bacon. Overfield—Daviil Patrick, C. M. Daily. 'funk. Tp.—Nathan Bitting, John Wilsey. Tunk. Boro. —P W. Kcdfiuld, Wm. B Overfield. Windham —Roswell Garey, A. J. Hunt. Washington—Albert Garey, Lewis Cook. Vigilance Committees. The following named persons were returned as Vigilance Committees of their respective districts for the ensuing year. Biaintrim— E. S. Sloat. Phillip Thomas, Jas. Fox Clinton—Henry Newcomb, P. S. Graves, Milton Britton. Eaton-John Ney, Hiram Bolle, Wellington Lee Exetor—Geo. Sickler, T. D. Heally. Ilenry Wall Forkston—U. U. Dawson, Jas- U. Rogers, Henry Earnest- Falls—John Lee, Theron Brown, Lyman Swartz. Lemon —Kuthan Keiw —Lewis Shales, Miles Avery. Monroe-James L. Jones, Casper Schenck, Agus tus Weber. Meshoppen—H. N. Duolap, John Quinn, J. W, Allen Mehoopany—A. K. Farr, Benj. Kintner, Wm. Jennings. Noribmoreland—J. D Myers, Robt. Caton, J. N* Jenks. North Branch—J. n Champin, W. W-Burgess, Daniel Collins. Nicholson—F, C. Deekcr, L. Harding, Perry Oak •y- Overfield—Andrew Ager, Martin Sickler, II H, Waltej s. Tunk. Tp.—Justice Newman, James Croup, 3 T Flutnineffelt. Tunk. Boro —A M. Ileckman, John Stemples Thos. Osterhoot. Washington—John Melbuisb, S. B. Adkius, W- Schenck. Windham —Wm, Taylor, Geo. P. Wright, Meritt S. Coineivck* Nominations. FOR CONGRESS, COL. V. E. PIOLETTOI Bradford, was unanimous ly nominated. C. D. Gearbart and John Lee were appointed congressional Conferees. FOR SENATOR, Z\ SA BILLINGS of Nicholson was unanimously placed in nomination. Wm, M- Piatt and Elijah Bail were appointed Senatorial conferees. FOR KEFRESEMTATITE, GEOROR •"•STKBROIT, of Ttnkhannock, ard E. J. Mewrey, o' Mrslopt en wfre DUIIIOJ. t. I. Mowrey withdrew his nam*. Ou motion the nomination of , George Osteiboul was made unanimous. F*JB THE AS I KI.K, The names of Henry Harris, ljirum Hitchcock. George Ney nud Pirry Stark were presented. A ballot being taken resulted as follows : Hitchcock 29—Ney 4 —Harris 4 Stark 2 The j nomination of iiiraui Hitchcock was made unani mous, FOR COMMISSIONER, The names ol Wm. F. Cairl, C. L. Vaughn. Henry Champin, and C. M Pneuman were presented. On first ballot tbe vote stood as follows: Cairl 15—Vaugha 17—Jhauipin 3 Pneuman 1* Tbe namea of Champin and Pneuman were with drawn. On second ballot, Cairl baa 19 end Vaughn ha 1 17 votes. On motion the nomination of Wm. F Cairl was made unanimous. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, The names of John Sittser and T. J. Chase Esqrs. were presented. A ballot being taken resulted as follows ; Sittser had 21, and Cbnse"ls votes The nomination of John Sittser Esq. was made unanimous. FOR CORONER, Dr. Sargeant Kelly, of Tuukbannuck Twp- was unan imously nominated. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, Win S. Schenck of Washington was unanimously nominated. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, Capt P. M Burr of Meshoppen, was unanimously placed in nomination. DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION. Thomas Osterhout Esq. was chosen as Represen tative Delegate to next Democratic Siato conven tion and D. D. Pewilt Esq. as Senatorial Delegate to State Convention. STANDING COMMITTEE. The following named persons were chosen as Standing Committee for ensuing year. Dr. J. V Smith, Tankbannock Lewis Ager, Overfield. Wellington Lee, Eaton. Ziba Billings, Nicholson. E. J. Mowty, Meshoppen, Thos. J Wright, Windham. Harrison Comitock, North Branch, Gordon d'ike, Northmoreland. Chauncy Sherwood, Falls, RESOLUTIONS Ahira Gay Esq. offered the following Resolutions which were unanimously adopted. WHEREAS. By reason of tbe multiplication of of fices during tt'e jjeriod of Republican control of the affairs of lbs country, an I by the larg! iucreaso ot their own salaries by members of Congress a well as by gross fr.iuJ iu tbe collection and management of 'he public revenues, the enormous aggregate of reviews raised .luring the past few year, has proved inadequate to tbe drain thereon, and the national debt is larger to day than it was six months ago Therefore Resolved, 1 That the pnblio interests demand that the salaries iff members of Congress and of members I of tbe State Legislature shall be reduced to their t former status. 2, That every effort possible should bo made to : correct existing abuses inreference to the collection an 1 administration of the public revenues. 3. Tbat wo heartily approve the nominations luado by the National convention at New York, and endorse the principles by tba t convention enunciated. THE SPOETINO PASSION STONO IN : DEATH. — The patient turned with an en quiring look ami said : "Father Ryan, when 1 die will Igo to heaven ?" "I trust so." "And be an angel and have wings ?" ' "I hope so." "That's my belief" "And be | an angel, too, and have wing 6 ?" "It may ; be." "Well, Father Ryan, when you get | there I'll just fly you for a five I" The Reign of Terror. The following extract-from a letter written by a lady in Elizabeth City county Virginia, dated July 22, shows the result of the Jarobin government in the Bonth : You never saw such a frightened set as we were last night, and even now H make* me shudder to think of it... Last night we all retired as usual, and had been asleep about two hours, when we were suddenly aroused by tbe barking of a dog, and four or five successive reports of tire-arms.— Instantly all were wide awake and # on the alert, confident in the thought that pa bad been Awakened and .gone out t6 learß the cause of such an uproar, as he had often done before; but presently, in a coarse, gruff tone which we knew proceeded nor from pa. we hear-l, ••shoot him! hit him again!" Oh! you cannot imagine nor describe mv feelings. I male sure that pa had gone out and had been caught b\ the ruffians, lrom whom proceeded these unfeeling remarks. * * * * Judge if you oan our surprise and relief win u we found that be had not gone out hut was preptring to do so. NY c succeeded iu dis suading him from this would-be mad act, as the doors were wet! guarded, and the gang outside could furnish enough men to overpower and murder him without miss ing them from the main body, so numer ous wete thev. Just think, here we are, and have been for the last two years, working as hard as our health would permit, to obtain an hon est and common livelihood, and for what.' To have a parcel of worthless impudent and lazy negroes steal it; and what is worse, he prevented by their superior forces horn defending our property. When we arose this morning we found nearly all of the back part of the smoke house torn down, four hog 9 missing, and the brave-t of the dogs shot through ttie head. It makes my blood boil to think of it, but while I am indulging in such feelings I atn truly thankful it is no worse and that we are all alive. * * Rut wv dread a repetition. * * * * You may thhik that in my excitement I have colored the facts ratlmr too highly, but I have rt luted them as they actually occur red. A correspondent at Little Rock, Arkan sas.says that negro outrages are of hourly . occurren ee ji ereabouts. There has not j before such a general feeing ot danger I and insecurity anion.; the people, not ev n during the dark days ot our late 'struggle, when our city was overcome, and occujn- ; id hv an armv of volunteers, flushed with victory, and drunk with war. Every one ! is arming, under a general impression that this is only - 'the beginning of the end."— j At nights crowds ot negroes visit their league rooms armed with revolvers, while others wander around with guns in their , hands and revenge in their hearts. —r- Mortgaging the Labor of the Country j for Forty Years. The Senate, pa-sed the Fund ing BiM, which wrJl probabiy pass the I House son. Two classes of bonds, one payable in 40 years at 4.} per cent, inter est, are to be issued. Both principal and interest ure to paid in gold, ami the bonds are to be free from all taxes except tire in conic, wii'cb will not reach foreign bond holdeis, ( is the tax is not to be taken from Con pi nit,) nor one half ol the Americans, for only through the coupon* can the in come bo collected. The past history of this country shows that the United States bonds have run up as high as ldJor over : and during Gen. Jackson's time the three per cents of the United States sohl at pnr. Notwithstand ing these well known and well produced facts in Congress, bv the Democratic members, the rump now mortgages us all for 40 years at 4 per cent, and thirty years ! at 41 per cent with gull interest andprin cijxil. and no tuxes ! It was shown too, in debate in the House- that in fotty years, nay. in less • time, by A. D. 1000, — the population ot this country would be 100,000,000, — and that these one hundred millions of people j under good Government, would more easi Iv pay the two and one-half billions of debt, we owe, than did the Democracy, | under General Jackson's administration, ; the debt of the revolution, and of the war | of 1812. The Ruinp. thus, it seems, has not only I run us into debt $2,500,U0!J 000, —but ha* ' sold us, tor 40 years, to the bondholders, j at gold interest and principal—with no taxes. — N. Y. Express. s ———.- — liT The Radicals talk a great deal j about upholding the public credit. Dur ing the war they upheld it by defrauding the government. Scattered all over the country we fin I Radicals who were poor i or in very moderate circumstances when the war commenced, but are rich now.— How did they acquire the wealth ? They supported the government with their bawl ing mouths and at the same time plunder ed it with their long Angers. 'Radical brawlers in office conspired with Radical brawlers out of office to i=b the govern ment they pretended to 1 serve. This is why the public debt ran tip to such an enormous amount. If the Radical party had administered the government honestly the debt would not be half as large as it is, and the public credit would not lie in a sinking condition. It was their extrava gance and corruption that sunk the credit of the government so' low that three dol lars in government money commanded only one dollar in gold — Ex, The following is the official state ment of the public vlebt made by Secre tary McCulloeh on the 3l*t of July, 1868, as compared with his official statement on the 31st ot March, 1865, at the close of the war • July 31, 1868 $2,523.534,480.6.7 March 31, 1865 2,300.965,077.34 Increase 4156,500,403,33 Tlfis is the result of three years of Rad ical rule in time of peace. gjf The Radicals have thrnst three States out of the Union, and hold the bay onet at '.lie throats of their people, tvbile boasting of the "assured success " of re construct ton. ADDRESS OF THE DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE. DEMOCRATIC STATE COM. ROOMS, 1 901 Arch street, r PHILADELPHIA, AUT, 24, 1868. ) To THE PEOPLE OF PENSSTLVANI A : The Radicals re-produce the stale slan ders of the past, and try to ignore the grave questions of the present. They prate of their loyalty and make it the excuse for their corruption, their ex travagance and their misrule. They imagine that you have slept dur ing three years of their iniquitous misgov ernment, and that you will forget that taxation oppresses you that your commence langui.-hes, aud that your business is broken up. They have proved themselves powerful fo destroy and powerless to restore. v Their only |olicy is hate, and upon tlii they ask a new lease of power, forgetful that a thinking and a practical people re quire them to answer : Why is the national debt greater now than when Lee surrender, aud why does it still increase 1 What lias become of the fifteen hun dred millions of dollars they wrung from the comforts and necessities of the people since Juno, 1865 ? by are more than one hundred mil lions of dollars annually wasted on the un reconstructed South, and why is it not made to yield us as much, to relieve u frorn taxation, and aid in paying our debt ? Why is the white men made the interi or of die negro, in every Southern State i Why is one class of men totally ex empt froin taxation whilst all others groan beneath the loaJ they should aid in bear •"? • . . Why fchall the 5-20 bonds be paid in gol distribute arms to the Southern Govern ors, with the purpose in view of using them in the elections. As leading Radi cals, like Wnshburne, of Illinois, and Ih>y d n, ot North Carolina, declared in July that the passage of such a law would iuau gurate civil war, it remains to be seen if Senator M >tgan and Mr. Schenck, who are the respective chairman of the Con gressional Republican Committee of the Senate and House, will decide that a ses sion in September is necessary. tW The l)anbury (Conn.) Timet whose editor was a Union soldier, and till this year a Radical, has this item in regard to the 4 General of the army and the Radical candidate for the Presidency, General Grant : "Where has his name won a sin gle victory? Not in New Hampshire, nor fn Connecticut. His name never caused any enthusiasm in the army until the army's work was done, and the prospect of being led into another slaughter-pen was obliterated, and bis name in politics has not one convert to the cause he has seen fit to shwulder. Silence ts his states manship, obstinacy is his firmness, doceit his patriotism and horses his ability. He has livcJ in smoke and will end iu smoke." tW The President, in consequence of the shooting affray of the negro zouaves in Washington on Tbnisday, has reitera ted bis order for the disbandinent of the mil'tia in the district. The order was giv en to General Grant last November, but he bas not obeyed it, and the President has notified the Secretary of War of the fact Instructions will accordingly be given iuituedia'.elv to General Canby— Seven of the zouaves were arrested on Saturday and required to give bail in S2OO to answer. ;sK C3F A few days ago, that most remark able horse Dexter, of Mr. Bonner's stable at the Fashion Course on Long Island, in the prtsence of credible witnesses, trotted a mile in the unprecedented time of two minutes and fourteen seconds. Best time on record. A Radical paper tells us that "Gen eral Giant will carry into the Presiden tial chair a well-balanced mind." Accord ing to Wended Phillips, he should throw away his bottle, that be may carry also a well-balanced body. The Springfield (Mass.) Hepublican is fearful that the Democratic party may be "galvanized into rampant life." The thing does look a good deal that way. Investigating Committees. The investigating committees are an in stitution of the Radical party. In Demo cratic times they were unknown. They are never gotten np for any better purpose than to smother investigation, instead of honestly making it, or put m-mey unlawful, ly in the pockets of the members. The svstem commenced in the Radical Congress at Washington, and d uring the summer of 1807, there were six or eight of tbem trav eling about the country at public expense. It was not long ontil their brethern in the Pennsylvania and New York legislatures imitated them In Pennsylvania they be came an intolerable nuisance, and the Hon. Charles E Boyle, in order to abate it, in troduced a provision in a se"tion of the ap propriation bill of 1867, forbidding the payment of any membeis fot services on committees, when the Legislature was not in session. But this law was deliberately violated, and seven of these committees were paid by the State Treasurer on the order of the Auditor General. We present the account of one of these committees from the Auditor General's report for 18C7; William B. Hood, member of the committee to inquire into tire running of steam ears over the paved teets of lite city of Philadelphia, 8381 GO Geo. DeHaven, member of said committee, 381 60 George A. (Juighy, member of said committee, 381 CO WM. J. D inohugh, member of said Comm tttre, 381 60 George W. Glu-gan, member of said committee, 381 60 John W. Bodean, clerk to said committee, 741 CO William J. Ovens, Sergeant-at- Arms, for expenses of said committee, 100 99 All the investigations of this committee could have been made while the Legisla ture was in session, but that would not have afforded its members an opportunity of drawing the sums opposite their names. As it is, they took them in defiance of the express provisions of the law, under the order of John H. Hart ran ft, Auditor Gin eral, ami Radical candidate fot re-election, —Hurriaitiry 1 ulrtnt. Horrible Outrages by the Indiana. ST LOUIS, Aug 18. 1868. SHOCKING TREATMENT OF WHITE WO MEN. — A letter from Ellsworth, Kansas, dated on the 14th tnst, says: On Monday, the 10th inst., a band of some two hundred Indians appealed on Spelliuan's Creek, alout sixteen miles northeast of Ellsworth. Oil arriving at the house of Mr. Shaw, they caught and heat him unmercifully, and drove him away. The devils then caught Mrs. Shaw, arid her sister, and violated their persons. Som. thirty or more savages continued to abuse these helpless wom.-n until long a fie it hey had become senseless. After dctroving Mr. Shaw's property the Indians left the women for dead, and pro ceeded to the house of Mr. Smith and heat him in the same manner, and violited the person of his wife, leaving her in a veiy critical condition. Indeed, it is feared that all the women who have been subjected to these ouirag -s, are fatally injured. The red d< vils met and abused several other citizens by beat ing them, and afur destroying nil the property within their ieach they hft fur the North, These poor women say that for five or six hours they were subjected to outrages and they show fearful u arks of the cruelty of their captors. In their efforts of resis tance, they received very serious injuries. A detachment of soidiesr were sent after the Indians from Fort Harkrr, accompa nied by fifty or sixty settlers. On Wednes day night they sent for reinforcements, and, on ThurdaV, a full Comdany under command of Col. lientine, slatted for the scene of the outrages. The latest report is that Col. Bcntine had come upon the Indians, who bad some ten or fifteen women surrounded in a house, and that he had diiveu the lu linns away, hut whether he killed any of them was not ascertained. These are probably the same Indian* who have been murdering and committing other outrages on So lonian Creek. Civil War. Mongrol editors charge tbo Democratic pariy with advocating and threatning civil war. General Gordon of Georgia, in a re cent letter, after vigorously denouncing the Radicals, who have turned a deaf ear '"to "the honest protestations of acceptance of "the results of the war by the South," and after clearly and sharply defining the real issues of the approaching conflict, thus ended his manly and patriotic letter: I conjure *ll that are pmuti of the name of "Amer j icAU cuixen," ami who sincerely desire to rate an era ol good will aiming the people to j >IB ut, without regard to past diffoieaces, and labor for Hie success of the Doraocriti - party; lor its success means . peace and harmony bettceen the section justice to both races, ami prosperity to our tr'iafe country. This is the kind of war Democrats are in j favor of; "peace, harmony and prosperity | to the whole country." Vote on Negro Voting in the District of Columbia. A vote of the white people of the Dis trict of Columbia, to express their opinion whether the colored people should vote in that District, was b ld December 21st, 180 G. The vote stood For Negro SufTage _ Against Negro Suffrage 72t58 This, expression of the people was reported to Congiess on the Gthday of January, IB6t> (See Cong Globe, p. 133.) On the loth of January, 18G6. John M. Broomall insulted the white poeple of the Di-trict of Ooltmbia and of the Union, by offering the following resolution: "Rtsoired, That ihe Committee for the District of Columbia be instructed to inquire into the evpei'sn cy of an election at which the Black Men shall Uecide by ballot whether or not optntoo, tw white men should be alluwed the right of suflrage- Broomall spoke and voted iu favor of the resolution, but it wis tabled. er Mr. Seward has intimated that be wants Grant and Colfax defeated.—Fresi -1 dent Johnson, Secrataries MeCulloeb, Browning, Randall and Wells are. fully committed in favor of Seymour. This H from headquarters and is reliable. i seenU rof the black Republican party of the United States is "sambo,"'