Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, August 26, 1868, Image 3
Local and Personal. The Hantl-on invitation a few evenings since, took a trip to the mountain'side mansion of Mr. \\ m Caskey, whera after indulging in several horns—of brass -they were invited to partake of a fine colla tion in shape of coffee, cakes and chiekenirct/ sand witches —which invitation, not a man of them, had the hardihood to decline, They returned to town, in good tune for bed, highly pleased with their trip. SiDce the event above mentioned the band a favored few—have been partakers of a:i Ice-cream sup on invitation of Mrs. Lease, who gets up a very delicious, pure and cool cream at her establish ment- Still later.—The Band, last evening went for a surprise party "b.v Feesb." Fisher wasn't so very much surprised, after all, for he very readily detect ed a dryness about the instruments, which wa3 forthwith remedied by the necessary JluidictU appli ances. NOTE —The Band "belongs to the society," and therefore don't drink--except upon invitation. Blanks.--We keep on hand and for sale at this office, Blank notes—single, an i bound in bcoks of 50 and 100 each, summonses, suhjaenaes, constables sales collectors' letters, attachment executions, rule, and interrogatories for justices, sheep-dog-law blank leases.sihool collector,!, irea.-urers' bon is, supervisor and township treasurers bonds, justices', fee bills blanks deeds, Ac. Ac Blanks of all kinds printed to order and in the best style,on short uotice. Ealr.--The Nicholson Agricultural Society have decided to hold their annual Fair on the 22d 23d, 14th and 25th days of September ne.xt. See notice in regard to renting stands on the ground in to-day's paper, Buck & Sterling now have their ware-rooms crowded to overflowing with the finest kinds of fur niture Call and examine—rooms over Sherman A La ther's Store next c'oor to Walls Hotel. The Decker Brother's Pianos are increas ing very rapidly in popularity and they are becom ing decidedly the favorites among cultivated inusi cians. These pianos mu-t not be cnn(otindc<l wilh the instruments made by otter firm- 1 of the name of "Decker." The Decker brother s Patent Plat' Pianos are made only at 91 Illeeeker St. New Yoik. aad L B. Powell of Scructon has their wholesale and retail agency A Visitor.--Little Miss Lavantia Pole, of Me shoppen—the little "spinning Jenny," noticed in the columns of the Democrat a week" or two ago, called at our office a few days since to tender us her thai.ks for the notice Laiantia is a bright good looking, wide awake, interesting Miss of 10 .urn mere. Her mother toll us that she had, in a single day, spun 90 knots, ot 50 knots to the lb , woolen yarn And ten knots in an hour. This last feat in which Lavaotia has improved, upon her own fair record, will probably discourage all rival -'spinsters.'' Select School at Brain!rim.— Mit. EP'TO* : Permit me through the columns of your paper to call attention to the Select Sihool at ltraintrim Mr. Waikins, :he principal, is a competent and e.x js-rienced teacher an 1 will spaie no pains with his pupils. He has taught our graded school, and has al.-o taught a select school in the place; and we speak adrisedly, and confidently, when we recom mend his School to the notice of all who woul I avail themselves of a favorable opportunity to acquire a sound, s itntific, and practical education. D. D. GRAY. | COURT PROL EEIIINGS, The August Term of Court for this county cotn tr.inced on Monday, 17t!i inst. 'Jon. Win. Kiwell, President Judge an I Hon. J. V.Smith and Gordon pike Associate Judges, present. The Gr.tnl Jury were called and sworn. P. B. EJdmn Foreman VI'ART ELL SESSIONS. Com'th. vs. Wm, H Cortright, Indictment, viola tions of License law Aug. Term, lt?(j". Case colled , Prosecutor not appealing, Lb-.fl. discharged. On petition filed, C. W. Hints was a) pointed Co. , Surveyor to fill vacancy caused by death of A. lfiue , E,q. ' Indictments were pr esented in the following cases: Com'th vs. Geoigc Lyons—lndictment, Larceny. Andrew Aumi-.-k, Pros Bill ignoied. Cuin'ih vs. Coon Suicthers —Indictment Assault snd Battery. W, Lee Pros. True Bill, Belt, called and nail forfeited. Com'th vs. B W and Z B. Smith —Surety of the I Peace. Jacob Williams Pros, Case settled by j leave of Court, Pros, to pay costs. Com'th vs Hiram Hall. Margaret Rosengrsnt Pros. Surety of peace. Case continued- Corn tb vs George Adam 9, Assault and Battery Left, dis -barged. On |ietilioii viewers appointed for roal in Eatou ar.d NoritMuoreluud Twos. On Petition viewers appiiuted to review road iu Orerficll Tp. On petition viewers appointed for Independent School district in Bramtrim and Mi-sboppen Tps. Com'th vs. Chas. Smith. Indictment Forgery j C. B. Kcmer pros. Ignored. Pros, to pay costs. Com'th vs. A. L Bacon. Indictment False pre tence. F. C Bunnell pros. Ignored. Pros, to pay CPAs. Com'th vs. Dan'l Decker and Hiram Marcy— su pervisors of Nicholson. In lictmeut not repairing . roads on return of Const. Ignored. County to pay cost*. Com'th vs. Henry Leo. Indictment Assault and Biitery. Coon Smeihers pros, ignored pros, to 1-ay co.ts. . OTIRIMN S COURT, Estate of T D. Spring. On petition and affidavit 'f R. Steven 9 , guardian of minor children. Court grant citation on Adiu'rs to file account. Admrs. sale of Real Estate of G, W. Grow con fined absolutely. In matter of partition of Real estate of Gilbert ! Ai.iios -if Forkston dee'd. Inquest awarded and foMicatinn of notice orlered. On petitioo of Guarbian of minor children of T I 1 -"-pring. Sale ol parcels no 1 and 2 ordered On petition and affidavit citation granted on Jane 1 f I'eckham and C M. Munville ex'rs of A K l J ckt ttu dee'd to file acctunt. Tavern Liceos-j was gnntel to Hiram S. Graves ; r Hotel in Windham Martha J. Moore by her next friend Abel Billings lames A Moore—Divorce—alias subp. ordered ■ In matter of distribution of fund arriving from "*1 estate of George F. Fox. Harvey Sickler ap- Fmed auditor to distribute. 'heriff Dewitt acknowlelged deeds in open court r> L Hallstead for piece of land in Nicholson Tp. 'as property of \. Y. A Pa. Gold aad Silver uin- Co- M in. M. Piatt for lot of land in Nortbmore- ■ as the property of George F. Fox. I COM. PLEAS, I F. Davidson vs T. A. Davidson On motion 11 '* grant rule to sh w cause why award of arbi -0 shall not be set aside -" w 's Polly vs. George Lubler—on affidavit rule j r -ted to show cause why payment of $36 dollars '• 0o! I* allow, d - -el >t ,rk vs. E Bowman Action debt. Jn ■ 'lied. Judgment for Plaintiff by consent for • i 34 "•a A. Ketcham vs Abraham Ketcham—Di [r Alias subp awarded. • nn and Lovinia Riker vs. Tobias Miller and j Wilcox Adtnr's- On motion of Plffs. rule : * e<l 011 Defts. to show cause why appeal shall : < stricken off. 'frijoo Sickler ass'd to F. C. Ross vs Philo I two eMsa—an affidavit rule granted to show cause why real estate shall not be released and personal property exhausted, i In matter of incorporation of the Meshoppen Wa ter Company—articles of incorporation filed and publication ordered. Win. B. Overfield vs. Appollos Ferris Action Assumpsit—case tried but beiore verdict Plff- die • rn'inues action. Margaret Spencer vs, E. L Underwood. On affi davit fiie t court grant rule on Plff to show cause why payment ol 6*208 shall not be allowed. All I proceedings on writ stayed in the mean tune- Married. EVENS— HENRY- The 22d inst by the Rev C K-Lane, Samuel Evens ot Washington Township, and Mary Mabala, daughter of Mr. Geo. Henry, i j of Lemon Initial Hotifrs. LEIIIGrII VALLEY RAILROAD. WYOMING DIVISION. SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO TIME TABLE NO. 13. To take effect on Tuesday August 11th, 18tj8. DOWN TRAINS. STATIONS. UP TRAINS j Ex. Fr't Local. Local- Ex. Fr't. 10 15 3.30 BUTTERMILK FALLS 1.20 910 10 30 345 GARDNER'S FEBRT 1.05 8.55 10.45 400 L A B JUNCTION 12 60 840 K A PACKER. Sup't Wyoming Division Offi-cL V. R R Wyo Div, ) Wilkes-B.vrre, A.ig 11,63. $ f Persons indebted to the estate f of Geo. S. Tutton, dee'd., will save costs by making an immediate | settlement with SARA TUTTOV, J HARVEY SICKLER, Admr's J IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I MIT I'D States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In th- matter of Isaac N. Lacev, Bankrupt. To whom it may concern : The undersigned here by gives notice ot his appointment as Assignee of Isaac N. Lacey, of Braitnriui Township in the Conn ie ty of Wyoming, and state of Pennsylvania, within ; said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. i Ditcd Tunkhannock the 24th dav of August, A. D. 13 6 3. J. B. RHODES, Assignee. SELECT SCHOOL. The Fall Term of Select School, at Mehoepany, will commence on Tursliy the 9.h 0" Sept. Tuition ' payable at the mid He ot the Term. E. V. INGHAM Assisted hv MISS C. A. KELLY. OlSbOLi; 1 l\. OTICE is hereby givm tuat the co-partnership it heretofore existing between Dunham an 1 Rob erts in the Diug and Medicine business at Meshnp pen. Pa. has been this day li-Sol vt d by mutuil con sent. Tile books an I accounts have been left with E. F. Roberts at the old stand, where the business w'll be hereafter continued under the firm of Virgil I and Roberts. DUNHAM A ROBERTS. Mesbuppen Pa. Aug lOtb, ISfiS. vSn4-3w. Medical Testimony in Favor of Upkam's Fresh Meat Cure. Di G W. B'.iyles, of Jciieho, Kentucky, under 1 date of \ug 2|; says: "I have tt 9 ed up the box of ! I Fie.-b Meat Cue. I ptircli i-e.i of y< u some five I week.- ..go, an I 1 conie.-a it has surpas ed anything ; I haic ever tried in consnmptMn-" Consumptives, I try "I pa mi's Fresh Mat Cure." If you have not I i pa.-sci too ljr into iho valley and shadow of death,' , i will cure you. Sold by Lymau A Weils, Tunk- i hann k and all drug-its. v3ul4w. SELECT SCHOOL. H. E WAT'v INS would respect fully announce to ! the Public that be will oj-en a Select School iu the i ChiuQ Insiiiute. • i AT BRAINTRIM, On Monday. Sept 7 i t > continue eleven ; weeks. G M.I hoard can le procuied in Town at | , cavaubl- rates, or rooms -.in be rente I to pupils de-mug to board tueaise ves Ttrmsfroui id to 53. FOR S ALE. The Subscriber offers *br sale, 12 ACRES OF LAND situate 1| miles from Tunkhannock Born, on main road to Montrose, well watered, with a frame house, barn with apple and other fruit frees thereon. Im mediate possession will be given the purchaser JAMES D- BARRY. July 29. '63. NOTICE. The c tands on the Nicholson Agricultural Society Fair Ground, will be rented Aug. 29th 1363, at the Fair Gmund, at 2 o'clock P. M By Order of Committee, D G. BLACK, See'y AGENTS WASTED. For the SUn lar 1 an I Official Lives of SEYMOUR I and BLUR. A book for every library and a work ! of extr.ordinary interest an 1 rare historical value, j No Patriot can do without it or have a just un Icr- j standing of the issues before the countrv, reading it. Endorsed by the leading Democrats and I Conservatives of the Union The claim 9 of the D. in (( r.itic ean iidates to the suffrages of the people are so forcibly portrayed and clearly shown in this vol ume that no friend of Constitutional liberty should . fail to read it. Agon's in all/ parts of the country ' are finding this great standard work the best oppor \ tunity to make money ever offered, us its large size, low price, and great popularity have made a posi tive demand which canvassers only have to supply. Set d for circulars, and see our liberal terms an I a lull description of the greatest subscription book of ; the times. Address. UNITED STATES PUBLTSAINO CO., 411 BROOME STREET, New York. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Men s (iui le to Happy Marriage and Con- j jo gal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent ; Physicians, on the Errors ami Abuses incident to Youth and Early M inhood. sent in sealed letter en v-dopes. free ol charge. Address HOWARD AcSO CIATION, Box. P. Philadelphia, PA. vßn3ly. SHERIFFS &ALE. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas lo tne directe I. there will be exposed to public silc at the Court House in Tuukbannock, Wyoming j Count v, Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, SEP. 12 '69, at 1 o'clock P. M. AM the right,title snd interest of deft, in that certain j piece, parcel r tract of land, situate and being in • the Township of Meshoppen. Wyoming County, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner on the hoe of land formerly | belonging to II lleiibick Overfield A Co., on the / East side of the M-shopncn creek and running thence South 72 degrees East 2f, perches to a corner tbenee South 50 degrees, East i' 2 perches to a cor- j ner, thence South 22 degrees East I4J perche 9 to a corner to the public highway, thence South 33 de- | grees East to the line of Drinker's land, thence by j and with sai l Drinker's line North to the corner of j 'and formerly owned by Anson Stocker, thence down the Meshoppen creek by and with the line of said Stacker N'orih g0 degrees West Ep, perches, thence ! North 70 degrees West 29 perches to a corner, i theneo North 2 degrees Ea-t across the Meshoppen creek and along line of lloMeLhack Overfield A Co to the place of beginning containing 13 acres of land ! all improved, one dwelling housj, one saw milt, a small shed and some fruit trees thereon, and a road privilege to and trom said saw mill with the appur tenances. Seized and taken in execution at the soit of Ster- , ling A Sou vs Ira J. SturdevanL And will be sold for cash only, bv M. W. DEWTTT, Shoriff. I Sheriff's Cffi-s. TVr.". ~ *'i '. IS, 1363, INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY, in IBJ S . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARE!) BP DR. C. .V. JACKHOX, PainnKLPiiiA, PA. The greatest kno zvr remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, and all Disrate* arising from a Dis ordered l.lvtr, Stomach, or iMPUBJTi' OP run moon. I ft snd the fn Uoou'na symptom*, and if yon find that your system is atUefeti t-y any of them, yet may rest assured that disease has commenced its attack on the most ilapnctant organs of your testy, and unless s>ea% cheeked hy the use of peooerfut remedies. a miserable life, soon terminating in death, wilt be the result. Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness ot Blood to the Head, Acidity Of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dais or Webs beiore the Sight, Dull Pain iu the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate disease of the J.tcer or Digestive Organs, combine I with impose blood. {poOir-ib's (Tvrmnit Hitters Is entirely contain* no liquor. It in u coni|i<Miitil of Fluid Ki* tract*. Tlte Itool*, Herb*, ml Itrvrk* | front which these extracts arc made •re gathered iu <-erninny. All the medicinal virtue* are extracted I'rom thrin by a cleulilie client!*!. T!tee I extract* are then foi'ivardrd to I hi* | country to lie mrd cx|>rc**ly for the manufacture of these flitters. There Is ao alcoholic substance of any kind used In com pound! IB f( the littler*, lie nee It is the only Hitters that can be ued In cases xx'here alcoholic stim ulants are not adx isahie. tjoofliiub's ©crmnn <lonic is (1 of all the in;/r"ti*n(s *f thr Hit tors, with PL'Kt .Sitnia i*ruz Hum, <>rantfp % rfc. It is u**tt for thr stint*- t1 ts*-tss9 tin 'he Hitlrin, in Ctifies where trnuf pure tilroholi'' s'imulus •* required. }'/>< ioi!l bear in mi tut that these remeilies ar " entirely different from any others atfrertixnl far the cure of the diseases numf't, these heimg scim'ifir preparations of mettirisial extracts, while the others org mere fteruction* of' rum in .aims farm. The TON IC m decidedly one of the most pleasant and atjrerahle remedies erer offered to the public. Its f'ts'e is exquisite. It is a pleasure to bike it, while its hfe-gitrin{j % exhilarating, arid meftirinal qualities hatt caused it to be known as the greatest of ait tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of ca*e, xxhrit the pa ttern supposed lie x a* a filleted xv 11 la tills terrible diea*e, have been cured by I lie use of t faee remedies. Kxt rente emaciation, debility, and rough are the usual attendants upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of the diKe*lixe organs. Kxett in case* of £eit nine C'mion iu pf ion. t he*e remedies tx ill be found of lite greatest hcnritl, ytreiigt hening and im tgoraling. DEIjILITY. There is no meda-ine r / i! / llno/l.tiufs (lernutn Bitters or cams of /. I. itg. They impart a tone and vitjor to the toh'dr system, strru jf hen the G/K prti'e, cause an tnyajut til of the J ml, enable the. St miaeh to digest it. pur*f if the blots/. (Jire a g t,*f t Sound, healthy rmnpiexoni. eradicate the yellow tinge from the r'je, impart a h!te>m '<• t' e cheeks, and change the fsit'ent fnau I shurtd went bed, ema i tfetl, weak, audm rrous invalid, to a fult-fic*d t stout, and fiyr ou* jers'm. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong b> using tin Hitters or Tonic. In tact, tlir> are Family Medicines. Tliey run be administered xvll it perfect safety i n etiild three in on I h old. t lie delicate ft in ale, or a man of nin ty • These Ji'Mfdics ar* the >.ert lllood PuriHera ever known, and will curs all diseases resulting from bud M/W, K-'-p fair 1:1 end pure ; keep ynur f.ieer in order; ke-p *J..Hr r/ii/es'ir* • rgans iu n f uitf', healthy rondi tion, by i;,t u<e of these ran' *■*. und no di.ease will trerussad you. A** n mw*. m * W W Ladie* xx bo \x ih a fair skin and food complexion, free from i\ yelloxx h tinge and all other rii-ligui cm cut, should u-• tlie*e remedies occalon ally. Tile Liver In pi i frit onlt r. and t lie blood pure, xvlll result In spai k ling eyes and blooming cheeks. f AI'TIOS, JTaqflamT's (!• man h'"** r *lifs are counterfeited. The genuine ban the signal we. of i\ .If. .Juc/cuon on the front of the outside wrapper of e,u h b*ttlart' l the name of the at tick blown m cuchUUU. Ad oihti are counterfeit. Thousand* of letters have been re* celved, testifying to the X'irt ue of t liese remedies. BEAD THE RECOMMENDATIOH3. I'ROM HON. (JKO. \S. WO IDWAKD, Ciiief Justice of the Supreme Court of IVitusvlTSnla. PHILADELPHIA MARCH 1 Gtli, 1^67. Ifnd " TTor>fl(tn<rs Herman Bitters" is not an intox icating beverage, but is a <j<*t useful in disarm drrs of the digestive, organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and want of nervous action in tits system. Yours truly. GEO. M*. WOODWARD. FROM HON. JAMKS THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court of Peuii*ylvuids. PHILADELPHIA, APKII. 'jSth, I consider 44 1 100 flu nd's fJermaii Hit ters" a mltt'ihl*' ntnliciiic 111 case of at tack* of li<lige*tlon or l>yspepsia. I ran certify this from my experience of It. Yours, xx ii h re*peel, JAMKS THOMPSON. From RFY. JOSKPIV 11. KRNNARD, D.D., Psstor <f the Tenth l;pti>t Church, riiiiadelphix. I)R •Uctsot—DEAß c in :— I have !*>n frequently re qursfed to convert my name with reemumemhitious of differ*./ kinds of medicines, tad regarding thr prartb e as nut of my appropriate sph< re % / hare in all rase*de clined ; but with a clear p>wf in v irion* instances,and particular! if in my own family.of'he vs* fulness of Ihr. If oof an* f i Herman Hitters t i depart for once from my usual course, to express toy full cunriction that f..r genend debility of the v*lem. ,-IHI especially f*r l.iver O'Hiplaiut, it is s safe and valiciLle preparation. In tome cases ii man Jail; but usually, I *l< n't not, it will be very benefcial to those who suffer from the abort causes. Yours, very respect fatly, J. 11. A7 Y.Y.I h'D, Eighth, he low Coales SL Prico of the Bitters. $1.09 per bottle; Or, a half dozsn for $3.00. Price of the Tonic, $1.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7 5 J. The Tonic i put tip in quart Lottie*. Recall- t that it is Dr. H'fJtanWt Hn-mcn Remedies that arc so unirersalfy used ami so highly re- ommend e*l: and do not allow the Druggist to indues you to take any thing else, that he may say is just us be cause he makes a larger profit an it. These Remedies will be sent by express to any locality Ufxai application to the PRINCIPAL OFFIGK, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ao. 531 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Pjrmerly C. M. JACKSON & CO. These Remedies are for sale by Druggiits, Storekeepers, and :>ledi clne Uealer* every xvbere. Ik) not forget to examine well the article y- u buy, in order to get the genuine A TREATISE ON THE HAIR, BKXT KKhK BV MAIL. BY Titß PROPHILTORB OP Hall's Vegetable SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, which is the best article ever known to RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR, It will prevent the Hair front falling out. Makes the hair smooth and glossy, and does not stain the sk : n 1 R. P. HALL A CO Na.bau, N. H. Proprietors- For sale by all druggists. vSullw, QLOTHLNG STORE AKD |)cnte' |urnifihing jfjooda. y j V 11. BA It IIA 31 & CO. Announce to the public that they have recently fi'- I ted up and removed their Clothing Store to the Store House of C. P, Miller, TunkhannocJi, Pa. Their stock coprises every description of : MENS' AID BOYS' CLOTHING. such as DUBSS COA 7S, & AC A'COATS, 0 VBKCOA 7S, PANTS, VESTS, SHLRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, BOOTS, HATS 4- CAPS, Seek-ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs COLLARS, UMBRELLAS, ScC., and in fact everything in the Clothing or Furnishing | line at VERY LOW PRICES. In addition to the above we have an elegant at- I sortment of Clothes, Cassimers and Vesting, 1 U®*" Clothing oiade to order at the shortest no j tice • j Call and see, before purchasing elsewhere and SECURE GOOD GOUDS AND PAIII miCES. H BAR HAM f CO. Tunk . Aug. 5,' 68--vßnl-tf. Buck & Sterling j I FURNITURE WARE ROOM Over Sherman & Latlirop's Store, next door to Wall's Hotel, TUNKIIANNOCK, TA. PLAIN COTTAGE SUITS, MARBLE COTTAGE SUITS, WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS IN IIAIR CLOTII, PAPLOIt IN VELVET PLUSII, SIDE-IIOARDS, WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, KXTENSK )N TABLES, I MATR ESSES, and a large variety of low-priced Furniture, at the lowest cash rates. BUCK A STERLING. v7i.47tf. HTATE M E N T U OF TUP. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of New Uaveu, January 1, 1868 : Capital Stock 81.000,000,00 ■ Surplus 610,07U 00 j ASSETTS. Maikct Viln r . Real Estate owned by the Company - • • • 8205.500 • 0 Lo ins on Mortgages 37,374 '0 : United States Bonds. 5-20s 325,875 • 0 Missouri State Bonds 10 350 0 Tennessee State Bon Is 16,000 t 0 Wisconsin State Bonds 12,000 0 Virginia State Bonis 17,4(;S j National Bank Stocks 361.199 0 Canada Bank Stocks 34.373 .5 j Loans on Collateral and on Call 23,914 0 j Cash on hand and in Banks 66 014 "3 I Cash in hands of Agents 2>o 109 6 Interest Accrued 37.463 25 j Bills receivable 41,370 75 Premiums unpaid at houie and branch offices 109,54180 P.?nts accrued 2,302 00 Salvages on Fire and Inland L isses Un determined 51,451 44 i Other property owned by the Company-- 25,771 88 j 81,619,070 34 j LIABILITIES. Losses in process of a.lju.-tmout 865,850 44 ; Statement of Premiums rcceivod and Losses paid j during each year since the organization of the | Company : Premiums received. Losses paid, j 186 37,837 30 20.797 20 186 87.230 00 46.196 63 I 186 168,289 4 9 92,130 89 1863 256,973 55 160,433 30 1n64 470.473 78 279.439 04 1 I?6> 773,515 68 451,204 96! 18 6 6 1,477,231 28 1.122,908 80 186? 1,950,025 01 1,137,935 44 j Stock owned by the Directors. January 1, 1967 $233,700 j Jauuaiy 1, 1868 270,000 | I> R.SATTERLEE, President, DANIEL TROWBRIDGE, CHARLES WILSON, SAMUEL L. TALCOr, Vice-Presidents. j Wm. S. Goodell, Secretary. Special attention paid to perpetual policies. D. G. BLACK, Agent, Niehoslon, Pa. I). A C J. Wright, Agents, Tunkhaunock, Pa. | IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Nelson C. Martin Bankrupt To wlnnii it may concern : The undersigned here by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of j Nelson C Martin, of Tuukhannock, in thj county, . of Wyoming and state of Pennsylvania, wit bin said | District, who has been adjudged a Batikrupt upon , his own petition by the District Court of s lid Dis- j triit. Dated Towanda the 4th day of August, A. D. i 869. JOHN N CALIFF, Assignee. i vSn23w. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that a bay mare, about ! eight or ten years old, came to the premises of the subscriber in the Township of Eaton, an the 7th day of August 1868 The owner is hereby noti6ed to ; prove property and pay charges, otherwi.-n, the said mare will be gold as the law directs. CHANCY ROSENGRANT. Eaton, Aug, 10 196S n'2 slffo FKM \ l>i ; C(LLROE-Bordeutown, N J. PLEASANTLY located on tbe Delaware river, 2 3-4 hours riiie iroui Now York ami 1 1-4 from Philadelphia, Tbe very best eJuration*! advan { (opes furnished in connection with a pleasant houie. I Fall term begins Sept. 15th. For Catalogues, ad dress Rev. JOHN II BRAKKLEY, A M„ Pres't. Agents Wanted FOR the Standard and Official Lives of SEY MOI'H and HI.AIK. A book for every | library and a work of present interos* and perin.- nent, value. No Democrat or Conservative can be wiibout it. or hive a just understanding of the issues liefore the country without reading it. Agents nre everywhere finding it the bet opportunity to make money ever offered. Send for circulars nod see our liberal terms and a full desniption ol the work, Ad j dress UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 i Broome street, New Y'ork. Agents Willi ted F'OR the Standard and Offi ial LIFE of HO*. SCHUYLER COLFAX. Indispensable j to a jut understanding of tbe political issues of the I day and endorsed hv the leaders of the Republican I party. Tbe claims of this statesman to the grati ' tude of the nation are so clear y set forth in this ! Volume that none of his admirers can be without a I copy. Send for circulars nnl sco our liberal terms, j and a full description of this great work Address UNITED STATES- PUBLISHING CO., No. 411 Bruoiiie St., New Y'ork. AGENTS WANTED FOR "TITE BLUE-COATS, And how they fjiccd, Fousht and Dial for the Union, with Scenes and Incidents hi the Ureal Rebellion." It contains over IUU fine Engravings and 560 p >gcs, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published# Price only $2,50 P er copy. Send for circulars and see our terms, and full description of the work Address JONES BROTHERS A CO, Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio ; Chicago, III.; or St. Louis, Mo, AGENTS WAN TED TO SELL TIIE "EMIT IIES Of TOE ME," An octavo volume of 63U pages, containing 47 newly I written Sketches, by Messrs. Parton, (Ireeley, llig j ginson, Tilton. Winter, Abbot, Prof. Heppin, .Mis K. C. Stanton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, etc Illustrated with 14 beautiful steel engravings The New York Tribune, says : "So thoroughly have the pubii-hers done their work that their vol ume in paper, type, binding, engravings, above all IK THP. EXCELLENCE OF ITH 81HJKCT MATTER, goes ' far t • remove the reproach urged against subscrip- Ition hooks —-only made to sell.' ' For descriptive circulars. Ac., address, 9, >l. HETTS GO.. Hartford, Conn. STAR AGFICULTUPiAL WORKS 'PHK Al.itlNl COri'OY <; I >IA Ml" I 1 FAC HI RING CO., Albany, N. Y, Manu j facturers of Grnkral Agricultural Machinery i Comprising the celebrated "Star" Threshing Ma- I chin-* ; "Star" Railway (<>r Endless Chain) an i j Lever Horse P wars ; "Star" Cotton Bins and Con I deism ; Circular Cross-cut Sawmills ; Vegetable Cutters ; Horse Hay Forks ; Corn and Feed Mills ; | Power Corn Shelters ; Dog Powers, Ac., Ac , We wish to call the particular attention of Far- I mors to our celebrate I "STAR" THKE--UIXG and j CLEANER, which, as lately improved, we. claim it far su|>eriiir to any other machine now in market I It is compact and easily portable, simple in its con struction, an I therefore easy to operate bv the most | inexperienced, and will do its work with marvellous i rapidity and perfection, anl with rompiratively the lea-t demand upon tbe strength of tbe animals driv ing it. We hire made rodent tmprovemnts in this ma chine bv which we are enabled to thoroughly clean the strain under almost any combination ot uiffi -ul ties, and we are row using an entirely new ami ef fective device for relieving the feeder of dust, thus making the operation of threshing as comfortable and safe as with the ordinary machines it is annoy ing and frequently destructive of health. These machines are inndo of suitable sires for cur "Star" Railway 2 llurse Power and lor our "Star" Lover Puwe r s for 4 and (i horses For sale by our agents and dealers generally. For fill' particulars, send for our Illustrated De scriptive Circular and Price List, Correspondents will please address The Albany Co'ton Gin Manufacturing Co., P. 0. Drawer 162, Albany. X. Y. Circular, Mill, Malay, Gang & Cro3s Cut O A. w s. Every Sow that leaves our Factory is Oil Temp ered and Potent Ground, perfectly tru and even, nil I ma le >f unitonn temper by our patent temper ing process. 3E3 Si ' Common shape, as good as the he--t. The RED .1 \I RET (Colburn's Patent) AXE cannot be ex celled. We guarantee they will cut 25 per cent, more than common Axes, with less chopper. Pen! for circular and prices to LIPPINCOTT * RAKEWRLL. Pittsburgh. Pa., Sole Map- I fact'rs For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. WE HAVE COME With great inJ uceuit-nts to ngents lo co-operate with us in our &RAND HN£ v X>OLLAR &ALX ! 1 Sheetings fie-of Cost to our Agents. Watches free of Cost to our Agenls. Sew ing Machines f> eeot cost to Agents. I.ea hr Goods free of Cost to Agents. Linen Goods free of Cost to our Agents. SI ks and Shawis free nfcost to Agents, Hoots and Shorn free ot cost to Agents. Dress Good* free of cost to our Agents. GTEAT DOLLAR BARGAINS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. Send for our circu'ar Agents wanted everywhere Address HARRIS & PLUAIMER, 34 Hanover Street, Boston. Maes* LA W UKXCEVILLE Female Seminary,! LAWRENCEVILLE, NEW JERSEY Til E NEXT SESSION will commence on Sept j 10th. Send for Circular- C W. N ASSAf", j Principal i A FIRST CLASS Mil SCIMYKEIES, IN CONNECTION wi h the STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. J L'renlon, New Jersey. Total char* j ges, including board, iuiiion, and Books, 8225 a year. For circular with full particulars, apply to JOHN S. HART, Prineip.l. NOTICE. Ail persons indebted to me, by note, judgment, or book account, nre requested to make payments im mediately and save cost. DANIEL WRIGHT. Tunk , May 13, 3000 Yds. DELAINES for loots, per yard, at C. DETRICK'S. SOOO Yards Best Prints, for! I2i ou por ynnl, al ©> DETRIOK.'S, Iteilisranits. WE ARE ON HAND, And will sell more for the money than any jjollar in \h (| ,ounirn. J J J Our inducements for forming Clubs are more than double that of any establishment in the country. For the ptoof of this assertion, please exatniue our Terms to Agents, which are as f illows : Read carefully and compare with the terms for getting up clubs, as advertised by other estab lishments. Any person sending us two Dollars, can receive for the same a selection from the follow ing articles Two(not one)so picture Morocco Al bums, 2 pairsfnot one pairjof Congress boots, 2 pieces(not one piecelof Pants Pattern, 2(not one)s bottle Revolving Castors, 2(uot onejworsted Break fist Shawls, ot any two articies(not one articlejfrom our exchange list. We will a/so send 20 printed notices of articles for sate atone dollar each Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the same a selection from the follow ing articles 15 yds. Do Line, 1 white Marseilles ij 111 If, not one) 100 view Turkey Morocco Albums, 20 yds Sheeting, Wool Square Shawl. 2 scts(not one) Hold Bosom Stuns, 2(not onefllair Guard Chains, with Gold plated trimmings. (The trimmings ot these chains are advertised # by o;her concerns as GOLD, which is a deception ss they are all of them gold plated) 2(not onejsilver plated, chased Butter Dishes 2(not one)silver plated 5 bottle Revolving Castors, 2(n it one) Worsted Piomenaie Shawls, 2 (not one set )Stcel Blade J Knives and Forks, 3(not one)tadics' long gold pitted Chains, 3(oot nne)ladies' solid Gold Dounle Rings, 2(not oue)gentg' heavy chased gold plated Kings. (These rings are adver tised by other concerns as solid gold, which is a fraud upon the public.) 3)n it one) Black Walnut Work Boxes or Writing Desks, 2{not one)extra quality Balmoral Skirts, 2 sets(not one) of Jewelry and Sleeve Buttons to match, 2(n.t onejsuperior Turkey Morocco Shoppings Bags, 2 pairs(uot one) ladies' Balmoral Boots. Wc wilt also send 40 printed notices of articles for sale at one dollar each, Any person sending Fve Dollars. | )not fix dollars)ean receive for the same a selection i from the following articles :—A black or colored j Alpacca Dress Pattern a Poplin Dress Pattern, 1 I piece of llrown or Bleached Sheeting, 1 engraved ; (g bottles) silver plated revolving Castor, 4 yds su j i crfine Cassiinere. extra heavy large sixod White I Quilt, 1 pair gents' Calf Boots, 4 yds good Wool procking. 2(not one)best quality Balmoral Skirts.au eight day Clock, made by Seth Thomas, 4 yds double width Cloth for la lies' Sacks or children's i wear, a silver plated Cake or Carl Basket, Fur Mui ! or Cape, Wool Long Sbawl, splendid clasp Family j Bible, 4 yds.(not three yards) iouble width water ! proop cloaking, 2 sets each(not one sot each)lvory ! llanllo Knives, with Silver plated Forks, 1 set of t Lace Curtains. We trill also send fiO printed notices of articles > for sale at one dollar each. Any person sending Ten Dollars, | can receive for the same a selection from the follow* ! ing articles :—7 yds.(not four yds.)double width < Cloth for Cloaking or Coating, 3(not two)B!eache i j Linen Table Cloths, with 2 iloi (not one Uoz.) Linen | Daunisk Napkins, 30 yds (not 25 yds ) Hemp Car \ petting. 13 yards extra quality black or colored Al pace a Dress l'atters, if yards extra quality. Poplin i Dress Patterns, Silver Hunting Case Watch, new (not second hauded)2 doxpiutooe dox.)ivory haniled I steel bladed Knives and Forks, 1 pr superior Wool Blankets, nice Fur Muff and Cape, 3(not one)silTer ; plated engraved 1-e Pitchers 9 yds(not 7£ yds; ; Wool Cassiinere tor suit, 2 do/, (not one doz (Rogers' I best silver plated Forks, Common >ense P'ewing Ma | cbine(the rrnl article, not a basa imitation as used I y other concerns) 4(not two) Honey Comb Quilts, 2 j (not one (splendid clasp Family Bibles. We trill also send printed notices Jar 120 arti ! cles tor sale at one dollar each. For larger clubs the value increases in the same ratio. Ottr stock of jno !s is all new an t in good order The quautity of the Hoods is all Better than those used by any other concern in the country. We arc of the opinion that, after reading the above adver tisement, some parties will cotne to the conclusion that they have be- n severely swindled by same of | the bogus 'lift concerns in this city. We canno* offer to the petson sending us the larg ! est amount of money for a month, a Gift of money ! or Watches, as that is a violation of the Law again-d | Lotteries ; but in addition to the above liberal terms, j we will sell to any one who may send us $lO, eleven | articles from our exchange list, all to be sent in one j order ; and for S2O wa will send twenty-two articles train our exchange list, all to be sent in one order. Money sent by .Registered Letters i or by a Postal Money Order, or Draft ;at our risk. Catalogues sent to any address. P. S Agents will please notify ns what firms have ag nls in their town or city, and they will receive our most sincere thanks THOM AS L. FENNO & CO. Nos. 52 & 54 Elm Street, Boston, Mass. ■p 0 W A N D A AGRICULTURAL WORKS. TO WAN DA, TEXX'A., MANTFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES, BENT STUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TVRXIXG IX ALL ITS IiRAXCHES. SCROLL SAWING PLANING. ETC., ETC. To Dealers in M RS, SPORTS HE.XT STI FF, We offer a LARGE STOCK. FROM WHICH TO SECLECT. The above are from the best SECOXD GROWTH HICKORY \ OAK, Lic.nr ATTN HEAVY WAGONS ON HAND. We have the Ilroad and Narrow Guage. t-V MILL PICKS made and dressed. W. T. BISHOP, Superintendent. M, C. MERCL'R, Pi rsiJent. vßnl!y Towan la, July 2 I9gß. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, letters tes'amentary on the estate of Alfred llinc, late of Tunkhannock, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All jiersons indebt ed to the said rata e are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, will trfakc known the same without delay, to CIIAS. W. HINE, Ex'r.^ Tunk., July 14. 'gß--n43. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored J""' publi-hed, a new elition of Dr. /:Olivet well's Celebrated E-av ! on t.ie radical cure (without medicine) of SRERMATOKRHTKA, or Seminal Weakn ss, Invol untarv Seminal Losses. lin potency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impodiinonis to Marriage, etc. i also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kits, induced bj ; self indulgence of sexual extravagance. Price in o scale! envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this ndmirable essav, 1 clcnrlv demonstrates from a thirty years' successful j practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse inuy lie radically cured without the da.iger ous use of internal medicine or the application of ■he kni'e ; poiuting out a mode of cure at once sim ple, certain, and effectual, by means of which etery sufferer, no matter what his condition may la*, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. J ef This Lecture should be in Ibe bands of er ery youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain enveio e, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post statn|>s. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 2E cents. Address the Publishers. CHAS J C. KLINE A CO.. 127 llowery, New York, Post-Ufliee Box 4, j 596. v7osofy. ADDRESS TO THK NIRVOL'B AND DKBTLI tatel whose rufferings have been protracted from hidden causes, an 1 whose cases require orotnpl Ireuiioeiit to reinler existence desirtble s If you ere suffering, or have suffered, from involuntary dis charges, what effect doe# it produce npo* your gen eral he illh? Do vou feel woek, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpita tion of the heart 7 Does your liver or urinary or gans, or your kidneys, trequently get out of under 7 fs jour urine #00161111163 thick, milky, or focky, of is it ropy on settling ! Of does a thick sum rise to the top ! Or is a seliment at the bottom alter it has stood awhile 7 Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia I Are your be we Is con*ti;i ted 7 Do you have pells of feinting, or rushes of blou Ito thu head ! Is your memory tinpiise 1 ! is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject, Ido you feel dull, li-tless, moping, tired of coinpauy' of life f Do you wi-h to be left alone, to get away from everybody 1 Dies any little thing tuak" you start or jump 7 Is your sleep broken or restless 7 Is the lustre of your eye us brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright 7 Do you enjoy yourself in society as well t Do you pursue your busioes with tho seme energy 7 Ito you feel as much confl dence in yourself 7 Are your spirits dull and flag" gtng, given to fits of inelancholly 7 If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you real less ni bts ! Your ba-k weak, your knees weak, and h but little appetite, and you attribute this t* dyspepsia or liver-complaint 7 Now, reader, sell-a'.use, vcneral diseases l>a By cured, and sexual excessc", are all capable of pro" ducing a weakness of ibe generative organs. Th organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those 00IJ, defi ant, energetic, persevdring, successful business men are always those whose generative orgaus are in perfect health 7 You never hear such men com plain of being melancholly. of nervousness, of palpi tation of the heart. They are never afraid they can not succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they arc always poliie and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downcast looks ",r any other m> aoness about them. I do not ma those who keep the organs inflated by running ,j excess. These will not only ruin their constitutio jj but also those they do business with or fig. How many men, from badly-cured diseases frrta the eliecls of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs thut has reduced the general system so much as to indue* almost every other form of di-easo which humanity is heir to, aud the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspocted, and have doctored tor all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Di | uretic HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU j CHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel,- 4 Dro psy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General , Debility, and all diseases of the I rinary Organs, | whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever l cause origiuating, aud no matter of how long stand i ing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or I lasantity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are I supported from these sources, and the health and ! happiness, aud that of Posterity, depends up u prompt use of a reliable remedy. Hcltnboid's Extract Buehu, established upward ; of i 8 years, prepared by II T. IIKLMUOLD, Drug gists, 594 New York, and 194 South Hth Street, Philadelphia, Pa- PRICE —1,25 per bottle, or six ! bottles for $0.50, de'ivcred to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. NONE ARK GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP in steel-engraved wrapper, with fae-simiie o{ my Chemical Warehouse, anl signed H. T. HELMBOLD. ' v7n492m. Till: AMERICAN SITTOS HI! rails IIP SEWING MACHINE CO., | In directing attention to their CELEBRATED ; COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING j MACHINE, beg leave to refer to its wonderful pop iuiatity as conclusive proof ot its great inerit- The increase in the demand fur this valuable machine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of its first year before the public. 1 This grand and surprising success is unprrcedent \ ed in the history of sewing machines, and we feel ; fully warranted in claiming that I T II A S N O EQUAL, BEINR ABSOLUTELY THE BEST P.amiijY MAcniira i IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest, It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement.) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the ' Overseaming and Button hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as, llrm | ming. Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braid ing and Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the same ti oe.) and iD addition, Overseatcs, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beautiful But ! ton and Eyelet holes in all fabrics. These machines with specimens of work and workings can be seen at TUNKHANNOCK, PA., by calling on the undersigned, agents for the safe ol them in Wyoming County. MRS. GEO. S TCTTON, MRS BEN J- NEWMAN. v7n46tf. For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOTR. ot Les'er A Co's best make KIP and CALF OWEGO BOOTS. Best make EASTERN BOOTS. A full stock of Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral, Congress, Polish Boots of Glove Kid and Goat. Also, Button Gaiters. GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BL'CKFKIN ULOYB and MITTENS. Ger.ts' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORN EH STORE, Tunkhannock, Pa.vonlltf COURT PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS, the Hon- Wrn EI.WELL. Presi dent Juuge of the Court of Common Pleas and Court of General Quarter Sessions of 'he Peace, and ibe President Justice of the Court of Oyer ami Ter ini-ier and General Jail Delivery, for the Dial ef capital and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Ju dicial District of Penn'a ; <•- Pike, and J. V Smith, Esq-s,, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Asso -iate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery of the County of Wyoming, have by their precept to me directed, ordered a GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to be heiii at Tunkhannock on Monday tho 17th day of August A. I>. 1868. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, all Justices of the Peace and Constables within the County of Wyoming, that they be and ap(iear in their proper persons at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, ex aminations rerogniian ces, and other reiucmbruDes, to do those things which to their offices iu lhat be half tespectiv ly belong. Notice is also giveu that those wto arc bound by recognisances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be tn ihe Jail of Wyoming County, that they be then and there to prosecute thctn as shall bo just M W. DoWITT, bheritl. Sheriff's Otfioe, Tank July