Local and Personal. Dont Forget the printer—Court week. Several Matters of local interest have been crowded out of this issue. They wili appear in our next. Blanks.—We keep on hand and for sale at this office, Blank notes —single, and bound in books of 50 and 100 each, summonses, subpoenaes, constables gales, collectors' letters, attachment executions, rules and iuterrogat ores for justices, sheep-dog-law blanks leases,school collector, A treasurers' bonds |-upervisors and township treasurers bonds, justices', fee bills, blanks deeds, Ac. Ac. Blanks of all kinds printed to order and in the best style, on short notice. String Hands and Orchestras will do well to call upon L. B, Powell, U5 Penn Avenue, Scranton for Instruments, Strings, Ac. He is filling a great many orders for Strings by mail. Fine Wool.—Mr. A. G Valentine of Washing ton Tp. has exhibited to us a specimen of wool clipped from an imported breed of English sheep— which is upwards of twelvo inches in length, and of a fibre as fine as the finest silk. The specimen sent us was clipped from a last year's lamb, the whole fleece of which weighed 8 lbs. Who can beat it 7 A Lively Girl.—Mr. EDITOR : Miss Lavantia •Cole, daughter of David Cole ot Meshoppen, who is only 10 years of age,spins of woolen yarn 30 knots daily—a woman's day's work —and has spun in a single day, 60 knots of good yarn, Lavantia reads the Democrat and will, no doubt, be surprised to find herself so famous a "spinster," as the publica tion of this Dote would make her. A SCB. Naturalization Papers.- -Persons in this vi cinity entitled to their final Naturalization papers , at this time, should apply at the next week's term of court—which is the last that will be held in this county, before the fall elections. Minstrelsy—A pair of Italia's itinerant, dusky sons have been making our streets vocal with the sounds ol harp, violin lIQ.I_ song, tor tho past two days. They wete liberally rewarded with pennies Mini postal currency. Rail Road .Matters.—Tho building of the em bankment or fill for the R. R which will bo re quired ou the town si te of the creek, at this place, has been let to Daniel Wright. The superstructure for toe R. R bridge at this place is framed and ready far putting up immediately on the completion of the masonry. Our friends at Falls have been giatifi.-d by the appearance, among them, of a snort ing "Ingine " They thißk it the best "lugm-show" now travelling. A Correspondent from the upper end of the county send* an article, the publication of which, ho says, will oblige the Democrats of his region, but forgets to oblige us by giving his name. Wo are always glad to receive, and if thought best, to publish original articles from our friends ; but *e wish to be assured thej are sun. Lureme Co Pa. SNEDAKER—MILLER —At Lynn. July 19th, by Rev. J. S. Lewis, Mr. Wiu II Soeltker, of Cov- ■ bittsviUe, N Y. to Miss Helens. A. Miller, of Hancock. N'. Y. INGIIAM--VOSE—At the residence yd the brile g mi her. in Forkston. July 21, by Rev. J. S. Lew is, Mr. S. D, lnghaui ot Mehoopauy, to Miss Eliz abeth Vose. BUNNELL-BARLOW—In Wyalusing, Aug. 19. I by Rev. G. W Jackson. N cholas S Bunnell aud ! Miss S. Barlow, both of Meshoppen. CAPWELE—ABRAMS—In the same place and by the same. Lewis Capwell, of Meshoppen and Mns <£arah Abrams, of Will mot, Bradford Co. Died, KUNSMAN —ln Tunkhar.nock Township, Aug. 6ili, 1868, Mr. Duaiel Kunsman, a patriot soldier of Co. M. 49th Regt. Pa. Vol in the 31st year of his age. ItatiffS. /r Persons indebted to the estate , f of Geo. Tutton, dee'd., will j save costs by making an immediate settlement with SARA TUTTON, J HARVEY SICKLER, NOTICE. ! Is hereby given, that appli cation has been made ! to the Court of Common Pie is of Wyoming County I for the incorporation of the First Methodist Episco pal Church of Skinner's Eddy, and that unless ob jection be made and sustained, the said Court will decree the incorporation thereof at the August term, 19(i8, of said Court. E J KEENEY, Proth'y. I Tunk., July 20th, 'gß.—7n49w4. _ Medical Testimony in Favor of Upham's Fresh Meat Cure. Dr G W. Blayiles, of Jericho, Kentucky , under ! date of Aug 2(j says: "I have used up the box of Fresh Meat Cure, I purchased of you some five weeks ago, and I confess it has surpassed anything I have ever tried in consumption-" Consumptives, try "Upham's Fresh Meat Cure." If you have not I passed too far into the -valley and shadow of death,' !it will cure you. Sold by Lytnau A Wells, Tunk : bannock, and all druggists. I vBnl4w. A TREATISE ON THE HAIR, SENT FREE BV MAIL, BY THE PROPRIETORS OF Hall's Vegetable SICILIAN HAIK RENEWER, which is the best article ever known to RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR, It will prevent the Hair from falling out. i Makes the hair smooth and glossy, and does not stain the sk-n 1 II P. HALL A CO Nashau, N. 11. Proprietors- For sale by all druggists. j vBnl4w, g ELECT SCHUOL . H. E WATKINS would respectfully announce to the Public that he will open a Select School in the Union Institute. AT BRAINTRIM, On Monday, Sept. 7, 1868, to continue eleven weeks. Good board can be procured in Town at reasonable rates, or rooms can be rented to pupils cieunog to board tbcm.se.vea. Terms from $3 to $5. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, letters of administration on estate of Ehenezer Parrisb, lete of the towisbip of Monroe deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All 1 persons indebted to the said estate are requested to ! make immediate payment, and those having de— mands against the estate of the said decedent, will ujake known the same duly authenticated, without delay. JOHN F PARRIBH, 1 Administrator. Monroe, July 14, *®P- -ok?ag INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY\ in 1835. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. " | and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARK!) Br DR. C. if. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of tbe SKIN, •nit all Discuses arising from a Dis ordered Elver, Stomach, or lupumrr OF rue BLOOD. Read the following symptoms, and if you find thai your system is affsctfd by any of them, you may rsst assured that disease has commenced its attack on the most important organs of your body, and unless soon cheeked by the use of powerful remedies , a miserable life, soon terminating in death, will be the result. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Files, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust tor Food.Fulneaa or Weight in the Stomach, Bour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a LyingFosture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in w the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate disease of the liver or Digestive Organs, combined with impure blood. ©crmau Dittcrs I* entirely vegetable, and contains no li<|Uor. It is a coin pound of Fluid Ki tracts. TUt- lloots, licit,*, and Harks from which these extracts are made are gathered In Germany. All the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. These extracts are then forwarded to this country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Hitters. There Is no alcoholic substance of any kind used In compounding the Hitters, hence II Is llie only Hitters that can br used In cases where alcoholic stim ulants are not advisable, tjooflanb's ocrman Conic .f ft mmbin ttvm of all the. ingredients *f the Bitten, with PCRB Santa Cruz Rum, Orange, etc. It is used for the S'tme disease* as 'he Biltrrn, in cases where some pure alcoholic stimuli** 'I required. You will bear in mi ml that these remedies are entirely different from any others advertised far the cure of the disease* named, these bring scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of mm in S'ltne form. The TON 10 is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while its hfe-gicing, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be known a8 the greatest of all tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of rases, when the pa tient supposed he was afflicted with this teri-iiilr tliseasr, have been cured by the list- of I hesr remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual attendants upon severe rases of dyspepsia or disease of tha digest Ivr organs. Kveu 111 cases of genuine Consumption, these remedies will he found of the greatest benefit, Strengthening and invigorating. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to lloqffnntC* German Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone and rigor to the whole system, strengthen the op jirtite, cause an enjoyment of the fund, enable the stomach to digest if, purify the blood, give a good, Sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the pat*rnt from fi short-breathed, emaciated, weak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigor ous person. Weak and Delicate Children •re made strong by using the Hitters or Tonic. In tart, they are Family Medicines. They can le ad mini si end with perfect safety to a child three months old. the most delicate female, •r a man of ninety. These Remedies are tbe best Blood Purifiers ever known, and trill curt all diseases resulting from bad bland. Keep your blnnd purs; keep your Lirer in order; keep your digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi tion, by the use of these rtirti ies, and no disease trill Iver assail you. TH3 aCIIPLSSIOIT. Ladles who wish a fair skin and rood complexion, free from a yellow • h tinge aud all of her disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. The 1.1 ver In perfect order, and the hlnou pure, will result In spark- aud blooming checks. CAL'TIOS. JToofland't German Remedies are counterfeited. The genuine hare the signature, of C. M. .Jnckaon on the. frrmt of the outside wrapper of each bottle. and the mi me of the article blown in tacit bolUt. All others are counterfeit. Thousands of Irtters have been re ceived, test Ify lag to the virtue of these remedies. READ THE RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM HON. GEO. W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 16th, 1867. 7Jtnd "ITooJlan'Ts German Bitters" is not on intox icaling beverage, but is a greet tonic, useful m disor ders of th' itigestive organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and wont of nervous action in tin system. lours truly, GEO. )'. WOODWARD. FROM HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, APRII. 28th, I*9B. I consider " Iloofla IMI'M German Hit ters" a valuable turil ici ae In case of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience Oflt. Yours, with respect, JAJIKS THOMPSON. From REV. JOSEPH 11. KENNARD, D.D, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. I)R. JACKSON — PEAR SIR :— I hove been frequently re quested to connect my name with recommendations of different kiwi* of mertirines, bat regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 have in all rases 'le ctins, t ; hut with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Jtr. Jfoq/tamCs German Hitlers, lilejiart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is * safe and valuable preparation, hi some cases it may fail; tint usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the abort causes. l'ours, very respectfully, J. 11. KENNARD, Eighth, below Coates St. Price of the Bitters, *l.OO per bottle; Or, a half dozen for 85.00. Price of the Tonic, 81.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7.50. The Tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. llnoflantfs German Remedies that are so universally used and so highly recommend ed ; and do not allow the. Druggist to induce you to take any thing else that he may say is just as yowl, be cause he makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies will be sent by express to any locality op"71 application to Hit PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Pormerly C. M. JACKSON A CO. These Ileinedles are for sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, aud Medi cine Defers everywhere. Do not forget to examine well the article y.ni buy, in trder to get tlie genuine XN Til E DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylva nia. William L. BarJwell, a bankrupt onfler tha Act of Congress of March 21, 1867, having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under snid Act, by order of the Court, no tice is hereby given, to all persons wl o have proved their debts and other persons interested, to appear on the 26th day of August, I8(;8, at 9 o'clock A. M. before E Overton Jr. Esq., Register at his office in Towanda, Pa., to show causo, if any they have, why a discharge should not he granted to the snid bank rupt- And furth- r, notice is hereby given, that the Second and thitd meetings of Creditors o r the said Bankrupt, required by the z7th and 2?th sections of said act, will be ha f before tbe said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS. vBl2tr. Uejk of aid OffJxt. Buck & Sterling ROOM Over Sherman & Lathrop's Store, next door to Wall's Hotel, TUNKHANIvOCK, PA. PLAIN COITAGE SI'ITS, MARBLE COTTAGE SUITS, WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR CLOTH, PARLOR IN VELVET PLUSH, SIDEBOARDS, WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, EXTENSION TABLES, MATRESSES, and a large variety of low-priced Furniture, at tho 1 .west cash rates. DUCK A STERLING. v"n47tf. SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of sundry write of Fieri Farias to tne di rected there will be expose I to publie sale at the C urt House in Tunkhanock, Wyoming Co., Pa ON SATURDAY, AUG- 15/68, at 1 o'clock 1' M. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate and 1> ing in the township of Falls, Wyoming O .utity, Penn'a, bounded an t described as f.dlows, to wit : On tho North by land of Wakeman Taylor, East by land of Alfred Fitch, South by lan I of Spencer Fitch, West by land ol Daniel Loe and Na thaniel Fitch, containing about one hundred acres of land more or lest, about ninety acre 3 thereof im p-oved with one frame Dwelling House, one frame D irn. one Shed, one Hog House, a small apple or chard, and some other fruit trees thereon with the appurtenances. Also, One other piece, parcel, or tract of land, sit late and being iti the township of Falls, Wyo iu og County Penn'a, bounded and described as fol lows: North by land of Jackson Vantylo, lately so d to Selah OJell, East by land of Perry Sickler. South by lands of Eudora Sickler, and West by land of Le i Townsen I, coutaiuing about fifteen acres of lan 1 the same more or less, all improved, with three frame Houses, two Barns, one Saw Mill, one Lath and Shingle Mill, thereon, with the appurtanances Seized an I taken in execution at the suit of Aaron Brown, use of Harrison Sickler, now assigned to F. 0 Ross, vs Philo Sherwood. And will be sold for cash only, by M \Y. DeWITT. Sheriff's Office. ) Tunk* July 2(j 68 $ SHERIFF'S SALE- B\" virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me di rected there will be exposed to public sale at the.Court House in Tuukhannoek, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, ON SATURDAY, AUn. 13 '6B, at 1 o'clock P M. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in an lto that cert iin piece, parcel or tract of land, sit uat! and bieng in the Township ot Meshoppen, Wy oming County, l'enn'a, bounded and described as fol.ows, to wit: Beginning at a corner on the line of lands formerly belonging to Hollenbaek Overfishl A Co ,on the East aide of the Meshoppen Creek, an l running thence South seventy two degrees, H l at twenty six perches to a corner, thence South fifty degrees, East twelve perches to a corner, thence South twenty two degrees, East fourteen and a half perches to a corner, to the public highway, tber.ce South Eigh y three degrees east, to intersect the line of land lite the property of Drinker dee'd, hence by and with the sai l Drinker's line, Nort|j to the corner of lands formerly belonging to An,on Stoker, thence down the Mesboppen Creek, by and with the line of said Stoeker, North sixty degrees, West fifty six perches, thence North seventy two degress West twenty nine perches to a corner, thence North two degrees East across the Meshoppen t rei k and along the line of sai l Hollenbaek Overfield A Co. to the place of beginning, containing thirteen acres of land more or less, all improved, with one Dwelling House, one saw mill, a small shed anil some ftuil trees thereon and Road privileges to and from said saw mill with the appurtenances Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. Hankinson, assigned to Wm. B. Overfield vs. Ira J. Sturdevant. Aud will be sold for c.ih only by M. W. DeWITT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ? Tuuk. July 2g. 63. J SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed there will be exposed to Public Sn e at the Court House, in Tunkbannock, Wyoming C. Pennsylvania. SATURDAY,• AUG. 15th, '6B, 3t 1 o'clock P. M , All the right, title and interest of the Defendant in and to that certain, piece, parcel or tract of land, !uate and being in the Township of Nicholson, W.oming County, Penn'a, bound'd and described, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner in centre ot Road leading from Piercevtlle to Ntven, near the barn of the Picrc ville Hotel, thence Northerly along said Road about one hundred and tbrce yards, and along a line of land of Elijah Ball, to a corner iu centre ot said road, thetice easterly along the same to a corner in centre of Monroe Creek, about twenty seven yards thetice down the centre of said brook about ooe hundred and three yards to a cor ner, thence Westerly along line of land of Euck about nineteen yards to place of beginning, contain ing about 2370 square yards more or less, with a small frame dwelling house th rcon, all improved tog'ther with a quantity of squared an l sawed tim ber, framed for a building on said lot inctudin • five bents with rafters, braces, joists Ac. wuh a lot of hemlock boards. . Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Perry Oakly vs. New York A Pennsylvania Gold and Sil ver Mining Company, And jvill be sold fur cash only, by M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tuuk., July 251,1868, SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to mc directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkbannock, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, SATURDAY, AUG. IS, '6B, AT I o'clock P. M. Aft the right,title and interest of df ft. in that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate and being in the township of Monroe, Wyoming County, Pa. bounded and described as follows, to wit : on ttie Not th by lands of Barnes on the East by land of Valentine Slife, on the .South and West by land of Chester Brown, containing about 25 acres more or less about 10 acres improved, with one small dwell ing bouse, stable and some fruit trees thereon with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of P. N, Foster vs. C D. Reamer. And will be sold for cash only, by Si, W. DeWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tuuk. July 26, '6B $ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Nelson C. Martin Jt-nkrupt To whom it may concern : The undersigned here by gives notiee of his appointment as Assignee of Nelson C Martin, of Tunkhannock, in the county, of Wyoming and state of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said Dis trict. Dated Towanda the 4th day of August, A. D. JOHN N CALIFF, Assignee. 1 y3n23w. fftfa PtowtWfmtßtjf. FI-'.M AI,K COLliECSE—Bordentown. N. J. PLEASANTLY located on the Delaware river, 2 3 4 hours ride imui New York an ! 1 1-4 from Philadelphia, The very best educational advan tages furnished in connection with a pleasant home. Fall terui begins Sept. 15lh. For Catalogues, ad dress Rev. JOHN H BRAKKLEY, A M„ Pres't. Agents Wanted FOR the Standard and Official Elves of SEY MOUR and Hf.AIR. A book for every library and a work of present interest and perma nent value. No Democrat or Conservative can be wilhout it. or have a just un lers'aiuling of the issues before the country without reading it. Agents are everywhere finding it the beat opportunity to make money ever offered. Send for circulars and see our liberal terms and a full dcsciiption of the work, Ad dress UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome street. New York. * Agents Wanted F'OR the Standard and OtR tal I.IFE of HON. SCHUYLER COI.F4X. Indispensable to a jut understanding of rbe political issues of the lay and endorsed bv the leaders of the Republican party. The claims of this statesman to the grati tude of the nation are so clear y set forth in this volume that none of his admirers can be without a copy. Send for circulars and seo our liberal terms, aud a lull description of this great work Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., No. 411 Broome St., New York. AGIiNTS WANTED FOB "THE BLUE-COATS, And hov they fared, Fought and THed for the Union, xcith Scenes atul Incidents tn the Great Rebellion " It contains over 100 fine Engraving-' and 500 pages, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only -52,50 per copy. Send for circulars and see our terms, and full description of the work Address JONES BROTHERS ACO . Philadelphia, l'a.; Cincinnati, Ohio ; Chicago, 111 ; or St. Louts, Mo, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TIIK IKIIT Mil IF TIE lE," An octavo volume of 610 pages, containing d7 newly written Sketches, hy Messrs. Parton, GTeelev, llig ginson, Tilton, Winter, Abbot, Prof. Heppin. .Mrs E C. Stanton, Fanny Fern, (Lace Greenwood, etc Illustrated with Id beautiful steel engravings The New York Tribune, says : —"So thoroughly have the publishers done their work th it their vol ume in paper, typo, binding, engravings, strove all IN TilF. t-.XCKLI.KNCK OK ITS Sit JKCT MATTKB, goes far t • remove the reproach urged against subscrip tion hooks—'only made to sell.' ' For descriptive circulars. Ae., address, X, !H. lIETTS J6 GO.. Hartford, Conn. STAR AGRICULTURAL WORKS 'PHK AI.HANY COTTON MAM;- L FACIUKING CO.. Albany, N. Y, Manu facturers of Gknkhai. Aori ci.ti ual Machixkkv, Comprising the celebrated "Star lhrcshiug .VI i chines ; "Btar" Railway (or Endless Chain) and Lever Horse Powers ; "Star" Cotton Gins and Con dctsers ; Circular Cross-cut Siwinills; Vegetable Cutters ; Horse Hay Forks ; Corn an I Feed Mills ; Power Corn Sheliers ; Dog Powers, Jtc., Ac , Wc wish to call the particular attention of Far mers to our celebrated "STAR" THRESHING a.ni> CLEANER, which, as lately improve I, wo claim it far superior to any other machine now in market. — It is compact and easily portable, simple in its con struction, anil therefore easy to operate by the uo.st inexperienced, and will do its work with marvellous rapidity and perfection, and with comparatively the least demand upon tho strength of the animals driv ing it We have made recent improverants in this ma chine by which wc are enabled to thoroughly clean the grain under almost any combination of difli- ul ties, and we are now using an entirely new and ef fective device for relieving the feeder ot dust, thus making the operation ol threshing as comfortable and safe as with the ordinary machines it is annoy ing and frequently destructive of health. These machines are made of suitable sizes for cur ••Star" Railway 2 Horse Power aud fur our "Star" Lever Powers for 4 and 6 horses For sale by our agents and dealers generally. For fuß particulars, send tor our Illustrated De scriptive Circular and Price List, Correspondents will please address The* Albany Co*ton Clin .Manufacturing Co., P. 0 Drawer 162, Albany, N. Y. Circular, Mill, Mulay, Gang & Cross Cut 3 A W S. Every Saw that leaves our Factory is Oil Temp ered and Patent Ground, perfectly true and even, ant made of uniform temper by our patent temper ing process. -A. 2C 2H3 St Common shape, as good as the best. The RED JACKET (Oolburn'g Patent) AXE cannot be ex celled. We guarantee they' will cut 25 per cent, more than common Axes, with less labor to the chopi>er. Send for circular and prices to I.IPPINC'OTT As BAKRWEIiI., Pittsburgh. Pa., Sole Man fact'rs For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. WE HAVE COME With great inducements to agents to co-ope late with us in our : Gtrand SNE COLLAR Ve V ' "V- Shcetings frc -of Cost to ottr Agents. Hatches free nt Cost to our Agents. Srw ing Machines f' ee ot rot to Agents, l,ea hr Goods tree of Cost to Agents. I Alien Goods free of Cost to our Agents. Si ks and Shawls free of cost to Agents, Hoots and Shoes frre of cost to Agents. Good-free of cost to our Agents. GTEAT DOLLAR BARGAINS FUR GUR CUSTOMERS. Sen i for oureir-u'ar Agents >nte,i everywhere Address HARRIS & PLUMMEB. 34 llanovcr Street, Boston, Mass. LAVVRENCEVILLE Female Seminary, lawrencevllle, new jersey rrtilK NEXT SESSION will commence on Sept. 1 10th. Send for Circular- C W. NASSAU, Principal A FIRST CLASS MSG SCHO3L FGIYQGIG LIDIES. ]X CONNECTION with the STATE KORMAL 1 SCHOOL, Trenton, New Jersey. lotnl char ges, including board, tuition, and Books, 8225 a year. Eur circular with full particulars, apply to JOHN S. lIAKT, Principal. NOTICE. All porsons indebted to me, by not e, judgment, or boo I; account, are requested to make payments im mediately and save cost. DANIEL WRIGHT. Tunk , May 13, ie 6 9.-n4O. 3000 Yds. DELAINES for 15 da. per yard, at C.DEI KICKS, ,5000 Yards Best Prints, for eta P®* f a oli LUffco abbfi'tisfinents- WE ARE ON HAND, And will sell more fdr the money than any ||ollar D onccrn in the s a Our inducements for forming Clubs are more than double that oi any establishment in the country. For the ptoof of this .insertion please examine our Terms to Agen's, which are as follows J-gT Read careluily and compare with the terms for getting up clubs, as advertised oy other estab | lishinents. _ Any person sending ns tw iDollars, I can receive for tlie same a selection from 'he follow ing articles :-Two(not onr)so picture Morocco Al bums. 2 p iirs(not one pairjof Congress boots, '2 piece.-(not one pieeeVif Pants Pattern. -2(not one)s bottle Revolving Castors, 2(uot one)worsted Break fist Shawls, oi any two articles(not one article)from ; our exchange list. We trill alto send 20 printed notices of articles for stale atone dollar each- Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the same a selection from the follow ing articles 15 yds. Do Line, I white Marseilles Quilt, 2(not on--) 100 view Turkey Morocco Albums, 20 yds Sheeting, Wool Square Ahawl. 2 *cts(not one) O lid Bosom Stuos, 2(not onelllair Guard Chains, with Uold plate I trimmings. (The trimmings ot these chains are advertised by other concerns as GOLD, which is a deception, as tliey are all of thein gold plated) 2(tiot (ine)silver plated, chased Butler Dimes. 2(uot unejsilver plated 5 bottle Revolving Castors, 2(not otio)Worsted pjomenade Shawls, 2 (not one set) Steel Bladei Knives and Forks, 3(not oiic)!adies' log gold plated Chains, 3(oot noe)!adies solid Gjld Douido Riugs, 2(not orie)gcnts' heavy chased gold plated Kings. (These rings are adver tised by oth"r concerns as solid gold, which is a fraud upon the puolie.) 3)o>t onetßlaek Walnut Work Boxes or Writing Desks, 2(oot one)extra quality Balmoral skirts, 2 ets(not one) of Jewelry and Sleeve Buttons to tnntch. 2(not nne)snperior Turkey M rucco Shoppings Bags, 2 pairs(nut one) ladies' ft.ilmoral Boots. We will also send 4 0 printed notices of articles for sale at one dollar each. Any person sending Fve Dollars. )not fix dullarsjcau receive fur the same a selection from the following articles i-A black or colored Alpacca Dress Pattern, a Poplin Dress Pattern, 1 piece or Brown or Bleached Sheeting, 1 engraved (5 bottles) silver pl ated revolving Castor. 4 yds su [ ptrfine C'assitnere. extra heavy large sited White | (luilt, 1 pair gents' Calf Boots, 4 yds goo 1 Wool Frocking. 2(mat one)best quality Balmoral Skirts.an eight lay Clock, ma le by Seth Tbotn is, 4 yds double width Cloth for U lies' Sacks or children's wear, a silver plated CaKe or Card Basket, Pur Muff j or I ape, Wool Long Sh,.wl. splendid clasp Family Bible, 4 yds (not three yards)double width water proop cloaking, 2 sets each(not tne set each)fvory llan Ue Knives, with Silver plated Forks, 1 set of Lace Curtains. We will also send 5O printed notices of articles for sale at one dollar each Any person sending Ten Dollars, can receive for iha same a selection from the follow ing articles 7 yds.(not four yds.)Jouble width Cloth for Cloaking or Coatihg, 3(n >t twojßlearbed Linen Table Cloths, wilh 2 dor (not one dox.) Linen Damask Napkins, 30 yds (not 25 yds ) Hemp Car petting, 13 vards extra quality black or colored Al pntici Dre.-s"Patters, 14 yards extra quality. Poplin Dress Patterns, Silver Hunting Case Watch, new (not second handed) 2 doxtnot one do7.(ivory handled steel bladed Knives and Forks, 1 pr superior Wool Blankets, nice Fur Muff and Cape, 3(not one)ilver plated engraved Ice Pitchers. 0 \d.-(not 7j yds j Wool Cassimere Tor suit, 2 dor. (not one dox (Rogers' best silver plated Forks, Common >ense Sewing Ma chme(tbe real article, not a base imitation as used by other concerns) 4(not two) Hooey Comb yuilts, 2 (not one (splendid cla.-p Family Bibles. Tl'e I till also send printed notices for 1-0 arti cles for sale at one dollar tach. For larger clubs the value increases iu the same ratio. Our stock of goods is all new and in good order.- The quantity of the Hoods is all Better than those used oy any other concert in the country. We are of the opinion th it. after reading the above a Iver tiseim-nt, some pirtivsjwiii come to tho conclusion that they have bei n severely swinlled by sjtne of the bogus rtift concerns in tins city We canno offer to the person sending 11s the larg est am-iuut of money for a month, a Gift of money or Watches, as that is a violation of the Low again-* Lotteries ; but in addition to the above liberal terms, we will -ell to any one who intty sen t 11- 510, eleven articles from our exchange list, all to bo sent in one order ; and for S2O wo will send twenty-two articles from our exchange list, all to be sent in one order. Money sent by Registered Letters or by a Postal M-ney Order, or Dratt at our risk. Catalogues sent to any at 1 dress. P. S Agents will please notify us what firms have ng nts in their town or city, and they will receive our most sincere thanks THOMAS L. FEN NO & CO. Nos. 52 & 54 Elm Street, Boston, Mass. TOW ANDA AGRICULTURAL WORKS. TO WAX DA, PENN'A., MANTFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES, BENT STUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TURNING IX ALL ITS BRAXCHES. SCROLL SAWING PLANING ETC .ETC. To Dealers in nuns, SPOKES $ BENT STUFF, We offer a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLECT. The above arc from the best SECOXD GROWTH HICKORY A OAK, I.IGHr AND HEAVY W AGONS ON HAND. We have the Broad and Narrow Cluage. J 5?" MILL PICKS made and dressed. W. T. BISHOP, Superintendent. M, C. MEItCCR, Ptrsidrnt. \Bnlly Towanla, July 2 18f,8. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, letters tes'nmcntary on the estate of Alfred Hioe, late of Tunkhannock. deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to the said esta e are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, will make known the same without delay, to CIIAS. W. HINE, Ex'r. Tuuk., July 14, 'gS--n43. Manhood : llow Lost, How Restored. mfWTrtmi published, a new elitionof l>r, £t