CURRENT NEWS. A marriage was solemnized in Hartford nearly two years ago, which has been kept a secret from the friends of the parties to the present lime. The parties are now applying to be divorced. A man bathing in the Tallahatche mer, Florida, a few days since, struck a small box on the bottom. Being fihed up and opened U was found to contain 87,080 in gold, and 84,000 in Confederate scrip. There has been a grett fire in the woods on the Rocky mountains. The heat was perceptible a mile and a hal f from the fiames > and at a distance of half a mile was so great aa to be unendurable. Prince Napoleon employs six cooks and spends §20,000 a year on his table. John Dupree, negro, of Georgia, is tired of the carpet*baggers and advises his brethren to rote with the Democrats hereafter. lie alludes to the false promises of the bngeen. and asks his colored friends, "Have you got jour mule ? I ain't got mine, yet ; and they told us right here in Irwintown they was go iDg to give us one. Have you got your forty acres of land ? Hate you got your I,l*oo iD greenbacks 1 Echo answers whar's your mule, instead of here's your mule." '"Not a man but was a Democrat that went into rebellion," says the Albany Evening Journal. True for once. About 500,000 Democrats ' went into" the rebellion so suc cessfully as to eud it in five years, which they would have dona in two but fur the Radical botch work at Wa>hington. And they are "going into" the Radical rebels with equal rim now. Whittemore, a New York carpet-bagger Congressman from South Carolina, is charged with having persuaded all the negroes in bis district that their marriages were illegal be cause the proclamation of Lincoln set all the negroes free from matrimony as well as sla very. Then, it is said, he married them over ■aga'n as a magistrate for trooly loil fees. Col. C. C. Gardiner, United States Asses sor for the Twenty-seventh District in this State, has written a letter to Major General Henry W. Slocurn, of Brooklyn, announcing that hereafter he will support Seymour and Blair, because he is convinced that only a change of rulers can remove the evil of Con gressional despotism, a divided Union, a worthless currency, unequal taxation, com mercial paralysis and citizen liberty. 101, Gardiner and Sen. Slocum were soldiers in the same regiment iD the early part of the war and they fight together now again. Tennessee is reconstructed. Tennessee is bankrupt. Cant meet her July interest. And wanis troops. can't be carried for Grant without 'em. Let us have peace. Gov, Buell, the man who saved Grant and his shattered army from an inglorious defeat at Shiloh, expresses himself greatly pleaded with the Dominations made by the Democrat ic Convention, and predicts for the ticket a glorious victory. Grant is said to be quite disgusted with his new party friends. lie has discovered that being a candidate for President dors not compensate one for even a little time wasted with his new bed-fellows. He has been reading over the Chicago platform, and is unable to ascertain what it means. He says the "goll durned thing' "reads as well one end up as the other- Washburn ex plained it to him, but he has forgotten the points. Ten million dollars, it Is estimated, is re quired to pay the Tennessee militia. "Let us have peace," says Grant. GRANT, ANDREW JACKSON. "I shall have no "That man deserves policy of my own." to be a slave, who wo'd vote for a num candidate when his liberties aieat stake." The radicals in convention, on Saturday,to nominate a judge for the Greenfield District in Ohio, broke up in a regular riot. Let us have peace. Kentucky gives a Democratic majority of over 90,000. Let us have peace. Only one member of Lincoln's original cabinet is now acting with tbe radicals, and that one is the notorious corruplionist,Simom Cameron. Grant kissed a baby at Council Bluffs, The baby has been sick ever since. Senator Ileodricks will stump Indianna for Seymour and Blair. Colored Democratic barbecues and mass meetings are popular in all the Southern States. We have heard so much of Grant's fine horsemanship as to almost regret that such a fine circus-iider should have been spoiled by placing him in the army. A radical exchange says : "The Republi cans will be in TRANSPORTS, after tbe No vember election." Of courae, they wilt— gor iDg up Salt river. An indignant female cowhided a Radical ex-minister and editor at Tyrone, a few days ago, for playing "Paul Pry" and embarking in the Police Gazelle business. The (ellow received a severe and well-merited castiga tion. The Radicals are greatly disturbed be cause Gov. Seymour has none of his wealth in Government bonds. He has chosen to in vest it in property that paysYaxes. A boy eight years old having been told that a reptile is an animal that creeps and being asked to name one, replied, Aunt Mar tha's baby. The N. Y. Day Book gives the mongrels to understand that the next President shall be elected by white votes exclusively. It says, it is well for the bummer party to un derstand now, that no presidential candidates elected by a majority sustained solely by Digger votes, will be held as constitutional. The democracy mean that the republic shall continue to be "a white roan's government." 'Rah for Cant and GrabtaX. Sjcgemotnti HARVEY SICKL.ER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. ~ Wednesday, Aug. 12, 1868. FOR PRESIDENT, HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR. OF NEW YOKK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT^ GEN. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, OF_ MISSOURI. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. Auditor General, CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette. Surveyor General, Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia Telegraphic report received this morning, announces the death of Thad. Stevens, yesterday. Read Horatio Seymour's splendid letter in this paper. It is the very sublimity of consis tency for the party which argues that a National debt is a National blessing, to keep on increasing the "blessing" by pec ulations frauds and plunder. 'liah for the " Bureau " ! 'Rah fot Mercur's " Claim Agency " ! Impudence. The impudent assumption of the radicals is manifested in their congratulations of the country, on the "assured success" of their reconstruction schemes, at the same time demand that the niggers be supplied with aims for the purpose of keeping down the white men in the southern half of the States. W hat impudence in the party that has made the country bankrupt by its extrav agance and stealings, to declare for re trenchment and reform in expenditures. Ilow impudent to claim that the war was carried on for the Union, and for three years refused to acknowledge a union ex cept with sneaking carpet-baggers and niggers. ilow impudent to claim to be the party of "great moral ideas " and following the lead of spoon thieves, woman hangers and irreligious libertines. What impudence to claim to be a party of temperence, and place at the head of their ticket a notorious inerbriatc. What impudence to declare for impar tial sufirage, and bayonet from the polls all the intelligent white men in ten States. A Crowning Outrage. One of the last acts of the Radicals in Congre=s was to pass a bill punishing with fine and imprisonment any one who offers to vote or act as Election officers at the coming Presidential election in Mississippi Virginia or Texas : Mr. Lawrence, (Disun. 0.,) offered an amendment MAKING IT A PENAL OFFENCE, PUNISHABLE WITH FINE AND IMPRISONMENT, FOR ANY PERSON IN THE SAID STATES TO VOTE OR ACT AS AN OFFICER OF ELECTION IN THE ENSUING PRESIDENTIAL ELEC TION, and making it the duty of the President to prohibit such a thing. This amendment was adopted yeas, 112. nays 27, a strict party vote. Every Rad ical present and voting, recorded his name in favor of this infamous proposi tion. Can history point to a more high hand ed scheme of usurpation ? They disfranchise the whites. Ann the niggers. Exclude the States supposed to give Democratic majorities. And declare it a penal offence in three States to vote at the ljjesidential elcct tion. This is the Congress that the people are called upon to endorse.— Jrffersonian. Our opponents, in the desperation of their cause, are shirking the issue of the present and endeavoring to revive those of the past. But even in this line of strat egy they do their work bung ingly—for they do not argue, they abuse. They are bringing into use again stereotyped but (as every decent citizen will say) "played out " epithets of "copperhead,' "rebel," and the like which they apply to every one who docs not subscribe unreservedly to the creed of Radicalism. Not only is the great Democratic party the object of these expletives, but also such men as Judge Chase, Scnatof Doolittle, General Ewing, and other Republicans who can not, as friendn of their country, hesitate to express their disgust at Radicalism. The word "loyal "is also becoming quite pat again in Radical sheets, and the public are being nauseated with the constant bragging of the Radicals being tbe only "patriots" in the country It reminds us of men we have seen who, while dispara ing the integrity of everybody else, are constantly boasting of their own honesty— when they are, in truth, the greatest scoundrels in the community. Such characters are better watched than confi ded in ; and we would apply the advier to their copyists, the Radical.— Bradford. | Argun. LETTER OF HON. HORATIO SEY MOUR ACCEPTING THE DEMO CRATIC NOMINATION FOR THE PRESIDENCY. UTICA, August 4. GENTLEMEN : When, in the city of New York on the 11th of July, in the presence of a vast multitude, on behalf of the Na tional Democratic Convention, you tender ed to me its unamimous nomination as its candidate for the office of President of the United States, I stated I had no words "a5(j (f) Tennessee State Bonds 16,900 00 VV isconsin State Bonds 12 000 GJ ! Virginia State Bonds 17 4fB ctt I National Bank Stocks 3fiblB9 50 Canada Bank Stocks 34'373 75 1 Loans on Collateral and en Call 23,814 50 | Cash on hand and In Banks 66 014 55 [ Cash in hands of Agents 230 108 36 Interest Accrued 37 4,.^ Bills receivable 41 370 75 Premiums unpaid at home and branch „ offices- 100,541 eO Rents accrued 2 302 (x) Salvages on Fire and Inland L >asea Un determined 51,451 44 Other property owned by the Company.. 25.771 88 #1,619,07 oil LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment -3fi5,550 41 Statement of Premiums received and Losses paid during each year since the organization of the Company : Premiums received. Losses nai I IS6O 37,887 30 20 787 20 186 87.230 00 46.190 (h 186 168,289 1 9 92.130 1863 256,973 55 160.138 80 1861 470.473 7 3 275.49S 01 1 h 65 773,815 68 451,294 9 1366 1,477,231 23 1,122.96880 18g7 1,950,025 01 1,137,935 41 Stock owned by the Directors. January 1, 13g7 $231700 January 1, 18g3 27U,buO I) R SATTERLEE, President, DANIEL TROWBRIDGE, CHARLES WILSON. SAMUEL L. TALCOT, Y'ice-Presidents. WM. S. OOOPELL S rctary. Special attention paid to perpetual policies. J). G. BLACK, Agent, Nicboslon, Pa. I>. AC. J. Wright, Agents, Tunkbannock, Pa QLOTHING STORE AND jjjcnfe' Jurnfeliimj {ljootfc. J J 11. BAKU AM & CO. Announce to the public that they have reccn'ly fit ted up an I removed their Clothing Store to the Store House of C. P. -Miller, Tu nkh an nock, Pa. Their stock coprises every description of MENS' Affl BOYS' CIME such as DUBSS CO A IS, COATS, O T£HCCA IS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, BRA WERS, BOOTS, HATS j CAPS, Seclc-ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Hdndktrch itfi COLLARS, UMBRELLAS, &C„ and in fact everything in the Clothing or Furnishing line at Trie PV T C\T TOP TOV v j VJbJciA Ja'J \V X IIAUUD. In addition to the above we have an elegant as sortment of ; Clothes, Cassimereand Vesting. Clothing male to order at the shortest n>- tiee Call and see, before purchasing elsewhere an I !j SECURE GOGS GO JDS ANI> FAirt PIIICE3. I li. BARIUM f CO. Tunk , Aug. s,'gS.--vSal-tf. jjjggt SCOTT'S Popular Remedies, Prepared from Grm. Ilsaaa ail Roots, and never fails when used is time. j fC 3, T't i tnSllf \arii i idggEj SANATIVE CERATE, .—cr~. —z\ For Burns, Sushis os Scald Cri-i. ' Frosted Feet, Wounds. Ir'-rrcl L-njd Eyes, Chapped hands. Old l:cc:J, Indolent Tumors. Pi lea. Sore N p- pies,Caked Breasts,Bruises,Spruit* Corns, 4c. *r>y 00S Cholera Curale, "j For pTsenteFv. Choera Mornri, ;09KWf*.a Bowel Complaints, Cramp Cede. ! rti Nervous, BiilioUl and 8 Head -11 { ache, S 'ttr Sumach, I'. sjep , p - ; Nenra'p'.a, Fever and Ac.e. tc',il B- - ■ - - | and Cold Cnilis, Spotted Fevar, Ac I LU . ?:cs si | ~ ~ I Congli Syrup 4 Candy. B " 17"-1 Coughs. Colds, Difficulty or Breath" lir"""-""'! ing. Spitting of Blood. I "Miu|>- tion, and al! affections of th* Lim vs CfS-J The afflicted ran rely upon its -c |4!j ae much or more at,.*' ° : cr ■ 9SI remedy, in soothing the nerves, is* cilitati'ng expectoration, snd jfjpesii e! ing the d'aeased Lungs, tl.usef a- Fffeux - , *raiMc.ViPp: it fn-m the cysien. A i ilaskisatiialof this P:c a-; f. * '2 0 , u ha? noeijiial, r.nd neve: fa MOMATtCt9. . entire eatirfacticn to aU wto j- ' ; use it. REPIEDIFS. ; L.-gr.f. :_rr 1 ecrtain cure for Chronic and. —* ' flsmmatorv Rliemnutism- L o-'t* t * tirelv Tree "from all poisonous svh- Etkt.i-cs; it Is not injurious to L K awaaatsrihealth; it cleanses the syslen: ' H purifies the Blood: ■ direase. To be used with the h-f- ■ fy? malic Ointment Fulldireitf ma. B company each bottle and box- ® CLCOD PURIFIER- I . '&■■& i This remedy is a certain Cure S . ali diseases of the Blood; it I ■ • the 1 ystcm, and tl . * " only rational way, to'c ' _ K emWS F-SIFIE# disease, and effect a thorough c- S The above Medicines hsrc he- ■ : prepared for the last S3 years." • B ' - ~ •, have given entire satisfai'tion i■ l B : caes, where the directions h" j • been observed. BCOTT ' For sale by Lvmnn 1 Wells, , I noek, Pa. ■ NOTICE. 1 Notice is hereby given, thut a bay m<- i eight or ten years old, came to the preia'- , H subscriber in tlie Township of Eaton, >u the 1 ■ of August 1968 The owner is hereby n prove projierty and pay charges, othrrwi e, " I mare will be sold as the law direct'. ~ I CHANCY KOBE.N-H li - ■ Baton, Aug, 10 IS6S n2 S