Jfarnt Gav^nt&fiifriint,! Farmers, and Agricultural men generally are requested to contribute to this Department, as it is from their experience that we hope to gain some thing of interest for our readers. IMPORTANCE OF BULK IN FEED. Although the presence of a sufficient quan fity of nutritive matters in the feed naturally the most fufidimenta! matter of consideration, its bulk is scarcely less important. The function of digestion requires that the feed gfiall properly fill the stomach ; and howev er large the supply of nutritive matters may be, tbeir effect is imperfectly brought about if the feed be too small in bulk ; and it ao dually becomes more valuable if diluted with woody fibre, or some other inert substance On the other hand, if feed be too bulky, the sense of repletion causes tbe animal to cease eating long before it has obtained a sufficient supply of nutritive matter. It is most ne cessary, therefore, to study the bulk of the feed and to consider how to fix the different substances in such a manner as to adjust the proportions of the nutritive matter to their bulk. If we examine the nature of the mix feeds most vogue among feeders, it will most generally be found that every bulky feed is combined with another of opposite proper ties. llence, turnips, the most bulky of all kinds of feed, are used along with oil cake or bean meal, and if from circumstances it be comes necessary to replace a large amount of turnips by tbe latter substance, the deficient bulk must be replaced by bay or straw Prof. Anderson. HINTS. Rich cheese feels soft under the pressure, of the finger. That which is very strong is neither good nor healthy. To keep one that is cut, tie it up in a bag that will not admit j flies, and hang it in a cool, dry place. If mould appears on it, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Flour and meal of all kinds should be kept in a cool, dry place To select nutmegs, ptick them with a pin. If they are good, the oil will instantly spread around the puncture. Keep coffee by itself, as • its odor affects other articles. Keep tea in a close chest or canister. Oranges and lemons keep best wrapped close in a soft paper, and laid in a drawer of linen. Bread and cake should be kept in a tin box or stone jar. Soft soap should be kept in a dry place in the cellar, and should not be used till three months old. Bar soap should be cut into pieces of a convenient size,and laid where it will become dry. It is Well to keep it several weeks be* fore using, as it spends fast when it is new- Surface manure and cultivation are for grain, and in particular, for fruit—buried manure and deep culture, for vegetables. Lime and soot mixed and sown on turnips will drive off the turnip fly. Close mowing a lawn encourages tbe fine grasses and kills the coarse ores. Medium crops continually are more to be sought for than premium big crops once in a while. SAWDUST— Irs USE —The New England Farmer devotes considerable space to tbe consideration of sawdust and its uses as a fertilizer and the manner of treating it, pre paratory to its application to the land. As preliminary, it forms a soft and excellent bedding for stock, while it absorbs and re tains the larger portion of the urine which would otherwise run to waste. Besides, it forms a more cleanly bed for stock than most other kinds, and to farmers in the vi cinity of sawmills is easily attainable. Tbo' alow in decomposing, its retentiveness is such as finally to impart to the land on which it is used, increased liveliness and strength, if packed dowD closely, and occa sionally wateredfur t unc tune before being applied to tbe land. Properly prepared be fore being u-ed, it may be placed in or used as a top dressing fur meadows in the Spring, though it is probably more effective when turned under. It is economy to keep horses sharp shod. They not only do more work, bat re quire less food. If sharp, a horse works easy and fearless. If smooth, he endangers himself and rider or driver, and works in fear and with great exertion of muscle. Con sequently, ha needs more food to supply the waste. It is not good economy to Keep a horse smooth-shod in icy weather. By changing (he nail of the shoes every week, they can be kept "rough-shod" without steel corks. Mr. N Howard, of North Charles town, N. 11, writes : "A subscriber asks for a remedy for scours in calves. I send a sim ple remedy, namely : Three tablespoonfuls of ground Java coffee, put into milk or in "slops" given to a cow. This has in several instances cured the scours. Sometimes the second or third dose is required. This is my remedy and for pigs aiso, in smaller dos es, of cosrse, and it has never failed. GOOSE MANURE. —There is a great preju dice against this excellent fertilizer. It needs only to be well composted to be ex ceedingly valuable. Geese eat grass, and drink a great deal of water, but the moisture passes off chiefly through the skin and lungs and their dung is dry and strong ; hence it needs composting. A KNIFE SHARPENER It is a difficult matter to obtain a "steel" which retains its sharpening qualities fir any length of time. A common round file answers the purpose admirably. Fasten it in an old knife handle •ad it is ready for use. EST Harness is stronger and more com fortable, and last better, when kept soft and pliable with neat's-foot oil. LACK. A WESTERN R R. Winter Arrangement— 18G7-SL PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Mail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train Train. A M. P M. 9.C0 New York 1 * 5,50 11.30 New Hampton, 2.30 1148 Washington, 2.15 12 03 Oxford, 2.01 12.15 Bridgeville, 1.50 12.30 Manunk Chunk, 1.40 P. M. Dine. 100 Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 110 P. M, 1;25 Water Gap, 12.51 1.40 Stroudsburg, 12-36 151 Spraguevillo 12.24 2.02 Henryville, 12 14 2 20 Oakland. 11.56 239 Forks, 11.37 300 Tobyhanna, 11.17 3.14 Gouldsboro', 10.04 3,36 Moscow, 10.40 3.47 Dunning, 10.30 4 20Ar 1 C L 10.00 A.M. > SCRAHTON. < P. M 10.10 4-35Le J ( Ar.9 50 6.25 10.40 4-57 Clark's Summit, 928 5.55 10 53 5.05 Abington, 920 5.40 11.13 5.21 Factoryville, 904 5.21 11.43 541 Nicholson, 840 435 12.08 6.03 Hopbottom, 8.23 4.10 12 38 625 Montrose, 800 340 1.08 646 New Milford, 7*'29 3.10 i 135 705 Great Bend, 7.20 245 1 P.M. PM. AM P.M •Station toot of Liberty St COM N FACTIONS— Westward, The MORN TNG TRAIN from New York con nects at MANt'NKA CHI NK with the train lear ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 8 00 a. ui. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a m , aud at Sala manca at 5 50 a. m. The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Bend with through trains going west nnd east on Erie Railway, arrivin• at Buffalo at 12.00 mid night, aad at Salamanca at 11.55 p. m. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Philadelphia, Easton, Trenton, and in termediate stations.arriving in Philadelphia at 6.00 p. in., and at New Hampton with a train for Eus ton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harris burg, arriving at Harri.-burg at 8-30 p. m. At SCRANTON. connections are made witb trains on the Lackawunr.a and Blocmsburg Rail road, and on toe Delaware and Hulson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed below. R. A.JTBNRT. Gen. Pass A Tkt. Agent. je29tf FURNITURE ANJD CABINET WARE. STAN9BURY, lIA9S A- CO., ANNOUNCE to the public that the Furniture Rooms furtneily kept by htansbury A Hass have ; been removed to tbe Planing Mill oi D. L PFX' KII AM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SUUARE, | with whom a partnership has been formed, where, j by availing themselves of steam power, with improv [ ed machinery they are prepared to furnish every \ thing in their line, from GK. GET TO A 3VIOP UAIVDIjE, At tbe Lowest Living Prices. UNDERTAKING attended to at the shortest j notice. I Upholstering and Repairing done to order. STANSBfRY, HASS A CO. Tunkhannock, March 19, 1869.tf. SOMETHING NEW IN MESHOPPEN! 31 rs. Charlie Bunnell WOULD respectfully make known to tbe citizens' of .MESHOPPFV and vicinity that she is now receiving a Urge and carefully selected assortment of MILI INERY GOODS, Consisting of BONNETTS, HATS, CAPS, SILKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LADIES' ORNAMENTS, and an endless variety of other articles bio numer ! ous to mention which are offered for sale as cheap as can 1* bought at any other establishment. ; Call and satisfy yourselves. | N. B Repairing dune in the most approved style Meshoppen, Ap'il 29, 'gS.—33m3 Insurance Agency. DANIEL WHIG JIT A NEPHEW, At 7 unkhannock, fa, Are Agent? for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies ; N America, Philadelphia, Assets, $1,763 267. Enterprise, " " 372.304. Manhattan, New York, " 1 052.128. N-American, •' " 755,037. Lorillard. " '• 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " '• 501,095. Farmers' I us. Cu., York, " 525.080 Lycoming, Muncy, " 2,800,000. Home, New York. " 3,645,388* Hartford, Hartford, " 1,788,153. Phccnix, • •' 1,103.467 Travelers, '• " 741,337* Hartford Live Stock, " 179,929. Hi me, New llaven, " 1.438,491 Cumberland Valley, " 506 000. N. Eugland Mutual, •* 5,000,000. Property of all kinds will be insured at the most reasonable rates, in any of the above companies. Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, promptly adjusted and paid. DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, j Tunk - , Pa. Sept. 16, 1867,-v7u7-tf, NEW FANCY AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MKS. K. I,EASE. HAVING lately opened a new Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TRIMMING, Dres Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepber, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, L'ce, Veil*, Corsetts, LadiesNe.-kties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thread of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of Fans, • TOYS, Including China, Broaze, Papier Maohe Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian aud Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandoline bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White, Oriental Cream, Pearl Drop, Ac. MRS. 1. LEASfI. 1 *i \imm i Utiscflhiitfiius. or can be Wells ard J. W. Rboads, Tunkhannock, Pena'a, and - 7_— - all other dealers, tbe (IR'T W" ENGLISH SWRKNY SPECIF 'Fy~ / L LC LINIMENT. This Lini ~ i U iii JII inent stands unrivalled, and is the best, cheapest, most powerful Liniment ever offered to the public, for man or horse. It has been used for uianv yeirs in Englasd, by the leading barriers, and they have had the greatest success with it of any liniment ever used for the care of horses. Those who have horses that are stteenied or lame, have swelled joints, sprains, bruises, old sores, ffesh cuts, collar galls, ipe , should try this Liaimeat and the.v will be convinced that it is superior to all other koown preparations. If it doe* aot give good satisfactitn, ret are th bottle half full, and your moaay will l refaaded. Put up in coareuient form, tad sold by all Drag gists ami Storekeepers at 50 aents a b ittle. Don't fail to call for the Great EnglieA Swney Liniment. D. O. GAREY. Middlctown, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1863-tf. A GREAT VICTORY!! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE Enemy of Man Driven to the Wall I ! THE NORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH SUGARS, TEAS, < COFFEES, FLOUR, MEAL, FEED, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CHIISE. Both Green and Dried Apples, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins. Lemons, Oranges. Figs, Sardines. Candies, Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, Spices, Salt, Soap, Segars, Pork, Lard, Bntter, Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall on or barrel ; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side or the Old Fort is fitted up for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oysters. ALSO, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cop of Hot Coffee, Sar dines, era dish of fresh Peaches. WASTED. Butter, Eggs, Game, Chickens, Ducks and Geese, at all times, for which cash will be paid on de livery, at the very highest market rates. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that the place to buy your Groceries, is in the Old Fort on tbe Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, Tunkhannock, Pa. B. M* STONE. Nov. 5, 1367—v7n14tf. JUST OPENED A full and well Selected Stock of SEGARS. SMOKING TOBACCO, CHEWING TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, NOTIONS, Ac. At TUNKHANNOCK, Pa, The undersigned takes pleasure in soliciting the inhabitants of this place and vicinity to call and ex amine his goods. SUPERIOR FACILITIES i Enable him to supply BETTER and CHEAPER ARTICLES In bis ine at WHOLESALE and RETAIL than can be booght elsewhere Call at M. R. KOHNSTAMM'3 (Crane A Lull's old stand ) Tunkhannock, May 5, 1863 tf. Fire, Life, Accident. and Live Stock GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ! MONTROSE, PA. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVERDO,OOO,OOO. I Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,s4,"oo.ooo ; Ins. Co. of N. America, Phiia. " '• 2,000,000 ' International Ins. Co-, N. Y. " ' 1,500.000 ! Hartford Fire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 2,000,000 ! Putnam " •' " " 700,000 : Enterprise " Cincinnati, 0." 1,000,000 Glens Falls " Glen's Falls, N. Y., " 400.000 Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, '• 4,000,000 Farmers' Mutual, York, " 700.000 I CONNECTICPT MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCB COMPANY. of Hartford, Ct. Capital - $16,000,000 • Notes received in payment of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is charged, and the note is never to be • paid under any circumstances—at death or maturity tbe policy will be paid in full and notes given up. Travelers' Ins. Co., of nartford Ct, Capital an>t surptds ... 700,000 nartford Live Stock In. Co., Hartford, Ct. I Capital aud Surplus, - - 500,000 ! Insurance on all kinds of Lire Stock against tbeft and death from any cause, j All Business entrusted to our care will be attended to on fair terms, and all Losses promptly adjusted 1 : W. U. Cooper A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. HILLINGS STROUD, > gjOUD A BROWN. Agents, CUAS. L. BROWN. ) ° ' M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicitoi CHAS H. SMITH, Montrose, Pa., " v7n34-tf. OVE-VET Jewelry Store!! P. C. BURN'S & PRO. LJ AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets Ene. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Tins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac. Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, FOIKS, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac., Ac. From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS and WATCIIES ,of the latest American and European Maaufaoturq^ •uulftk-m u 9\jt fjarbtaf & flrij Goohs ROSS, MILLS A GO, Corner Tioga and Warrgn Street*, TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A, Are opening a large itooka Hardware, such as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nis es, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, ! Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, llarues, Iron Pad Trees, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk AwD, and needles, Halter Chains, Trac Chains, Aic. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. A T ails and Iland-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination ot the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS Si Co. Tunk. Pa. May 2'Jth, 1867. NO WO PEN ED. nr -A-. 3E3. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHAN NOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting ot DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GO" IDS DRE>S GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OTT.S PAINTS AND OILS I PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS IIATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS IIATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, Ac , Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. Tunk. May! ft. '66—v6n3B Found IN M Ell OOP ANY, PENN'A. STOVES AND TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HAVING lately opened a Stove and Tin Store in the aliove named place, we are prepared to fur nish at the lowest possible prices. Cooking and Par lor Stoves of the best patterns for betb wood and coal; Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper snd llrars Ware of all descriptions, Lanterns, Sad Irons, Enameled Kettles and Stew Pans, Lead Pipe, Coal Hods, Hollow Ware, I Stove Polish, and all articles usually found in a [ first-class Tin store. EAVE GUTTERS and Conductors put up on short notice In the best jmssible manner. I REPAIRING of all kinds, rush as Kerosene ; Lamps, Umbrellas, Ac, Ac., neatly and promptly ex [ ecuted. HIGH prices paid for Old Copper, Brass, i Lead and Hags. Give us a call. L WHITE A KIKTHBB* ' IMOfpHjt 3U; IV fJrugs & fftebiiiius. T & E EAGLE Drug Store TUNIvUANNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN_&_W ELLS. Dr Lyman rerpectfully announces that he haa taken Dr. E H. Wells as a partner in the DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, In thei# line, at the old stand of J. W. Lyman A Co., on Tioga St. We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, Ac Ac, Ac., At rates as low as can possibly t,e afforded. N. I! —All professional calls promptly attended. Prescriptions carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J W. LYMAN, M, D. E, 11. WELLS, M. D v6u39 6m. DR. RHOADS . "It RUG AND oVuAPJRXY j|,TOR£. The largest and most complete I)ruz Store in TUXKIIANXOCK. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY !!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY i Just received and for Sale a splendid Stock of licit) (!?oote, ineluding— dbcgs, PAINTS, I VA RNIS HES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF AT.L DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, IIAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBBOSI A, , TOOTH DROPS, 11A1R * OILS, POMADES A rERFI'MERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CON FECTIONKRY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS. (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SFPPORTER3, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac,, Ac., Ae. All the Popular PATENT MEDICINES of the da.y And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a Fl ft ST C L!LSB DRUG STORE. PHYSICIANS' PRBSRCIPTtONS efully compounded at all hours of, and night. Don't forget to call at DR. IiIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37lf. Tunkhannock.Pa. Ijillingn & jphillipfs Keep on band and at all times, a full stock of DILY GOODS AND SEOGESIIiSJ Boots & Shoes, of Elmira manuf turo. " " Bing'mton " City " WOOD, I WILLOW, TIN, STONE. GLASS and CROCKERY \/%7 M Asbtonand Bbl. SALT, DRIED FRUITS, of all kinds Flour Feed, 31 eal Sc Bran. PORK, HAM and FISH, Farming Utensils, &c., &c. We take in exchange, all kinds of Grain, ai the highest market prices, Receive and forward feight of all kinds for up or down the river during the season for shipping, and will keep coal on hand, in quantities to suit purchasers, during the season ; will he found on Bridge Street, below Hufford's Hotel, the sign in large letters "Store." We have good PRINTS at 12 1-2 cts. per yard, and all other goods in proportion. Call and see us and you will be satisfied that it is not the best place to buy where there is the most blowing done. Our stock is always full, as we receive goods every day from New York, and are bound to sell as low as the lowest. BILLINGS & PHILLIPS. IVinkhannook, May 07$ ftobtoare, riTßEmii™| Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS WAKKEN STREET, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Having had a life-long experience as Foundry - meu and Machinests, and employing none but the best workmen the undersigned pledge themselves to execute all work in their line in a style not sur. passed by any s luilar establishing in the country 0 MILL GEARINGS I made and fitted np on short notice, from patterns on hind ot all sizes, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. LA.MDS, LEAD, TZDES, drc., dc. always on hand or furnished to order. C D. GEARHART, & CO. Tunkhannock, April "29th, ISR7 —v6n3Stf. Hardware and Iron. \ HUNT BROTHERS. NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, i BUILOERS' HARDWARE. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) IIFBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER ' PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ac , Ae„ ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 1 0 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS FAIiJBAK'S SALES. •wanton. March 25. 1563. vln33 j WM. MACK & SON take pleasure in informing the public that they have opened their Carriage Manufactory IN TUNKHANNOCK, And are ready to fill ORDERS. ! NONE BUT First-Class Mechanics EMPLOYED. REPAIRING done promptly and well, 1 MwrtW vmf >). THE peculiar mint or SfejjA*. j infection which wo Call SCROPI'LA lurks in the constitutions of wi jfeyi multitudes of men. It X either products or is feebled, vitiated Mate fV'5 |. <>t" the blood, wherein n, fluid becomes in wrv tcnt to sustain vital forces in their vigorous action, and the system to " fail into disorder arid decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously caused hy mercurial disease, lew living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and liitliy habits, the depressing vices, ami, above all, hy the venereal infection. Whatever he its origin, it is hereditary in the cort-titution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it ■eems to be the rod of llirn who -ays, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements wh'ch produce indi gestion, it has i: .>ele when all other re-mm:. J had f.ietl to ah.irel relief. Those eases are j uij - -cy taken from all sections of the cot. t y, in order that every reader may have u-.Cets to fi :::* one who can f] . k tol : >e < le-ruiUir.s 1. • led us to spei'.d yea: • in p< iitta.ig a rcn:c< vhith is adequate to its cure. TiJs we r.ew offer to t! e public tin;!, r i e r.ai.e of Attr/s SAKSAI".\I:IU.A, altl.l I h it !■< T< : posed cf Ingredients, some of wi -it ert d the best of SariPptrnU i i:i op- v. -r. IJy it* aid you r.iayprotoe t ye . i the suffer ing and dim .i rof iiie-e . r. i urge out t!:e foul or:: ; : t ■■ t :.r.d l-.-tcr in the Mood, put a." U. .. use -vf disease, and vigorou® he.ii'.h v . i v. l'.y its pecu liar virtues this remedy s . .ul:.tes the vital functions, and thus epos the dc tea.pen which lurk within the t" tern cr burst vuk on any part of it. We know the puMic l ave 1 ecu deceived by many compounds of > • i, eiu'-i, ti i promised much ::i d•h Int . 1u l!i*y will neither be dee-ei.td i r•. . .[• inted .a this. Its virtues 1 .vei • • • proven l-y abun dant trial, and there re no question e? its surpassing excellence for t! •• cure of the afliicting diseases it is intended t> reach. Although under the fame name, it i- a very different medicine from any oiia r v l;icU has been before tl'.e people. ; . <1 f.tr u.etc *f feetual than any other wliich has ever been i available to tliem. | CHERRY PECTORAL, j The World' 3 Gre-'t P.etnady £r Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and tor ut relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stc.gas of the dioeuse. I This lias been so long used ar.d so wvi- Iversally known, that we ru ed ;lo no c ore than assure the public that its quality U kept i up to the best it ever has been, ami that it may be relied on to do ; U it has ew done. Prepared by Os. J. ('. Avur. & Co., I'raitical aiui Aimbjltcul ( LIMUU, I.owell. Mass. ] Sold by all druggists every where. 1 For sale by Bunnell A B:i nutyre, and Lvmin | Wells, Tunkhautiork. Sterling A Son, Mesboppen ; Stevens A Ackley, Lat-cyv ille. Frear, DSAD A Uu. Factoryville. and all Druggists AUJ L)VA:'.SIS in tueJ j cines, everywhere. YOU CAN BUY YOUR BOOTS Sc SIIOIS AT i T" AQ'T'U v V TP of\ c Lri o A A .i*. ;.\ Jj i.ia j p,, IN TUNKHANNOCK, Cheaper and better than any plane (his si la Boston. None but the best workmen employed. SAVE THE EXPENSE Of a man at a largo salary, wish a hor*e to ride around and druiu for a city j .i her. by buy ing your Boots and if hoes of EASTMAN BROS., who can sell you of, every style, at wholesale or rc'ail, 35 per ceiil. Cheaper j And better than any other place. We have all of tho : lOIISI Iffi-SSVIiS MMIIIEBY. | We will have every Boot-Scam Sewed by hand, and Warrant every stitch Our Warrant Means a Xctc Pair or Money Refunded. There will also be kept in connection a CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, where particular attentiou will be paid to SEWED FRENCH CALF; and we expect to give perfect satisfaction in stock and fit or no s do. RETAIL PRICES. Men's ITemlook Kin (16 inch Legs) { Solo, - 51.0'3 Women's High Shoes, (Hand Made,) Calf, - 2,U1) Calf Boot, (Hand Sided.) .... 5,p0 Oak a quarter dollar extra Other goods in propor tion Please cal 1 and examine our goods and satisfy yourselves. No trouble to show anything in the Bout and Shoe or Gaiter line. EASTMAN RKO* ' lunknnook, April 18s -