Local and Personal. Explanation.—The date in letters and figures on the label attached to this paper, indicates the time up to which the paper has been paid for.— Kxatup' 8 —"John Smith 8 aug 68" should be read : John Smith—being a prompt payiug man—has paid for his paper up to the Bth day of August 1868. About which time he will make another advance payment for one yt*f, when the figures on the ad dress label will be changed' f, Subscribers are particularly requested to give u? immediate notice of any error or mistake in the date on the labels of their paper. A Card. The undersigned having failed in prfee ting his arrangement for the publication of a democratic n.wsp iper at Scranton, by reason of circumstances unexpected and beyond his control, has transferred the paid subscription list to the Wyoming Democrat —believing this paper one of the truest exponents of sound Democratic principles in Northern Pennsylva nia—and believing that this arrangement will prove satisfactory to ail_concerned E S. WESTCOTT. The above card explains itself. A number of per sons who are no w subscribers to our paper were on the list furnished us by Mr. Westcott; such will receive a v red it on their subscriptions to this paper by calling at our office. Mr. W projmses to continue his efforts in behalf of the Democrat, with his pen and other wise. All monies paid hiiu on subscription thereto will he promptly forwarded to us and duly acknowl edged- llreak.—The break in the canal, near McKune's, Is now repaired and water is again beiug let in to fill the levels below. The Rridge at the lower end of town is again in a fitful state of completion. Should these inter mittent spells continue we shall look for a new bridge over Swail Brook sometime during the preseot season. A Sabbath School Convention, composed of the different religious denominations of this county, convened at the M. E. Church in this place last evening. The attendance was not as large as antic ipa to J. Marriage Certificates.—We have printed and for sale Marriage Certificates. Those in need wil! find a superior article at this office. Treasurer's Sale of unseated lands for taxes, took place last week. Many of the tracts were re deemed, an! the balance were sold at very low pri ces— hut- a littie more than enough to pay the taxes. Fair,—The Methodist Society of this place will give a public dinner in connection with a fair on the 4th of July. Dinner in the basement of the new i cliur.li. Proceeds go towards furnishing the church, Tutik. June 21, 1868. All persons indebted to Bunnell & Bannatyne by note or book accout t, are requested to settle with out delay, or costs wil! be made, Office at jherrn in A Laihrop's Store. BUNNELL A BANNATYNE. C.-lebration nt Mcshnppen,—Arrangements arc being made at Me.-hoppcu to celebrate iu an ap propriate anl becoming manner the ninety-second anniversary of American Indepen ience. Dr. Brun dage and o-her speakers have been engaged to de liver orations on aeion. A dinner will be served in ih* grove, the proceeds of which are to go to the benefit of the M. 12. Church. Hand hills will shortly lie issued giving more particularly the pro gramme and order of exercises. A good time gen erally is expected and everybody is invited to at tend and cnj..y it. At work again.—Laborers are at woik again on the abutments f the Lehigh Valley 11. It. bridge at tbis place. Continued high water the past pring has prevented the resumption of work on the birdges along the line of this road until very recently. IVonns on Currant Rushes.—Tbe following recipe for killing currant worms is said to be infalli ble : '• Dissolve one pound of copperas in one gallon o r hot water; to this add four gallons cold water, stir no well and apply to the hushes with a sprink ling |Hit. It is perfectly harmless— will not hurt the bushes or fruit. Apply whenever the worms appear." ' I.lglucd by Gas.—Wall's Hotel, at this p!ace> Is niv lighted by g is, manufacture lon the prem ises from gasoline, or some of the forms of petroleum, by a recently inven'ed apparatus for th rt purjiose. The gentleman having the invention in charge, claims for it, better lights, greater security against accidents; and less expense than any of the other modes ot lighting buildings now in vogue. Certain it is, that a sp'cn lid light is afforded by this machine Railroad Accident.—A fatal railroad accident occurred on the Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Bailroad on Saturday last, in which ono man, R. E. Brown the fireman, lost his life, nl several others were bally injure 1. Tho engine and ten ler were precipi tated down a bank of some twenty-five or thirty feet, into the Lackawanna river, but, fortunately, the passenger cars were uncouple J in tune to savo them from following the engine and tender. A defective rail is sai i to be the cause of the accident, which occurred tear Taylorvitie, four or five miles from Scranton. A Pictorial Campaign Paper.—Messrs. Brat tuu A Kennedy, of the Carlisle I 'olunteei, will re sume the publication of The Caucasian, an illustra ted Democratic campaign paper, N JULY 10, ltdfitd, to contiuue until after the Presidential election. Each numl cr will be embellished with portraits of distinguished Democratic statesmen or butuoroHS cuts illustrative of tbo political history of the times This ftature inado the Caucasian a de cided success in IBCS. Terms : (cash in advan'-c) (single copies, S(J cents ; Ten copies, $4 50; Twenty ropies, 58 00; Thirty cvpie, 510 50; Fifty copies, sls 00; Oae hundred copies, S.'s CO. All clubs must be sent to one address. Orders should be Sent in at once. II on, A. 11. fMepheits-—We would say to our uniny readers, that the agent for the history of Hon A. 11. Stephens, is now canvassing this Bor ough, with success, for the time she has been engag ed iu the work. We buvo read the book and can truthfully sty that it co nes up to the standard ex pressed in the advertisement, as a liteiaay trial of the highest order It seems to be a work for every reading man, aside from his political creed; the truth of this, is attestcJ by the avidity which all parties show in their eagerness to secure the work. — The first volume is already out, anl the second will bs published next winter. Now is your time t.o sub scribe. " Onward, right onward, Into the Valley of Death, Bode the Six Hundred." But larger, by hundreds multiplied into millions, than the doomed band who rode to swilt destruction in Tennyson's p>em. is the great cavalcade of unhap py men who are rushing to untimely graves, follow ed by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia. This is all wrong, and should cease. Plantation Bitters, the great Stomachic l'ain Killer, cures Dyspepsia, Hear tburn, Headache, Vertigo, Dullness, and ail symp toms of kindred character, as if by magic. For Lan guor, I.asitole, Oreat Weakness an 1 Mental De pression, they have a most wonderful effect. Magnolia Water.—A delightful toilet article superior to Cologne and at half the price Wietar's Balaam of Wild Cherry and Gra ce's Celebrated Salce have stood the test of long ex perience, and have come into general use. These articles arc no quack nostrums, but genuine prepar ation-, skillfully compounded, and well adapted to the class of diseases for whiah they are recommend, ed. Seth W. Fowle A SOD, Boston, Mass., are the .poja-ietora. Highway Robbery,—A bold robbery waj com mitted about a mile from Lenoxville, Susquehanua. County, on the 27th day of May, about eight o clock in the morning. Mr. Sylvester Coon, having staid at my house over night, left at about seven o'clock io the morning to go to Mr. Van Et ten's. While passing through a piece of woods he was startled by a man who came out of the woods direct% to him, presented a pistol and demanded his money, and said, " I am a highwayman and you are a dead man if you do not give up your money in stantly." Mr. Coon gave him a pocket-book con taining a little more than four dollars. The robber insisted that be had thore money, and proceeded to examine his pockets. Mr. Coon seized hold of the pistol, when a severe struggle ensued and Mr. Coon was thrown upon the ground, still holding on to the pistol. He then cned murder, and was heard nearly half a mile. The robber then attempted to seize him by the throat, but being prevented he placed his foot upon his mouth, bruising the upper lip con siderably. Mr. Coon called as though he saw some one coming, telling him to hurry as fast as possible, when the robber told him if be would let him have his pistol he would leave him, which he did, and he left him. Mr. Coon describes him as being a man something over twenty years of age, of medium height, light complexion, with small hoot—about No. 6. lie is no doubt a resident of this immediate vi cinity. Mr. Coon came here a little before sunset the night previous, and inquired at a store in the presence ot several persons, if any one knew of a horse that was for sale. Some one said ho thought Mr. Van Elten might have one. The supposition doubtless was, that he bad money to purchase a horse. Mr Coon and the citizens of Lenoxviile will pay a reward of SIOO to any one who will cause the arrest and conviction of the robber.— Cor. Montrose Republican. Sidewalk Etiquette.—Ooly villagers, or per sons with rural ideus, any longer contend that ladies shall always be given the ir.side of the pavement in passiDg. The rule adopted in all cities is to turn to tho right whether the right leads to the wall or the gutter, rind an observance of this common sense rule would obviate much unpleasant crowding by over gallant gentlemen who persistently crowd for tbe outside of the walk. An ther common custom-not required even by fashionable etiquette, and one which is nearly as unexplainable and absurd as the prac tice of a whole string of men filing out of a church pew. making themselves as ridiculous as an awkward squad practicing at " catch-step," in order to give a woman the wrong end of a pew—c r that of a man when at promenade walk with a lady, to keep him self on the outside of the pavement. A little exer cise of judgment will convince any person of the ut ter useiessness of this bobbing hack and forth at ev ery corner. The common rule is this: "If a man and woman are walking together, she should al ways be at his right arm, whether it be to ward tbe insido or the outside of the walk, then the woman will not be shoved against the passers Exchange. Terrible,—On Saturday evening, the 6th inst.. an immense and savage bull broke away from bis drivers, and rushed through the streets Becoming maddened by tbe number of people in his way and when opposite the Company Store be made a furious dish at Miss Lizzie Jenkins, striking her with both his boras and leaviog ber almost lifeless. She was carried into the residence ot V"m. Davis and from thence to her home. Blood issued from ber mouth and ears and she was evidently injured internally.— Dr. Straw-bridge was called, and we learn that she is now sensible, though still in a critical condition. Tbe animal after making the assault proceeded but a little way when a number of men attacked him with bullets, axes and knive*, killing the brute, near Amcnnan's store. The carcass was at first de signed to be burnt by the crowd but was finally hauled away and buried.— Berwick Gazette. Railroads.—Among tbe numerous laws enacted by the late Legislature of this State, having refer ence to railroat} corporations, was the following in teresting to the people of this county : " Incorporating tho Wyoming Valley and Ontario railroad company, with Harvey B. Irghara, C, S, Lafferty, Win. 11. Jessup, Samuel Hoyt, Elmore ID rt-.r. and others, as incorporators. The capital is $1,000,900 to be increased if necessary, and the cor poration is to have the jiower of constructing a rail read from the State line, at or near the Apalarbian or Apolacon creek, in Susq uchanna county, thence southwardly by the valleys of the Apolacon and Wy alusing creeks to the Susquehanna river, crossing the same, and thence by tbe Mehoopnny, Bowman's and Toyby'g creeks, to tbe Wyoming Valley." Church on Fire.—The Episcopal church iu tbis place wag get on fire on Tburgday last by gparks from an engine ou tbe Lehigh Valley railroad. The fire caught in the roof anj threatened to degtroy the entire building ; but by the prompt effortg of tbe fireman irad persons in the vicinity who saw the fire and smoke at an early moment, the flames were sub dued after tearing off a portion of the roof. Tbe damage done to the building, furniture, carpets, Ac, tbe railroad company will doubtless make good.— Pillston Gazette. Died, DAY- In Tunkhannock, on the 6th inst., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Hannah Day, in the 69tb year of her age. BACON—On Sunday, the 7th of June, in Nicholson, at the old Homestead, Sarah, w'dow of the late Nathan Bacon, Esq, aged Eighty-six years and Eight months. The lifo of the deceased, like many of the first settlers in Tunkhannock Valley, might be made the subject of an obituary of many pages of interesting and exciting inridents. Like most early pioneers of a rugged and wild country, sbe suffered many hard ship? and privation? that we ol tbe present day might consider unendurable Her maiden name was Nichols. She was x daughter of Capt. Eli Nichols,wbo served through the Revolution. She wag born in Connecticut and when quite a child the family moved to Catskiil, N. Y. After residing there a few years, they moved to Windsor Broome County, at which place the wag married in 1901. Her husband renting a public bouse which he kept about three years. Then tbey purchased a place near what is now called Piercevilie, and moved there. There being no roads through this country, two dug-out log canoes were lashed togeth er wherein their family and effects were placed, anl down tbe winding Susquehannah River tbey floated, a distance of nearly 200 miles, to tbe mouth of the Tunkhannock Creek. From there up about eight miles, to the place before stated, arriving at a point less than forty miles from place of starting. A log cabin was rolled up with a fire place in one end and a large bole in the hark roof for the smoke to escape. In a short time a saw mill was erected and in opera tion. In 1812 the present Baaon property was purchased by them, where the subject of this notice lived until her death. Soon after moving here they opened a public house, so well known as the "Bacon Hotel," where sbe presided as boiteas for upwards of thirty years, giving entire satisfaction to the traveling pub lie, and her enterprising husband She was a duti ful and frugal companion, a tender and kind hearted mother, a faithful friend and erer ready to sacrifice her own comfort for the relief of the distressed. She raised a family or ten children—two aons and eight daughtors, two others died in iofanoy, besides rais ing five adopted children, one of whom is now the owner of the old homestead. Sbe never attached herself to any organised re ligious society; Sbe placed great reliance upon the merits of her Sarior. She and her husband strongly sympathising with the liberal sentiments entertain- led by Unlverxallitj. Her funeral was attended on i . Tuesday by_ a large concourse of near relatives and sympathizing friends. The services were oooducted j by the Rev. Mr. Boughton, Pastor of the Univer- | salist Society of Brooklyn. Com. Why la It that intelligent people, wishing te purchase either a piano, organ or melodeon, ptefer to deal with L, B. Powell, ot Scranton, rather than to buy of a traveling agent, or of a hse in tome ; distant city 7 The reason is, that, having a large stock always on hand, he is perfectly responsible for the warranty which he gives with each instrument, ; and if one should ever fail, (as might sometimes oc- I cur with instruments of the best makers.) there will j be no delay in changing it for a new one Mr Powell holds himself perfectly responsible for the instruments coming from his establishment, no mat ter who sells thein. sperial ftotitfS. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWKK. has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public to Restore Gray Hair to its Original Color. and create a new growth where it has fallen off from disease or natural decay. It wilt prerent the hair from falling out. Alt who use it are unanimous in awarding it the praise of being the best Hair Dressing extant. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail MAHCFS(.'TURKO ONLY BY i R. P. HALL A Co, Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. Price SI.OO SOOO Yards Best Prints, for, 12} cts per vard, at C. DETKICK'S. j WALL PAPER.—A larjje qnan- ; tity nt very low prices, at Ce DETKICK'S. ( ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman wbo suffered for years from Netvous Debility, Premature decay, and nil the effects of; youthful in- iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering j humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy | anl directions for making the simple remedy be [ which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing ' in perfect c-infi lence, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York, j v6n4o. 'LUMBER FOR SALE. HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find a full supply of SEASONED PINE LUMBER jFor Sale at Tunkhannock. This LUMBER, which was manufactured at IValt inan's Steam Saw Mill in Bradford county, is ot the best quality, and well seasoned. Boards will dress to inch. Plank to 1} and 2 1 indies in thickness. Buyers wi.-hing their lumber planed, matched, Ac., will find Planing Mills at this place to do the j work. For particulars consult E.J. KEENEY, Agt. Tunkhannock, Jan. 1, 1363. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Penn'a. In the Matter of Jasper J. Seymour, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To Whom it may Concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignoe of Jasper J. Seymour, of Braiotrim twp., county of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, within said j District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Court of said Die- , trict. Dated Towanda, Pa, the 7th day of May A. D' 1869 42w3 JOHN W. MIX, Assignee. j I PHAM's FRESII MEAT CURE. 1. Is a PREVENTIVE as well as a cure fur Con- : sumption. 2. It arrest? Hemorrhage of the I.ungs at once. j 3. Bronchitis yields speedily to its influence. 4. For Nervous Frustration and General Debility it has no equal 5. It supplies nutriment and stimulus to the tody. 6. It gives the invalid a'• new lease of life." 7. A single bottle will convince the most skepti cal of its virtues as the great healing re-nedy of the age. $1 a bottle. Sold by Lyman A Wells, Tunkhan nock and ait druggists. 42w4 ! AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the I Court ot Common Pleas, for the County of Wyoming, ail Auditor to make distribution of mun : es arising j from the sale of reul e-tatc of William Koons, will attend to the duties of his ap|siintment at the office of Wra. M Piatt, in Tunkhannock Borough, on j Wednesday the Bth day of July, A. D. 1863, at | ouc o'clock in the aitoi noon, at which time and place all persons interested therein are requested to ' present their claims, or be debarred from receiving ! any portion thereof. JOHN A SfTT.-'ER, AuJitor. Tunkhannock, May 19, 18(j9--n41w4. 3000 Yds. DELAINES for 1.5 els. per yard, at C.DETRICK'S. IN BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter of Lawrence C Cunklin l Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Penn'a To whom it may Concern . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assigneo of Lawrence C. Conkiin, of Tunkhannock in the county of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania with in said District, who has been adjuiged a Bankrupt urm his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated at Tunkhannock, the 23th davof May, A. D 18g8. n43w3 JOHN B RHODES, Assignee. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: THAT on the ath day of June, A. D, 1369 a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ' estate of Jacob A Thomas, of Nicholson, Wyoming ' County, Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that the payment of i any debt and delivery of any property belonging to j such Bankrupt, to bitn or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of 1 Bankruptcy, to be held at No 303 Lackawanna ! Avenue, Scranton, Pa., before Edward N. Willard j Register, on the 9th day of July 1863 at 10 o'clock, A.M. TIIOS A. ROWLEY, US. Marshall. j as Messenger, Western Dis. of Pa v7ndl 4w. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE* THAT on the 2Gth day of May A. D. 1968, a j Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Nelson C. Martin, of the township of Tunk hannocU, in the County ot Wyoming, and State of j Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on bis own petition; that the payment of any debts anl delivery of any property belonging to zuch Bankrupt, to htm, or for bis use. and tho transfer of ' any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of said Barkrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of bis Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, I to be boldcn at tbe office of the Register in the Bor ough of Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa , before Edward j Overton, Jr., Register, on the 17th day of July A. D 1868, at 9 o'clock A. M. THOS. A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. 43*4 By K. B. Cooibough, Deputy, IN BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter of Nelson W. j French. Bankrupt. In the District Court of the i United Slates, for tbe Western District of Pennsyl- | vanii To Whom it may Concern : Tbe undersigned i hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee j of Nelson W. French, of the townshipof Windham, in ! the County of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylva- ' ma, within said District who has been adjudged a , Bankrupt, upon his own petition by the District ' Court of said District. Dated at Towanda, Pa., this 19th day of June, ! A. D , 18gS.—n45w3 JOHN W. MIX, Assignee. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a balJ head or beardless lace, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving (be same soft clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing. TIIOS. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 482 Broad*y,NewYorfc INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY, i iBj S . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, r&KPARKD BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, rniLADIIFBU, PA. The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, wad all Diseases arising frain a Dis ordered Liver, Stomach, or IMFVRITT Of THU BLOOD. Bead ttie following symptoms, and if you find that four system if affscted by any of thorn, you may rut assured that distas, has cominrnerd its attack oa the most important organs of your body, and ustUss soon sheck'd by the use of pourerful remedies, a miserable bfe, soon terminating in dsalh, will be the result. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Pile*, • Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of tne Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Svil, and Great Depression of Spirita. AU these indicate disease of the Lirer or Lhgestir* Organs, combined wdh impure blood. fjooflaub'e ©errnnn Bitters • ■•entirely vegetable,and contains no liquor. It la a compound of Fluid Ex tract*. Tile Hoots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extract* are made are gathered In Germany. All the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. These extracts are then forwarded to thla country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Hitters, 'fliers Is no alcoholic substance of any kind used In compounding Ihe Hitters, hence It Is the only Bitters that can be nsed In case* where alcoholic stim ulants arc not advisable, £cioflanb's ©crman Conic is a rttmbinalifm of all the ingrtdienti of the Bittrrt, with pl hi .Sdn/tf Crux Bum, nrangr, etc. It is used for th* Stun' (lii'tue-n as thf Bitt'rs, in cases when some jstsrc alaJwlic stimulus is required. You will bear in mimt that these remedies art entirely different from any others adrertised far the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparations of medieinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of rum in some farm. The TON IC il decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the puU<c. Its taste, is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take %t, while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be known as the greatest of all Conies. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of eases, when the pa tient supposed he was afflicted with this terrible disease, have been cured by the use of I hese remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual atlrndauls upon sever# rases of dyspepsia or disease of tho digestive orgau*. Kveu In cases of genuine Consumption, these remedies will be found of the greatest beneßt, strengthening and Invigorating. DEBILITY. There is no enalirine equal to IfooflaneTs German Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone ami rigor to the whole system, strengthen the av jietite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the xhattach to digest it, purify the blood, give a good, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the rye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed t emaciated, weak, mud nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and rigor ous j+rson. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the lllttrrs or Tonic. In Tact, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a child three tuosths old. the most delicate feiuale ( or a man of uiucty. Tlwu Jltmcdity are the beet Illootl rtirlflerh erfr Irtiwn, and lciil cur# alt dutaete resulting from beul blond. Keep your bhrrl pure; Icerji your Lirer in order; keep your digestive organ in a gmtnd, healthy condi tion. by the uee of their retnt iel, and no diunie will over auail you. TH3 ZI3IT. Ladies who wish a fair skin and food complexion, free from a yellow th tinge and all other disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. The Liver in perfect order, aud the blood pure, will resnlt In spark ling eyes aud blooiulug checks, CAL'TIOS. TTvrjloruTi (terman h'emediet ore counterfeited. The genuine have the lignature of f '. .1/. Juckvon on the front of the out,,,if wrapper of each bottle, and the name of the artb U blown in each bottle. All otheri are counterfeit. Thousands of letter* have been re ceived, testifying to the virtue of theso remedies. READ THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM IION. GF.O. W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Peumylvsnlx. PHILADELPHIA, MABCII 16th, IS6T. I find " ILetfiand'i German Bitten" it md on intor iratinfj beverage, but it a !/,*'• t tonie. uie ful in dtior dert of the digestive organ*, and of great benefit in totes of debility and want of nervous action in (As tystem. Yours truly, GKO. ir. iroooir.t/eo. FROM IION. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court of IVIIIIM Ivnnia. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 2Sth, 1*66. I consider " Honfland's German nit ters" a rnlnnUc umtiriur In case of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I ran certify this from my experience or It. Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON. From REV. JOSEPH 11. KEXNARD, I) f>., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. DR. JACXSOX —DTAX SIR: — I hare, been frequently re quested to connect my name with recommendations of di tl'erer.l kinds of medicines, but reguriling the practice as out qf my appropriate sphere, I have in all cqsn de clined; but with a dear proo fin various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of I>r. Jtoofiand's German Jliiters, fdepart for once, from my usual course, to express my full ctmrirtion that for grueral debility of the system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a sale and valuable preparation. In seme vases it may fail: but usually, 1 doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very res,eec' fully, J. B. KKKKA RD, Eighth, below Coales St. Price of the Bitters, 81.00 per bottle; Or, a half dosen for 85.00. Price of the Tonic, 81.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for 87.50. The Tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recoiled that it is Vr. Hooflanefs German Remedies that are so universally usnl and so highly rearsamend ed ; asui do not alb or the Druggist Io induce you Io take, any thing else that he may say is just as gmsd. be cause he snakes a larger profit on it. These Reineitiss will be sent by express to assy locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICK, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH STREET, fhiladclphia. CHAD. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKBON (s. CO. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, and Medi cine Dealers everywhere. Ik> nest forget to exasnisse well the article you buy, in order to get the genuine AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court, for the County of Wyoming, an Auditor, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Chriswell, dee'd., to make distrib'uti >n of balance of fund, in the hands of Administrators, among credi tors of said dee'd., will attend to the duties of his appoiatment at the office of Wm. M; Piatt, in Tunk hannock Borough, on Wednesday, the Ist day of July, A. D. 1868, atone o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place, all persons interested therein are requested to present tbeii claims, or be debarred from receiving any portion thereof. JOHN A SITTSER, Auditor. Tunkhannock, Mat 19, 19g8—n41w4. ! 3|e{u ' 6REAT BAHGAIIS! GHEAT MISMIS! -IS -lEJfrfiHNG, DRY GOODS, HATS f CAPS, BOOTS <f SHOES, NOTIONS ,t,I HOSIERY, -AT JACOB HALLO'S Meshoppen. | i ~~ 0_ " Just returned from New York where I here j bought a large Stock of DESIRABLE GOODS at greatly reduced price*. I offer all article* io my line and particularly CLOTHING, at price* lower than they were ever before sold in this place. Countiy Produce, liidea. Wool, Ac. bought at highest market prices. Please call and exanrne my stock Wore pur chasing elsewhere, for it is no trouble to me to show goods. JACOB HALLO, Meshoppen, June 8. 1868. v70443w. ©SCOTT'S Popular Remedies, mm? Prepared from Gists, limits and ROOTS, ami never fails when used in ugiSSa time. SLOTT-S __ jSSS" SANATIVE CERATE, For Burns, Rcalds or Scald Head, Frosted Feet, Wounds Inilameu !triai-coaA Ere*, Chapped hands, Old Ulcers, Indolent Tumors, Ptlcs, Sore Nip. , p!os.Cakei Bt easts,Bruises,Sprains, Corns, Ac. Cholera Curate, ■ SCOTT'S *; For Dysentery, C'ho'cra Morbus, '.CCUCS STSUS.:. Bowel Complaints, Cranio Colic, i 5 -;■ Nervous, Billions and hi k Head l ... j[ ache, St uir Stoma* h, Ily-pep-in, ' ———- ji Neuralgia, Fever and Ague, < olds ■ i- • and Cold Chills, Spoiled Fever, Ac. : LlINc t i ; j T Coogh Syrup & Candy. i ■ Conrbs. Colds. Difficulty oTßreath- I jng, Spitiing or Bltiotl, Coiipoimp lion, end all affectionscf the I.ungs. CSyey The iifflicted can rely upon its doing ■ jna as much or more than any other remedy, ui soothing ihe nerves, fa- I cilitstiiip expectoration, and heal 'D f the diseased Lungs, thus etrik- I a|y at the root of the ill rase and i alirg ll from llie system. All ' SCOTT'S 1 ink is a trial of this Preparation, uiruaiATic scictiT a 1 - it ha* coequal, end never fails to i give entire tatisfuctiun to all who it. riSi. RHEUMATIC REMEDIES. I rz" —r:"-" - " A eeriain rure for Chronic and In flammatory Itliemnatism. Itiseu | ' " L tiiely free from all |M>';SOBOU* >ub | —stances; it is not injuri'sis io ihe I W'"r'fiVilVi" health: it cleanses the sytn; it —u. f-ytVi'iiiC- nitrites the Biisid; it eraeieaies disease. Tube nsedwiihtheltheil malicOintiiieiit. Full direrlions ae- K K3 comi<any each hottie and box. j 4jgggj, BLOOD PURIFIER, & This remedy is a ceitaiu Cure for g "" diseases of the Blood ; It cleanses tlie system, and thnaopcralea In the 1 ?. A? °7- * , only rational way, to eradicate the TH.OOO FLRIFIER disease, and effect a thorough enre. j | . - £ Tlic almve Medicines have been i I prepared for the last its years, and I -have given entire sath-faction in all ! " "T" ~~T" cases, where tho directions have ; " *"jj been observed. Prepared by L. SCOTT, Scronton, For sale by Lyman A Wells, Druggists Tunkhan nock, Pa. t7n33b : .-w NOTICE. All persons indebted to me, by note, judgment, or book account, are requested to make payments iin ! mediately and save cost. DANIEL WRIGHT, t Tunk., May 13, 18g9.—n40. GUARDIAN'S SALE. BY virtue of an order of tho Orphan'* Court of Wyoming County, to me directed, will be ex > posed to (public sate on tbo premises, on Saturday the '2oth day of June A D. 1868. at 1 P. M., all the I interest of the minor children of John Ellsworth, late j of Nortbinorcland township, dee'd, to wit; an uudi- I vided one tenth iuteregt in the following described property situate in the said township of Northmore , laudjtnd county aforesaid, bounded on Ihe North by land of John D. Myers, on the East by lands of Milo Kcelcr and Babcock. on the Soutn by land of Milo ' Kceler, and on the West by lands of Milo Keeler, James Uastidder and John D. Myers, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, with the ! sppurtenaoccs, LEVI WINTERS. 42w4 Guardian of minor children. SIIKKIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me di rected there will be exposed to public sale at I tbe.Court House in Tunkbannock, Wyoming County, ! Pennsylvania, j ON SATURDAY, JUNE 20. '63, at 1 o'clock P. M., ; All the right, title and interest of the defendant in , and to that certain lot, piece, parcel or tract of land , situate and being in the township of Nicholson, Wy oming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described |as follows, to wit: On the North by lot or land of Win. N. Reymond, East by land of Leroy Reynolds, South by public highway. West by lot or land of Wui. N. Reymond, containing one hundred by one hundred BDU fifty feet of land, or 100 feet wiile and 150 feet long, be the same more or less, with one frame dwelling house, some apple trees and other ! fiuit trees thereon. All unproved with the appurte i nances. | Soiled and taken in execution at the suit of Tay i lor. Walker. A Co. vs. Jerry A, Thomas, I And will be sold for cash only by M. W. DEWITT Sheriff. Tunk., June 1, '6Sn43w4. UNITED STATES Internal Revenue! —o— is hereby given that Iho Annual list of ll Excise taxes for 1863 hag been transmitted to me by the Assessor, and the same has become doc and payable. All persons assessed in the County of . WYOMING, ' will make payment to Daniel Wright Esq., Deputy 1 Collector, at bis Office in Tunkhannock, on or be- \ fore the 27th day of June, 1868. NO fICE is also given that all persons who neg lect #r refuse to pay the duties and taxes assessed I upon them within the time specified will heroine li- ' able to pay the penalties imposed by law, in addi- j tion. H. L. S2OTT, Collector, 14th District, Pa. { Col. Office, Towanda, June 4, '63. v7n442w. i THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE! THAT on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1868, a war r*nt in Bankruptcy, was issued against the es tate of Jonas J Hallstead, of Nicholson, Wyoming County, Pa., who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, | on his own petition ; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belong'og to suoh . Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to chooee one or more assignees of I his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to t be held at No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, ' Pa. before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the Bth day of Julv, 1868, at 10 o'clock A M. THOB. A. ROWLEY, V. S. Marshal, J as Messenger, Western Dts. of Pn. | gifo gtoetfenuftit*. Circular, k Mill, Mulay, Gang & Cross Cut 8 A. wa. j Every Saw that leaves our Factory is Oil Temp . ercd and Patent Ground, perfectly true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent teinper , ing process. J?.k. JL'-l SI , i Common shape, as good as the best. The RED J JACKET (Colburn's Patent) AXE cannot be ox , celled. Wo guarantee they will cut 25 per cent, i more than common Axes, with less labor to the I chipper. Send for circular ani prices to LIPPINL'OTT A II.IKEWELL, Pittsburgh. l*a.. Sole Man | fuct'r*. For sale by principal Hardware Dcaleil. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY I! TIE 111, : Its Causes, Character, Conduct & Results. BY HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Its ready sale, combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscription book ever pub -1 lisbed. One Agent in Elision, Pa., reports 72 übsrribers |in three days Another in Boston, 103 subscribers in four days. | Fond far Circulars and see our terms, and a full j description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUB LI3IKXO CO , Philadelphia, I'a. MEDICAL ILLUMINATION! j Four Ma-nifi-etitly Illustrated Medical Books, i containing important Physiological Information, for men and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 eels , by j addressing Dr. JoHX VASDKUPOOL, NO. 30 Clinton 1 Place, N. V. City. WANTED, AGENTS*, #75 to #2OO per month, everywhere, male and female, to in ! troiuee the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON I SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE This inn-" | chine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, ; braid and embroider in a most superior manner. — j Price only #l9. Fully warranted for five years, j We will pay 11000 for any machine that will sew a I stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than | ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitcu " Every j second stitch can lie cut, and still the cloth cannot !be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents I from #75 to #'2oo per month and expenses, or a cciu j mission from which twice that amount can be made : Address SECOMB A CO., PITTSBURGH, Pa., or BOSTON, MASS CAUTION.--Do not be imposed upon by other ! parties palming i ff worthless cast iron machines, un der the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machines rnanu -1 tacturcd. j /"CARPENTERS,—Send for Catalogue of new | v- ; Practical Looks and Architecture and Stair | Building. A. J BICKXELL A CO., Publishers, Troy, N Y Of the ONE DOLLAR SALE a Revolution In Trade. ! furnish at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR I V ? rucb ar'icles as arc used by every family, at a | less price than they are sold by any wholesale deal ! er in New Yoik or Boston, A gents wanted to co-operate wih us in carrying i out a plan which meets the wants of the million, and | in the dis|xisal of a large and varied stock of Dry | and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Carpctings. Ac. Our terms to agents are superior to ! those cf any other firm, as onr circular will show.— I Those getting up clubs can secure a p : eeo of sheet- I iug, W alcb, Silk Dress, Shawl, Sewing Machine, etc., FHX2I! OP COST. - A check describing an article to be sold for a Dol j lar, 10 cts ; 20 for 42; 40 for 84 ; 60 for 86 ; 100 for #lO, sent by mail. Send inoney by Registered let ter. Circulars mailed free to any address. Agents j wanted evervivhere. Address llAßltl* & PLUMMER, 34 Hanover St., Boston, Mass i LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! AGENTS WANTED FOR SHAW A FISK S i PAWNBROKER'S SALE, to whom great in- i • duceuicnts are offered. We will send you a Senilis Machine or N Ite Dress free of cost. I Give us a trial. Catalogues sent free. SHAW A FISK. P. 0. Box 3178, Bostoo, Mass. Have you tried TOWLE & CO'S NONPAREIL DOLLAR SALE ? IF you have not now is your time to secure the greatest bargains ever offered by any concern in 1 I the world. Investigate this at once—it will j pay. All parties in the Dollar Sale business adver- j tise to give the best bargains," best inducements to agents, Ac. But the (loads tell the story. The j proof of the pudding is the eating. Terms lower ! than the lowest. Circulars sent free. Address TOWLE A CO , 7 Treiuont Row, Boston, Mass. Proof of our statement that we have made A COMPLETE REVOLUTION IN TRADE, can be found in the fact that the immense business we have built up has induced a multitude of SMALL 1 CONCERNS to imitate our club system, and some by advertising the presents they will give to agents, seek, unsuccessfully, to divcert some of our business to themselves. We make this announcement simply to inform the public that it will be for- their interest to patronize our hnuso, as we still continue to give better goods and greater inducements to agents than any other concern in the business We sell every description of DRY and FANCY GOODS, Plated Ware, Jewelry, Watches, Sewing I Machines. Ac., Ac , for the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR. Circulars sent to any address free. PARKER A CO.) Nos. 08 and 100 Summer St., Boston. Great Sale DRY GOODS° CAF.PETINGS, SOOTS & SHOES, Silver Plated Ware, or ALL KINDS, Albums, And a variety of valuable und usetul articles for sale at ONE DOLLAR for each ARTICLE, A check describing an article selected from our stock for sale at ONE DOLLAR, will be sent on the receipt of Three Cents to pay postage. No charge lor Schedules or Checks made j at this establishment; Send for Circulars, as this is the most liberal sale I of the kind in the country. Address. . , EARN HAM A CO., I No 24 Friend St„ Boston, Mass, ! NEW FANCY AND TRIMMING STORE , Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MRS. E. LEASE. HAVING lately opened a new Fancy Flora,, of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TRIMMI MRO, Dress Trimmings, White floods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuff's and | Collars, L'ce, Veils, Oorwtta, Ladies Ne-kties, best ; quality of Cotnbs, Needles and Thread cf the best 1 quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a ! large stock of Fans, TOYS, I Including China, Bronze, l'apier Mache Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, tvoodeu, Parian and Candy I Toys. For Ladies. Cosmetics Ac., Fuch as Pomades, Oils, Bandelina bloom of youth and PainU, Rouge, Lilly White, Oriental Cream, Pearl Drop, Ac. MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 30, 1868 i STENCIL STOCKi STAFFORD NANUFACTITRINR CO., 66 Fulton at., New York. Circulars and £am ples free. TO THE LADIESf We are agents for over ONE HUNDRED Foreign and Domestic Manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish the who'e country with DRY and FANCY I GOODS, SILKS. SHAWLS, JEWELRY, SILVER j WARE, FURNITURE, PIANOS, SEWIXG MA- I CHINES, Ac. Ac., at the uniform price of One Dollar for Each Article. Send your clubs of ten and upwards, for descriptive L checks, showing what article cau be obtained (or j One Dollar, with 10 cents for each check. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. Presents worth front $3 to S3OO sent free of charge to agents sending clubs. Agents wanted In Every Town. CPBHMAN A CO. 10 Arch Street, Boston, Mass. j Great Distribution. BV THE METROPOLITAN GIFT CO. Caah Gifts to the Amount of 8230,000. Every Ticket Draws a Prize. J 5 Cash Gifts, RACK SIO,OOO 10 ' " 5.0C0 , 20 " <: J 000 40 " *• goo 30 " < 100 , j 300 " 60 4->0 •' • .< 60° " " 23 . I 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos- ... Each #3OO to #SOO 35 " Melodeons " 75 to 150 I 150 Sewing Machines " F;9 to I*3 • 250 Musical Boxes •* 23 to 200 J 300 Fine Gold Watches 75 to 300 ! 750 F'ne Silver Watches 30 to 50 I line Oil Paintings, Flamed Engravings, Silraf , Ware, Photograph Aloums, and a large assort* I I mcnt of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at 81,000,00(1, . j A Chance to Dtaw any of the Above Prf | I IRS by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 23 cts. Tick ' ets describing each Prise are sealed iu Envelopes Jan 1 thoroughly mixed. On receipt of 25 cts. a SEAT- J TD Ticket will be drawn without choice and deliver- J ed at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The PRIZE named upon it wilt be delivered to the ticket j holder on payment of one dollar. Prises will be J immediately sent to any address, as requested by { express or return mail. j You will know wbat your prize Is before you pay for It, Any prize may be eTchanvutfor another of the same rohie. No Blanks. *RS**OUR patrons cau acpend on fair dealing. References.— We select the few following names from the many who have lately drawn valuable pri zes and kindly permitted us to publish th<-m : S. T. Wi!ki::s. Buffalo, N. Y., 81,000 ; Miss Annio 1 Monroe, Chicago, 111 , Piano, valued at 8650 ; Robt, j Jackson, Dubuque, lowa, Gold Watch, #2501 Phil, | lip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky., Diamond Cluster Ring, 8600 : R. A. Patterson, New Bedford. Mass J | Silver Tea Net, 8175; Miss Eintna Walworth. Mil waukee, Wis., Piano, 8501 ; Rev, T, W Pitt, Cleve land Ohio, Melodeon, 8125. • I 1 S T?" W E publish no names without permission. Opinions ol the Press.— They arc doing tho largest business : the firm is reliable, and deserve their success Weekly Tribune, Feb 8, 1868. We hare examined their system, and know thcrn to be a fair dealing firm. —„Y Y. Herald, Fib. 28th. Last week a frterd of ours drew a #SOO prize, j which was promptly received.— Daily JYttrs, Starch I 3d, IBGB. J Send for circular giving many more references and S favorable notices from the press. Liberal induce ments to Agents Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of sealed envelopes contains one cadi rift. Six-Tickets for 81; 13 lor #2 ;35 for 45 ; LIT) far #ls. J All letters should be addressed to HARPER. WILSON A CO., 173 Ilroadway, N. Y. fillings & J]hit[i|)s Koop on hand and at all times, a j full stock of GrOODS , AND BOOTS & SHOES, of Elmira manuf ture. " " Bing'mton " " City " WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, SFONE, GLASS and CROCKERY WARE. j Ashton and Bbl. SALT, DRIED FRUITS, 'of all kinfa Flour Feed, Meal &, Bran, I PORK, IIAM and FISH, Farming Utensils, &c., &c. We take in exchange, all kinds of Grain, ai the highest market prices, Receive and forward feight of all kinds for up or down the river during the season for shipping, and will keep coal on hand, in quantities to suit purchasers, during the season ; will bo found on Bridge Street, below Hufford's Hotel, the sign in largo letters "Store." t=ST We have good TRINTS at 12 1-2 cts. per yard, and all other goods in proportion. Call and see us and you will be satisfied that it is not the best place to buy where thero is the most blowing done. Our stock is always full, .is we receive goods every day from New York, and are bound to sell as low as the lowest, BILLINGS & PUJLLIPS. Tunktannock, May 27, '67—n42 tf CRAWFORD'S Stump and Rock Exlractur act Elevator perfected. Send for circular. A, Ciawford, Warren, Mo. NOTICE. All persona Indebted to the late firm of JKNSUSUS A Co., ou book account, are requested to cell an i settle the tame without delay, and tare further trouble, Meboopany, Pa,, May 9, 1869.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers