Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, June 17, 1868, Image 2

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Cattle from Texas, with horns so long that
they can scarcely pass through tho car door,
and hoofs corresponding, are at Cairo await
ing shipment east.
The blood which Grant predicted would
be shed in eotfsequence of the acquittal of
the President is still unshed.
They talk of putting up new signs on the
Erie Railroad, on which, instead of "Look
out for the locomotive," shall be 44 Prepare to
meet your God." So says a cotemporary.
A London paper says : "The fortress of
Magdala, in which King Theodore entrenched
himself, was found packed with barbaric
wealth ; golden crowns, bracelets, jewels,
pearls, solid masses of gold and silver bullion,
etc., all of which were carried off by the vic
torious British soldiers.
LESSON IN GRAMMAR Lo ! tho poor In
dian ; lower the poor negro ; lowest the
poor white man who is taxed to purchase
bread and blankets for both the others.
Two young children were poisoned to
death by eating what they supposed to be
wild dandelions, in Lockport, the other
George Wilkes and his friends are out
820(1,000 on impeachment.,
It puzzles the "narrow-minded block
heads" that Grant can write letters but can
not speak a dozen sentences correctly or in
telligibly, Their perplexity would disappear
if they could be made to believe the truth j
that he doesn't write his letters. Ills si
lence is equally as great on paper as other
wise. Stanton wrote his letters to the Pres
ident and nearly all his other letters are the
production of other peos than his.
ANOTHER NEW NAME. —The Chicago Con- 1
vention dubbed the Radical parly with a new
name, or rather with several old ones patch
ed together. For the present it shall be j
known as the "National Union Republican
Party." Whew ! what a long tail our cat
has got. But that cat will get its tail singed
before the ides of November. Mark it!
A Georgia paper says if the Jacobin party
don't soon repeal the law disfranchising con
victed felons,it will be in a hopeless minority
in Bibb couuty.
According to advices from Hay ti, the Hay
lien dollar had depreciated to such an extent
that only two cents in 6pecie could be got for
one paper dollar. The cause is Saiuav's re
Miss Maggie Hoyt, of Greene, Maine who
was among the wounded in the late disaster
on the Erie Railroad, has effected a settle
ment with the railway company, receiving
the sum 89,000. Bath her parents were
killed at the same time she received her in
A female child was biro in Lincoln county
Tennessee, the other day, having four dis- !
tinct and well developed legs and feet. At
last accounts it was alive aod well.
Pittsburg Pa., has ten nail factories, which
run 4£o nail machines, and employ 2,600
hands. In the year ending March last, they
manufactured over 400,000 keg 6 of nails.
Fifty-four millions of Bibles, io 174 differ
ent dialects, have been distributed by the
British ar.d Foreign Society since its founda
The button fever is prevalent in Portland,
Me. Miss Minnie L- Colby aod Miss Julia
B. Merrell have each completed a handsome ,
collection of 999 buttons,
A Western convict lias been trying suicide
With pounded glass. He failed but feels very
The Choctaw Church is Presbylerian in
Its organization. The statistics sum up as
follows: Ministers, 14; churches 16; com*
muoicants, 1,000; Sunday school children
A young man from Salem, Mass, has just
been sent to tho Massachusetts Stale Prison.
He is eighteen years of age, and baa been sen
tenced in the House of Correction tweDty-one
The grass crop of this State it is thought
will be heavier this action than it haa been
for the last ten years.
Fenian invasion rumors have serioualy de
pressed tiade in Montreal.
The receipts of Dickcn's last reading in
New York were 83 000, and he took back
with him a clear 8100,000 in gold. His ex
penses in this country were The
latter we dofft believe.
Telegrams have been received at Vienna
giving the particulars of a formidable revolt
which haa just broken out in the province of
Bosnia in Turkey. Troops are rapidly being
pushed forward from Constantinople to quell
vhe disorder.
Ex-President Pierce has written to say
that he will sustain Mr. Pendleton, Mr Sey
mour, Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Doolittle, General
Hancock, or any other man whom the Con
vention may nominate for the Presidency—
He desires a uoited Democracy, aod a vigor
ooa effort to 44 arrest the surge of Conatitu
tion defying Jacobinism.
The election in Oregon resulted in a tri
umph for the democracy by two thoiftand
majority. The Legislature it largely Demo
cratic, and a Democratic Congressman named
Smith is elected.
The Secretary of tbe Treasury has instruct
ed the Collector at New Orleans not lo per
mit either of the iron-clad veasel*, the Ooeo
ta and the Catawba, to sail, as tbev are in
tended for Peru, which country is at war
with Spain.
An exchange says Butler will go into
Grant's Cabinet. No doubt if it is not kept
Newton Crawford, an examiner in the Pat
•Ml OFFICE, was removed on Friday for abu
#-• Uoguega ageitial the President.
€\\t Democrat
Wednesday, Jane 17, 1868.
Auditor General,
CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette.
Surveyor General,
Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia.
Conservative Soldiers' and Sailors Na
tional Convention.
Tbe Executive Committee appointed by the Sol
diem' and Sailors Conventi n. held at Cleveland in
1966, have called a national Convention of the Con
servative Soldiers and Sailors of the Unite! States,
to meet at the city of New York, the 4th ol July
next, lo take action on the nomination of Conserva
tive candidates tor President and Vice-President.
As it i* desirable that Pennsylvania should be fully
represented in said Convention, we our late
comrades in arms to take the necessary action to
have delegates elected or appointed from every
Congressional district in the State. As the time is
rapidly approaching when the Convention will meet,
there should be no delay in the matter.
EDWARD L DANA. Brigadier General.
WELLINGTON H ENT, Brevet Major General.
JACOB SWEITZER. Late Colonel and Brevet
Brigadier General.
JOSEPH K. KNIPE, Major General.
W. W. II DAVIS, Late Colonel and Brevet Briga
dier General.
JOHN P LINTON, Late Colonel
LEVI MARSII, Late Colonel.
All Democratic and Conservative editors through
out the State are requested lo publish this notice
and call attention to it.
The Rollins Imbroglio.
The following sharp response of Secre
tary McCullougli to the insolent and lying
letter ot Rollins, (Radical) Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, we take from yester
day's daily paper. It is a complete refu
tation of the charges made by Commission
er Rollins in his pretended letter of resig
nation. This Rollins is a mere tool of the
Jacobin party, and as such, has lent him
self to its dirty work. lie lias endeavor
ed, by falsehood, to bolster up the sinking
cause of his party, but has utteily failed
in his first attempt:
"This communication is partial, because
it attributes the present deranged con
dition of the Internal Revenue service to
removals and appointments made by the
President, while it must be clear to tbe
mind of the Commissioner that this de
moralization is attributable in part to an
tagonism between the Executive and the
Legislative branches of the Government,
which has prevented harmony of actiou
between them in regard to appointments,
and to the Tenure of Office act,but mainly
to the high duties upon distilled spirits,
tobacco, &c., which have created an irre
sistible temptation to fraud on the part of
revenue officers as well as on the part of
manufacturers, dealers, and others.
u Il is incorrect, in that it alleges that
numerous recommendations of the Com
missioner for the removal of Assessors and
Collectors, even for the grossest miscon
duct, had been always disregarded, while
the truth is that in all cases in which rcc
omendations for removals were accompa
nied by evidence of incompetency and
misconduct or. the part of officers, the rec
omendations were promptly responded to
by the President.
'•lt is unjust and disrespectful to the
President, because the records of the
Bureau show that the falling off of revenue
in districts in which removals were made
by the President in 'G6 was not compara
tively greater than in districts in which no
change took place ; that, in fact, the rev
enues of the fiscal year ending June 30th.
1867, during which removals were made,
were entirely satisfactory, coming np very
closely to the liberal estimates of the De
partment, while the demoralization of the
service and the decline cf the revenues
have chiefly occurred during the present
fiscal year, long after the officers remjved
by the President had been rcinsiated or
others whose nomination had been approv
ed by the Senate had taken the places of
the appointees of the President.
"It was for these reasons, and no other,
that the communication could not be re
ceived, and was returned to the Commis
sioner. The return of it is also justified
by the fact that copies of it were sent to
the press before it was handed to the Sec
retary. It must, therefore, have been in
tended for the public rather than for the
files of the Department."
Thnrlow Weed before the Smelling Com
mittee, in an effort to draw from him some
confession damaging to the Senators who
voted for Mr. Johnson'* acq littal, Butler
asked, "Do you know of any money contrib
uted for political purposes ?" 4 'l do sir. I
helped lo raise $30,000 not long ago for
such a purpose."—Butler, all alive to fur
ther developments, continued: "\ou will
state to the Committee what use was made
of it" "It was used,'replied Weed, "to en
able the Republicans to carry tbe New
Hampshire election." That was a blos
som from a sour apple, and a suddeo ad
journment of the Committee was the con
sequence ot its introduction by Mr Weed.
HOME —At an election held in Galena,the
home ot Grant.cn Tuesday weekjust elev
en days after his nomination, the entire
.straight Democraic ticket was elected by
300 majority I As at his Washington home,
and in Oregon on the day previous,"Grant
and Colfax"was the rallying cry of the Re
publicans,but "the will of the people" was
recorded iu favor of Democracy and Consti
tutional goverument.
The Radical Leader* of 1860 and 1869
Contrasted. *
. A moment's glance at the present situa
tion of the Radical party, will serve to
show its contrast between its condition in
iB6O and 1868. Among the conspicuous
members of the Republican Convention
of 1860 were such men as Fiancis 11.
Blair, Wm. M. Evarts, and a host of others
embodying the talent and the respectabili
ty of the Convention —a majority of whom
are now ranked among the most decided
opponents of the Radicals. In the Chica
go Convention of this year, there were four
prominent candidates for the Presidential
nomination —Lincoln, Seward, Chase and
Bates. The last act of Lincoln's life was
to originate and adopt the policy of John
son. Bates abandoned the present Radi
ical organization before Lincoln died;
Seward is an active enemy of Radicalism,
and if there is one man in the United
States whom the Radicals of to-day hate
more bitterly thaft Andrew that
man is Salmon P. Chase. Then Chase,
and Trumbull, and Fessenden, and Grimes,
and Doolittle, and Dixon, and Stansbury
and a host of other great names were in
the ranks of the Republicans. Now, they
are either acting openly with the Democ
racy, or are read out of the Radical party
by the hot heads who control it. Nor is
this all that is noticeable. While the
statesmen of the Republican party have
abandoned Radicalism, the vicious and
treacherous elements of the Democratic
party have entered its fold. The parly
which became too corrupt for Chase and
Doolittle, Bates and Evarts, has demon
strated its Rtfinity for Butler and Logan,
Stanton and Dan Sickles. The leaJers of
the Republican party to-day—the men who
have Grant in their keeping—were clam
orous for secession in 1860, and justified
the Southern States in resorting to arms
to repel the exercise of Federal power.—
Now Butler, Logan, Stanton, and Dan
Sickles are blatant Radical demagogues,
and are accorded the highest positions of
honor in the party that so recently despis
ed them. They take the places once oc
cupied by Seward, Chase, Trumbull, Stan
bery, and others like them.— Albany Ar
The Prospect.
Under this caption the Tribune of Wed
nesday sets forth what may be considered
its strongest hope for electing General
Grant this fall. The States that it claims
as absolutely certain for Grant arc the
Arkansas 5 Minnesota 4
Florida 3 Missosipj.i 6
Georgia 8 New Hampshire.. 5
Illinois 16 North Carolina-• • 9
lowa 8 Kbode Island 4
Kansas 3 South Carolina... (5
Louisiana p Tennessee 10
Maino 7 Vermont....... •• 5
Massachusetts 12 West Virginia •• •• 5
Michigan 8 Wisconsin 9
Total 20 States 139 votes.
In addition to these it must have "either
Pennsylvania or Ohio, or Indiana with
Nebraska or Nevada," in order to get the
requisite numbet of elcctorial votes to se
cure the election.
It will thus be seen that the newly " re
constructed "' States arc the ones which
the Jacobins rely upon to carry the elec
tion, and heuce their desperate efforts to
get President Johnson out of the way, so
that Congress and the carpet-baggers may
have full sway in the South. If these
44 reconstructed " States here enumerated
—in which every one knows that not one
ir. fifty of the rightful voters will vote the
Jacobin ticket—are allowed to be so man
ipulated by Congress as to cast a deciding
vote in favor of the Jacobins, it will be the
greatest political outrage ever perpetrated
iu any country ; and if the Conservatives
acquiesce in a Jacobin victory obtained by
such transparent fraud and chicanery, they
will be equally responsible with the Jaco
bins for the final overthrow of Republi
can institutions in this country.—MiJdle
toibn Mercury.
Chief Justice Chase cm t'le Situation.
The following is an extract from a pri
vate letter written by Chief Justice Chase :
I am amazed by the torrent of invec
tives by which I am drenched. Almost
everything alleged fact is falsehood out of
the whole cloth. Where au allegation
has a littte fact in it the fact is so perver
ted and travestied that it becomes false
hood. I know no motive tor all this ex
cept disappointment that impeachment
has not thus far proved a success, coupled
with a belief that I have done something
to prevent it being a success. I have not
been a partisan of impeachment certainly,
but I have not been a partisan on the other
side. As presiding officer over the trial
my conscience testifies that I have been
strictly impartial; and lam sure that any
one who reads the report will say so. In
dividually I have my convictions and opin
ions, but I have very 6eldom given utter
ance to them. Indeed. I do not think
that the case, in any of its aspects, has
been the subject of conversation between
myself and more than four or five Sena
tors, and then only casually and briefly.—
No Senator will say that I have sought
to influence him.
The real ground of denunciation is that
I have not been a partisan of conviction ;
and tbis denunciation 1 am willing to
bear. They may denounce and abuse me
and read me out of the party if they
choose. I follow my old lights, not the
tW Ben. Butler made himself famous
in New Orleans by his war on women, and
to keep iiis exploits fresh in the minds of
the people has commenced persecuting Miss
Vinnie lieam,an accomplished young sculp
tress in Washington, whom Congress com
missioned some time ago to make a statue
of President Lincoln. After failing to get
her to use her influence with Senator Boss
to go for convicting the President,they have
assailed her character, and have ordered
her out of her studio in the basement of
the capitol, and thus destroyed ber model,
which cannot be removed. What a pitiful
spectacl the American Congress presents !
Galena, the home of General Grant,
answersd the voice of Oregon by electing
the whole Democratic ticket, on Friday
last, by three hundred majority. Every
election that takes place points to one re
sult—a crushing defeat of the Badical par
ty and iu expediency candidate in Novem
ber next.
Colfax on Free Speech.
In bis letter of acceptance Schuyler Col
fax says :
"If tbsre bod been no Republican party, a free
press and free speech would be ss unknown from the
Potomac to the Rio Orande as ten years ago."
Perhaps, says the llarri6burg Patriot,
Schuyler has not heard of the doings of
the military Satraps in the South during
the past year. Undoubtedly be is ignorant
that an editor in Tennessee and another iu
South Carolina were lately imprisoned for
strictures published upon military govern
ment ; that several others have been com
pelled to relinquish their positions upon
notice from the military authorities
that free speech is a crime ; that scores of
newspapers have been warned to cease op
position to the "reconstruction" acts or be
closed up. He does not know, probably,
that judges have been dragged to prison
for refusing to empanel uegro juries ; that
all public officers have been debarred from
the right to speak in opposition to the Af
ricanization acts of the Rump ; that thous
ands of white men have been rejected from
the registry lists for electioneering for a
white man's government and that negroes
have been mobbed, beaten and murdered
by loyal rnobs for daring to speak for and
vote the Democratic ticket. Of course he
has forgotten (Radicals have short memo
ries, yon know,) the reign of terror which
existed during 1862-3 4, during which time
more than one hundred Democratic news
paper offices were mobbed and destroyed,
and scores of editors thrown into prison
and their papers suppressed,excluded from
the mails, Jcc., because tliey dared to pub
lish the truth. He never heard the tinkle
of the little bell, which sent hundreds of
honest and guiltless men to dungeons for
the "crime" of telling the Radical despots
and plunderers they were hypocrites and
scoundrels, and that they were dragging
the country down to the ruin and degre
dation which it is now so rapidly ncaring
Certainly Mr. Colfax never knew or heard
of these circumstances or he would not at
tempt to impose upon the American peo
ple so palpable an untruth as the above.
The Radical Double-faced Platform.
The Chicago Republican platform, on
the two leading questions of the day—the
money question and the negro suffrage
question —is a thing of two faces, yea, we
may sav, of four. On the money question
it has a face looking East and a face look-
West ; and on the negro suffrage question
it has a face looking South and a face
looking North. We have shown that on
the national debt this double-faced plat
form may be claimed by Butler as calling
for greenbacks, arid by Greeley as demand
ing gold for the five-twenties. On negro
suffrage thus reads this two-faced platform.
"That the guarantee by Congress of equal
suffrage to all loyal men in the South was
demanded by every consideration of pub
lic safety, of gratitude, and of justice, and
must be maintained ; while the question ot
suffrage in all the loyal States properly be
longs to the people of those States.'' 'J his
is a shabby backdown from the grand Rad
ical ideas of "universal suffrage." impar
tial suffrage,and "equal rights." Con
gress, having forced universal negro suf
frage upon the late Itebel Southern States,
is bound to maintain it over them ; but
Ohio and New York last fall, and Michi
gan tl|js spring, having each, by a heavy
popular majority repudiated universal ne
gro suffrage, Congress will not touch nor
do anything for their colored populations.
Mr. Senator Sumner's bill providing by
act of Congress for universal negro suffrage
over all the States must be held for a more
convenient season, and Wendell Phillips
are left to mourn over or revult against the
treachery of the Chicago Convention. The
genuine equal rights Radical, North and
South, if no double dealers themselves
with Sambo, will show their scorn by put
ting an independent Presidential ticket in
the field without loss of time,— New York
Practical Application of Radioal Policy.
It is reported that a gentleman, a Dem
erol, living in the southern part of this
county, being desirous of illustrating the
beauties of Radicalism, and testing the sin
ceritv of its votaries and advocates, invited
a certain Radical to his bouse to stay over
night with him, and at the same time in
vited a " man and brother " to pass the
night under his hospitable roof.
Bed-time arriving, our Democratic
friend took a light and conducted the
" brother "to the room and pointed out
the bed he was to occupy. Soon after,
the Radical gentleman desired to retire,
and our friend also conducted hint to the
same room, and informed him that be was
to occupy the same bed.
Who is in tbat bed ? " asked the Rad
< Mr ," was the answer.
" What! That nigger?" indignantly
exclaimed the Radical ; " you don't sup
pose I am going to sleep with him, do
you ? "
" I most certainly do, " was the quiet
reply. " You voted to force this state of
affairs upon me aud my people, and took
and subscribed an oath that you would
grant the nigger every " privileged and
immunity" enjoyed by any class of per
sons, and ( producing a six-shooter ) by
the Eternal you shall carry out your poli
cy—go in there with you ! "
Mr. Radical, not liking the close prox
imity to the pistol, got into bed, but we do
not think lie staid tbero till moroiog.—
Black River ( Ark ) Standard
warrants issued by the Treasurer for the
expenses of the Government during the
month ot May, amounted to FORTY-SIX AND
rate the annual expenditures of the Gov
ernment, under the wasteful rule of the llad
icals'amount to FIVE HUNDRED AND THIR
TY-EIGHT MILLIONS a year,and that in time
of peace. If the people want economy and
reform let them put this party out of power.
Until they do that they cannot hope for
any improvement.
THE PUBLIC DERT —The punlic debt
statement for J nne 1, has been issued, show
ing total debt on that date to be $2,644,553,
560 —an increase of over -4,000,000 since
the first of May. The cash in the Treasury
on June Ist was $133,507,979, of which
$90,128,529 was coin.
Why Grant Dislikes the Jews.
The question is often asked." What has
Gen. Grant against the Jews 7 " or " Why
did he issue that notorious proclamation
driving all Jews and other vagabonds sut
side his encampment I " And, not having
seen published any satisfactory answer, I
will give jou what I suppose to be the real
cause of his dislike of the Jews. Daring the
winter of 1859 and 18G0, while Grant was
living at Gsleaa, he took into his head to
commence business on his own hook ; and
thinking there was a speculation in buying
drpssed hogs and shipping them to Chicago
he came down to the town of Bellevue, lying
some 12 miles southwest on the we*t bankot
the Mississippi, for the purpose of buying of
farmers as they caine in town with their
pork, and having it haulod to Galena, and
there shipped on the railroad to Chicago, or
in any other way disposed of so as to make
a profit, which was a very honorable, and if
managed understanding!)-, could have been
a profitable business. There lived at that
time in Bellevue a man by the name of Ro
senthal, who was a Jew, and who was in the
pork trade, and, of course, would be glad to
keep the trade in his own hands ;so he de
termined, if possible, not to givo Grant much
of a chance, and the first two or throe loads
of pork, were bid up far beyond its real value
and finally sold to Grant. By this time
Kosenthal discovered that Grant knew no
difference between the price of light and heavy
hogs, when, in reality, there is a difference of
at least one dollar per hundred, —heavy hogs
being worth one dollar the most,—the hogs
already purchased being light, and he having
paid the lull price for heavy hogs. So Rosen
thai goes to his warehouse ; selects out all
his light h >gs, enough to load two or three
wagons ; gets some farmers who had wood
racks on their wagons to load on the hogs,
drive out of town by another street, snd come
in on the main road to the corner where they
were buying. Rosenthal meets ihetn by an*
other street, snd commencjd bidding against
Grant, and, after bidding the p rk up to the
full value of heavy pork, it wa* sold to Grant
But the joke, or " sell being too good to
keep, it was not half an hour before every*
body nearly was splitting with laughter to
see how the Jew had sold the Galena pork
buyer ; which so di-gnsteJ Grant that be
went home that night, and was never seen in
Bellevue after. And that transaction so em
bittered him against the old tribes ot Israel
that I doubt whether he could now be recon
ciled. And this is undoubtedly the whole
caue of the expulsion of Jews from his camp.
Chicago Times.
The Secretaryship of the Senate.
Forney, afier inflicting a moral odium on
the Senate which any jury would assess at
more than §4O 000 damages, has at last been
weeded out. Various men have aspired to
his place. Among tliem Creswell, of Mary
land. lb: was a secessionist in 1801, and
afterward became a torch and turpentine
tramp. He took advice and withdrew. His
record as a Senator is of too recent memory
to make hi association tolerable even to the
Rump. Fulton, of the Baltimore American,
loomed up His paper led the applause for
Maishall Kane when Federal Soldiers wtre
killed in Baltimore, April 10, 18gl, and he
uiged making Baltimore a Moscow, bef-ro
yielding it to Northern occupation, ot allow
ing Union soldiers to march through it to
Washington. He afterwards became " loy
al "in a night before coercion, just as Ben
nett duf in the Heral'l. Since then he has
been the most radical of Radicals. But
reported to be a strict pecuniary proto
type of Forney, he was contumaciously re
jected. Burbrtdge of Kentucky wauled the
place. Butler and Bingham laid pipe for
him. Probably his backers defeated him.—
The memory of the murdered Mumford anil
the " blood of an innocent woman" attach
ing to Burbridge'a supporter*, made the Sen
ate think of the defenceless Confederate sol
diers, twelve in all, whom this man shot in
cold blood one Summer morning near Lex
ington. The Senate declined the infamy of
Ins r> corderslup'by one vote, not willing, af
ter the experience of Forney, to take Bur
bridge, albeit with ao scriptural an injunc
tion as " let him that stole steal no more."
Thesa are the defeated candidates. A sorry
list, unless compared with the majority of
'ho elt-c'ors wtio defeated them, only to elect
on# even more in their own likeness. This
man is Gorham He belonged to California
till that State gave him a forcible invitation
to leave last year. It may or may n<>t be
remembered that Governor Haight defeated
him at the last election. A packed conven
tion nominated him. Every decent Repub
lican paper in lite country, including the New
York I'osl and Times, and several indecent
journals of the same politics, among them the
77 flume, denounced his nomination as dis
gracelul. California papers sang in the same
key. A third man, and an honest, Mr. Bid
well, was run against him Governor Ilaight
had the pleasure of defeating both by a ma
jority of 8,000. Repudiated by his State,
political putrescence buoyed him to Washing
ton. There be has conOnuod the courses of
lobbyists and what not that made it healthy
for him for to change his residence. The
man and paper have to be found that have
braved public sentiment by praising him
lie sit• where Forney sat, the second officer
of the Senate of the United States, in the
year of moral ideas, 18g8. Should not Mr.
Cameron's Committee on Drficils in the Sec
retary's Accounts be continued.— World.
At the late Methodist Conference,
which assembled at Chicago, the Rev.Mr.
Waldo introduced the following resolution:
"That all government is based upon the re
ligious ideas of those who carry it on,and
that the Northern Methodist have acquired
bv conquest the right to control the religion
of the South. That it is just as wrong to allow
the Southern Methodists to meet and wor
ship in their ways as it would be to allow
Lee and dohnson to call together and drill
their armies again. 1 hey will soon be pro
hibited from so doing. The religion of the
North is bound to rule this continent and it
proposes to make a proper application
of our Bible to all the Southern States and
people. A subjugated people have no more
right to apply their own peculiar moral
ideas,than to use their physical implements
of war."
We have not the patience to comment
on thisinfamous thing. We almost wish we
knew how to blaspheme like old Ben Wade
that we might swear at it. But this is the de
graded level to which the religion and pol
itics of this country are descending under
the reign of the African barbarian party.
fgT An admirer of Thad. Stevens, wri
ting to the Chicago Journal, 6ays he plays
at"faro," an hour every evening, for "men
tal recreation"—and not from a love of
gambling ! as he seldom bets more than SSO
at a time. The simplicity of the statement
i about on par wit h that of a returned Gfcn
tile from Utah—who|desiring to palliate, to
family friends, that a recent son bad aban
doned the religious faith of his fathers, re
marked, Well, he isn't what you may ©ill
a regular Mormon—he bas only three
STATES OFFICER.—A gentleman of high
standing sends us the following facts from
A few days ngo Nash bad ascertained to
his satisfaction that he was elected to the
Senate, be called upon Major Andrews the
Commandant of the Post, to pay his com
pliments. On entering the room where
the Major was seated, he spoke, giving
him the time of the day, when the Major
rejoined ; " Who are you, and what do you
want ?" He replied ; M My name is Nash
sir." " Well," says the Major, "what of
that ? " " Oh, sir. '' said he, " I am Bev
erly Nash, Senator elect to the State Leg
islature of South Carolina, and have call
ed upon you officially to pay my compli
ments as such." * Well, sir, 1 neither
pive nor receive compliments from niggers.''
But says Nash, " I am not a nigger, I am
colored ." The Major brought the whole
matter to a speedy and final close by say -
ing : " You are a nigger, sir, and as black
a one as J ever saw. I recognize but three
races, and these are whites, Indians and
niggers." — Charleston Mercury,
the Radical candidate for Vice President,
is a politician by trade, and has always
l>een notorious in Indiana as a chronic of
fice beggar. 11c was an original Ivnow-
Nothing, and as such was elected to Con
gress, being otie of the most bitter and
loud-mouthed defamers of our foreign
born fellow-citizens. Like others of Lis
class be naturally allied himself with the
Republican party, when the fusion be
tween the Know-Nothings and the Abo
litionists took place. The resolution in
reference to naturalized citizens adopted
by the Chicago Convention was merely a
tub thrown to the whale ; and when that is
quoted every naturalized ciliz> n will re
call the antecedents of the party and the
nominee, Schuyler Colfax, the Know-
asking a continuation of tbe Negro Poor
Houses in the South, for the benefit ot
our black biethern and equals, was deba
ted in tbe Senate, and will of course be
passed. This is the way a Radical Con
gress retrenches the expenses of the Gov
ernment and lightens the burdens of the
people, by appropiating millions of dollars
annually to support and clothe a lot of
ignorant, lazy niggers, in order that tbey
may secure their votes.
Let it be remembered by the people,
that a Radical Congress is appropiating
j'early, a suin of money, for party purposes
aud party good only, that nearly equals
the entire expenses of the government
when under Democratic control.
NEW DEFINITIONS. —Republican Gov
ernment — White men working to buy pro
visions for idle niggers.
National Prosperity—Office seekers cor
nipt ing the people, by money pillaged
from tbeir pockets by unjust taxation.
Fn-e Institutions —The right to kill a
white Southern man without being punish
ed ; and find the necessity of hanging every
wh'te man suspected of killing a nigger.
Protection of American Industry—lax
ing labor for the benefit of capital.
Radical Policy—God help the rich, for
the poor can beg.
Sustaining the Government—Paying taxes
for the Radical officials to steal.
The* Government —Those off Hals who
sustaiu the policy of the Radical party.
HE KNOWS, —Mi. Washburnc. a rad
ical mongrel member of Congress, said
the other day, that 4 * three-fourths of the
Internal Revenue officers, were thieves."
And yet, the civil tenure-of-office bill
prevents the. President from removing
those on whom suspicion rests, and Wasli
burne and his mongrel compeers sanctiou
the plunder by their votes to sustain that
X3T Has the m in on horseback spoken ?
Said tbe Tribune, editorially August 17,
1867: " Probably General Grant can af
" ford to be a deaf and dumb candidate,
"but this country cannot afford to elect a
" deaf and dumb President."
rejects Radicalism. Oregon joins hands
with California. The East repudiates it.
Chase and the Radical Senators desert the
the rotten cause. It is doubtful, if even
Massachusetts can be carried for Grant and
Colfax in November next.
Weston,the walkist,is to take anoth
er big tramp. This time he goes from
Bangor, Maine,to St Paul Minnesota, and
returns to Buffalo, New York, making in
all five thousand miles, to be comleted in
one hundred consecutive days. The wager
is for $25,000 a side, or $50,000, altogether.
THAT on the 21stt day of May A D. 1869 a (
warrant in bankruptcy ws issued against the
estate of Jerry A. Thomas of Nicholson, in the !
County of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, who I
has been adjudged bankrupt on his own petition ;
that the payment of any debts and delivety of any
property belonging to such bankrupt, to his. or for
bis use, and the transfer of any property by him are
forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of
said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to chooso
one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a
Court ot Bankruptcy, to be bolden at No. 303 Lack
awanua Avenue, Scranton, Pa., before Edward N.
Willard, Register, on the 19th day of Juae, 1868, at
10 o'clock A. M.
THOS. A ROWLEY, U. S Marshal,
42w4 as Msssenge, Western Dis. Pa.
To the hein of Solomon Whitcomb, late of Wind
ham toicmbip, Wyoming County, dee'd.
THAT iopursunnce of an order of the Orphan's
Court of the County ot Wyoming to me direct
ed, an Inquest ot Partition of the real estate of the
said decedent hereinafter deseril>ed to and among
the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent
will be held on the I6ih day of July, A. D. 1868, at
ten o'clock A. M., at ihe premises atoreeaid, to wit:
all that certain tract or lot of land situate in saij
township of Windham, bouoded on the North by
lands of John Fassett, Charles Fusseft, t): S. Fassett
and Alrah Fassett. and by land of Harlow Fassett,
i on the Eastern end of said tract by the Susquehanna
river ; on the East side of projections of said tract by
land of Harlow Fassett, and land of John, G. S. and
, Alrah Fassett ; on the South by land of John, G. S.
1 and Alvah Fassett aforesaid, and land of G. L. Pal
mer, and on the West bv land of the heirs of Q. W.
| Grow, doe'd. and land of Wm. Burgess j containing
about four hundred acres, more or less. Said In
quest will meet at the mansion house occupied by
| said decedent in bis life time, for the puri>ose afore
' said, at tbe time above mentioned. .
j M. W. DKWITT, Sheriff.
J Sheriffs Olfioe, Tuok., Jane 15, 1865,—46w4
Has been an exciting topic for some weeks
past, but greater interest is now
manifested in the
fact that
Have received and opened their
Dry Goods
Of all descriptions, and are prepare!
to exhibit to their customers as
fine an assortment as can be
found in any inland town
in the State. We are
aware that competi
tion in our trade in
Tunkhannock is
to be unusu
ally brisk
and de
and have
selected our
stock with es
pecial care, in
order that our pat
rons may be fully
satisfied that so far as
prices, taste and elegance
are concerned, they could
not do better than to continue
us their favors. We shall at all
times and under all circumstances
be gratified to be permitted to show
our stock whether there is a de
sire to purchase or not. The
following comprises a
part of our variety :
SHAWLS, of all kinds,
SACK GOODS, of all kinds,
ME 111 NOES,
SILKS, all colors,
111 IUM
DELAINES from 12| to 25 at*.]
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
LADIES' GAITERS, 1.25 to *3 per pair-
Balmoral Skirts j
for summer.
CALICO from 10 to 16 cts. ;
Ac., Ac , tc.,
We invite nil to call and see us
- that our friends and acquaint
will do so, aud we do not hesitate U
that we shall at all times he pleased 1
strangers, and are satisfied that tin-)'
not go away cross or dissatisfied.
Twkbtfteook, May 1 b