Local and Personal. Explanation.—-The da'e in letters and figures 0 n the label attached to this paper, indicates the tiuie up to which the paper has been paid for.— Example —"John Smith 8 nug 69" should be read : John Smith—being a prompt paying man—has paid for paper U P to th * Bth day of August 1868. About which time he will make Another advance payment for one year, when the figures on the ad dress laM will be changed r Subscribers are particularly requested to pve u a immediate notice of any error or mistake in the date on the labels of their paper. A Card. The undersigned having failed in par fee ting his arrsmretnent f„ r the pu .li.-at ion of a Democratic newspaper at Scranton, by reason of circumstances unexpee-el and beyond his control, hag transferred (be paid subscription list to the Wyoming Democrat believing this paper one of the truest exponents of sound Democratic principles in Northern Peonsylva „js_ftnd believing that this arrangement will prove satisfactory to all concerned E3. WESTCOTT. The above card explains itself A number of per t ns who sre new subscribers to our paper were on the list furnished us by Mr Westcott ; such willjreceive a credit on their subscriptions to this paper by calling at our office. Mr. W proposes to continue his efforts it behalf of the Democrat, with his pen and other wise. All monies paid him on subscription thereto will be promptly forwarded to us and duly acknowl eLp"|. Boating is now resumed on the "raging canawl," at this (lace; and we expect, in a day or two, to see a long lire of boat; moving northward, freight ed with black diamond from the mines at Prttston Millinery .--Mrs. Bardwell has just returned from the City with an entire new stock of summer Millinery, including ail the latest styles of Fancy haL Craje, Frosted Maline, and silk bonnets at greatly reduced prices. Please call, before pur cba-tng elsewhpre. Furniture.--Those who have Keen neglecting to get their fu io'< until the opening ot the new Furniture Store of Buck A Sterling at this place, will be to lexrn that these g. ntlemcn have just received fmra Philadelphia a largo stock of new and e _atu p ii r end bedroom suits, eb.iirs, matrosses A--., which they propose to sell at the very lowest prices. Persons wishing turniture, should call at thrir war rooms and examine for themselves.— Booms over Sherman A La ■ hrop's store next door to Mall'.- Hotel- A New AVa'ch SIl p has been reeent'y r.jrtird at M-shoppen, by Mr. C 8 V q. ISitie who has been in failing health for Hue months part, is reporte d, no better I.ook to the advertising eolums of the Democrat, for than mies of dealers who sell cheap and good gor-D j A Smasher.—The Scranton Republican thinks ■hat Grant is just the man to "smash the whiskey ric " From all the testiwsor.v we have of the Bold Gen or 'iie liquor question we should jnlge him the rin of ill men 'or this business He'd smash the ; rng by drinking ul! their whiskey—and then if rot troubled with ' copperheads," in his hoots woul i turn his attention to brandy smashes. Arcldet.u of Travel.—Chas. J. Wright, at Ike post office in this pla -e, has tlie apcncy for the sCe „f hi ke's of Insurance in the Railway pnsscn (r. Insurance C-'inpinv of Ilartfard, t onn., one of. the ol lest an 1 best companies tn the Unite! States. , Twenty five cents insures, for a day, tho amount of -Sol s : \ in case of accident. fining A ivay.—Mr. Alvin Day, editor nd publ -her of the .Vor.'A Branch Democrat, ft r sev- j eml year® previous to 1--6!, and who has had al- I i' -t ex,]u-ive charge of cur piper and office fi,r sever il months p-st, hi" lately purchased a one I .if interest in the Northumberland County Dcm- \ or- ,: of which he will take possession about the fir-t .-f July. Mr Day is a thorough prurtieal j'in'er of extensive experience ; a staunch unmm ;r inising Democrat. We bespeak for him, in his r field of operations, the abundant success which • - fidelity to right principles and his energetic advo- , cucy of them so richly deserve. Tlie Grant Club assembled at the Conrt Bouse on Monday evening last, wis rather a small t 1,-It. to be calif d a club. One speaker, lamenting tie i n j'y scats declared there "was enough Grant i'es in th' Pi rough to fill the Court House " Yet t r a-cinb!v nright have had eommodiously aecoin n lati ms in llick Goghati's 7 by 9 shanty—provi "i-i Dck would allow his one story palace t, be e tvertel into such a nest Jiui Thump-on who has ..t iu much poor whiskey-down his gu/zler—in the cause ol Iris country was the orator ol the oc '• •--i -n, and. report says, brought down the house. Jiui supports the hoss—kangaroo ticket. We llO* lee an old and reliable Boston firm. Har ris.f Plumuier, who advertise in our columns " The b 'access " They pre a well known and responsible firm. :,r.d have incorf-orated the popular One Dollar • v e info their business as a means of re -ching the t'. -sos They offer superior inducements to Agents, st I their .advertisement is well worthy the attention of our readers. f omlug,--Some people have been pibing at us 'i-ttle for the pre lictiou that the R tit m and very soon l-at. With such men a* j siPacker, Col Piollett and Rob't U. Sayres at be cni the train, we assure our friends tbat the cars will co-ne ; and very soon, too. The event, toiy. however, he postponed for a few days on ac count of another great event which will take place ; the 4-b at N. Y., to wit; the nomination of a "kite man's candidate for the presidency, one who heat the great hose fancier, cod gmokist ottl of j boots. Buildings and fences u j,jn,u a i.i be in good pre—rvation scores of years after those which have not been painted crntnb', to the dust. One of the best evidences of thrift in a man Is well pointed buildings fences and tools. The same is also true of towns—People with their houses maxe the town. The fa<-t th it our town is rapidly improving is as much evinced by the fact that people are painting up, as that they are building up. A Habbath School Convention and Inatl tute for Wjoining County, will be held in Tunk bannock on the third week in June, commencing on Tuesday evening the 16th. Speakers from abroad are already engaged to attend. Friends of the I Sunday School cause may anticipate an interesting and profitable occasion. It is desired that every ; Sunday School in the County send at least one dele gate hud report at the Jirst session on TuesJay even- I 'ng. I Wednesday afternoon will be devoted exclusively i to the children, and at that meeting, commencing at 10 o'clock, the children are especially invited to attend Delegates wi',l report to Mr. A. B- Mott, at his store. The Convention will he under the direction of Mr. R. Crittenden, who for years has devoted himself wholly to th* Sabbath School cause, i Mrs. Day, Mother of Alvin and John Day, of 1 this place, died at the residence of the latter on : Saturday last , after a long and painful illness, j which she hire with tiue christian fortitude. Her j remains were taken to Silver Like, Su piehjmia : County for interment on Tues lay last. Etap Year as we understand the colon lar, is now in transits. May an 1 June, in all tine pas• have both been considerei excellent months for ! marrying. Ani strange to say, there has b <•, scarcely a single case of martyrimony to record in the past six weeks. Wo shall of course expect great : activity in the matrimonial ma-ket a'out the 4:h of Ja'v; but we can' t see why two su h previous j months as May and June should be wasted. Our air friends should make the most of leap year, and : "Like the little busy bee, Improve each shining hour." Important Arrangement."-An arrangement ; of mu.h importance to the coal, iron an 1 lumber in terests of this State, has been consummated be tween the several canal lines on the Susquehanna river •nd its branches, embracing the Wyoming ca nal, the \V< st Branch anl SusqnehatTna , the Penn sylvania, an! the Susquehanna aril Tile Waco ci n Is Th- resjiectiveiy bin! -elves to of-ernte th-ir canals a< -tie line or. ill through tonnage, to pro i ita all ibiough tol:-, ani to enlarge all of their c:ina ! * by the spring of 1871 to six feet depth of, water It Is climate Iby the p . ties interested that the nlrove arrange men! ai'l off-t a r luction of one-half on the vast tonnage of anthriite an I bi t unit nous coal, lumber, anl iron Clinton Repub Above His Business,--We noti-e among the many improvements of town a new and attractive sign, recently put up by Mr Jainas Linpheir , Boot and Sh-re Maker The artist who represented the boot an I -hoe part of the sign by symbols—in painting the shoe, selected a ladies' ; and to set off his picture more naturally painted a finely turned ar kle around which appear a lew thin fleecy folds of a skirt of spotless hue. In this he has certainly ex hibited evidences of close obfemtion and fine ar tistic skill —hut, it would seem he rather got abo-e> his business. Jiin the boot and shoe artist hofcever stic s as close to his businc-s os—irar. Dead Beat.-—Xiabnl.ts Barber, latelv hoarding at the M inion 11 use. in thicity slipped his trunk out of the window night be tore last by tying sheets 'ogether to let it down, and went off without paying his 1.0 .rJ Pass him around - Scranlon Repub. Sabbath School Convention.—Our reader will not forget the Sabbath School Contention aid Institute far Wyoming County to he held iu the Methodist Church, Tunkhannock, Tuesday and Wednesday, June I6th and 17th iust., commencing on Tuesday evening Ministers and laymen of enterprise will he pres ent to give us their best instructions n the .-sun lav •School work. TuesJay evening Rev. R. Crittenden and B. 3. Russell lisq, of Towandi will address the Convention, after whi ti the subject of a County S. S organisation will be considered. Exercises for Welncs lay will be announced at this first ses sion Itpis hoped that every school in the County will be r presented at this Convention- Tue ptes" enee of all ministers is specially desired. Matrimony is one of the relations of -life which fashion docs not make unfashionable, nor cust an stale. People go right on, marrying, giving in marriage—and taking too—very much the aaine as they did in Jacob's time- only the boys now-a days don't serve the old man so long for the hand of the fair Susan Jane as did that ancient patriarch for the lovely Racbael. True there Is now and then a case where the devil (not the printer's) is whipped around the stamp —where parties who ought to have the benefit of the clergy, don't got it. But, as a general rale, marriage is both natural and easy to young people of opposite sexes, especially in cases where the young'ns are agreed and the old folks are opposing the matter, strong ! Certificates of the fact of marriage, upon which are printed a \ery excellent portrait of the "dad," in almost all c ises, come themselves. There are exceptions how ever—cases where the newly married have doubts— j and wish a printed one from the officiating clergy man or magistrate. To meet these cases and sup ply this want we keep on hand and for sale very i neatly printed blank paper certificates for both these classes of splicers of the maiubrace—matrimo uial. " Spring it is cheery, Winter is dreary. Green leaves hang, hut the brown must fly ; When he is shaken, Lone and forsaken, What can an old man do but die 1" Why, take Plantation Bitters, to be sure, and with them a new lease of life. Jhe old are made young again, the middle-aged rejoice, and the young be. come doubly brilliant by using this snlcndid Tonic Bysptpria. Heartburn. Liver Complaint, Headache, I'.iin* iu the wide, ' Crick in the Back. ' and a.l symptoms of Stomachic Derangement, yield at ont-o to the b ii:h givtug influence of Plantation Bitters. The* add strergth to the TStui aud buoyancy to the mind. Magnolia Water.--A delightful toilet article guperior to Colugn- aud at half the price Dyspepsia and Scrofula are two hydra-head ed monsters from which nearly all the ills that flesh is heir To originate. For Dyspepsia, the Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of iron, is a long tried and well-established remedy ; and for scrofula in all its manifold forms. Dr- H. Anders lodine Water is a specific. If those afflicttd will , try these remeoles they will thank ua lor calling their attention to them. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE; THAT on the 26th day of May A. D. 1563, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Nelson 0. Martin, of the township of Tunk- • bannock, in the County of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts ani delivery of any property belonging to sueh Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a l meeting of the Creditors of raid Bankrupt, to prove j their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of j his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he hidden at the office of the Register in the Bor ough of Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa , before Edward Overton. Jr., Register, on the 17th day of July A. j D IS6B, at 9 o'clock A. M. THOS. A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. i £/ £. B. Co dbaugb, Deputy, I 7 It ijjftial tJoticrs. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NE WEK. has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public to Restore Oray Hair to its Original Color. *nd create a new growth where it has fallen off from disease or natural decay. It icill prcrent the hair from falling out> AH who use it are unanimous in awarding it the praise of being the beet liair Dressing extant. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail MASCFXCTUREI) OSLY BY R. P. IIALL A Co, Nashua, N. U., Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. Price SI,OO 5000 Yards Hest Prints, tor Ms per v:r*i. at C. DKTKICK WALL PAPER.—a Isrge qnan tity at very low price?, at C DETRICK S. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netvous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects ot youthful in- iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the reeipy anl directions for making the simple remedy be which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect c infi len-e, JOHN B. OGDUN, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4o. DUMBER FOR SAGE. HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find a full supply of SEASONED PINE LI MBER Jror Sale at Tunkhannock. I This LI'MBER, which was manufactured at Walt tnau's Steam Saw M.!l tn lira.llord county, is ot tuo best quality, and well seasoned. Boards will dress to inch. Plunk to 11 and 2 inches in thickness. Buyers wishing their lumber planed, matched, Ac., will find Planing Mills at this place to do the work. For particulars consult E J. KEEXEY, Agt. Tunkhannock, Jan. 1, 1368. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE UNITED 1 STATES for the Western District of Penn'a. In the. Matter of Jasper J. Seymour, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy To Whom it may Concern: The ttnlersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Jasper J. Seymour, id Braintrim tvvp., county of Wyoming and Stitp of Pennsylv.mi >. within said Ui-tri r, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi- ow i petition by the District Court of sail Dis t ' ■!. I- -i-.J Towanda, pa. the 7th day of May A. D l. : JOHN W MIX, Assignee. I I'll \ M"- EKEeli MEAT CURE. 1. Is a PREVENTIVE as wtl! as a cure fur Con sumption. 2 It arrests Hemorrhage of the Lungs at once. 3. Bmn -h it is yields speedily to its intliien.-c. 4. For Nervous Prostration and U-.-neral Debility it has no equal 5. It supplies nutriment and stimulus to the tody. 6. It gives the invalid a " new lease of life." 7. A single bottle will convince the most skepti cal of its virtues as the great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bottle. Sold by Lyman A Wells, Tunkhan nock and all druggists. 42w4 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the Court ot Common Pleas, fur the County of Wyoming, in Au iitor to make distribution of mon-es arising from the sale of real e late of William Koons, will ittend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Win. M Piatt. in TunkhaDtioi-k Borough, on Wednesday the Bth day <.f July, A. I>. 1368, one o'clock m the attc noon, at which time and place all persons interests I tHerein are requested to present their claims, or be debarred from receiving any portion thereof. JOHN A .81TT3ER, Auditor. Tunkhannrck, May 19, 18,p--ull>v4. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court, for the County of Wyoming, an Auditor, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Chrtswell, dee'd., tn make distrihuti in of balance of fun I, iu the hands of Administrators, among credi tors of aid dee'd , will attend to the duties of his ippoi itment at the office of Wm M. Piatt, in Tunk hannock Borough, on Wednesday, the Ist day ot July, A. D. 1868, at one o'clock in tho afternoon, at which time and place, all person" interested therein arc requested to precen' theii claims, or he debarred from receiving any portion thereof. JOHN A SITT3ER, Audito Tunkhannock, May 19, 13g31 3 g3- nllw4. NOTICE. All persons indebted to (he late firm of JF.XXINCS A Co., on bmk account, are requested to call and settle the same without delay, and save further trouble, Mehoopanv, Pa., May 9. 1869. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: THAT on the 21stt day of May A D. 1968 a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Jerry A. Thomas of Nicholson, in the County of Wyoming an 1 State of Pennsylvania, who lias been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition ; tbat the payment of any debts and delivery of any property lielonging to such Bankrupt, to his, or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidd n by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to obooro one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy, to h holdeu at No. 303 Lack awanna Avenue, Scran ton, Pa., before Eiward N. Willard, Register, on the 19th day of Juac, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. TIIOS A ROWLEV, C. S Marshal, 42w4 as Messengc, Western Dis. Pa. 3000 Yds. DELAINES f.>r 15 cts. per yard, at C. DETRICK'3. IN BANKRUPTCY. —In the matter of Lawrence C Conklin, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United States, for the Western D.strict of Penn'a To vhom it may Concern . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Lawrence C. Conklin, of Tunkhannock in the county of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania with in said District, who has boen adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court ef said District. Dated at Tunkhannock, the 28th day of May, A. D 18Q8. u4.iw3 JOHN IS RHODES, Assignee. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE! TllAToiit.be sth day of Juno, A. D, 1968 a warrant in Baukru| toy was issued against tho i state of Jacob A Thomas, of Xichu'son, Wyoming County, Pern vlvanta, who has been adjudge i a i inki ipt. on his own p.-tition ; (hat the payment of .•my debt anl delivery of any property belonging to su h bankrupt, to h : m or for bis use. and the traus ter of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting f the cieditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to eh .use one or more as signors of bis estate, wiil be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held r.t No 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa., befote Edward N. Willard Register, on the 9th day of July 1868 at 10 o'clock, A. M. TIIOS A. ROWLEY, U S. Marshall, as Messenger, Western Dis. of Pa v"o44-4w. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: THAT on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1868, a war rant in Bankruptcy, was issued against the es tate o. Jonas J llaiistead, of Nicholson, Wyoming County, Pa , who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; tbat the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belongmg to such Bankrupt, to htm or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he held at No 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scrantnn. Pa before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the Sth day of Jul v, 1863, at 10 o'clock A M. "THOS A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger, Western Dis. of Pa. NOTICE. All persons ihdebted to Bunnell A Bannatync are requested to settle without delay, or coats will be made. Office at Sherman A Laihrup'a Store. 7n44tf. INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY, in ig 3 j. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARED BT DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, EBUPTIONS of the SKIN, and all Diseases arising from a Dis ordered Liver, Stomach, or IMPURITY OF Til R It LOO V. Rtad the following symptoms, and if you find that four system is affected by any of them, you may rut assured that disease, has commenced its attack on th* most important organs of your boity, and unless soon checked by the use of powerful remedies, a miserabls tife, soon terminating in death, will bt the result. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Files, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Aridity Of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Bour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, HurrieaJ or Difficult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Alt these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive Organs, combined with impure blood. {jooflaitb's ©crmtm Dittcro ts.enf Irely vegetable, and contains no liquor. It Is a compound of Fluid Ex tracts. Tlie Hoots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts are made arc gathered In titrmisy. All the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. These extracts arr then forwarded to this country to he used expressly for the inaiiufar I nre of these Bitters. There Is no alcoholic substance of any kind used In compounding the Bitters, hence it Is the only Bitters that can be used In cases where alcoholic stim ulants are nut advisable. fioofliinb's ©crman (Tonic is a etmhin tfirn of all tht ingredients *f the Hittm, with PURR Sonttt ft nir Hum, dranofir. It is used for thf S'iMf UisfHSf* us thf Hitter*, m cases where some purr tilroholif stimuli'a is required. You will bear in mind that thus' remedies are entirely different from any others advertised fir the. rure of the diseases mameil, these being scientific preparations erf medicinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of rum in some form. The TON IC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take 11, while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be known as the greatest of all tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of cases, when the pa tient supposed he was afflicted with this terrible disease, have been cured by the use of these remedies. Kitreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual attendants upon sever* cases of dyspepsia or disease of the digestive organs. Kven in cases of gsiiutiic Consumption, these remedies will be found of the greatest benefit. Strengthening and Invigorating. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to HoqflaneTs German Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone and vigor to the whole system, strengthen the ap petite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the Stomach to digest it, purify the blood, give a gtod, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaciated, wak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigor ous person. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Medicines. They can be aelmlulslered with perfect safety to a < lill ".'rj'eyg'i.? This remedy is a certain Cure for , •'r'-Jlism. all diseases of tbe Blood; it cleanses ' tbe system, and tbusoperatea in the ® c SLTJ-f-r only rational way, to eradicate the ■'if""-2 . ... . disease, and effect a thorough care. ... | The above Medicines have been -t; - c. Pr-pared for the last 33 years, and I ~~~ ~ : i have given entire satisfaction in all J '.rtT'Tl..'..'—. " cases, where the directions have | "" * been observed. Prepared by L. SCOTT, 8c ran ton. For sale by Lyman A Wells, Druggists Tunkhan nock, Ta. " v7n33bi-w NOTICE. All persons indebted to me, by note, judgment, or I ; book account, nre requested to wake payments im I mediately and save cost. DANIEL WRIGHT. j Tunk., May 13, lPfiS.-ivlO CBAIDUMI HALE. | T)Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of i D Wyoming County, to me directed, will bo ex j posed to public sale on tbo premises, on Saturday ! tbe 20th day of June A D. 18b8. at 1 P. M , all the | interest of the minor children of John Ellsworth, lute j of Northmoreland township, dee'd, to wit: an undi- j I vide! one tenth interest in the fol'owing described ; I property situate in the said township of Northmore- j land and county aforesaid, bounded on the North by land of John D. Myers, on the East by lands of Milo j Heeler and Babcock. on the Soutn by land of Milo j Keeler, and on the West by lands of Milo Keeler,. James Uastidder and John I). Myers, containing one i hun lred and twenty-five acres, more or less, with tbe ! appurtenances, LEVI WINTERS, 42w4 Guardian of minor children. SHERIFF'S SA LE BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me di- j rcted there will be exposed to puldic sale at I the Court House in Tunkbannock, Wyomiug County, i Pennsylvania, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 20. '63, at 1 o'clock P M., j All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain lot, piece, parcel or tract ol land ; situate and being in tbe township of Nicholson, Wy- , oming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described I as follows, to wit : On the North by lot or land of j Win. N. Raymond, East by laud of Leroy Reynolds ! South by public highway, West by lot or land of | Win. N. Rcvmond, containing one hundred by one ; hundred and fifty feet ol land, or 100 feet wide and i 150 ieet long, be the same more or less, with one j frame dwelling house, soiue apple trees and Id he r j fiuit trees thereon. All unproved with the appurte nances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Toy- | lor. Walker, .t Co. vs. Jerry A. Thomas. And will be sold for cash only bv M. W. DEW ITT Sheriff. Tunk.. June 1, '68n43w4. NEW Jewelry Store!! P. C. DUTIES & BRO. ||AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets f>ne. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac. j Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, j | Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. j Spoon Holders, ! f Foiks, Spoons, Nut-Picks. Ac ~ Ac. ' From ROGERS A BKO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co , j Also, CLOCKS ami WATCHES j c of tbe latest American and European Manufacture TaiflWH Dm FVW- ! 1 tbj 2}i)&rrisfUieHts. "■•rrrlar. Mill. Mulay, Gang: & Cross Cut e a -w a. • fcirrv s w jii.r i'i r n "■-.ip.-i nur p.itertl temper £ j/rot'tj.". Jl. 3E. f=* . • •; z • M - ti° t. RKD JM'KKT (C.h-um'f V en) AXKnnunl he t*. elle>ISINCOTT Si RAKiVVF.I.I.. !'u >.hii r km. Pa., S. |. Mm favt'rs. For gale by piiiu ipal iinruware Dealer*. AGENT- w ANTED FOR TUB OFFICII mm 9F THE in | Itg Cutl'iO. . vh -i'RCt/ - . C .c lt63ulvc. BY IIN A:.L\A.\i-KK II - ;u •• l-be I • •no 4cent in Ens'nn. I':., repur"-" 11 übsorib'-r --in thro dvf Another in b-mtou, lUdi-ul.a ribi-rs in St no i-.r Cir-n'-irs unl see our terms, :mr. J IIN YAMIKHPOIL, NO. 3U Cliutnu Place, N. Y. Citv U/WII.I). AIiCM-. 475" to 4201 per umiit i. n i-rvwli-r-, in ii • un I fcinlo to iu iroiu-e ih OEM INK IM iI.oVKD CO.MMtfN MINSK lAM IL \ Si WIN'.; MAI liINE Ihi.-iita chine velll itch ii 111, tell. tin K, quilt. cord, tout, iuai I and eiiOinii I. r ii. nun -i -llj.*• nor manner.— Pn uly 918 Fully ffumalt-i t"r fiee years * We w.ll pi t -I" t mi n n :ie tiial tiill sew a si no sr-r, more mi i,or .u .re elastic s-iiti thun • iiir-. Ii iiihk-1 tin- I. i- ie Lock .*■ itch '* Beerv -eei or! St it ell ca i ne ■in an I siill the rl.iih cannot lie t'Ul I- I apitil Willi uf I. .ii n_- ii We pat air. nis nun s7") to S2OB pei inniil . and expenses, or a e; m uiission from which t i■••• that aiuoiior can he made YMr-ft. SECO.MII ACO , PIT iSltl'KGll, Pa., or ! HO>To\. M V CAIi I lon.- -i>. t tit i t- iii! f ml uj*n bv oihi-r | > 11Ijf1jf •%!. tij!. i- c 's* irn in t. hiw*. Un ! ~-r ih- -i tuic n tui* r \viie. Outs ip the rly J z% -iiuinv -ifii really j ractic.il cbeip ui i-hii.es iiinnu j laid tu .cd : / i i fir O.iLT! true of new ; V_' r*racfif I fiOK• nALE. to whom great in ! duccuients are otiered. i A'e wilf scud you a Sewing Aiacliiue or Ri ice Dress free of cost, j Give us a trial. Catalogues sent free. s>HAAV A FISK. P. 0 Box 5178 Boston. Mass. Have you tried TOWl.£ & CO'S NONPAREIL DOLLAR SALE? F you have not now is your time to secure the | greatest bargains ever offered y any concern in ' | ti.e world. Investigate this at once—it will j pay. All parties in the Dollar Sale business adver- j ■ tise to give the l est bargains, best inducements to I i agents, Ac. lint the Goods tell the story. The ! proof of the j-udUlo' is the eating T Tins lower j ihan i in- lowest. Cir. ul rs sent free. Address TOWLE ACO , 7 Treiuont Row, Boston Mass. j Proof of our statement that we have made A COSi'TXiTRTE Ii EVOLUTION !N TRADE, \ an lc found in the ft. i thai the immense business 1 I we have built up has induced a multitude of SMALL J I'OSCERN'S to imitate our club system, and some by | i advertising the presents they will give to agents. seek, unsuccessfully, to diveert oine of our business I I tr. themselves. We make this announcement simply i | to inform the public that it will be for their interest | j to patronize our bouse, as we gtiil continue to gire j better pood" and irreaUr inducements to agents than ' i any other concern in the burin ess We soli every description of D'IY and FANCY I GOODS, Plated Ware, Jewelry, Watches, Sewing j Machines, .te„ Ac . for the uniform price ot ONE I DOLLAR. Circulars sent to snv address free. PARK El< & ( O.i Nos. 98 and IDO Summer St., Boston. Great Sale OF DRY GOODS, CAHPETINGS, SOOTS & SHOES, Silver Plated Ware, OK ALL KIND*, Albums, And a variety of vaiuaole and useful articles for sale at ONE DOLLAR for each ARTICLE, A chock describing an article selected from out stock for sale at ONE DOLLAR, will he seotou the receipt of Three Cents to pay postage. No charge tor Schedules or Checks made at this establishment. Send'for Circulars, as thie is the most Kberal sale ot the kind in the country. Address. EARN HAM & CO., No 94 Friend St., Boston, Mais, A B W tAIS C Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MLS. K. I.KASK. HAVING lately opened anew Fancy Store., of tern Hr sale n entirely new assortment of TftIMMING, Dw" Trimmings, White Goods. Emhrcilderie# ! Ladies Z -pber, in all cofors. Rid Gloves, Cuffs and I r-.ll.irt L"*e, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies No kties, best ! ipi iiily of Combs, Needles and Tiitead of the best uu ilitv, an l Fancy Notions of every variety, a i largo stock of Fans, TOYS, In lading China, Brouze, Papier Macbe Tin, Rose . v. i ld' ri n payment of one dollar. Prizes will be ; mime liatfclv sent to any address, as requested, by j express or return inaif. Y'nu will know what your prize is heforo vnt' pay for it. Any prize mny he exchanged for j another of the same talus. No Blanks. ■ jp" Our patron- can depend on-fair dealing. Refei el cts.—We select the few following name* ] from the manv who have lately drawn valuable pri i z.-- and kindly permitted us to publish thorn: ! S. T. Wilkics, Buffalo, N. Y-, 41,000 ; Miss Annie 1 Monroe. Chicago, 111 . Piano, raluei at 4650 ; Roht. i Jackson. Dubuque. lowa, Gold Watch, 4250; Phil lip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky., Diamond Cluster j King. SfjPO : R. A. Patterson, New Bedford. Mass ; j Silver Tea Set, $175 ; Miss Emma Walworth. Mil waukee, AYis., Piano, SSOO ; Rev. T, W. Pitt, Cleve ■ land Ohio, Melodeon, 4t?5. We publish no names without permission, j Opinions of the Press.—They are doing the ' largest business: the firm is reli >b'e, and deserve J their success— Weekly Tribune, Feb 8, 1863. We have examined tbeir system and know them to be a fair dealing firm.—.V Y. Ileratd, Feb. 28th. Last week a frierd of ours drew a 4500 prize, which was promptly received. Daily Xcics, March j 3 d, 18 6 8 j Send for circular giving miry more references and j favorable notices from the press. Liberal induce ments to AgeDts Satisfaction guaranteed, Every ' package of sealed envelopes contains one caihpi/t. Six Tickets for 41 ; J3 far 42 ; 35 for $5 ; lib for . 815. All letters should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON Ac CO., 173 Broadway. N. Y. • e Jjillings & Phillips Keep o"h hand and at all times, a i full stock of DRY GOODS AND SHGSSSISSJ BOOTS & SHOES, of Elmira mannf ture. "