JJARVEY SICK.LER, Publisher VOL. VII. ppmimj fJnnotrat. A Democratic weekly _ —. - & paper devoted to Poll f~ tics News, the Arts , nd Sciences Ac. Pub- T" JfiZ: A li.hed every Wednea- ' i ' ' iSssk * a 7> at Tunkhannock "Tj£- Wyoming County, Pa U i BY HARVEY SICKLER Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2,00 ; i not paid witliin six months, *2.50 will be ehrge< NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar rearagcare paid; unless at the option of publisher. RATES OF ADVERTISING. TE.T LINKS CONSTITUTB A SQUARE. One square one or three insertions $1,50 Every eufcseqm nt insertion less than 8 51 REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, anl GENERAI Apveßitst.Ni>, as may be agreed upon. PATENT MEDICINES and other advertisements NY the column : One column, 1 year, S6O Half column, 1 year 35 Third column, 1 year, 25 Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Business Cards of one square or less, per year with paper, $8 EDITORIAL or LOCAL TTFM advertising—with out Advertisement—ls cts. per line. Liberal terms made with permanent advertisers . EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; ItELI GIOCS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general nterest, one half tne regular rates. Vf.Advertise wn* must he handed in by TUES DAT NOON, to insure insert'on the same week. JOB WORK. sf all kinds neatly executed and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must he paid for, when ordered Business Notices. KK.itiV EIdTTbM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkuunuoclt Pa HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. 0 1., PAIIHSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. * Off. eat the Court House, in Tunkhanock Wy ming Co. Pa. J>U M.V'tA 11, ALIUKNEL Ai LA W of fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk oaiinock. Pa tp J CEASE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- As LOB AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa Especial attention given to settlement of dece dent's estates Nicholson, Pa. Dee. 5, 18^7— v"ul9yl WJ. WILSON, ATTORN FY AT LAW, Cat • lecting and Real Estate Ageut. lowa Lands fer sale. Scranton, Pa. 38it. T W . HtlllADH, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, J • will attend prom; tly to H " ca "s in his pro fession. May lie tound at his Office at the Drug Store, or at his residence on Putuian.Sreet, formerly eccupied by A. K. Pe.-kbam E?q. DENTISTRY. , • j;H3T DR. L T. BURNS has permanently located in Tunkhannoce Borough, and respectfully tenders hla professional services to its citizens. Office on second floor, formerly occupied by Dr. Wilman. v6n3otf. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, A!VL> PAiarTIKTG, •JJy jr. HUG&n, A r/ist. Roomsover the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's Brick Block, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Life-size Portraits painted frotn Ambmtypes or Photographs—Photographs Painted in Oil C< tors. — All orders for paintings executed according to or der, or no charge made. rr Instructions given in Drawing. Sketching, Portrait and Landscape Painting, in Oil or water Colore, and in all branches of the art, Tuok, July 3!, V -vgnSO tf. BOLTON HOUSE. • HAKLTLSLILTKO, PKNNA. The undersigned having lately pur< based the " BUEHLER HOUSE " property, has already cotn nsenced such alterations and improvements as will render this old and popular House rqual, if r.ot supe rior, to any Hotel in the Citv of Harris!,urg. A continuance of tho public patronage is refpect fully solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., I'A. THIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every attention will he given to the comfort and convenience of those wao patronize the Houe T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor"; Tunkhannock, September 11. IBGI. MEANS' HOTEL. TOWANDA, FA.. P. B- BARTLET, (Lateott.. "BRAIVARK Hoc**, ktntEA, K. Y PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i- one of tne LARGEST nd BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt is fitted up in the most modern and improved style And no pains are spared to make it a pleasantand Agreeable stopping piace for all, v3n'2l-ly. Commercial College.—-The sueeesa of Gard ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at Scranton, has surpass el all expectation. The course of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper — an 1 give better satisfaction than any other College f tne kind in Northern Pennsylvania Lite Scbol orship $45 00. Clubs at reduced rates. Send fSr aollege Paper giving full particulars. Address J. 0 Gardner. Principal, Scranton, Pa. u7nloyl INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless face, also a recipe tor the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Erup-ioas, et ,on the skin, leaving the same solt clear, aud beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing. THO3. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 482 Broads ay, New York. TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA.-WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 10, 1808. getriclis (Huron. Spring Trade for '6B Will open on or about the Ist of May, AT TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A. C. Detriclt, (SI CCKSSOB TO BUNNELL A BANNATYNK,) Proposes to establish himself permanently in trade at this place, at the Brick store house in Sam'l Stark's Block, where by fair dealing and fair prices he expects to merit and receive the public patronage. Attention is called to the following in Dry Goods : SILKS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, LUSTRES, DELAINES. GINGHAMS, PRINTS, SHAWLS, LADIES' SACQ.UINGB, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. NOTIONS, AC. Groceries. SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, MOLASSES, RICE, SYRUP, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PORK, BUTTER, CHEESE, DRIED BEEF, HAMS, FISH of Ell kind*, BEANS, AC., AC., Hardware, A FULL ASSORTMENT. Cutlery OF ALL KINDS, MEN'S AND BOYS' Hats and Caps. . :o; —-—- Boots $f Shoes, A FULL ASSORTMENT. This brunch of busmen made a speciality. A lot of SEWED ARMY SHOES, A GREAT BARGAIN, SOLE LEATHER. CROCKERY. STONE, WOOD AND TINWARE, in great variety. All kinds of Prodaoe taken in exchange for Goods. The above articles wilt be kept in full assortment. I mean to make the experiment of goods sold in qoantites cheaper than ever before ia thi* vicinity, I shall be beppy to see you, and yen caa depend np on finding bargains to every department, Goods re ceived every week. Respectfully yon re, c. V£TXJC&. 1 Written for the Democrat. THE TOILER'S DREAM. BT STELLA OF LACKAWANNA. With the sunset's flush on her fa led hair, A numan leans from hor lattice low, And a face deep-lined, that was once so fair In the beautiful long ago. Care leans from the lattice too, Close by her side, all gaunt and grim, Tugging her gown with a fretful frown, But her gaze is not lor him. Something lureth it still beyond— Off where the sun-mist drapes the hill, Sill never she heeds the household needs, But dreamfully gazes still. For, white as the gleatn of silver sands, Where the moonlight sports on the silent shore, A cottage looms, and her patient sire Rests thoughtfully by the door And, bumming a cradle lullaby, Another, and meeker and weaker one, Foldetb a babe in its morning sleep, In the red of the evening sun. And there—'tis her own child- self the sees Wandering on with a careless air, Wreathing flowers from the meadow blooms, To wind in her shining hair. But Love went roaming the summer woods To hide from the yellow and glaring sun, And her heart was caught in the tangled thread Of the web the sly rogue spun. And a shadow talis 'neath the maple trees. Over the old house beading low. And a lover talks with his tender eyes ; Ah the beautiful long ago ! And well defined in the moving mist, The wooer and the won watk side by side, And she, on the morrow goeth fcrtffi From the homestead roof, a bride. Leans she out from the lattice low With tho sunset's flush on her faded hair, And her svl.face lined with the touch of woe, — Her face that was ouce so fair. Care leans out from the lattice too, Close by her side, ail gaunt and grim, Tugging her gown with a fretful frown, Till with pain hei eyes are cim. And children shout by the swinging door, And tho weary look is on her brow, Ah, the household needs perforce she heeds, For her dream is ended now. A " HATTY ' AFFAIR. —Rats, say* Josh Billings, originally eame from Norway, and I wish they had originally staid there. They arc about az uncalled for az a pane in the small of the back. They can be domesticated dreadful eazy, that iz az far az gitting into cupboard and eating cheese, and knawing pie, is concerned. The best way to demcstikate them that I ever saw is to surround them gently with a steal trap ;yn kan reason with them then with grate advantage. Rats ate migratorous ; they migrate wherever the have a mind tew. Pizen is also good for rats ; it softens their whole moral natures. Cats hate rats, and rats hate cats, —who don't ? I suppose their iz between fifty and six ty millions of rats in America—l quote now entirely from memory and I don't suppose thare iz a single necessary rat iu the whole lot. This shows at a glance how mamy rats waste thare iz. Rats en hance in numbers faster than shoe-pegs do by machinery. One pair of healthy rats iz awl that enny man wants tew start the rat biznzz with, and in ninety daze, with out enny outlay, he will begin tew have rats—tew turn out. Rats, viewed from enny platform you kau build, are unspeakably cussid. years ago, one of the prin cipal thoroughfares of London was regu larly patrolled by a beggar, who asked alms of no other persons except old ladies. To these he addressed himself thus : O ! young lady! have pity on a poor beggar." He was singularly successful in all his ap peals. In reply to an inquiry, he explain ed his success thus : " Vou sec, sir, my plan pleases all the ladies, Some of 'em believed tuc, and are pleased by • lie compli ment Others say it's all a sham ; and tbey are tickled by the joke. So you see I get something from all of 'em. STANTON. —There is great rejoicing all over the country at the final closing of the Court of Impeachment, the acquittal of the President and the failure of Stanton to re tain possession of the War Office. The hero of the Andersonville murders will now retire to private life, and may, possi bly, fall a victim to remorse, as did Pies ton King, and Jim Lane. •When General M'Clellan was a candi date for President in 1864, the Republi cans were very indignant because he did not resign bis commission as Major Gen eral. As Grant is now their candidate we would suggest that he resign his commis sion as General. "Itl9 a poor rule that will not woikboth ways." Three important acts passed by Radical "statesmen" are now in the courts, namely, the Registry act, the. Deserter act, and the iccome tax act. • "To Speak his Thoughts is Ev*y Freeman's Right. " DEATH OF JAMES BUCHANAN. Sketch of his Life and Public Services, The fifteenth President of the United States is dead. After an illness of a lit tle more than four weeks—though there have been reports of his failing health for a year past —James Buchanan died at Wheatland, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at o'clock on the morning of June Ist. He was born at Stony Batter, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, April 22nd, 1791, and had filled the measure of seventy-sev en useful years when lie died. His father was an immigrant from Ireland, coming to this country in 1783, marrying Eliza beth Spear, the daughter of a Pennsylva nia farmer, and laboring honestly and hon orably to acquire the competence which enabled him to give his son the advantage of a liberal education. Jatn.es Buchanan was cnti-red at Dickinson College, Carlisle, j where he was graduated high in his class Jin 1809, thereafter entering the law office of James Hopkins, in Lancaster, and at taining admission to the bar, November 17, 1812, when he was little more than twenty-one years old. After only four years standing at the bar he was employ ed, with another counsel, in defending, as he did with success, a judge who was im peached before the Pennsylvania State Senate, in the session of 181617. From that titnc his reputation as a lawyer was ' made, and his practice and professional profits so increased with his years, that at the age of forty he was enabled to retire from the bar and to devote himself entire ly to the political career in which he sub seqtiently became so prominent. Ouce; only after his relinquishments of the law was he induced to reappear at the bar, i and that was in a case involving consider able technical difficulties, which ncverthe- j less, he gained for his client. But early ! in his legal career lie hud already wooed : the more fickle favors which the arena of politics promises far oftctier than it con- ■ fers, and had wooed with a success that, won. When he was twenty-three years j old he was a member of the State Legisla ture. lie was re-elected to the same po- j sition in 1815, and, although a Federalist, j during the war of 1812, with Great Brit- | ain he warmly espoused the war side, en listing as a private in a company that j marched to the defence of Washington,! and advocating from that time till 1815 every measure in and out the Legislature i that looked to national defence and the ' relief of the patriots who bad engaged in the war. In 1829, when Mr. Buchanan was twenty-nine years old, lie was elected to Coiigiess, and two years afterwards j made liis first elaborate speech, on the j Military Appropiation Bill, and in defence i ol the then Secretary of the Treasury, Air. Crawford. 11 is speech in March of the ; same year was on the Bankrupt Law, which j as proposed, limited the benefits of tne act to the mercantile classes, while an anei d nient produced its extension to all classes | This amendment Mr. Buchanan offered ; solely that it would extend '* a demorali- zng influence over the whole surface of society, " and the bill was defeated t>y a vote of 99 to 72, Whenever the tariff question came up, Mr. Buchanan express ed, by vote and voice, the preferences he always retained for a system of duties looking to levenne rather than protection, lie was opposed to legislation for a bene fit of a section. In one of his speeches on the tariff' question he said: "If I know myself, lam a politician neither of the East nor the West, of the North nor South, I therefore shall forever avoid any expression the direct tendency ot which mud be to create sectional jealousies, sec tional divisions, and, at length, disunion, that most and last of all political calami ties." llow faithfully he clung to this course through his whole political and public career his record shows. He, how ever, voted in the next session of Congress for the newly-christened " American Sys tern," but solely as a revenue measure, and for the benefit of the then nearly ex- hausted Treasury. In 1828, after an ac tive participation in the canipa gn which r> suited in the election of President iack son, Mr. Buchanan was re elected to Con giess, and during the following session ' succeeded Daniel \\ ebstcr at the hea l of the Judiciary Committee. During this session, James 11. Peck, Judge of the United States District Court of Mi-souri, was tried upon articles of impeachment before the United States Senate. The< House Managers were James Buchanan, Henry li. Sturrs, George McDntHe. Am brose Spencer, and Charles Wickliffe.— Judge Peck was defended by \\ illiani Wirt and Jonathan Meredith. The case was conducted with gn at ability and excited much attention. Mr. Buchanan closed for the prosecution, lint the Senate refused to convict by a vote ot 22 to 21. At the close of his fifth Congressional term, in 1831, Mr. Buchanan temporarily with drew from the field of politics; but was soon after nominated by President Jack son as Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. Petersburg. In this mission he concluded the first commercial treaty between this country and Russia, securing important privileges to American com merce to the Baltic, and on bis return in 1833, he was chosen to the Unit- d Sates Senate. It was the first time, not tlie last, lliat Mr. Buchanan had been fortunate j enough to be removed from an immediate connection with home polities at precisely the right time, so far as his own personal i interests anil prospects were concerned j During his absence in Russia, a new tariff : had been enacted ; the United Slates Jfetik 1 war had begun ; sectional animosities were , rife for the first time in the history of the country ; a ruptuie in the Cabinet had | been followed by sweepiujj removals fiom office ; there was a general cry of '• pro scription and Mr. Clay and his party attempted, unsuccessfully, to enact the Tenurc-of Office bill of that day to pre vent removals by the President unless bv the consent of the Senate. Mr. Buchan an cante bravely to the defence of the | President, and declared that personal 1 hostility to General Jackson was the real 1 reason for the attempt to restrict his con stitutional powers, claiming the President's right to appoint all officials during the re | cess of Congress. At this time, in 1835, ; the slavery agitation, heretofore confined to a small class of people, was begining to be a matter which excited some publicatten tion. Mr. Buchanan foresaw the dangers this agitation threatened. He desired that Congress should officially declare that it had no power to legislate ori this subject. ; He believed that the suppression of this agitation was as necessary for the happi ness of the slave as it was for the security of the master. The abolitionists were re sponsible for rigors which the very ques— i tion seemed to compel, and a humane re gard for the slaves as well as for their mas ; ters demanded that the question should rest where the Constitution left it, in the hands of the slave-holding States. Daniel Webster was brought to this precise view, as is evidenced in his speech of March 7, 1850. In every important question that came before Congress and the country Mr. Buchanan was prominent. He was an en thusiastic sympathizer in the struggle of Texas to achieve its independence from Mexico, and subsequently lie warmly urg- j ed the admission of Texas to the Union.— When the French indemnity question be came important, and even threatening, he supported General Jackson's demand for an appropriation of $3,000,000 to increase the navy and to strengthen the frontier de- ' fences, in view of a possible war. On the question of the admission of Michigan and Arkansas to the Union there arose a diffi- ! culty as to the right of resident aliens to j vote, and Mr, Buchanan claimed that such j aliens, resident in the Northwestern terri- ; tory, bad the right to the elective fran chise. The long and bitter hostility of i the Senate to President Jackson was bro't j to a close with the end of Jackson's second term by Mr. Benton's celebrated expung ing resolutions, which were adopted b\ a decisive vote, and which Buchanan strong ly advocated. The Senate thus wiped Irom i s record,the history of its animosity to a man whom Air. Buchanan had con sistently sustained from the begining of | his Presidency to its close. During Mr. j Van Buren's administration, Air. Buclian- \ an, still in the Senate, was the leader on the Democratic side against such men as Clay and Webster, was the champion on tlie side of an independent treasury,the leading measure of Van Buren's adminis tration. lie defended the pre-eiftption j rights of settlers on the public lands. With ] the election of General Harrison, in 1840, 1 Mr. Buchanan found himself in a minority in Congress and in the country. The in- ; dependent treasury was repealed ; the i United States Bank would have been re chartered, only Piesident Harrison died before he could sign the bill, and John Ty ler vetoed it. The subsequent vetoes of Mr. Tyler were so frequent that Mr. Clay introduced a resolution to abolish the veto power, which was opposed by Air. Buchan- ! an, who justly claimed that this power was the real protection of the people. He op- t posed the ratification of the Asbhurton treaty, not on account of the Northeastern boundary line, as specified, hut "because he did not think it settled other questions in dispute between Great Britain and this country. The leading feature of Air. Ty ler's administration was the preliminary movement which finally led to the admis sion of Texas, a step which Air. Buchanan early advocated, and on which he urged immediate action. In one of his speeches lie cited the fact, that if Mr. Jefferson had delat ed a single month in the acquisition of Louisiana, that Territory would have j been lost, or would have cost the country I a war. With the subsequent adininistra-j tion of President Polk, Texas was admit- j ted by joint resolution, though Mr. Bu chanan was the only member of the Senate . Committee on Foreign Relations who re- J ported favorably on the admission—and j this, by the way, was the last act of his Senatorial life. From the Senate Air. Bu chauan proceeded to the Cabinet of Presi dent Polk as Secretary of State, and he . then had full opportunity to manage for eign affairs according to the views he had sustained in the Senate. To liirn more than to any other man is due the avoid ance of a war with Great Britain on the Oregon boundary question. Both coun tries claimed the whole of the Northwest ern territory. Mr. Tyler had offered a! compromise line ot latitude 49 degrees north, and Air. Buchanan felt obliged to ! i make the same offer ; but it was rejected. Mr. Buchanan, in an elaborate and able i state paper, claimed for this Government • the entire territory, and withdrew his of i fer of compromise. The nation rung with i the alluring alliteration, "Fifty four forty, • or fight Air. Packenham was withdrawn ;: as a negotiator; the British Government -1 offered to settle on the terms first proposed 11 by Mr. Polk, and the Senate advised its i! acceptance. Tin n came the Alcxican war, ,! which in its wonderful aeries of successes, ' I unbroken by a single reverse, a succession ! of victoiies won with small loss of life over r always outnumbering forces, and crowned 1 with a victorious and lasting peace, bro't a renown to the American arms which no f subsequent period of history can effaoe,— t Through all this war Air. Buchanan was s the principal adviser of President Polk, 3 i and while always watching to seize the fa -1 vorable moment for an Honorable peace, 3' he did much to iecure the advantages and i possessions which followed the treaty. His instructions to Minister Slidell, in Mexico, not only seensed these advantages, but averted all European intervention. At i the close of Mr. I'olk's administration, Mr. J Buchanan, in the prime of his usefulness, retired to Wheatland, nevertheless taking i occasion, as opportunity offered, to.cxpress | his opinions upon the political questions of the day, especially the slavery agitation, and tin wiote a letter endorsing the com promise measures which were adopted by ' the joint efforts of Senators Cass, Clay,and Webster, in 1850. Dir. Pierce became President in 1853. and one of his first ap ; pointments was that of James Buchanan I as Minister at the Court of St. James. The j Central American question engaged his ; earliest attention, and subsequently our re lations with Spain led to President Pierce's ' proposal to settle all difficulties by offering to purchase Cuba. This negotiation was ! confided to .Mr. Soule, then Minister to Ma Irid, and it was deemed advisable that | the ministers at the Courts of France and England should assist in the conference.— 1 Ostend (which named the conference) was selected, but Aix la-Chapelle was the place lof meeting. The result of this conference, ! which exciter! great attention at the time, was not a "protocol," as the minutes were callnd, nor even a proposition to Spain lor the purchase of the Island of Cuba, but the ' papers set forth the importance of the ac quisition to this country, the advantage to i .Spain in selling it at a fair price, and the I sympathy of the people of the United j States with the inhabitants of the island. 1 In case Cuba should become Africanized and threaten to he a second St. Domingo, I the effect of the example of the slave pop i illation of our own Southern States would ; impel an armed intervention, and would ; justify the foicible seizure of Cuba- All j this was talked ; nothing was done ; but doing all that was talked about could | scaiecly have created more excitement in ; this country and abroad. Mr. Buchanan j came home in Apiil, 1856. lie was hos ! pitably received by the Common Council of this city, aud his journey homeward to j Lancaster was a succession of ovations.— j The Democratic Convention assembling at Cincinnati in June nominated him for the Presidency, afd in November he was elect ed, receiving 1?4 electorial votes in nine teen States. Mr, Buchanan announced at the outset that the object of his adminis tration would be to suppress sectionalism at the North and at the South, and to re store a national and fraternal feeling be tween the States. In his inaugural.March 4, 1857, he stated his views on the slavery question and the settlement of difficulties in Kansas. It is unnecessary to revive the history of the Kansas squ tbble for politi cal power and spoils. Mr. Buchanan sent a special message to Congress on the sub ject, February 2, 1858, and he gave his t signature to the Compromise Kansas bill, which finally passed both Houses. Very soon after tins occasion Mr. Buchanan communicated to Congress the gratifying intelligence that the rebellion in Utah had come to an end by the peaccfnl submission of the Mormons. We do not propose to closely review Mr. Buchanan's administra tion— especially tne last four months of the sartic, which he has given with his own pen to history as a vindication supported by documentary evidence. It is charged that reasonable vigor and celerity on his part would have suppressed the rebellion. But the peace correspondence with John Tyler, the South Carolina Commissioners, and the letters between President Buchan an and General Scott, have failed to con vince the public to this clay that the mat ter of peace or war between the North and the South lay exclu-svely in Mr. Buchan an's hands. He began to write a review, which was at once a history and a defence of his administration, as soon as he reached Wheatland, in March, 1861. In December of the same year an at tempt was made to censure him in the United States Senate, hut the resolution was promptly tabled by a vote of 37 to 3. His vindication, which had been prepared i more than a year, was not published till j November, 1865, and then it excited far I less attention than was anticipated. To a ' partisan press the author served however, as a scapegoat for many of the mishaps and blunders of the war, radicalism find ing a relief in falling back upon Mr. Buchanan as the " main cause " of a na tional disaster, for which he was no more immediately responsible than he was for the latest volcanic eruption in Hawaii During his retirement at Wheatland Mr, Buchanan has sedulously refrained from receiving public attentions that have been tendered to him by his personal and po litical friends and his fellow townsmen. — A year ago last April he declined in a handsome letter of acknowledgment a ! public, dinner at Philadelphia, He seems. ' to have been content with the full measure ,of honors his town, his State,and his coun ' try have heaped upon him, and to have ' rested his reputation upon the acknowl | edged and maiked ability with which he | has fiiled the many positions of trust and 1 honor to which he has been advanced.—- When he went from Washington to j Wheatland, to the assembled crowd of i neighbors and friends gathered to greet ! him, and welcome him to his home, he I said these words. " Ail my political as- I pirations have departed, all I have done | daring a somewhat protracted life has pass ed into history. It 1 have done aught to of fend a single citisen, I now sincerely ak ; his pardon. God grant that the t'onsti jtuiionofthe Union shall be perpetual and continue a shield and protection to , ourselves and children forever." Words like these are a pertinent Fsson to the living and a fit epitaph for the dead • who uttered them. TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance. pis* aitU jftjifrfoist. _ Hood calls a baby a Laplander. The Italians hare an ungracious proverb | "So good that he is good for nothing." The Ila rtford Times advises people to get up before five o'clock in the morning, and "see Venus, the beautiful morning star."—* Whereupon a newly married man takes-oc casion to inform the Times that he can "see ; Venus without the trouble of rising at that j unseemingly hour." Happy man ! The danger of procrastinating waddings is thus aptly portrayed : By one decisive argument, i Tom gained his lovely Kate's consent To fix the bridal day. "Why in such haste, dear Tom to wod 1 I shall not change my mind," she said, "But then," says he. "I MAY 1" An Irish glazier was putting in a pane of ' glas*, when a bystander began joking him, by telling him to put in plenty of pmty. The Irishman soon sileueed his tormentor by say ing : "Arrah now, be off wid ye, or else I'll put a pain in yer head widcut any putty." "What ran be the cause of that bell ring ing to-day said young Sam to his friend, as they neared a country village. "If I waa to express my opinion on the subject," re* turned Isaac, solemnly, "I say it is my deliberate conviction that sombody is pulling the rope." Two brothers, about being executed for an enormous crime, the eldest was fixed without a word. The other addressed the crowd as follows : "Good people, my brother hanga before my face, and you see what a spectacle he makes ; in a few moments I shall be turn ed off, too, and then you'll see a pair of spec tacles." "Come here, sissy," said a young gentle man to a little girl to whose sister he was paying his addresses; "yon are the sweetest-thing on earth." "No I ain't," she replied. 1 Sister says you are the sweetest." The gentleman poppod the question next day. "A cockney being out one day, amusing himself with shooting, happened to fire thro' a hedge. The shot missed tho bird, but struck the hat of a man on the other side, who hastily asked : "Did you fire at me sir J" "Oh no, sir," was the reply, "I never hit what I aim at." * • "Cuff, can you tell me the difference be tweon an accideul and misfortune V' "I gives it up, Pomp ; caD you 1" "Yes ; if an infernal revenue ossifer should fall into the river, that would be an accident] if somebody should pull him out, that would be a misfortune." A young lady from the country now on a visit to Boston, writes home thusly .* "No body isn't nothin' at this place now which don't hole up her cloze, and the Lier you holes 'eua up. the more you are notised." "Did your wife have an income last year?" asked an internal revenue officer of a citizen of Lexington, Ky. "Yes, she had twins— both girls." The officer concluded that it was a pretty liberal income. An Irishman being asked why ha refused to pay a doctor's bill, said : "Shure he did'nt give me anything but 6onie emetics, and divil a one would stay in my stummick, at all, at all." Old Ki?e started fur home the other night, pretty well tangled,and mistaking a red hatr ed girl for a lamp post he commenced to hug her ; but was brought to reason by a smart ship. "My dear," said a rural wife to her hus band, on his return from town, "what was the sweetest thing you saw in bonnets in the city 7" "0, the ladies' faces, my love." Fowl culture is receiving attention in Pa-* ris. "I have a henery," lately said a great lady to her cousin. "Dear me," replied the cousin, "I thought bis came was Charles." A yonng lady school teacher, of Frederick city, was endeavoring to impress upon her pupils the terrible effect of the punishment of Nebuchadnezzer. She told them that for seven years he ate grass just like a cow.—* ./ust then a small boy asked ; "Did he give milk ?" A somewhat juvenile dandy remarked to a lady : "Do you not think, Miss Alice, ray moustaches are becoming The lady, after a sharp scrutiny, replied : "Well, sir, they mty be coming, but 1 can say positively they have not yet arrived." When a good wife had prepared an excel lent dinner for her husband, and he declared he waa pleased with it, she said : "Well,kiss me than." "Oh, never mind that, my dear, was his reply, "the necessaries of life we must have, but the luxuries we can dispense with," NO. 44.