CURRENT NEWS. Edwin Booth is playing in Hartford. Texas is having a very lively cotton trade. Chicago has six and a half millions of debt * Ex President BucbaDan is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy. Hundreds of 6heep sre dying of an un known disease in the vicinity of Salisbury, New Hampshire. Five mourners were relieved of their pock et-books at a funeral in New Tork. Grass widowers are now termed ad-interim bachelors. A horse recently jamped over the chains I of one of the Boston Ferry boats. The wag on to which he was attached caught in the chain, and he hung over the end of the boat, his head in the water, uotil he was drowned. The 'lasses candy wedding is when the first baby gets old enough to lick. BLACK STARS. —Should not the stars on i the flag representing the incoming negro or I mongrel States be painted black 1 Hon. Henry D. Foster, of Weatmoreland, Will be the Democratic candidate for Con gress in the Twenty-first Pennsylvania Dis trict. A whole convention of Richmond Radicals —about seventy nigs and a dozen white trash— were arrested, the other night, by the police, for kicking up a row. One hundred and fifty million dollars a year is the sum the Northern tsxpayers are paying for "reconstruction." The Harrisburg (Pa ) Telegraph says that "the extraordinary increase of Democratic newspapers in Pennsylvania during the past six months is certainly indicative of and in consonance with the grand policical reaction everywhere exhibited at the elections." It further says that "new dailies and weeklies, large, neat, bright, sprightly, and ably con ducted, are springinging up everywhere, even in regions hitherto regarded as Democratical ly barren, and they not only "stick" with the tenacity of a Stanton to tbo War Office, but they talk hopefully, and prosperity looks benignantly yet boldly out of every line of their print" The South Carolina Senate contains twenty white members and twelve colored ; the House of Representatives, four whites and eighty colored. The Washington Constitutional Union, May 13th, just a week in advance of the meeting of the Chicago Convention, makes the following prophecy :—"ln the face of all : the probabilities to the contrary, we make the prediction that General Grant will not be nominated." By a recent law, Judges in Canada are ! empowered to order whipping instead of imprisonment, in the case of boys under sixteen years of age found guilty oflar ccDy. Charles McNeil, a colored barber, residing at Eimwood, 111., was murdered on Sunday morning, May, 10th by another negro, who was stopping at his house, and who has since been arrested. It is supposed that McNeil's wife and her sister'aided in committing the deed, and they have also been arrested. Galusha A. Grow, a broken down Aboli tionist, but still a rampant negro suffrage advocate, is the Chairman of the Radical State Committee. # The colored Jiads of New Orleans have elected delegates to the Crosby Opera House pow wow. The Virginia election so-called cannot be held until the Rump provides the necessary greenbacks. Grape growers in California are giving great attention to the manufacture of brandy. The quality of that already produced is said to be excellent. Pennsylvania Reserve Association. Col. John H. Taggart, Corresponding Secretary of the Pennsylvania Reserve Association, has issued the following no tice : The second annual meeting of the As -, sociation will be held at Pittsburgh, on May 20th, on which occasion a full atten dance of all the surviving members of the M Old Corps " who can make it convenient to attend is earnestly desired. All who intend to participate will please notify Major John C. Harvey, Recording Secre tary of the Association, at the office of the Pittsburgh, and Connellsville Railroad Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. before May 15. The Committee of Arrangements ap pointed at the last celebration will select the place of meeting in Pittsburgh. A Landsome badge, to be worn by the mem bers, will be presented for adoption. Let every man who can come be there to spend a few hours in social intercourse with their old comrades in arms. It is expected a eulogy will be delivered on the late Major General George A. McCall Newspapers throughout Pennsylvania, without distinction of party, will confer a favor by publishing this notice. THE EIGHT HOUR LAW. The follow- the eight hour law passed at the late session of the Legislature: SEC. 1. That on and after the first day of July, iaB, eight hours of labor be tween the rising and setting of the sun, shall be deemed and held to be a legal day's work in all cases of labor and ser vice by the day, when there is no - contract or agreement to the contrary. SF.C, 2. This act shall not apply to, *or in any affect, farm or agrijultural lador or aervicc by the year, month, or week ; nor shall any person be prevented by anything Lerein contained, from working as many hours overwork, or extra work as he or she may sec fir, the compensation to be a greed upon between the employer and the employee. BEC. 3. All other acts or parts of acts relating to the hours of labor which shall constitute a day's work in this State are r' pealed. Oe pmotrat HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUN KHAN NOCK, PA. Wednesday* May 20, 1868. jmocratic fiiM Auditor General, rrffA-RT/FS E. BOYLE, of Fayette. Surveyor General, Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia. 1 IstrEAcnMANT.— After several postpone ments, for the purpose of fixing doubtful Senators " all right" for impeachment through the political pressure of the Bump ers and the radical party generally, the High Court reached a vote on the eleventh article on Saturday, acqnitting the Presi dent of the high crimes and misdemeanors therein charged. This was considered the strong article of the series, introduced bv Thad. Stevens, who said, in substance, if they ceuld not convict on this it would he useless to try the rest. After the radical State Committee of Pennsylvania in sol emn conclave at Philadelphia, with the heavy influence of the member from this county, had passed a resolution that An drew Johnson (whether guilty, of course, or not guilty, for it is political necessity,) must be convicted of the high crimes and misdemeanors charged, the high court bad the temerity to vote bim not guilty under the law and the evidence. So impeach ment may be considered dead, and the radical party floundering in the last slough of existence. Radical Decency (P) " Whom the gods wish to destroy they | first make mad," is an adage which applies with force to the present Rump Congress, j " When rogues fall out, honest men get their dues," is a truthful saying, and quite as applicable to politicians and parties as I to individuals, and strikingly illustrated ! in the disgraceful affair which oecuired in the House of Representatives at Washing ton one day last week between two rncm ' bers of the " loil" stamp, representatives ; of the party of " great moral ideas," in a discussion upon each other's merits. We | publish the t Washburne-Donnelly debate i upon the first page of our paper, as report , ed for the Congressional Globe, the official organ of Congress. If hall what they say of each other be true they both ought to have been serving out their time in the penitentiaries of their respective States 1 long ago, instead of disgracing the halls of Congress with their foul-mouthed expose of each others crimes. This debate eclipses any that ever occurred during the palmiest days ofJSouthern chivalry. If this out rage upon parliamentary decorum had oc curred between two Democratic members of Congress they would bare been expelled j forthwith for nsing language unbecoming the dignity of that agust body. Washburne charges Donnelly with being : a man " who is covered all over with crime and infamy ; a man whose record is stain ed with every fraud—whisky aud other frauds—a man who has proved false alike ! to his friends, his constituents, his country, | his religion, and his God." Donnelly retorts upon Washburne in ; the following style : " What if God in a moment of enthusiasm at one of the gentle man's speeches were to pluck him to his ' bosom and leave this wretched nation stag ! gering on in daikness to ruin. I fancy the gentleman haranguing the assembled hosts of Heaven, the cherubim and the seraphim, the angels and the arch-angels. How he would sail into them. How he would rout them, horse, foot, and dragoons. How he would attack their motives and fling insin uations at their honesty ; and how he would declare for economy, and urge the j wheels of the universe must be stopped I because they consume too much grease. And if there be in our midst one low, sordid, vulgar soul, or barren, mediocre intelligence—one heart callous to every 'kindly sentiment, and every generous im pulse—one tongue leprous with slander — one mcfflh which is like unto a den of foul beasts, giving forth deadly odors—if there be here one character which, while blotch ed and spotted all over, yet raves and rants and blackguards like a prostitute—it is the gentleman from Illinois." Such is the character of Washburne, of Illinois, pictured by one of his own parti sans. And this is the man who has in training the Republican candidate for the Presidency—Gen. Grant. What do hon est men think of the trainer and the train ed? Will he he any fitter after receiving instructions from such a character ? Dawes, Rep. Mass., characterizes the de bate as " remarks of the character of which no man could find a parallel in the de hates of Congress, certainly not in the time that he had been a member of the Ilouse. lie had never heard anything that could compare with these remarks both as to their personal character and the degrad ing and offensive language used on that occasion." Upon our first page will be fouud the whole of this very delectable debate, to which we invite the attention of the reader. The Negro in the Methodist Church. All have heard of the conventional nig" ger in the fence. The same individual in politics is equally familiar. The irrepres sible personage bids fair to enter the churches and to distract the saints. At present, if there be no method, there is certainly Methodism in his madness The quadrenniel conference cf this Church in the United States is in session in Chicago. Besides being harrassed by the depravities and perils of that provincial place, a dark cloud hovers over their de liberations, and its sable rain is dropping discord into that body. The Mission Confluences of Washington City and the State of Delaware have sent delegates whose color is beyond the power of im peachment, and they demand admission.— Through two days has debate run high for and against the black brcthcrn. A con vention of more than 250 ministers has been unable to agree or to disagree to their admission, and the whole question was vicariouoly saddled on the Bishops, who are of the mythological number of nine, with orders to report either way, without delay. For a denomination whose clergy in nearly every conference have gratuitously impeached Mr. Johnson, and indorsed Digger suffrage South, this cava jier treatment of the blacks literally wounds them in the houses af their friends, and is more characteristic than the proverbial in gratitnde of republics. It is only fair to add that the laity of the Methodist Church are always denied election or representa tion in their religious official assemblies, and that this denial leads to the ministeri al meddling in matters political, by which the very large and probably prepondera ting conservative sentiment of the Church as a body is overborne. FORWET'S RESIGNATION. —That the country is going to get rid of supporting the dishonest scallawag, that has so long held the position of Clerk of the Senate, is hardly possible. The World's Wash ington correspondent, referring to it on Wednesday says : Forney's resignation is a trick. The interests of conviction are thought to re quire a heavy fire of threat and vitupera tion on those Republican Senators who have shown signs of voting for acquittal, and as Forney, however he has abused the Pres ident, could not turn his guns upon them in ray papers, both daily, while actually in the Senate, he has sent in a sprcies of bogus resignation, which will enable him to play this role without being expelled from the Senate fur it. In this morning's Chronicle says that bis connection with the Senate having ceased, he is no longer restrained by any official embarrassment, in commenting on the course of those who in this critical hour have joined hatlds with Andrew Johnson and his rebel associates and sympathizers. He then goes on to call Grimes, Fesscnden, and Trumball recreant Senators, and to declare that past loyality cannot condone a vote for acquit tal. Now the truth is, that as this resig nation is only to take effect when a suc cessor is appointed. Forney is as much the Secretary of the Senate as before, and" will doubtless draw his pay as usual, this patriotic resignation to the contrary not withstanding. In the Senate this morn ing Summer moved to lay the resignation on the table, the effect of which would be to continue Forney as Secretary by fail ing to elect a successor. To this Came ron, who hates the Dead Duck,objected and moved the resignation be accepted. But Summer's motion prevailed, Hendricks then moved the resignation be accepted and a Secretary pro tern, be appointed un til a regular election could be had. Sum mer objected to the coesideration of this motion, which would have made Forney ,s resignation a resignation in earnest, it went over, so that no successor, eithei permanent or ud intirim, having been appoined, Forney is still Secretary. Mr. Harlan's Opinion on the Bight of Bemovals. The following is the copy of an official letter addressed by Hon. James Harlan, when Secretary of the Interior—now U. S. Senator from lowa—to a prominent gen tleman who remonstrated with him against making a removal in his department:— DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, | July 3, 186.3. j I have deemed it to be my privilege to make removals in this department, and I shall do so in the future without admitting the right of any one to call the propriety of my course in question. When Mr. Smith became Secretary of the Interior he at once sought and obtained the appoint ment of those whom he personally prefer red for assistants and associates. I have been doing the same and expect to contin ue to do the same. Success 39 an execu tive officer requires it Any other course would be suicidal This official rule of right should prevail from the President to the smallest executive officer having con trol of subordinates. The President should not appoint or retain a Cabinet Minister who is not his personal choice for the po sition ; and, according to my views, a CaCi net could not in Belf-respect remain in office after Becoming satisfied or having reason to believe that he was not the President's personal choice. The same rule should maintain between the heads of depart ments and the heads of bureaus under his supervision. Yours truly, JAMES HARLAN. INSANE AND NCDK. —Monday afternoon the police arrested a man, supposed to be about forty-five years of age, on Lacka wanua Avenue, in a perfectly nude state, he having torn every shred of clothes from his person. lie refused to give his name or residence, and was therefore taken to \ the lock-up for safe keeping.— Register. The Extremists and the Chicago Con vention. Mr. Forney communicates to the Phila delphia Press, 89 an understood thing, " that no Republican who opposes the con viction of Andrew Johnson will be allow ed a seat in the Republican Convention at Chicago." In other words, the licpubli lican who doubts the expediency of im peachment, or denies the sufficiency of the testimony adduced as the groundwork of Mr. Johnson's removal is to be read out of the party. We have had signs on this subject be fore. The unblushing avowal that convic tion is a party necessity, whether warrant ed by law and evidence or not, and the persistent endeavor to bully Senators into conviction by holding up " infamy" as the penalty of acquittal, have clearly revealed the recklessness and tyranny which aspire to the control of the Republican party. — The disposition has been growing some time. Formerly, it was enough that men subscribed to the declared policy of the party and worked according to the best of their judgment for the attainment of its ends. More recently, other tests of fealty have been invented. Adhesion to regular ly authorized platforms has been declared insufficient, and a man's republicanism has been suspected and denied unless he hur rahed for every measure which Radical members of the party introduced into Con gress. It has become necessary to swear by Stevens, and pin one's faith to the sleeve of Boutwt-11 or Butler to escape ex commuuicatien as a heretic aud traitor In pursuance of the same intolerant plan, it is intended, Mr. Forney declares, to exalt impeachment into the party test of orthodoxy. Before obtaining admission to the Chicago Convention, delegates must hold up their right hands and avow that they favored Johnson's official decapita tion, with evidence or without it, in con formity with law or in spite of it. We are not prepared to believe that 60 impu dent a pretension will be tolerated for an instant. But the fact that is talked of in certain circles at Washington indicates the readiness of extremists to employ extraor dinary means to obtain control of the Con vention. They are not alone in the work. Wen dell Phillips has given notice that the Con vention w ill be required to engraft negro suffrage upon the platform of the party ; and the German Radicals make no secret of their purpose to press their views'upon the Convention. Both the Wendell l'hil lips faction and the Missouri Germans pro claim an intention not to accept the nomi nation of Grant apart from a thoroughly radical platform; and both will go to Chi cago prepared to coalesce with other ex tremists for the promotion of the common object. The aim in all the is to re construct the Republican party after the Radical model, and to shapu the tactics of the couipaigu with a view to Radical su premacy. The work will not be easy ; it is more likely to fail than to succeed ; but it should not therefore be despised.—A'. V, Times. THE I)KAD DUCK. —The Senate Com mittee appointed to examine into the Forney defalcation has made report, white washing Forney, and professing to throw the responsibility on old Mr. Wagner ( Forney's father-in-law, we believe.) — But the sequel is anything but flattering to the Dead Duck. Two woids tell the tale— Forney has resigned ! That For ney's resignation was the penalty exacted by the Senate Committee, tor his defalca tion, hardly admits of a doubt. Nothing short ofexpubion and disgrace could shake Forney's hold of a fat office yielding him perquisities amounting to twenty or thir ty thousand a year, lie has resigned ! has he? How comfortable it would be for other good men like him, if they could escape penitentiary walls by resignation.— Jeffersonian MAD DOGS. —There is quite an excite ment on the other side of the river kcAi cerning mad dogs. During the late snow storm, a dog passed up the river road and bit every dog he could reach. Since then quite a number of dogs have gone mad, and one man has been badly bitten on the hand. The excitement is increasing.— We do not know what legal slops should be taken for the protection of the public, other than that every man shoot every dog found staying around his premises. Cows have been bitten, and the mad dogs have run up through Apalachin village, and up the creek road into Pennsylvania. Our advice would be there as well as in the village, to kill the dogs:— Oicego Times. We also learn /rom reliable sources, that this same dog passed through the towns of Warren, Orwell, Pike and Der rick. He took especial pains to bite every dog who crossed bis path. Some twenty five are known to be bitten. He crossed over into Susquehanna county, and was killed at Bear Swamp, near Middletown. RADICAL CHIVALRY—ATTEMPT TO MUR DER A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN. —A Washington dispatch says a severe encoun ter took place on Capitol 11 ill, Thursday night, between Representative Randall, of Pennsylvania, and ex-Governor Hamilton, of Texas, better known among tbe car pet baggers as Jack Hamilton. It arose from an interchange of opprobrious epithets.— Hamilton felled Randall to the pavement with a heavy cane and struck him several times, when he was hauled off by the by standers. Mr. Randall was conveyed to his residence in an almost insensible con dition and is repre®nted to be seriously injured. Hamilton has not been arrested, HOPE HE WILL RESIGN. —The Mon grels about Washington are praying that President Johnson will resign before Tuesday next, and thus simplify matters. Very likely be will. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. But those of the wicked ? Aye, there's the rub." SteTcns' foreshadowed the fate of the remaining articles of impeachment if the eleventh should be defeated. In his speech of March 5, he said :" if without that ar " tide they do not acquit him, they are " greener than ever 1 was, when I com " menced to practise at the Court of Qunr * ter Sessions," — World, SHEBMAI4 MP'S Mill. THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE President Has been an exciting topic for some weeks past, but greater interest is now manifested in the fact that SHERMAN&. LATHItOP. Have received and opened their SPRING STOCK or Dry Goods Of all descriptions, and are prepared • to exhibit to their customers as fine an assortment as can be found in any inland town in the State. We are aware that competi tion in our trade in Tunkhannock is to be unusu ally brisk and de ter- mined, and have selected our stock with es pecial care, in order that our pat rons may be fully satisfied that so far as prices, taste and elegance are concerned, they could * not do better than to continue us their favors. We shall at all times and under all circumstances be gratified to be permitted to show our stock whether there is a de sire to purchase or not. The following comprises a part of our variety: SHAWLS, of*ll kinds, SACK GOODS, of all kinds, GINGIIAMS. GLOVES, MOZAMBIQUE, LAWNS, TEIiCALE, ME Rl NOES, SILKS, all color*, HOSIERY, MARSEILLES, SI EEL PONGEE SILK, ORGANDIES, CHAMBRAS, ALPACCAS, all shade*. WHITE ALPACCA, SWISS MI'SLIV, DELAINES from 12ft to 25 eta BOOK MUSLIN, NANSOOK3, CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTH, PARASOLS, CLOTHS, CLOTHING. CASSIMERE3 Gents' Furnishing Goods, LADIES' GAITERS, $1.25 to S3 per pair Balmoral Skirts for summer. . HOOP SKIRTS, CALICO from 10 to 16 cts. LADIES' BASKETS, LADIES' RETICULES, TRUNKS, of all kinds, 4r,, Ac., Ac., Ac. We invite all to call and see us. We know that our friends and acquaintances will do so, and we do not hesitate to say that we shali at all times be pleased to see strangers, and are satisfied that they will not go away cross or dissatisfied. SHERMAN & LATHROP Tunkhannock, May 11, 1868, TREASURER'S SALE Of Unseated Lands in Wyoming County. °s iT" arlSKf S "I --:i: k t,.cu.. i ~m lun'J for the taxes DJ cost? on them respectively. Sale to commence at one o ciocs r. . acres. warrastke .names. taxes. EATON. 439 Bridge Jatnes 6 •j'* 439 Buchannon John 6 58 417 Bowman Frances 6 2'! 420 Clatk Pe'er 6 30 340 Clatk tfauies 5 10 420 • Clark Thomas 6 430 Fowles Fdward 0 54 439 Fowles Samuel 0 58 439 Fi-k Wiiliatn 6 58 435 Hastings Seth 0 53 420 Lock Thomas 6 30 FoRKSTON. 400 Betterton William 10 00 400 Bowman Solomon 10 23 400 Baker or Barton John 10 00 400 Bowman Joseph 10 23 340 Bradley Abraham 13 00 406 Bartolet Joseph 10 23 400 Bird or Baird Benjamin 10 23 406 Buckley Hannah 16 23 206 ByceJohn 10 439 Bridge Jonas 17 57 439 Btidge Margaret 17 5^ 439 Bigelow Abraham 1" 5< 300 Bowman Tn ade us 12 00 230 Bittle Samuel 9 19 40g Bowman Joshua 10 23 199 Bradley Hannah " 01 428 Clymtr Daniel 1' 12 100 Cottinger James 4 00 300 Carman Michael 12 00 406 Carman Samuel 10 23 406 Carman Nicholas 16 23 40g Carman Jehu 10 23 410 CrOman Fr. derick 10 41 70 CJt Lurinaa 3 04 PK) Campbell Robert 4 (W 128 Crispin Jam#** 4 12 380 Crispin Wi.lim 15 20 406 D. long Peter 10 23 406 I), Simon 10 23 407 Dtlong William 10 32 110 Dewitt M >ses 4 41 407 Del.ii g J.-!.n lg ;: "2 3iig DtWi'.t Aaron 12 25 2n Thomas 17 g0 200 D .v. ner E. sha S 00 410 Davt-. J liiOian 10 39 410 Elliot i' dly 10 39 433 Ell -t R c'.ar.l B 17 29 406 Fish Tii'.ma 10 23 43g F'.wles EdwarJ 17 44 437 Fry John 17 45 430 Fih J--, ph 17 21 439 Fish William 17 53 170 F"isyth Tie.mas 0 80 150 Fowler Edmund 0 01 375 Eliiot 1, vi 15 83 439 F wles Samuel 17 52 203 Gore 9 10 20g (i ..u - Paul 8 23 200 GJlwan A'k-n 8 23 439 II til William 17 54 400 HaV Henry 16 00 439 Hail en Ildl Sarah 17 54 400 Hav June- 10 00 410 Hail Isabella 10 39 410 H ill J dm Jr 10 39 410 Hall J hn 10 39 150 In man Richard 0 01 406 Kiii'iail William 10 23 77 King Samuel 3 04 400 K'o x J din 16 00 400 Kn< x Samuel 10 00 490 K :tg Sun >u 10 00 410 Kit ■< Jatnes 10 09 4;io K a x Daniel 10 00 460 Knox Simon 10 ("1 410 K II v J seph 16 39 410 Keily Dan . 1 10 29 400 Kt nnstd Samuel 10 23 460 Kein! ill Samuel... 10 00 400 Linn William 10 00 4.0 Li itch or Lucb George 16 00 400 Law William 10 00 430 Lett x Sarah 17 21 214 Lanth-rs George 8 57 310 M.l shall Hetty 12 41 275 McLaughlin Jatnes 15 04 300 McLaughlin John Ig 00 400 Morris Wilhatn 16 23 430 Muzzy Atnos 17 21 439 Muzzy William 17 53 439 McC lure Janes -..17 53 300 Miller Mary 12 00 406 Mar-hall Chester 10 23 406 Marshall Sarah ..16 23 44*6 Marshall Chailes Ig 23 300 McLaughlin Alexander 12 00 410 Martin laac 16 29 40g More Wilhatn Ig 23 410 Mu-grave Israel 16 29 410 Musgrave M ses 16 29 410 McClure Samuel 16 29 410 McClure Robert 16 29 40g Marshall Benjamin 16 4UO Oker John 16 00 175 Piles Cornelia. 7 04 435 Piles John 17 44 175 Piles Jl bert 7 04 gg IaHon John 3 43 90 Patten Jauies..., 4 39 gg Pa it on William 2 g5 400 Pat ton Charles 17 00 410 Pat ton Isaac Ig 29 40g Paine George 16 23 40g Pame Mariah 11 10 23 40g Piles Small 16 23 437 Heed Collinson 17 53 201 Renshaw Richard 8 00 200 Ryan John 8 00 200 Riddle Reuben 8 00 80 Sullivan .iaines 3 20 400 S.nuh Richatd 17 00 200 Suphens Ann 8 00 439 Sup-ens Simon 17 53 90 Simpson J'dm 7 20 40g Stephens Perry 16 23 40g Stephens Jonathan 16 23 410 Staples John 16 29 428 Sanders G.- rge 17 14 410 Stewart George 16 29 299 Scuil Peter 12(H) 260 Todd Jatm s 10 40 437 Todd John jr 17 53 496 Trees Phebe 10 23 221 Scraff Henry 8 80 40g Stephens 1-aac 10 23 410 Wtioley Thomas 10 70 400 White Andrew 12 00 325 White Samuel 12 90 200 Wilson James 8 00 45 Ward John 3 59 199 Ward Jutues g 91 400 White John 16 10 304 White Robert 8 lg 400 While James lg 00 420 Yarrington John 10 80 MONROE. 439 Betterton Jacob 14 g7 400 Bradley Hannah 13 GO 200 Bailey Duah g 70 400 Campell Jatnes 11 40 400 Campbell Margaret 11 40 393 Dunn William 13 20 393 Dougherty Richard 13 20 40g Downing Reuben 13 g0 100 Davis Joseph 2 40 40g Davis Johathan 13 20 400 Derbyshere John 11 40 40g Delany Margaret 13 20 400 Espy George 11 40 429 Forsyth Daac 14 20 400 Gruff refer t.-W,v.v..W 40 203 Gore Daniel g 7g 400 Gallup Eunice 13 49 408 Gridley Daniel 13 g4 401 Ilarminaon Wallace 13 10 439 Hermans William 14 75 147 King William 4 95 444 King Aaron 14 86 | 20g Longhead Thomas 6 90 ; 214 Landers George 8 47 400 McCoy Ephraim 13 40 381 McKnight David 12 73 410 Nash Phineas 13 75 ! 434 Pierce Hannah 14 54 398 Pierce Alice 13 33 408 Pierce 13 g6 400 Palmer William 13 40 439 Renshaw Ann 14 g7 j 201* Renshaw Richard g 70 439 Renshaw I >hn 14 g7 100 Simpson Nicholas 3 35 I 27g Simpson Michael 9 24 ! 388 Stewart Mary 12 38 439 Stephens Simon 14 £;7 40g Tripp John 13 g0 406 Todd John 13 c 0 j 126 Willis John 4 47 200 Rich Joseph g 70 100 Rich John 3 35 LEMON. 113 Ransey II & II Trumbull 1 71 north branch. 410 Barcklet George lg 40 130 Bittle Samuel 4 80 Hg2 Covil Oralia 14 44 4t>o Covil Mathew lg 00 25 Crisp.n James 1 04 | 410 Dans Huldah lg 40 300 Fi.h Jabez 12 00 400 Fish Sarah 14 00 410 Hagerman John lg 40 410 Hail James lg 35 75 Hibbard Ebenezer 3 04 110 Jacob 16 40 410 McCray Samuel lg 40 50 McCray Ann 2 00 410 McCray Robert ' lg 40 ! 100 Morris William 4 CKj 410 J.diiison Irhnida P lg 40 410 Johnson Christiana 1 ; 40 410 Kelly J seph lC 40 410 Kelly Daniel lg 40 225 Phipps Thomas 9 03 420 Wouley Tliomas lg 80 NICH'.LSON. 41| Fr'jZ Christopher gg 9g Ilirv. v George 1 4A 33 II job 5" 71 Frtiz Peter . 1 08 tcnkhasncck. g3 Harvey J..b 1 9g 150 Thonii' William 2 25 145 Th-mpson S imuel 2 19 145 Peckbam A. K. 2 19 50 Muhlenburg Peter 1 50 WASHINGTON. 90 Ilauipi' o 1 35 JEREMIAH OSTERHOUT, T reaourer. Trca?. Office. Tuck , April I, 19^3.u34w0 1 X THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE EXITED 1 STATES, for the U estern Di.-trk-t of Penn'a In the Matter of A/n.-.n G Stark, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy T.. vh'.m it may onc.-ern : The undersigned here by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Aluion (5. Sturk of Tunkhnnnifk, County of Wyo ming and State of Pennsylvania, within said Dis trict. who has been adjudge 1 a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Llistri t Court o' sai t District. Dated Towanda, I'a , the oO.h day ol April A. D, IPC* 3tlw3 JOHN W. MIX, .Wgnce. . * CtrnATip "no P c A : f O AU M fi X U ii tJaXJjG IN MESHOPPEN. r PIIE nc-tv building n- w being lifted up for a Store. I situated near she location of the new railroad Dept. ii* offered frale The house is two stories* ,nd eighteen by thirty six teet ..n the gmuud, with l sple.ii li i basement suiri,l° for a saloon. " f It 1 : sold by 1-' .! May. will be to let. Fur particulars apply to. MICHAEL HEERY Methjppen. Meshoppen. Apr;. 22, 1563 EXECUTORS' NOTICE. \" OTICE is hereby given tb .t Letters Testamen- I.\ tary n[on the es-ale of Stephen Lott, iate ot Lemon t. wnsbip, dte'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate iro requested to make in mediate payment, and those baaing elaimv or demands against the samewi'l pre -•■iit them duly authenticated tor seitleuient wiihjut leiay. VVM 11. STARK. } ... H. 11. MITCHELL, j Lemon, April 29. 'B(jS.- -38wg. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, 3TTHEREAS letter? ef Administration upon the V V estate of Oisero Hayden, late of the Township ; of Winahau, dee'd, has been granted to the subscri ber. All persons owing said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having de mands against the same will present them to the subscriber duly authenticated for settlement. L. K. S.MITU, Adrn'r. Mehoopany, April 6. 1965.—v7035w6. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having becD appointed hy the Court ot Common Pleas, fur the County of Wyoming, i an Auditor to mako distribution of mun'es arising from the sale of real e-tate of William Koons, will at:end to the duties of his- appointment at the office i of Wm M Piatt, iu Tunkbannovk Borough, on Wednesday the S h day of July, A. D. 1363, at i one o'clock in the alternoun, at which tiuie and plaee all jrsons inK'rested therein are requested to present their claims, or be debarred from receiving any port,on thereof. JOnX A SrTTSER, Auditor. Tunuhannrck, May 19, ISgS—nllwd. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court, for the County of Wyoming, an Auditor, in the matter of the estate of Thomas ' Cbriswell, dec'J., to make distrihutitn of balance of fund, in the hand? of Administrators, among ere li ter? of said dee'd , wilt attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Wm M. Piatt, in Tunk hannock Borough, on Wednesday, the Ist day of July, A. D. 1363, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and plac% u .ll persons interested therein are requested to present tbeit claims, or be debarred from receiving anv portio . thereof. JtiHX A jSITTSER, Auditor. Tunkhannoek, May 19, 13g8—n41w4. IX BANKRUPTCY.— In the matter of David Smiley, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Penusyl vanii To Whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee | of David Smiley, of the Township ot Meshoppou, iu the County of Wyoming, ami State of Pennsylva nia, within said District who has been adjudge 1 a Bankrupt, upon his uwn petition by the District 1 Court of said Distriet. Dated at Towanda, Pa , this 20th day of May, A. D , 13g3—n41w3. W. HEXRT WATKINS, Assignee. ~ NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of Jf.hxixos A Co., on book account, are requested to call and settle the satue without delay, and save further trouble. Mehoopany, Pa., May 9. 1369. IX BANKRUPTCY—In the matter of William L. Bardwell, Bankrupt. In the Distriet Court of the j United States, for the Western District of Penn'a To whom it may Concern . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of William L. Bardwell, of Tunkhannoek in the county of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania witb ; in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said ; District. | Dated at Tunkhannoek. the Ist day of Mav, AD. | lSfcS. n4ow3 JOHN B. RHODES, Assignee. CAUTION. I All persons are cautioned against purchasing or ' negotiating a note .igned by me, in favor of Chas. W. Jayne, dated March, 19g8, for about S7O, pay able one year after date, as the same was stolen from the payee and will only bo paid by me me to him 1 ALLEN JAINS. Ifcsboppen, May 11, lSg£ - 40w3.