Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, May 20, 1868, Image 1

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    '^ JT% ~ ""■ ~ ' 9 __ '
ppmiitg ffmocrat.
A Dsmocratic weekly j .- > _
paper devoted to Poll " Ijgfejtf at '} % '
tirt News, the Arts f| k/A
*td Sciences Ac. Pub
<*y, at Tuukhannoek ABw
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2 ,00; if
■•t paid witbin six wnnths, >2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINTED, until all ar
rearagesre pai I;'unless at the option of publisher.
One *q uare one or three insertions $1,50
Every subseqm nt insertion less than 8 50
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PATENT MEDICINES and other advertisements oy
the column :
One column, 1 vrar, #OO
II ilf column, 1 year 35
Third column, I year, 25
Fourth column, 1 year, 20
Muiiiess Cards of one square or less, peryear
with paper, 88
EDITORI AL or LOCAL FTEM advertising—with
ent Advertisement —ls cts. jar lino. Liberal terms
femde with perm inent advertisers.
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50
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010 US and LITER ARY NOTICES, not of general
aterest, one half toe regular rates.
g|f* A lvertiscmen's mist be handed in bv TCES
AT NOON, to injure insertion the same week.
f *ll kin Is neatly executed and nt price* to suit
the times.
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Bus in ess JV oI & res.
LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunk i.inuooK Pa
* Newton Centre. Luzerne County Pa.
•Offi eat ibe Court ilouse, iu TuukUatiuck
Wyoming Co. Pa. _
U" i M. M. PIATT, AllukNE* A. LAW of
fice iu Mark's Brick Block Tioga ct., Tunk
•annoi-k. Pa
-1 % LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa
Especial attention given to settlement of dece
dent's estates
Nicholson, Pa. Dec 5, 1?()7 —v7nl9yl
• letting aud Real Estate Agent. lowa Lands
fcr sale. Scranton, Pa. ASilt.
• will attend promptly to all calls in his pro
fession. May be round at his Office at the Drug
Store, or at his residen.-e on Putraan Sreet, formerly
•ccupied by A. K. PecEham Esq.
DR. L. T. BURNS ha* permanently located in
Tankhaiinock Borough, and respectfully tenders
Mi professional services to its citizens.
Office on second floor, formerly occupied by Dr.
f}y )!'. 'JtUGEIi, Art is/.
Raeuis over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's
Buck Block,
Life-ize Portraits painted from Amhnitypes or
Photograph*- Photographs Painted in OilCtlors, —
All •rders for paintings executed according to or
der, or no charge made.
tsr Instructions given in Drawing Sketching,
Portrait an t LanJ-capc Painting, iri Oil or water
Color*, and in all branches of the ait,
Tunk, July 31. V -vgnSO-tf.
The mndcrsigned having lately purchased the
•' Bt'EHLKR HOUSE " property, has already com
menced such alterations an-l improvements as will
render this old and popular IB.use equal, if not supe
rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A*continuance of the publi.upatronage is refpeet
fully solicited.
I *lllß establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in tne latest style Every attention
will bo given to the comfort and convenience of those
•jo patronize the House ;
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor ;
Tunkhannoek, Scptein'-er 11. IWI
P. 15. BARTI -KT,
The MEANS HOTEL, s one of tne LARGEST
and BEST ARR ANGED Houses in the country-It
is fitted up in the un>st moderu and improved style
and no paius are spared to make it a plcasautaini
agreeable stopping pjace for all,
Commercial Col leg ■-.•' The success of Gard
ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at
Scrantoo, his surpass : i alt expectation Tha coitrs"
of study is uiore thorough -the terms are cheaper —
and give better satisfaction than any other College
f tne kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Life Sctaol
orsbip $35 00. Clubs at reduced rates Send tor
aollege Paper giving full particulars. Address 4.
C Gardner. Prtnc;ptl. Bcrauton, Pa. u7nlt)yl
Information guaranteed to produce n luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald hea l or beardless lace,
also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches,
Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft
clear, ami beautiful, can be obtained without charge
by addresing , .
THO3. F CHAPMAN, Chemist.
Patrick's Column.
Spring Trade for '6B
Will open on or about the Ist of May,
C. Detriclu,
Proposes to establish himself permanently
in trade at this place, at the Brick
store house in SamT Stark's Block,
where by fair dealing and fair
prices he expects to merit and
receive the public patronage.
Attention is called to the following in
Dry Goods :
FISH of all kind*,
AC., AC.,
Hats and Caps.
Boots S[ Shoes,
This branch of business made a speciality. A lot of
in great variety,
j All kinds of Produce taken in exehaoge for Goods.
The above art idee will be kept ia fall assortment.
I mean to make the experiment of goods *° ld in
quantitea rbeaper than ever before in lhi vteinity-
I shall be happy to aee you, and yen ceo depend up
on finding bargains tn every department. Goods re
i ceived every week.
J Respect fully yours.
The Beauties of Mongrelism.
Washburne, the great " moralist, " the
" patron saint " of Grant, and the" beloved
apostle "of the " intellectuals," recently
made an attack on Mr. Donnelly ( Mon
grelist fronr Minnesota.) Donnelly lakes
the matter up, and as a mark of dignified
statesmanship we give the debate as pub
lished in the Congressional proceedings:
Mr. DONNELLV, after passing from that
point, referred to the charge in Mr. Wash
burne's letter that his (Mr. Donnelly's)
opposition to the hill offered some time
since by Mr. Wasbhnrne, of Wisconsin, to
reduce the fair on the Pacific JLaiiroad,
might be attributed to the fact that he had
a free pass to ride over the road. He de
clared that he had never ridden over a
mile of the toad, and did not expect to
until it was completed from the Mississip
pi to the Pacific. It would be a consola
tion, then, to know, he said, that that
mighty work had been resisted and op
posed hv the most blatant, l >ud voiced,
lug-chested, smail-headed, bitter hearted
demagogue in all tlie land. [ Laughter
on both sides of the Chamber. ]
Referring to the charge made against
him in Mr. Washburne's letter, of Ins be
ing "an office beggar, " Mr. Donnelly
said: An office beggar, and that from a
gentleman bearing the name which he does!
44 Kt hi brute." An office beg ar! Why,
Mr. Speaker, when I entered the State of
Minnesota, it was Democratic. When I
entered the county in which 1 live it was
two to one Democratic. 1 no office
and expected none. Hut the charge
comes from such a quarter that I cannot
fad to notice it. Tlie gentleman's family
are clironie office beggars. They are noth
ing if not in office. Out of office they are
miserable, wretched, God-fin-akin. and as
uncomfortable as that fam us slump tailed
bail in fly time. [ Laughter.]
This w hole trouble ari.-cs fr>un the per
sistent determination of one of tlie g' title
man's family to "it in this body. Every
young male of the gentleman's fam ly is
born into the world with "M. C." frank
ed on his broadest part [ Laughter.]
The great calamity seems to he that God,
in His infinite wisdom, did not make any
of them broad enough to make room for
U. SS. [ Laughter.] There was room
for "U. 5.," but the other S. slipped over,
and U. S. ai d Company is the firm.—
[ Laughter.]
The SPEAKER interrupted Mr. Donnelly
and reminded him that Lis language was
beyond the usual limit of parliamentary
Mr. WA sum RNE again intimated his
desire that "the party" should be per
mitted to go on.
Mr. DONNELLY said he was sorry to
transgress the proper limits of debate, but
the House would perceive that the char
acter of tlie letter on which he was com
menting made him speak under some feel
ings. I was drawn into it, he said, by the
charges made against my personal charac
ter by the viie insinuation contained in that
letter that I was a fugitive from justice,
and that I fled fiom the City of Phila
delphia, 44 under suspicious circumstances,
between two days." This, Mr. Speaker,
is an absolute, unqualified, unmitigated
falsehood, and but lor the respect which I
have for you, and for this House, I would
use stronger language.
Mr. Donnelly then went on to relate
that charge, and bad read by the Clerk
a letter from the attorney-General <f Penn
sylvania, with whom Mr. Donnelly had
studied law. speaking in strong terms of
the probity and purity of his character,
and of the public esteem in which he is
held in that community.
Mr. Donelly then went on to say : I
stand here repeating the challenge that if
anywhere < n God's earth, down in the
mire of filth and all nastitiess, the gentle
man can pluck up anything which touches
my hotiot, let it coiue. I shall meet it on
its met its. I have gone through the en
tire catalogue 1 have analyzed the entire
contents of the gentleman's foul stomach;
I have dipped my hand in its gall, and I
have exam tied the halt digested fragments
which 1 found alert in the gastric juice.—
But if it is possible f u the g-tith man from
Illinois, by his par.staliic action, to throw
up anxthing mote loathsome, more dis
gusting then he has vomited over me in
that letter, in God's name, let it come.
The SPEAKER again interiuptid Mr.
DonnelU', and again reminded him that
his language was out of order.
Mr. WASIIBI RXE, of Illinois, again re-]
peated the hope that the u p-tsiy ' might be j
permitted to go on by unanimous consent. |
Mr. DONNELLY said— l thank the House
and " that other " for the courtesy. [G>n- j
eral laughter.] I will not notice all the j
charges which crawl over all the surface 1
of the letter, as vermin crawl over the
body of some beggar, but there is one
other personal chatge, that 1 have chang
ed my name. The intention of the gen -
tleman is to give out not only that I am
a fugitive (rum justice, but that I was trav
eling under an alias.
Mr. Speaker, I was, within a few hours
after my birth, baptized Ignatius Loyoal
Donnelly. lam Ignatius Loyoal Donnelly
to day, and with Hod's help I expect to re
main so until the end of my career. If I
should ever be inclined to change my name
it 6eems to me that I would take that of
" Eliliu." [ Laughter and enjoyment of
the same on both sides of the House.
Mr. WASHBURN a was understood to
say that he would change his name.
I Mx- DONNELLY retorted—lf I thought
" To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. "
the gentleman would change it, it would
be an inducement to me to retain it. But
what is the meaning of that attack? It
means that this gentleman is cracking bis
whip over members of this House, end has
been the natural successor here of these
old slave lords who used to crack their
whips here; his 44 vaulting ambition has
.o'erleaped itself." Not satisfied to assail
us bete, to vituperate us here, he is going
to mould the next Congress, and he is sail
ing into other districts to tell the people
whom they should select and whom they
shall not select. My friend ( Mr.* Price )
meets in the newspaper ol his distriet the
assault of the gentleman. He is ringing
the whole vast amphitheatre. Why does
he do this? There is a simple explana
tion which is given out in my district, and
which is one of the great arguments why
they shoiißl send the distinguished gentle
man's brother to this House, namely, that
he owns General Grant That he carried
Ulvsses S. Grant in his pocket. Why, sir,
he already feels on his shoulders the cares
of empire. He is already forecasting ca
hincts, dispensing foreign missions, setting
man up and putting them down. We can
apply to him the language of Cleopatra
to Mark Antony :
'' In his livery walk crown* and coronets ;ein
pire and Gland,
Are like plates dropped from the pocket-"
lias he not lived in the same town with
General Grant, and should lie not there
fore, perforce, be the Warwick, the king
maker the power behind the throne? 1
never could account for that singular fact
that he lived in the same town with Gen.
Grant, except on that great principle of
compensation which tuns through the cre
ated world, the tow n of Galena having for
many years endured the gentleman —God
Almighty felt that rothitg less than
Ulysses S. Grant should balance the ac
count. [ Laughter] Josh Billing-, talk
ing of compensation, says: 44 It is a ques
tion whether the satisfaction of scratching
will not a man for ttie punishment of
having the itch." I leave the gentleman's
constituents to apply the parable. I bow
in profound admiration before the genius
ot Ulysses S. Grant. I recognize liirn as
the greatest, wisest, broadest intellect of
this generation. I cannot think that he
will degenerate into btcoming a puppet to
be played by w ires held in the hands of
the gentleman from Illinois, or that he will
degenerate into a kind of hand organ to
be toted around on the back of the gentle
man from Illinois, while his whole family
sit on the top of the machine grinning and
c itching pennies like a troop of monkeys.
[ General and continuous laughter.] I
would say to Ulysses S. Grant, if it w as in
mv power to whisper anythirg in his ear,
to take counsel by that profound remark
of Aminadab Sleek, when he said : 44 \ <>u
all expect to get into Heaven by holding
on to my coat-tail; but I will 100 l you all :
I'll wear a inonkey jacket." f Laughter.]
General Grant has got to wear that politi
cal monkey jacket. We. had Grant up to
Minnesota, and of course, the distinguish
gentleman from Illinois was with him, and
when General Grant was serenaded, the
gentleman from Illinois stuck his head out
of the window and thanked the crowd, and
when they rode in an barouche together,
and the crowd hurrahed, the gentleman
from Illinois laid his hand upon his heart,
and bowed his piofonnd acknowledgements.
The people out there were in great doubt
which was Grant and which was Wash
burne, and they came to the conclusion that
the quiet little gentleman must be the
fourth-class politician, and that the preten
tious, fussy individual must he the conquer
or of Lee, [Laughter.] Old Jesse Giant,
it is said, remarked on that occasion :
"l'ears to me that Washburne thinks he
owns 'Lysses, hut he don't own me, not by
a darned sight." [Laughter.] bhall the
two names go down into history together?
Grant and Washburne ! Why, Mr. Speaker
the intellect of Grant is like some of the
; ancient warehouses in the great cities of the
| old world, where floor arises above floor,
i and cellar descends below cellar, all packed
; full to overflowing with the richest uaer
-1 chandiae.
The intellect of the gentleman from 111 ,
is like some ot those establishments that ]
we see in Pennsylvania avenue, where tbe j
whole stock in trade of the merchant is
spread out in tlie front window, and above
it a label : "Anything in this window for
•me dollar." [Laughter.] He is the Cheap
John ol legislation, and that he should at
tempt to rule and to sway General Grant
is not consistent with probabilities. lxird
Dundreary was once asked why it was
that a dog wags bis tail. "Why," says
his lordship, "the reason is because the
dog is greater than tlie tail." It it were
otherwise, says that profound speaker, "the
tail would wag the dog." [Laughter,] Here
was an instance, Mr. Speaker, where the
smallest kind of a rat-terrier's tail attempts
to wag a Newfoundland dog.
"Cromwell, I i-hnrge thee fiirig away ambition ; j
By that sin fell the d%e!s."
How then can Wiudiburae hope to prtifil
by it ?
The gentleman should take counsel by
that proverb of the llomatis, fie"ly render
ed, "You cannot make a staiesman olit of
every demagogue.'* Mr. Speaker, I trem
ble for mv country. Is it true that eighty
year* of republican government have re
duced us so low that there is hut one hon
est man in this House—but one It in all
this Sodom ? [Laughter } Does no voice
but this ring out against cliques, and con
spiracies, and "rings ?" NV ill no voice be
neard in the future assuring this House
that its members are all a pack ol knaves ;
that the country is going to ruin, and,con
cluding with that favorite quotation of his
from the vast stores of his erudition,
i "Shake not thy gory locks at me t thou
• * i
canst not say I did it ?" given with a roar
like a wounded gorilla, and rush into the
cloak room shouts and laughter
of the House.
Mr. Donnelly then went on to draw a
fancy sketch of Mr. Washburne as he
might appear in the Congress of the heav
ens addressing the archangels—how he
would sail into them —how he would rout
them, horse, foot and dragoons—how he
would attack their motives and fling insin
uation at them—how he would declare for
economy; that the wheels of the universe
must be stopped, for they oousumed too
much grease, and that all expenditures
should be stopped except that which wo'd
construct for the gentleman an extra water
closet. One word in conclusion. The
gentleman has assailed me, and it is but
right that I should put his own character
in the ballance. What great measure, in
his sixteen years of legislation, has the
gentleman ever originated ? What liberal
measure has ever met his support ? What
original sentiment has he ever uttered ?—r
What thought of his has ever risen above
the dead level of the dreaming platitudes ?
If he lay dead to-morrow iu tins Chamber
what heart in this body would experience
one sincere pang of sorrow? Who is there
in this House whom be has not assailed.
He told told the gentleman from Ver
mont, the other day that every corrupt and
profligate measure that was passed on had
met with his support, and when the gen
tleman from Vermont rose upon him, he
cringed out of it like a whipped spaniel.—
Did he not say to tny friend fiom Penn
sylvania, Mr. O'Neill the other day, that
lie would not say—for that is the gentle
man's way of making an insinuation —that
the gen'leman was one of a "ring"' to
swindle his country ? lias he not attacked
mv friend Mr. Price, of lowa, and aspers
ed his motive in his legislation in this
body ?
He has sought to build himself on her
dishonor, to glorify 7 himself in our disgrace,
to pollute and befoul and traduce the very
body of which he is a member. Ilarratigues
are the staple of the newspapeis of the op
position. We meet his charges on the
stump. He has lowered, by his wholesale,
reckless assault on the honor and charac
ter of the members, the standard of this
body. lie has furnished arguments for
the wit of Dan Rice. He has furnished
substance for the slanders of the pot
Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, said : Dur
ing my entire time of service in this house
I have never asked leave to make a per
sonal explanation, and I never expect to. —
The "party" from Minnesota has had the
letter which I wrote to a gentleman in
that State read to the House, attd it goes
upon the record of the House and ou the
records of the country, and there it will
remain for all time. Every assertion made
in that letter is true, and whoever says it
is not true, states what is false. If I were
called upon, I desire only to say this : If
I, under any operation of circumstance,
were ever called upon to make a personal
explanation in reply to a member, it wo'd
not be to a member who committed a
crime ; it woutd not be to a member who
bad run away ; it would not be to a mem
ber whose whole record in this House is
covered with venality corruption and
crime. I
The STEAKEU rcmindeJ the gentleman
that his remarks were not parliamentary.
On resuming the debate next day Mr.
DONNALLY sa>d : 1 have been, a member 5
of this House five years, and during that }
time, I have never had, until this occasion, '
the shghest ccdlision with any member. I '
have never before assailed any with abuse. '
1 can say, in the language of that good 1
man, A Lincoln, '*l have not willingly :
planted a thorn in the breast of any human >
being." If 1 have sinned in this instance, 1
it was because I have suffered. I have the 1
highest respect for this House, and for |
none greater than for the distinguished '
Member from Massachusetts (Mr. I>avis), 1
and although I do not think my flights of 1
imagination last Saturday, ir. which I
transported the gentleman from Illinois to
the realms of eternal bliss, was a violation ]
of parliamentary propriety, yet that there
may be no more offence to the ta>te of the ,
House, I will agree to suppress in the ;
Congressional Globe even that paragraph
in deference to the respect for the gentle- i
man from Massachusetts
Mr. lioss (Deui., 111.) I rise to a ques
tion of order. If the gentleman from
Minnesota has transported my colleague
(Mr. Wasbburne) to the regions of eter
j nal Hiss. I object to his taking him down
! [Laughter.]
i Mr. DAWES said the statement of the
I gentleman from Minnesota haJ fully an- j
j svvercd the purpose, and he would never
himself vote against the resolution,
i Mr. WASHBCRXE (111.) — AS the gentle
; man from Minnesota has withdrawn these
I offensive portions of his speech, I witb
! draw what I said in reply,
j • Mr. SPAULDING —I ask leave to witb
j draw my resolution.
Mr. DAWES a-ked to suppress from the
! Congressional Globe the paragraphs which
he had read from Mr. Donnelly's speech.
Mr. KLDRIDGB objected.
Several motions were repeatedly mado,
amid much confusion, to adjourn.
DONNELLY ironically asked —Is it prop
er for me in the present temper of the
House, to propose that the House imitate
the illustrous example in the case of the
1 Secretary of War and Gen. Thomas, and
go out and take a drink. [General laugh
ter. Some saying agreed. My whistle's
drv. I sav amen to that. 11a ! ha !]
Mr. W ASIIBL'RHK —I belong to the tena
i perance society. [Laughter.]
, Mr. DONNELLY [in an uudertone)—So
i do L „
Tbe SPEAKER in reply to Mr. Donnelly
said that was not a question to be deter
mined by the chair,although he was always
gratified if gentlemen could settle their
On motion of Mr. VAN WYCK the House
at 5.30 o'clock adjourned.
The SPEAKER will to-morrow announce
the select Committee to investigate Mr.
Washburne's charges agaiust Mr. Donnel-
ly, who will press a thorough investiga
The Size of the # Ark.
Infidels have objected to the size of tbe
Ark ; have asserted that it is quite absurd
to suppose that ever there could be a
vessel constructed large enough to hold
all the creatures which must have been
placed in it, with sufficient food, it may be
for six or twelve months—water for the
fßh, corn and so on. Now we will take
dimensions of the ark from the tecords of
Moses, and Calculate them on the lowest
possible scale. There are two definitions
given to a cubit; one that is 18 inches or
a foot and a half, and the other that is 30
inches. We will take it only at the low
est. Moses states that the ark was 800
cubits long; this would make it 450 feet
lons, or about the length of St. Paul's
Cathedral, in London. 'I he breadth he
states to be 50 cubits ;we then have it
75 feet in breadth. lie states it to be 30
cubits high ;so that it was 45 feet high.
In other words, it was as long as St. Paul's
Cathedral, neatly as broad, and half as
high. The tonnage of the ark, according
to computation of modern carpenters, must
have been 32,000 tor.s. The largest Eng
lislt ship, ( of a size unimaginable to those
who have never seen ib ) is 3,500 tons
burthen; so that tbe ark must have been
equal to 2C firstrate ships of war*and if
armed as such ships are, it would have
contained beyond 18,000 men, and pro
visions for them 18 months. Guffbn has
asserted, that all four-footed animals may
be reduced to 250 pairs, and the birds to
a still smalier number. On calculating,
therefore, we shall find that the ark would
have held more than five times the neces
sary number of creatures, and more than
five times the required quauity of food to !
maintain them twelve months.
man wants tew get at his aktual dimen
sions, let him visit a graveyard.
If a man wants tew he an old bachelor,
and get sick at a boarding tavern, and
have a back room iu the 4th story, and a
red haired chambermaid bring bis water
gruel to him in a tin wosh basin, I have
alwus sed. and I stick tew it vet, he has
got a perfek rigiit to do it.
When a man loses his health, then he
just begins to take care of it.
This is a good judgement —this is !
It is getting so now-a-daze, if a man can't
cheat in some way, he isn't bappy.
Success in life is apt to make us forget
tlie time we wasn't much. It is so with
the frog on a jump ;he kant remember that
he was a tadpole, but other folks kan.
An individual, tew be a fine gentleman
has either got to be born so or brought up
in it from infancy ; he kant learn suddenly
any more than he kan learn to talk injun
kercctly by practicing on a tommyhawk.
A friend of ours has two boys, aged re
spectively six and eight years. Tbe
vounger was partaking pretty largely of
the good things ot this life at the dinner
table, immediately on their return from
Sabbath-school one Sunday. Ihe elder
after cveing his brother for some time
said : " Charlie, if you were to eat much
more, and it should kill you, you would
weigh so much that the angels could not
carry vou to heaven." Little six-years
old hesitated for a moment, and then, look
ing tip, replied 4 " Well, if they conldn't
do"it alone, God would send Samson down
to help them ! "
An lowa orator, wishing to describe
bis opponent as a souless man, said : 41 I
have heard that some persons hold the
opinion that just at the precise moment
after one human being dies, that another
is born, and the soul inters and animates
the new-born babe. Now I have made
particular and extensive inquires concern
ing my opponent and I find that some
hours before he drew death nobody died.
Eellow citizens, I will now leave you to
draw the inference."
THE KC KLI X KLAN. The Rads are
making a gn at hue and cry about a new
ly discovered secret association under the
above title. They claim that recently the
Klan inurdeicd an old man in Georgia,*
for being a Union man, and hence the
Army and Frecdman's Bureau be
continued there. Since that an old man
lias been murdered by the Loyal Leaguers,
in Indiana, because he was a Democrat.—
Why not send the Army aud the Bureau
there also.
FIORTIINO MAD. —The New York Trib
une is fighting mad over the New York
Tax levy, because it throws a crutnb to
the Catholic Charity Schools and Homes,
that are instructing the orphans and shel
tering tilt homeless of all creeds. Greeley
is very pious ju6t now, and belongs to all
denominations that will vote the almighty
nigger the master and owner of the white
man. Crack yonr whip "brother Greeley, "
and bring your mules into line.
The popular Spring sport just now
seems to be crow K. ! See roosteis in our
Democratic jiajpeis all orer the country.
TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance.
NO. 41.
#atm@arl)eit& ItiMmi.
|~$T Farmers, and A?rienltnral men generally
are requested to contribute to thi* Department, M it
Is from their experience that we hope to gain some
thing of interest for our readers.
The high figures at which ouiona hatfe
been sold tbe past season will probably in
duce a more extended cultivation of this
most valuable of vegetables. The most suc
cessful onion grower, on a somewhat limited
scale, we ever saw, kept his gfound in hig&
tilth, forming a deep, rich bed for the seed.—
Tha soil was thoroughly stirred to the depth
of af<ot or more, and finally pulverized.—
When thus prepared, the parry commenced
tramping across the beds in the line of the
extended rows, thus compacting the soil
quite hard. This done, a rake wae used to
stir up or scarify the surface sufficiently deep
to cover the onion seeds lightly or to assure
its germination. In thus tramping the onion
beds down, after the soil has been properly
stirred and prepared, the onions was grown,
during the period of its growth, upon the
surface, causing it to expand with more free-
dom than would have been the case if cover
ed deep in a mellow soil. The result of this
mode of planting and cultivation was the
most prolific yield of the best developed on
ions we ever saw. This mode was pursued
year after year, and with unvarying success
—Rural New Yorker.
Yellowish brown moths or millers deposit
eggs in cylinder, or rings, encircling small
branches upon fruit trees in the fall. These
bulbs usually contain from two to five hun
dred eggs, and they are protected from the
wet and cold by a coating of peculiar water
proof varnish. In tbe spring as soon as tbe
weather is warm enough to start young
leaves, the eggs hatch out into worms, and
they subsist upon the foliage of trees—lf not
destroyed—for a Dumber of weeks, and then
encase themselves in cocoons and undergo a
tran-formation and appear again as moths or
The eggs are usually deposited near the
extremity of a branch, and fian be readily
seen. The best time to destroy them is ear
ly in the spring. Take a common fruit lad
der and go throu & h the orchard clipping
off every 7 twig containing a bulb, and put it
into the fire. Each bunclj of eggs thus re
moved destroys hundreds of caterpillars that
wo'd require ten times the amount of labor
with coal oil, soap suds, etc., to eradicate one
month later.
LIME FOR SMALL FRUIT. —Many have bes*
itated to make the abuvc use of lime, fearing
it might produce au injurious effect. It is
well for us to state, from experience, that the
application of linte to Strawberries, Blackber
ries, Raspberries, Currants, Rhubarb and As
paragus wilfact beneficial, unless the ground
hs been previously heavily limed, or tbere
is very littly vegetable matter in the soil—
Burnt shell lime should be applied in prefer
ence to stone-lime, and not more than twen
five or thirty bushels per acre sown freah
over the surface.
Used in this way, with frequent and small
yearly doses, it gives the best results.
TOADS FOR GARDENS.—A correspondent of
tlie Lamoille News Dealer says he success
fully defends his vine patch by laying boards
between the rows in such a manner ss to
atlord shelter to toads in the day time, and
leave it undisturhed, so that they will make
their home under it, which they will do in
great numbers. At night they will sally
out aud devour every bug, and grow fat as
aldennen. lie says he has a dozen or more
of these little philanthropists making their
home under a single board not more than six
feet long.
BUNKS OR ROLLS. —Thicken one quart of
warm water or milk, add a little salt, one
half cup of melted butter, and one cup of
good yeast ; make into biscuits for morniDg,
or into an oval toil, aud draw a deep cut. If
not very light add a li".tie soda.
VEGETABLE SOUP. —Take a shin of beef, si*
large carrots, six large onions, twelve turnips
one pound of rice or barley ; parsley leeks
and summer savor, put all into a soup-kettla
and let it boil four bours ; add pepper and
salt to taste ; Serve all together. It makes
a good family soup.
The most delicious fruits are composed of
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen ; and
the most deadly poisons are composed of the
same ingredients, differing only in the pro
portions of their combinations.
•It is said that the value of the horses,sheep
and swine, and turned cattle in the United
States, is equal to the sum total of the na
tional debt— $3,000,000,000. A valuable
stock of domestic animals.
No man has yet been able to ride a clothes
horse with the "spur of a moment."
Why is the letter K liko a pig's tail 1 Be
cause it is the end of pork.
H owfuouy alrae looks w i thou t spacea,-