Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, May 13, 1868, Image 2

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I'an Sickles 11 to be oos of £ea Wade's
Cabinet—of cunoaiUes.
Tbad Stevens tars Cameron would not
■leal a red hot stove.
Election tickets in Ohio moat hereafter be
feinted OO while paper, ai wall M be TO LED
by while men.
The New York Ejrprtn inaiate that the
K. K K'l. mean Kooneeticat Karpet-tg
Kocquered. Qa te likely.
A Western Ed tor says, that is stocky
Pittsburg, men kas each others wrree. and
are able to tell whcb are their own only by
the taste.
Dek Ya'ea confesses bit drar/aen faults,
bo* eaya that he will sot rea.gn unt l kicked
o*l'. "Few die and noee resign." • Dck
thinks he don't drnk as much as some oth
er* ffc ch is raiter heavy on the stbera.)
but promises to ref.rm.
Lemoni weighing two pounds are raised in
Prayer Rooks, it is reported, are now got
op w:ih looking g asset placed on the inaide
of the- aovers.
Mr. Krafts has been complimented with
foil eailerie*. Thad Stevens and Wil
liams spoke to empty benches. EvarU it a
Kepubi can—the others are Tbogs.
When Gen. Lee surrendered tc Gen. Grant
he had less than eight thousand serviceable
muskets, while Grant had a: least three hun
dred thousand.
A man who ela'ms an extraordinary
amount of veneration say that be respect
old age in every thing except chickeaa fcr
It is announced that the Rump willVdjourn
from the 15th to the 25tb. to allow the eon
apiralcrs to plot another part of the pro
gramme at Chicago.
A man in Vermont, is stated, receotly
charged one dollar for hit serv oet as pail
bearer at the funeral of a poor woman, buried
at the public expense.
Two negroes Lave been elected to the
Georgia Senate and twtlve to the Ilouse.—
Like some of the Rada in the Pennsylvania
Legislature tbey will not be more useful than
The Democrats of nageratown. Md., ear
thed their whole city ticket, last week, gam
ing 121 on last year's majority.. There is no
let up anywhere in the reaction against Rad
A temporarily insane man named laac
Mace, living near Cliflej, Indiana, on Saior
day last, shot his brother and badly wound
ed bia uncle and aunt. Disappointed love
was at the bottom of it.
The baby woman Las gone to JefTersonvi'le,
Indiana, on exhibition. A sentimental re
porter aays : ' She is not three yeara old, yet
as perfectly developed as a maid ol sweet
sixteen." u 'uuff ced she has a waterfall
and a sweetheart.
The Radical pre** is intensely anxious b
know who will h# the Democratic candidate
for President. It is easy to relieve this
anxiety. lie will be the tnao who will be
■ worn in as President on the 4th of next
The two cLaps sent from Arkansas a*
United States Senators are carpet baggers—
one is from Pennsylvania, the other from
An exchange says, that eighty-six Ku
Klux Elan's have been organized in this
State within the past six weeks. Won't
they furnish ''raw head* and bloody bones'"
for mongrel grannies to fnghtcD at ?
An exchange Las the following good thing :
We yesterday heard a couple of colored
gent* discussing the question of Inpeschment
when ODe of them exclaimed. "What's de use
'peaching ole Andy— he'd veto it!"
A spicy scene occurred in Congress on
Saturday, between two Republicans, Donnel
ly of Minnesota and Washbcroe of Illinois.—
Tbe latter is the keeper of Gen. Grant and
has several brothers in Congress. lie wants
to get another in from Minnesota in the place
of Donnelly, and accordingly wrote letter
disparaging to the latter, which the latter
took op on Saturday. They said I'.me very
ugly things of each other.
Incomplete official returns of the Arkansas
election shows 1,318 majority for the Consti
There will be eleven negro delegates at tbe
National Republican Convention, all from tbe
The constitutional election in Florida is
prtgressing quietly. On Wednesday the
rote in Key West stood, for the constitution,
224 ; sgainst, 309.
Whalen has confessed to the assasaioation
ofThomaa D'Arcy McGee.
An iron Bridge for La Salle, on tbe Illinois
river, is to be manufactured at Pboeoixvil le t
It is suggested that Gen. Grant made rye
faces over the election retorna from Connect
icut. Very likely.
Eleven architects in Ch cago have buiffiing
contracts for this season amounting to 82.-
The Ohio Reform farm, near Lancaster,has
has 1,170 acres. There are over 600 boj*.
mostly criminals, who behave well, who are
engaged in growing small fruits, and their
returns last year, after having ail tbey want
ed to eat, exceeded 87,000.
3fr§. Kit Carson is dead.
Tbe Cslilornia delegation to the National
Democratic Convention go unaoiinoualy for
Governor liaigbt for President. Ex-Gov
arnor H>%\*, Governor Haigbi's avowed
aoppovis-v, re*nv*<J 255 of the 303 volet cat
it <>-* Ihw is undoubtedly a
C| tßemotrat.
WfdDPtdaj, May 13. 1868.
Auditor General.
CHABXXS E. BOYLE, of Fayette.
Surveyor General,
Gen. WELLINGTON EXT, of Columbia.
IMPEACHMENT. — Impeaehmentas a par
ty mea*or* is on the decline—as a meas
ure ofjatiee, it Las no supporters any
where. The fifteen minutes' talk accorded
to S-nat.>ra on Monday, deve! -ped.a state
of facts which the Tnhuue correspondent
detiom.nates damaging to the impeachment
cause. Several Radical Senators—Trum
bol!, of Ohio, Fessen J.T,, of Maine, Grimes,
of lowa, and see era! others—took open
grou'ds against iropeachrm nt on all
the articles as preferred against the Presi
dent by the astute impeacber* of the low
er House. Yesterday at IS M. wi the
time fixed upon tn take a vote npon the
conviction or acquittal of the Pre-ident,
but tie Rads., we suppose, fearing the lat
ter might occur, have postponed giving
veidset until Saturday next—a majority
vote only required for poeponement, whiie
two thirds will be necessary to convict tf-
President ot high crimes and rais-jeuiean
ors. Time for more party pressure upon
doubtful Senators ia demanded, and of
course must be Lad. If they cannot con
vict they will hang the whole subject in
terrorism over the President's head, by
postponement from time to time.
The Impeachment.
The was c'osed on Wednesday, so
far as the marag, rs and the ut-fc-nse are
concerned. It now remains with the Sen
ate. It may be decided this week, or it
may be held in abeyance until after the
Chicago Brevet negro Convention.
There is a strong impression afloat, now,
that the verdict will be adverse to the im
peacbcrs. This opinion is predicated on
the following telegram :
W A6IIINGTON, May 5. |
To Hon. Onflow Steam* :
The removal of the great obstruction to
peace and quiet is certain. \\ ade and
prosperity are sure to come with the apple
Ben. has got the reputation of being such
an unmitigated liar, that this telegram is
considered a sure indication of acquittal.
FESSENDEN. —The World 1 * Washington
correspondent says : —lt seems that in the
secret session there was quite a little spat
between Fessenden and Drake. The for
mer asked to postpone the verdict for
some time, in which to read over the min
utes of the trial, especially to lo<'k into
some legal points raised by Bingham.—
Drake said it was strange that such a mas
ter-spirit as Feaoenden should want time,
when he (Drake,) the littlest man in the
Senate, was ready. This appeared to him.,
unnatural. Fesser.den replitd somewhat
warmly. He diMtlaimed being a master
spirit of the Sr nate, but regarded Drake
as better authority when he d' fined his
own position than when he defined the
position of others. Drake sharply retort
ed that he had been honest in his remark
about the Maine Senator being a great
man. But he confessed now that he wt
great only in his arrogance. If reports in
circulation were correct, what he said of
himself, that he (Drake.) was the littlest
man in the Senate, would soon be true of
the Senator from Maine. This caused a
decided sensation, and Sumner took the
floor and spoke for half an hour for mak
ing an immediate verdict.
The iiupeachnieut trial will cost the work
ing men a round sum. It will be found
in the bili. It will count in the tax-levies.
It is stated that the printing of the tickets
of admission cost no less than $6,000. The
expense of the trial iy set down at near
*400,000. Certain witnesses cost the coun
try $5,000 each. Gen. Ronsseau netteJ 1
some $9,000, a good job. The si.ui of ten
cents a mile and ten dollars a day, was al
lowed for attendance. This is a nice array
of items to make the taxpayers of the
country sweat for. This is abvautiful sum
: total to fleece from the already overbur
dened wealth producers. Are the revolu
tionary spirits at the seat of government
to be allowd to go an from one act of in
famy to another, without being rebuked by
an outraged people, too long patient under
a growing despotism ? Rise, independent,
honest voters—6trike through the ballot
box, and burl these miscreants from power.
politicians tell laboring
men that they pay no taxes, the latter
conM ask in return, how much more they
pay now for everything they cat, drink,
1 and wear, than they did in good old Dem
i ocratic times. If it costs you twelve dol
lars a week to support and clothe your 1
familv now, which it formerly costonlv six,
do you not pay a tax of three hundred and
• twelve dollarl a year I
RAMFAGE. —Tbe following aceoaot from
the Harri&wy State G*mrd of the violence
of the elephant Romeo proves that tbe
temper of the animal is not to be trustud.
and that he should not be exhibited in a
public place : "We have already given
some particulars of tbe antics of this ele
phant. including tbe murder of his keeper,
and we are now infunned tfcat although a
part of bia trip from Haiborvugb to Lan
caster was unattended with any unwonted
displays of temper, be, a 6bcrt distance
this side of Leamen Place, again resumed
his warlike disposition, and report hath it
that after arriving thus far, bis elepbant
sLip took a fancy that be did not *st to
go any further, but concluded to take the
baek track. This, however, did not suit
the proprietor*, who remonstrated with him
with some severity, at which he became
enraged, and proceeded todem dUh things
by killing a borse, injuring several others,
tearing down fences and telegraph p- !es,
and final,y p tchipg a borse and carriage
over a fence into a field. His managers
were ob!ig. dto put chains on him, and
then put biro through the customary pro
cess of pounding, stabbing, shooting, Ac.
for over five hour*, before the huge brute
would cry for quarter. He was then
brought on to Lancaster, where he arrived
m t me for tbe evening exhibition.
tZW One Thousand dollars per minute
!i- about tbe ariloont of taxation which the
pe-'ple of this country are paying to sup
port the ruinous pol cy of tbe Hump Con
gress I Owe U-'jut'tud dollar* per minute
and for what ! Not to promote prosperi
ty —or a amen of sections —or tbe re es
tabll-bmerit of trade and commerce—or
the old kindly intercourse of the State l —
to enable a corrupt party to keep pow
er in the government, by oppressing white
people, and elevating m-groes to be the
ruling power in the States ! But for thi.
there would have been, long ago. a thriv
ing trade, as of old, between tbe North
and South —peace, prosperity, and happi
ness. Instead of this, Northern labor is
idle—but the taxation of Northern indus
try i* actiie. Workingmen ! if you like
this state of thing*, sustain a corrupt Con
gress in keeping it up ! If yon do not
help us to put it down. This is your only
chance. If you are put under the heel of,
the African, it is your own fault, and yon
will deserve no pity. — Columbian.
GRANT S PASTOR. —CMe Bull gave a con
cert in Washington a few weeks since for
the benefit of the Lincoln Monnment. It
was a decided failure, and did not pay ex
penscs. The Rev. Byron Sunderland, whose
church Grant ha* joined since be became
a candidate for President, tendered his
■ervices to open the conceit with ptayer.
lie prayed that the Almighty would for
ever deprive the Democratic party of pow
er, mentioning it by rarne. We wonder
what Grant's pastor think* of the efficacy
of his prayers since the elections >n Con
necticut and elsewhere. Perhap* he may
come to the eonclurion that he and the
Almighty differ somewhat in the e*titn*te
of the Democratic party. The Lord ap
pears to be fighting on tbe side of the 1 ><•
mocracy, and the chance* of the Rev. By
ron Sunderland'* prayer being answered
seems to t-e very slim indeed.
one rears the Presbyterian* of the United
States have been divided and known re
spectively as the New aod Oid School,
but a general Convention of delegates from
various divisions adopted, last year, a basis
for reunion, arid it is r,ow being di*cu*sed
and acted upon in the su!>ordinate synods
and presbyteries whose ratification is ne
cessary. The Presbytery of Western
New York recently met at Buffalo, and
unanimously agreed to the proposed p'an.
Their example will probably be generally
followed throughout the country, and ss
the leading clergymen on both sides are in
favor of the measure a great breach ot
thirty years' standing will at last be heal
ed The abrogatioiof slavery and the
prevalence of more liberal views respect
ing abstract questions of theology have
materially paved the way for the unity of
the denomination.
"1 PATENTS. —An important decision as to
fithe re issue of patents has been made by
1 the Supreme Court of the District of Col
i umbia. The Commissioner of Patents had
established a rule that all application for
the reissue of suirendered patents should
! be publicly advertised for thirty days, and
that testimony might be taken adversely to
the claimant. The assignees of the Reich
man patent for an improvement in lamps
surrendered their patent reissue under
the rule above mentioned ; the application
was publi-hed, and testimony taken, under
which the reissue was refused. From this
refusal an appeal was taken, and after the
i hearing. Judge Usher pronounced the rule
illegal and unauthorized, and ordered the
issue of the patent.
K. K. K. —The Ku Klux Klan arc kall
ed upon to kastigate or kill any kullered
kusses who may approve the konstiiution
being konkoked by the kouteraptible kar
pet baggers at tbe kapitoL Each klan is
kommaiided by a karniveroos kernel who
koileku bis komrades with kare and kau
tion kommensurate with the] magnitude of
I the kausc. Whenever konvened they must
korrectly give four kountersigns—Th> se
are ; Kill the kullered kuss ; klean out the
karpet baggers : krusb the konvention ;
karry kooservatism ; konfusion to kon
gress ; konfederates will konker. Of kourse
i the klan kreates konsiderable konsternat.on
among the kongos and their kunning kon
duktors, who kalkulate that their kareer
i may he kut short by katastrophies Kurs,
| they kan't kocnplain.
The Cameron Prat says that there
are about thirty families at the mines "lit—
, erally starving to death," in coDsequeocc
; of the closing of the works. But these are
j only white people. We venture to say
that if they-were negroes, a branch of a
Government Bureau would be established
there forthwith for their relief.
A Wcst'-ro paper cruelly says: * Our
mn, in Congress has made a great speech
| —one of the very best. It was written
for him by a graduate of this office, and
the matter and delivery do credit to both
' parties."
Political History.
What **>d in tin; case of so un
constitutional law (the Sedition Acts) is
set forth in the following letter to Mrs.
President Adams, written in 1804 :
<- I discharge every person onder punish
ment and prosecution nnder the sedition
law, because I considered, and now con
sider. that law to be a nulity a* absolute
ar d as palpable as if Congress bad order
ed u* to fail down and worship the goMen
image. and that it was as much mv dutv
to arrest its execution in everv Slate as it
would hare been to have rescued from the
fiery furrsce those who should have been
cast into it for retaking to worship the im
ge- It was accordingly done iD every in
*tance, without asking what the offenders
had done, or against whom they bad of
fended, but whether the pains they were
suffering >re indicted under the pretend
ed sedition law."
And in another letter be replies to some
observations as to the Freedom of the Ex
ecutive aboutahe constitutionality oflaws
-4A on seem to think it devolved on the
judges to decide on the validity of the Se
dition law, but nothing in the Constitution
has given them the right to decide for the
Executive, more than for the Executive to
decide for thern. Both magistrates are
equally independent in the sphere of action
assigned to them. The judges, believing
the law constitutional, had a right to pa>*
ser ter.ee of fine or impri-onment, because
the power is placed in their hards by the
Constitution ; but the Executive, believ
ing :he law to be unconstitutional, was
bound to rem t the execution of it becau-e
that power had been confined to Lim by
the Constitution, that instrument interd as
that the co-ordinate branches should be
checks upon each other Bui the opinion
that gives the judges the rights to admin
ister what laws are constitutional and what
are not, not only f,r themselves in their
own sphere of act'oo, hut for the legisla
tive ar.d executive also, in their sphere*,
would render the judiciary despotic and
The opinion of Mr. Malison is equally
Lorougn, and to tLe same effect.
What Dollars Will Do.
The murder of D'Arcy McGee, in Cana
da, brought out various offers of reward to
the amount of §19.000. An exchange
says, that that amount ought to be enough
to buy testimony to convict somebody. So
doubt many will nibble at the bait. Jean
Baptiste La Croix, who says 'hat he wit
nessed the killing of D'Arcy McGce, has
been subject to a searching examination,
and his testimony remains unshaken in all
the particulars. lie has seen WhaJen in
jail and indent fies him. La Croix is an
unlettered Frenchman, tut he tells a
straightforward and connected story. At
the time of the occurrence he concealed
himself in a doorw ay, fearing that Wbalen
might discover him and ?boot him. Since
that time he has beeu afraid to speak ot
the assassination, fearing the possible con
sequences to himseif.
The story has a doubtful look, but Wba
len is said to be a Fenian, and that will
aid to soothe the netves of the authorities
in case of mistake.
Nineteen thoasand dollars is '' some "
but nothing to th • amount Bingham, Ba
ker. Can over k Co. spent to buy up toti
m nv to convict and murder poor Mrs.
SnrratL But then Mrs. SurraU was a
The Little Rock ( Ark.) Gazette -savs
that at the late elc'ion on the adoption of
i the Constitution the Radicals claimed 1
total majoritv of 1,679. but in
that majority frauds of the gravest char
acter were practiced. The Gazette says
that the Democratic Central Committee
has received sufficient accurate data to
show that the Constitution was actually
voted down by a clear majority of 6,342,
and to establish their claims the Central
Committee have forwarded to the Com
manding-General of tlie District a large
msss of evidence, showing that ballot boxes
had been stuffed, that persons disqualified
from age, sex, and residence Lad voted ;
that the privilege of franchise had been
exercised once, twice, or more, by
persons at different places; that electors,
tully entitled to vote, had been unjustly
cut off ; that ballots against the constitu
tion had been fraudulently destroyed or
changed; together with other information
valuable to the military authorities, should
thev be actuated by a desire to do justice
in the premises.
THE OKLT CCRE. —The disgraceful
personalities in the Rump House of Rep
resentatives —especially those between
Washhurne and Douelly, on Saturday—
the 44 Herald " tells us, 44 naturally retuh
from the Jacobin violence and usurpation
of the radical faction in power, and there
is little hope of a change, we fear, until
the people become aroused and in the next
elections send another and better set of
men to Washington."
The Democracy everywhere throughout
the State sboulJ take early and active
measures to explain the Registry 'aw to
the people and make arrangements through
committees and otherwise, to qualify every
citizen who is entitled to vote. Let no
votes l>c lost through ignorance or neglect
of the new requirements.
A full and well Selected stock of
Tbe undersignoi takes pleasure in soliciting tbe
inLabitanU of this place and vicinity to call and ex
amine hu good*.
Enable him to eu|-ply
In bia line at
than can be bought elsewhere
Call at
(Crane A Lull's old stand )
Tunkbanoock, May S, 1863 If.
an si mm
Organiiei lii F;u:pp-21c New York City fjt the vuoc
Pf !♦. with New Vr Via ar.4 CtartoU,
\>,Car-*. Beautiful and Appropriate App-iavmeatt.
Ia every of the word.
The foUovlaf are uKbx rtie #pertAlti€ the
ii,*re IL* Il'jzv * of pre*cliAJ
Wr. T i r
12 Izi Bnck
12 r ..
12 5.i! 82-r.ll Ln, _
I 2 Eat I-** hrl:i
T:.: Tzki-i r.f-irt
" "IP JS. N NT" i"
Twr T- "Id 3 I- h-a L-gh: W. 30 Pvwndf: en
ftoabuLy ibr mliv*? w.-r ex . ..;* -1 in %ljooaairy>
The Multifont F-a of!!.!* Anltaalln the R:nr mm#
ben-' ei,d Savebeen ' .asaed anion* to.
"Wonders of the 19th Centtirr.
Pref. CEO.FOBEPArCU'S Mafbleat
llc-.-t Tra.-.-4 e t*'. •xhlbit~l m tb- A alienee man
eh.w ..m ever exhibited before.
i'rrx Kqwevtrienn* Matunoc Da ChevaL
The " Elia Star" of lue Arena.
T1 cxl ?bnted Ciii ir E(ieKrinae.
Tie Duil:; ai.d Daactleaa Fqn-trence hid ~ Sprite ol
the Kin?."
W>, .V IWntlfal n,l Dwsi Eae'r-.an P--w,a'. n
La-.egaii. i 1 r■. .. IL L:k of the- Winged Mercury.**
Th- M..J-I Hven, J -t-r and O: tev-ii'. tS- -Teat Mai
tilorw* IvrtWw rofWi - |M oft ■lon. A* . Wlrlr Bnpe
' Mr. v-.cnl "i.->*- f-i*l.
IThe o-n1..! ar.l Orla.ral J-M-r.
Tli- Celebrated TH-V Clown.
The met - I -I-rial Athlete •' - '.r iro ulirrite
laUittrl*. :ar - - t pii^-.Toarbil
lona *n<l \ sv.h.
A or>>r:.::.' 11 •■■■'•l i . : IfJMkM
| c .. :-u.- 1 Uie adialiaUoaoTlbe WoAL
Toaitier w a a l and cutu|> ; -1 Corp* uf t.riiaj.
E-jae.-i -. I .her. and Attendant*.
TheMena.- r..- i) a:t. t- Vt u-1 '; >lr. GLOBOE
Th.o Comical
A Herd of
The Dwarf Elephant. " FAN \ Y," * Ul* caparisoned
a; eatrii entcrtaiinment with a
Splendid Oriental Houdah,
Or Elephant Saddle. |-i r-hich Children from among the
Audience will be allowed the novelty of an
Elophant Ride!
A Heal Riding Act, mchieTed a[Ka hi* hack by hit
cftttrT lad Trainer,
Alptionaso Micardo,
Who will b*jlute!%- impe l him over
ronftitutifl? the inot
Ewer giver. In aCinle.
The Prvi'!'"i will enter the TiTn at 10 o'clock. A. M .
led by PKOKE>S<>H KANE'S Metropolitan Silver Comet
Band, foll wwt bv the Dwarf Klephsnt. " FANNY."
: borne open a ricblv- d-corated Car. and the entire'retinae
of Vans, Chariot*. Tableaux Cars and Cases.
Children under 12 years 25 Cents
Doors open at 2&7 P. M. Performances to
commence half an hour later..
This 31 am mot li Show
At WAVERLY, (Abington Center,) Fri
day, May 22d.
Of TJkMeeted Lonrti in Wyoming County.
■VOTICE i hereby *"•■ that ndtr nd byro
tac of the several act* ef Aaambiy ef the Com
"Owaaith of Penney IT. nia. passed for the eollaru**
of Txe on Ummlwl Lufi. the Trenearer of Wy.
mm Cone* wili on the aaeowd Monday of Jane, (to
wit: Jose nth A O 1568,) at the Uw Hoaee in
the Bwuuxh ®f Tankhuoeek, expoee to peMie •
•he t feu and pert* of trert* of ansewted
Und tor the taxes Bd coot* on them respectively
Sole to coei&rtrt > out o'dwk P M.
iff litUITII *■**. TAXM.
439 Budge JiiDti 6 58
439 B&cUnix>n John 6 58
417 Bowtneo Frtutt* 6 26
430 CUik Peer 6 30
340 Clatk Ja*S 5 10 .
430 Clerk Th'flni 6 30
436 F ■■!* F-letrd 6 34
439 F>n ie* Samuel 658
439 F'k W ill.em 65?
435 H*t fig* Seih G 53
430 L--c Tl>otre 6 30
400 Betterton William :16 00
406 B 'eniH Sulmnqa 16 23
4UO Baker <>t Barton J.4in 16 00
406 . B-.wman J.*eph 16 23
340 Bradley A'.rahna 13 60
406 Bart..let J 1-eph 16 23
406 B rd < r Baird Benjamin 16 23
406 BC*Vv ll*i.nab 16 23
266 BtocJ dm 10 75
439 Bridge J> -nee 1" 57
439 Bridge Margaret 17 57
439 Big 4. w Abraham 17 57
300 B >w man The lea* 12 00
230 Butle Samuel 912
4ftg B"*n.n J 16 25
199 Bradley Hartnah 7 91
428 Clytner Daniel 17 12
100 Cullingrr JtiMrl 4 00
300 Carman Michael 12 00
406 Carman Samuel 16 23
406 Carman Nicholas 16 23
406 Carman J hn 16 23
410 Cri-tnan Frederick 16 41
76 C'l Lfinda 3 04
100 C.tnjfwl! Robert 4 (0>
128 Crispin Jame* 4 12
; 380 Crsum Widiata 15 20
4"G D-l-ng Peter 16 23
406 D d-ng Simon 1C 23
407 D-''Tig Will am 16 32
110 Dr-tritt M 'frt 4 41
4tjJ Ihi. ng John 16 '2
3"6 D-witt Aan.n 12 25
205 Dee it Andrew.". 8 23
3C'6 De't' T'ti ina- 10 25
440 IVnritson Themas 17 g0
200 Downer Eii*ha 8 00
*4lO Davis J >natuao 16 39
410 E li'-t Pjllj 16 .39
433 Ellh-t Rchar-J K 17 29
406 F>?h Thome* 16 23
4"6 F *!es E-dwarJ 17 44
437 Fry John 17 45
430 F sh J >eph 17 21
439 Fish William 17 53
170 F >rTth Thomas 6 80
150 F .wfer Edmund 6 01
375 E .iot Li ti 15 S3
439 Fuwles Saoioel 17 52
2'3 G're Darnel 9 16
20g Groat Paul 8 23
200 Gilltnan Allen & 23
439 Hail William 17 54
4uo Hay Uenry !6 00
439 Ilall or lli'l Sarah 17 54
400 Hay Jauie- 16 '
410 Hail Isabella 16 39
410 H.I! John Jr 16 39
410 Hail J hn 16 39
' 150 li.tcin Richard 6 01
406 K'ndall William 16 23
77 Kmg Samuel 3 ("4
490 * KIIL.x J .hn 16 ("0
400 Knox Samuel 16 00
4fs) K rg S'ta H 16 00
410 Kn- x James 16 39 ,
400 Km.* Daniel 16 00
400 Knox S>mon 16 00
410 Kelly J'-scph 16 39
410 Ke.lj- Daaael 16 29
406 K'.nnard Samuel 16 2:!
400 Kendall Samuel 16 UU
400 I.inn William 16 00 .
400 I/nch or Luch Ge-Tge 16 00
400 Law William 16 00
430 ■ L*n. x Sarah 17 21
214 Landers George 8 57
.310 Marshall Uet'jr 12 4!
. 275 McLaughlin Jsme* 15 04
.300 McLaughlin John lg 00
406 Morris William 16 23
4130 Muzzy Amoa 17 21
439 Muzzy William 17 53
439 MeClure Janes ..17 53
300 Miller Mary 12 Of'
4<"C Marshall Cheater 16 23
406 Marshall Sarah 16 23
40g Marshall Charlts lg 23
300 McLaughlin Alexander 12 00
410 Martin Laac 16 29
40g More William Ig 23
410 Mu*grare Israel 16 29
410 Musgrave Moses 16 529
410 McCiurs Samuel 16 29
410 McClnre Robert 16 29
40g Marshall Berjauiin lg 23
400 Oki-r John lg 00
175 PJes Cornel'a 7 04
435 Piles John 17 44
175 Piles Robert 7 04
8g Pal ton John 3 43
90 Pattun James 4 39'
gg Pattoo William.... 2 g5
400 Paiioti Charles 17 00
410 Tatton Isaac lg 29
40g I'aine George 16 23
4l'g Paine Martah R 16 21
40g Piles Sarah 16 23
437 Reed Collinson 17 53
5201 Reiisliaw Richard 8 00
200 Ryan John 8 00
200 Riddle Reuben 8 00
80 SulliTan James 3 520
400 Snith Richard 17 00
200 Stephens Ann 8 00
439 Stip' ens Simun 17 553
90 Simpson John 7 520
40g Steih-ns Perry 16 523
40g Siej hen. Jonathan 16 23
410 Staples John 16 29
4528 Sanders George 17 14
410 S'ewart George 16 29
5299 Scull Peter 12 00
260 Todd James 10 40
437 Todd John jr. 17 53
40g Trees Phebe 16 23
221 Seraff Henry 880
40g Stephens Daac 16 23
410 Wioley Thomas 16 70
400 White Andrew 12 00
325* While Samuel 12 96
5200 Wilson James 8 00
45 Ward John 3 59
199 Ward James 6 91
400 White John 1C 10
304 White Robert 8 lg
400 White James lg 00
4520 Yarrington John 16 80
439 Bettcrton Jacob 14 g7
406 Bradley Hannah 13 60
200 Bailey Duah g 70
400 Campell James.., 11 40
| 400 Campbell Margaret.,,. ~.11 40
393 Dunn William 13 20
393 Dougherty Richard 13 20
■ 40g Downing Reuben 13 aO
160 Davis Joseph..' 2 40
40g Davis Johathan 13 20
I 400 Derbyshere John 11 40
40g Delany Margaret 13 520
400 Espy George 11 40
429 Forsyth Isaac 14 20
,"40* ftaff Brtam .rr*.-t.T c.v U 40
203 • G'jn Daniel r 7,.
400 * Gallop Eunice 3- 4>
408 Gridtey Dame! .13 gO
401 Harmoaan WaUace 33 41
439 Hermat.* Wilbaco 3 4 *5
147 Km* Wiiham. .... 4 93
444 Kir* A*run 14 >6
20g Lghead Th-mt* 6'..
214 Laaders G/rre .. ' 47
400 MeC-y Ep+.rfi* 13 4.0
381 MeKr.i*hi Dv.d 12 73
410 Xa*h Phir-ea*. . 13 7 r ,
434 Pirice Hat-nah 14 34
398 Percr Alice 13 32
4fB P-erce J r.n . A"
4fo Piltn-r W :lam.. I , 4i
439 R^nhaw Atn 14 r ~
291 R- n-hs* R "-# rd g fj
45>9 R-t-' it i i n 14 ,*
IfiO S mp~T X'cr.c,!a 3
27g S !"{•*• n M chael 'J C A
388 Siwart Mr 12 2i
439 Srn -T) . .14 g7
4016 T'lj-p J- hn ]2 f
126 W.ilis Mrfi 4 47
53U0 Rch J'<*eph g To
100 Rich John
113 Ran*ey II ± II Trombtj:! 1 71
410 Btrefc e George ],; 49
jftW BiwsH 4 ■ •
3g2 L'.'Ti O-alta 14 44
4fO Git I Mt'Uw lg t.j
525 ' ;.-r n J'ffl'* 3 4
410 i• v - llui-'ah • 4
300 F Jat-Z 12 UU
400 F -ii x ih 1 •>
410 Hazermaii John lg 4o
410 ILK Juti*-*
75 Hibbard E'*ri zer 3 u4
410 fnhwsin Jacob lg 40
410 McCray Smuei lg 40
50 M <"r*y Ann 2 ■*
410 McCray K<>h.rt lg 40
K0 M rr> William 4
410 JiJjrsou lrho'da P lg 4-'
410 jrJn*n OhfiMtam 1 4
410 Kelly J ■. iA lg 4 •
410 K- lit Dar. el lg 4 >
5225 P r : pp* T' ras
455J Wooley Thomas lg S9
NICH i- s •*
9g H .rv.j G-' re 1 44
33 ll .>p j ,t, i!
71 Eft z Pelt r 1
g3 nirv-y Joh 1 "g
150 TAMBpanW W " am 2 '.'l
145 Tit io- r- S.rti o! 2 19
145 r-ck' * n A K. '2 P
50 Muhlewburg IV'er 1 "J
90 Hampton ramue! 1 55
Treaj. Ofire Tack . April 1. 186? =34 =
Pcrdir P.eneiies,
tS Prepared fross Gi sa Btaas ar j
an. aeTr fasls *2*2 s3
rOTT 3 #
| F •rE it- Sc. *or S .id He^,
I —rFees, w uztaH
L~3■ m E E-l C=. I.
P -. S. c > -
- ihaCafcedl ... - Er-je-,5, .-a^:?,
Cvana, Sic.
Cholera Curate,
for I'T&M-f—. CEo'era K •:=!,
•BSkSsnsw.r B *- < ' '• (-
i Kertoc*. E • a r
I .a.- " r Stomd
S a'.- _ F rtr xl-. Art. . ,
I | 4iu C C=-4.. Spcicsu Fevsr. iz
I 7L f Cough Symp & Candy.
f — I c - - 1 is, I ■ dt* rßresih
or r.:c*c. i =.x'-
___ tioD. r - "- a
The xC :
- a? in- •hornv -e tbau ay . -
f ifil reme iy. in s. ib:i:x the r. •
\ sc_"
m 5P icjr • - -
eraili- aT-pg i fr- a it c *> -
i sc3TT"is laAbatrial of • I
m, is it bas coe- il. md i < -
| '* pi*e entire satisfaction to a.. >'-J
I 1 iu
| A certain cere for Chronic arc Ir~
I — *~ flanunator* Hbeorcatisrs. 1:
j My free fn-m aßpoisowem
j ttar.ces; it is not iuyari.-c* to -i
f Nei:h- j: r]fac<e< tie tyftm :!
iT I■ pnniits the E!ood: ii r-;r- .*1
aifet>e. To be ned wiih tleK.=-
JJiiy malic Ointment. F t!'liire'ti. m :•
B|9l company *a<h boitie and box.
1 fldrt a *l of the Biocsl: it
"Jffj." the tyrteia, and thus res . ;
'. *f , ur.s* "rational way, to ends i f .
tKOCO PUS(Tn- and cfie * a tbov ._u a
-■ ' The alxrre Me iieints hsre era
| ~ —TP •' prepared for '.he last 20 yar= :"1
I - - have grven entire aaiis.'a : _ t
| cases, where the directions un
I been observed.
Prepared by L. SCOTT, Scrinim.
For sale bj Lyman A Weils, Drue;"- ' T
m<k. Pa. v7b33.wu'-v
WHEREAS letters ef AJmini.-trtu-n i'
estate of Ctsero Hayden, ia'e lie i
of Wiaabait. dee'd, bas ten prantel !■ : •= '
ber. All j*riS'ns i*in* s.ud estate ai er- , -
make iminedi.ite |aTatnt. and ib'Se- b"
inanjs a*-.inst the same wtil present tae:.!
subscriber duly authenticated l"< r set:!-
L K. SMITH. Aire r
Mchocpany. April 6. 13C3.—%7n3.*)*1i •
IN mxshcppen:
Mrs. Charlie Bunnell
lI7OTLD respeetfully make known to the -"
W of MESHOPPK3 :.n I i ini J that
receivini; a lar*e and carefully selected ass n
Consisting of
plo :r;
and an endless variety of other articles t ti- :
j uus to mention which are offered for sal' ''
as can be bou*ht at any other estoblisOustnt.
Call and satisfy yourselves.
N. B. Repairing done in ths mt'St appr. rel -.
Mesboppen, April 29, 'gS.—3Stu3
STATES, for the M estcrn District 0!
In the Matter of Almon 1 r Stork, Bonk
To whom it may emeera : The unJersictic • ■
by gives notice ot his appointment as Assnt
Almon G.Stark of Tunkhsnnock, County 0'
1 ming and State of Pennsylvania, within t ,
trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
own petition by the District Court 0' si' j
Dated Towiinda, Pa , the 30th day ot Ap"'
I 39*3 JOHN W MIX, A" ! f