Local and Personal. The Directors ol the Tunkhannoek Bridge Company have ordered an asse-sment of 45 per cent on the capital stock, and direct that it be paid in to the Treasurer on or Ocfore tbe 15th inat. The Pews in the M, E. Church of this place, will he rented for the next six months, on Monday, May llth, at one o'clock P. M (By order of the Trustees.) 1.. V. R. R.--The Pittston Gazette states that the rails of the extension of the Lehigh Valley road, above that (lace, are now laid across tbe Lackawan na and to the base of Cambell's Ledge. Returned.--Mr. 11. N. Sherman and Mr. C De trick, have just returned from the city where they have teen for tbe past few days, laying in large stocks of goods. Old Smokers, young smokers (there should be none of the latter class,) and users of the weed, in all its varied seductive forms, will be glad to leurn that Mr. M H. Kohnstamm has opened,at the rooms I irmsrly occupied by Crane A Lull, an establish ment for their special gratification. The Exhibition adverted to by us last week came off as advertised, cn Tuesday evening, to a rrow.leJ boue. Though there was an evident want ■of pre-arrangement, which made tbe delays rather tedious, the whole thing [Kissed off satisfactorily.— Many of the actors showol decided talent for speak ing and acting. The costumes of the Ladies were most elegant it not gorgeous, and excited much ad miration. Seriltade.—Since moving, some weeks since, we have been considerably " demoralized and scatter ed." We didn't suppose anybody knew where we Heed indeed tee were not entirely certain whether ■we lived where we do live or not, until a night or two since a serenade by several young ladies and gentlemen sitisfied us that some distinguished indi vidual dwelt under our roof. We may be excused for supposing that we we're tbe personage The sing ing—it was a sing-serenade—was very fine. We hope the parties will call on us when we are better prepared, in the matter of drrss, to receive company. N*. B. If this distinguished mark of respect was intended for Mr. Shaw, our predecessor, who Hies Some distance away, vve didn't hear it; it fur our goo 1 looking printer hoys, we beard it- out fuißtly. Lehigh Valley R- R,——We have been inform by the Messrs. Lees, contractors for building a rail road bridge at Falls in this county, that tby have reieiicd orders from the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to £ui.-h the constru. tiun of said bridge as soon as practicable. This looks very much like hav ing a railroad at Tunkhannoek t>y the 4lh of July next, nben the iron horse will be snufliag and snort ing through the mountain gorges of the ■beautiful Susqueh im.a " " Whizzing through the mountain, Buzzing o'er the vale; Bless me. this is pleasaDt, Riding on a rail." Fire at Great lleitd.—A small shinty owned by the I> L. A W. K. It., and occupied by a man named McLaughlin, to k fire about two o'clock on M >nlay morning. The cause of the fir-; is not known, hut it must hive been very su l len, as tb-ee of 3fe- Langhliu's children, an 1 a Miss McNeil, aged about 16 years, wero burned to death Other inmates of the house barely es-ap;l Iroin meeting the same fate. — Scranlon. Daily Register. New G ime I.aw.—The new garni law passed by the last legislature, makes it unla ful to shoot, kill, trapi or destroy any bluebird, swallow, marten, or other insectiveruus bird, at any season of the year. Deer. fawn or elk are only to be hauled or killed duriug the months of Septeoiber. October, and No vember ; wild turkeys, pheasants or rabbits, from September first to January first; petridge* or quails from the 20tn of October to the 20th of December ; woodcock or snip; from the Ist of September to the Ist of March. No birds to be trapped or takeu by nanus of nets, or any other method than by shout ing. and no eggs to Vie destroyed. Peoalty, a fine not exceeding s.'3 for each offence, wiih costs, and imprisonment not exceeding thirty days A fa Hit idea of the trials of a couut'y editor may be gathered trim the following, which we clip from an exchange: " A country editor is an individual who reads newspapers, reads proofs, folds, mails pa pers, prints jobs, runs errands, saws wood, works in the garden, talks to all who call, rec ives blame fur a hundred things which are no fault of his own, works from 6 a. in. to 10 p. m .. and frequently gets cheated out of half his earnings." Coal 1 fade.—Railroad communication will soon be openeJ between this coal field and Albany by the completion of the Albany A Susquehanna road to Btnghamton. The Legislature of New TotS at its recent session made a further appropriation of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars towards it, and it is expected to be finished the coming summer This will give as a continuous mil to Boston. The great event in the trade is the union of the Ilarleton coal interests with the Lehigh Valley Rail road just consummated. It is not a purchase or sale for ca.-h, but we understand an exchange of stock, as was made between the Wilkes-Barre Coa| A Iron anl th Lebigh Coal A Navigation Compa nies assuring the coal tonuage to tho road. The Navigation Company will lose a large trade there i but the increase from this region will be large.— Witkes-Rarre Times. Robbed .—James Lake, Ticket Agent at Espy tuwn. this county, was robbed on Friday night last of 880 and his vraS, by a couple of highwaymen, while on his way home from the station. Tho ticket tffi-eat the same station was robbed on Men iay night of last wcik.ofa number of railroad tickets. A couple of boys were concerned in the theft. One of tbeiu has been arrested Ho gave his name as George Renner. The other is still at large.— B*r trick Gazelle. Suicide by Drowning.—We learn that on Sunday afternoon last, Mr. Joseph Rinker, of Han over township, in this county, committed suicide by drowning himself in the Lehigh Canal. We under stand that after eating his dinuer, he went to the Bedside of his wife, (who is ill,) and bade her good bye. I'pon being asked what he meant, he replied " you svilt learn after a while." lie then left the bouse, nnd about two hours after his lifeless body was discovered in the canal. He was about 62 years of age, and no cause can be assigned for this strange act. — y.as'.on Sentinel- Inetrumeiits Requiring Stamps.—The fol lowing are the instrument* to be stamped, and the •tamps to be usej in ordinary business transactions : All notes and evidence of debts, five cents on each •100; it undet 8100, five cents; if over 8100, five cents on each additional SIOO or part thereof All receipts for any amount without limit, over S2O, two cen's ;if S2O or under, nothing. All deeds and debts of trust, fifty cents on each 8300 in value of the property conveyed or the amount secured ; when a ded or trust Is duly stamped, the note secured must uot be : bet they should be endorsed to show the reason why. All appraisement* of estates or es trays, five cents on each sheet or piece of psper. Affidavits of every description are exempt from stamp duty, Acknowledgment to deeds, Ac., are also ex eu pt. Contracts and agreements, five cents, except lor rents ; when tor sent, fifty cents (or each 8300 of rent or less ; if over 8300, fifty cents for each 8300 or over 8310. Any persons interested can affix and Cancel stamj*. Acquitted.—The tiial of Noah P Smith, charg ed witb shooting James llosie, commenced on Tues day last at Wilkes-Barre, and was cncluded on Fri •day last by the Jury returning a verdict of "Not guilty." The Jury were out about three hours, and on the first ballot the vote stood—ten for acquittal and two for murder in the first degree: Finally the two changed their views and the verdict was render ed as above stated -Scranlon Daily Rtgirttr- H gHway Robbery --The eollector of taxes of Hollenback township, Mr. John Whitebread, was robbed of nearly four hundred dollars last Friday, in broad noon, and in sight of carpenter* at work in a house a quarter of a mile off. He stopped at Mr. Spoonberger'f, where money was paid him, and wae invited to dine, but started on, and soon met a young man who presented a pistol, nod demanded his mon ey. Mr. IVhiiebread has but one >rm and is de fenceless. He was knocked down and his money taken. The thief had dark hair, red face, was dresse-l in dark cassimere suit. Half an hour be fore. two neighbors passed along and noticed this young man sitting on a chestnut stump no doubt waiting for his victim. Search was made, but the rascal may have reached the Lehigh valley station, six miles distant, in time for the afternoon train, or, if ho is one of a gang, is lingering about that re gioD, and knowing all the money transactions going on and the horses worth stenling WUlstt-Barr* Tim**. Luzerne License I.aw.—We publish in an other column aa act passed at the last seasiou of the Legislature, entitled " An Act for the farther pro tection of the wholesale and retad merchants in the couoty of Luzerne,' 1 which is creeling a good deal of excitement inside as well as outside of that county. Its provisions are rather too stringent for the inter ests of the consumer, ant we understand indignation meetings are being beld to express tho opposition of the people to so odious and unjust a law. It pro tects the dealer in so far as it injures the consumer and that is too much tbe kinl of protection the buz zard gives its prey to suit tbe populace. Revenue Sslzu re.—lnspector Mansfield, on Tuesday last, seized the distillery of Patrick Galla gher, hidden in a ravine, at Olyphant. No Whisky was found. Seven tubs full of mash were gobbled. Scranlon Republican. "Look on this picture, and then on that." Here you behold the infirm step, The pallij cheek, wasting form, Untastel food, and a social atmosphere Poisoned with the tales of aches, pains, Sleepless nights, and mental despondency. Toere, laughing health, sparkling eyes, Elustic steps, craving appetite, forgotten cares Ueuiul thought and ambitious resolves Show the contrast and mark the picture. One took the Plantation Hitters —the other didn't. They are very beneficial for weak and delicate per sons. .Magnolia H'ater. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co l< 'fine and at half the price. " Time tries all Things" and has proved that Dr. Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is the remedy par excellence for tho cure ot coughs, colds, croup, whooping-cough, bronchitis, astbrni, phthisic, sore throat and influenza. It cures coughs nod Cold* instanter ! It soothe* the irritated pirts: it h'-l* II:.- tufl .intuition ; and eveo consumption itself yiel ls to i ui-gn- influence. Married, COMSTOOK— lITLBIRT—At Scotteville, March i 25th, by T. E. Phillips, Mr. E. D, Comstock to Mies 0* P. llulbirt, all of North Branch, Pa. CARPENTER—McMILLAN—By the same, at the same place, on April 23d. Mr. George Carpenter, of Meh'sii any, to Miss Amanda M.Millan, of Ex eter, Pa. . Died, PREVOST— Io Washtn ton town-hip. Wyoming Co., • Pa, the 2S*tb day of April, IS6S, John Anthony ( Prevost, in the 91st year of his age. The sul jeet of this notice was born in the city of 1 Paris. France, the 23i Jay of September, 1777. He [ left France in 13C0, and landed in New York. | Shortly after he made the acquaintance of a Mr. Dupont a" that tiuie the French consul at that Port. ' The Dupont family afterwards settled in the State of Delaware—were largely engaged in the manu facture of powder. Samuel F. Dupont, one of the same family, afterwards became celebrated as a na val officer—was engaged during the Rebellion in many of the hard naval corslln ts. and lor meritorious conJuit was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral He died soon after the close of the war. Mr. Pre vost. before his marriage, lived in the family of Du pe nt for abiut throe years. Ilis attention to busi ness and faithfulness in all his relations created an intimacy anJ esteem between them that continued during life, manifested by uumerous letters and oth er tokens of mutual regard. In 1815 he connected himself by marriage to Ce celia La Fevre, also a native of France, then tiring at French Town on the Susquehanna. Soon after his marriage, in the sum# year, be purchased lite properly iu Washington on which he resided until the time of bts death, with the exception of about three years that he resided in the city of Philalel pliia, carried on the business of gardening and was largely engaged in the cultivation of flowers, a branch of business he was pasionately fond of Mr. Prevost left surviving hitn a widow ani three children—two SODS and a daughter Tho daughter married William Mix, Esq , and resides in Towanda, Bradford vounty, loved and res{cted by bis neigh bors. The two sons reside in Washington township, one of them on the homestead. Mr. Provost lived during an erentful period. Born during the time of our Revolutionary struggle, our cause was materially aided by his native govern ment. Mien after our Revolution came on the troubles in France, and that couutry went through a series of changes that no human eye could foresee. It was during these troublesome times that Mr. Pre vost left France. The Prevost family had suffered greatly on account of wars. Tho reign of terror and the merciless conscription of tho fust Consul, deter mined him to leave bis native country for a more peaceful one. lie disliked war—was emphatically a man of peace, conrted friendly relations with his neighbors and peace with all. lie was strictly up right in all his business relations, wanting his own and nothing more What changes hare taken place during hi* ereM ful life, as the mind is east back for ninety years— what changes are suggested. Governments, Em pires and Kingdoms havo been created and hare talten. Wars, commotions and bloody strifes bare had their day. Out own country—a little belt bor dering on the Atlantic, inhabited by about 3,000,000 engaged in a mighty straggle for Indspendence the corner stone of which was " Tint, all men are • created equal.'' Since 'hot period s ien. e end im provements havo token giant stri "es —our population anU extent of country bare increased more than ten fold. Steam has been brought into subjection for the use of man, anl lightning made to carry messages to the ends of the earth. What improve ments the next hundred years will bring forth is hard to tell. Ilis funeral sermon was preached by Rev. C. R' LaDe at tb# residence of his son Edward, from 90th Chap. Psalms 10th verse: • The days ol our year* are three score year* and ten, and if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow, for it is soon cat off and we fly away." His remains were deposited in the grave set apart by him for • cemetery near hi* resi dence, in the presence of a large concourse of neigh bor • and friends Thus has passed away one of the old landmarks. He had lived out the full measure of hi* > and could well **7 Wtw relative* *nd friends, "So now wo bid you all farewell, Dry up your tearful eyes; And if we now must part beloa , Will meet bejoad the ski*#." Initial ftoticfS. Z>BBXZjZTT k . Everyone at times feels the necessity of eotne thlng to Toxa cr THK STSTEM depress# I by mental or bodily exhaustion. At sueh time s let every ooe instead of taking alcoholic or medicinal STmi'LA*Ta. which afford only a temporary relief, reinvigorata his debilitated system by the i atural tonio ele ments of the PERUVIAN SYRUP, or Pro tected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, which vi talises and enriches the hi-od by supplying it with its Lira ELKMCXT, IRON. WM. C. STERLING, Esq., of Pougbkeepsie, if. Y., seys : "Since taking the Peruvian Syrup, I feel better, my strength is improved, my bowels are regular, my appetite first rate. There is an old Physician iu this city (older then I am.) who has been in the Drug business for 40 years, who has used the Syrup for three months,and gives it as his decided opinion, that it is tbs best Alternative Tonic Medicine be ever knew." For Dyspepsia. Debility, nod Female Weaknesses the Peruvian Syrup is a specific. A32 page pam - phlet sent free. The genuine has "PKHUVIASSTBUP" blown in the gloss. J. P. DIXSMORE, Proprietor, No 36 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. Scrofula Cured after Seven Yeara'Suffering. J W. Homor, Esq., a prominent lawyer of Par kersburg, W. Va , says : "I had 37 RUNNIN# ULCERS when I commenced taking Dr Anders' lodine Water. My' Breast, Throat and Face was one continuous sure. lam now a well man, and am satisfied the lodine Water saved uiy life Circulars in regard to this remedy will be sent free. J, P, DIXSMORE, Proprietor, 3g Dey St , N. T For sale by Druggists generally. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER. Is the best article known to presorvo the hair It will positively restore GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, AND POBMOTE ITS GROWTH. It is an entirely new scientific discorery, combin ing insnv of (he most [wwerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It makes the Hair smooth and irlossy, and docs not stain the skin ! IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY R P. HALL A Co, Nashua, X. 11., Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. Price 111,00 ERRORS OF YOUTII. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netvous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful iu iecretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy an i directions for making the simple remedy lie which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect ounfi len.-e, JOHN' B. OGDuN, 43 Cedar Street, Now York. v6n4o MCBNSE NOTICE. \OTIOE in hereby given that the following nin <• p-rnon* have filed their Petitions ud will ncplv for Ta*ern License at a peria! or adjourned r u urt to be hrl'l ut Tun*liennrk, Pa., on Thursday, May 11'h, 1868 at 10 o'clock A. M. 11. W. Ibiw'lncy Lacay ville, Jubn D Laßatru " T. It. Wall Tunk Boro. 11. Hufforl P. B. Baldwin •' F. G. Osterhout " John Nicer Nicholson. Lewis Billing* liana Stark " J.J I,ord " I IV. Billings " Semite! Billings " C Mathewson Faotoryville. D N Msihcwson " J. K. Fellows Meshoppen. John Anderon " Andrew S. Cdllutn Fall*. Jacob Townscnil •* W McKune " John Keim '• Cyrus I. Vaughn Meheopany. Ephraim Kresky " Thomas P. Hitchcock Furkston. Reuben Park* Monro*. M. VV. Newbury, " E. J. KEENEY, Clerk. Tunk. April 21st, '69. STORE FOITSALE IN MESHOPPEN. THE new building no* being fi'tod up for * Store, situated near the location of the new railroad I>epot, is offered for sale The house is two stories, and eighteen by thirty-six feet on the ground, with a splendid basement suitable for a saloon. g If not sol I bv Ist of May. will be to let. For particulars apply to. MICHAEL IIEERY Meshoppen. Meshoppen, April 22, 1868 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed there will be exposed to public sole t the Court House io Tunkhonnock, \V>ouiing County, Pennsylvania, OX SATURDAY, WAY 23. '6?, at 1 o'clock P. M., All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, (arcel or tract of land sit uate and being in 'he township of Monroe, Wyoming County, Pa., bounded and described ns follows, to wit: On ihe North by land of Asher Parks, Kst by land ot Richard Ryman and Wells Parks, South by land of Richard Ryman, West by land ut liirarn Krear, containing fifty acres of land more or less, thirty acres thereof improved, with one trame house I| stories high, one frame barn, and an apple orch ard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appurte nances Seized aud taken in exeevtion at the suit of Aa ron Brown vs. Andrew Hilbert. Aud will be sold for cash on!) bv W. W. DEWITT Sheriff Tunk., April 29, '68u38w4. EXECUTORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary npon the estate of Stephen Lntt, late oi" Lemon township, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the saute wilt pre sent theiu duly authenticated for settlement without delay. WM H. STARK, ) ... H. H. MITCHELL, ) r ' x Lemon, April 29 'Bg3.--3Swg. SHERIFF'S SALE7 BY" virtue of sundry writs of VtndUioni Exponas to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkbanoock, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, SATURDAY, MAY 23d, 68, *t 1 o'clock p. M. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in aud to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate and being in the township of Nicholson, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: On the North by Public Highway. East by land of Arab Squires, South by lands of Tub as Miller, and West by land of Frank Miller, containing sixty-four acres more or less, about twenty five acre? thereof improved, with one frame dwelling house one frame barn, and some fruit tree- "hereon, with th appurtenances. tv-iz-d and tak'-n in execution at the suit of I. V Lynch vs M. E aonford And will be sold for ca-h only by M W. DEWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Tunk May 5, 1869.—?9w3 SHERIFF'S "SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed there will be exposed to Publio Sale at the Court House, in Tunkbannook, Wyoming Co,, Pennsylvania. SATURDAY, MAY 23d '6B, at 1 o'clock P. M., All (be right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate in the township of Northinoreland, Wyoming eounty, Pa., bounded and deacrtbed as follows, to S: On the North by land of Christian Lafler, East I South by land of William More, and West by land known as the Mini's lot, containing about 29 acres of land more or less, about twenty thereof im proved, with one frame dwelling house, one small barn, one stable, one bee bouse, one apple orchard, and aoma other fruit trees thereon, with the appur tenances Seised and taken in exeention t the suit of Aa ron Brown vs. George F. Fog. And will be sold fer cash only by M. w. DEWITT, Sheriff. Wwrifl OflMi Tank) April , 1860, INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA j FROM GERMANY, in 1815. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLANO'S GERMAN TONIC, PSMPARRD BT DR. C. M. JACKSOX, Philadxlphla, Ps. Tht greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervoui Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the BKIN, •S *ll Dlaeaaea arising frem a Df> •rdered Liver, Stomach, or IMPURITY OW TUB BLOOD, tsad (As following symptoms, and if you find that peer system is affected by any 0/ them, you may reel assured thai disease has commenced its attack on the most important organs of your body, and unlet! toon eheeked by the use of powerful remedies, a miserable KA, soon terminating in death, will be the result. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision*, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Xvil, and Qreat Depression of Spirits. Ail these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive Organs, cosnbined with impure blood. fjoofltiiib's German Cillers (•.entirely vegetable, and contains no liquor. It Is a compound of Fluid Kx traeta. Tht Hoots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts are niada are gathered In Germany. All tht medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. The** extracts are then forwarded to this country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Bitters. There Is no alcoholic substance of any kind used In compounding the Bitters, heuee It It the only Hitters that can be used In cases where alcoholic stim ulants are not advisable. £)ooflani>'s German (tonic is a eombination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, smith rcsx Santo cVur Bum, ' 'range, etc. It u used for lA* same, diseases as the Bitten, in cases where some pure alcoholic stimulus it required. l'ou will bear in mind that these remedies are entirely dilfereAt from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases teamed, these being scientific preparations of medicinal tmtracts, while the others art mere, decoctions of row in some form. Tht TON IC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the put, Lie Its taste ie exquisite. It ie a pleasure to take ti, while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medictaat qualities have caused it lobe known at the greatest of 00 tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of eases, when the pa tient supposed he woe afflicted with •hie terrible disease, have been cared by the use of these remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are tho usnal attendants upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of tho digestive organ*. Even In caeee of genuine Con-uinptlon, these remedies will be found of the greatest benefit* Strengthening and Invlgoratiug. DEBILITY. it no wniicint equal ' FFooJland't Germpm BiUrrt or Tonic in caxes of Debility. Thry impart a tone and vigor to th' whole system, strengthen tF • ath petite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enabU th* §UmacK to digest it, purify the blood, give a good f sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow ting* from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and changt IA4 patient from a short-breathed, emaciated* wak, mnd nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigov put person. Weak and Delicate Children ore made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a child thret months old. the most delicate female* or o man of ninety. These Remedies are the best lllood Purifiers •Mr known, and will cure all diecaeet retultsesg from bed blond. Keep your blind pure; keep ynur Liter tn order/ keep your digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi tion, by the use of three rnrti iee, and no disease unit Ooer assail you. THE CC2£?iEZXOiT. Ladles who wish a fair shin and *[ood complexion, free from a yellow • h tinge and all other disfigurement* should use these remedies occasion ally. The Liver In perfect order, and tile blood pare, will result In spark ling eyes and blooming eheehe, CAUTION. IToofiasife German Hi medics are eensnterfeßsd. The genuine have the signature of C. M. Jaoleome on the front of the outside wrapper of each battle, and the name of the article blaum in RESULTS, By "bm. ALEXANDER U.STEVENS. Its ready-sale, combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscription book ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers in three days. Another in Boston, 103 subscribers in four days. Fend for Circulars, and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL I'UB ISHING CO , l'hil'a, I'a IMPORTANT AN XOUNCEMENT A Beautfiul Illustrated Book, worth a Thousand Dollars, S'-nt free to any address on receipt of 25 cents, by addres.-ing JOHN VANDERPOOL, No 2fis Winthrup Place, New York city. nilllE YOURSELF of DEBILITY', SEXU- O AL DISEASES. Ac. —Send your address on stamped envelope and ask for circular of " Patholo gy." Direct AMERICAN NEWS CO., 121 Nassau st'., K. Y. ONE S2& Y T JL^ A PRESENT OF §25 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or village. Particulars and a gilt sent free, by addressing with statnp, N. 15. CLOCDMAN A CU., 40 llanover St., Boston, Mass. THOMAS B. ASNEW, •d 6 u and d 6 '2 GREENWICH St., N Y , I Has reduced the prices of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Flour, and all kinds of Groceries from 10 to 20 per cent. Rest Japan Tea, SI. Best English Urea blast Tea. SI. Splendid Oolong Tea, 9 Or,. 1000 hbla. Flour, ail grades, from 411 up wards, 20,000 gal. M lasses, all grades, from 40 cts. upwaris* Coffees, roasted and ground, 15c. to 40c. Sugars, all grades, at retiners' prices and everything used in every family cheaper and better than any store in New York. THOMAS R. AGNEW occupies his own store, owns the property, and has no rent to pay ; imports and buys exclusively tor cash, never gave a note in his life, consequently ho can undersell any house in the city. TRUSSES,—" Seeley'ii Hard Rubber Truss" Cures Rupture, retains the most ififfi | cult safely and easily ; never breaks, moves or soils ; i always new. Sold by all Druggists. Send for ; pamphlet, 1347 Ciics't St., Phil'a. WANTED, AGENTS. 475 to S2OO per month, everywhere, male and female, to in troduce the GEN'I INK IMPKOt ED COMMON i SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE This ma chine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner.— Price only 813- Fully warranted for five years. We will pay sl'3oo for any machine that will sew a i stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch " Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be nulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from 875 to 8200 per month and expenses, or a IXlll mission from which twiae that amount can he made Address SECOMB ACO , PITTSBURGH, Pa., or BOSTON, MASS CAUTION.--Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming • ff worthless east iron machines, un der the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machines manu factured. dhQC/A per month guaranteed to agents every where selling our Patent Everlasting Metalic Clotheslinei. Write for Circulars to the American Wire Co.. 1 Broadway, N. er lg Dearborn St, Chicago, 111. llowe Si Stevens* Family Dye Colore. Thirty different shades, n in liquid form. The same shades, all in powder form.— Wo advise the use of the Blacks, Browns and Drabs, 1 in tho powder form. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers, and at the manufactory, Boston, Mass. NORTH AMERICAN STEAM S|I!I CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New York March ft lit and 51.5 th ; April ftth and lftth; May ftth, lftth and 3ftth. With New Steamships of the Frst CPiss PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANf OTHER ROUTE, For information address D. N. CARRINGTON.Afft, ITT West Street, New York. W H. WEBB, Pres. CHA3. DANA. Vice Pre#. Office—sl Exchange Place, New York. EVERY LADY AND GENT in the world are wanted as Agents for our ONE DOLLARSALE A Watch, a cut of Cottoa. a Dress, a Carpet, and thousands of other articles for 81 each. Send 25 cents for 2 checks and circulars giving full informa tion. Liberal inducements to Agents. Circular* i sent free. BANKS, LORD A CO., 251 WMblffjtcn Street? Bcatw, Maw gfto iPiurHscnuttts. •RED JACKET AXE. Colbnrn's Patent—Jul? 9, I HOT. Tried X not found Wanting 1 , We claim It will cut Twenty-Flee (#> per cent, more cord wood per day than any other Ai made. MCKKEII'ORT, Dec. 19, 196t. Messrs Lippincett A Co. Sirs:—l have fully tried your Patent Axe nod find that it is all that you claim for it. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, an J leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would net chop three days without one for the cost. I need not eav any more, for any man that trie* one will be satisfied. WM. KEES. f' 1 AT T T THA 7 - The Axe and the La- VV.TI.UJ A J.V/i.l* hel are both patented. Infringers on these patents will he prosecuted accor ding to law. Venders or dealers, and persons using any infringement, are liable with the maker ot the infringement. For Sale by all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTTA BAKEWKLL, (Successors to Lippineott A Co.) Sole oixners of the Patent. PITTSBURGH, PA. CAR PEN TERH.— Sen l for Catalogue of New Practical Bosks on Architecture and Stair Building. A.J. BICKNELL A Co, Publishers, Springfield, 111 WE SELL FOR ONE DOLLAR GOLI) and Silver Watches, Sewing Mi chines, Silk Dress Patterns, Carpeting.*, Domestic Goods,ic. CIRCULARS SENT FREE, giving full parti ulars, or fen checks sent for One Dollar, describing ten different articles which we will sell fur ONE DOLLAR EACII. Splclldid inducements offered to Agents sending us Clubs., Addtese LABONTE A BABBITT, No. b3 Sudbury street Boston, Mass. TO THE LADIES. We are agents for over ONE HUNDRED Foreign and Domestic Manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish the nhu'e country with DRY and FANCY GOODS, SILKS. SHAWLS, JKtVELRY. SILVER WARE, FURNITURE, PIANOS, SEWIXa MV CHINES, Ac. Ac., at the uniform price of One Dollar for Each Article. Send your clubs of ten and upwards, for descriptive checks, showing what article cau be obtained Cut One Dollar, with 10 cents for each check CIRCULARS SENT FREE. Presents worth f-om S3 to #3OO sent free of charge to agents sending clubs. Ageuts wanted in Every Town. CL'SIIM AN A CO , 10 Arch Street, Boston, Mala. WE ARE STILL MAKING A COMPLETE Revolution IN TRADE, and selling every description of DRY and FANCY GOODS I'LATED WARE, JEWELRY, WATCH ES, SEWING MACHINES, Ac. for the uniform price of OTJE DoxjiiAn. We would impress up-.n our patrons tha' our stock is not composed of second-hand Goods or Pawn Bro kers' unredeemed stock, hut Goous carefully selected direct from American and European Manufactories, the greater portion of which are MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY FOR US. which fact enables us to offer our customers better Goods for the money than those who profess to he " Manufacturers' Agents." or than CAN BE OB TAINED IN ANY OTHER WAY. The unparalleled increase of our business, and the endorsement of prominent business men and the press in general, is a convincing proof that we hive adopt ed the fairest and mast popular system ever placed before the public. We are the first who have ut temp ed to in ike a ' Revolution in Trade," by en abling the puolic to prmurc goods in small quantl ties at the manufacturers' prices, thus saving tha e- nsumar three large profits made in passing throagfc the hands of the Commission Merchant, the What* saler and Retailer. Send Clubs of ten or more, with 10 cts. for each descriptive check, and the getter up of the club wlfl receive a present;t worth S3 to #360, uccording to number sent. SEND FOR OUR NEW CIRCULAR: We have also made arrangements with the GREAT ORIENT AX TEA CO., of Boston, so that we can furnish our customers with otner Goods aid a full line of TEAS at precisely the same terms to Agents as though deabng directly with the company, thus giving an uppoitunity of se lecting from tho various grades any quality they tn iy desire. We also pay agents the same commis sions as allowed by the Couitmny. Blank form of order, with price-list and '• THE TEA CUP," sent to any address. PARKER A CO. Nos. 64 A 66 Federal St ~ Boston. IMSKKMU FOR HIS IS TIE SEWING GUIDE, a beautiful article for tho assistance of ladies in band sewing, not only protecting the finger from the ugly prick of tho needle, but, being pmvi !e I with a rib, the stitches are made with EXACT REGULARITY, and increased rapidity. It also keeps the point ef the needle in perfect con lition For all kinds of embroidering and crotcheling it is inratuable. The GUIDE is eleguutly silver-plated, and will sell at sight to evcrviady. Sent to any address by mail, on receipt of 25 cents., or solid silver, 75 cents Agents wanted in every town Terms and simple for 25 eta. Lir>er.-il discount to the trade. Address NILES MANUF'G CO., 55 Water St., Boston, Mass AGENTS WANTED FDR DANA'S AUTHORIZED A XII AUTHENTIC LIFE (IF UI.YSSES Jt. GR ANT. Comprising a complete and accurate history of his eventful and interesting . areer with an authentic narrative of his invaluable military services, adding also an impartial estiinateof his characters* a .Van, a Soldier and a Statesman By H-m. Charles A. Dana, late A-sistant Secretary of War. The Spring field Republican says D.ma's Life of General Grant is sure to be the moat authentic and heat Life of Grant published." For particulars, apply to or address GURDON BILL A CO, Springfield, Mass., or W. D. MY'ERS, 41 Maiden Lane, N. Y*. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary upon the estate of Iliratn Stark, late of Tunkhannock township, deceased, have been granted |to the subscribers All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, ami ■ those having claims against the same will present ' them duly authenticated fi>r settlement. WM M.STARK. ) v . GEO W STARK ) Ex n ' | Tunkhannock, April 29, I9gß—3Pwg THIS 16 TO GIVE NOTICE; THAT on the 23th day of April A. D. IS6B, a Warmnt in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of C M. Bacon, of the township of Nich olson, in the County of Wyoming, an 1 State of ' Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debt* j anl delivery of any property belonging to such | Bankrupt, to him, or for his use and the transftjy of | any property by him are forbidden by k>w ; that a meeting of the Creditors of .aid Bat Erupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court ef Bankruptcy, I to be bolden at 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Seranton, Penntylvania, before Edward N. Willard. Register, on the 2d day of June A D. 1868, at 9 o'clock ! A M. THOS. A ROWLEY, C. S. Marshal. I S9w4 as Messenger, Western Din. Pa,