Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, May 06, 1868, Image 3

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The New Orleans Tribune baa snapended
for want of tupport.
Nashville, Tenn., had its nsual stabbing
and shooting affray, on Monday.
The residence of B. Stern, in Naw York,
was robbed of $27'000 in bonds and jewelry
on Sunday night.
A Cheyenne dispatch says the stables of
Company I. Second Cavalry, were burned on
Saturday, sixty-five horses perished in the
flames. L.ss, §15,000.
Keating and Hollywood engaged in a prize
fight in Kentacky, near the mouth of the Big
Miami river, on Monday, Keating had hi*
wrist broken in the third round, and thereby
lost the fight.
The wife of Daniel Princp, of Dudley, Mass.
aged sbout fifty years, left her husband in
bed on Saturday night, went into an adjoin
roora and hung herself to a hook in the ceil
ing overhead. She was found bj the family
on Sunday morning. She had shown tymp-*
toms of insanity for some months past.
The Galveston papers arc warning the Tex
ana not to emigrate to Mexico in the hope of
bettering their condition. That country
they say, is too insecure for them to hope to
live comfortably, and the risks of banditti
and constant outrage are far w >rse than any
disappointment that may have teen caused by
the failure of the rebellion.
The Pacific Railroad has cl'tnbed to the
summit of the Rocky Mountains and begun
its descent on the Pacific slope. A dispatch
from the Chief Engineer of the work an
nounces the laying of the rails upon the sum
mit, with befitting ceremonies, on the lGth of
A Radical print says "impeachment will
cost §100,000."As the extra police for the
occasion have already cost 17,000 that atate
ment was widely short of the mark.
CONSISTENT —To see the Radicals trying
to force negro suffrage on the Southern States
whe.'e that class are degraded and brutish,
and at the same time reject it in the North*
era States where thoir numbers are few.
Illinois is doing noble work for the Democ
racy. At Pekin the Democrat* carried every
ward, and made a gain of three hundred. On
the same day, filoomington, heretofore the
nuraery of Radicalism, elected a Democratic
Mayor by a majority of 235. At Qeincy an
exciting election closed by the election of a
Democratic Mayor, by a majority of about a
thousand—a gain of more than three hun
HOD. Life Develin, formerly of the Indin
apolis Herald , will probably be tho Demo
cratic Congressional nominee in the Fourth
Indiana District, in opposition to George W.
James F. Wilson, Radical representative in
Congress from the First District, declines a
The Virginia election is ordered for June
The Illinois Radicals are determined to
nominate General John M. Palmar, for Gov
ernor, notwithstanding his repeated refusals
to serve.
The speeches of Stevens snd Williams
against the President before the "high courv"
on Monday were vapid, wishy-washy, pro
Auctions, and not better than ordinary news
papar articles upon the same subject.
Two "manhoods" got into an affray, in
New Jersey, one day last week—one was
disfranchised forever.
An exchange says Butler will go into Gen.
Grant's Cabinet. No doubt, if it is not kept
It is reported that Mr. Vallandigham has
assumed formal charge of tha editorial de
partment of the Dayton Ledger.
"Show me a Conservative," said a Radical
to a Democrat,"and I will show you a trai
tor or a dupe," ''Oh ! certainly, air. I show
myaelf to you, and you ahow yourself to
The Turf and Field —which to be
posted on such matters—has a letter from
Washington, which says that bets are being
made on impeachment, and "millions will
ohaDge hands whichever way it goes." This
is certainly a pretty big estimate.
On a new slate of Ben Wade's Cabinet,
Horace Greeley is put down for Postmaster
A Republican meeting at Richmond, Ya.,
on Friday, was attended by 3,000 niggers,
who were addressed by Hunnicdtt.
The Radicals at the recent charter election
in Iloboken, New Jersey, headed their tick -
•ta "Grant and Victory" They were beat
en worae than ever bef-r.
The Selma Metsenger says: "Ashburn,
who the radicals shed tears over, was a man
of bad character and infamous associations
An ex-slava driver, ex-preacher, and low
demagogue, he met bis death in a negro den
of prostitution where he hsd lived !"
The Hertford I'ott says of John J. Doanne.
the radical member elect of the Legislature
from Say brook : ''He is abort, fat, red-head,
ed and speaka aevcral languages—among
which it profane—with great fluency."
The trill of the alleged Clerkenwell con
■piratora terminated Monday. Barrett was
found guilty, Hia fellov-prisoner* were ac
The aasailant of Prince Alfred haa been
tried, convicted and sentenced to death.
The State Sentinel, published at JJontgom
•*7i Alabama, and flying the name of Gen.
Grant for President, has collapsed a flue ; or
to other words, the negroes were not able to
read and support it. It fciis btck into a
■mail weakly.
A poor family in Buffalo hare been living
on roasted rats.
£|)c democrat.
Wednesday, May 6, 1868.
democratic .State fcW-
Auditor General,
CHAKX.ES E. BOYLE, of Fayette.
Surveyor General,
Gen. WELLINGTON ENT, of Columbia.
IMPEACHMENT. —The closing scene of
the impeachment programme is now being
enacted at Washington. Mr. Bingham,
the vcomun murderer , has been fitly select
ed to make the final argument in favor of
impeachment. It was said his argument
would close sometime yesterday, when, if
no postponement was effected until after
the Chicago Convention, the high Court
would proceed to render its verdict. '1 he
postponement is urged for fear that the
patronage of the Presidential office will
give Mr. Wade too much influence in that
convention. Some of the republican pa
pers begin to fear the President will not
be impeached. We make no predictions,
for it is hard to conjecture what will come
out of this Rump Senate.
The Latest "Rebel Outrage,'' Brutal
Murder by Negroes.
One of the raost brutal and savage mur
ders ever recorded occurred on Wednes
day last, in Barnwell district, South Caro
lina, which shows that the seed of Repub
licanism, so thickly sown in that state is
bearing fruit with a vengeance. We are
indebted to a gentleman from that locality
for particulars of the horrible tragedy.
It appears that, on the day mentioned,
the oveiseer on the plantation of Wm. J.
Lawton.Esq., (a cousin of General Lawton,
of this city,) near Allendale, Barnwell dis
trict, South Carolina, told one of the field
hands to go to work, commence plowing.
To this the negro objected and a difficulty
ensued, and the wife of the negro came up
and by lier violent language further in
creased his ire, and he raised a heavy hoe
that be had in his hand and attempted to
strike the overseer on the head, but he
managed to evade the blow. The negro
attempted to strike the second blow, but
the overseer drew a pistol and shot him in
the face, inflicting a slight wound. lie
then retired to his house, and for about an
hour all remained quiet.
The negro meanwhile, had been among
hia fellows, inciting them to violence, and
soon a crowd of them assembled around
the overseer's house. Nearly all the ne
groes on the plantation were in the assem
bly, and the overseer, seeing that his life
was in danger, jumped out of the window
and ran. Shots were fired after him, one
of which wounded hiui. He still continued
to run, however thus wounded aud bleed
ing, and pursued by the savage crowd of
brutes, now inflamed to a perfect fury.
After a chase of about a mile the over
seer reached the house of Mrs. Mallod,
whose husband was absent at the time, lie
implored her to take him in and shelter
him fiom the yelling pursuers who were
seeking his life, which she did most wil
lingly. Then she took her stand outside
the door, and for irore than an hour held
the murderers at bay, resisting all their
efforts to effect an entrance, and refusing
to accede to their demand to give up their
victime. They strove to get her away,but
she struggled nobly, heroically maintain
ing her position, and received many bruis
es at their hands.
Finding that they could not intimidate
this courageous lady, the foremost of them
broke in the window of the house, and
were quickly followed by others, and the
wounded man in Aide soon fell a victim to
their savage fury. Shots were fired at him
and eleven buckshot entered his breast.—
While be lay upon the floor in the agonies
of death, negro women ccme up and beat
him with sticks, and some of the worst
among them declared that they "wo'd not
leave without a piece of his flesh to carry
home with them."
A more brutal or diabolical murder has
perhaps never been committed, and those
who perpetrated the bloody deed, while in
the act of executing their horrid purpose,
acted more like demons let loose from
Pandemonium than anything in the sem
blance of humanity.
Wlyle engaged in their murderous'work
they were frequently heard to cry out that
the Radicals would protect them, thus
showing that the responsibility for the ter
tible death of this poor man rests with
those who have scattered broadcast thro'
the South the seeds of bloodshed and dis
Our informant could not recollect the
name of the miudered man, but said that
be came from southwestern Georgia. He
was a good overseer, and an excellent man
in every respect. There were thirty-one
negroea engaged in the afl'air, and are now
held in confinement ; but if the Radical
party has carried the day in South Caro
lina there is little hope that anything will
ever be done with them,— Savunnaft,(Ga.)
counties give in the Senate 13 Democrats
and 12 Radicals. Two niggers are elected
to the Senate and twelve to the House.—
The official count will he necessary to de
cile the choice for Governor.
What are the meaning of these words ?
The New York Herald says they mean
" The White Man's Band." There is an
association under that title in the South,
but the same paper declares that it is not
confined H that section, and that it extends
from Maine to California, numberiug 700,-
00() men. It is vejy certain to our minds
that the Ku Klux principle has been opera
ting in the cities ot the North, and that
working men have combined upon it. What
but hostility to the negro doctrines has up
set such places as Pittsburg, Cincinnati,
Williamsport, Altoona, and recently Chica
go ? These were strougholds of Radical
ism, but the bouc and sinew, it is well
known, have formed combination which
brought down the Radical party and set
up the Democrats. What produced that
mighty change in Michigan a few weeks
ago 1 A State, Radical by 30,000 majori
ty, voted down a Constitution because of
the negro doctrines incorporated in it,
by 40,000 majority. What doubled the
Democratic majority in Connecticut ?
It is Ku Klux. The White Mans Hand.
Such associations will spring up where
tyranny reigns. They have done so in
all ages and in all countries. And why
not North and South ? Think of it.—
States are to be negroized ; or raiher are
negroized. There is the fact staring the
world in the face. In the South, negroes
are voters, negroes are jurymen, negroes
are squires, negroes are members of the
Legislature. And that infernal Bureau,
organizes negroes into Leagnes, and causes
a hateful black despotism over the proper
ty, civil rights, hbeities and lives of mil
lions of white American citizens. Soon
the North will be made to share the fruits
of this policy, for nigger Congressmen
will appear from the South and claim to
sit side by side with the white members
in the Capitol at Washington. Co to
that city now ; visit the Senate and House
and see the dirty lounging niggers filling
the galleries ! Yes, Yes, let the Ku Kluxes
be formed all over the South and the
North. What has llickman, Broornal,
Kelly, Stevens, Wade, Summer, others
advocated ? Why the nigger doctrines,
in their most degrading form. The Work
ing men of the North, in its cities, have
heard the threats of the Radical gentle
men, and are aware of the fate that is in
store for them and their families here at
home. They must, tat, sleep, vote in
company with the nigger. If there are
not societies everywhere in the North of
the Ku Klnx Klan, there ought to be, and
soon will be. " The White Man's Band, "
that is the antidote to tyranny, taxation,
plunder and nigger equality. The Kluxers
are not windy speakers, grubbing logicians,
or platform makers. They are men of
action. The great West will soon have
a complete organizations of the kind.—
And now white men of the Atlantic States,
—both in town and country, — why not
enter into this grand organization, which
the New York Herald assures us, numbers
700,000 men, and extends from Maine to
California. It will he the thunder stcrm
to clear our political atmosphere of the
fogs of niggerisrn. It will send to their
graves the miserable scoundrtls who wish
to govern and oppress the country through
a degrading fanaticism. It will restore to
the American People, peace, prosperity
and Union. — Jeffertmian.
The following Act relating to the sal?
of goods by sample, orders or otherwise,
was passed for the County of Luzerne at
the close of the session of the Legisla
ture :
AN ACT for the further protection of the
Wholesale and Retail Merchants in the
County of Luzerne.
SEC. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and
llougc of Representatives, in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the same, that from and after the passage
of this Act, it shall not be lawful for any
merchant or his travelling agent not re
siding within said County, to sell by sam
ple, order or otherwise, in the said County
of Luzerne, any goods, wares or merchan
dise, by wholesale or retail, without first
having obtained from the Treasurer of
said County of Luzerne a license for that
purpose, for which said license he shall
pay the sum of three hnndred dollars :
said license shall not continue for a longer
period than one year from the date thereof.
SEC 2, Any sale made as aforesaid, by
any merchant or his traveling agent with
out license obtained as aforesaid,within the
limits of the County aforesaid,shall beheld
and de emed as misdemeanor, punishable by
fine of not less than three hundred dollars
one-half to be paid to the informer who
shall he a competent witness and the oth
er half to the School District in which the
offence shall have been committed, or im
prisonment, or both, at the discretion of
the Court, and it shall be lawful for any
Constable residing in any of the townships,
wards or boroughs in said County, either
upon his own knowledge or the complaint
ot any citizen of Luzerne County, to arrest
any person or persons engaged in making
sales as aforesaid bv sample, order or oth
erwise, and convey him or them before
any Alderman or Justice of the Peace re
siding in the said County of Luzerne, and
unless the said person or persons selling as
aforesaid shall be able to exhibit his, her
or their license from the said Treasurer of
the said County of Luzerne, said Alder
man or Justice of the Peace to require
such person or persons so arrested to en
ter into bonds with approved security for
his, her or their appearance at the next
Court of Quarter Sessious to answer, and
in default thereof to be committed to the
proper jail in said County.
Speaker of the Ilonse of Representatives.
Speaker ot the Senate.
Approved the Fourteenth day of April,
Anno Domini one tbou-and eight hundred
and sixty-eight,
Loyal Festivities.
" A row occurred on Thursday night at
a nigger ball at Jackson, Mississippi, in
which two soldiers were wounded and one
killed, and a negro severely wounded "
These innocent recreations among the
•'trooly loyl" of the South, are happy in
dications of the advancement of morality,
intelligence, and refinement, creditable to
the superior influence of the Frecdmen's
Bureau, and the numerous Yankee school
On Summing up—The Vital Question at
Issue --Trib vine.
There are only Seven " Managers " of
the Impeachment Trial, and as they are
feeble men, incompetent Lawyers, the
Tribune takes the case out of their hands
and sums it up " ourself." The argument
of Mr. Evarts is quite too formidable for
such '• feather weights" as Bingham,
and Boutwell, and so the Tribune antici
pates them.
Well, the Tribune via* a Great General
during the War. Why not a great Law
yer now ? It moved the Army '• On to
Richmond," and commanded at " Bull
Run." It assumed the control oflmpeach
ment, deciding that it is neither a Judicial
nor a Legislature proceeding. And, as it
is purely Political , who so proper to man
age it as the Tribune , whose Editor did
not. it is true, succeed in disgracing his
Country hy Peace upon the "best attain
able terms " not quite succeed in making
us a new Constitution, but who did brin<*
on the u Battle of Bull Run," help Jeffe£
son Davis out of Prison, and, with the
aid of Charlie Spencer and Waldo Ilutch
ings, run down the Republican vote of
this city from 32,0<j0 to 18,000. Upon
this capital Mr. Greely is to go into Mr.
Wade's Cabinet, leaving Spencer and
1 [etchings to distribute the offices upon a
plan which will roll up an increased ma
jority against the Republican party in
November.— N, Y. Commercial.
The Independent says : " Andrew John
son i* guiliy of usurpation in undertaking
to make this a white man's government."
And for this the Tribune thinks, he "ought
to be kicked out."
Ben. IJutlur, it is said, is getting up a
new batch of misdemeanors against the
President. The leading one is, for refus
ing to give lien three or four gold spoons
which Mrs. Lincoln over looked and for
got to take away with her in the ninety
deal boxes that conveyed her bereavement
to Chicago.
Its Causes. Character, Conduct and Results,
A Ilook tor all Sections and all l'artle*.
This great work presents the only complete and
impartial analysis of the Causes of the War yet pub
lished, and gives those interior lights aud shadows
of the great conflict only known to those high officers
who watched the flood-tide of revolution from its
fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr.
Stephens from his position as second officer of the
To a public that has been surfeited with apparent
ly similar productions, we promise a change of tare,
both agreeable and salutary, and an intellectual
treat of the highest order. The (Jroat American
War has AT LAST found a historian worthy its im
portance, anil at whose hands it will receive that
moderate. candiJ and impartial treatment which
truth and justice so urgently demand.
The intense desire everywhere manifested to ob
tain this work, its Official character and ready sale,
combined with uu increased commission, make it the
best subscription book ever published.
One Agent in Easton, Pa , reports 72 subscribers
in three days.
One in Boston, Mars., IP3 subscribers in 4 days
One in Memphis, Tenn , lOC subscribers in 5 days.
Send for Circulars and see our teruis, and a full
description of the work, with Press notices of ad
vance sheets, Ac
39w4 26 South Seventh St., Phi I ad'a, Pa
X STATES, for tho fl esteru District of l'enn'a
In the JJatter of Almon G. Slurk, llaukrupt. In
To whom it may uoncern : The undersigned bore
by gives notice of his appointment its Assignee of
Alinon G. Stark of Tunkhannock, County of Wyo
ming and State of Pennsylvania, within said Dis
trict, who has been adjudged ft Bankrupt upon his
own petition by the District Court ol said District.
Dated Towanda, Pa , the 30th day of April A. D.
39w3 JOHN W. MIX, Assignee.
L STATES for the Western District of I'enn'a.
In On Matter of Huston Billing!, Bankrupt. In
To Whom it may Concern: The undersigned
hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee
of Jlasson liiliings of the township of Lemon in the
county of Wyoming and State ol Pcnnsylvania,with
in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
on bis own petition by the District Court of said
Dated Tunkhannock the 4th day ol May, A. D
39w3 J. B. RHODES, Assignee.
STATES for the Western District of Penn'a.
In the Matter of Erastus W- Burns, Bankrupt.
In Bankruptcy.
To Whom it may Concern : The undersigned
hereby give* notice of his appointment as Assignee
of Erastus W. liums of Nicholson in the county of
Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, within said
District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon
his <>wn petition by the District Court of said Dis
Dated Tunkhannock the 4th day of May A. D.
1363. J- B. RHODES, Assignee.
STATES for the Western District of I'er.n'a
In the Matter oj Stephen D. Bacon, Bankrupt
In Bankruptcy
To Whom, it may Concern : The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee
of Stephen D. Bacon of Tunkhannock in the county
of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, with.n said
District, who his been ndjudged a Bankrupt upon
bis own petition by the District Court of said Dis
Dated Tunkhannock the 4th day of May A. D.
3<jw3 J. B RHODES, Assignee,
A full and well Selected stock of
The undersigned takes pleasure in soliciting the
inhabitants of this place and vicinity to call and ex
amine his goods.
Enable him to supply
In his line at
than can be bought elsewhere
Call at
(Crane <fc Lull's old stand )
Tunkhannock, May 5, 1668 tf.
Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face,
also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches,
Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft
clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge
by adJresing
•VBeead .FwWSsrift
April, 1868.
INTew York
their appreciation !
The Store is thronged with Customers.
Tlie Great Bargains
are nowhere olsc in the city.
The Price Tells
Everybody Tells
is met by
jjaldivin, he {jlofhicr.
not equalled by any bouse in the city!
are daily added to tbe Immense Stock.
now being made, and will be
during the month of April at the
(for. Ijroadicau & (|anat
iOOO Pieces.
A Large Variety
ant all at
greatly reduced prices.
Tunkhannook, April 15, '63— 30w4.
A DM I V miuioß's' N on T E,
WHEREAS letters ef Administration upon the
estate of Cisero Hayden, late of the Township
of Wincthais, dec'd, has keen granted to the subscri
ber. All persons owing said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having de
mands against the same will present them to the
subscriber duly authenticated for settlement.
L. K. SMITU, Adin'r.
Meboopany, April 6, 1803.—v7a35w(i.
N'OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
purchased a yoke of oxen (one a pale ied and
the other a black ox) and left them with lleorge Fox,
of Northmoreland, to be used by him during my will
and pleasure, All persons are hereby cautioned
against molesting said oxen under penalty of the
law in such case made and provided.
Eaton, April 22, 1968 37w3
Mrs. Charlie Bunnell
WOULD respectfully make known to the citirens
of MESIIOPPEN and vicinity that she is now
receiving a large and carefully selected assortment of
Consisting of
and an endless variety of other articles too numer
ous to mention which are offered for sale as cheap
at can be bought at any other establishment.
Call and satisfy yourselves.
N. B. Repairing done ia the most approved style.
Mbhappen, April IP, 'g93Bm3
Of UhMaled Lands in Wyoming' County.
NOTICE U hereby given that under and by vir
tue of the several acta of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, passed for the collection
of Taxes on Unseated Lands, the Treasurer of Wyo
ming County will 00 the second Monday of June, (to
wit: June Bth A D. 1868,) at the Court House in
the Borough of Tunkhannock, expose to public sale
Ihe following tracts and parts of tracts of unseated
land for the taxes and costs on them respectively.
Sale to commence at ono o'clock P. M.
439 Bridge James 6 58
439 Buchannon John 6 58
417 Bowtnao Frances G 26
420 Clark Peter 6 30
340 Clark James 5 10
420 Clark Thomas 6 30
436 Fi'wle# Fdward 6 54
439 Fowles Samuel 6 58
439 Fisk William 6 58
435 - Hastings Seth 653
420 Lock Thomas 6 30
400 Betterton William 16 00
406 Bowman Solomon 16 23
400 Baker or Barton John 16 00
406 Bowman /oseph 16 23
340 Bradley Abraham 13 60
406 Bartolet Joseph 16 23
400 Bird or Baird Benjamin .16 23
406 Backley Hannah 16 23
266 ByceJohn 10 75
439 Bridge Jonas 17 57
439 Bridge Margaret 17 57
439 Bigelow Abraham 17 57
300 Bowman Thadeus 12 00
230 Bit tie Samuel 9 19
40q Bowman Joshua 16 23
199 Bradley llannah 7 91
428 Clyrni-r Daniel 17 12
100 Cottinger Jatnes 4 00
300 Carman Michael 12 00
406 Carman Samuel 16 23
406 Carman Nicholas 16 23
40g Caiman J"hn 16 23
41') Cristnan Frederick 16 41
76 Colt Lurinna 3 04
KK) Campbell It ibert 4 00
128 Crispin James 4 12
380 Crispin William.... 15 20
406 Drb.ng Peter 16 23
40ft Deb.ng Simon. , 16 23
407 Delong William 16 32
110 Drwitt Moses 4 11
4t)7 Delong J0hn..... lG 32
30(7 Dewitt Aaron 12 25
205 Dewitt Andrew...! 8 23
30(j Ib-witi Thoma< 10 25
440 IVnnison Thomas 17 qO
200 Downer Elisha 8 00
410 Davis Jonathan 16 39
410 Elliot fully 16 39
433 Elliot Richard K 17 29
406 Fish Thomas 16 23
43(7 Fowles Edward 17 44
437 Fry John 17 45
430 Fish Joseph 17 21
439 Fish William 17 53
170 Forsyth Thomas 6 80
150 Fowler Edmund 6 01
375 Eliioi Levi 15 83
439 Fowles Samuel 17 52
203 Gore Daniel 9 16
20(7 Giout Paul 8 23
206 Gillinan Allen 8 23
439 llall William 17 54
400 Hay Henry 16 00
439 lia.il or 11111 Sarah 17 54
400 II iv Jaiue- 16 00
410 11.11 Isabella 16 39
410 Hall John Jr 16 39
410 Hail Jdm 16 39
150 lotnati Richard 6 01
406 Kmdall Wil lam 16 23
77 King Samuel 3 04
400 Knox John 16 00
400 Kn"X Samuel 16 00
400 Kmg Sun-n 16 CK)
410 Knox .James 16 39
400 Knox Daniel 16 00
400 K'IOX Snnoii 16 00
410 Kelly Joseph 16 39
410 Kelly Daniel 16 29
40) Kennard Samuel 16 23
400 Kendall Samuel 16 00
400 Linn William 16 00
4 0 Lincli or Luch George 16 00
400 Law William 16 00
430 Lenox Sarah 17 21
214 Landers George 8 57
310 Marshall limy 12 41
275 McLaughlin Jame* 15 04
300 McLaughlin John lg 00
406 Morns William 16 23
430 Muzzy Amos 17 21
439 Muzzy William 17 53
439 McClnre Janes ...17 53
300 Miller Mary 12 00
406 Marshall Chester 16 23
406 Marshall Sarah 16 23
406 Marshall Charles 16 23
300 McLaughlin Alexander 12 00
410 Martin Isaac ..16 29
4(>6 More William 16 23
410 Musgrave Irae! 10 29
410 Musgrave Muses 16 29
410 McClure Samuel 16 29
410 McClure Robert 16 29
40 6 Ma rshall Benjamin 16 23
400 Oker John 1g 00
175 P.les Cornelia 7 04
435 Piles John 17 44
175 Piles Robert 7 04
86 Patton John 3 43
90 Patton James 4 39
66 Patton William 2
4(M) Patton Charle* 17 00
410 Patton Isaac 16 29
40q Paine George 16 23
4('g Paine Mariah R 16 23
40g Piles Sarah 16 23
437 Reed (b Unison 17 53
201 Renshaw IPchard 8 00
200 Ryan John 8 00
200 Riddle Reuben 8 00
80 Sullivan James 3 20
400 S tilth Richard 17 00
200 Sitphens Ann 8 <K>
439 Stephens Simon .17 53
90 Simpson John 7 20
40g Stephens Perry 16 23
40g Stephens Jonathan '.16 23
410 Staples J 6n 16 29
428 Sanders George 17 14
410 S ewart George 16 29
299 Scull Peter 12 (X)
260 Todd Jatnes 10 40
437 Todd Jobnjr 17 53
4(>g Trees Phebe 16 23
221 Scraff Ilenry 8 80
40g Stephens Isaac 16 23
410 Wivoley Thomas 16 70
400 . White Andrew 12 00
325 White Samuel 12 96
200 Wilson James 8 00
45 Ward John 3 59
199 Ward James 6 91
400 White John 16 10
304 White F jhert 8 16
400 White James 16 00
420 Yarrington John 16 80
439 Betterton Jacob 14 g7
406 Bradley Hannah 13 60
200 Bailey Dnah 6 70
400 Campell James 11 40
400 Caropbtdl Margaret 11 40
393 Dunn William 13 20
393 Dougherty Richard ~.13 20
40g Downing Reuben..., 13 60
160 Davis Joseph 2 40
40q Davis Juhathan 13 20
400 DerbyBhere John 11 40
40g Delanv Margaret 13 20
400 Espy George 1140
429. Forsyth Isaac 14 20
Aiwjtff Petes rrrt-n-v-rev . U)
203 Gore Daniel -
400 Gallup Eunice 13 j'j
408 Gridley Daniel 13
401 Harminaon Wallace 13 41
439 Herman* William 14*5
147 King William 4
444 King Aaron 14^
20q longhead Thomas 6 j.,
214 Landers George ft 47
400 McCoy Epbraim ...13 4q
38! McKnight David 12 73
410 Nah Phineas 13 7',
434 Pierce Hannah 14 .74
398 Pierce Alice.*..... 13 33
408 Pierce John 13 fi g
400 Palmer William 13 40
439 Renshaw Ann 14
201 Renshaw Richard gTO
439 Renshaw John 14 f "
100 Simpson Nicholas 335
27g Simpson Michael 9 24
388 Stewart Marv 12
439 Stephens Simon 14 ,7
406 Tripp John 1?, f0
40q Todd J ohn 13/o
126 Willis John 4 47
200 Rich Joseph g
100 Rich John 3 3j
113 Ran c ey II & H Trumbt 1 17f
410 Barck'ey George lg 40
130 Rittle Samuel 4 fcQ
3g2 Covil Oralia 14 44
400 Covil Maihew lg
25 Crispin James 1 04
410 Davis iluldah lg 4c
300 Fish Jabcz 12 CO
400 Fish Sarah 14 00
410 Ilagerman John ]g 40
410 Hall James ]g 3;
75 Hibbard Ebenezer 3 04
410 Johnson Jacob lg 4c
410 McCray Samuel lg 40
50 McCray Ann 2 Oct
410 McCray Robert lg 4'
100 Morris William 4 00
410 Johnson Irhoida P ]g 40
410 Johnson Christiana 1 , 4't
410 Kelly Joseph lg 40
4JO Kelly Daniel lg 4"
225 Phipps Thomas 9 01
420 Wuoley Thomas lg 8;
Fr'z Christopher t/
Harvey George 1 44
33 Hoops Job
71 Fritz Peter 1 08
g3 Harvey Job 1 9,7
150 Thompson William 2 2i
145 Thompson Samuel ' 2 I!'
145 reckhatn A. K. 2 IS
50 Muhlenburg Peter 1 59
90 Hampton Samuel 1 35
Treas. Office, Tuuk , April 1, 1868.0349
The undersigned hiving been appointed Mer at,
tile Arpra'ser for Ibe count v of Wyoming. for tr
year 1668. hereby certifies the following io he a r •
reel list of assessment of R' tailers in foreign mr
•banilise. with their names, d iss, ami rate in tar
several townships in said County, to wit:
13 7? Edwards A Son !0 C
13 Stevens A Acklev 10 i
13 B W.ikeuian A Co. 10 t
13 Waltman A Vosburg 111 f
14 Sainnel Neal 7 c
14 Abel Piatt 7 1.
12 Frear, Pran A CO. 12 :
12 W Gardner A Son* 12 i
13 W Briggs A Sons 10
13 Ingham A Broadbent 10 0.
13 W A I lean . 10 5.
11 II S Howe . 7
14 Henry Dana
14 J V Carpenter
r* 1.1.5.
13 SO Miller 10 u
14 C Sherwood j
14 H Ev: ns 7
14 Montanye A Co. "
14 AS C'olluiu j|
Fi'RoSTnN |
14 A P Burgess ,■]
14 G II Burgess 3
14 llitchcoek A Robinson |
13 Henry Harris 10 * I
11 Kintner A Vaughn 11-B
13 W 11 Barnes lb * K
13 11 W SlurJevaut 10 I
14 Henry Live S
14 IVin Jennings ®
10 Sterling A Son 2r. K
12 ll llarikinsou ll. : B
12 E Merrill 1-4H
14 S II Jenkins §
14 Roberts A Dunham If?
13 H Rosenberg A Co. It H
14 Jacob 11..11 |;
i 4 K 0 Hailock ' I
14 E Montr >ss
14 ADC Clark
14 A L Carey ' : 4
14 Reuben Parks £
12 Wilcox A Briggs l-'l
12 C C Birge 12 : H
12 Taylor A Walker g
12 Gardner A Harding '■
13 Rislev A Kellogg I
14 I D Hewitt |
14 Squire A Billings
14 I VV. Billings f
12 Carey Bros. ' '
13 l.evi Winters ' I
13 II Keeler 10 g
14 E S Bo wen 7 I
14 E W Spring
12 Daniel Wright
12 A IS Molt
12 Sherman A Lathrop
12 Calvin Detriek
13 George Loigbton
13 I) Billings A Co. ' ■ .
13 11 Barham A Co.
14 F L bittser A Co. E
14 B .VI Stone , I
14 J Redlich 2 . ffl
14 Jacob Rhoala . i ft 1
1" OS Mills A Co. * Vil
14 Lyman A Wells ■ V 9
14 J W lthoads . Bf
14 FCARPRoss '■ ; I
14 Burns A llro . \B j
14 C lienuinger
1' ■■
13 Finnan A A rest - KB
14 F W Zimmerman
14 US Graves Ml
An appeal will be held at the Court House
Borough of Tunkhannug;k OD Saturday.
1&68, tor all who tnay feel agrieve lby .rv I
ment. 36w4 JAMES M KEbL^I
Teachers' examinations will be held as R
At School House in ihe village of .Mcsboppe
urday, May 2d. _ '
At Mehoopany on Tuesday, May sth. j.
At Tunkhannock on Wednesday, Mavhtn.
At Pieroeville on Thursday, May 7th t _ ,
At Falls, in School House near W hit* • I
Friday, May Bth, £
At Northmorelaud on Monday, May I '''• y I
Exercises will commence at 10 o clock • • i
School Directors are lequestSd to be pre'' ( . >S|
Applicants for examination will come *> |
material. - mi>B
J. B BUODMc, ■
April 14*. lathi -3a4 |