cnxzx? jrrwt Tbe Sew '.twm Tr.bna* im rowpeooet for wan o? fstyar. Saakwilk, Tex. Las Jit nana, ecai-tm* ■M f aff-y -jt Monsxy Ti* rwiOrm'jt ti B **n. ® New Tors, was rjv&si -J a Wjuza sue jtwtsaj t* Stxdsy Ligii A Cot-vex* £ rpa'-ii aajs ii* rjL S L Stx-jzit rj. vct wmet cc Sausdsy. exiy-iv* Lo-at* jwnenei x Li* Wsv ' L*t s:i :o Ktmia* k HvSywwod t-ogagt-d x s prxt •yat m L;MJ iwa* • awe'i Ux* MoT- rwc at Koofiay E t*. Lai Lw WTW. Wvaa a. i* ti. *s rsni smc u*rt t; kwi the Lct . Ti* vi uf prxes./ L r Sfwi svos* fc*y vtwrv je 4 *. b*r bete c.i l*d ox Ssicrfiay nigt: we: xix u at>.x- TVJB. ais rtsar fat-mlf tt a bvak x :i* >j - g '.werbeac No* vw I'ti.s l* :i* ln y oa Svaiay ait n* bkcli {act TLe psptrv art we-t og n* Ttx * so: to en. jratt it Mz tr. .l 'fit Lope blftraj Ler esaAue Tikt eaeiiy tfiey tay * toe neesxre lor ten. u to j* it live c.ador.aL y li 4 ii* r tat of Lao- n aod eueetss.: seusp are far *t* iu. at j ffisfxr-rrrtmrir* toa" n-v; i't ot*i saaatc iv U* b. ire of :Lt reot os. Tl ?a-;fie Ea -oad Late abed it the wnatt of it* Kooky M. .a ts aos brgas vtv deaoMH o* the Pac f.s ♦ .ope. A c*pa ci iron ti* CL*f Eaftanr of 'Le w-.rk as wovoow .Lt art g jf the raw apt® the *• mt, with s*fil ng -jertrmixei '.l h* I Lit o r A Ladica prx*. wjt r: apeac: c.*t: w es*>: % IXAt ti* mra po >ot f.r :o ooew*: bretiA and a: tbe sac* ume rejec* t ai tie North erx 5 ia tot where thw.r is&krt a*t i* Lfiot it do og &oo* work for ibe Demos racy. A: Pek a '.be I/eaoocrs a ca-r*; every ward, elI tade a gi s of three '.ssf 'ti Ot the ws.4 ij, Bkaa ogux, Lt*t she riraery of Rsdcs w, e*ci a Desuosrai* May-.e by a c*/.r*T of iCS At ucv t*. exc' of e>s- oe eisaed by :he t as- osi of a Democrat* Mayor, oy a may.r.'j of abou: a thoutand—a ga.i of more itaa three Lib* CrtC. II Lale Deveha, former/ s/ the ladx ap-.' t Herald w... probacy t* ti* Demo cratic Cotsgreai'Otal bos. r*e n if* Four- Ifcd.aoa DaUoci, .i oppoaftkci to Geirge W. #aftaw. Jamet F W kce Bad >sa! reyre*ets*at?ve is CongreM from toe First District, dec nee a gfamiaatiaa. Tt* Trg i a eicsLofi .s ordered for Jai* 2od. The I'. 1 no* Radkals are determined to aom.nat* Gtr&eral John M. Paair. for Gov ernor, notwithstanding he repeated refusals to serve. The speeches of Stever.l tvi Wi.':'?r. aga sst the Pre* d.-ct before the U L gh c.orv" OO Monday were vap-d, w siy washy, po dwetioos and not he*ter than ord.vv utvi pspvr artidea vy/tt the ass* select. Two ' maaLools' got mio as affrey, c Krw Jvraey, one day Last week cae was disfranchised forever. An exchange aays Busier will go iotu Gen Gra&i's Cabmet. No doubt, if it is act kept kicked. It reported that Mr. Yallandigham has assumed fonts charg* rt truLit .s u or tr ci arte', a: W t-kir-g"os. 51'. Lit .'him. tie rtwava iks tten fly -rt ei to nais "it Lit. k-j tietl t fav .r &: iwreKh'jjaL It a* *aiJ Lis argwmef.i wot Id aototxime tee*; * ay. wte*. " o p"jttpc.Esit n> ►■ c *-"ttts: b*" after us Ci.a;> C.'.'T"" ."- 'Le i _t '.'.it", woeld proceed to reader fee verdks. Tie potgpußesoest is rig-J f.r fear Ust the tatr-.-tsEge of toe I';"a.e too cotvettive. Son* of '.La repit isao pa •e-s hey* to fear tie Frea-deai w not L* ixp-acied. We ratke to p* ins f.r it i Lard to coayectare ort of tiiif Roup Serve. The ' Bebel Os&sgt," Brctal Kirier by Ssgr*t f .-j* of the iu*>* b"~.'jk i t&d *avag* xur fT-r '.n Wednes oa-. in Dar&we ; *'r<\, .S.alh Caro- Lik * ' ".bar tie *e~ed of Repub ! i* &. SO IL/A J ■-! thai Rttt it Uirinz fru ! t ;i W* trt - .til i to gess etnaa from tin ioeali:y for pariee trt of tie bvrrrb.e trwge.v. It a; iu*r* tiai oo the da* roe i Tuned, lie ';Tk** oa tL* ;i*itation of Wis. J. LaaVjcJx;- i uf Genera. Lawcoa, 0? tilt Ctt-i o*tr Ui*— frits. S '-'.o ( a--...ia t - o*e of the fit-id LacOt to go to work, com meiee pi. wing To to it tie legro f /)ttOfc4 nil diffiniu A-vi tit * J.'* of iLtr Ltf'J Up id by Ler violent laig-jxi't furr_>et in creases Li* re. tod Le ram i a heavy Lot i lbs*. be tad it L.; La 1 and a'.en.pT*; to ; tit ourwtr on -.Le Leal. latL? ( managed to evade fie bi'.w. !"-* cgro attempted to ttntt the second Lio, bat toe over*. r drew a pb'.o. a' -a s! t L;m n tie fate, a e..glt * <,vL lit then rt: red to L r L ,-s*, to, for about ar. Loir ai. renal i-:-d q.iet, Tbi n-gro iutl • eta a .nor; 2 Li* ftLow*, tLttt 1. \ J -re*, ar.-d , soon a crow-. f tiex % *~mb!ed ariooti tLe oTerkee: * Lit*. a.. tLe ne groes or tLe plaatatxro were is tLe av-m --; v;y. an 3 tLe oimttr. teeng ma: bit .ife was ia darg-r, j irpe J out i the w-aiow and ran. caou were fire-: after tire, one of wLicL wounded Liu.. He tt i! coalinoed ' to run, however tLu* wounded and tleed .ng, and pursued by tLe savsge crowd of Lr-tes. 00w inflamed to a perfect lory. A'l.r a chase of about a mile the over ate r reached tLe boose of Mr* Maliod. whoae Lus'.a&d was aL-ent a: tLe time. He implored Ler to take Lira io ard shelter birr, firm the yell ng pursuer* wbo were seekirg L.s life, which she did most w.l --1 lingly. Then %be took Ler stand outside tLe door, and f.-r more tbar en Lour held the murderer* at Lay, remitting all tie r efforts to effect an entrance, arid refusing to accede to tLeir demand to give up their victim*. They strove to got Ler • she struggled nobly. heroically maintain ing Ler position, an i received rnanv Lruis es at tbeir hands. Finding that they could not intimidate this conrageou* lady, the foremost of them broke io the window of the house, aai were quickly followed by others, and tLe wounded rase in vie soon fell a vict.m to . their savage fury. .Shot* were fired at Lirn and eleven buckshot entered Lb breast.— While be lay upon the floor in the agonies of death, negro women ctoie up and beat Lim with sti.k*. and wme of the worst a mo- g them declared that they "wo'd not , leave wisbout a piece of Lis flesh to carry home whL them.'' A more Lru'.a or diabo ical murder Las perhaps never been cornabued, and those , who perpetrated the bloody deed, wnile in 1 the act of executing their Lorrii porpote, , acted more like demons let loose from Pandemonium than anything in tie *em ! blaoce of humanity. W'lyle ergagsd in their morderoas'work ! they were frequently heard to cry out that I the fiadical would protect them, thus 1 showing that tb* responsibility for tLe ter rible death of this poor man rest# with tho§e wLo Lave scattered broadcast thro' j the South the seeos of bloodshed aD-J di | order. j Our informant could not recollect the j name of the mmdered man, hot sard that came from southwestern Oeorgia. He , was a good overseer, and an excellent msn lio every respect. There were thirty-one i negroes engaged in the afla r, and are now | held in confinement ; but if the Radical ! party has carried the day in South Caro lina there is little h"pe that anything will ever be dooe with them, — £>avannah,(Ga.) Republieaji. tST Geoboia Electiojcs.—Eighty-four , counties give in the Senate 13 Democrat* ' and 12 Radicals. Two niggers are elected jto the Senate and twelve to the Hooae.— ■ Th< official connt will lie necessary to de ' ci-ie the choice for Governor. THE KXAJX n.AT WLm an u* meaxusg of ti> w:ra§ ? Tbe New Y rrx Ecrc.£ t§ ii** nreax *• T%* WlaJt Mst t La* L~ There if amoeaLMC.* r he: Hj* ib lie Sinni, its tie w.3* paper >•:*" "-if* it tt< CKLfi'-rC ® in; ; * as - "Xt 1 11**"& it *r Ma.i* a; . fl" re a rutofcwricr T*:•.* i > *atx. I: j* tx* :t."x tto an nania vhi■jtS: K;i *r-;.-e Las bees tptrm iir ~.t "-Lt cafes :: lift N ;rj. tb& iiv warring met Lav* eon.: xt. l. W:v. br: ifri.iT t: r:t negro d:sn hat ci hIS K.CI p.b'.tf Li i*K3tbBTI. Cx.C-Ll.lui. AhnM. ti: -r: ? Tiiett *t:t wrosfLnids of ism. hot iwr boas hsi i&tn. t i§ <£. b-Tt is l * i:-rtrtei c:obitari9t whki i-ritgi: i. wi tie R*cce! party an; cs if the Dtnutt*. Wist proLacad thai nigi'-* ebargt it MicLigaa * ft-w weeks : * A >*.>. br ? .■Y.O majori *i r.ce: d;w- a C.-avavioe at-ctase of lit negro loctrioes i: gorpo rated is k_ if 4 //*'. sx;:r,:j. WLk ioctd the Demo: rat .1 tut rhw x to>i necueat f I: KIK -x fteWlst Msx ? Baad. Sacii *•• -eat oaa * . fgri-r up wit-re tmiii T'.'-zh. "iittj L*r- dirt si ii e a .re* *i. i ii coit ir.e*. Aid tit nr. >.i: ii: Ti.:k f it.— Sures Ere to I* o*r*. ixed ; or raJLtr are Lz-4. Ttsrt % the fk *. He-.* y the *:r iin lit 'are. Ii ti* >i:L. r*gr>* ire •* . riai. s* 4 -r irt k. ■_ ---fc. i j*. tr* ntx of lie ar. A - d lis*. if--uJ Bite j. :z-* i*r* -e- in* : ti -,i i. Lfltfi i ."f iitiß oter tie pr.per •T. Tv rip" • t:*:.** and of H.U --i. at ■' *:*.- Aser.eui cii r-r . s>> lie XutL ®i ">e to tit** tbe fmi't uf • j. f r i .per Ccrv* t-s-t . v-1 tr l*'.x "i* S-'ili * *.d c'e a to *i: 1 -t It r.jt tr] L lit *!.'* Xrxitrt i lie Okj. 10l k*. V. i- .-_pi>a i,o it ;u: • ; t>;; tii Hoite tic tie lie --It . " z t ' P.trt f.iij it gv. ;ie '. 1 --. Y *- /el lit K : K -I** it fonz*ed t i '.T*r "Le S sti; sad lie No rib. V.iti It* Ui.txti. Broon*!. Kt r. *"{.eei:t. Wj* .■riuae*. otten iirok-I ? Wir tie t ppe* I Ori-ei. .a lifir aot '? f Tit VA .- k a® xen if lie None, .n its er **. Lke Letr. lie tirtkU tit per.: e toes t* d ar* tre iA :it f*te litl it ii -lot for it tir. tzA lieir ftx e L*re : Tier n itl, • *, t't- p. Ole ii OMBipuij tiiL tie L?ze r . If tbere a*t r/>: toeieii--. erer*. tLtre ;r: Noli of tie K j K'.i i!*. litre oi will I*. * lie W Lite Mso't Band. " likl U tie to ijrat* j. lat-xr oe. p .oder nod Eip.'tr e oi' :r. TLt Kiciert are w.m iptakert.pnbfc't® lopii ais. cr p'ktfom xaitit. loey are tote of vrt.ox Tit p'tEi W eti wii! kiti Lift a naflcU wgaaaatioai of tie kiod A*, i co* i it r.ti of tie A'.iatlic I'fee, a to* i tod o* try, — wij cot er.l tr ii'.o ti •. p'Lid crpari Zk'.;.i *ti'_i Lt New Y r* liera'd Er-oret o*. 7 /.-J) Kit*, kid ei**B-i froia 51kite to Ckif rcik. I: ;.. be lit iLc dtr iicrrc to tlta* ogr poitix a.xviiitre of tie | ops of lit tticcrki e Ki*rjiirtls *io w.i 1 10 goTtrc kid oppress tic coo'trr liriopb a dc-rkdi-.p tic A'iri .n I'e pe. peace, prosperity ili UtrOO.—JtftTHl.W:. Tie fol '-& Act relatiap to tee ml • of good* ty MBpie. orders or t tberw ~e. *a- raised for tfae County of Lorerte a* lie close of lie beaeiota cf tie Lepis.a --' itre: AN A f .T for tie further protection of tie Wbolesale and liel&.l 51trcints in tie Coficty of Larert^. Sec. i. lie t eotctcd by tie Senite ana Hooet of Kepreot*ties, in General A>- setolly met, aid i; u hereby eoacied by tie saice, that from and after tie pawage of this Act, it siai! not be lawful for any merchant or bis !ratiliog agent cot re sidirg wit&in saii Coooty, to v-li by sarn p!*, order or otierie. ;n the Cogttj of Lizerte. any goods, wares or merchan dise. by wholesale or retail, without first basing obtained from the Trca-crer of said Cooßly of Luzerne a license that purpose, t.r wbicL sa;d iiceoee be shall py the win of three Lri&dre J dollars * saii license sha 1 tot conlinae for a longer than one vear from tbe -dale thereof. Sec l. Any eaie made as aforesaid, by any merchant or h:s trailing ageLt with out license obuioed as aforesaid,within the lit* lis of tbe County aforesa i, shah beheld and d'emed a. misdemeanor, pum-hahlc by fine of ro? less than three hundred doiar • oae-Laif to be paid to the informer who shall to a competent witness and tbe oth er half to tbe School Di-trict in which the offence shall have been committed, or im prisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court, ar.d it shall be lawful for acy Constable residing in any of tbe townships, wards or boroughs in said County, either upon bis own knowledge or the complaint of any citizen of L*zerne County, to arrest any perv nor perv>ns engaged m making sales as aforesaid by sample, order or oth erwise. and convey him or them betore any Alderman or Justice of the Peace re siding in the said County of Luzerne, and unless the said person or persons *limg as aforesaid shall be able lo exhibit his, her ' or their license from tbe said Treasurer of the said County of Luzerne, s;d Alder i man or Justice of the P< ace to require such pers. Dor persons so arrested to en ter into bonds with approved security for his, her or their appearance at tbe next Court of (Quarter Sessions to answer, ar.d in default thereof to be commuted to the proper jail in said County. Elisha W. Da via, ' Speaker of the Ilonse of Representatives. J as. L. Gbaham. * Speaker of tbe Senate, i Approved the Fourteenth day of April, Domini one tLou-and eight hundred and sixtv-eight. JOHN \t. GEARY. Loyal Festivitiea. 14 A row occurred on Thursday night at a nigger ball at Jackson, Mississippi, in : which two aoldiers were wounded and one killd t anda negro severely wounded" j —Tel. These innocent recreations among the ; *' loyl " of the South, are happy in - dications cf tbe advancement of morality, . intelligence, and refinement, creditable to tbe superior influence of tbe Frecdmen's Bureau, and tbe numerous Yankee school * marrns. Ob Scrnr--Tf rjv-Ti,* Vital fcieetaoc. as las&e—TrAnaoe. Tkf-* art obJt Sere* - Manager* * of de iaßswßebiw?: TrmC st>i m ttxy are i fA r-tr, ivaapiai LT>n, ii* TrtUnw Ala tke t* m of Useir iiaoct at>d kct sp - oeredT 1 The at:- seat of Mr. Eru-j gsh* !:o foir ds£4e It* *o: a - feather • ejgfes " ae lAirrisaiL | sod Butid. aa: so the Tr.ina* pate* tbes.. WeR, tie Tnies* *i i <7r-t: NT© f j-"_-pST u. ebh>- aye it a* Lbe 7Vii**r, *Lje fcd.'tr -d - 't, aif tree. etreeed is dkzraai>£ Ak CeacttT by Peace -jpoi tbe - bee: attaia abk tertt" " boc qast* aoeeeed ie n ' a I?* . oawioßn . bat *io c,d britg .is tie " Bair.f of K... Rsr. " ke'o JeStrr toz I>**k oct of Pnaofc. aod. vitt u.e aA of Cktrite Speoeer aoi W* Haocb inrs. ra* dsra* tie Jiepoblieat rue ' f tiM cit* from tt> 1 e,'.*Vi. Upca tt-if eapeSai Air. Ore* y it to r :r-io Air. WaitCs Efecet, /"it ' ~ S-estoer act Htletatji to c.f.T.'3't tie oSctt cpoc a pito L ••, * i?i rrAi op aa . t.rreased *a yvnty triat; she )-*t pr.j it Xweakr.—_V, }* CemmertmL The ltidtinntni art : ~ Aocrtw Join f . 1 p.i!'j cf anrpat/ja m tifera tj to ttitx- :L.t a * Litt n-ai."* At; 1.-r t: rf T~&uKt i Lrnu, Le ~oogi: to Oe o.L"* Bet. BaGtr. it it t*i. is yettiae ap * Be"* it:.u of n..-.Atttat,:rs :Le PrceaietsL. TLe g -.t it. refu— It-Z to Let, LLTfce .r foCT tpXCA ASrt. crer i>;aed sod for rot to take *;L i, e r it tie tioety deal boxet lis.' sTtr-"cd L-.-r bert* to D. *ar '• icem %STED FOB THE OFFICIAL H!STOPT CT THE WAi, lit Cs*j- .Vncwcl cwc •• By H i. ALEXASLER H STEPHENS A Btl Itr >il sextiota at-d all Partlew. Ti.t f-ti' * 'i jrawrt/rf :be -c r wnijiAw ui -mpa *a Uf tbe ruKi af tie War tf jv iwfced. asf pnw -j,me HAtnwr u>: etas- w wf lit great ttLii t-ij vt is-m* i v&-an win watched ?i* flood-vie af tr'ri * fx. a rj fomztais n*"mg> act wiiri were * wrv* ta Mr. ; v-tt-ral from t.s poem-i at set". OS ofi-rer 1/ lot Cuctfederaey T a ;•■ <- 'til >tt i n— s-awl w ; ti ~:-ycr?J --!j r-ff. is- r—yiurtwe j' z* a est: ft - Tt wit agrees vie ill ga: wi a -r. to", eo R*a&eßaa. ••eat if the r :r"-*i wAer Toe r%t: Amenema * .* tat AT LA-7 fowl at r.wti worthy :-j -it jwrtamee atf a: wb-mt bt!>lt is *\3 :e~e te tut: trvt tal jweboe r rprl.i Jtu-ti _ T-e ihteam -Wm e'e-ywbe*e c-ti 'ered to eb •t: li t work Ua Ofttaai cha-amer tot react aa.e s*: t*d 1 at -ttrresess tteaafA tin it I* ■jtn tAOtcr.{/.i irj-.i e'er fitbTif-it: Ooe Aged Pa rrjr.-r-j 72 Ftberr-ir-e sw *t*ee data Ooe a Biakem Mi ! . I*3 takeniWit ■: A iayi Ose it Test ! '.> at A a fall hesr- '.e id tine wort with Prer* mtxcl of ad t>ec*f A' AJr-t-at SATIOSAL P* ElTrßiS'i CO. 3r*< 26 3w*h Se-i•_me S. Ps ad a Pa TS TOE DISTRICT OTET OF 3HE TNTTED 1 SIATE;, £.* itt * wen Dukriel if Peas'a In Uc M -tU' ' A:*i* <7 S-~rk. Bata. - /a BoJUcT yptcy To w>ml *:: &i< w.-oterr: Tie atdtrt rimi itra •jj pT c /"i?t t* t i;?r at iiapat af A.aa (>. iiait (f TntkiuMi Ctmfj of *tv a.ifaalEtaSt id P,ta.i>at..a wr.tit aa.d le-a •nct ta -jt ad*i>ir: a B*akra|ic uf: ti t •::• t • t tit If-Kris* Co-art v( aa.i Ira Girt I/aitii 7>*:la Pa, He y.ta say of Apr.l A. D. le'Sr 3N3 JOES w MI3 AV |5 7UE MSTEICT OOt'BT OF THE L SITED 1 STATE; for a* f*"aeierß Diatnct of Peat'a. /?>. /-.a l-filif of BiUinrt B-ix-uft' /a j Jfa&kru^icy T> 7Ff* ii ey - Toe oertoy f eet o-.'.-oe f bit iiaeif at A*r of iiaetiL i of :oe tonaii ■ .'f Is-.tzi Ai it Ibe coa:j of TV j- mim* aod itase of Peosrfi.ratia.wsis is aeti Inetr-"t- "bo fat -met af ajf-i a Batkrspt ot b.t in pe:!E'j ty tie liwirid Coart of aa>4 Due net I>tea Tiisabs&6>:k isa fib iay of V- A. L 156;. 33w3 J. E KHODES Aar'coee IS THE DISTBICT CO! KT OF THE CSITED STATE; '■-r tie Werert Diairict of Pest'a. la fie 24atUr of Ers*t'jj IT Hurra, Hani-rupt. Jk B-f-rraftlcy To ifv/iw if way Corstrh : Tbe Boierrigsed sett'jj { k l ' appcaotnest at .Aangoee ■if Er*r> M W tuna of S.tboic as tbe ecmaty : •! District, abi btt bees ahjudgol a Baskrypt 1; o bw owt jwi.tios by tio Diktri.t Ccsirt of aiil Da tnct Dated Teskbashotii tbe 4th day of May A D. !=>6S 35w3 J B RHODE* Awigeee. JUST OPENED A Ml aad well selected stock of SEGARS, SMOKING TOBACCO, CHEWING TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, NOTIONS. 4tc. At TLNKHANNOCK, Pau I j The nnderaignei ttkei pleatera in r/iritinx th* hi lieu of ihit place and ticinit j to call and tx ibim bi* good. SUPERIOR FACILITIES EtuLie kirn to n|fl; BETTER and CHEAPER ARTICLES In bit line t WHOLESALE an! RETAIL than can bo boogbt elaewhere Call at M. R. ROHXSTAMM S (Crane k Lai i t old ttand ) Tenkhannock, Mj 5, 1866 tf. I " INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardleaa face. . aiao a recipe for lb# remote! of Pimple*, BlotcW*. Eruption*. etc , on the tkin. leucine ibe tame oft 1 clear, and beautiful, eac be obtained without charge hr addrtaing TOOS P CHAPMAN. Cheaiat. i •¥w*d Ilisrfllanroiis. April, 1868. COBSEB BROADWAY A CANAL STREET, New "Y"orli TEE Everybody Tells THE PRICE- TEE I/*E?7 I> TaE CTTT THE UaiVKrCSAT. DEXA3ED a*t sy . Ipidirm, hf loihitr. eiiii mm a m a. THE ARIIiTIC CT7, TEE POPCLA2 FABZIC.- THE PERFECT *ORE*'.SSHI?. sr.''. ei*aljei iy tr t s,-..v* is tit r; Sptittg SSfgUs, it 4ki!y Lize>i u> ti laiaea< fsaek. 20,000 FASHIONABLE SPRING OVER-SACKS tr. w ix ■' iLfcit a&i ! 80Ll> AT RETAIL derlaj tf asset f Afiil : it* {for. £ I . ET BALDWIN. THE CLOTHIER iTuGtf RAP EE. HANGINGS: PAPER HANGINGSI! PAPER HANGINGS:: 4000 Pieces. WIS IK* W CIRTAINS—CLOTH 4 PAPER A Large Yir ety mad a.I at greatly reduced pricat- AT THE BOOK STOP.E OF F C 4 E P BOSS. TaoahaEnoak. April 15. '6s—3^*4. ADMINISTRATOR *NOTICE, TTJHEEEAS Setters ef Admiaiatratson upon the > f estate of Ciaero Harden. late of 'be Tovaabip of Wiaobara deed. bat beet granted to to. robacr-. btr. All fersona owing oui estate are to rntt immediate pj - oett >oi tb ee having de mats It again.* the use. will present them to the fubaenber du! T authenticated for settlement L K. >JSITH A its'r. Mebe pacy, April 5. 13K. —tTa3s*s. CAUTION. N OTICE it hereby given tht the uader-gned EM prchaeed a yoke of oxen fo®e a pale lei aod the other * black oi) tad left tbeca with George Fox. of North mo re I and to be uaei by him during my will aod pleasure. All persons are hereby cautioned against molesting said oxen under penalty of tie Law it each case made at! provided. AAEOS SICKLER Eaton April 22, 1965-37.3 SOMETHING NEW in meshoppen: Mrs. Charlie Bunnell YITOCLD respectfully make known U> the eitireae 1 V V of MESHOPPEN and vicinity that the is no* receiving a Urge and careful!v selected assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, CoftiUl Bg of BOX SETTS, HATS. . CAPS, SILKS. RIB BOSS, FLOWERS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LADIES' ORNAMENTS, and an endless variety of other ankle* too oumer i on* to mention whi h are • fared for tale ai cheap aa can he bought at any other establishment. (Call and satisfy yourselves. N. B. Repairing done 10 the moat approved style. Metbepjer, Ajril IP, 'gs —36 m 3 TREASURER'S SALE ;x Y7nL3( Coss^ NOTICt i pna liaas oaAnr sue iiy rr _ at af lit . *c iC F =-■• 6 36 rt'EO^"*- 400 BdScM W 4"g R amax S; mos 1* 25 4_l' liil:! Jf BtfUt lAi 16 *. 4V, B : wma® /a< H 20 S4i) R-i itrj AUriM 11 GO 4-.<6 fcfMti Jwt* 16 27 4.V, B--1 * Fuji— 16 2": 407 Berkley Harnab 16 2" 3ft-: BjttJ A* 10 75 4S B radge J cm -17 " 7 . 420 B'-rr* JBrptrr 17 420 JDS ft. rsu Tlttew ' 250 B It Samae! * 1* 4( - L ww-tt. J Ftaa If 27 1 'ft Hi—i " ■'. 42" C jtf litsti 17 12 103 Cvi rtr* JktMtt 4 X ax. C*rMtKeUH 12 >0 4.5 Carmar Sa*'.** 2*' 4/. Cwms N r.' i -6 27 4-0f C .i- J -' 16 23 410 CrOna Fr-denei It 41 r ; C : L-- " -1 7 'l4 IXS Ci j*sf R Vr 4 >0 m Qmfm Jn*' f 12 r>j Cwi TV us .. 35 2 4AG Li-. Ttr p r *' 16 27 4 f D - - 5.. 16 2S 407 Drkf V2k M B L • ". M 4 41 4.7 Ls ■ . n.- 10 25 4t.< r*MM Tt V 1" f 9>5 D ter E *r-a ? -*- 410 Dat* J *'ku 6 2- 41 Mat fjfT 15 2*o 433 E • P.uri K 17 25- 4>o F*t Tt . it 2 F ■ -+ 1" 44 4-7 Fry J -ir. I~ 4: , . F t-'- J *r'r*- 17 i -470 F-t*. W 4* 17 17 0 F ffjtl Tt-at. t ¥. IXj F ■ tr E:amj f 1; 570 E . 45.' F *-e* Sm.Bt : . "7 0_ 2't-J G rt I'aattl S 15 2 .;, G : P- f 2-7 3- r - G a*.- A'l-B * 2; 450 11 TV.. .13. 17 >4 4.0 ll.ra-r 15 V 4-0 114.. ii >4 4>.'J 811 16 0 410 Uii l*'* 1* It S5 410 lit.! JAs /r 16 50 42-• H. Ji- 15 SS-" !>• I isf p. -r4 6 vJ 4M K 1 W tr IS 21 K "r c 14 4'G K ■ * J -faa 16 00 4fo K- x STri 16 X> 4'o K 16 i 410 K- x Js_it 15 57' 4-0 K x Hx:.* 16 X -4j K>ox ? nm 16 X 413 Kdv ifh K S3> 41 j K- v DMd H SB 4.7 K r.r.trc siaorl 14 2 4'. Ktuii" Sin.>rl 16 * 4- I .' L-i.n A'.. t*a. 15 ■>. 4 0 L ocit or Ltrh Ge rg 16 • 4'*3 L\* Witl-.a® 16 X' '430 Lt-n x 17 21 214 Li r <'ltr Gr'Tit 5 57 >]trVi!i U-"r 12 41 275 M L*agt!in Oiaxe* 15 t4 ArO M Lu3 >1 xx r A tt* 17 2! 473 Muzzy W; ,ia 17 55 4-73 NcOtre 2 rvrt -. .17 55 5.0 JJ.i2r iJxry 12X0 4.i6 M*rh!i Cbt-*:er 16 2 4.0 M*rthli Sir*h ..16 25 410$ MrWI CSiHrt 3 23 3J M LxoxF! r. A tx:>d*r 12 410 Minn Nuc 16 4"ig M re I 5 23 41 <* M j*crxTe I*r* 410 S twin George 16 29 2.19 Scull Peier 12 X e 260 T dd James 10 46' 437 John jr 17 53 40<5 Trees Phebe 16 23 221 Scraff Henry 8 8(1 . 4<"'(; S'epbens I-aac 16 23 ' 410 Wt.oley Tbooti 16 70 ; 400 • White Andrew 12 X' ! 325 White Sttnuel 12 90 200 Wilson /ames 8 00 I 45 Ward John 359 I 199 Ward James 691 4X) White John 16 19 • w 304 White Robert 8 16 rf 400 White James Ig X> 4230 Yarringt'iu J hn 16 X 1 MOkftOE. 439 Betterton Jacob 14 g7 4<06 Bradley Hannah 13 60 X>o Bailey Duah g 70 400 Campell James 11 40 i 400 Campbell Margaret 11 40 ,393 Donn William 13 20 1 393 Dtugherty Richard ~.13 20 4 429. Forsyth Isaac 14 20 %'M Gw* Ia4 j - 499 Gai.up E ua..*je 1. ♦OS Gnfiet Dttrtes. 1; , *M Ea" w. w•* ia .. .11, 459 Bertnar* FT fhw ... 34 •! if! K'lX F"3ia 4*> 444 Kn>r Aa r-jt 14 ffjj Lr?*s: "ti-mias ( > fl 4 Gerege . <■ ♦*> lleO-w Eitrvru >1 Dawii- i.- 419 sati Ft< war . H - 4-54 Purss 3wrtn*i A.ireui .15:- pterr* i Tit g9O Paiwr W." ml.. .11 , 439 55m*'!*w Am 14 ' %*\ RfiAsw B-cTj wrt i •_ 459 Eruuw A* I 4 ,• \>'lo 5 5 trt?>aa ; j J"> s®jiwt K*rt Ma r* if . 43/ 8-svtt tx* 8 a. , ♦.15 T- jip 11 r 41g T • "Itx - 11 r 126 * :*J * 4 2X< &•<* J itrjA { - 1X( Kurt Jar t i j lXKitf. 113 Ra.T'-7 Hk H T-ttr 1 1 " SMTI MaSOB. 415 Bi-ri. ei Gr -ft 1/4 IX' Bv ie iaTt-: 4 s Tigf C".t Or4ia 14 -t 49 C?r Knew I 4 .. 25 CnSpX ' >!M 1 . 4)9 Ha -Cat 3X F ' ivt 15 4X5 F:*i Sarah li > 410 Hag~Ttat -Jls it j 4 410 Hi 7m.~t lj 2 BAtarl I"1 "i"ray Ana . ' 419 MtCij I<*> M tm W-> ta 4 f 4ill Jwimn IHKSAi F 1/4 415 2i* THt't .0 r>* ma 1 4 419 Kt '. r Z +r?A If - 450 K- Vlhs*: Irs 225 P- T*. m:a 435 TV., ley T: >Ti.fc 1/ • an uhl 44s J- t C: • i*4 "yjcT i'{ EiTtT 1 44 A! H- •;-* J'A 71 Fr 1 Peter 1 i nuii rx_ tjl narwty J. 4. ! rj .:• 7:. a.a • uc 17 147 Tit 1 2 . 145 Pert *at A K_ 2 50 MatWr.ti.-rr Peer 11 wi'i.irr . K Ear:• T 1;: .-ii-LjCliZ Of7E*H-3rr 7 -Wirit* 7-ett I'St* 7u-uC AprL 1 '.?5 i i.>4wr WEBC4WTILI: UTrU**C%T-l^- Tm aa j/rrm ftifc t.fni :-t A Ca. I!s| 12 W tikpei*: A r-.00 . i 13 * A tv® 1! ■ 23 I'-zttJL £ 1 *r.muawat 13 * 4 lu . ' > 34 H 5 id.we . K47o*. 14 H* r-T I u> 14 J ' Carps -T rsiiA. 3 5 4*> : 1 24 C jerui i HE' t* i 4 31 A C-s. 24 A: t.-. so r iiT * 24 A ? Bap** 14 G H P-argvs? 14 it.U:-.<•* A E:: iam, crx s. 13 Eeiry Harris '.!' xtri-CPaiT. 11 KTrsi Taagia 'I I 13 W R 1. ' 13 J. W 11 14 Il?i.-y Uoe* " ' i 4 W* Jfti ip xi*n rrrs. 19 ?irrlif A r.x * 12 I> Himidim 12 E Merrur E' 14 5 H Jcwkirt 14 Roberts A I -urba* 13 H Rueewrr-g A CO 24 Jaeot Hml .4 E 0 Ha...A K XAOE -14 £ )U*i .* i 14 ADC C2rA 14 A L Carey 14 Bcmbca Paris XIfH.'LSOS. i 12 Witeox 1 Erirjs 12 CCB:tp ~ •' 12 Taylwc A Wilier 12 Gardner A Ilr2:ag 13 F.ifi-y A K-. K 14 I I Ue*i;: 14 sos:rt A L: '.'.mgl 14 I W Bo'tcgs X •RTHXC>AStISP. 12 Carer P.rc*. 13 l.ei Writers 13 U XOF.T!? EKISCH. 14 E > Buft a 14 E W S;+izg : TIXEHiSJtOCR. j 12 Dsr.itl Wright :; 12 A B 34u>t 12 Shermm A Larhrp •*: 12 Calris I"etrick ■ 13 Georte Leijrfctoo 13 I> Biilisp A Co. 13 H Btriiia A Co. 14 F L "lttser A Co. ~ 14 B M Sum* ~ 14 J Red.uh 14 Jacob Eboadi 12 0 S Mills * Co. * *; 14 Lrniia A Weill 14 J W Kboads ~ 14 F C A R P P-ss 14 Bums A Bro . 14 C Heaaingtr WiSHIStUTOX. 13 Finnan A dro i 14 F W Zimmerman WINDHAM. . 14 Graves An appeal will be held at the Coort H =* \! Boroogfe of Tunihantkek o Satoriay J- K I la 6?, tor all who may feel arrievel t>v sa'J l fr meot 36w4 JAMES M KEll^ TEACHCRS' EXAMINATION- Teacbers' exa atnatioos will be beii ** At Scbooi Hooae in th* Tillage vJ Mfab'.l?*^ or day, May 2d. ! At Mehoopaoy on Tuesday May S:b. At ToakhaooocA on Weitesiay. May bib. At PieroeTille ca Thursday. May Tib _ _ 1 At Falia, in Scboel House near White 1 ."• Friday, May Stk. At North more! and on Monday, May 11th. Exercises will commence at 10 o'clock •* school Irirectors are lerjoestW to be prss* 01 , t Applicants for examinaiioa will eof oitk * r material. . , J. B KHOBfc. Ce, W ' I April tMh. latm -***