Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, April 29, 1868, Image 4
fsm fiatton \ futrimi. Mm'mm i. an met ft-ut-*.- * ava M inni II ■! M- -to laapartaaE me a * *n Mr exjwrowvn nope a [U mw t-*{ %f jiwreak 'vc our tmbtrr rZZFDFG itfat r*DZE E2J3TE Ttit .Iff L.-nyurt.'i Fcrtarr NJ> Mary t •ETKIM .'Jt* WItMl V. f/X bwt *t* VJ 13* jwi ur on&isg ts J* wfci ? tu brae ai! Ms fumed it iLe a ' rfw t '-M b*T. jwukeS * -dtp: "t Tic umv •t< vf kerp-Df it dvwa * t ? i*U ' UMri*,Mfrt *-i* mas' twm xrtt w stune*. Ti* * we-y f *: lorf tf ze'j.h nf * 'muz. fr the benw* : but w'n. ii*-. jt d'-we if lis la.'3 i: i Hie* -t nr. fC base a"-c rii. j ha iHtee-i mjmt -A lira as* a tik a! ilw • fw'-tm J m meal u> m-jOHt tc lire ut. L' U-it ICBMI exposed far p-jpt cj* tut jr sxm -A ftuvhc M p ace uiS M . t •> j>*st ri;i '.Mig re t>- tre: if i*. rt. ii .-.kz . ti.* catiiti'A 1M wt k*r tweerwaa * *it. an! tx rendered taihrej uit far tk '-*&>*. riaee "-• iW. uC rwt fi% jr. We tx*Tt tun tk u, eew 'j it u ibe ssmav: ?*. a bad beer tun ts the suae.: ger fccL Ii *xa sc.a /jm tie far fr tt is; * bsrrs. ti a.t* pick w r i firMgreeeb-e '.mai wptm aa. just u a [somcks if ?*- Avt <1 rjs jf s tbe ryrvg ie eary * -jammer - Jt w-: sacs as ■tgwemwat ear cctsage, t rt beiiw a htt wtmjrie arc w a: io>a as at tfitc" '? t'wtwt </ rfiudloH. I: wm c cc.i tc tie I.ra HvatM'-i*: bye z* t' * _t.zrtf-y.t onu Lrest Castas s trat SiASe "Mut a blitstr '/ act b-jard ac t-J ba.~t. b*s w - &)'.'*• **%*- **-*&> '■'■ ;* k| crrvuga tct bead of tie lantt 'i esse.— Os tie taj si tie fairer, abssS f-er aeacs f?-jm tat t{ co tffsa.4 a.tiei fa: er :*c Lraeea r.ti matter i ore* Tit i/rtee* tt'Aud be av/.t * z -ucrc-t -var arc tn re*. a^aan f ra*a *ur> at i ere cjfer ere. Tat* C'JUt, yemt ice fai.vwer ty.-t tee rreat sata i: 4 ie-cw tic kiae, tree j-rew lie toy ti lit eraut ararat ere a.it aid tie tp ctt *r... (aceirui tie ie* tf tie tarr*-'. t-;- -<£ a a fee re* it tie <>f aee}/ rg r.ea. crier ir.ae. If roe facet recr&er tasted, t w.c t :at awtj tial tat; tv a. is tie carrel." top LMaeoro spaisrG CROPS Tie practice wi;*i La* aeea tinted tr arac erf 'rar best fara.tr* vf tjy *ag a 'of' d.tsalag to arbcat tad St It t ire og Lat bees at esded w I act't ttaried aid frat f/ g retc.i* tia: :t it to be rtraor- It esMaaadad. TLa i* etyzcH j tie (ta ■ reo tbeae ercjs. fir as/ parueular carte • do act ♦rtbtot a Tf oroo* or iealtbj aaoe. Irvricg acct. a .our at tbat tbrccgL wb*ci we bare;mi yutuii si le Wieai aai graet bt been to a tr.i'irave ti'.tsl protected i/j tie aiiow ; iber do ao', tL; epno? rare tbat lirftj look wi ci tice dea r-rg go-sd Lear/ erupt alwaj* !la to aee- A Uop i:ea rg of tioroago / rotted aaoiri ;o aodi oaaet it alwaj* adrmetagt/w. bat is rtew of tieee diffieali>ea afetoiait opoa lie proearirg of a ej&ee&rj of tils Materia], we togge*: tie i**oe of aer of the ataadwo tsptr pboapbatea, tier rT -go nearer all eate tav*t adaiiraWr foT tiu purpoae. Siiccriao a Cow. —It is aoaaetimea tie eaae tiat tee beti jsdge* win re 6eie red A cow of werj proscltiog appear*'c* ; c-jare in tie ntca, Urge aai aeeord or :L rJ rale mi* aark geoerai'jl will now and ther. tarn ori to be fin: rate, wb:ie aaoU.tr. with tieac mark* Urge!/ fiat ;ti lire Lead aid oeck aid prom.*iig ererT wj, wal prore ana'iWac.ory. Hut a fa: are ia tfc t rare. Let tbe Lead be igbt, tie fore bead broad, tbe born ratbtr tbsa and dear, tbe eje oear and proiDicei, tbe oeck this and tbe fore quarter* raiber J'gbt, tbe bac a.rargL'. tie bad quarter* well dereioped. wide orer tbe loic*, tbe tie ud der coming forward aid well abaped.tbe ak : o aoft to tbe toocb, tbe teeth weil aet. not too large nor 100 amail. tbe tail long and Ibis. Lke a wb'p Utu. Such a cow ought to be a good one. Sawdust ii eaij for cattle to rt cpou lt absorb* a large portion of tbe liqa-.d*. and aerre* to keep she eattie clean, and therefore, ia a beaitbj and tbnftj state ; and thm is of so imail conaiderat'oa All animal* thrive according to the degree of beaitb and comfort which tbej et.joy, a* well as the amount and quality of food giren IT.em An ox well fed. but ezpoaed to *eterr eold an! storms, would be likely to gain only half a* nuchas he wo'd if properly sheltered. So if he were so sit. uated a* to be obliged to stand all the time, he wo'd become so uncomfvrtable a* not to gain more tbao half a* fast as be would if he eoold lie dowD, when inclined to do so, upon a bed of dry sawdust or litter. Hoatz RADISH. —We see long, detailed ac count* printed a* to the way of cu'tira'jr g Horse Radish, which poaea great facility in teaching people how to raise if. This vegetable is cultivated with tin: greatest p>* tible eaae. Dig np a bed. full spade deep, ia a rather low, moiet place ; manure bean'y a* for any other garden cmp. S ice a radtth from tbe crown—2 or 3 inches d<to. each of course with a piece of tbe crown, however acnail , and plant two inches below the sur face, urul il vill come. For family use a bed ten feet square will furnish enough al! the time for a generation.witbout further trouble for replanting. Corn soaked in very strong lye made of wood aahte, is said to be an infallible remedy for kidoey worms in bogs. Sslt and brun etooe is a preventive, and, indeed, the only one known. Comfortable quarters and good food are of really more imp* risr,ce in the toe eemful satn*ge<r<er.t of hog* than many are unci<wwJ K>, suppose, and abould never on any vsrr.t'. U ueg.leC.wJ. Jji_ liTI 4 WE=TDJ £ 1 Wtiter irrispMßt ?-#. TlAOf UiTl. wzrrvsii J liTvoi >taee*pr* Ma.! fj. rt-wmmgtr Imn Zrmz. TZtZZvSI Tn.i T-" A * J It Trv Trt* IS? J> Rmayje. —2K> . i- w Mbmii nn zls liii 'orivrt 14. 11!: ISf -1 ■> 1 X I ,J * '. BB IwViwi-- 1.25 I' .ns. llf Xi'Ci ucut\ !if f K 13 '■"eierlska lUi I.H H-'vansif J*-* 15! Ail 14 Z-'A Escrrtri;i j* ::>? 2 fir*. ::.r 1 ftiiratm 11 •? 2" 4 SyvMaMaro' I! fa i.ii J- *' 2i" lianang .• -2*l iJJe*S i {L.kJu IX . f-iawr.v - F X :: tisio (jl-lv. I * ..4. 4 1" C.tri icu-3..: i -- si ll s.: Aicsg*-*. y-■ it: .2 i-Zl 'imneeyr.Jm :!4 51. 1. 42 541 ell 4^2 lZ.'Jr {... Siq>vx*.t* (S JtsaenM € W 2I .or lei >rw X-Jiri. T-2? 211 226 7.us orta: F X- FX- AX FX fsstia lose uc l.yr—• §i COfTEmoyk-Weftvarl. Tie X' Lvrw-V Ttiiy frtm .** T-t eia --•> a: X '. >7554 CH". >£ w a i* *.n.i .* is>t >i .k, ;i e ilrn sew Irv - a: ? * m. si: t: jFIA7 iLSI at *ot :*.- tft X* l** i :-i : E_-i I— w7 v.A eeyaag -A- auhiC r..;--. if *i aX Mc pirn ;A. rs'.ai vi • st: r.w. U.i a~ 'if: I a£a>. A: 1.5 A a us! u: etA --e-AST s* : p' s a Tii ."'u)n.c— '-s r *nrne-r A*. .--vs.: Let: w i lirvsyri *_-A,d r* if n aui tfce - . i I*4 L ea t— -i- a: htfir. A: .. .'I II *- sit *1 it.si.i sis A: -if? a. Ess! war A. Tie X . 2.57X1 TLA 15 ,'r-e. C-r-ui temimom- Ha tbec- v '.i 'At ?s ha- Liif-cj ■.* vie £rw it*, .wxt '- E ;at 'Am A: Xu.su* Ctu e.'A iii : !'.-* - v i A-it pi t itr.-i 7-twwt AS.; .i --u-At:vt cu.' ai- i i£ .1 Fi *st yt mmi % V. ? a AAC AS e fxAJAjc.i wIA A --A i 1 je i-At Vja htii.tsta A tts.vx ht*: ir as: HHT> :s't t" 'lie A: Ha—.s-irj *• ? e. Al SCLi>MS. Mmeu-.44 it si 4 - '.rs. it i- it T iiras—srr a uu: 2.:>va.i- ire La - nmt as! s Ist > s-t ii: Hi a Cms-m. Gt '* L. twii I -lit I AO.** U *•- .:*a rpais Art j rais-e •t* i A Gee ?r 4 Tir. AptiS jelSrJ For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. EISSHAXTGS F'.-'/I-. si Lerer 4 0* a Mti aSAAt EI? Ai! CALF OWEGO BOOTS. Lev. ami ZASTEB3' L/y.-T5 A fall atoek'of Ladies* SHW. La moral. Po .-h Lo of G ovs Kid and G .at. A'.ao, Button Gaiter*. OZSTz CSI/ELSUIR7S AS L LRAfZR?.. G£5E BCCKSEIS GLOVKc aid X;nE55. Gf.lr' Kfl Gf/. VE" L >ti Cti ued Air! Far-I ued, Tor Sale at Motts tOHSEP. "TOHE, }wa<scM>Hicc.ik FURNITURE AJVD CABINET WARE. STANSBI'KY, HISS 4 CO., \SfOCSCI tbe josJir tilt the Fvmitvre R/e'sa.t fvnw : t rep! tej it-- mrj 4 Har fire vies remvred to tbe Kmt i.g X !e< D. L PECK HAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SOU ARE. .ui whoa, a pertsertb:? tt* :<ees I ■ rued, wutrt br mrtiEzz tbeaweyer of (AeAta ji*er with tprA ed aAtitetry sbey sre prepared to furues tTerr tuißg ia tbeir line, from parlor TO A. MOP IIANIOrjB, At the foevrest Uvin? Prlet#, I.'.ADERTAKISG :tebded to A: Ibe •hortest oot-s* L'phbUtering and Rpalrln; done to order. jfTAXsBIBr, HAS- A CO. TssUMMtk, ManA IS I^GS.-tf. 1 ."Of All or nn be M'elU a t-4 J. W. Kaoai* 7 sikbaßMck, I'ecu a. *ni ' g a ■ ocbtr deaiera, tbe Gt'r V p\" £jcu>* sttui 5n r fl_ / j i Li*:£*t Tim Uni- iH-ii- G r. aeus rtaud* wanTAltod. *d ir 'te hen cmort poweifaS L.u.aaeut trt- ..ffered to tie frei lit. fvr a-aii or ho-toe. It hat beet um*l for is ACT u.n ,o Eaglatd. br tie ieadici rarriert. til 'her hare had tbe neatee*. Acreeaf witi it m! aov lUuiseut ever ased lor tbe care of boner Tl/e who hare boraes that are cweeaied or l*e, hate rwtiied jeimtt. fpraisi, bruitei old aorer. Hero rata, collar gzilt. <pc . rboaid trjr tbir Ucisoeit aid toey will he eocrinced that it is ruperi>r to all other kw.ee preparation*. If it ooer not pn good ratiffaetioa, reiuro the bottle half foil and jowr money will he refonded Fat ep in rrreoient form and to'.l by ail irrog giti and Storekeeperr at by ter.tr a beate. If/O t fail to call lor the 'Jrcit Enrlith Svuney Liniivent. D. G. GAP.EY. M'dilrlaen, V V Feb. 15. IrOr-tf. THE jihaling POOL, A£> HOLffi OF MCBCT. Howard Aenoria'ion Reports for l'Ot'XO MEN on tbe 'TIME UF SOLITLIiJE, and the fcH KOK.- ABIcES a d wbKb detr,y the ic power*, and create lwipediiseota to MAP." P.IAGE. with ra'e n,earof relief, cent in sealed letter, eoielope., free of ehartw Addrea Irr J. SKILLEN IIOL'GUTOE, Howard Aaa>ciatioß : Pbilideiphia. Pa. 5044-lyear TO CONS I'M PTIVHS. ~ Tbe V.ky. EIIVAKD A W"IL.-GJ> iU read 'free of charge, to all who derate it. the pceerriptiun with me direction! ,or making and w.ng the eiaspie rem edy by which be was cored of a mng a Sect ran aad diseaae Cocfstnntion Ilia only object if to beaeGl the afflicted and he by per every awffierwr will try thx preacriptioti, aa it will ,oet them nothing anl may prove a blescing Pierre aad-ert REV. EDWARD A WILSOX, St. I€s South second St., WiiUatarbarg Nrw York , ?nffTy- F IRMLRS AND MFcHANfc? 7 Take Xotiee. STBFACE PLAilJGkbd AI -.Tc HING. CmCTLAE aai SCROLL Sl*!ss. AIL L!.Vl>= if A THINE LT trpmr m r -'-ei n PLOWS. CriTIVA TOBS. HOBSE-EOES. BOLLE22S, * s d SCRlFflk? 42 iAxi :r to crder. Pixi hand C ana a atomy t ru r. x:l_zi a irm rV r A GREAT VICTORY!! :c: • F9RT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN ASD TH£ * F.dhdj of Man Driven to the Wail:: THI >'l-27E £IL£ OF TH3 Lie x liT FILL EL TO oTmn/rXTJ<> w:ri TlAr nrrzz i-vrx. XZ±L 7 EEL M-PLIA-E eTiOFS. CZZASE. i> .ll jiw All Xrr!el A;ip ee Air. Jt Oine! aij Ioi rtutie* F: am. CC— as* L*jnt Irn-tu C.-Aif F:p rirSitt Cai!> F>iAise Coiipt *Ci r?*. sa: 1 - A; St-gur* Ftck Lac!. Lit er ifr I'rfft - rs. 11! Mia- Ore-jrrt by let ;*nt jaL '.l '.v iiATT* I X*-**.* rr '*r. ter- II IF .* TW -OR GLOCEJTLEI an! FEOVigXvi . Tit Sosci. t*e lit 0,1 ?s.rr t i i; f: r M IweybM trf A . witissg A C.ai / Law iiewwa at I remC '.-jejert A tm>. Yjm 1 Ait* Cl,** ia! a Cej TF H.-S COCW £r daet < r a iai uf frwK FeutML W4 STED. toUr Guae CL,tket. Lack? an! Geete A: A., i-ne? for wt.il -sua win be pu.i ■ dt !.re*7. *' 'be rtry ieg-jt* ni'ir. -A t* CA."' an! fee f * re aw it marlnawd SI: tbe {■ A-e v. tnjr vsr Grvuer.tt J it 'At Old For! ve sue amieweet i,nti uf T-.f A as! Lr.if* *IWJ, TcmsAtwc* Fa B. X STOSE. JT'.T 5 25s"—t7a14i£ AY. W tA> c y A SI/ * TRIMMING STORE T.-cga Street, 7 tituxs i. Pa MUS. p; I.hASK. HA VIS t t*w ? ear y Sb-.aa of >n ii.t ii HMti; 1.4 w ujtr.xtt; of TRIMMTNG, Iree Wsita Gtoia EaknMemi LadA* Zept<t -Li. SSMWI. E-iGeuree CBSI Mid Coil air Lt* Vi!i. CVTKOi lii.tsSe tt ct ber. ■j i7<if Cw \'te£ii tai Tund cf the bee: .a..', and > -trry SvtMtt of ertry unttj a up atotk of TOTS, InelstCsg Chios. Pt tier Mathe Tit, T.-jm wood. G.aee, Itr/r Hantei, Pr.aa: ath Cax.3* jTeyi Ladies. Cmtkt( .Swtii p-.atie*. Oil* Eaad-.'.'sa Uxc of yoati it! Palate £/.sg Lilly Wkit* 4? MLS. £. LEASE Tnkktu/Kt Xt; 1, t?66 Insurance Agenfjr. DAS IEL WRIGHT is SEP HEW At 'I unkhammock, I'<i, At Attest for the foiWwiag tad ail other reapesrl be loaoraam Coßpaaie* : N Amercee, Philadelptli Aweli •1.752 257. La-r;T-.*e • 272.304 Manhattan New Tork " I 052 !2? S Americas " 735 057. LoriUard. 1 " 1 4 JO 540. ' Cora Eictaage. " " 601,1f55 Irart Is* Cc— T'irk, '* 5S CSfc j Lycos.jag Maoey. '* 2.8M.W0 D'.w, >'e V-irk " 3.M5 KS- Hartford, Hartford. •' 1.75fe,153. Pbtesix, " 1,103 457 ' Trareierr • • 741.237- Hartford Lire siock. " 17Sir29. Home. Se Hares, " 1 435.451 Csc.oer.aad Valley, " 506.W0 N. Ecglaad Mutual, - S/Mt OM. Property i.A all kind* will be toure>3 at the tor. reawcat.e rate* ic any of the shore eotpanie* 1> t t( u, it*arera by Fire, aendeti or theft, prvsulJ adjaatsd aad pa.l DANIEL WEIGHT A NEPHEW, EAEIR PA I>WM W. Y*H ~w! %t. OTBOIII 4 BROWNS Fire. Life. Aecldebt. and Lire Stock GENERALINS CHANCE AGENCa I JL.i7S.-jr, Pa. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER $30,000,000. H-.tte 1n*..C0., N T.Xapiu 1 end Surf-la* •4/tk.' 0W la*. Co. erf N. America. PLiie. " w 2.W0,000 Totersatsooa! lot Co-, N. Y. " ' 1 500.00© Hartford Fire It*. Co . Hartford Ct. " 2,000,000 Potsaas " u u 700,000 Ect*rj.riae " Cincinnati 0.-' 1,00Q,0W Glens Fa'lr " Gles'f Fall*, S. Y., " 400 W0 Lycot-cg Co. Mutual Money. Pa, IjWO 000 Farmer*' Mutual, York, " 700.000 Cc*!e'Ticc7 MCTCAL Lire Irecaarcs Coararr. of Hartford, Ct. Capital - 116,000,000 ; Note* rertired ia paytsert of oee-kalf the premiuic. oc *bith *ij j* r cent iotereet taiy i* charged, atd th- aoU it serer to he pai l under *L ci'.anar*ace—at death or cua-anty tbe poliey will be paid is 1 mil aod jtreo ap. Trare'enr Ids CO. of Hanf.rd Ct. Capital am aorp d* - 70U.00C Hartford Lit* Stock Is. Co., Hartl rd Ct- Capital aod tarpla*, - . iOO VA) Isrsraace to ail kind* of Lire Stock agaioet theft j aod death fiom aoy caoaa All BofioeM emrotted to oar ear* will be atuoded to on fair term* and ail Lewee yrmfAij aojonod l'(f ty£re let door Eaet Irom BacktDg Oftre of W H. Cooper A Co., Tarapike St., Mootroee p STOr© A BROWN. Agent*. M. C SrTTON, Ei , Frieadrrille. Pa, Solieitoi CHAS H. SMITH. Moatroae, Pa., 1 r7 024 - tf. NOTICE. THE fabacriber bariog enterad ifito a partnaaar ip for a cootiatiaaee of trade ith other partiee, ootiSe* tboee hariog maeuN-i aoeooata arth him to f arrange them without delay. D BILLINGS , Task, Mkrtt r, rwt Jariittan %V Brg Goois BOSS, MILLS ,5 CO, Omar TVga ant Vmrrgt sues*,. i t TLNKHANNOCK, PENN'A. Hardware, IRON, STEEL * RAILS. Pfciutfc, Oils, Gk. Putty, Yu nisbes, Tarpeutiae, Bgwrin*. N*il &:. Building Hardware, Me'.Lats- T:*oi*. Wyjdea Ware. Brashe* of aL ki&ds. Cutlery. SboTtlz, Serves, L<%=. T. Laaterrj. Oil Cloth, Rods, R'L*ef. ais-o Hatchets, wrenches A::. EAISZS* X*E£?r HARDWARE Batklea. Japisaed B&ekk. S rer ;!*:< B;u* of tvery £c„ iimei. Iroo Pad Tret*. Said'e Trtei. Gig Tree*. GinL WtL. worsted *'-d Cotton, TLread. Silk Awl*, ari Beedra, Halter Chain, CLSIck io Ac. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW arid PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. re-Wall* and Hand-Bakes at wholesale and retail. Ail of which Lave been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE and expressly fct this riarket. and all they a-k is an examination of the grxJds to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. LOSS. TIJLLS A Co. Tlix. Pa. May 2i'±i ISC7. NOW OPENED. ■ r ▲ B. MOTT. THE CORNER STOPE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED EI HENRY STARK. IRT TUN XHANNOCK, 9A. I A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A SEW STOCK A SEW STUCK : SPRING AND SLMMFE GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING ASH SIMMER GOODS SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS ... - atiog of CCZsifUlif 'jt ec of K of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRV GOODS DEI GOODS ! DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRK-S goods DRESS GOODS I GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS - PAINTS AND OILS "PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING kt.. Ac , Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac, Ac., Ac.. Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ia large quant; lie* en>l at redact j price*. A. B. MOTT. ** i Mart* Vk-M* Found. IN MEHOOPANY, PENN'A. STOVES AND TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HAVING lately opened • Store and Tin Stem in the abort named place, we art prepared to fat silk at the loweit piewble pncee Cooking a&d Per lor Store, of lb* beet pattern* for both wood and eoai; Tin, Sheet Imo. (Upper and Brae* Ware of all deeeriptioM, Laotero*. Sad I root Rnatoeled Kettle* and Stew Pan*. Lead Pipe, Coal Hod* Hollow Ware, ' Store Polib, and all article* u*oaiij found in a fiiet-elea* Tic wore. RAVE GUTTERS and Coodaetor* pat ep en abort ' notice U the beat pcaeible meaner I REPAIRING of *ll kind*, web a* Kerooene Lamp*, Umbrella*. Ac , Ac., neatly and pronrpcij ex ecuted. HIGH pr.ee* paid fer Old Copper, Brae* Lead and Rag* Gire a* a tail i _ WHITE A Kl*T*l*. i 1 iwiiipmi ft* i ; rwm ■ Brags .V DirUiriiifs. \ THE EAGLE Drug Store TrSKHAS>'OCK. NEW FILM. LYMAN 1- WELLS. Dr. Lrm-an rempmrsSmxy uammmmm ten be tmt . sM*a Dr E H. Wei* at a peesear ate DRUG BUSINESS, tv -"T "JtfJ wiT OMBSBB * tWT •A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. Ix teir Dne k tttwi ttead of J W i_r*.u A Go. i St ¥? aM nuiiftn.** A-urao, -I u w a>v ux WELL SELECTED AN! RELIABLE rTICK adapted to tfcie me-nr at: mrr*B*g tiie a'm t' *8 w>- oestrt MEDIHNES. PERFUMERY PAINTS. DYKI SCFF-. Ac if- Ac_ At rater m L<w a* cut jres"b> t a&wAeC. 5. S —Afl prvfeiemal taut prtnepu, SBCadwi prwer- -u-ctu..j jcepirsi. a: a— "ert ir '.te af ttt Dicson. J w LTJLii X. L E 3. WELL! X- D riaJSr^ DR. RHOADS £P'_G AND §TOPX. Ttrt .arrcr; a&i S&ok euttltu D-m? Store -X TINKHANNOCK. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW 1* THE TIME TO BL V I or: rwte.red ani f:-r Sale a rjteedid jtaek :* ! |lcto (!?oo^s, st:*a I PAINTS, VARNISHES. * DTE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF ALL I) E S C K-1 P T I 0 N S. Pocket Books, | Hair Tonics, | HAIP. DYE STERLING'S AX BEOSIA, TOOIH DROPS, EAIB OILS, POMADES A PER FUICEE IRS, FASCT NOTIONS COSIECIIOSEET, STATIONERIES TOBACCO. H 'VAN A CIGARS. (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPOETEItS, SHOUL DER BRACES. TRUSSES Ac., Ar, A-. All t&e Pt-fHiiar PATENT MEDICINES of the la.r And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FI7?.?T CLKSS DRUG ST QBE PHTSICIANS' PRESRCIPTIONS efilly c n-prsjiei at all i> nrs of. and Dec's hrgtt to emll at DP.. RHOADS' DRUG STORE. r€oL?'f Tankhacnock.Pa. i UJLW Jewelry Store!! P. G. BURNS & BPiO. PJAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGS " STOCK OF JEWELRY of the later; rfjle*. GOLD RINGS, 15 Caret* Ine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gent* 1 Ma*>ni- and Scarf Pin*. I Sleere and Collar BoUon*. Ae., Ac. So.U and Plated Silver Spoon*. Ftrk*, Napkin Ring*. Emit Knire*, Cake, Pie and Butter Knire# ; Ceaten. Cake and Card Basket*, Butter Diabe*, !S agar Bow'u, Spoon Holier*, Fttu, Spoena, Knt-PScka, Ac, Ac. • From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silrer Plated Ware Co. ° Alao, CLOCKS and WATCHES tof the lateet American and European Manufacture ▼ Thtohk.nHM any ©arbtoarr, innmHHiTfrco; 1 I Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS WARREN STREET. IUNKHANNOCK, PA. Eaffig i-af 1 7ft- a* a, F.zJtiry aei ti K-i:re3 ear eirV-.-nur iitae bet tie rK ue BXiJeerxTtieiC me titjw.ia vt, tie-be* a_i t-'£ s* 'hair not . ak t ou nor. jat-Bti iy try tB.. 17 tx-tfa: ..xi.a_:'. t, a-aay 'T* MILL GEARINGS ixaie at* f->: rr tc *i:fl D-t.:e *-t aa:vrritf til ti a. t; a.. !iei PLOWS, CULTIVATORS LZ.i Lit*: Yihl ht IsMCiti'A I STOVES OF A:L KINDS, Tin. Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. LAMTS, LEAT>. J'ITES, Jtc., Jrc. i>it r bi-i: tr ft.--*ai it erier. C D. GEARIIART. 3c GO, Trnkbairr .:'| A;"l. b !*7 Hardware and Iron. BUNT BROTHERS. SOW OFFER FOIT SALE I BOX STEEL. XAILS AND SPIKES. MINE BAIL. RAILROAD SPIKES. ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HOPNE -HOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS WROUGHT IRON, * BIiLDEfiS HAEBIAIE. CARPEN TER.S" TOOLS. (ALL WARRANTED.) HrBS, SPOKES FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES,CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES. SPRING STEEL. BOTTS. NCTS WASH EES BELTING. PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER 7 4>ARIS. CEMENT, HAIR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS.*' .Ac., ALSO KASH, DOOR* AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED TO ORDER LEATH Eli AED FINDINGS FAI/*BAK'S SALES. K.atr.B. a.rcE 25. 1=63. *ln33 WM, MACK & SON tike f!eaare in infcnning tbe public thai they hare hpeoed their Carriage Manufactory IX TUNKUANNOCK, And are ready to fill ORDERS. NONE BUT Flrst-CJass Mechanics EMPLOYED ' REPAIRING i d-ne promptly aod well. wk*Bwli MantlO WBOif o . -A VGl*'s K rrs Mr ir* *a*t vow rtm Ry±J taut ScmZ -j-% Zjm&ovbl. F-'.m. iMT-f £tj, * rv~-M>n iS j t*rt. Kf~-w 2 '*• Kat sm~2* IJHMII T ll f iM." - J.T. • „ t- - . ins tr-r-rr ftS vv M*ss Vjsr-s %k-' <f m ®t s< Mt**f " iarjir *M -, , ft A* Uae Ik "MT 1 '- '-* V" *•— • ft* £ ItfSflßV HUT OtluCl' * Zrrv'-TZJ SlaSChw, F'i.e'S'ti.. <-r T> •jen &=r- u.i u" < ts* Sea. ?i* few- /.* >""tsaMa. /*<*",- *- I any ui n* taay it j i m: "Or y---- i T ii? a-J v<ti.rti ~m£ T-m **"•!* tV** n ~zw* b rute -/"I If Vzr -,"•< vn_ uti aa tiS.-tar aT n. "■ '"*■. V..c 2r .- -.-• *i.: *• * *~* ejs- mat ** fr - ' 1 '-• i_'U(S iitc -i# lises wf far mo* *wcrs-i. • frm In, kit** L. I-mol. *■ msZ mmi mum "x"| " aiaKf '-. - i'ai ' - . * *■ * y tigvr**>- m* w#--~f fcr l " -ir sr a-at . kTV'WJt* ayiytll. t ery ti-v. X >•"; • m-r - •* Skf * '.~rt i'jcr tit, . in rtoek W>l evnct*-f- r aei fctr." frvm Gkg&M '■ *■* '"* •' --- f~ '7 7-n-wm Ctoff Wh— # a • V'omM :i. - .7 • T txai - rri - xrr- t —wf knv a *w rr- -.<*c<f jr* tac_ r. _dts-xrsf a; ami e-aoa. at laW env Eir.r-t<" T—• ; •"*-* •" —fvuriut wr_jt vf tar i *£•*-* m~* wm ki i n>- wr *-sa.-iK acy r—" >nr.' t aa*c *w . r. *i rux I: aarao!'' uafjr *- ■?• *■ r • ' 'i'. & s ac le a saar aac at irw w*%.t ta t^w * sts iKtpta. 'A \m xatua - r,->* a-; -.,. Crs-ft ceil ■*■ *■-! a V>: t a it. : an. an 'lj- t -i.- JC 1 i;-ar *t I 3gg* wra. _at r.i.38 a Ai-ir-* ,a-• zk> jttr tin-?i.nr. t ' — — lis y—m. Try. )£ ~*ara •"*. r <* ?Vt - I-t_ A* vt I mB !a- I* li ■, i it.'ia. ti —■ <C-/SS.ai J j■•• tt '*.. m 5. - .-- j;—.- i tat i srr jjms a:-*- -t—< et trur* of J (Ufttamc wrzi s. 51 4t>—tt t•? y •- aai* * r ib : ? , srtr_* -"* !** *a tae ;finiai i t* we. a> it af * **•■•*. J. T JiMtMrx. Ejk . Vs.. "mm. Its'. •Far .'<• < 1 wssiear F. — oe ttr rtrsc arai.. csw viwct itaa I sraat tne - J1 v>. lssa- C~-.! ' a . • L-r.t is 1 Jkri/ ta-. Tir t ' w-t a* aat i-iti : earn >nsf. rjaimt ne uat C:rm r-* jryays-z liizr s* tm u.t=: ir aata." - I fr iai y* J9i '~ - t* y ifTw7 > A r*- C tara. aEI atitor :* *a; it—. A- 7 HgBtUET Uf-y :•■'a rtr-t Be. ;in ii: *a *- at: a u si' firrae 3 1 peter w esse EX>-*. 1. r>- w: < tt -f ■* -•'"■■ - *■ iUfl • * t_xi TtMt" _t f~-m yi-m E'mry JT-i-t. * " if C. M"_ c "-•■ ■/ Mjati- lax ■im'il'ifli /t-at isree B-t aorr ? JKIAa hit far- _T, fo- r-w~* • ••' x-*i at>t ?t"- A -Mt :'W .-.i a -x _ 6s. "-• —• r'i Eoas _ Sir=r, Ssaii Head. s=n yVaaa Thi"**] sacacieT. fei * / 111 - >k- :<k(T aia/ic rap" 'ear# rf ap l ■u rrrtal fc* ae ra TV? ni<rT a>- . :.l_ t <*t- : iA * tw at: a - • r :.-i e'x in t*' Kit "T " k - - x-t .r - ats x a t*u- x_ } e lit-. - T ~—r if fci. • : _ *s in. iritrf vxlkd . ;ix.~33 ■f —t I:r ®S—* .1 ♦ * rxxfv-j-S r_* i . >C.T *-C art UrtSfc Ir* at lad. Vx' uiext It- rx- V- ;. . - —"." r . * * • "- * Ki--ny t*< tm.i itetr - - t* kt i. 7* Ira- t le.-ti p 'tcf f •_* : i-x--. —::—• - tti. qz-.yjig 1•- -■ •-■ ■-. .I- t- ; i c_- T > airrSrsae ".. ;* a. at laa: t li. i J"R "mTT I - kLu *f 1* *l * JL * IT* - I.l—f til :• -• : - '- ::• - * ' -*•!*:-* " - ' rCTVr -. ■ " rT. sc-i >- i;v iK-:iy ut li~r Jr na lO* - :* y - I—s 57^1—i T< "-- K?r?mk > &r*Jfc *•- Ao*— *n - ; 1. . ; 1 : i - ffd-1.3! ion - rrsfim rf JjM £:_ sir- •*£&: din.*i ri.43: ii' x ; i-rvt :• 7*. - - -r— 1 Jlij 1l J tit JjjtT L. t*- ** isae? " i J. Jf !•- 0 ' ."^XTlfri yißi. S> Cjr 7, MTU* Zm ?u. ~ • I*,, —• . <r:. -Jt 3Pj i _T ! nr*"* 5 . > jti _l_a r •^' r i.r > : 11: ; - .'-n-a * > 1— - tui n • -iri t* •* "..-I wtrrt tav i * tjtjS : - : .it *4- v v.. - -- • - ; 1- ' fa-. .■■- * v - :. t>. 1. r - 1 .•* 1' C *"*" flf ■■ - -.' > _ .T" r iii. r* ; II - - • - Mb H- * * *>r*2r.i; T 'ili. t* CilL -. - -" . t— .ra : ' - e- • ' r 1. r AtH ;. v 7r ax. a* !e ifosd Ei "* trrxc—■tst ft-: ,-t. - ttt.i tic*, £'. A VMS arferai feset If',ll ■ rx.r-. ktta. Ws-uti. Tftfceti. Br- r ta-—. - -r.'-wr-t T it:-- "V e..- • : -r—r ,-• iH "—1 tki • if * it. -A-.in::u.i jciarr rr,^-. Ix-W-X —r. :e * •:. -.- - - X.a_ •-. ttax Ba—'ti x;*~ a.r*ta.-: irl uOu BPtan. . -8- Aa :> —. - '<a|r 'at frs-i.-ij"-=—l:- •;' . ." - -ri .W t - I *• r- 'noxi tKirx .M? c_. at mr"-: livntn e Mt i~" atkaci 1-ttta—a. I®. 9 . F -; f . -x. —*.atj. TT- -r-Li" I.- -■ ■ t-i ;■- .7 : -:-r*r -3 rtr- ■ '••■-■-•< 3.: x. kit* v a. ai Cat are irw tin £ win .:* -t— :x- jt r> -a v-: :_■>_ t- xrrr- * : A ~3 . ft-" "£T. n-2 r? ci t rV w■" Vae 'xr rcfv. T —l -a * Mt daitar Ml btmV hare km cui' t ft a ™.T of-iiiiim.' irs- - Cn-f: '-? :* .. .:-, x f ; tr sae- ra::; i " K v .-ff A::<TT,. G-cnt. Itrrr Coenpiifr.:. ry- X. AcAWi Xreus_£A. V-; . ST ■' : !3 tlx Tlrtt sjT rx;i:y C&r-- -;■ ■_- £n.^t£x'.rtßUA AYERS rATHAIITIC PILLS - ... .x . :;.rv i "triijv# Of-r thr 0' .' rtT-*' c-t :"5 thtr risrk -c i.ni ibtir scptm r nm - ut< to Utirnnii. 1 tr. wn. tin * t nteti r.t k 1; -rv ii-u J-- a*-.art li* jr-nc it.c-ir .:T .t - .nrr: t f it tefi ii t-ffr : > •. , ; f ,T tit V JTtl'i I*.- -n t. ii.l a3! flial tin T iiift <f('f 4m. }Y- . iirj. C- AYES. M. D.. t Ixf*t-ii. Mi-i.. ar--J Kiki by F ■■*'■ iTFattae'". k Cashitrre r i Ifi!' i .f. Itri.iiat.D-k ?:r 'a 1 Ktfiacjes f-i A- tr fcfc-e_ft...e Frei- I>sai A Fartarrrn t srti a.a iTagf jij iti Ifevaiij .1 ti.- eia. eTerjabere. ~\757~ anted $-5000 IN GOLD, IN GOBM 55531 SoOOO Worih of W n E : .T. BYE. COFJT, aci OAT>, it ei-.biape for 3DPIV &OODS, HATS ik l GHGGES ITS; Flour & Feed. 3leal Jk. Oiau PORK and FISH, SALT, GREEN" *d-J DRIED FRUIT, BrTTER. EGGS, CHEESE s=! L.AKD, A'obaeeo, WOOD, WILLOW. TIX, STOXE aol UAKD WARE. OILS, COAL, large *ni amall r.jef. vbirh I offer for a!e cbeip lor Cait. or prr- iore takeo ia ex-bar j. at the o!j f'ani. forwer'jr oecup ieJ by Wbeix>cc oa Bridge Straet. D BILLING?. Tucliraßsrek Pa Drr 3, !3?7-T7 e le if