Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, April 29, 1868, Image 1

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    G VRVEY SICKLER, Publisher.
ppming Sfinocrat.
\ ptmoeratie weekly
. - levoted to Poll ■ ;
an***, the Arts
~,1 Sciences Ac. Pub- "
,-,a every Wednes-
Term* —1 copy 1 year, (in advance ) 82,00; if
jat paid within six months, #2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar
ittragusre paid; unless at the option of publisher.
One square one or three iusertious SI ,50
Jvery subsequ- nt insertion less than 8 50
ADVERTISING, as mav he agreed upon,
PATENT MEDICINES and *>tbor advertisements oy
the column :
Ou# column, 1 ycjr, BGO
Half column, J year-.. 35
Third column, 1 year, •••25
Fourth column, 1 year, 20
Itiisincss Cards of one square or less, per year
:tb paper, S3. .
F Y- EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with
rat Advertisement —15 ets. per line. Liberal terms
avJe with permanent advertisers .
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 82,50 ,
03ITUAKIES,- exceeding ten I in- s, each ; REI.I I
SlOt'S and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general \
iterest, one half tne regular rates.
must be handed in bv Tces
c.r NOON, to insure insertion the same week.
ifaß kinds neatly executed and nt prices to suit ,
re "tuts.
WOUK must be paid for, when ordered
Business Sol ices.
I it.w ELrrfiiß ATTORNEYS AT
l\ LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannoek Pa
11. Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
vJOfh'eat the Court liuuse, iu Tunkhauock
W; icing C*. Pa.
\\ 6. eiu Stark's Brick Block Tioga St , Tunk
is l.i • R AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa
E-pe-.ial uttentiou given to settlement ot dece
itc.'j estates
N chulson, Pa. Dec 5, 13(]7 —rtnlOyl
J. will aiteid prvinptiy to all calls in his pri>-
FC'iuo. May be found at his Office at the Drug
suae, A- at his residence on Putin in Sreet, formerly
scrupled oy A. k. BECKHAM Esq.
JL' 'v V f- 2r
- v VVf
-* Y
DR. I. T. BUPiNS has permanently located in
fankhannock Borough, and reepectfully tenders
KT profecsional services to its citizens.
• •■e on second floor, formerly oeeu[iei by Dr.
• itasn.
71 y )>'. HCGE'/t, Artist.
los-i over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's
Sack Block,
Life—ize Portraits painted from Amh'otypcs or
Fht graphs—Photographs Painted in Oil Colors
All order? for painting* executed according to or
•tr.nr no charge made.
tr In stru tions given in Drawing. Sketching,
P trait an t Landscape Painting, in Oil or water
C .r. and io all branches of the art,
Tank , July 31, 'g7 -vgnso-tf.
II AltltlSltjLJTttl, PEN NA.
The having lately purchased the
" I'.n:iILER lIOI'SE " property, has already rrm
--tnen-e 1 sa-.-h alterations and improvements as will
rvjer this old and popular House equal, if not supe
r r. to any Hotel in the City of Ilarrisburg.
A continuance of the public patronage is refpeet
fi..y solicited.
Till- establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in the latest style Every attention
I! k.; .'-ven to the comfort and convenience ot those
•to patronize the House.
T. B. WALL, Owner an l Proprietor ;
Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861.
Mm. 11. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r
HiVISG resumed the proprietorship of the above
Motel, the undersigned will spare no efforts
trader the house an agreeable place ot sojourn to
•'i who may favor it with their custom.
3rd. 1563
Late oft.. B Btt*!WAßt> Hocsr, Elmika, N.Y.
The MEANS HOTEL, i- one of the LARGEST
'sl ARRANGED Houses in the country —lt
? Sited up in the most modern and unproved style
*sl no pains are spared to make it a pleasantand
'Sreeable stopping p(ace for all,
THE Copartnership heretofore existing betweea
Jacob Ball and Charles E McVicar, tn the
business, is this day dissolved by tnu
,Dl consent.
The business will be carried on at the old stand
b J Jacob Bell. JACOB BELL
Wsrwa 3 1, lS6d-34wS
§etritlv's Column.
Spring Trade for '6B
Will open on or about the Ist of May,
C. Detriclx,
Proposes to establish himself permanently
in trade at this place, at the Brick
store house in Sam'l Stark's Block,
where by fair dealing and fair
prices he expects to merit and
receive the public patronage.
Attention is called to the following in
Dry Goods :
FISH of all kind*,
AC., AC.,
Hats and Caps.
Boots Sf Shoes,
This branch of btlSine3 male h speciality. A lot of
in great variety.
Ail kinds ol Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
The above articles will be kept in full aswjrtment.
I mean to make the experiment of goods sold in
quantites cheaper than ever before in this vicinity,
I shall be happy to see you, end you can depend np-
I on finding bargains In every department- Goods re
j ceived every week.
1 Respectfully yours,
a I>J3TX7Ci:.
The following is the bill passed by the
Radicals of the Pennslyvania Legislature —
der gag of the previous question —with
Thorn's amendment, which applies only to
Philadelphia. The amendment empowers
the Philadelpb u aldermen to appoint a
board of canvassers in each election divis
"ion to make a rcgi>try of voters. It is
of great importance that all the provisions
of this bill for obstructing poor men in
voting should be thoroughly understood.
A further supplement to the act relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth.
SECTION 1. it enacted , That
from and the passage of this act it
I shall be the duty of the several assessors
j within this Commonwealth, on rcceiv
' ing their transcripts from the county com
mi-sioners, proceed to make out a list in
alphabetical order of the white freemen
above twenty-one years of age who they
shall know, or who shall make claim to
said assessors to he qualified voters within
their respective townships, boroughs, wards
or other election districts, and opposite
said name state whether the said freeman
is or is not a housekeeper, and, if he is,
the number of Ins residence, in towns
where the same are numbered, with the
street, alley, or couit in which situated,
and if in a town where there are no nuin
-1 bers, the name of the street, alley, or coint
jon which said house fronts; also, the oc
! cupation of the party, and, where ho is
I not a housekeeper, the occupation, place
of hoarding, and with whom ; and, it work
ing for another, the name of the employer;
and write opposite the said name the word
"voter;" and, when said party claims to
vote by reason of naturalization, he shall
exhibit his certificate thereof to the asses
sor, unless he shall have voted in the town
ship, borough, ward, or district, at five
preceding general elections ; and on ex
hibition of the certificate, the name shall
be maikcd with the letter N; where the
party has merely declared his intention to
become a citizen and designs to be natu
ralized before the n< xt election the name
shall he marked I) 1; where the claim is
to vote by reason of being between the
ages of twenty-one and twenty two, as
provided by law, the word 41 age ' shall he
entered, and if the party lias moved into
j the election district to reside since the la*t
j general election, the letter U shall be
placed opposite the name : and in all of
j the cases enumerated a tax shall forth
with be assessed against the person. And
in order to carry this law into effect fir the
pre>ei.t year it shall be the duty of the
commissioners of the respective counties
of this Commonwealth within sixty days
j after the passage of this act, to cause al
j (diabetica! lists of the persons returned by
j the assessors as having beer, assessed in
| the several districts for the present year,
i to le made out and placed in the hands of
; the respective assessors, whose duty it
I shall be, on or before the fiist of Septem
ber, to ascertain the qualifications ot tlie
persons so named and their claims to vote
before mentioned and performed, in re
gard to such persons, all of the duties en
joined-by this act, and furnish said list to
the commissioners and election- board, as
hereinafter directed ; Provided, That the
names of all persons who wctfc duly reg
istered and permitted to vote at the
preceding general election in October, shall
without further proof or application, be
placed on the list or registry directed to
be prepared for the election in November,
but they and all others shall be subject to
challenge ami their right to vote be pass
ed on as prescribed by the fourth section
of this act.
SEC. 2. On the list being completed
and assessments made as aforesaid, the
same shall forthwith be returned to the
county commissioners, who shall cause du
plicate copies of said lists, with the obser
vations and explanations required to be
noted as aforesaid, to be made out as soon
as [(radical and placed in the bands of
the assessor, who shall, prior to the first
of August next ensuing said assessments,
put one copy thereof on the door of the
house where the election of the respective
district is required to be held, and retain
the other in his possession for the inspec
tion, free of charge, of any person, resi
dent within the said election district who
shall desire to see the same, and it shall
he the duty of saiJ asssessor to add, from
time to time, on the personal application
of any one claiming the right to vote, the
name of such claimant, and mark oppo
site the name " C V, " and immediately
assess him with a lax. On the tenth day
preceding the general election in October
next thereafter, it shall be the duty of the
assessor to produce the list in his posses
ion to the inspectors and judges of the
election of the proper district at a meet
ing to be held by them as hereinafter di
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the
inspector? and judge of the election, to
gether with tho assessor, to attend at the
place of holding the general elections for
the respective election districts on Satur-
tenth day next preceding the sec
ond Tuesday in October, and on the other
days hereinafter mentioned, and continue
in open session at said place, from nine
o'clock A. M. till six o'clock P. M. of said
day, to hear proof of the right of the re
spective persons to vote whose names are
contained in the assessor's list, as before
mentioned, or who shall apply to them to
have their names registered ; and all per
sons who have not previously voted in the
election district shall make due proof, in
the manner now prescribed by the elec
tion laws, of their right to vote in said
44 To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Bight. "
district, and like proof shall be made in all
cases by those applying for registry whose
names are not enrolled by the assessor
;ind marked " voter ;" and it shall then be
the duty of the assessor, forthwith, to as
sess said person with a tax as required by
law, on the proof being made to the satis
faction of the election bourd, if not already
assessed. On the list of the voters in the
said district being completed, it shall be
the duty of the election officers aforesaid to
cause duplicate copies thereof to be made
out. forthwith, in alphabetical order, one
of which shall be placed on the door of or
on the house where the elections are to be
held, and the other retained by the judge
of the election, who shall hold the same j
subject to the inspection of any citizen of
said district until the day of the general
election, and produce tlie same thcieat;
Provided, That the officers hereinbefore '
named, when they shall deem it advisable,
may meet for the purpose named in this
section one or more days not exceeding
four, prior to the tenth day next preceding
any general or Presidential election, of
which meeting, and its purposes they shall i
give due public notice by written or print- !
ed handbills, posted in at least six of the j
most public places in their respective wards i
in cities, boroughs, wards in boroughs, or j
townships : And provided further that !
where any ward in a city, borough, or
ward in a borough, or township having
but one assessor, is divided into two or j
more precincts or districts, the judge and j
inspectors of such election districts or pre
cincts, in each ward in a city, borough,
ward in a borough, or township, respec- j
tivoly, shall meet at the usual place of j
holding the election in the precinct poll- j
ing the largest number of votes at the last
preceding election in their resp<ctive wards,
boroughs, or townships, and shall give due
public notice as hereinbefore provided, of
the time and place of their meeting, and
in all cases where any ward in a city, bor
ough, ward in a borough, or township, is
so divided in'o two or more election dis
tricts, it shall he the duty of the assessor
to ase?s each voter in the election district
to which he belongs, and to furnish sepir- J
ate duplicate lists to the election officers in !
each fiction districts. It shall he the j
further duty of the said inspectors, judges |
and assr ssor, in each ward, borough, and j
township, to meet again, at the place fixed i
on by the third sCction of this act, on the !
Thursday next preceding any general elcc j
tion, between the hours of nine and ten
A. M. and remain in session until six p. M., j
for the purpose of hearing and determin- i
ing any claims that may be presented to !
them by any person or persons claiming to
be entitled to vote, and whose name or I
nam en have not been entered on t lie regis- '
try of the ehction district in which he or I
they claim to be entitled to vote. Each
person so claiming to he entitled to vote i
therein, >hall produce at least one qualified '
voter of the district as a witness to the j
residence of the claimant in the district j
in which he claims to he a voter f>r the
period of at'eat ten da;.s next preceding!
the geueial election then next ensuing, *
which witness shall take and subscribe an j
affidavit to the facts stated by him, which ;
affidavit shall define clearly where the jes- j
idence is of the person so claiming to be a j
voter, and the p i son so chiming the |
right to be registered shall also take and j
subscribe an affidavit stating whore and
when he was born ; that he is a citizen of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of
the United States ; and, if a natural zed
citizen, shall al>o state when, where, and
by what court he was naturalized; and he
shall also present his certificate of natural
ization for examination, unless he has been
a voter in said election district for five
years then next preceding; that he has re
sided in this Commonwealth one year, or,
if formerly a citizen therein, and has mov- !
ed therefrom, that he has resided therein !
six months next preceding the gent-ral j
election then next following; that he has i
not moved into the district for the pur— j
pose of voting therein ; that he has paid !
a State or county tax within two years,
which was assessed at least ten days be
fore the election for which he proposes to
! be registered, and that he. was prevented
, trom registering his name nt the first meet
j ing for that purpose as directed by this
; act. The said affidavit shall also state
i when and where the tax claimed to he
j paid bv the affiant was assessed and when
j where, and to whom paid, and the tax re
i ceipt thereof, shall he produced for exami-
I nation, unless the affiant shall make oath
| that it has been lost or destroyed, that he
| never received any receipt: Provided,
That if the person so claiming the right
ito vote, shall take and subscribe an affi
j davit that he is a citizen of the United
I States ; that he is, at the time of taking the
affidavit, or will be on or before the day of
the next election ensuing, between the ages
of twenty one and twenty-two ; that he
has resided in the Slate one year, and in
the election district ten days next pre
ceding such election ; he shall ha entitled
to be registered as a voter, although he
shall not have paid taxes. The said affi
davits of all persons making such claims,
and the affidavit of the witnesses to their
residence, shall be preserved by the said
board until the day of the election, and
shall, at the close thereof, be placed in the
ballot-box, along with the papers now re
quired by law to be preserved therein. —
If said board shall find that the applicant
or applicants possesses all the legal quali
fications of voters, the name or names
shall he added to the list alphabetically,
with Ike effects as if done ten days be
fore the election, and they shall forthwith
be placed with the other names at the foot
1 of the list on the door or house of the
1 place of election, and as each person whose
1 name it enrolled, votes at said election, one
of the clerks thereof shall mark on or op
posite to the name 44 vote ", and it shall
not be lawful for the officers of the elcc
j tion to receive the vote of any person
j whose name was not contained in said
registry, made out and put up least eight
' days before the election, as aforesaid, or
!in the registry made on the Thursday
next preceding the election, and the recep
! tion of the vote of any person not so regis
tered shall constitute a misdemeanor in
; the election officers so receiving it, and on
1 conviction thereof, the election officers go
offending shall be subject to fine or im
prisonment, or both, at the discretion of the
I SEC. 4. It shall be lawful for any quali
fied citizen of the district, notwithstanding
the name of the proposed voter is con
tained in the registry, arid the right to vote
has b en passed upon by the election board,
to challenge the vote of such person.wbera
upon the same proof of the right of suf- i
frage as is now required by law shall be"
publicly made and again acted on by the
election board, and the vote admitted or
rejected according to the evidence. Ev- j
ery person claiming to be a naturalized
citizen shall be required to produce hisnat- j
uralization certificate at the election before
voting, as require ! by existing laws, ex- j
copt where his case comes within the fifth 1
provision of the sixty fourth section of the j
act of one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-nine, to which this is a supplement, j
although the same may have been exhibit- j
ed to the election board before the registry; •
and, on the vote of such person being re- !
ceived, it shall bo the duty of the election j
officers to cause it to be distinctly written
thereon the word " voted," with the month ,
and vcar, and if any election officers at the |
same or any other district shall receive a i
second vote on the same day by virtue of!
uoh certificate, they and the person who j
shall offer such second vote, upon sooffen
ding, shall he guilty of a high misdemean
or, and, on conviction thereof, be fined and ,
imprisoned at the discretion of the court. '
Provided, said fine shall not exceed one |
hundred dollars and the impri-onment j
shall not exceed one year, and like punish- j
meat shall he inflicted on the officers of
the election who shall neglect or refuse to
make, or cause to be made, the endorse
ment required as aforesaid on said natural
ization certificate.
SEC. 5. On the close of the polls the j
registry list, on which the memorandum of ;
the voting has been kept as before direct- I
ed, shall he Sealed up with and preserved j
in the same manner now required t>y law j
as to tlm tally papers, and not taken out j
until after the next meeting of the Legisla
ture, unless required on the hearing of a
contested election or for the purpose of be
ing used at the election of Presidential
electors, or preparatory thereto, as herein- j
after provided, after which it shall again be :
sealed up and carefully preserved as be- •
foie directed.
SEC. 0. Ten days preceding every elec
tion for electors of President hnd \ ice-
President of the United States, it shall be
the duty of the election board and the
proper a-sessor to meet at the place of
holding the general election in the district
fot the same length of time and in the
man tier directed in the third section of this |
act, and then and there hear all applica- I
tioiis of persons whose names have been j
omitted from the registry and who claim I
the right to vote, or whose rights have j
originated since the same was made out, !
and add thereto the names of such per
sons as shall show that they are entitled to
the right of suffrage in such district, on
the personal application of the claimant
only, and, if the person shall not have been
previously assessed, it shall be the duty of
the assessor forthwith to assess him with
the proper tax. After completing the list,
a copv thereof shall he placed on the door
of or on the house where the election is to
he held, at least eight days prior to hold
ing the same, when the same course shall
be pursued in every particular in regard
to receiving or rejecting the votes, marking
the same on the registry list, endorsing the
; naturalization papers with the proper month
and vear, preserving the paper, and all
other things as are required by this act at
the general elections in October.
SEC. 1. At every special election direct- j
ed bv law, and at every separate city,ward,
borough, or township election, the registry
required to be kept as aforesaid, may be
used by the proper officers as evidence of j
the persons entitled to vote thereat, and
j said officers shall require all persons whose
j names are not on the registry, whether
I challenged or not, to show that they pos
: sr-ss the right of suffrage at said election ;
| but nothing herein contained shall make
the want of said registry conclusive against
the right of the person to vote at such
election, but the same shall he judged of
and decided as 111 other cases.
SEC. 8. Before entering on the duties of
their offices under this act, the respective
assessors and inspectors and judges of the
elections shall take an oath, before some
competent authority, in addition to the
oaths now required by law, 44 to perform
the several duties enjoined by this act with
fidelity, and according to the requirements
thereof in every particular, to the best of
their ability." They shall each have the
power to administer oaths to every person
claiming the right to be assessed or en
rolled or the right of suffrage, or in regard
to any other matter or thing required to
be done or inquired into by said oflicets
under this act, and any wilful false swear
i ing by any person in relation to any mat
ter or thing concerning which tliey shall be
j lawlully interrogated by any of said officers
I under this act, shall he punished as perju
! ry. Said assessors, inspectors, and judges
shall each receive the same compensation
• for the time necessarily spent in performing
the duties hereby enjoined, as is provided
by law for the performance of their other
duties, to be paid by the county commis
sioners as in other cases, with a proper al
i lowance to be judged of by the said com
missioners for the expense of making the
list of registries hereby required to be
I made out; and it shall not be lawful for
any assessor to assess a tax against any
i person whatever within ten days next pre
ceding the election to be held on the sec
ond Tuesday in October, in any year; or
within ten days next before any election
for electors of President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States, and any viola- i
tion of this provision shall be a misdeinean-1
■ or, and subjecting the officer so offending !
to a fine, on conviction, of not less than
ten nor exceeding one hundred dollars, or j
to imprisonment not exceeding three i
months, or both, at the discretion of the j
court. .
! SEC. 9. On the petition of five or more
citizens of the county, stating under oatli
that they verily believe that frauds will be
practiced at the election about to be held
in any district, it shall be the duty of the
court of common pleas of said county, if'
in session, or if not, a judge thereof in va~ I
cation, to appoint two persons, judicious, !
sober and intelligent citizens of tho county
to act as overseers at said election. Said !
persons shall be selected from different!
political parties, where the inspectors be
long to different parties, and where both of
said inspectors belong to the same political
party, both of the overseers shall be taken
frout the opposite political party. Said
overseers shall have tiie right to be pres
ent with the officers of the election during
the whole time the same is held, the votes
counted, and returns made out and signed
by the election officers ; to keep a list of
the voters, if they see proper ; to challenge
any person offering to vote and interrogate
him and his witnesses under oath in regard
to the right of suffrage at said election ;
to examine his papers produced ; and the
officers of said election are required to af
ford to said overseers, so selected and ap
pointed. every convenience and facility for !
the discharge of their duty, and if said of- j
fleers shall refuse to permit said overseers i
to be present and perform theit duty as j
r,foresaid,or they shall be driven away from
the polls by violence or intimidation, all
the votes polled at such election district
shall be rejected by any tribunal trying a
contest under said election.
SEC. 10. If any prothonotary, clerk, or
the deputy of either, or any other person
shall affix the seal of office to any natural
ization paper and give out the same in
blank, whereby it may be fraudulently
used, or furnish a naturalization certificate
to any person who shall not have been du
ly examined and sworn in open court, in
presence of some of the judges thereof ac
cording to the act of Congress, he shall be
guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or if any
person shall fraudulently use any such cer
tificate of naturalization, knowing that it
was fraudulently used, and shall vote or
attempt to vote thereon, he shali be guilty
of a high misdemeanor, and either or any
of the persons, their aiders or abettors,
guilty of either of the misdemeanors afore
said, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum
not exceeding one thousand dollars, and
imprisoned in the proper penitentiary for a
period not exceeding three years.
SEC, 11. Any assessor, election officer,
or person appointed as an overseer, who
shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty
en joined by this act,without reasonable le
gal cause, shall be subject to a penalty of
one hundred dollars ; and if any assessor
or election officer shall enroll any person
as a voter whom he shall know is not qual
ified, or refuse to enroll any one whom he
shall know is qualified, he shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor in office, and, on con
viction, be punished by fine and imprison
ment, aud also be subject to an action for
damages by the party agrieved ; and if
any person shall lraudulentlylter, add to,
deface, or destroy any registry of voters,
made out as directed by this act, or tear
down or remove the same from the place
where it has been fixed by or under the
direction of tho election officers, with like
fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for
any improper purpose, the person offend
ing shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor
and, on conviction, shall be punished by
a fine not exceeding five hundred dollar*,
and imprisonment not exceeding two years.
SEC. 12. That for all elections hereafter
holdcn under this act, the polls shall be open
ed between the hours of six and seven o'-
clock A. M., and be closed'at six o'clock p. M.
None of the foregoing provisions of this act
' shall apply to the city of Philadelphia, hut
J the aldermen for the respective wards of
said city shall constitute a board for tho ap
pointment of canvassers of election in said
city. The said beard shall meet on the first
Monday of June of each year, at a place to be
provided for them by the councils of said
city, (and it is hereby made the duty of the
select and common councils of said city to
provide the same,) and at said meeting or
ganize said board by electing one of their
number president, and they shall also elect
a clerk and a messenger. The said board
i may adjourn their meeting from time to time,
jas their business may require. It shall be
! the duty of the said board, on or before the
: fiest Monday of August in each and every
j every year, to appoint three reputable citi
zens for each election division of said city,all
of whotn shall not be of tho saftie political
party and who shall de residents of the ward
i of which the said division for which they are
| appointed is a part, to be canvassets of elec
tion of said election division, and the clerk of
the said board shall forthwith notify the said
canvassers of their appointment, aud any va-
TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance.
NO. 38.
cancy occuring in tbe said canvassers shall be
filled by appointment by the beard of alder
SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the said
canvassers or a majority of them to meet at
the fegular places for holding elections in
their respective election divisions at tei? O'H
clock in the forenoon of the first Monday in
September, of each year, and proceed upon
that and the two days next ensuing, to make
out ah alphabetical list of all such persons aa
as they shall know to be qualified electors,
who have voted at any preceding general
election therein, and shall state opposite said
names whether said elector is or is not a
housekeeper, and if he be, the number of bis
residence and also his occupation, and wbero
he is not a housekeeper, his occupation, place
of boarding, ar.d with whom. Said list?,
when completed, shall be signed by the said
canvassers, or a majority of them, who 6ball
take and subscribe an oath or affirmation be*
before an alderman of said city, that said list
is a true list of the voters in the said election
division who have theretofore voted in said
election division, so far as the sameare known
to them ; and said canvassers shall theD pre
pare three copies of said list, one of which
shall be left with the city commissioner, one
with the board of aldermen, and the other
they shall retain. The city commissioners
immediately on the receipt of the same shall
cause to be printed and posted, at least in ten
places in each election division, a copy of the
said list with the oaths of the canvassers ap
pended thereto, together with a notice that
the board of canvassers will meet at the place
of holding ihe general election in said divis
ion on the twelfth day immediately preceding
the.day of genera! election and for two days
then ensuing, for the purpose of revising, cor
recting, adding to, subtracting from, and com
pleting the list.
SEC, 14. It shall bo tho duty of tho said
canvassers of each division or a majority of
them, to meet at the place for holding the
genera! election in said division on the 12ih
day immediately preceding the day of gen
eral election, and for two days next ensuing,
and they ?hall then and there proceed to re
vise said list, and correct the same by strik
ing from it the came of any person whom
they shall l.now or receive Satisfactory proof
of being deceased, or who shall have removed
from said election division, and by adding
thereto the CatnS, residence, and occupation
of any person who shall to their satisfaction
in conformity wiih the provisions of this act,
prove himself to be a qualified elector of said
election divison, and for this purpose the said
canvassers shall teinifin in session from ten
o'clock in the forenoon until seven o'clock in
the afternoon of each of said days. Each
person so claiming to be entitled to vote
therein, shall produce at least one qualified
voter of the said division, as a witness of the
residence of said claimant in said division, for
the period of at least ten days next preceding
the general election then next ensuing, which
witness shall take and subscribe an affidavit
to the fact stated by him, which affidavit
shall define clearly the residence of the per
son so claiming to be a voter ; and the'per
son so claiming the right to bo registered,
shall also take and subscribe an affidavit,
stating where and when he was born, that
he is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, and of the United States ; and if a
naturalized citizen, he shall also state when,
where, and by what court he was naturalized
and also present his certificate of naturaliza
tion for examination, unless he has been a
voter in said election division for five years
then next preceding the general election next
ensuing ; that he has resided in this Com-*
monwealth one yean or if formerely a citi
zen therein and has removed therefrom, that
he has resided therein six months preceding
the gtneral election then next following ;
that he has not moved into the division for
tho purpose of voting therein ; and that be
has not been registered as a voter elsewhere.
Which said affidavits, both of the claimant
and his witness, shall be preserved by tho
SEC. 15, Immediately upon the completion
of said lists of voters by revision, correction,
and addition thereto, the canvassers shal 1
make four copies of the same, one of which
they shall retain ; one of which copies they
shall deposit with the said board of elder
men, together with the written affidavits of
the claimant and their witnesses, taken as
hereinbefore provided ; one of which copies
they shall furnish to the assessors of tho
ward, who thereupon shall immediately as
sess a tax. according to law, upon every per
son whose name is contained in said list, and
deliver the same immediately to the city
commissioners, who shall cnTise a sufficient
number of copies to be printed foi the use of
the receiver of taxe, and one of which copies
they shall deliver to the inspectors and judg
es of election of the proper election division
on the morning of the general election,before
i the opening of the polls at said election ; and
| the only evidence that such person has rcsid
'■ ed in such election division for ten days next
1 preceding such election shall be the fact that
i his name is found thereon, as hereinbefore
■ . '
provided, and the reception of the Tote of
any person not so provided shall constitute a
! misdemeanor in the election officers so re
! ceiving it, and on conviction thereof the elec
tion officers so offending shall be subject to a
( fine not exceeding three hundred dollars,and
j imprisonment not exceedmg one year at the
I discretion of the court. And as each person
' whose name is enrolled, vqfes at said election