Jfatm Satbfii &Bitclint. or Farmers, and Agricultural men generally are requested to contribute to this Department,as it la from their experience that we hope to gain eonie lac of interest for our readers. POOR ECONOMY —It i poor economy to let your stone heaps lay in the field year after year, and mow around them. My method ia to pick my rocks in piles in the spring after harrowing in my grain and sowing my grass seed, which I think should not he harrowed in, only bushed or rolled. Stones can be picked much cleaner and cheaper then than at any other time. I haul them off in the fall after taking off '.he grain, if the ground is not too wet; if ao,any time after it freezes. Any farmer can find time to clear off hi* fields and fit them for a mowing machine Clear out all the fait rocks and fill up the holes. See to it yourself and don't trust it to the boys : once well done is twice done. It is poor economy to drive your cattle to your neighbors or the spring to water, week after week, because your pump has failed.— By so doing you not only trouble your neigh bor but you loose money every ttmo you take your cattle from the yard. If your pump is old and worn out, get a new one at once. I find the Mosa pump to be the cheap-, eat and best pump now in use. It is poor ecouomy to bitch colts in the barn floor, where they are liable to get hung with the halter : poor economy to keep more hogs than you can well feed and poor aeon* omy to feed meadow hay and straw to aheap, or barely to horses. It is poor economy to gat in debt for sny thiog you do nut need, or borrow with no prospect of being able to pay. —Maine Farm er. MAKING MANLRE An immense amount of fertilizing material might be atcored on a farm, by (imply making ue of the well known absorbent property of clay, by which we mean any tarib which is not muft sand. Hauled into the yard, and mixed with other manure, it is worth at least one-third as much as the same bulk of the pure article. fiecently we came across the following paragraph in an exchange from the pen of John Johnson, of New York, who is amongst the most successful farmers of the l*ni..n,and who well shows the value of the practice we recommend. He says : "I am drawing swamp muck two and one half miles ; put a good deal in my yards be fore I put in my sheep and cattle, and spread straw over it. I have a basin in the lower part of one jard, thai I put thirty l< ads in ; the remainder I am putting to where tie liquids run out of one yard. I expect to get in all 150 loads, and large ones ; I get a large loads as I wish to draw fur 36 cent-, dug out ready to load. I mix my sheep and cattle dung with the muck. When I sell my sheep in April or Ist of May 1 expect to have 450 loads of the very best of manure to put on my land next August or September. I shall keep drawing muck a- long as the roads are good. When I send two teams I generally get eight loads a day. AGRICCLTCRAI. ITEMS. —Too many barns ara deficient in windows. Money invested in needed tools pays a high per cent. The more comfortable you keep your an imals the more they will thrive. A good cow is a valuable machine ; the more food she properly digests the greater the profit. A few roots, daily, to all stock, are as welcome as apples to boys and girls. Iron shoes on sleds last a life time. They are really cheaper in the end than wooden ones. All animals are fond of sunshine. Let them bask in it if possible. Replace the bars where you often pass,buy strong gates, and then wonder why you did'nt do so before. A borrowed tool, if broken, should be promptly replaced by a new one. A nice sense of honor in such matters is much to be commended. It seems strangs that housekeepers don't buy pails and tubs wiib brass hd ashes to wallow in. It will pay to fill a large b x with ashes and place it under shelter, where tha fowls can use it at pleasure. It is a plea-are to them,as is manifest by the eager ness with which they avail themselves of this means of purification. •'Bridget," said a unsiiess to her Irish servant, "where's the gridiron ?" "An' sure main, l'sejust after giving it to my sister's own cousin, Bridget O'Flaherty ; the thing is so full of holes it's no good si all." JCX* P*y up what U 0. ULsrrllaiuous. LACK 4 WESTERNR B. Winter Arrangement— 1367-8. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WEITWIRD I BASTWABD. Pesrenger Mail Rrail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train. Traiu. A M. P. M. 9.C0 New York'* 5,50 11.30 New Hampton, 2.30 1149 Washington, 2.15 12.03 Oxford, 2.01 12.15 Bridgeville, 1.50 12.30 Manunk Chunk, 1.40 P. M. Dine. 100 Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 110 P M 1;25 Water Gap, 12.61' 1.40 Htrondsburg, It-36 151 Sprageeville 12.24 3.02 Henry rule, 12 14 2 20 Oakland. 11.66 2 39 Forks, 11.37 3.00 Tobylnnna, 11.17 3.14 Gouldsboro', 10,04 3,36 Moscow. 10.40 3.47 Dunning, 10 30 4 20Ar ) C L 10 00 A M. > SCRAJITOS. < P M 10.10 4-35Le S C Ar.9.50 6,25 10.40 4-57 Clark's Summit, 9.28 5.55 10 53 5.05 Abington, 920 5.40 11.13 5.21 Factoryville, 904 5.21 11.43 541 Nicholson, 840 435 12.09 6.03 Ilopbottom, 8.23 4.10 12 39 625 Montrose. 800 340 1.09 646 New Milford, 7-29 3.10 1.35 705 Great Bead, 7.20 245 P.M. PM. AM P.M 'Station foot of Liberty St COM * ECTIONH— Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nect" at MANCNKA CHUNK with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 9 00 a. ui. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a a, aud at Sala manca at 5 50 a. m The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Ben I with through trains going west nn Sf MMFR GOODS Sl'KiN" AND >' .MMEK GOODS SPRING AND >1 MMEK D.tODS SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting ot consisting ot DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS OOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS IIATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING &c„ Ac , Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., /be., Ac., Ac., In Urge quantities and at reduced prices. Twnh til f| ifctn A B. MOTT. prugs & fhbicinib THE E A O L E Store TUNKHANNOCK. LYMAHMVELLS. Dr Lyman respectfully aDaounces that he has taken Dr. E H. Wells as a partner in the DRUG BUSINESS, anil that they will continue to keep A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J. W. Lyman A Co,, on Tioga St. We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYKT SUFFS, fcc fssiomil -all" prompth attended. Prescription# csretully peepefod, at all times, l.y one of the D .ctors. J W. LYMAN, M. D E, 11. WELLS, M. D v60396m. DR. RHOADS AND 'lhu largest and uiosr cowplel*? lArug Store to TUN KII AN NOCK. j NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO BUY ! I Just reoL-ired and for Sale a splendid Stock of fleto (!?oote, a including DBCCS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF AI.L DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Mail* Tonics, HAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMIiBOSI A, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, TOMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, COXFECT I ON E R Y, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER. BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac , Ac., A>. 1 PATENT MIO!C(NES .1 li e d V Ami in fact every imajjir, libit* article j . • belonging to a FIRST CLkSS DRUG STOKE PHYSICIANS' I'RKSRCIPriONS efully compounded at all hours of; and night. Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. *6n37tf. Tjnkhannoek.Pa. j\ra3\7c- Jewelry Store ! ! P. C. BURNS & BUG. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets Tnt. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac. Solid and Plated Stiver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Foiks, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac , Ac. From ROGERS A BRO 'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS an7 —vO:i3Stf. Hardware and Iron. a UN T 13 RO T II ER S . xow OFFKK ro?i B\LE ISDN, STBKL NAILS AND SPIRES Mf X 1 RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BEJ.UT.V • i I UN A ("!.\VE\ UOIt>E -nr. HAM. AiEI.LD IIOIiSE NAILS WROUGHT IKON. HUMS' HARDWARE CARPEN TERS* TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HOBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES,CARRIAGESPRINOS. AXLES PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PI,ASTER ' PARIS, CEMENT. HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. A- . Ac., AI.SU SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND EX ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTI'UED 1 O ORDER LEA Til EH A Nl> El NJJINGE FAI/f I3AK\S SALES. <%tna ..lurch 25. 1953 vln33 WM. MACK & SON lake pi en euro in informing the public thai th®y hive opened their Carriage Manufactory IN TUN KUAN NOCK, I And are ready to £ll ORDERS. j NONE Bt'T First-Class Meeliauics EMPLOYED. REPAIRING done promptly and well. Tunkhanno?k, March 10, 1968tf. INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY., it 1835. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, FREEA RED BY l'R. C. M. JACKSON, PHU.4bII.IMU, fa. The pr tale it knnue retncdiei for liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of tbe Kidceji, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, iud *ll Diseases nrltlnff from a Dl|> ordered Mver, Mlomaeh, or iMrcrtrTr or Tinr it roan. Jfend the ft Ho j-mo 'tnd if pent find :K*i four aytWn isnf*cfe*l ' y any < f them, yvu may it* assured thut dis'is* ha* > mtnenred Mt attack *ni the I***l important < -tut of yarr nnd irnl**e C htchxL by Die at* of f ,w rful remedies. 9 miserable Ifc. S'Ftn in *ieith, will be the mull. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Pilea, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity ol the Stomach, Nausea. Heart burn, Digust lor Food, fulness or Weight in the B;oinaeh. Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fintuir.oir at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Dying Post ure. Din nesa ot Vision, Do' or Webs belore the Might, D.ill Pain ih the Head, Deti ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin anil Eyes, Pa:n in the Side. Back, Cheat. Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heai, Burning in the Fl?h. Constant Imaginings of Ecil, and Oreat Depreaaiuu of Spirits. AU Vie. I'd. i.V il; i<* ofthe /. rrr or IhgttUwt Oryane, cmnoiutd ir * . impure blood. £}oo3;im)'s ofrma:t iiiuers ii-caiin ly vej;*-! aJle, lid contains no llijtior. 2 in a< oiiip'xiitd of Kiuld Kx lrnet. The K.mU, Herba, ml Ihrki from tviiirh liifft eximrti ore mafic ore t ftered in Gfrmany. All the medicinal virine* rf Ai'.rnrted from tiiriii by n ■rifniiflr chemist* These exlrmcli are Hien forvrarited to thii counJry to be used espre*e.!y tmr the BinnafaflDrr of the*e Millers. There In HO alcoholic übalance of any kind nerd In coinjiouncting t lie Ciller*, lienre il is lh only Biflern that ena be u>ed in cur where ah-uholic itim aituif are nos advisable* l}jouP:it)''3 ©cruiiia (Tcnic i* a c-rnb-'astinra of all t l ' iu.jre *>< r*i- diet T' PMIIIOIt fltTrr *1 t n any irt'-er* adcritsed far 'he care ■ f t*.e (tivavf a amed, these being*.-. o . "ir prefer '.'im* < f medvtrud eitri t'. ahfe the ere art ■ re d n*tf rwm in ssmu f' -'m. The T 'MR' ud" iUniiy on* • f tbe nt"£ pleas Hst sad : - . • ffered t tA§ pulf He Itttie. ft* esufme ! •■ ■ pimswre to take U, Wtih I'A i f*-lt •''/, e t ' • "-g. "•'* r*i*ol oil q iah'e.i *to • r-Jtused ti ,be S .he grtuUil of all f ,r (lit ur of ( wcr rrun dhi* Eilmnc einarla ion, debility, ai;d < are Ihr muit! altciiflMHl* upon eveie riifg of dypf>ep>a or t(: Renins and iu\igorUttf DEBILITY. T ve a no Pie-lic* i o • '• German >T ; oir in . t /#, . t >j. TUey import e tone .tU'i rt . u i'l* ic't J r .<•/ ,Vm. *' 'Ujlhnt <>:* >lf>- ffiitr, c.i is* tin ct'j- /#*•' ' to* fimtri. erutffe TV s -n ito 'hfjl J. f i l j the yrr a g- i t vmnd. '■/ ' >jr - . '}> /♦ t'if H - tinge fr-'7i the ty unp e ' tt b'n ",i t■ 'he chr*k \ nr* I change tt.e jot 'ti' /rent -i tVu.'-bi/i' enutci-i!ed f wck, at- n rroui in t> a f'.Ji-f i ced, stunt, and tiger* out person. V/aak and Delicate Children •re nuirit troii& by ininy the Hitlers *r lonic. Co tact, they are fraiaily They can be Mlhiir.re4 wit li perfect M.friy to n cnlld three atoat •>r* old. :he moat delicate Rmt!, or a man of Mlnety. T'nte Remedies nre t\* best Hlood 1 Mirl fit*r* ever lvur.cn, and will cure all distaste rcsi-'imp bed htrtd. K"j- v ttr blood pure; keep your J.irrr m order; k**p y- itr d.jesUre. #• ■ -is in ci heal', y tin. htj tie of iit'te t trt'i - ice, and tinease will ever assail you. Ladies ufi nUii a fair akin aadl focol completion, free from a )rllow >li ti ffffe nd the hlnod pure, will rcsnll In epark ling eyes and blooming cheeks. CAcnoic. IfoofkthfTs Get run Jletn-'ditS are counterfreted. IV t. 3i. Jmekmm on the front of the - n mA the n-ime tf the art ide wn m each bottle. Ad others are coanterjcil. Thoitsnikde of letters liave been re crhril.lfkllfj iugtollit \ irUu of tUttS remedies. READ THE RECJM'JENDATIOKg. FROM HON. v.::o U. WOODWARD. Chief Justice t-f ihe^u 4 .t-ii.v I urt of PeiinsyUaiila. I'IIILIDKLPHIA, M \*C H I find "ffo-fiin r s Gernuin Biters % is tml an tnt touting l-ercc-iire. but is a Q'*-d toni~. useful in ai**". m of the ci s :r* 'T ' ios, o'i i of great f-en'JU a eases of debility anil i rant of nervous action * tM efstcm. Yours truly. OhO. b WOODWARD. FROM HON. JAMES THOMPSON, JuTge of tbe Supieuic Court • f Peiu*e!ranis. l'nii.\nai pi/n. APCIL 2Sth, L 1 1 conaldcr * 4 Sloof!aiid' German Kfl tti i M a mhiifhie #i eviiriter in came of at tack* of indigestion or Dyspepsia. K can certify tlfls from my rtprrftvnct of it* Yours, wilii rc*nec< JAMES THOJIPSiOX. From REV. JOSEPH 11. KSNNARD. D R. Pastor the Tenth Rn *i-t Cum •?, Pi.il wli'l^l.ls. Da JACKSON— Dr m Mi; — I hare fern r y r + qner'rrl to c> nw< ' i:iy u tme with r> 'i. )H m 7oblti ,r i* ' differ'.a kinds • r vi'iliriue*. f uf regard ma the ; . icf as out of My i . e sp: r., / have in all :srt ie c lined : Im* wo r j-vf in rarious ins' ;t •*{, iid particularly in inytr- # fauu-y.if the us>fi luess< Sl* Iloojtamr s German /utter*, / d> fmrt far owe ,'r rimy usual cone.** , to . *f>ress my full cmricti -a 'XX fjr pMicnil dflifli:y •!' tin* M -umi. :tuut ill 1 ••• quart U>U!M. RtoJlr lu' it it Dr. ■! uiTt 'Dmt.m Rrmidul t?i i! mv to ttnirn: ' "if "inl ft highly rtcmimd eii; awl da tu< ttlhac t ! .r I'riuj.jitl I" ••ulurr yao t takr I nil/ I'll. .-It' Halt la may fa,, it jut: at ymxl, la otuf ll' >• ••<< h ri' rI" ' ON it. Torse h'taudut Kit; U S'u! l.j'tyrtss . ■ any locality upon fijjiucolii*. PIIIXCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, JVn. full .1 KCll S TREET, Philadelphia. Cll AS. Id. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO. Thtui- Rrnitdirt are for gal. by nt'iigglu.*, Siorrktruurt, ami 3lrd cluc ucalrr* every where. Do not forget to examine toell the article yen tuy.n order to yd the yeniunr.. LUMBER FOR SALE. HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find * f tt *' supply ot SEASONED HXE LUMBER J-or Hale at Tankhannock. This LUMBER, which was manufactured at V" man's Steaiu Saw Mill in Bradtord county, is ol the best quality, and eli ?eS"ned , Boards will dress to inch. Plank to li sod* inches in thickness. , , Buyers wishiug their lumber planed, mah'" ( 1 Ac., will fiod Planing Mills at this place to do the work. For particulars consult E.J. KEKNEV, S[t. Taakbaonock, Jas 1, 16.