Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, April 08, 1868, Image 3

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    an<l Personal.
The Improvemrnts about town, in the shape \
ct w huil linpi are becoming quit© marked and j
, r a r cnt. In almist any direction which the "eye |
f.ili." new building'' are seen going up for tbe I
~. of die " bntnble denizens nnd dwellers of earth."
K Humored that the mail contract, for car
rring the mails between this place und Montrose j
h"- oeen awarded to a gentleman, not unknown to
traveling public, living within less than a thou- j
;Sl .,i iiiilesofthe vicinity of Tunkbatinock
The Kotut" al nig 'he river, which have been fir
rhepast tw wee . in . • very passable" condition,
ire:: :, in delv :*.! with mud and mire to the
•rsa; inconvenient ,'e an 1 annoyaue© of the traveling ,
public. Such arc the vi iasituue. of tho showery" |
tr riih.er • snewy" month ot April. What May wili |
bring forth—aside frotn flowers 2nd " sich like '— |
rimeai. no will tell.
Mud, mud, again is the order of the day. The j
S!- ; w and ram which fell yesterday will serve only
te make mud.
Wheat Crop.——We nolle- that winter grain, '
the wheat crop especially, ia this County is looking i
jne'i Thf favorable winter has protected it from ;
freerirg, arid the w arm weather, previous to the late
sr, -term, was bringing it out nicely. The pros
pers are for an al undant crop.
The Talk Is, that P B Baldwin, th© very coin
p*rb nable and genialhost of the Baldwin Hotel,re
tirrs fiom this house on the 17th iast.,and will be suc
ceeded by Ilarry Hufford,so long and favorably known
among tha *' prince ef landlords," as pioprietor of
the " HuffiA'i House," at Pittston. and more recently
of ■ Steele's Hotel,'' at Wilkes-Berre. The Bald
win Hotel has been a very quiet and orderly kept
house, comparatively free from all those noisy ,
brawls so common where the " exbilerating bevera
ges," impregnated with stryke-nine,sr dispensed so
freely to the gaping crowds.
Buna Way.—A span of horses belonging to Dan
is! Wrigh't, att-iebed to a lumber wagon, took frighl
*;!•• iron was being loaded in the wagon, and ran
turiously across Warren street, from the lane run
r-ng by Wright's store, knocking down Mr, Ja.-ob
Kb it's "Store" sign, and from thence proceeded
i the dwelling house of said Rhodes, knocking
down s nic picket fence—which is all the damage we
1 irn >f their doing, saving and excepting some
s. .-tit injuries resulting to the wagon that wis I* ft
H-mewhere in close proximity to the '' Store" afore- '
s 1, minus ;he tongue and other valuable gearing
appurtenant thereto. The horses, we understand,
ume ut of the rJce uninjured.
Tut- \\ rather.—The '• showery month of April"
p.; ! ad a "change come o'er it" which does not
fu! juatify its anticnt reputation for sunshine an l
fii vers. According to that very übiquitous indi- I
i. l. the " weather prognosticatcr," we wer© to \
bivt thirty-two sn-w storms before <he genial rays
of spring time set in. But, contrary to pre
difti-.n, very early yesterday morning the thirty- !
l ord snow storm set in, covering th.* gruan-i by dav- 1
with a sheet of snow two or three inches in j
■dep th. Should this wintry element continue long it
a ; t have a very fructifying influence upon the
•.1 wry mouth of .V iy and in the language of 1
Thutn* s-n, on the ''Seasons," many will 00 led to
ei ana
' ..ine gentle spring, ethereal mildness, come." i
An item for I? -ys.—-The fall-wing we tako
f-j n 1 New Vork piper : '■ Ten years ag>, a little
i--y.rv.lve years oil, sold newspapers, nuts, can
ei-, as train hoy on a railroad train running
I X-.w York ity. A few days ago he parchas
- i lis mother an d sistsra suburban residence on !
tic H i;- n riier, for which he paid #30,000."—!
!'■ v., do you think of that 7 Industry and ap- !
t t'v.n t 1 his business, enabled that h)y to become
r-.ti 1 ti to provide handsomely for his mother and
--• vr. 17 at .date hi example, but while you s'rive
f t a competence, don't become miser'y iini mean.
I'ratltil Accident.—A sau and painful acci- i
•if '1 ur cj at tfce Diamond ''oil Mines, in Ser in
tn. Ie day Est week. As seventeen workiuoi
wire fc< 'ng low r>.i town the shift of the oiin, th
chain rwppnrtiag the ptetform gave way. pswetptat
•ii io ia-n ' e ' of.tiie shift. & list in e<<
i"-0 ;• K o tt: u.en were in Unfitly killed
©aedicl seen (Tier, u4tw otbttM have liaet die 1 .
•ft .e ioj 11: -s re rut . 1, sail that by this a-.i-
Jvi.t—rh most painu which hi* ■ • 'Wrred for vi-ars
in the mining region that eleven women are made :
niilons and twenty-eight children left fatherless.—
The tuner.ls of the deceased were very largely ar- ]
t n led ; and public meetings hare been held.ftr the
( "pise of riii ipg means for the pecuniary relief of !
t.'.-ise who havo so suddenly becu bereft of their
f-ieuds atal protectors.
The Strike.— Tur or five huolrct mechanics
employed in the Machine Shojis of tho Delaware, i
Lackawanna A Western Riilmal Company, at '
.-crantoi . .-truik for higher wages one day las", week.
:.e muse a.-.-igtn-d tor this extraordinary proc dn-s
1- a refusal of the Company to accede to a demand '
of the employees for an increase of their wages, the
Inter alleging that ilieir present pay was insufficient
' - .pport themselves aad their families in a respec
tn 'e manner. We gather from a circular issue 1 at j
a meeting of the employees —published in the ; cran
t- n Register of Monday last —the statement that ;
the Company, last Fall, reduced their wages Erst
5 per cent, anf afterwards 10 per cent,, anlsubse
rjint!v reiluce 1 the lab-ring I tours from 10 to 8 ;
*i;h a p-o rota reduction of wages, uofer the plea i
th it i!,ey would havt bi discharge a portion of their j
workmen if the eight hour plan was not adopted.— ]
'he employees continued to labor, under the exac- I
lions of the Company as nbeve set forth, until last
week, when they became restive and impatient, cul
minating in an absolute refusal to longer work with
out an increase of wages. At the last accounts the
parties were yet at variance, without much prospect
of an agreement.
Sjilnlc Adiiattrc; OR, TRTIXG TBE WORLD
Tins 1- the name of a new Novelet by Amanda M. '
Douglas, the talented author of " In Trust," " Ste
phen Dane," Ac. It is the story of a young orphan
girl's experiences. It is now being published in the
X :'.unlay Evening Post. and will run through fr >tn
! teen to t renty papers. One dollar sent to the
publishm, 11. Peterson A Co., Philadelphia; will se- i
cure The Pot fr six months including this and
i-er deeply interesting stories. Single cumbers 5
The Lady's Friend for April.—A beautiful j
•til pitheti" steel engraving, " Caught by the Tide," i
is the leading embellishment in the April number of
•h s " Queen of the Monthlies"—it is a story in it
tclf. This ia followed by the usual refined and ele- j
gir-.r double sUel Fashion Plate- *0 superior to Fash
in 1 lates generally " The Day after the Failure,"
i* * touching picture. Of course, there are numer
'm engravings devoted to the fashions, and to dif- |
terent styles of lady's and children's dresses, Ac. — j
The music fur this is the pop.-ular song, " Lady, do
tot Trust tbe Stranger," which is worth of itself the |
price of the number. The literary contents are ex- ;
ce'.Jenl as usual ; amor.g tbem w„ may specify "The 1
Work of a Day," by Mrs. ilosuier; " Widows versus ;
D-ictors," by Francis A. fc'baw : " A Dead Man's !
Itule," by Elizabeth Prescott: -My Last Courtship j
'• Arry's Philopoena;" Editorials, The Fashions, !
Kecei pts, Ac , Ac.
Price (wilh engraving) #2.50 year; Fonrcopies !
(with one engraving) #6.'o. One copy of Lady's
frieud and one of that popi lar weei'Ty, The Satur
day Evening Post (and one engraving), #4 CO Ad
dress Dea - n A Peterson, 318 Walnut Street, Phila- ,
delfciM*. Sample copies, 16 cents.
Gu to the Drug and Variety Store in Me
shoppen to get your Wall and Window Paper, where
may be found the largest assortment ever brought
into this County. 34w4 j
Greatest Caution shonld bo exercised in
the use of preparations intended to promote the
growth of the hair, A few applications of an im
proper substance to the delicate vessels from which
the hair doriveg its nutriment, will cause irrepiarulde
injury, nnd entail premature baldness, upon the un
happy victim of charlatanry, whose nostrums crowd :
the market. No such bad effect need be feared 1
from T he ue of H ill's Vegetable Sicilian Hair H
newer, manufactured in Nashua, N. 11. This art le
is concocted upon Scientific principles and with an in
timate Knowledge of chemistry and philosophy a
applied to tbe growth, preservation and restoration
of ;!ie human hair. When the l.air has bo coin p.iy
it will restore it to its natural con r, and produce • I
Iresh, vigorous and healthy growth, improved in tex
ture, health and beauty. If people are wise, Hall's |
Sicilian Hair Renewer will take tbe place of the
multitude of inferior compositions now hawked
about.— Boston Commercial.
Fields of Dock.—The root of the ytlluic dork,
so troublesome to farmers, is an effectual alterative
and a most valuable medicine. In tbe neighborhood
of Lowell, Dr J. C Aycr A Co. havo planted fields 1
of it, where they raise many tons at a crop. It is
grown like the carrot or beet, in drills, an l its qual
ity or properties have been much improved by culti- |
valion. It is one of tbe ingredients iu Ayer'sSarsa- ]
parilU. and, we are informed, the extraordinary vir- j
tues of this preparation jre largely duo to the ex- i
tract of this root that it contains The Sarsapaiilla
root used by this firm, is grown on plantations of
their own, in Houduras, to secure ao article of supe- ,
rior and wholly reliable quality. One of the reasons
fi>r the universally acknowledged superiority of their
medicines, may be seen iu the watchful tare that is
used in preparing them. — Vermont Statesman.
If as Nature an antidote for acquired diseases?
lhe I'LA.STATIO.N BITTERS, prepared by Dr. Drake
of New York, have no doubt benefitted and cured
more persons of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Sour .Stom
ach, Loss of Appetite, Sinking Weakness, General i
Debility, an t Mental Despondency, than any other
article in existence They are composed of the pur
est roots and herbs, carefully prepared, to be taken
as a tonic und gentle stimulant. They are adaptei ,
to any age or condition of life, ana are extensively 1
popular wilh mothers and persons of sedeuury
Magnolia Water,
A delightful imlet article—superior to Co
logne and at half the price.
Many Suffer rather than take naueenns medi- I
cines. All who suffer from cough", colds, irritation
of the bronchial tubes or tendency to consumption
wi 1 find in Dr I Vista rs Balsam of IVi/d Cherry
a remedy as agreeable to the palate as effectual iu
removing disease. Tbe Ba'sam is a pleasant reme
dy ; it ic a safe remedy ; it is a jeiwerful remedy ; it
is a speedy reuie ly ; it is a remedy that cures
ARMSTRONG RUSSELL- At the house of the
groom's father, in F.ills township. Wyoming '"u.,
PA. bv II S. Cm.per, J P., Mr. Henry P. Arm
strong to Miss 11 Maria Kustell, of West C'he-icr
Co., N. Y.
7111, at ihe residence of the bride, by Win F. Ter
ry, Esq . Fisher G Osterhou' anl Miss Etna B.
Kishpaugb, l":b of Tunkbam 'ck Boro.
rr We have barely time to acknowledge the
Greenback in this case. Fisher has spent some time
in rapturing lhe fair Etna, who may congrritulatc
herself, that she has caught the Fisher him*clf, in
the operation.
The girls who have been fi-hirig around to catch
the best looking fellow in town, will have to console
themselves wit h the reflection that there ia yet 'aa
good fish in the sea as ever came out."
■SII\LK- - In Lemon, March 17tu, Maria Elizabeth,
wife of Lewis 11. Sa.iies.
Asleep in .Icsu=.
I Wilkes-Birre pipers please copv
1 < > : T PK4M liANA I'ION.
TTTTIUKEA". the 1! V M El \\ Hi !. Ire
\v ier.t Judge o! the t'ou;t of t"i-in 1
irt : 'laeegel Qazrtvr Se*aluue if the I'c .-■* ai !
:n P-csbi ct Justice .-t the t'oiirt i-i "y r und rir
-1 an 1 Geawrai Jail Delivery, fcrtbe trial of cap
itfil —J other offences, far the twenty-i vM Judicial i
District of I'enn'a ; G I'ise, andj V. Suii'h E.-qs ,
Associate Judges of tlie I'ourt of Common Pleas and i
General Quarter Sessions of '.be Peace, and Assoei- j
ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer an 1 General Jail
Delivery of the County of Wyoming, have by their
precept to me directed, ordered
to lie held at Tunkhannock on Monday Ihe kOih day i
of April A D 1868.
Notice is therefore hereoy given to the Cnronor, nil
■lasti'-es of the Peace and Cmstiiblee within the Coun- j
iy ofWjotoing, that they be and appear in their pro i
per persons at the time and place above mentioned, j
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, !
recognizances, and other remembrances, to do those
things wan.h to their offices in that behalf respective- j
ly belong.
Notice is sis 1 given that those who are bound by ,
recognizances to prosecute the prisoners that are or
shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, that they be
then aud there to prosecute them as shall be just
M W DEW ITT, 8h riff. |
Sheriff's Office, Tunkhannock, April 1. 1868.
\OTICE is hereby given that the following named
persons have filed their Petitions and will ap
ply for Tavern License at the next Term of ihe
Court of Quarter Sessions for Wyoming County, and 1
will be bearJ on 21st March, at one o'clock P. M.
H. W. Dowdney, Laceyvifie
John D. Laßarie, "
T B. Wall Tuck Boro.
H. Hufford,
P. B. Baldwin, "
F, G. Osterhout, "
John Niver, Nicholson,
Lewis Billing*, "
Dana Stark. "
J. J. Lord,
I. W. "
Samuel Billings, " . '
C. Matbewson, Factoryville,
D. N. Mathewson, "
J. K Fellows, Meshoppen.
John Anderson
Andrew S. Collum, Falls,
W. McKune. *'
John Keiro, *'
Cyrus L Vaughn, Mchoopany,
Ephraim Kre"ky, "
'J'houi.as P. Hitchcock, Forkston.
lteuben Perks, M'-nroe,
Jacob Tonnsend, Falls.
E. J. KEENEY, Cletk,
Tunk. March 31, '66—v7n34-3wks-
NOTICE is hereby given that the Copartnership
heretofore existing between Wni. O. Oardtier
and U- L. Harding has this day been dissolved by ;
mutual consent A'l persons indebted to the said |
firm will find the notes and accounts at the office of 1
TJ. Chase. Please call and settle immediately. 1
Nicholson, March 31, '6Bn34wj
THAT on the 31st day ol March A. D. 1969. a
Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued again*', the '
Estate of David Smiley of tho township of Mc- j
ehoppon, in the County of Wyoming, and State of
Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt un :
his own petition; that the payment of any debts
anl delivery of any property belonging to such
Bankrupt, to him, or for hi" use and the transfer of
any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a
meeting of the Creditors of raid Barkrupt, to prove j
their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of
his Estate, will be beld st a Court of Bankruptcy,
to be bolden at the office of the Begister, in the Bor
ough of TowaudA, before Edward Overton, Jr., Reg
ister, on the 7th day of May A D. 1668, at 9
o'clock A M.
TIIOS. A ROWLEY, C. S. Marshal, j
36wl By E B- Coolbaogh, Depnri;. i
fijrrial Itotitfs.
Restored lo its Original Youthful Color
By tbe use of that Scientific Discovery, called
It will make Hair grow upon bald heads, except
in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutritive
principle by which the hair is nourished and sup
It still prevent tlie hair from falling out, and does
no' stain the <kiii.
\c ■ rriii nc of it. euptri'irify nerd be nd
due ! titan !f ' fact that to metny imitations of it '
are offered to the puolic
Our Treati-e c-r. th- Hair* nt free by vr.eilA -
R. P. II ALL A 11, Nashua, N. IF. Proprietors.
Fur -ale by ail DiUggists.
| For the cur© Coiurks. Colds, lltiars(ncBs % Asthma, j
Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, :
i Predisposition to Cor sumption, ij-c,
1 This remedy if too well known nn l is per
j forming too much good to make it necessary to go
into an elaborate discussion of its merits. Suffice it '
to say that it still inaiutains its supremacy in curing ,
diseases of the most obstiuate character, and that all ;
' who suffer from the above ooui| laints, after having
tested this remedy seldom haie occasion to resort to j
| other appliances to insure a perfect restoration to |
| health.
Totimoiiv of Mr, PETER SII \IV.
West \V rfield, N. Y., Dec 10,'60
' Messrs S. Fnwie .t ?on, Boston.
Gentlemen— During the winter of 1953 I was very '
! much out of h- alth, afflicted w.th a severe Couch '
Pain in the SUIe and Lungs and a general depres
' siou of health to such an extent as greatly to alarm
j myself and frien is as to the result During this
fiuie I tried seieral highlv recommended remedies,
wtili little or no goof result, and had concluded to
try th" offic! of a Southern climate u|ion my health:
I u', tefi.re carrying this resolution into effect, I was
induced by tho urgent solicit ntion of your a;rent, Mr.
liuTitlcy, to give Dr. Wistar's Uutsam of Wild
Cherry a trial 1 did so, and to ray great joy foun l
immediate and permanent relief by the use of only
one bottle, and i m now in as good health as ever.
I believe lour Balsam one of the best remedies, for
1 Coughs, Colds and oil Lung diseases, now in use,
1 and'conscientiously recouiiueiil it s such.
Yours truly. PETER SHAW.
Prepared by Sf.TIl F FOWLK A SON, 18 Tre—
mont-st., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally
We are constantly bearing favorable re|rts from
those who have trie! this remedy. Amy Anthony,
wife of M irk Anthony, of ihis city, and living at No
ti fare list Street, ntllictcl wilh a feloa on the finger,
recently induce! to make a trial of the salve. —
! Almost instantly she experienced relief from the
1 pain, which had been almost unendurable. Every
ill r remedy but this proved unavailing. Those
who hive tried it on<-e are satisfied of its merits, anl
nothing will in Iu e tbem to he s itbout a supply.—
Futl Dinr .V ci's
The Rr.v. EDWARD A WILSON w!l send (free !
of ch irge) t 1 all who dessie it. ihe prescription with
j lhe direc'i ins , >r making and using the simple rem
edy bv which he svas cured of a lung affectien and
■•h it drca 1 dis".-se Consumption His only object is
10 benefit the i.iliieted und ho hopes every sufferer ■
will try this prescription, us it wili cost them nothing
aud may prove a blessing. Please address
X*. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg Ne" Turk
A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netvous
Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of
: youthful in is -r. tion, will, for the sake of suffering ;
huni isity, sen I tree to all who need it the recipy
an 1 dirreti'ns ftr making the simple remedy he
whi h bo was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertk-cr's experience, can do eo bye addressing \
iu perfect e ir.fi lone. ,
J"I1N B. OGDuN, 43 Cedar Street, New York. |
i \6n4o
('•itnmerriiil C'nlleg",—'The saceess of Gard- |
ner's lius uc"* College and Ladies' Academy, at |
s cranton, h. surpass.' 1 all expectation The course ;
of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— >
an I give hotter s itisfac'ion than any other College i
f (!••• kind in N"Hhern Pennsylvania Lite Schol
or-hip 835 fill. C'ut." at reduced rates. Send for ■
anil ego Paper giving fuli particulars. Address !
C. Gardner. Principal. Scr.anton, Pa. u7nlUvl
I )Y i ; ."n* . : a art! of Efri Facias to me direet
! 5 : ibi re will he • v|i Ito ;n lb- "tie .at tho i
SATt RDAY, Al?th; 6". it I ..•'•bet: p. M ;
tt,.- ;; -„t. title ami interest ol tun defendant ir '■
an Ito that ixrr**in ; 1 ece. ■.l H>tr'.et nf land sit - :
c . oir.iy. P-r.n. -t > in. . b 'eaded *1 fdeicrdied :
;cs 11 •< to wit • Go the North by Ur ! of Loreii |
alt i I.e .-, East bv lan 1 ot Noriuaii .-prague Soutii |
' by land ot Levi Podriek, and Wos't ity Imt I of Geo. ;
! Can.icc, containing about thtTty-fotir acres of land,
more or less, about four acres thereof improved, with '
one frame dwelling house thereon, with lite ap[nrtc- i
Scire 1 and taken in execution at the suit of Taylor ■
j Walker A Co. vs Floyd I". Sprngue
And will be s>!d for cash only liv
M. W. DEWTTT. Sheriff.
.Sheriff's Office, Tunk., March 24, 1663033w3
IS hereby given that an application has been made
to the Court of Comtnotn Pleas of Wyoming Co j
i for a charter of incnrpir ition of The Nicholson !
I Aorirtillural doricty and that if no sufficient rca- j
son shall I e shown to tho contrary, tho same will be
! decreed by said Court, nt the April term thereof,
A. lb 1868, to he a corporation, or body politic,
: according to the Articles and conditions in said
j application set forth.
M J. KEENEY, PrtKhociotuqy.
TMIE Copart 1 ersbip. heretofore existing between j
Jennings Bro.. J C. Kintncr anJ O. E Vaughn, j
ts tins day dissolved by inututl consent.
The Books and Accounts of" the late firm will be
settled 1 v the undersigned, who will continue busi- '
ness at the old stand on
The Ready-Fay System.
Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continuaneo ;
of public patron <ge, trusting that we can make
READY-PAY a benefit to ourselves and customers.
Rery Respectfully,
Mchoopany. Pa., March 3, 1969.
VfOTJCE is hereby given that in pnrsuance of an j
! IN Order of the Orphan's Court of Wyoming coun
ty, direct ed to the undersigned as Administrator of
the estate of Wui 11. Wright, dee'd, lie will expose
to public sale on tbe premises, in Monroe Township,
on 'Thursday, April 2J, 1863, atone o'clock in the
forenoon, r. tract of Und situate in the township ol ;
Monroe, Wyoming county, Pa, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: On the North by land
unknown, lo ing wild land, on the East bv Harvey
and James I'henix, on the South by Bowman's Creek,
on the We-t by lane's of Charles Wright, containing
about KICHTV FIVE Ames, be the same more or
| less, aiw.ut forty acres thereof improved, with a frame
dwelling house, frame bnrn, shed, corn crib, and
| other out huildiugs and apple orchard thereon, with
1 the appurtenances, late the estate of Win. 11. Wright
' deceased, and will be sold to the highest and best
TKUMSOJ" dA I.E. —Ten per cent, of one-fourth of
the purchase money shall be paid at. the striking
I down of property, the one-fourth less ten per cent.,
; at the confirmation of sale, and tho remaining three
| fourths in one year thereafter with interest trom the
confirmation nisi. CHARLES WKIHT,
! Mareh 2, !668n30w4. Administrator.
The above srle stands adjourned until Saturday,
April 11th at one o'clock in tho afternoon, at the
( Court House in Tunkhannock Borough.
Perlina S. Thompson, by JTn the Conrt of Com
ber next friend Elijah Ball , Pleas of Wyoming Co
vs. Henry W. Thompson. )No 104 Nov. Term,' 67
LibelJor Dirorce from Ihe bonds of Matrimony.
I, M W. Dewitt, High Sheriff of said County of
Wyoming, hereby makes known unto tho above
named Henry W. Thompson, that he be and appear
1 at a Court of Common Pleas, to be bctd at Tunk
hannock in the county aforesaid r-n Monday the 20th
day of April A D. 1868, then and there to answer
jhe complaint, and show cause, if any be hath, why
the bonds of matrimony between the said Henry W
Thompson and his wife, Perlina S. Thompson, shall
not be dissolved.
M. W DEWITT, Sheriff.
JkwmSk os*a loakq Hriq >1 tlfc
YTTIIEREAS Letters Testnmentary upon the estate
\\ of Orville W. Mitchell, late of Northmoreland
township, Wyoming County, deceased, hare been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to j
the said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims or demands j
against the same, will present theui duly authentica
ted for settlement, without delay
A. 0. LUTES. ] " rs "
Northmoreland March 10, 1865n31w6
I ST VIES for th<' Western District of I'eunsytva
nia. In matter of Riley Sickler, Bankrupt.
To whom it mi y Concern: The" undersigned here
by gives m tico of ! is appointmun' as Assignee of !
Hiiey s n:k Icr, of Falls township in the county of j
Wyoming m l Mate of Pennsylvania, within said i
District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his |
own pt-Ution by the Disttirt Court of said District
Dated Falls township the 22d day of February A. '
D. 1968
n'2# PERRY COLVIN. Assignee.
TIIE Copartnership heretofore existing between !
K. W Sturdevant and W. F. Goff is this day ;
(March 21st, tSgS) dissolved by mutual consent.—
The Books and Accounts of tho late firm will be set
tied by the undersigned, who will continue business
at the old stand on the
Thankful lor past favors, I solicit a continuance of
public patronage.
Mihoopany, March 23, 18(58u33
THAT on the 9th day of March A. D. 18g8. a
Warrant in Bankrupt y was issued against the
estate of Jus|ier .1. .Seymour, of Brainfrim township
in the County ol Wyoming, end State of Pennsylva
nia, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on hisownpe
tition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of
any propeity belonging to such bankrupt, to his or for
his use, and the transfer of any property by him are
f irbiildcn by law; that a meeting of tho creditors of
said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to moose
one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a
Court ot Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the
Register in the Borough of Tcwanda, Bradford Co.,
Pa, before Edward Overton, Jr., Register, on the
25th day of April A. D. !B(j9, at 9 o'clock A. M.
THOS A. ROWLEY, U, S. Marshal, !
33w4 By E B. Cootbuugh Deputy. {
18 hereby given that an application has been made
to the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming Co., j
for a charter of incorporation of tho Nort'imoreland ;
Horse Thief Detecting and Insurance Company, |
and that if no sufficient reason shall be shown to the
contrary, the same will be decreed by said Court, at
the April term thereof, A. It. 1868, to be a corpora- j
tion, or body politic, according to the articles and .
conditions in said application stt lorth.
33w4 K. J. KEEN'EY, Prothonbtary.
\TOW take pleasure in informing the public that
they hare opened their
Carriage Manufactory
And are
to fill
First-Class Mechanics
done promptly and well.
Tuukbaono-k, Mareh 10, IB6Btf.
Fcpular Remedies,
Prepared from Gent, Hcnim and
ROOTS, an l never fails when uised in
. time.
. ..I-I t, i. ■
I "*! 1 F : Bum . K., •< or Scald Head,
r i Pi ned i .W> n I. IlAntM t
U- US* 1 • - •• <••! n -.S
hid est mors, Piles, Sore Nip.
, pics ( ~k"! ii Lai- s.Hrmses,.Sprains, ,
j V..rus, a...
). '/fht' v.
Cholera Curate,
: For Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
• COUCHrP. Bowel Complaints, Cramp Colic,
; tt Nervons, Billb us and Pi'* Ileed
: si ache, Pmir Biomnch, Dyspepsia,
• ~T'""" ' *1 Neuralgia. Fiver and Ague, (.olds
jj and Cold Chills, Spotted Fever, Ac.
; tujtcs jj
I ~—*- [ Cough Syrnp & Candy.
■ Coughs, Colds, Difficulty of Breath
. -.-r-.-i-.; ■? -y i mri Spitting of Blood. C'omt'.mp-
tiou. and all affections of the Lungs.
Gfi&p The affiicted can relv upon its doing
fi ijj as much or more than any other
j;SB remedy, in sootliing the nerves, f s .
cilttating expert oration, r.nd bsal
iucr the diseased Lit tigs, tliuaatrik
ing at the root of the dL-ease and
* it from the system. All
* SCOTTE I ask is a trial of this Preparation,
•-uc ivsTir arxret as it lias no equal, and never fails to
' " give entire satisfaction to all who
*- : • -* use it.
A certain cure for Chronic and In
flammatory Rheumatism. It is en
tirelv free'from all poisonous snb
" " stances; it is not iu.iurUxis to the
heaiih; it cleanses the system; it
purities tho Blood: it er.nlics'es
disease. To be nsed with the Rhett
- < maticOintment Full directions ac
(7 company each bottle and box.
.VPa-4," This remedy is a certain Cure for
ic-gr', nil diseases of the Bio d: it cleanses
"pff . the system, and thus operates in tlie
T ® onlv rational way, to eradicate the
' disease, and effect a thorough cure.
I The above Medicines have been
prepared for the last 35 years, and
have given entire satisfaction In all
cases, where the directions hare
been observed.
Prepared by L. SCOTT, Scranton,
• f;.v ra."
For sale by Lyman A Wells, DruggMs Tunkhan
nock Pa. " v7n33semi-w
STATES, for tho Western District of Penn'a
William II Cortright, a Bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a
discharge of all his debts, and other claims provable
under said Act, by order of tho Court, Notice is here
by given to all Creditors who have proved their
debts, and other persons interested ; to appear on
the 15th day of April, 1868, at 9 o'clock A. M.. be
fore Edward Overton Jr., Esq., to show cnuse, if any
they have, why a discharge should not be granted to
the sain Bankrupt. And further, Notice is hereby
given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Cred-
I'nrs nf the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and
28th Sections of said Act, will be bad before the
said Register, at the same time and place.
?42 Clerk of U. S. Lis Court for said District.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between
Jacob Bell and Charles E McVicar, in the
Blaeksmilhing business, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent.
The business will be carried on ftt. the old stand
by Jacob Bell. JACOB BELL
Centeimoreland, March 31, 1869 —34w6
THE subscriber having entered into a partnersnip
for a continuance of trade with other parties,
notifies those having unsettled accounts with him to
arrange them without delay. D BILLINGS.
Tuck , March 31, 1806 tf
gjjfo pijtrtisements.
T7OIIND, or can be !
A tuund at Lyman &
-VI!CT*LI .'.OT-tr Wells rd J. W. Rhoads, j
Turikhannovk, Penn'a, and 1
1 - VystSa-" ' " , 6cr dealers, the (r't
fg -_y%l Engm r SwcKntr Spkcip- j
J T n: Limmknt. This Lini
—*a uient stahds ntirivalled,
| and is the best, cheanest, most pwwerlul Liniment 1
| ever offered to the puldic, for man or horss.
It has been used for iiianv yeirs in Englnrd, by .
! 'he lea bog barriers, and they have had tho greatest
-nrecss with it of any liniment ever used for the cure
j of horses.
Thusu who hive horses that ureswecnied or lame,
'la- swePri) j .ints, sprains, brniats, old sores, flesh
'its. vol tar galls, ij-e , should try this Liniment and
I they mil be convinced that it is su|rior to all other
i known preparations
lf it does not give good satisfaction, return the j
| bottle half full, and your money will be refunded. I
j Put up in conveuient form, and sold by all Drug- j
' gists and Storekeepers at 59 cents a botr'le.
Don't fail to call for tho Great English Sweeney
\ Liniment.
D. G. GAREY. j
j Middle town, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1868-tf.
THAT on the 9th day of March A. D. 18,;P, n
Wamnt in Bankruptcy was issued against the
I estate of Hanson Billings, of Lemon township, in the
i County of Wyoming and Plato of Pennsylvania, win
| has been adjudged Bankrupt rn bis 11*11 petition ; ;
! that the payment of any debts and delivery of any ;
' property belonging to such Bankrupt, to his, or for ]
| his use, and the transfer of any property by him are ;
j forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of j
j the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to j
choosr one or morn Assignees of his Estate, will be
) held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Wall's
: Hotel in Tunkhannuck, Pa., before Edward Overton,
Jr.. Register, on the 221 day of April A- D. 18(58, at
11 o'clock A. M
THOS. A ROWLEY, TT. 8 Marshal,
32w4 By E. R. Cuolbaugh, Deputy.
THAT on the 9th day of March A. I) 1868, a
Warrant in Bankruptcy was i-sued against the
| Estate of Stephen D. B*cbn, of Tuuk ban nock , in the
I County of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, who
' has been adjudged Bankrupt 011 bis own petition ;
! that the payment of any debts and delivery of any
i property belonging to cuch bankrupt, to him or for
j his use, and the transfer of any property hy bim are
j forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of
j said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose
i one or more Assignees of h ; s estate, will be held at 0
j Comt of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Wall's Hotel,
Wyoming County, Pa., before Ed
ward Overton, Jr.. Register, on the 224 day of April
, A. D - 1868, at 9 o'clock A M.
TIIOB. A. ROWLEY, F. S. Marshal.
33W4 By E. B. Colbangfa, Deputy.
THAT on the 17tb day of February A. D. 1868 a
Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued .against the
estate of William L. Bardwell, of Tutikhanno'k. in
j the County of Wyoming anl Sta'e of Pennsylvania,
who has been adjudged Bankrupt 011 hi* own peii
tion ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of
any property belonging to such bankrupt, to his or
i for l,is use. and thj transfer of any property by bim
1 are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tho credit
' ors of raid bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to
| choose one or more assignees of hi* estate, will be
: held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Wall's
j Hotel in Tunkhannock. Wyoming county, Pa., be
fore Edward Overton, Jr., R-g ster, on the '2lst day
! of April A. D. 1%8 at 9 o'clock A. M.
THOS. A. ROWLEY, I". 8 Marshal.
' 33w4 by E. IJ. Coclbaugh, Deputy.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me
directed there w ill bo exposed to public sale at
1 th • Court House in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County.
1 Pennsylvania,
1 ON SATURDAY, APRIL 18. '63, at I o'clock P. M
1 Tho following piece, parcel and trjet of land situate
| in the township of Windham, County of Wyoming
i and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de
: scribed as follows: On the North by land of John
Fassett, late James W. Garry, on the East hy land
; of Dorcas 11 tyden, on the Sou'h by land of Wm. A.
j Smith, and on ihe West bv land of sai l Witliaul A.
! Smith, containing fifty acres, all unimproved, with
I the appurtenances
I Seined and taken n execution at the suit of Win.
A Smith vs. Joseph ts Havdcti
And will be sold for cash onl> bv
M. W. DEWITT Sheriff.
Tunk.. March 24, '6Bii33w3.
OY virtue of sundry writs of I'i-ri pjrlas to me di
j 1) re dad there will be cxjaise 1 to public ale at the
C art IB u.-" in Tui.kha n-ck, Wyoming Co., Pa
ON SATI RDAY, APRIL 13, '6?, at 1 o'clock P M.
AO : : a 1 , 1.. 'olo .m i interest of the defendan* in
aui to 0 ii ccilain piece, parcel or tract of lan I sit
, uaiu and being in the town-hip of Meshoppen, Wyo
-1 miirg county, Pennsylrant 1, bounded anl described
jas follows, to wit; On the North by Mesboppan
I Creek. East bv land of Win. M Sine, South by pub
i lie Highway leading to North Branch Canal, and
i West by land of L. Wrcheutu, containing about one-
I fourth of an acre of lanl, more or less, with one
| frame dwelling house, one barn, wiih a kitchen and
i wood-shed attached thereto, and some fruit trees
1 thereon with thn appurtenances.
1 Also, one other piece, parcel or tract of land situ
ate in raid township of Me-hoppen. Wyoming county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow*: —
North by land of Isaac Jayne, Eist anl tbiuth by
the Highway* or public roads, an l Wert bv lands of
I E. J. Mowery, containing about one half of an acre
I of land moro ot less with one two story store house
j and dwelling house attached thereto, one barn and
I some fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances
1 Also, one other piece, parcel or tract of lanl situ-
I ate and being in said township of Meshoppon, Wyo
j rning county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described
1 as follows: North by laud of B. E. Hull, East by
! Imd of Dr. >Vell, South by land of Merritt .Smith
j ajul Daniel Hankinson, and West by the public high
; way, containing about one-fourth of an acre of land
i more or less, all improved with the ap; urtenanccs.
Seized and taken in execution at the suits of David
| Jayne, 2d, anl Samuel V. Myres vs. Silas Veruoy,
And will be sold for cash only bv
M W DEWITT, Sheriff.
Tunk., March 24, 1968n33w3
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed
there will be exposed to Public Sale at the
I Court House, in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., I'a.,
' SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, '63, at 1 o'clock P. M
, All the right, title an 1 iaterest of the defendant in
■ and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of laod sit
-1 uate and being in the township of Clinton, Wyoming
, county, Pennsylvania, hounded and described as fal
, lows, to wit: On tho North by land of Cyrus Clay.
| East by land of Z S. Reynolds, South by land of
j Bartholomew Capwel!, and West hy main road load
! lng to Butter Milk Falls, containing one half an
i acre of land,be the same more or less,with one frame
] house two stories high, together with a quantity of
. fruit trees aDd grape vines thereon, with the ap-
I purtenanecs.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H, A
j S. C Mathewson vs. Wm. H. Dyrnond.
And will be sold far cash only by
M. W. DBWITT, Sheriff.
; Sheriff's Office. Tuuk., Mareh 24, 1868,
N'OTICE is hereby given that tha following ac
counts and claims have been filed in the Regis
ter's Office in and for the County of Wyoming, and
; w ill be presooted to the Orphan's Court to be held at
Tunkhannock in and for said County on tho 20th day
j of April next, for confirmation and allowance.
Partial account of C. Manville, one of the Execu
tors of the last will and testament of A. K Peck ham,
late of the Borough of Tunkhannock, dee'd. Eileu
' January 20, 1869-
The linal account of Warren Briggs, administrator
of the estate of Alvah Briggs, late of Clinton town
ship, dee'd. Filed January 23, lSgB.
The final account of J. W. Huberts, administrator
of the estate of Allen F3tcb, late ot Falls township,
| dee'd. Filed February 21, '(;8.
The final account of Charles 8. Harding, adminis
: trater of the estate of Charles Johnson, late of Mon -
| roe township, dee'd. Filed February 27, 'fiS
; The final account of Lysandei Harding and Char
ity Knsctigrant administrators of all and singular
the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were
I of George Kosengrant, late of Eaton township, Wy
i oming coun'y, Penn'a. dee'd Filed March 7, 'gB
1 Tho final account of D. D. Gardner, administrator
i of tho estate ot Alonzo Gardner, late of Clinton
| township, dee'd. Filed March lg, '(j9
I Widow's claim in the estate ot Onristopher Bush,
late of W ishiagton township, dee'd Filel Februa
i i" y 2ft '
0. L PARRISn, Register.
1 Register's Office, March 24, '5B,
iJJrfo gtilmlisffnmtte.
College, near Trenton, New Jersey A Board
j ing School for both sexes, long established and of
I high grade aiming earnestly to excel >n attention to
; the education, the morals, the homo comforts and
the health of the student Term* moderate Ad
dress the Her. T lIANLOX, A. M., Pennington,N.J
BLE —Written I T 711 of the most distinguished Di
j vines in Europe and Atactica. Illustrated wirh over
r.'s * teel nnci Wood Engraving* In one largo (>c
! tavo Toluitie Price f i 50. The onty Edition pub
lished in A me: on. tondensed by Dr Smith's oicn
hand We eiujd yno General Agents and offer ex
tra inducements to Agents dealing with us. Send
fot descriptive circulars, and see our terms.
J. B BURR A CO., Publishers. Hartford, Ct.
| In all parts of the Foiled States, to sell our immense
( list of nearly SOO'llflVreilt HOOK*. HIItLES
| family wants something trom it
Cat.ihgties furnished on application, and books
i sent post paid to any audrcss on receipt of price. -
i Canvassers books containing rite list, with prices, to
i gettier with hi an* sheets and printed headings 'or
enrolling a list of names, sent .ree to any one on re-
I ceipt ot 50 cen's.
Anybody can sell from 100 to 1000 of these hooks
almost anywhere. For terms to agents ar.J other
| information address
JOHN K. ['OTTER A CO.. Publishers
Nog. Gl4 and 617 Sarsotn St., Philad'a.
| "The History of the War Between the
| Its official character end ready sale, combined
with an increased commission, make it the best uo
j scription book ever published. Send for Circulars.
| and see our terms and a full description of the work.
AG 13NTS WANTED for a Book, entitled A
! and the Worked Restoration. Every voter needs
|it before Nov 1868 Freight, largest commissions,
I und a premium of $3OO paid. For particulars ad
j dress L STEBBINS, Hartford, Ct.
A DESCRIPTIVE work of 140 piges, fully illus
trated with a beautiful colorej plate and 100
; engravings, containing a l ! =t of over 2500 varieties
! of Flower and Vegetable Seeds; also, 130 varielies
'of the choicest French Hybrid Gladiolus. All the
\ Novelties, both of the Flower and Vegetable, for
It^G 0 , will be found described in the above Work
' Tastefully bound in cloth, 2 colored plates price,
, post-paid. 50 cfs ; in pa per covers, pf'st-paii. 23 cts.
Address WASHBURN A CO., Horticultural Hall.
Boston, Mass
\ MONTHLY MAGAZINE, devoted to Free
l\ Though . Address THE RADICAL, Lock Box
j 132, Boston, Mass.
Red Jacket
, Tried & not found Wanting.
We claim it will cut Twenty-five (585)
percent, more crl tvoud per day
that) any other Axe made.
Mclvs ESCORT, Dee 13, ISG7.
Messrs Lippineott A Co
i Sirs:—l have fully tried vour Patent Axe and fin l
; that it is all that you el tin for it. It will chop
j f.is'.et itiAn nny ..tb'-r AM that I ever saw, aril
leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would nit
chop thrie .lavs without one for the vo*t. 1 need
not ay any more f r any man that tri-s one will tie
| satisfied ' " WM. KEFS.
j C
■ Infringers on these patents will he prose ute l nccor
' ding to law. Von Nr.* or dealers. and persons using
i am infringement, are liaUie with the maker tit the
' infringeraetit.
For Fulo by all Dealers nnj the Manufacturer?,
(Successors to Lippineott A Co.)
Sole owners of the Patent.
Through Lino to California,
Failing from New York
March sth and 585 th ; April sth and Islh ;
May s'h, 15th and 85th.
With New Steamships of the Frst Class
For information address 1). N. CARKINGTON,Agt.,
177 West Street, New York-
W 11. WEBB, Pres CIIAS. DANA, Vice Pre?.
Office—sl Exchange Place, New York.
"ii .stey" Organ,
; Pronounced by all who have heard it the most natu
ral and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN
VOICE ever yet introduced J. EFTEY A CO,
! IS rati laboro Vt , the original Inventors and Mnnu
' faeturers 417 Broome Ft., N. V : i'i West Fayette
St.. Baltimore. Md,; North 7th St., l'hila.; 115 Ran
dolph St., Chicago.
WANTED— SALESMEN to travel for a Manu
facturing Company anil ?e!l bv sample. Good
wages are gnuranteed. Address, with stamp, HAM
j ILTON & HOWE, 418 Chestnut St., Philad'a, Pa.
* • and be bossed round, when you can engage in
an easy and lucrative business that will pay yon
troia $4 to $6 per day or 42 per evening, if at leis
ure. Vou won't be sorrv if you send 10 cents for
full particulars an I sample. Address GEORGE S.
| MELLF.N, Lewiston, Me.
A PRESFXT O F $25 Value
OF your own selection, free of cos?, for a few day?'
service in ao'y town vr village Particular* and
j a giP sent free, bv addressing with stamp, N. B.
j CLOUDMA2* A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.
! m rm 4 mm w* w* r* JPS mm fw
ss| i
. Mechanics, Ladies and everybody. Tam now
; prepared to furnish you with constant employinent
jat your homes—tho whole of your time, or in your
spare moments. Business new, light and profitable
50 ets. to 85 per evening easily earned by persons of
i either sex, and the boys and girts nearly as much ns
men Great inducements offered those who will de
' vote their whole time to tha business, and, that ev
i ery person who sees this notice ttiay send their ad
dress and test the business for themselves, I make
I the following unparalleled offer: To all who are nol
, satisfied with the business, I will send 81 to pay lot
i the trouble of writing Full Particulars, diiections
A-, sent free. Sample scut by tuail for 10 cts.
i Ad Iress E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Maine.
Greater inducements than ever before offered t
persons getting up clubs in onr
One Dollar Sale.
PARKER A 00, 64 A 66 Federal sr, Boston, Mats
PSYtTIOMANt'Y, or Rtul Charming,-*
How e tin r sex may fascinate and gain the af
fections of any one they choose, instantly ; alio se
ct) re prf?p-rity in love or bttsice?*. Every one cat)
acquire ibis singular power. This exciting
book has been published hv as fen years, toe Sale cf
which has been enorihotfs, and fs the only pook of
the kind in the English language sent by mail for
25 ets , or five fur one dollar, together with a guide
In the unmarried. AddressT WILLIAM A CO.,
Book Publishers. Philadelphia
C, 1 e pp r Pay. Sure No money hi udvai e— >
Is) A Sent* "wanted evirvvhefe t > sell out
I'alcnt J EierlaslLnif 31 italic Clothes-.Lutes. Ai
•tres* AMI UICAM WIHK Co., IG2 Broadway, A. Y. #
1G Dearborn St., Chicago.
their unfortunate patient*.
ticnt's guide." It tells you how to cure disessee off
! the generative organs, in loth sexes, with simple,
safe aad reliable Remedies, to be procured ar any
Drug Store. Those about to marry should pWure m
opyat once. Address G. W'.' MORTON, 51.
!>.. 124 Crosby St., New York. Mailed on receipt
of 4 postage stamps.
L AL DISEASES, Av.—Send your address o>
: stamped envelo;)e An I ask for eireiilar of " Pathnlo
gv." AMERICAN NEWS CO., 121 NatM*
St., N. Y.
We are Coming
And Will present t atiy person sending tie
a Club in onr Great
Free of Cost
! Our inducements during the past few years hart
been large.
IWe now double our
rates of Premiums.
Our Friends will readily notice our Presents ft*
30 and 60 Clubs are nou> more than
equal in ralue to Clubs of
GO and 10 0 rcspce
ticcly of otherfrms
fL,3E3A 533
Any person ord .rlr-g either of the Clubs mentioned
1 below, can have their selections of premiums euv
meratcd, eoTrespondin; to tho size of the Club,
For a Club of SO, (S.T.)-Oiie of the folloir.
; ing articles, viz: Delaine dress pattern; fancy col
ore I bed spread, striped cashemero delaine dreu
palttrn; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl |
set solid gold bosom studs ; all wool fan y cashmere
pint* and vest putte.n ; gent's hair guard chain gold
trimtr.in?? ; silver plated chased butter dish : silver
[ 1 ited 5 bottle tevolving castor, cn feet; set Dperl
or steel blade 1 knives ami forks j worsted prrraenadn
shawl; Indies' long gold plated chain; ladies' gold
| double ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring;
! solid hl i k walnut work box or writing desk ; extra
quality baltnoral ekitt; set jsvolry. sleeve button,
to match ; violin and how : gent's cardigan jacket;
splendid ebony 1) flute, ivory trimmings ; sttperioe
Turkey tnorme.o shopping bag ; Irflies high cut bei
. moral boots.
For a Club of GO ;SG.) —Or.c of the follnif*
ing articles, viz : Black or colored alpaca dress pat
tern ; jipliu dreis pattern; one piece of bleached of
; brown sheeting; engraved, silver-plated, bottle re
volving castor; 3J yards superior eashtnere for pAnt
aud vest pattern ; extra heavy houev comb quilt;
two fan v colore 1 bed spreads: pair gents' calf boot*;
4 y r!. firmsrs" 300.) wool frneb inc : t'STI'V etishnjere
plaid 'lrc.-s pattern; best quality bulmora) skirt;
ix>* -wood bras? alarm clock ; la lies' all wool cloak
I ittcrn , silver-plated enke *ir card basket; fur muff
t or cape ; ladies' fashionable wool double shawl ;
: sj.lendi I clasped f imily Bible. 9x12 record jiago and
! engravings ; 3 yds. double width waier prool cloak*
, ing: set ivory handle knives, with silver plated forks;
set silver forks ; one set lace curtains.
For a Ciub ol 100. (glO.)-Cco of the M*
1 lowittg Rrtich s. vi 7. : 4 yds double width .-loakirg or
' coating , 2 large, fine, bleached linen table covers,
with I do7. large size dinner napkins to match; 'ii
yd.- splendid hemp carpeting, god coLr?; extra
quantity black or a'paea 'ires? patterns; extra qual
ity poplin dress patterns; one large pieco superior
I quality extra width sheeting ; pair gents' calf boole,
best quality: silver hunting-cased patent lever
watch ; one dozen ivory handled steel bladed hnivee
and forks; silver-plated engraved six bottls revolt
-1 ing castor, with cut glass bottle? ; splendid violin,
box and h-.vv, complete ; single harrehshct-gun ; Be
: con's six-barrel revolver; pair superior white wool
; blanket?; nice fur innff and capo; silver-plated en
! graved ice pitcher, with salver ; seven and one-half
' yards a!! wool fancy cassimero, for suit; one dozen
| Rogers' best silver-plate 1 forks ; common sense sew
ing and embroidering machine ; two heavy honey
; comb quills ; splendid family Bible, record and pho
tograj h page.
For larger Oluhs the value increase* In
the same ratio.
Catalogue of Goods aud Sample sent to any nd
Ires: free. Send money by registered lettss,
! Address all orders to
13 Federal St., Bostdft, Mam
! P. 0.-Box C.
ITholcgale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cul
' letv, Plate 1 ware. Albums, Leather Goods, Ac.
Wanted - *
Worth of WHEAT.
in exchange for
Flour & Feed, 3leal &. Bi an
COAL, large and small sues,
which I offer
for sale cheap
for Cash,
OT prod new
taken in exehngf-,
at the old stand, formerly occupied by Wbeelock, on
Bridge Street.
Tunkhannock, Pa Dec. 3, 1567-v7nl?-tf.
Ct U A NO.—No. 1 P.ruvis. Ottann, Best Fup.r
T phosphate. Pure Ground Bone, Fish Oun<
i Plaster Phosphatie Guanos, Ac., for sate by GBO. Jf
WHITE, 100 Front 8* N X