Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, April 01, 1868, Image 1

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    lllpming Democrat.
H T EY SICKLER, Publisher.
fronting flfinoirat.
A Democratic weekly
paper devoted to i'oli i-.■/,•
l ici \ ws. the r5 ' ' iT^
and sciences Ac. Pub- ~'!i ~f*/- *
liihed every W# lues- ■ s '\ r v^.
ut Tunkhaunock
■Vyouiing County, Pa cj j / V I&S tj _f 6
Tcrms—l copy I year, tin advance) 5'2,00; if
an! paid ivittiin six months, #2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be I>L3CONTINI ED, until all ar
rm r igo-rc |> i: 1; unless at the option of publisher.
0 n square one or three inscriious SI aO
Keerv subsequ- nt insertion lets than S 50
ADTLBTISINIJ, I- mil be agree 1 upon.
PATENT MKMI ISI S and other a-iveriseoieuts oy .
ike column :
One column, 1 year, SOO
Half column, 1 year- 35 j
Third column, 1 year, 25
Fourth column, 1 year, 20
KiisitK-ss Cards of one square or Ices, per year i
with paper. *8
EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising— with- '
oat Advertisement —15 eta. per line. Liberal terms
wmde wi.li permanent advertisers.
TOR'S NOTICES, of the uual length, 52.50 1
OBITI'A'tIES. -ex •eedinir ten tin s, each ; RELI '
lilOl"? mi l LITER ARY NOTICES, not of general ;
n tare at, one htlf tnc regular rates.
\ lvgrt'.NP'nen's must be banded in hv TEES- ;
PAT No M. to i-.isu- - in'orticn the same week.
afallktnls neatly executed and at prices to suit |
tfee timee.
WORK nuet bo paij frr, when ordered
Bus in ess \ oti ccs.
t> K.AW K I.nil.ld AT i'ORN KYS A1
I*. LAW 0"S-e on Tioir* Street I'tinkhmtiook i'a
Hw, ctWPRR. PHYSICIAN Jt si lo;l.oN
• Newton Centre, Lnccrao County Pa.
• t 5,-e *t the Ciuit Hnse, in Tu-.kho>ck
Vfy uiuit: C Pa j
rr m . H.Alt. All OWN i I At LAM sf- I
VI C-e in Siwrk'e llrick Bl< ■ k Tioea Si . I on;. ,
fIAHQ's k. Pa
1 LOB AX LAW , Nilluilana, v\ ine Co-, P. ;
Ee, a-iu' attentiuu given to settlement ot dec
dent's ek'.iiee
Nnkola.o, Pa. Dec 5 —v7nl9yl
. will attend prom, tly to ail calls in hi.i pro- I
fet-u.u. May i.e Ion: d at fcif Offi--o a: the Drug |
St. re. or at Ins residence on Putmau Sfeet, formerly |
wc. uj ltd L-y A. K. Pe.kham E p
DEHNSTRif. .. ,4s ,
nR. L T. BURNS has permanently located in
Tankh.unorl Borough, aud respecttully tenders
kit ir.s! iervi.es to it® ciiixeos
oa wooed Beoi, formerly occ,scd by Dr.
*l. W* •>
P/kirJ r rxWG.
7iV H'. JiUGEK, Ar/est.
Reoai- over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's
Bi'k HI • k,
Life-*iee Portraits painted from Amb'otvpes or
Phot ■graph-' >*b<>'ogrsf hs Painted in Oil Ci lore—
Al 1 orders for p.intitigs'eaecutcd according to or
der, or uncharge made.
I jf" Instructions given in Drawing Sketching.
Porti sit an I Landscape Pointing, in Oil or water
Col r* Slid in II brunches "f the .art.
Tuck, July V.. 'qi -v(pisU-tf.
The undersigned having lately pur. hnsed the
•Bi'K.ltLKlt HOUSE " property, tins already com
■ •nced all. -U alterations and improvements as will
wader ibis old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, t > any Hotel in the Cit.v of Harrisburg.
A continuance of the public patronage is relpect
fnliy solicited.
ri 11 ■? establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in tne latest style Every attention
#iil be yiven to til*- comfort and convenience ol those
vjn patronise llie House.
T. B W ALL, Owner and Proprietor
Tunkhannock, September 11, ISGI.
Win. 11. CORTRIGHT, I'ropV
f r i VtNG resumed the proprietorship of the above
I i Hotel, the undersigned will "pare no efforts
•ender the house an agreeable place ol sojourn to
>ll who uiay favor it with their custom.
Juee, 3rd, 1563
n. 15. liAKTi.KT,
I Late ol t • uiiainakii lloi sk, Ei.hika, N Y
I'lttil'lt 11; | OK.
The MEANS HOTEL, i one ot tne LARGEST
ind BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country--It
is fitted up in the most modem and improved style
and no pains are spared to uiake it a pleusantoud
agieeab.'rstoppngi place for all,
illy i3-u.
Greater inducements than ever bclore offered to
persons getting up clubs in our
One Dollar Sale.
PAREBK k CO, 64 * m FrJentl iv, Doetro, Mw
Scrofula and ScrolUlous Diseases.
From Finery Edes, a well-known merchant of Ox
ford, Maine.
" I have sold large quantities of your S.UISAPA
NILI.A, but never yet one bottle wbieli failed of the
desired efli-vt and full satisfaction to those who took
it. AS fast as our people try if. they agree there HAS
been no medicine like it before in our community."
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul
cers, Sores, ami ail Diseases of the Skin.
From Iter. I'obt. Slratfon, firistol, England.
'• I only do my duty to vo:I and the public, when
I add my testimony to that you |>til>li.-H of the me
dicinal virtues of your SIRS U'AUILLA. Jlv daugh
, ter, aged ten, had an afflieti-IG humor in fier cart,
eyes, and heir for years, which we were unable to
cure until WE tried your SAUSAPAUILLA. She lias
been well for some months."
From Mr*. Jane E. Fir, a well known and mtirh
esteem'd lady of Hennisrille, Cape May Co., X. J.
•' My daughter has suffered for a year PAST with a
scrofulous eruption, wliieh was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your
SAUSAPAUILLA, which soon completely cured her."
i From Charles P. (laye, 7 ., of the witlely known
Gage, Murrey ■Co., m tuufucluriT* of eioimelled
t pain rt in .Viidu, AT. If.
1 had for several years a very troublesome
hn.n >r in my face, which grew constantly worso
j until it disfigured my features aod became ail intol
erable aillictlon. I tried almost every thing a man
could of both advi.-e and medicine, hut witiiout any
| relief whatever, until I took your SAU.SAI-AMI.I.A.
It iinnn-diabdy made my face worse, as you tt.l.i me
it might fora time; but in a few WEEKS the new
skin began to form under the blotches, aiel con
tinued until my fare- is SR smooth as any body's,
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that
I know of. I enjoy p rii et health, and without a
doubt owe it to your SAUSAI-AUII-LA."
Erysipolas —GenerrJ Debility —Purify the
PROM Dr. H.h'J. Sairin, Ihotslon St., New York.
41 Dr.. Avi.ll. I H.-i join fail to remove Eruptions
and S -ro/al ais Som by the persevering use ot your
SAt:S.U*AI:!!.l.A,and I have just now cured aa attack
of Mahyuunt Fiy ijieias witii it. NO alterative we
POSSESS .spuds the ZSAKSAPAULLT.A you have sup
| plied to the profession as well as to the people."
From J. E. Johnston. Eng.. lYukemm, Ohio.
"For tu lie years. I luul the yellow Krvsijwlas
on my right arm, during which time 1 tried all tbo
celebrate- 1 physicians 1 could reach, and took hun
dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers
were so bad that the cords became visible, and the
doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I
began taking your S.\I:SAI-ARII.I.A. Took two I.ot
tleb. and somf of your I'ILI.S. Together they have
cured me. lam now as W. 11 and sound as any bisly.
Ileing in a public place, my ease IS known to every
body in this community, AND excites the wonder or
From /Ton. flenrg Monro, .D. P. P., of Newcastle,
C. \C., a leading member of the Canadian Parlia
"I have used vonr SARSAI'ARVI.T.A in mv family,
for general debility, and tor pacifying the blood,
with wrv beneficial results, aud iixl coniidoucc iu
couimeuuiug it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheuin,
Scald Read, Sore Eyes.
From li tre, y sicl. ler, / 'tin able editor of the
l 'lu ' /tanltem -. rat, Pe.ra-girania.
"Our only chil 1, ntsiut three years <N age, was
atfa. K.sl by pimples M his mrehe'id. Thi-v rajiidly
spread nun! they loruie.l a loathsome and virulent
sore, whieh eoiered his face, an- 1 actually blinded
HIS .-yes MI sonic- days. A skil.ui physician applied
nitrate UL sili. r and other remedies* without any
apparent effect, lor iifieen days we guarded his
hands, b-st Willi thein he should tear open the fea
tering and corrupt wouud which eoia-P-U Ids whole
faee. Having- tried every thing else we had any
hope from, no IS „M giiing your SIIISAPAHII.LA,
and applying tie- iodi.le ot potash lotion, as you
direct, fin sore began to LU-AL when we had given
the lirst bottle, and was WELL ivlieu we bad liuislied
tlic second. The child's eyelashes, which had como
oi.t, grew A gain, and he Is now as healthy and fair
r.S . ,:y ollu r. The whole neighborhood predicted
th .T li.e chil L must die."
Syphiiia &ND Mercuriil Discdsc.
Fran llirae., > f> 1. J.unie, Mits mri.
" I tiud YO.ir JSAKSAI-A1111.1.A a more elV.s-tual
r> IM dy ior the WS-ondarv symptoms of Sy r iiitis
and lor syphiliticdnnM tb.m any oth. r we pom cam.
The pro" -ion an indebted to you lor boiuc of the
b-st uiidiviiics we have."
From A. J. French, .'/*. It., tin eminent physician of
I.on reo.ee. Mat*., who ... a prominent number of
the /.< yi data re of aarhtts.
"Ills. AVI.lt. My dear Pir • 1 have found vour
KAIISAI-AUII.I.A au'exci-lleiit reni' dy fur Syphilis,
both of the primary and sc oudary iyp-, and eit'-E
--tual iu bome eases lhat were too obstjuate to YI.-HL
to other rco:edl--s. Ido not knoiv what we ran em
ploy with more eertunity of success, where A poiver
lu! alterative is required."
Mr. Clot*. S'. tan luw, of New Pmnnri. k, N.J.,
had dreadful ulcers on his legs, CAUSED by tiie abuse
of M. rcury, or vntrcuri-d disease, which gre.V more
and more aggravated for y.ars, in spite ol every
remedy or treatment that could lie applied, until the
persevering use of AY bit's SAIISAI-AKILI.A relieved
I.im. LEW eases can tie found more inveterate and
distressing than this, ami it took several dozen
bottles to cure him.
Whites, Female "Weakness,
are " tty J.S,13,1. -T D by internal Scrofulous 1 7-
cer.d . . .D are v. rv efbsi cured by the" alterative
effect of ibis s U.s.vi' uttl.l.A. Some canes M phre,
however. 1.1 ai-1 of tb • ;• \I;S.U>AIMLLA, the skihul
appli .(ion of local reixtslies.
I Fr.cn Cie well irA-arn and Jridr'i/cej.u,rated Dr.
./ ••t o-rid, ofCi-o iunati.
j "I !1.-II- found your S IN'SAl' liiibl. A an excellent
albwidiv • in 'IS. I- S of li-mc.le<. Many eases of
IN pil iritv. Iciicorrluei, Internal I'lerrati M, and
local debility, arising from the scrofulous diatln SIS,
have vieldeil to it, and th--re are few that do not,
ivhen'its effort i projK rl/ al led by local treatment."
A la y, unwilling to allow the publication of her
■name, writes .-
" Mv daughter and MYSELF have been enre.l of a
V-rv debilitating Ia ucorrlee I ox ION" standing, by
two D.:ri- . of vour
RDounu-t rm, Goat, Liver Complaint, Dys
pup. in, newt Diseaie, NcuraLjia,
j WB N -.1 !..- .V .- aula i:I the system, are rapidly
cured by this EXT. SABSAPAKILLA.
pi)*-vi'v s so many advantages over the other
purgatives in the market, and their superior
. o tues are so universally known, thatwo need
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
! has been, ants that they may be depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C. AYKB, M. IE, 4 Co.,
T..r.vi 11, Mass., and sold by
For sale byßunnell A Bannatyne, and Lyman i
Whlls, Tui.khanndik. Sterling A Son, Meshoppen,
Stevens A Acklev, Lacevville, Frear, Daan A Co,
Factoryvilie, and all Druggists aud Deelsrs in mcd
cines, everywhere.
Howard Asaufialloii Reports, for YOUNG
; MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and tie ER-
I ROUS, ABUSES a id DISEASES which destroy tie
manly piwers, and create impediments to MAR
, RLAIiK, with suro means of relief. Sent in sea od
letter, enielopes. free of charge Ad'iress Dr. J.
1 SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Howard Association,
i Philadelphia. Pa.
j 6n44 lycar-
William Flickner,
At 7 t'.YAV/A.YYOCA', 'jPenn'a.
Who bus the exclusive right f.r Wyoming county, is
one of tho very'few Machines that will rut Hay.
Straw. Stalks, <xr., better than the old fashioned
Cutting boxes, used by our grandfathers.
Those who value time nod labor: and would avoid
a nee lies- 1 hiss of both, in feeding their stock, should
get one of these improved Cutters.
No man ever found anything better ; or ever went
back to the old machine alter a trial of it.
A Supply- Constantly on Hand
and fur sale,
Tekbno<tfc !>•. V 10F7v7aKM.
[From the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury.]
A Truthful Tale, showing how a Washington Tai
lor turned a Stubborn Ncdily out of a War Sta
ble, and hoic the Neddy brayed until Congress
patsed a bill prerenting Cruelty to Animals, but
said bill being disregarded by the Tailor, he
was forthwith Impeached fur High Crimes and
Misdemeanors ; correctly copied from the Black
Laws of the Fortieth Congress.
"If I had a donkey and he would not go,
Do you think I'd neat him I No, no, no."
All the dogs will have their day,
And so will all the coons ;
The pupfies will two mornings have,
The sluts two afternoons
But n? the cats have each nine livas,
And largely dejl in mews,
AnJ pay no tax, they nil may hare
Whatever time they choose.
But of another animal
I here will tell a fable,
Which lived for years at Washington,
In the war ofSce stable.
Like other stubborn Neddies, he
Could slyly deal in kicks ;
None hut his breed could trust him,
lie had doml such dirty tricks.
By feeding at the puMic crib,
Ilis ears so long had grown,
lie foolishly began to think
The stable was his own.
Because he bad a woolly head,
And heart as black as coal,
lie claimed to be a loyal moke,
And free lrom a'l control.
At last he biay'd so very loud,
And kicked up such a rout,
A Tailor boldly undertook
To turn the Neddy out.
But scarcely was poor Bdwir. thrust
Outside the stable dour,
Than be 1 egan to kick and bray
More fiercely than before.
As soon as Congress. beard the noise,
Learned what it was about,
The members swore the Tailor could
Not turn the Neddy out.
Beside, poor Edwin was a spy,
And one of their own breed,
And should within the stable stop
And fatten on tbe feed
Therefore, they framed and passed a bill
As soon as they were able,
To make tho Tailor take agiun
Their Neddy in the stable.
At this tbe Tailor said on him
Tberc should be no restraint ;
Beside, of Neddy's stable he
Had made a General Grant.
But Congress swore that they would not
By any grant abide,
For such a thing was only smoke,
Unless upon their side,
AnJ in tho stable Neddy shoald
Again be put by force ;
No Tailor could turn out a moke,
But p'r aps might Grant a horse
So N'eJfly at the public crib
Uis former place received,
Which dearly proves u Gentral Grant
Is not to be believed.
As Neddy, by the treacherous Grant,
M s put into the stable,
Uo was determined to stick in
As/long as he was able.
And bray'd far loudtt than before.
Cocked.up hU tail and can,
During the Tailor to couie in
And crop thcui wi'b his nh.ars.
The Tailor, nothing daunted was,
Cut Thomas sent in haste,
Up to. the stable to turn out
Again the bracing beast.
Cut Congress swore it treason .was,
Their Neddy to provoke,
And Thomas was arrested
For looking at the moke.
And took be.'ore Judge Carter
Who put him under bail
For speaking disrespcctfu I of
l'oor Edwin's ears and tail.
Meanwhile, the Noddy very close
Within the stable kept,
Afraid to come outside the door,
For thoro hejatejand slept :
And General Thayer lay all night
With Neddy on the straw,
For fear that Thomas should again
Attempt to break the law.
At this Congress became enraged,
And frantically screeched :
Tli.it Tailor for h ; s cruelty
Shal l quickly be impeached.
And be suspended, (or ho has
The Power we hold defied,
And by tbe biggest ro-rues within
The Senate shall be tried.
Jf-fT "That's what I call •apital punish—
inenl," as the boy said when his mother
shut liim up in the dark closet among all
the preserves.
The imagination* of men do more
thgn nature to make womcu U#utifuL
" To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Ripht. "
The introduction of burning oils made
from coal, and later from pe'roleum, has
added greatly to our domestic cotnfurt,
and given the dwellers in the country one
of the advantages of those who live in cit
ies—a cheap and powerful light. Indeed,
we think that kerosene makes a pleasanter
light than gas, and the city housekeeper
his no advantage over the rural one, so
far as light goes, other than not being
obliged to 611 and tiim ln r lamps. How
m .ch mote the evenings ate enjoyed,when
the room is made cheerful by sufficient
light! It is of itself a great inducement
to reading. Hut as we sit down to read
the paper, with a menial blessing on the
man who invented kerosene, our enjoyment
is seriously disturbed by reading the, alas,
too frequent accounts of severe burning
and death from exploded kerosene lamps,
and we begin to be suspicious of our own
lamp, which though it has always behaved
itself most commendably, we feel might at
some lime make us a subject for a tu-ws
ptper ilem. We soon regain confidence
in our lamp, which lasts until we bear of
another " shocking accident." We sup
pose that these might have been the feel
ings of many who burn kerosene, and it is
worth while to look into the matter, and
see 10 w hat these so frequent explosions
are due.
Coal oil an>! petroleum consists of sev
eial distinct oils, which have different boil
ing points. If tile crude article be heated
to 100, for instance, all that portion ot it
which will boil at that temperature will be
driven off by evaporation. If the heat be
increased to 110, and steadily maintained
there, another portion that was not volatile
; at 100, will be evaporated; and so on.—
; The refining of crude oils is done in ac
! cordancc with these facts. The crude oil
is put ir.to a still, and separated, by the
proper *ppr'>piiation of heat, into liquids
that have diff rent boiling points. Those
which evaporate at the lowest t mperatures
are known as naptha, benzine, gasoline,
: etc., that winch boil- at a higher degree of
' heat is kerosi in-, and after that has been
distilled off, titer.- is lift in the still a por
lion of oil not volatile. Hei Z'ne and the
| other oils whieii have low boiling points
evaporate rapidly at oidiuary tempera
tures, and when their vapors are mixed in
proper proportions with air, a compound
is formed which will explode whenever
light is applied. Hence these cannot he
used for illuminating purposes in ordinary
> lamps.
They, (benzine, etc.,) ate produced quite
ahundan'iv in the process of refining crude
oil, and as the d- man ! for them for ti<e in
the a:ts is small in comparison with that
for kerosene for burning tlu-v are always
! very mucli cheaper than kerosene
Kerosene, properly made by a reliable
j manufacturer, will not ii flame at the tcm
i perature to which it i* likely to he exposed
in use, nor give off a vapor that will form
! an explo.-ive compound with air.
i As tin- oil for hurtling brings aso much
higher price than benzine, there is a temp*
tation to the refiner to leave as much of
the latter in his kerosene as he can with
safety. For the same reason there is a
temptation to the dealer to buy both ben
zine and kerosene, and mix them, to re
duce tlm price at which lie car. sell tliem.
This is largely done, and it is verv com
mon to find kerosene of two qualities and
pnet sin the retail stoics. The low priced
is made such by the addition of the dan
gerous benzine.
There are several forms of apparatus
made for the. purpo>e of testing the safety
of the oil, and every dealer should have
one and learn how to use it
A sufficiently accurate test mav he made
by any one who has a thermometer. Place
a cup in a tin or other vessel of water
which is sliown by the thermometer to be
at 110. When the cup is warmed through
put in a table spoonful of kerosene Hold
a lighted match just above the surface of
the kerosene, and if any vapors have been
given off, thev will take fire. This is not
attended with any danger, and a careful
person, who will probably observe the con
dilions of temperature may obtain correct
results. Any kerosene that will stand
heating to 110, without forming an infiatn
al> e vapor is safe to use, as fat as danger
from explosion is concerned Some of
that which is sold at the clo ap rates will
form an explosive vapor at the tempera
ture of a well warmed dwelling, and the
wonder is, not that there are so many ac
cidents, but that th> re are so few.
Tiie only thing the purchaser can do
is, to avoid a cheap article, and to procure
his supplies of persons who not only would
not adulterate themselves, hut who regard
the safety of others sufficiently to take!
pains to obtain liieir sl< ck from reliable
sources only. Each dealer should insist
upon a guarantee that the kerosene will
not form an explosive vanor at a lower
temperature than 110.
There is a law of Congress against sell
ing any illuminating oils that will not stand
the test of 110, anil any one who sells dan
geious oils is liable to both fine and im
prisonment. We cannot learn that any
one was ever even complained of, much
less punished, under the law, so indiffer
ent are the people to that which concerns
their own welfare, — American Agricul
tr&~ " l)r.' said a hard looking custom
er the other day to a physician, * 4 I am
troubled witli a depression, an uneasiness
about the breast What do yon suppose
the matter is?" " All very easily accoun
ted for," said the physician. " Vou have
water on the chest." " Water ! Come,
that will do well enough for a joke ; but
how could I get water on my chest, when
I bar n't touched a drop for years ?"
In a late speech at Akron, Ohio, Fred.
Douglas, addressing the colored people,
told them the Government emancipated
the negro as a matter of policy, and not
from any C'hristain motive of light or jus
lice,and that they had no more reason io he
thankful to the Government for thvir free
dom than had the Hebrews to feel thank
ful to Pharaoh for their deliverance from
bondage. Dongas said that although it
was possible that, naturally, the colored
men were equal to the whites, they were
not so piacticallv. and that they must rise
through their own exertions to a much
higher degree of intelligence before being
allowed all the rights and privileges of
the white man. He added that they were
now on probation, and if 6ftcen years
hence found them as they arc now, it
would be almost impo.-sible to make any
advancement. Perhaps this advice from
an intelligent man may be received by
his race as a counsel from a friend. It is
certain that the competition against
which thev will have to contend for the
means of t-upport, must inciease by immi
gration eveiy year, whilst they can rely
on no such addition to their numbers, hut
must make up for the inequality by in
creased ellictencv. The ignorant and de
graded, of whatever color, must always
he subject to superior intelligence, and it
behooves the colored people to icflect
whether those ate their*true friends, who
would plunge them into politics without
previous preparation and training, or
those who would help to fit tliem, as far
as may be accomplished, for the discharge
hereafter of such duties as may devolve
upon them.— BaUi'nore Sun.
The eoitor of that very out spoken pa
per, the Memphis Avalanche, has been
sentenced to imprisonment for libil.—
The following are his views trf the matter,
viz : The Avalanche's editorial rooms in
a few days will be temporarily removed to
the county jail on Adams street between
See.* tid and Third, where wc will he pleas
ed to meet our friends. A swindling vag
abond, an unprincipled Judge, dressed in
a little brief authority, may trample upon
law, u-urp euthotity, and incarcerate us in
loathsome dungeons, but thank God he
cannot chain the immortal mind which
scorns f"tters, soars above despotism, and
since our right arm is not manacled or
pa'sied, we intend with onr editorial pinch
ers to make the putrid flesh that covers
the rotten hones of our persecutor quiver
like a worm in the ashes. No amount of
imprisonment can change our opinion of
William Hunter. We respect here all we
have said of him. Wc accused him of
taking straw hail; of receiving as seenritv
negroes who have been arrested for va
grancy. We repeat the charge, and what
is more we can prove it. Tnc old swind
ler knows this, and will not,therefore, per
mit us to show to the world before the
Court he disgraces, that he has arrested
us for telling the truth. Conscious that
the constitution and laws of. Tennessee
give us the right to expose corruption—
to denounce an unprincipled Judge upon
the bench as freely as a beggar upon the
street —we ean well afford to scorn the
effort of Hunter to muzzle this jlress,
and defy hiin to do his worst.
following communication was recently
made to a British society. '' A Chinese
merchant had been convicted of murder
ing his wife, and was sentenced to die by
being deprived of sleep. This painful
mode of death was carried into execution
under the following circumstances. The
condemned was placed in ptison under the
care of three police guards, who relieved
each other every alternate hour, and who
prevented the prisoner from sleeping,
night or day. He thus lived for nineteen
days without enjoying any sleep. At the
commencement of the eighth day his
stiff rings were so intense that hu implored
the authorities to grant him the blessed
opportunity of being strangled, guillotined,
burned to death, drowned, shot, garroted,
quartered, blown up with gunpowder, or
put to death in any other conceivable way
which their humanity or ferocity could
heard of people getting married ly steatu
and by telegraph, hut a new and novel
plan lias been inaugurated which may he
styled marriage made easy. An editor
recently overheard two young ladies talk
ing on this subject. One said she was
sure she would faint, but the other said
when she got married she intended to
take chloroform. This is decidedly better
than the plan of the bashful man who
wanted to slide into matrimony by degrees.
Aw hite handkerchief applied to the nose,
a moment passed in bhsfful dreams, and
you awake in the promised land ! Get
ting married by chloroform will undoubt
edly become very popular with the ladies.
Man is like a snow ball. Leave bitn
dying in idleness against the sunny fence
of prosperity, and all good that is in him
melts like butter; but kick hira around,
and he gatheis strength with every suc
cessive revolution until he grows into an
avalanche. To succeed, you must keep
Hon. Geo. Vickers, the new United
States Senator from Maryland, was admit
ted to his seat on Monday last The
Radicals made an effort to prevent his ad
tEiesioß but signally failed,
Greenbacks Or Repudiation.
The Ntw York Ilerald thu* discourses
on the finances;
Tbe tendency is, however, to the broad
est and most liberal measures, so far as
the interests of the taxpaying masse* are
concerned. The premature and Shylock
demand of the bondholders, to be paid
the full face of their bonds in gold, whether
so expiesM'd or not, has amused the wide
spread opposition. The efforts of these
bondholders to contract the currency and
force specie payments, in order to increase
their own wealth thirty to forty per cent.,
and to ke< p tip for all time to come the
burden of an enormous debt on the produc
tive industry of the working classes, have
alarmed the people. They naturally look
to the amount given for these bonds, not
on thu whole more than fifty to sixty per
cent, in gold, perhaps, and ask why they
should he called to pay a hundred. They
want to know why there should be one
rule of payment for the bondholders, and
another for all the rest of the community.
Let these bondholding Shylocks demand
their pound of flesh, let them demand the
full face of their bonds, no matter how
their victims bleed; but let them beware
of the fate of Shylock. who lost all Lis
money. The significant vote iu the House
of Representatives on Monday on Mr.
Burr's resoiution declaring " that sound
financial policy requires the gradual with
drawal of the interest-bearing bonds and
the substitution therefor of greenbacks "
ought to be a warning to the exacting
bondholders. When Mr. Spalding moved
io lay this resolution on the table the vote
stood sixty-five to fifty five against tabling
it ; that is there was a majority of ten
against the bondholders' attempt to smoth
er the resolution. But this is only one of
many incidents in Congress, significant it
is, showing tho growing tendency to repu
diate the greedy claims of the bondholders.
Let them beware how they act lest a more
sweeping repudiation should follow. The
heavily burdened taxpayers will not be
trifled with, or bend to unreasonable ex
actions. Tbe bondholders must help as
wt 11 as others, to relieve the country of
t ie weight of our stupendous debt, or they
may meet the fate of Sbyiock.
The One Man Power.
The National Intelligencer , speaking of
tile spectacle presented in the Senate on
fhnisdsy, when Senator Wade was called
to qualify for a trial the most solemn which
has ever been instituted on earth, says :
"Knowing by that unerring process of
reason which curdles a thousand issues in
-Ito one—the real one—that the matter to
result from the proposed trial is simply
and inevitably which one of two men shall
he President, that Senator b> ing one of
them lie arose and deliberately walked
forwa dto offer himself as a President.—
Before a gazing world an American bred
tnan did that act. The hiss of scorn and
ihe blast of shame ought to come up from
all mankind. 11 is relation to the trial it
precisely that, and as personal as that of
the accused. The alternative is wholly
between the two men. One shall be a
President and the other shall not. The
judgment cannot be less than this. It can
not be more. On that judgment the ac
cuser lias no voice, llis inevitable alter
nate demands a voice ! Shall the dignity
and conscience of the American people be
put off with the disgusting affectation that a
man under such circumstances may divest
himself of all bias in his own favor ? With
what contempt the people will receive the
insulting pretence that a haidened old
politician may be so indifferent to the
greatest office in their gift, that though
directly and inevitably related to it, he
would be wholly unaffected by the fact?
Is that office so despicable that even Mr.
\Vade could not bo influenced by it ?
Should this trial result hv any possibili
ty in a removal of President Johnson—and
what is the same thing, the induction of
Mr. Wade—what artifice could hide, what
forgciy could supplant the everlasting sig
nificance of the scene of yesterday, as
prefiguring the seizure of the government
bv " single usuiper and his conspiring al
lies ? Will Senators sec where they place
themselves should they tolerate this abom
inable abuse ?"
Gir We have heard that it is in con
t< mplation among the Radicals at Wash
ington that Sumner, in the Senate, and
Boat well, iii the House-shall simultaneous
ly introduce bills to change the name of
the "Mississippi" to the "Niger," and to
order the Secretary of the Interior to have
the Capitol painted black. The project
slumbers, because the three Radical Sena
tors who are not Yankees by birth, hesita
ted, as it might not he approved by the
honest women of the Mississippi \ alley.
Sumner thinks lie can succeed in getting a
majority vote to change the first syllable
of the new State of " Color 'ado into
"Biaek-a moor," and with the patient
waiting of the man of one idea, he has
laid aside the Mississippi scheme, until his
proposed amendment of the name of the
Territory can be accomplished.— Age.
A LITTLE boy had lived for some
time with a penurious old uncle, who took
good care that the child's health should
not be injured by over feeding. The un
cle was one day walking out, ( the child
at his side ) when a friend accosted him,
accompanied by a grayhound. While the
elders were talking, the little fellow never
having seen a dog of so sliui and
slight a texture, clasped the creature around
the neck with the impassioned cry, " Oh,
doggi', and did ye live wi' your uncle too,
that ye are ro thin ? "
TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance
.NO. 34.
fPtiiaiili fcbrtatfr.
Qui lip says.that the only sore thing he
knows of to prevent heir from falling off is
hair pins.
A Berkshire paper say s that a fellow in
that vicinity was courting his girl on Monday
evening, and, wishing to be conversational,
observed: ''The theruiomokron te twenty
degrees below aelon this evenin'." "Yee," in
nocently replied the maiden, -'such kinds of
birds do fly higher some seasons of the year
than others."
now IT WAS DONE. —An Irishman, addict
ed to telling queer stories, said he 6aw a man
beheaded with bis hands tied behind him,
who directly picked tip his head, and put it
on his shoulders in the right place.
"Ila ! ha !" said a bystander ; "bow co'd
he pick up his head when bia bands were
tied behind him V'
"Ao' sure what a purty fool you are," said
Pat, "Couldn't he pick it up with hia
lathe ?"
Judge Griffith, on the bench in New York
appointed a crier whose want of tense was
more thau made up by the the size of his
voice. A young barrister, with more fun
I than legal lore in him was fond of playing off
jokes on hitn. So one day the Judge order
j c-d the crier to call Jabes Logue. The bar-
J rister, stepping behind the crier, whispered.
"Epilogue in his ear.
"Epilogue !" shouted the crier,
"Mono-logue !" said the lawyer.
"Mono-logue !" cried the crier.
"Pro logue "
And the crier still cried, "Pro-logue !"
And the pertinacious crier shouted "Dia
logue !" at the top of his voice.
Discouraged at heariDg no response from
the Logue family, the crier turned and said
to the court, sitting in mute astonishment at
the stupid crier's calls.
"I've called all the Logues in town, and
never one is here to speak for himself."
Some of the Brahmins in India have as
mny is 135 wives. This beats the Mormons
out of sight.
At a young ladies' Seminary recently, dur
ing an examination in history, ODe of the
pupils was interrogated :
"Mary, did Martin Luther die a natural
death ?"
"No," was the reply, "he waa excommuni
cated by a bull."
The exceedingly 6hort coats worn now-a
days might bo called petty-coats.
A statistical writer says, "a girl to-day
coata four timea as much per pound aa one
coat thirty yeara ago." To ua they are aU
ways dear.
At a colored party, Sambo asked Dinah
if he should help ber to 6ome of the breast.
"Now, ain't you 'shamed Sambo, to say
brrast before the ladies ? I'll take a piece of
turkey bosom."
"My opinion is,"*aid a philosophical old
lady of much experience and observation,
"that any man as dies upon washing day
does it out of a pure spite."
A elerk near Boston, or elsewhere, recent*
ly commented in this way on Pocahootas :
Said he,' Pocahontas was a great man Po
cahontas was a noble, kind hearted and true
man. "Ilold on," cried his companion,
"Pocahontas was a womon," "She was, ah 1
Well, that's just my luck ; how am I expect
ed to tuow ? I never read the Bible."
moeopathic rule that "like cures like" receives
a tvhitnsical offset in the fullowiog specimens
of opposite practice :
A lad swallowed a small lead bullet. Ilia
friends were much alarmed about it, and his
father, that no means might be spared to
save his darling boy's life, sent post haste to
a surgeon of skill, directing his messenger to
tell him the circumstances aud.urge hia com
ing without delay.
The doctor was found, heard the dismal
tale, and with as much unconcern as he wo'd
manifest in a common headache, wrote the
following laconic note :
"Slß— Don't alarm yourself. If, after three
weeks, the bullet not removed, give the
boy a charge of powder, Yours, Ac."
"P. S,—Don't shoot the Ixy at any*
This is much akin to the laconic prescrip
tion of the celebrated Dr. Abernethy.
An Irishman called in great baste upon tbe
doctor, staling that—
"Bejabers, my boy Tim has swallowed a
mouse !"
"Then, be jabcra," said Abernethy, "tell
your boy Tim to swallow a cat."
The Paris Press says a gentleman ac
costed a voter of that place with tha ques
tion :
"Sam, who did you vote for ?"
"I—l—l rote for-for -for—"
"Did you vote for universal suffrage ?"
I "Dai's him ! I swear 'fore God I like to
r-,|-ii If