Loral and Personal. Democratic dub Meeting.*-A regular mcet ©f the " Central Democratic Club of Wyoming Coun ty," wilbW held at the Court Ilouie on Saturday evening nest at 7j o'clock, for (lie transaction of business Let the friends of Republican govern ment and Constitutional liberty ci me out to this meeting (Per order of Club.) Broken L.cg.--Audrew Arnold, a young son of Christian Arnold, broke his leg a fear days since while making some Sam Patch jumps off a high bark. Outs? he'll conclude, before he gets over it, that jumping aiu't a very healthy exercise after all. Bitten by a Png,—Al Roberts whilo walking along the streets the other day was assailed and bit ten in tbe hand by a dog whose reputation as a peaceable and quiet dog is not good. We don't know what Mr. Wall, the owner, proposes to do with him ; but we have board several persons recommend cold lead, as a very proper remedy In such cases.— The dog will probably "Uo to the place where the Lad dogs go." House Builder* nnd others using lumber should bear in mind that there is now a large quantity of extra quality of extra thick seasoned pine boards for sale at this place, helow the usual market price. We refer of course to WaUman A Co.'s stock now in charge of E, J. Keeney, who shonld be addressed for particulars. We have bad er, nr. i wit: >u" .cy h.\o alio pronounce it good an i cheap. The Indian Ductless, Marleah, or tne Wii.t Flower, stiil remains in town, and wo understand is treating quite a number of patients afflicted with chronic and other diseases. Her rooms are at Wall's Hotel, where she can be a " t ' ie afflicted believerp, at all reasonable hours, night or day. Scott's Popular Remedies are advertised in another column. They are said to be the ne plus ultra of materia rnedica. Every family should keep them on hand. We have been requested to announce that E. W. W stson will not be able to £.' l out the balance of his school term ou account of the death of his wife Last week we gave notice that he was detained at home in consequence of sickness in his tauiily, this week we regret to katn that that sickness termi nated fatally. Rumors. "We hear that Esquire Ben Nowmaa has traded houses aud lots with Isaac 11. Ross Mr Ross we learu has sold the Newuian house to Mr. Mack, the carriage maker. Frank Crane is about to remove to Emporium, Cameron County, Pa, Wm, B. Gverfiel i has purchased George Stoekel's ten acre lot ju-c North of town. Mr. Sloekel has purchased a smaller lot of W. £ Little: F. M. Terwiiliger has purchased a very desirable building lot of C P. Miller, nearly opposite C. R. Lane's. Cairl Ilenningcr recently purchased a 2" acre out of-town-lot of Jerome Welch. A young Lawtr iu 'own is having a change come o'er the spirit of his dre.itn* Sail change his been produced by a Miss T., of Towanda. New Railroad Pregldent.—llon. Asa Pack er has been elected President of the Lseigh Valley Railroad Company, in place of W. W. Longstreth, res'gnel, and Charles Hartshorn. Vice President, in place cf Julge Picker, promoted. We understand ths change? arc revived with great favor along the Lehigh. Drouth.—A drouth is said to be Drevailing in this community to a considerable extent io conse queuco of the closing up of the lager beer saloons. — Those who found the " exhilarating" though not in toxicating f?) fluids so essential in slaking their th-ret "at in rn, at noon, and at night," SDJ them now no more. And since, in the opinion of London snd Lot', it is only th agl.t necessary that " hotels kepi, fu.-jiahed anl deemed necessary for the travel ing public " should ba licensed to so!', barter and traffic in " exhUercting beverages," of course the refreshment saloons of this erontj are "left out in the cdl." Only the " traveling public," according to the--e wise Solons, these "friends of temperance and morality," are supposad to ever get .dry—thongh we presume the law will be framed broad enough to ioclude a few of the landlords' most " intimate frienls," who ere nod of the " traveling public." The great party of " decency, morality, and virtue," truly, have wise legislators at diarris burg. Pi;, or Pup t— ■' Just as you please, my little dears, —you pays your money und you takes your choice." Wiierkas, the Republican party is a party of pa triotism. decency, morality, and oppose 1 to vice and crime. Thercf-re Resolved. That it is the sense of this Convention that it would be wise an I judicious to extend the law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating 'drink throughout ths State Resokd, That intempo an-e is a gte't evil ant that the nle of mtoxi arin-' Iril - ' i • • • - ... • ted by law, und that w. -1 i t; r jsvii { any law now io exii'm. , oj' : These solemn prcau. ic and res V .si will be recognised by most of our revl publican party platform of last Fail, passed ro a sol emn conclave of the wise ones at their County Con vention. These words read strangely in view of the white washing manifesto or pro nuncio merit" signed by Landon, Lott, and others, which will be found in an other column of to-day's paper. This is a fair sam ple of Republican honesty ; or rathor of black repub lican dUhontsty , duplicity and hypocrisy. In order to relieve themselves in general, and some certain individuals in particular, from an unpleasant dilom ma--of an elephant which thoy had got on their hands—these men are prepared to play pup or pig at plensuro only so they remain top dogs of the ken nel. When it suils their purposes they prate louily of " decency, morality, temperance and a profcibito ry law." Wnenone cf the animals finds himself wedged into a small holo tbo whole brood rushes to bis rescue with a " modified liconso law," •'The Sweetest Thing in Lift-," is good health and good spirits, and if you have them not, the next best thing is what will restore bloom to the faded cheek and happiness to fhe drooping heart.— The great and sere remedy is Plantation Bitters, which onr physicians recommend to both male'ani femile patients as a safe, reliable, agreeable and cordial stimuli, ot. They contain nothing to disagrc-e with the most delicate constitution, anl have won goblcn opinions from all whi have tried them ; and probably no article was ever tried by so many per aons They elevate the depressed and give strength to the weak. Magnolia Hater. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co*- Jogne and at half the price. To give Life, Growth and Beauty to your flair, use Mrs. 8. A. Allen's Improved (new style) U&ir Restorer or Dressing, combined in one bottle. Prise One Dollar. Sold by all Druggists. A Balm for every Wound. Grace's Cele brated Sake is now so generally used for the cure of flesh wounds cuts, burns, ulcers, felons, sprains, and all diseases of the skin, that praiao of it seems to bo Beebless. Those who have tried it once always keep • box on hand, and nothing will induce them to be ! without a supply. B anted— Agents for the sale of Lloyd's Great a P —zan make froui sto 20 dollars per day. Ad- SIMON C. PETERS A CO., Box 40, Harrisburg, Pa. I I Resolutions on tlie Pohibitory Liquor Law. At a meeting of the un 'crsigned, and others, in terested in the maintenance of law and order, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: j Whereas, a prohibitory liquor law applying to j Wyoming County was passed by the Legislature at i its last session, forbidding entirely the granting of licenses. And whereas, public sentiment is much excited, and divided upon the same, the law not be ing strongly and successfully maintained, but fruit i less litigation resulting therefrom. And whereas, upoo a careful comparison of the ]>etitions, for a re peal of said law, with the remonstrances against such repeal, we find a strong majority of the voters and actual tax payers upon the petions for pepeal ; and Whereas, any law upon the siatute bonk, wbich is persistently and successfully resisted by public opin ion, must lead to greater demoralization of society, than could lie produced by the alleged evil sought I to be removed by the law, and Whereas, many persons who signed the remon strances against repeal, have since by letter declared their conviction in a contrary direction, their com munications cow being before us, and | Whereas, iu the nature of things, it is illogical , and unwise to prohibit, as a crime in one neighbor j hood any act, which is not only tolerated I ut sanc j tinned by law in the next community ; therefore | Resolrtd. That as friends of temperance and mor ality, we believe it would be prudent, and judicious to so far modify the prohibitory liquor law of Wyo ming county as to allow license to such Hotels as are kept, furnished and deemed necessary for the ac commodation of the traveling public Making the forfeiture ot license an additional jionalty to those | now existing lor the violations thereof. I [Signed] GEORGE LANDON ZIIIA LOTT JAMK-i K WEBB. .1 T OHAMBLRL.MN, Reprt -n-.iives (• m Bradford. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Sen ator fr"in Lm.err.e County. Ltd It EN IS DKK ITT, Representative, from Susquehanna Co Ilarrisburg, March 19, 1868. Married, MO>S CAREY —February 3d, by Rev. Geo Green field, at the Parsonage of the M E Church, Cen tremoreland, Aaron Moss, of Dallas, to Miss Mari- I on A Carey, of Northmurelund , WRIGHT- DAILY —On the 10th inst by Rev Geo. j Greenfield, at the house of bride's sister in North niorelanJ, Orlando Wright, of Monroe, to Miss j Elizabeth Daily, of Korthinoreland. BILLINGS—JACKSON—On the ISth inst, bv Rev. Dewitt C. 01 instead, at the house of the bride's father, Japer N. Billing?, of Lemon. ; to Miss Emetine Jackson of Wjalusiug KEtilSl'EK'S NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that the following ac counts and claims hive been filed iu the Kegis | tor's Office in and for the County of Wyoming, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court to bo held at | Tunkhannock in and for said County on the 20th day of April next, for confirmation and allowance. , Partial account of C. Manville, one of the Execu tors of tbo an 1 testament of A. K Peck ha in, j late of the Borough of Tunkhannock, dee d. Filou | January 2u,M6t)9. j The final account of Wa r ren Briggs, administrator ol the estate of Alvah Briggs late of Clinton town ship, dee'd. Filed January 2d, 19(jS Ihe final account ot J. \V Huberts, adininistrstor jot the estate of Allen Fiuh late ot Falls township, i dee'd Filed February 21, (jB. The final account of Charles S. Harding, adminis trator of ihe estate of Charles Johns >n, late of Moa - i roe township, dee'd. Filed February 27, 'gß The final account of Lysandci Hardin gaud Char | ity Kosengrant administrators of al! and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were i of George Kosengrant, late of Eaton township, Wy ommg county, Pcnn'a, dee'd Filed March 7, 'g9 j The final account of D. D. Gardner, administrator |of the estate ot Alonzo Gardner, late of Clinton , township, dee'd. Filed March Ig, 'gS Widow's claim in the estate ot Christopher Bush, j late of V. ishmgton township, dac'd. File! i'oorua | rj -6. '6^- 0 I. PARRISH, Register. Register's Office, March 21. 'g9. | SHERIFF'S SAFE. t> Y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me di f re -tod there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tuuklia nock, Wyoming Co., Pa ON SATCKDAT, MARCH 18, '69, at 1 o'clock I' M. 1 All the right, title and interest of the defendant in end to that certain piece, pircel or tract ot lan I sit uate an! being in the town hp of M-shopnon, Wyo ming county, Pennsylvania, bounded an I described as follow , to wit; On the North by Me-hoppjo Cioek. E.st by land of Wm. M Sine, Soutb by pub lic Highway leading to North Branch Canal, and Wert by land of L. Vfecbeum, containing about one fourth of an acre of land, m >re or less, with one frame dwelling house, one barn, with a kitchen anl wood-shed attached thereto, and some fruit trees thereon with thn appurt> nances. Also, ona other piece, parcel it tract of bind situ ate in said township of Mesboppen. Wyoming eonn'y, i Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; North by land of Isaac Jayne. Eist anl South by the llignways or public roads, and West by lauds of K. J. Mowery.-containingabAut one half of an acre ! of land more oi less with one two story store house and dwelling house attached thereto, one barn and some fruit trees thereon wjth the appurtenances Also, one other piece, parcel or tract of land situ ate and being in said township of Mesboppen, Wyo ming county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: North by land of B. E. Hull, East by ! land of Dr. (Yells, South by land of Merritt Smith and Daniel H.inkmson, and West by the public high way, containing about one-fourth of an acre of lan 1 more or lea", all improved with the ap; urtenanccs. Seized aret taken ia execution atthesuinof Dud J .yne. ; and Samuel V. Myres is. " las Vcrnoy, And will io cold for cash or.lv by M W HEWITT. Sheriff. Took., March 2J 13Ct"n33w3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to" oie directed there will bo exposed rtf Public sale at the j Court House, in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co,, Pa., SATURDAY, APRIL 3tb. '69, at 1 o'clock P. M All tho rLht, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit j uate and being in the township of Clinton, Wyoming county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fA i lows, to wit: On the North by land of Cyrus Clay, East by land of Z S. Reynolds, South by land of liartholoincw Capwell, and West by in iln road lead -1 Ing to Putter Milk Palls, containing one balf an acre of land,be the same more or less,with one frame house two stories high, together with a quantity of fruit trees and grapo vines thoreon, with the ap purtenances. Seized and token in execution at the suit of 11, X S. C Matbawson vs. Win II Dymond. And will be sold fer cash only by M. W. DEW ITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tuuk , March 24, 1868 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE I TiIAT on the 9th day of March A D 19g9, n Warrant in Bankrupt y was issued against the ' estate of Jasper J. Seymour, of Braic'rim township ; in the County of Wyoming, and Stato of Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on bis own pc- I tition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of ! any propelty belonging to such bankrupt, to bis or for ' his use, and the transfer of any property by him are I forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of , said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to cnoose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a ! Conrt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at'the office of tho Register in the Borough of T< wands. Bradford Co., Pa . before Edward Overton, Jr., Register, on the 25th dav of April A. D. IPjR, at 9 o'clock A. M. THOS A ROWLEY, U, S. Marshal, 33w4 By E B. Coolbaugh Deputy. | NOTICE. 1.9 hereby given that an application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming Co., { for a charter of incorporation of the Nortimorslarul Horse Thief Detecting and Insurance Company, and that if no sufficient reason shall be shown to tbs contrary, the same will be decreed by said Court, at the April term thereof, A. D. 1863, to be a corpora tion,-or body politic, according to the articles and ooudilions in said applicatiuu set lorth. 33wd E. J- KEENEY, Prothonotary. NOTICE IS hereby given that an application has been made to the Court of Comuioni Pleas of Wyoming Co for a charter of incorporation of The Hicholson Agricultural Society and that if no sufficient rea son shall be shown to the contrary, the same will be decreed by said Court, at the April term thereof, A. D. 1868, to be a corporation, or body politic, according to the Articles and conditions in said application set forth. E. J, KEENEY, Prothoootary. iptfial |Tntiff3. BOILS. Like the volcano, Boils give issue to the foul and fiery contents of the deep interior. To remove the cause of such suffering it is only necessary to vitalize the Blood by supplying it with its Life Element, IROR. THE PERT'VIAN SYRUP, (a protected Bwlution of the Protoxide of Iron) will do this effectuallj), and give strength , rigor and new lift to the whole system. Extract of a Letter from RKV RICHARD S. EDE?, of Bolton, Mass, "For years I was a sufferer from Boils, so that my life became wearisome through their frequent and persistent recurrence ; finally a carbuncle formed in the sm ill of my back. During its progress large pieces of decomposed flesh were every day or two cut away, and the prostration and general disturb ance of the system were great. Before I bad recov ered from this attack two smaller carbuncles broke out higher up, and I was again threatened with a recurrence of the sufferings to which I had so long been subjected It was t this time that I commenc ed taking the PERUVIAN SYRUP. I continued taking it until I had used five bottles ; since then I have had nothing of the kind. For years I was one of the greatest sufferers. Other medicines gave me partial and temporary relief, but this reinarknble remedy, with a kind and intuitive sense.went direct ly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a thoroughness worthv of its established character." A32 ocgc Pamphlet sent free The genuine ha* "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. J. P. DINSMOItE, Proprietor. No 36 I) y St., New York ,S*M by all druggists. I'ha best known remedy for 81ROFUIA, in ail its manifold forms, including Ulcers, Cancers, Syphilis, Salt Rheum, Consumption, etc., is DR. AK i)KIIS' loniNK WATER, a pure solution of lodine WITHOUT A SOLVENT, discovered after many years of scientific resear-h and experiment. For eradicating humors from the system it has no equal. Circulars sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Sold by Druggists generally, 36 Dey St., New York. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER The basis of its remedial properties is a vegetable compound. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a hair dressing. R P. HALL A CO. Nashua, N 11, Proprietor*. Fur sale by all druggists TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rev. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions .or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption llis only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 6n4('ly. Commercial College.—The auceess of Gard ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at Scranton, has surpassed all expectation The course of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— and give belter satisfaction than any other College f the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Lile Schol arship iuit of Wyoming County, an Auditor to make distribution of the assetts and report in the above entitled ease, will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at his otilee in the Borough of Tunk hannock, on iIIIDA3, MARCH 27th, 'G3, at one o'clock P. M.; at which time anj place all persons interested in said distribution are required to present their claims or be debarred from caning in for a share of said assets IIAUVEY SIt'KLER, Auditor. Tunk , Pa., March -ltli 1868n30wl ADMIMSTIi UORB' SAUK. T'JY virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court o* > V. y.tming County, will he sold at public snle a" the i.' l. !> tug i iiinty, on Saturday the 4'h day of April no a I at one o'clock J'. M, wll that certain pie e r j r> cl of land, situate in Nicholson town ship, Wyoming County, bounded and described as foiling: Beginning at a Beach corner on bank of creek, thence alcng salJ ere k, out-let of cheek's Pond, South GO decrees West 37 and six tenths per ches to a ist, thence 37 degrees West 731 perches to a corner, (post and stones), thence North 22 dcg. East 31 and eight-tenth perches to a post and stones, thence South 68 degrees East lid and six tenth per ches to a corner at Wall, thence South 4'2f degrees East 17 perches to beginning, containing 33 acres and 153 perches strict measure, with the appurtenan ces, and late the estate of Minor Worden, deceased. Terms made known on d iv of sale. 11. B. WORDEN. ) . . , ELIZA J WORDEN. 5 Nicholson, March 9, 1668---n3ln3 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: 'TMIAT on the Gth day of March A. I>. 1668, a L Warrant in Bankruptcy w igguco against the Estate of Almon (1. Stark, of tho Borough of Tunkhann ...in :he County ot Wyoming,and State of Pennsylvania, who hits been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of aiy debts an 1 delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him. or for his use and the transfer of any property by hiu: are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hol ien at the office of the Register, in the Bor ough of Towsnla, before Edward Overton, Jr., Reg ister, on the 17lh day of April A I). 1868, at 2 o'clock 1' M. THOMAS A ROWLEY, C. S. Marshal. 31 wI by E. E. CojLßacoh, Deputy ORPHAN'S COURT SALI:. "VTOTICE is hereby given that, it> pursuance of an i i order of tlio Orphans' Court of Wyoming Co.. dire: ted to the undersigned Guardian of the minor children of' George 8 J uttoii. dee'd, he will expose to public sale on Friday the 2 til day of March, 1963, at one o'clock 1' M., for cash, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Tool;harm..ok township, county aforesaid, and described as follows: beginning at a coiner on East side of public toad leading to Montrose and at the South West corner of lan l o! Thos Os'erhout. thence East along the line of said Osterhout'a land to a corner, land of Denja-' min Stemples ; thence South on a line of said Stem files to the North East corner of lands of Samuel Stark ; thence West along the line of said Stark to the sai l pu'clie road, and thenoe North along the East side of aid t c 1 to the place of beginning; containing twenty-five acres of land, more or less, with the appurUjiiau. es, Ac., with one small house, ahd other improvements thereon, late tne estate ot (J. S. Tuffon in said order named, arid to be sold ai the Court Ilou.ii in Tunkhannock Borough at the ,ime aliove stated, to the highest and best fodder. CIIAKLES J HENRY, Guardian. 4c. n29w4. rOUSD, or c.in be ►v.. F found at Lvinm ii ■ !•. - ! it inkrupt on his oivn petition ; , lymcnt d any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such llnukrupt. to bis, or for his use, and tlie transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove tiioir Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bohuldeu at Wall's ..Hotel in Tur.khannoek, !'a., before Edward Overton, •Jr. Register, on the 22J day of ApriJ A- D. 13(j3, at 11 o'clock A. M. TIIOS. A ROWLEY, E. 3 Marshal, 32w4 B,v E. R. Coolbuugh, Deputy. lIIMIMsiTKATOK'S NOTICE. "IT 7 HERE AS Letters of Administration upon the VV estate of Skftiucl C'aroy, late of Norlhmore laud township, dee'J, have boon granted to the sub scriber. All persons indebted to said estato are re quested to make imuied.uto payment, and those hav ing claiths against the same will present them to the undcrsignca duly authenticated for settlement. J. M CAREY, Adm'r. Xorthmorelacd, Feb. 3. 1366a3Gw6 SHERIFFS • ALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Farias to me direct ed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkbannock, Wyoming Co., Pit., SATURDAY, APRIL isth, '6s, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. All the right, title and interest of tho defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate and being in the township of Nicholson, Wyo ming county, Pennsylvania, bounded and (described as follows, to wit: On tho North by land of Loren Stephens, East by land of Norman Sprnguo, South by land of Levi Pedrick, and West by land of Oeo. Candoo, containing about thirty-four acres of land, more or less, almul tour acres thereof improved, with ono frame dwelling house thereon, with tho appurte nances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Taylor Walker A Co. vs. Floyd F. Sprague, And will bo sold for cash only by M. V.', DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tunk., March 24, 181i3n33w3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of YendtVioni Exponas to mo directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkhancock, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, ON SATURDAY. MARCH 19. '6?, at I o'clock P.M. The following piece, parcel and tract of land situate in the township ot Windham, County of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de scribed as follows : On tho North by land of John Fassett, late James W. Carey, on the East by land of Dorcas Ifayden, on the South by lan 1 o! \\ in. A. Smith, and on the West by land of said William A. Smith, containing fifty acres, ail unimproved, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at tho suit of Wm. A Smith vs. Joseph S Ilayden. And will be sold for cash onlj bv • M. W DEWITT, Sheriff. Tiiuk., M .roh 24, '63u3Jw3. JgefogMfrtisfrantts. PENNINGTON MALE SEMINARY and Female College, near Trenton, New Jersey A Board ing School for both sexes, long established and of high grade, aiming earnestly to excel in attention to the education, the morals, the home comforts and the health of the student Terms moderate Ad dress the liey. T. HANLON, A M., Pennington, N.J % IJOOK A DENTS WANTED-FOR DR. WILL i IAMoMITU'-S DICTIONARY OF THE BI BLE — \\ ritteu by 7U of the most distinguished D.- vines in Europe and America. Illustrated with oyer llro Steel and Wood Engravings. In one large Oc tavo Price 81 50. The only lullliim pub lished in Atnei tea, condensed by l)r N'/ti una vtrn hand. We errij I yno Oenertl Agent* ami off r ex tra inducements to Agents dealing with us. Send foi descriptivecireui rrs. and -ee our terms. J. B BI'KR A CO., Publisher! Ilarlford, Ct. m ASEWTS WAHTEB In all parts of the I'nit-d States. t. seli i.tirWmnim'e list of nearl\ GOO di/lV rent BOOKS, IUID.ES and PHOT tHIIt A I'll ALDI'NS, Every family wants something from it Catabgu s furrrishci on application, and bo-.ka sent post pai 1 to any aodress on receijit of price. Canvasser.- books containing the list, with prices, to gether with blank sheets and printed headings 'or enrolling a list of names, sent .ree to any one on re ceipt ot 50 vents. Anybody cau sell from 100 to 1000 of these hooks almost anywhere, Fof terms to agents ar.i other information address JOHN E. POTTER A CO.. Publishers Nos. 614 and 617 Sansoni St., Philad'a. AGENTS WANTED FOR "The History of the War Between the States.'' ITS CAUSES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT AXD RESULTS, By Hon. ALEXANDER O. STEVENS. Its official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best sub- ; script ton hook ever published. Send for Circulars, 1 and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phil'a, l'a A GENTS WANTED fi>r a lUk, entitled A I\ I'll Tl RE OF THE DESOLATED STATES and the Work of Restoration. Every voter needs it before Nov 1369 E;eight, largest commissions, and a premium of £SOO paid. For particulars ad dress L. STEBBINS, Hartfor 1. Ct. AMATEUR CULTIVATORS' GUIDE, TO THE KITC HEN and the FLOWER GAD DEN. NOW READY. \ DESCRIPTIVE work of 140 pag- s, fully illus ii tratcd with a beautitul colored plate aud lltO engravings, containing a list of over 2500 varieties of Flower and Vegetable Seeds; also, 150 varieties of the choicest Freneh Hybrid Gladiolus. All the Novelties, both of the Flower and Vegetable, for 1368, will be found described in the above work.— Tastefully bound in cloth, 2 colored plates, price, post-paid. 50 cts,; in paper covers, post-paid, 25 cts. Address WASHBURN A CO., Horticultural Hall, lioston, Mass THE RADICAL. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, devoted to Free D\ Thought. Address THE RADICAL, Lock Box 132, Boston, Mass. lied Jacket AXE. COLIIUR.VS PATENT. Tried & not found Wanting, We claim If will out Twenty-Five CIS) per cent, more cord wood per day than any other Axe made. McRKKSi-oirf, Dec. 1 if, 18G7. Messrs Lippiacott A Co [ Sirs I have fully tried your Patent Axe and find ! that it is all that you ciaitn for it. It will chop | faster than any other Axe that I ever saw. and j leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would not I chop three days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that tri< one will be 1 satisfied. ' W.M. KEES. C 1 \ T" rr F if A"\y mms The Axe ami the Ln 'l\ L- 1 bei are both patented. Infringers on these patents will bo prosecuted accor ding to law. Veuders or dealers, and persons using | any infringement, are liable with the maker ot the infringement. F'or Sale by all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LII'PIN'COTT A BAKEWELL, (Successors to Lippincott A Co.) £>ole owners of the Patent. Pittsburgh, PA. i NORTH AMERICAN STEAM SHIP CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New Y'ork March sth and 25th ; April sill and 15'.U ; May sth, 15th and 25th. With New Steamships of the Frst Cl-iss PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, For information address D. N. CARRINGTOX,Agt., ITT West Street, New York. \Y. U. WEBB, Pres. CHAS. DANA, Vice Pres. OSice—s4 Exchange Place, New Y'ork. THE CELEBRATED " - stey" Organ, WITH VOX HUMANA STOP, Pronounced by all who have hoard it the most natu ral and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN VOICE ever yet introduced. J. ESTEY' & CO, i Brattleboro Vt.. the original Inventors and Manu facturers. 417 Broome St., N. Y : 7:4 West Fayette St.. Baltimore, Md.; North 7th St., I'hiia.; 115 Ran dolph St., Chicago. YI7 ANTED—SALESMEN to travel for a Miinu- W fjcturing Company and stii bi samplo. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, with stamp, HAM ILTON t HOWE, 413 Chestnut St., Philad'a, Pa. WHY WILL YOU WORK FOR S3 i 0 I'ER DAY "• and he bossed round, when you can engage in an easy anil lucrative business (bat will pay you from 64 to 56 per day or £2 per evening, if at leis ure You won't be sorry if you send iO cents tor fuil parricui irs and sample. Address GEORGE S. MELLEN, Lcwiston, Me. xl v A PRESENT OF 525 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' servito in any town or village Particulars and a git' sent free, by addressing with stamp, N. B. CLOUDMAN A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Maes. CO y-v I W WW e-3 p* r- THE WORKING CLASS.— Farmer*. A Mechanics, Ladies and everybody. lam now prepared to furnish you with constant employment at your homes—the whole of your time, or in your spare moments. Business new, light and profitable 50 cts. to $5 per evening easily carnod by perrons of •ither sex, and the boys and giris nearly as much as men Great inducements offered those who will do vote their whole time to ths business, and, that ev ery person who sees this notice may send their ad dress and test the business for themselves, I make the following unparalleled offer: To all who are not satisfied with the business, I will send $1 to pay for iho trouble of writing Full Particulars, detections. &o , sent free. Sample sent by mail for 10 cts.— Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Maine. REVOLUTION IN TRADE. Greater inducements than over before offered to person, getting up clubs in our One Dollar Sale. Send for NEW SPRING CIRCULAR. PARKER A CO, 64 06 i'ederxi St., Bolton, Ma* i M k ißiifttismifiifs. PSYCHO.WANCV, or Soul Charming,— How cither m-x may fascinate and gain the af fections of any one tbey choose, instantly ; also se cure prosperity in lore or bu*ine- ing articles, viz : Delaine dress pattern ; fancy ool ored bed spread, striped ca'hemere delaine dress | pattern; boney comb quilt; all wool square shawl; 1 set solij gold bosom studs ; all wool fancy cashmere j pants and vest pattern ; gent's hair guard chain gold | trimmings; siivcr plated chased hotter dish ; silver | plated 5 bottle tevolving castor, on feet; sot superi t or steel bladed knives and forks; worsted promenade j shawl; ladies' long gold plated chain; ladies' gold double ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring ; i solid black walnut work box or writing desk ; extra quality balmoral skirt; set jewelry, sleeve buttons to match ; violin nnl bow : gent's cardigan jacket ; splendid ebony D flute, ivory trimmings ; superior Turkey morrocco shopping hag ; ladies high cut bai . moral boots. For a Club of GO (SB.)—One of the follow ing articles, viz : Black or colored alpaca dress pal ; tern ; poplin dress pattern; one piece of blenched or j brown sheeting ; engraved, silver-plated, g bottle re i voicing castor; 3J yards superior cashmere for pant* ; and vest pattern ; extra heavy honey coinb quilt ; ! two fancy colored bed spreads; pair gents' calf ooots; 4 yards farmers' good wool froeking; fancy cashmere ! plaid dress pattern; best qualify balmoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm clock ; ladies' all wool cloak pattern , silver-plated cake or card basket; fur muff I or cape ; ladies' fashionable wool double shawl ; | splendid clasped family Bible, 9x12 record page and engravings ; 3 yds. double width water proof cloak ing: set ivory handle knives, with silver plated forks; j set silver lorks ; one set laee curtains. For a Club of 100, (8 to,)— One of the fol | lowing articles, viz : 4 yds double width cloaking or i coating, 2 large, fine, bleached linen table covers, with 1 doz. largo size dinner napkins to match; 25 , yds fplenuid hemp carpeting, good colors • extra ! quantity black or a'paca dress patterns; extra qoal j ity poplin dross patterns ; one large piece superior I quality extra width sheeting ; pair gents' calf Soots, | best quality; silver hunting-cased patent lever watch ; one dozen ivory handled steel hi ailed kniveg ■ and forks ; silver-plated engraved six bottle revolv ing castor, with cut glass bottles; splendid violin, | box and bow, complete ; single barrel shot-gun ; Ba con's six-barrel revolver; pair superior white wool ■ bla: kits; nice fur muff and cape; silver-plated en ! graved ice pitcher, with salver ; seven and one-half : yards all wool fancy cassimcre, for suit; one dozen ' Rogers' best silver-plate i forks ; common sense sew ing and embroidering machine ; two heavy honey comb quilts; splendid family Bible, record and pho j tograph page. For larger Clubs the value Increases la the same ratio. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any ad dress iree. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to ALLEN, HAWES A CO., 15 Federal St, Boston, Mas.. P. 0. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cut lery, Plated ware. Albums, Leather Goods, Ac. "W s,ia/fcecl SSOOO IN GOLD. IN GREENBACKS, Sit ssooo Worth of WHEAT, EYE, COP.N, and OATS, in exchange for DRY GROORS, IIATS .Si CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES, GBGC &SSESJ Flour & Feed, Meal A- Bian, PORK and FISH, SAJAT, GREEN and DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE and LARD, Tobacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE and IIARD ■W-A-iFJLES. OILS, COAL, large and small suss, which I offer for gale cheap for Cash, or produce taken in exchange, at the old stand, formerly occupied by Wheelock, on Bridge Street. D BILLINGS. Tunkhannock, Pa. Dec. 3, 1567-v7nlß-tf. GUANO.— No. 1 Peruvian Ounno, Best Super phosphate. Pure Ground Bono, bish Guano, Plaster Pbosphatie Guanos, Ac., for sale by GEO E. WHITE, 130 Front St. N Y.