Local and Personal. plunge-—Persons taking the Democrat who In tend changing their residences this spring, will please notify us, that we mny sand it to their new homes Th -'e onirg us, and intending to slide out without paring arrearages, may be sure, id the end, of find ing a very hot place to live in. Better pay up like honest men. Xo Photographers.— A good one-half size Camera and all other necessary material for carrying cn the Photographing business, for salo at a bargain. The material is nearly new, and will be sold from 10 to 20 per cent below New York prices. For further information inquire at this office 29tf. Wanted—A wide-awake, razorbladed. sharp man to attend some of the numerous ven lues now beifig made, to buy for us an A No. I, $75 " Give nilk-the-year round" Cow, for $4O *, anl trust us for an indefinite period with the quadruped. Removal-—Messrs. Underbill A Campbell, of ScrantoD, announce in our paper this week thut tbey will remove to their New Store, 414 Lacka wanna Avenue, about the first of April next, with a complete supply of New Goods aDd Chcnp Wall Pa per. Those in need of Goods in their line should make a note of this. Public Sales,—l. S. Little, of N'cholson, cite? notice that he will sell at Vendue on Wednesday, March 25th, at 10 o'clock A. M , at his residence in Nicholson, his personal property used in the tarmiDg business, consisting in part of llurses, Cows, Young Cattle, Farming Implements, Ac. As " Ike" is a first-class farmer, it is to be presumed that the property he offers for sale is first-class also. For terms, Ac., see advertisement Mr. J W. Crawford, at Kei-erville, advertises by hand-bill, that he will sell at auction on Thursday, March 26tb, at 10 o'clock A M. personal property as Jollows : Horses, Co*-. t if vg.ns -icigh* Stove, Farming a 'tonus. 35 and uoicr cash; over that su i a lit >f •*.? .car wi a proved security*, will l.e gn >n Mr Wui S. Place, at :ho *• Neck," in \\ udiiug t. o township, gives notice through hand-"ilis th .t he will expose to pablic sale on Saturday, March 29th, at 10 o'clock A. M , 1 Span of Young Horses. Cows, liog, Sheep, Farming Utensils, Ac. Win. B. Overfield advertises for sale at vendue at his late resi teace in Tankh innock township, 2 Span Horse, lot of Sheep, Wagons, Harness, and farmiig implements of all kinds. P B. Caiver announces by hand-bills that he will offer at public salo at his residence in Lemon town shid, on Thursday the 9th day oi April, at 10 o'clock A M. 3 Horses. Cows,2 Year Olds, Yearlings, She#) • Mowing M mhine, Co rn, Oats. Buckwheat, Potatoes, Farming Uteusils, Ac. It la rumored that two valiant spirits, in this reighliorhood. aot having the fear of the '• higher lew'' before their eyes, and not being actuated by the best of " spirits," challenged each other to mortal combat the other day. It is said all the pre liminaries were arranged—weapons chosen, grounds selected, Ac., but for some reason or other the fight did not come off as expected. The cause of all this disturbance is said to l*e wounded honor of a sable hued gentleman of chivalric blood, who coul 1 see no other redress but it. the " code of honor" so gen erally ia vogue among the bravo spirits of olden time. Oh, shade ol chivalry ! where is tby victory? It is said, with more truth than poetry, that the editor of the Democrat has Ik en obliged to sell his very excellent and pleasantly situated home to re bete himself from some unpleasant fin.im.iat ember ritiuients. Mi. Benjamin Carver, of Lemon Town ship, is the purchaser, N. B.—The editor nfotcsrid still has a " local habitation" where his delinquent subscriber* can find him, with plenty of room iu hi* pocket, for c*>n triuutions to an "indigent freedman." We learn that Win B. Overfield has sold his farm situate on the road from this ploce to Factoryville, to Mr Carter, of Auburn, Susquehanna county, for 110000. We have been informed that Prof. Watson who Is now at sent from his school in this place on account o! sickness in his family, will return in time to re ft! school on Tuesday next, I'lgcolie.—On Monday last, during a greater portion of tie day, the sky was fillet with large flocks of pigtotis, emigrating northward This is sai l to be an indication of the j approach of warm weather. Oiber evidences of warm weather are plainly visible, epeciallv to those Ining along tbe low-Un ts of the Susquehanna river. Several fami lies in this place have balto break-up houswkeep ir.g ruthci suddenly and make a move back on the table-lands, where they may be mote secure from the Hood now raging in the Susqurh.inna. A Good Patent, ••Our attention hs been call el within a day or two past to D. B Sturlevant A Cu's Patent Milk Rack or Shelves, now on exbtbi ticn at Wail's Hotel We consider it a great labor laving invention. It has six circular, revolving 'helves, each holding twelve pans of milk. The "Hole rack occupies hut four feet square space.— Each pan of milk is brought directly to the hand of the operator without taking a step. Every farmer 'Bould have one of theiu. We are informed that Robert C. Cook of this pi ice bus bought the right to manufacture and sell for thisounffp and that, oruers fur the rack will shortly be pr. inptly filled l.afayette College. Kasi.>n.-' . a-j - •• ■ at Liverpool, Eii'liul, toe Phi iv , . >'• . Mr. LOWK den luced c 11 n< -\ 'em -oil iavogueofteti in.il ii-l Ling.: i and grammar as the A,, h i i ;■■ u. win non. x-guing that English lauguag**, hog -b French and German, tbe study of physical sciences, sni pars matbouiat i. s weie the most desirable and useful studies tor a class who had to woik for their living —Tbee studies, that Mr. Lowe s highly om mtnds for iheir newly discovered excellence, have formed a prominent feature, for many years, in the g'oduating courses of our br&t American institution*, in 1958, Lafayette College established the first Pro fcs*;rehip for the critical sludy of the English lan guage, French and German had been introduced previously; and more recently, hv the generous gifts of Pardee, Adamson, Green, and others, whose munificence is worthy of all praise, the means of giving instruction io the physical sciences at Eastoo, have been so augmented, thil this institution stands second to none in its ability to furnish, to the young mnof Pennsylvania, a practical education, which will qualify them for the active business of life. Two young men from this pta-e, the sons of Uon. Win. M. Piatt, are in the Sophomore class of Lafay *t College, Gunning.—On Monday while the pigeons were flying very thick, we noticed several young men leaving town with their gunsf with the evident in tention, we suppose, of '• cutting the pigeon wing." Whether they succeeded in Iheir difficult undertak ing we have not ascertained. It is said pigeons fly very " high" this year Freshet. --The freshet in the r-usquehanna this Trmgis unusually high, tbe highest, save that of '63, which bss been known here No material dam age has been done in th'S section except to cause fsonlies living along the banks of the tbe river to move back, with tbeir household effects, upon higher *oii t drier ground. In tbe neighborhood of Bingbam kiu our exchanges state, tba Susquehanna tt nearly *s high as the great freshet of '65, and that the Fridge at I'uion ha* been carried awey, and one oth *r bridge— unknown—was seen Boating down tbe Tbe Sutquebapna ii ttill rijing. Slew Engine.—A visit to Gearfasrt A Co'* Foundry and Machine Shop trill satisfy any one at all acquainted with machinery, that they need not go out of Wyoming County for perfect work in that line. Thi firm hare recently put up a twenty-horee en gine, which for elegance of finish and exactness in all its parts cannot be excelled by any in the coun try. The entire work was done by them from the making of the patterns to it? present perfect condi tion. 11 his beautiful piece of machinery is almost noiseless in ita working and from the absence of any escape of steam and the frying noises peculiar to en gines in operation, seems almost to be moved by soxte mysterious and unseen power. Mr. Henry \oung who did most of the work and to wbom was entrusted its entire supervision we learn has formed a partnership with a gentleman in Clearfield Ceunty ami is shortly to leave for hi? new field of operations. He will leare with us a monument to his skill and capacity as a practical machinist, such as any man tnight well be proud of. A Church Persecuted.—la olden time two neighboring religious denominations erected a church edifice and each paid their equal share, with the un derstanding that the house should be free for all or thodox denomination? to worship in its sanctuary ; and for many loog years everything went smoothly, but ;n the course of time fanaticism and higher law ideas crept into the church at well as ioto politics. The writer being an eye witness of occurriag events trorn the first, and seeing the growing evils and dis honesty practiced upon honest people, has been led to pen this article aDd give a succinct history of events in defence of the right, without giving names of persoDs or places. In after years two bigoted sectarian fanatics came to owell in the laDd, and for a time all went well, ntd tbeie were no great wrongs committed by these met, although they were loyal leaguer?, ami in the nil belmt that Afr.jitn suffrage was right in the s c it i t i 11in tin tule- the universe One .f them cmg ph. risai .illy inclined, a meaner man than his 3. ig.i! • r ittid piiusii up i*i his own imagination, in In*; course of lime v:is intiustnd with the office of Uuii' l gtito: in the siiictl'ury This was more than be could stand ; he fell hiinmrit realty ..o J truly ex alted above bis neigbtKirs .mj imagined that be was of higher degree, aud he issued an edict, en l the decree went forth commanding his brethren of one d'nomination to pay tithes annually or desist from worship in the sanctuary, and in this way they were cheated out of the monoys paid in the erection of the house of worship, and driven from its sanctuary priv ileges by the very men who never paid a cent in all their lives toward its erection. The other denied that he voted for the edict, hut as the decree had gone forth he would stand by it, although he knows be has lieen threatened prosecutions by some roguish buys lor making strange noises iu meeting. Now this man was a singer aDd chief musician; his clear clarion voice rang out in peels of thuuder tones, ech oing o'er bill and valley. He sang and played with all his might a. the one denomination left the sanc tuary. In eostacy of joy the dulcimer's tweet strains wete heard in success and triumph. The harp, with psaltries, timbrels, cymbals and the uplifted voice in jojous strains precUitnid that victory was complete. Thus an honest and confiding congregation of beople were persecuted by banded coospiratort, disguised traitor?, destroying our institutions uprooting socie ty and trampling on God's laws in a supposed christian coinmun'tr, not many miles from the c : ty of Scrantoo. T T. F'Ht Restoring Color and Natural beauty to the Hair, nothing is so certain s Mrs S. A. Allen's Im proved (m-w at.' Ic) Hair Restorer or Pressing, com bined in one bottle I'rice One Dollar. Aolld by ail Druggists. It you feel debilitated and "worn out," and want something to tone u/i the system, instead of using stimulants, take Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water, a m.'?t pnwenul vitalising agent and restorative It permeates the entire system and ite ejfeet is perma nent. WaiitedAeents fnr the gala of Lloyd't Great Maps- ;en innke from sto 20 dollar* per day. Ad drew SIMON C. PETERS A CO., 3'2w2 Box 40. Harrisburg. Pa. "Throw phvsic to the dog* ; I'll none of it. T" make assurance doubly >ure I'll take" Plantation Bitter*. They never tail. This great Stomachic Ilealer is just what the peo ple need. It is a remedy they can rely on For Dyspepsia, Hrartburn, Hendtche. D V■M AV E CLOT If IN G, GEMS' FURNISHING GOODS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS. HATS, Ae. ; Ac* AT Mr< It LESS I'RICES Than can he found elsewhere for the same kind and quality. My stock is new and complete. lie respectfully invites the people of Tunkbannock and vicinity te give their attention before making purchase elsewhere. • Remember the place C P. MILLER S OLD STAND opposite OSTERUOUT'S LAW OFFICE. Tuhkhannock, Jan. 1, 186°. Found IN MEIIOOPANY, FENN A. STOVES AND TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HAVING lately opened a Stove and Tin Store in the above naioed place, we are prepared to fur nish at the lowest possible prices. Cooking and Par lor Stoves of the best patterns for betb wood and coal ; Tin, Sheet Iron, Cop|ier and IJrass Ware of all descriptions, Lanterns, Sad Irons, Enameled Kettles aod Stew Pans, Lead Pipe, Coal Hods. Hollow Ware, Stove Polish, and nil articles usually found iu a first-class Tin store. HAVE GI'TTERS and Conductors put up on short notice In the best possible manner REPAIRING of all kinds, such as Kerosene Lamps, Umbrellas, Jtc, Ac., neatly and promptly ex ecuted. HIGH prices paid for Old Copper, lirass, Lead and Rags. Give us a call. WHITE A KINTNER Mehoopany. Feb, IS, IS6B. 3in EXECUTORS' NOTICE, Letters Testamentary upon thecstata \ of Orville W Mitchell, late of Northmorel itid township, Wyoming County, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands agaiDSt the game, will present them duly authentica ted lor settlement, without delay OLIVE MITCHELL, ) v „. . A. 0. LUTES. 5 ™* Northtnoreland, March 10, 13(i3n31w6 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE, \~OTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of an L\ Order of the Orphan's Court of Wyoming eoun ly, directed to the undersigned as Administrator of the estate of Wis. 11 Wright, dee'd, he will expose to public rale on tbe premises, in Monroe Township, on Thursday, April 2d, 1969, at one o'clock in tbe forenoon, a tract ot lanl Situato in the township of Monroe, Wyoming county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: On the North by land unknown, beißg wild land, on the East by Hervey A James Phenix, on the South by Bowman's Creek, on the West by lands of Charles Wright, containing about EIOBTV-FIVE ACRES, be tbe same more or less, about torty acres thereof improved, with a fratnc dwelling house, frame barn, shed, corn crib, and other out buildings and apple orchard thereon, with the appurtenances, late the estate of Win. H. Wright deceased, and will be sold to the highest and b> st bidder. TKRMS or SALE. —Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money shall be paid at the striking down of property, the one-fourth less ten per cent., at the confirmation of sale, and the remaining three fourths in one year thereafter, with interest from the confirmation Disi CHARLES WRIGHT, March 2, 1868n30w4 Administrator. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Pennsylva nia. In matter of Riley Sickb-r, Bankrupt. To whom it mt y Concern : The undersigned here by gives notice of I is appointment as Assignee of Riley Sicklor. of Falls township in the county of Wyoming and Mate of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition by the Distrirt Court of said District D.t'e I Falls township the 221 J.tv i f February A o i a <;= riV'o PERKY COLYIN. Assignee At* DI TOR'S NOTICE. "Hpll; undc signed having I eon up; ointcd by the A (,uirt of Common Pleas of Wyoming County nn Auditor to distribute the fund arising from the Sher iff's sale of the real estate of Isaac N. Lacey will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunkhannock, rn THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1868, at 1 o'clock P. M ; at which time and place all persons interested in said lund are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the same. HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. Tuuk., Pa., March 4, iBGBn3Cw4 NEW Jewelry Store ! ! JP. G. BURNS & BRO. JJAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGS STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest gtyles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets sn. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Genu' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ae. Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, | Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Fonts, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac , Ao. ' From ROGERS A BhO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. i Also, i CLOCKS and WATCHES of the latest American and European Manufacture. ' Jankhasneck, Dec 18, MJMIIER PUR SALE. HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find a full supply of SEASONED PINE LI MBER Eor Sate at Tunkhannock. This LUMBER, which was manufactured at Walt inaa'e Steam Saw Mill in Bradford county, is ot the best quality, and well seasoned. Boards will dress to inoh> Plank to 1} and 2 inches in thickness. Buyers wishing their lumber planed, matched, Ac., will find Planing Mills at Ibis place to do the work, For particulars consult E. J. KEENEV, Agt. Tuokhannock, Jan. 1, 1803. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In re partition of estate of John Armstrong late of Eaton Township, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Wyoming County, an Auditor to make distribution ol the assetts and report in the above entitled caso, will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunk hnmi'/ck, on FKIDAA, MARCH 2tth, 'OB, at one o'clock P. M.; at which time and place all persons interested in said distribution are required to present their claims or be debarred front cooing in for a shore of siid assets HARVEY SIOKLEK, Auditor. Tunk , Pa., March 4th 1368n30w4 ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. I)V virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court o* ) Wyoming County, will be sold at public sale -I the House of Eliza j. Warden, in Nicholson tow.' ship, Wyoming County, on Saturday the -fth day n April next at one o'clock P. M., all that certain piece or parcel of lan l, situate in Nicholson town ship, Wyoming Couuty, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Beach corner on bank of creek, thence along said creek, out-let of cheek's Pond, South 60 de rrees West 57 and six tenths per ches to a post, thence 57 degrees West 754 perches to a corner, (post and stones), thence North 22 dcg. East 3! and eight-tenth jierches to a post and stores, thence South 68 degrees East 64 and six tenth per il": f i a orner at W all, thence South 42} degrees J" i; erches to beginning, containing 33 acres a. 0 153 perches strict measure, with the appurtenan ces. and late the estate of .Minor Warden, deceased. Terms made known on dav of sale. 11. B. WoRDEN, } . . , ELIZA J WORDEN, $ A,m r ' Nicholson, March 9, lhflS—n3lw3 illh I- TO GIVB NOTICE; THAT on the 6th day of March A. D. 1968. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Alinon G. Stark, of the Borough of Tutikbantiock in the County ot Wyoming,anil State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts an! delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him arc forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the Bor ough of Towanda, before Edward Overton, Jr., Reg ister, on tho 17th day of April A D. 1369, at 2 o'clock P M. THOMAS A ROWLEY, U. S Marshal. 31 w4 by E. B. CooLBAt'GH, Deputy r ORl* UN'S COURT SALE, NOTICE is hereby given that, in pnrsuanee of an order of the Orphans' Court of Wyoming Co.. directed to 'he undersigned Guardian of the minor children of George S Tutton. dee'd, he will expose to public sale on Friday the 2Mb day ot March. 1963, at one o'clock I' M . for cash, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Tunkbannock township, county aforesaid, and described as follows: Beginning at a corner on East side of public toad leading to Montrose and at the South West corner of l.md oi Tftos Osterhout. thence East along tne line ot said Ostcrhout's land to a corner, land of Benja min Stemples ; thence South on a line of said Stem pics to the North East corner of land-- of Samuel Stark ; thence West along the line of said Stark to the sai l public road, and thence North along the Ea't side of said road to the place of beginning ; containing twenty-five acres of land, more or less with the appurtenances. A'-., with one small house, and other improvements thereon, late the estate of (}. S. Tutton fit saidor ler named and to he sold a' the Court House in Tunkluinnock Borough at the time above stated, to tae highest and best bidder. CHARLES J. HENRY, Guardian. Ac. n29w4. f"OUSil>. or can be ! found at Lvinsn A I - - Wells ANI J. V,-." Kb >ads, ~"- Tunkh.innof k, I'enn'a. and 1 FT " ' °'hcr dealers, the GR'T " %* ENGLISH 3ttM SFRIIF- Y\ V LINIMENT. This Lir.i- | \.a— 1- ment stands unrivalled, j and U the best, cheapest, most powerful Liniment ! ' ever offered to the public, for man or horse. It has been used for tnanv veirs in Knglard, by the leading barriers, end they have had the greatest j success with it of any liniment ever used for the cure • of horses Those who have horses that r.re sweenied or laine, have swelled join's, sprains, bruises, old sores, flesh j cuts, collar galls, Igo , should try this Liniment and ; they will be convinced that it is superior to all other ' known preparations If it does not give "good satisfaction, return the , i bottle half full, and your money will be refunded. Tut up in convenient form, and sold by all Ltrug- , gist* and Storekeepers at CO cents a bid'lot Don't fail to call for the Great English Sweeney ; Liniment. Middle town, X. V., Feb. 18, 1863-tf. APPLETON'S EDITION Of THK NOW PUBLISHING From new Stereotype Plates, uniform with the New : Edition of DICKENS, containing all the notes of the Author, and printed from the lat est Edition of the Authorized Text. To be Completed in 1 wenty-Flve Volumes. Price 25 Cents Eacli. :'. ill Icn tin" white paper, clear type, and conve- I Tni in size PRONOUNCED ' A MIRACLE OF CHKAFXKSS." OK I> KK OF I SSI* F. ' 1. Wacerly. 14. Fortunes of Nigel. I 2. lranhoe 15. Peteril of the Peak. 3. KtnU worth. 16. Quentin Durward 4. Guy Mannering. 17. SI Ronan's Weil. i 5. Antiquary. 18. Redgauntlet. j 6. Rob Roy. 19. The Bctrot'ied and 7. Old Mortality. Highland Widow 8. The Black Dwarf. A 20. 'The Talisman. I a Legend of Montrose 21 Woodstock. 9. Bride of Lammer- 22. Fair Maid of Perth moor. 2'J. Anne of Gierstein -10. Heart of Midlothian 24. Count Hubert of ] 11. 'The Monastery. Paris I 12. The Abot. 25. The Surgeon's , 13. The Pirate. j Daughter. On receipt ot SIX DOLLARS we will seDd the entire set of Wuverly Novels, ns published, and a copy of a new STEEL-PLATE PURTRAIT OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, from a painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence, suitable for framing : the Books and Engravings to be sent i free of postage to any part of the United States Either of the above sent to any address on receipt ' of the price, 25 cents per volume. | On receipt of TEN' DOLLARS a cotnplete set of 1 DICKENS (iii unitorm style), 17 volumes, and IVAV KRI.V, 25 vol , will be sent post paid. The cheapest Ten Dollar's worth to be found in the whole range of Literature. Forty-two volumes fur flO. Extraordinary Oppo-(unity for the Million to purchase a set of Sir Walter Scott's Wurid-retiowned Waverly Novels. CLUB RATES One complete set, 25 vols., $6.00; Tltroo cotn ! plete sets, 25 vols.. 816; Five sets, 826. Mailed atonr expense Any person obtaining Four subscribers for the WAVERLY Not ELS, and remitting us 824, will be en i tilled to a Set of Dickens 17 vols., gratis. All mail ed at our expense. Any person obtaining eight subscribers, and re mitting 848 00, will receive a copv of the " Waverly (Jallery," containing 26 Engravings of the Female Characters in the Waverly Novels, bound in elegant morocao, price $l5. I Canvassers wanted in every town in the I nited I States. A great opportunity is afforded to industri ous men and women to make money. every man. j woman, and child will purchase the Waverly Novels i at this low price. i For Special rates, apply to the Publishers, D. APPLETON A CO, I <43 V 445 PMDWAY ¥ Y PENNINGTON MALE SEMINARY ND FEMALE College, near Trenton, New Jersey A Board in* School for both sexes, long established and of high grade, aiming earnestly to excel in attention to the education, the morals, the home comforts and the health of the student Terms moderate Ad dress the Rer. T. LLANLOIF, A M., Pennington, N.J BOOK AGENTS WANTED-FOR DR. WILL IAM SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF THE Bl- BLE—Written by 70 of the uiost dis'ingu shed Di vines ill Europe and America. Illustrated wilhovor 1'26 S loci and Wood Engraving*. In one large Oc tavo volume Price $3 50. * The only Edition pub lished in Ainei icti. condensed by'Dr Smit'Ts otm hand We employ no General Agent" aud offer ex tra inducements to Agents dealing with us. Send foi descriptive c irculars. and see our terms. J. B BIRR A CO., Publishers Hartford, Ct 100 AGENTS WANTED In all parts of the l oit-d .Stales, to sell our iuiiurr>-e list of nearly.TOO different BOOKS. 1111)1.CM and PHOTtKiIUPII At.ML'MM. Every family wants Something trouu it Catakgu. s furnished on application, and books sent post paid to any audress on receipt of price. Canvassers books containing the list, with prices, to gether wiih blank sheets and printed headings 'or enrolling a liar, of names, sent ;ree to any one on re ceipt nl 50 cn's. Anybody can sell froin 100 to 1000 of these books almost anywhere. For terms to agents and other information ad tress JOHN F. POTTER A CO.. Publishers Nos. 614 and 617 Sat'sotn St., l'hilad'a. AGENTS WANTED FOR "The History of the War Between the States." ITS CAI SES, CHARACTER, COSPICT ASP RESULTS, By Han ALEXANDER H.STEVENS. Its official character nud ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best sub script on book ever published. Send for Circulars, and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phil'a, Pa AGENTS WANTED for a Book, entitled A Pit TI RE OF THE DESOLATED STATES and the Work at Restoration. Every voter needs it before Nov 1968 Freight, largest commission*, and a premium of $5OO paid. For particulars ad dress L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Ct. AMATEUR CUX/nVATORS' GUIDE, TO THE KITCHEN and the FI.OWBR GARDEN. .VOIP READY. A DESCRIPTIVE work of 140 page*, fully illus trated with a beautiful colored plate and 100 engravings, containing a list ol over 2500 varieties of Flower and Vegetable Seeds; also, 150 varieties of the choicest French Hybrid Gladiolus. AM the Novelties, both of the Flower and Vegetable, for 1868, will be found described in tbe above work Tastelupy bound in clotb, 2 colored plates, price, post-|Miid. 50 cts.; in paper covers, po.t-paid. 25 cts. Address WASHBURN A CO., Horticultural Hall. Potton, Mass THE RADICAL. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, devoted to Free J\ 'l'hought. Audress THE RADICAL, Lock Box 132, BcstoD, Mass. Ked Jacket AXE. coi.NTIR vs PATENT. Tried & not found Wanting;. We claim It will cut Twenty-Five (23) •" per cent, more cord wood per day than any other Axe made. MCKKESFORT, Dec. 19, 1867. Messrs I.ippincott A Co Sirs:—l have fully tried your Patent Axe and find that it is all that you claim for it. It will chop faster than nuy other Axe that I ever saw, an i leaves the wood without slicking at all. I would Dot chop three days without one for the cost. I neetly ; also se cure prosperity in love or business Every one *•_. acquire this singular power. This queer, exeittrg book has been published by us ten years, the sal* of which has been enormous, and ft tbe only po k of tbe kind in the English language sent by mail for 25 cts ,or five for one dollar, together with gui-lo to the unmarried. Address T WILLIAM I i.U B'-ok Publisher- Philadelphia (N1 f\ P' r Pay, Sure No money in advance.- V ' Agent- want.'d everywhere to -eil ou. Patent restarting Jlletnlic Clothes Lines. Ad aITUM AnJCRIt.VN Wihk CO., 162 Broadway, N. Y, 16 Dearborn si., Chicago. HOW THE tiUACKS EXTORT treiu their uuforlunate patients. w ing articles, viz : Delaine (tiers pattern ; fan :y co! ored bed spread , striped cashcinere delaine dress pattern; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl, set solid gold bosom studs ; all wool fanty cashmere pants and vest patters ; gent's hair guard chain gold trimmings; silver plated chased butter did: . silver pitted 5 bottle involving casbir, on feet; set rttyeri or steel blsded knives and forks ; worsted pr r.er.ade shawl ; ladies' long gold plated chain ; ladies' gold double ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring ; solid black walnut work box or writing desk ; extra quality balmoral skitt; set jewelry, sleeve buttons to match ; violin and bow : gent's car iigan ji set ; splendid ebony D flute, ivory trimmings ; sup not Turkey morrocco shopping bag; ladies big; cut moral boots. For a Club of GO 186.)— One f th? * " ■- ing articles, viz : Black or colored alpaca tiros* pat tern ; poplin dress pattern ; one piece o blea bed or brown sheeting ; engraved, si!ver-platd <5 bo Is re volving castor; 3| yards superior cashmere t - p-nts ani vest pattern ; extra heavy bonev e Q > qu.-t ; two fancy colored bed spreads; pair gents' calf' 4 yards farmers' good wool Locking; fancy esrhpe-e plaid dress pattern; best quality balmoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm clock ; ladies' nil wool cloak pattern , silver-plated cake or card basket; fur r:otf or cope ; ladies' fashionable wool double shawl ; splendid clasped family Bible, 9x12 record page and engravings ; 3 yds. double width water proof cloak ing: set ivory handle knives, with silver plated fork;* set silver forks ; one set lace curtains. For a Club of 100. 18 lO.)—One of the'.al lowing articles, viz : 4 yds double width cloaking or coating; 2 large, fine, bleached linen fable e- -T.L with 1 doz. large size dinner napkins to match ; 2o yds splendid hemp carpeting good colors • t..;ri quantity black or alpaca dress patlercs; extra qual ity poplin dress patterns ; one large pece superior quality extra width sheeting ; pair gents' calf I .ots, best quality; silver hunting-cased patent live watch ; one dozeo ivory bandied steel bladed k . •* nnd forks; silver-plated engraved six bottle rev liv ing castor, with cut glass bottles; splendid vie in. box and bow, complete ; single barrel shot-gun ; Ba con's six-barrel revolver; pair superior white wool blankets; nice fur muff and cape; silver-plated -n graved ice pitcher with salver ; seven and ons-ba f yards all wool fancy cassiuiere, for suit; one doze's Rogers' best silrer-plate I forks ; common sense se* ing and embroidering raachin. ; two heavy honey comb quilts ; splendid family Bible, record and pho tograph page. For larger Clubs the value increase* la the same ratio. Catalogue of Goods an 1 Sample sent to any ad dress free Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to ALI.EN, lIA YVES Ai CO., 15 Federal St.. Boston. Mass. P. 0. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, C ut lery, Plate 1 ware. Albums, Leather Good.-, Ac. ~XA7" ctixtedL $5OOO IN GOLD. 1 GREENBACKS. JlO, SE3OOO Worth of WHEAT. RYE, CORN, and OATS, in exchange for DXIY GOODS, HATS 2k CAPS, BOOTS 2k SIIOES, Flour & Feed, Meal&. Oinn, PORK and KUslI, SALT, GIIEEX and DRIED FRUIT, , BI'TTER, EGGS, CHEESE and LARD, Tobacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE and lIARD WARE. I OILS, • COAL, large and small sizes, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash. or produce taken in .j.-hatge, | at the old s'and, formerly occupied by Wheelnk. cn Bridge Street. D BILLINGS. I Tunkhannnck. Pa Dec. 3, 1567-v7nlS-tf. U. 8. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE for ?th DI vision, County) half a mile north of Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late resideoo* | ol Hon. R. R. Little. IRA AVERY' Assistant Assessor, 7th Division 13th District. ?jAhoKe!r !>> 3 IWMad&ri