Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, March 18, 1868, Image 1

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    JjABVEY SICKLER, Publisher.
fronting Bnitocral
A Democratic weekly _
paper devoted to Poll ' ■£'^\
tlcl News, the Arts j|
•nd Sciences Ac. Pub- " BjtHTJ?" •-
liihed every iVfducs-
V, at Tunkhannock 7I
Wyomiog County,Pa s/T tf f >>'
Terms — 1 copy 1 year, (in advance) $2,00 ; if
met paid within si* months, $2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until ali ar
r*%rag9sre paid; unless at the option of publisher.
Una square one or three insertions $1,50
Every subsequent insertion less than 8 50
Advertising as may be agreed upon,
PATENT MEDICINES and other advertisements oy
the column:
One column, 1 year, sf>o
Hi If column, 1 year 35
Third column, 1 year, 25
Fourth column, 1 year, 20
Kusiness Cards of one square or less, per year
with paj>er, $S
nr EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with
•■t Advertisement —15 cts. per line. Liberal terms
Made with permanent advertisers.
TOR'S NOTICES, of the u.-ual length, $2,50
OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten Imee, each; I'EI.I
GlOUSand LITERARY NOTICES, not of general
■ tarest, one half tne regular rates.
jW" Advertisements must be handed in by TUKS
DATNOON, to insure insertion the same week.
•fall kinds neatly executed and at prices to suit
the times.
WORK must he pai ifi r, when ordered
Business So!ices.
A LAW Office on Tioga Street l'unkiisnnock I'm
Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
• Offi-e at the Court HJILK), tu Taakaiajj* j
Wyoming Co. Pa.
fice in Stark's Bric-li Biock leg.. St., Tunk |
aannotk, Pa
1 a LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, l'a j
Especial attention given to settlement ot dec
dent's estates
Nicholson, Pa. Dec 5 1 8pj7—v7n!9yl
• will attend prom; tiy to ait call.-- in his pro- ;
feasion. May be found at bis Office at the Drug (
Store, or at his residence on Putmnu S.eet, formerly
occupted by A. K. Peckhiui E-q.
s' v t
Dr. L T. BURNS has permanently located in
Tunkhannock Borough, *ri 1 respectfully tenters .
his professional services to its citizens
Office on seeoad floor, formerly occupied by Dr. ,
Tiv V. RUGER, Artist.
Rooms over the Wyoming National bonk,in Stark's
Brick Block,
Life-size Portrait-* painted from Ain bn, types or
Photograph* - Photographs Painted in Oil CYlors. —
All orders for paintings executed according to or
der, or no charge made.
lost ructions gives in Drawing. Sketching
Portrait and Landscape Painting, in Oil or water 1
Colors, and in all branches of the art.
Tuuk., July 31, "c" -vjjtiso-tf.
The undersigned having lately purchased the
" BUEHLER HOUSE " property, has already com
aieaced such alterations and improvements as will
render thus old and popular House equal, if not stipe
rier, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A continuance of the public patronage is rcfpect
fallv solicited.
GEO. J. 801.T0.V
rHIS establishment has recently been reftted sn
furnished in the latest style Every attention
•ill be given to the comfort and convenience of those
•jo patronize the Iloue
T. Id WALL, Owner and Proprietor-.
Tunkhannoek, September 11. ISfil.
Wni. H. CORTRIGHt, Prop'r
CTAVTNO resmned the proprietorship of the above
11 llutel, the undesigned will "pare no efforts
ender the bouse an agreeable place of sojourn to
>ll who may favor it with their custom-
Win. U CO KT Hid 111.
June, 3rd, 1863
(Late of t- "BHAINARD Horsa, ELIIIRA, N Y
The MEANS IIOTEU. i-one of tne LARGEST
and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —it
is fitted up in the most modern and unproved style
and no pams are spared to make it a pleasautand,
agreeablestoppngi jqace for all,
vision, (Wyoming County) half a mile north of
Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late residence
el Hon K. R. Little.
IRA AVERY Assistant Assessor,
7th Division 13th District,
SENTSAARWH. DEE J>, 1067v7n13unl
Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases.
From Finery Files, n KcU-kumcn merchant of Ox
ford, Maine.
" I have sold quantities of your SARSAPA
BILLS, lint never yet one bottle which failed of the
desired effect and mil satisfaction to those who took
it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there lias
been uo medicine like it bciore in our eonimuuity."
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul
cers, Seres, and all Diseases- of the Skin.
Fnrn Her. Ro!-t. Strattou, Ilristol, Fur/land.
" I only do tuy duty to you and The public, when
1 add my testimony to that you publish of the me
dicinal virtues of your S Uts tPAtiu.l.A. My daugh
ter. aged ten, had an afflicting humor in her ears,
eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to
cure until we tried "your S utSAPAIUI.LA. She lias
been well for some mouths."
From Mrs. Jiw V. Rice, a tcell-hunrn and mnrh
esteem, dludj/af Peunisrille, (.'ape Mny ( ij., A../.
" My daughter has suffered for a year past with a
scrofulous eruption, which was v. ry troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until wo tried your
SA USA PA It ILL A, tvhiefi soon completely eared ller."
From Charles P. Cage, Est/ , of the iritlely kn-wn
Cage, Mnrr-iy .jr Co., Miinufacturers of enamelled
patters in Xashu (, A*. 11.
" I had for several years a very troublesome
hum or in my faee, which grew constantly worse
until it disfigured ley features sad became an intol
eralde affliction. I tried almost every thing a man
could of both udviee aa.l medicine, but without any
relief whatever, until 1 took your SARSAPARH.I.A.
It immediately made my fare worse, as yon tobl me
it. might for a time; but in a few weeks the new
skin began to form under thp blotches, and con
tinu'sl until my face is as smooth as any body's,
and 1 atn without any symptoms of the disease that
I know of. I enjoy"perlbet health, and without a
doubt owe ft to your SAKS WARH.LA.''
Erysipelas General Debility—Puriftr the
P~am T>r. R. 'it. Sairiu. Houston St., Xem York.
'• Dk Ayi.k. I seldom tail to remove Eruptions
and S'r-iful in Sores by the persevering use of your
SARSJLf Aglt.l.A, and 1 have just now cured au alt tek
of Malignant F-unpehis with it. No alterative wo
jsjs..-,s .• j Ills the .S\|;BAPAHII.I.A you have sup
plied to tie- profession as well as to the people."
From J. K. Johnston, Fa-/., iPn kernel it. IHi it,
"Fur twelve years. I had the veilow Rrysipeiat
on lay right arm. during which tune I tried nil the
celebrated physicians I could reacli, and took hun
-dre.lt, of doil irs worth of medicines. The ulcers
were ro bad that the rords became visible, mid the
dot-tor* decided that my arm must be amputated. I
bgan taking your S \ii*APtiiii.i.A. Took two bot
tles, am! some ot your i'n.l.s. Together they liave
enred me. lam now as well and sound as any body,
h-.ug ;u , public pi . my .• mis known to every
• a.by ai this comiuunity, and excite* the wouderof
ttii.' 4
i rons /{'is. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Xewrostle,
i . It*., a leading member of Ike Canadian Parlia
" 1 have used your SARSU'ARII.I.A ia my family,
for general debility, and tor purifying the blood,
with very beueti l.il results, and (eel coulideucti in
oooaiaeuding it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rhoum,
ScaJ.l Head, Sore Eyes.
Ft oi l 'la*, ■'/ >7 ' Fs'j., th< nh/e alitor of the
I\tv>:hnnl cm cr-t, I'ennsiilriinia.
'M>'ir i.til- child. aboi:' three years of age, WM
•it a-ked by ptiuplLSon i~ forehead. Tin y rapidly
spread n"til they lormed a loathsome ami virulent
sore, v.liii h rovt re 1 lii.s fare, and actually Mlmled
his n\ es Mr seme days. A skillul physician applied
nitrate of silver an<l other remedies', without any
appart at effort. lor fifteen days we guarded his
hstnf", lest with them he should tear open the fes
t- nag a.i'i eorrupt wound which em a red his whole
fsee. Having trial every thing else we had any
hop o from, we i H ".a giving your SARS.ir.lllltU,
mh applving the' iodi-:- of potash lotion, as you
direct. '/lie ore be® an to heal ivlwu we hod given
the first bottle, Rial w as w< II when we hail Slashed
the second. The child'a eyelashes, wht"h had eotne
out. grew gain, ai:d he i. now as h°alfhy and fair
KC v uthr. ihe win ID neighborhood predicted
th-t the ehiid tnu.t die."
Syphius and Mercurial Disease.
Form in. Hiram SI - t, of St. toiiiJ, Missouri.
" 1 find your NAK*AI'AKI!.I.A a more effeetual
. .• t!.° secondary symptoms of SyphitU
t.ei forev.dtihiie disease tiian any other we possess,
I he proie'ssi IU are indebted to you tor seme of the
Nut m -tlieiues we have."
From A. J. F'- i- h. T D., an eminent phyriciart of
Jc-imence, Mis*.. nlv> is n prominent member if
tV /Sfi'liturenr.lf evsoWi
•' Du. Ay tit. Jiiy 1< >r sir 7 1 have found your
BAhsAfAKILI.A &7i'l xivihnt remedy tor Syphilis,
bath of the pi-itnnry and sc. oint iry type, ami eile,v
tuj in sotnc eases liial iv re too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. 1 iio not ki.otv what w - - caliem
j Jay :th more certainty of success, where a power
ful •iterative la required."
Mr. Hum. S. r tieio, of Mew llrvnsv-uk, X.J.,
h*d Jr** if'il ulnors on hi, legs, eausisl by the abuse
of ta*Tctirv. or uterrvrial liittedee, whi'-h grew more
ted more *;rgraited for vesrs. in spite at every
remedy or ifi' -itm-nt that could l>" applied, nnti! the
peraeveri*j war of A*Kit's SAltsarAKlt.t.A relieved
1 s'7v Ka •*<• can tic foun 1 trior" inveterate nial
dn ir-seing thau this, nut it took several dozen
bottles ;•> cure him.
LeuccrrUoea, Whites, Female Weakness,
an- gens rally |roined by internal FrraMnme Vi
ne- on . Ri-.d sr~ very often cured by tli • alterative
ef.-d of this S sap vKlt.l.A. Soni 'casea require.
IIOVVT, in ail of the ;S vns.tfAHll.hJl, the skilful
t|';.!iee.trm of local remedies.
j-Tn—i the ire/Mworu nvl irhfriifcelehrnfe-i 7>r.
Jacob M.irriil,f Cincinnati.
" 1 have found your SAHSAI"AHII.LA an excellent
ajV-rstive in discuses of females. Many eases of
Irr-gul irify. Leucorrhne-i, Internal I'lceration, ai.d
loral debility, aiising from the scrofulous diathesis,
have viel le i to it, and there are few that do not,
when it* effect 1* properly aided by local treatment."
A La y. untHJling to allow the puhliaition of her
name, irrite* -•
" My deiurhter and myself have been cured of a
very teoiliUting l.t ucorrlnea of long standing, by
two bottle* of your a VIISACAKILLA."
Bile Jjiiattaru, Goat, Liver Complaint, Dys
pvspstn, Heart Dmeato, Neuralniu,
wdien cj Tseif bv Ser-fhla in the system, are rapidly
cured by tlitu EST. SAUSAi-ARtt-LA.
posse- s go many advantages over the other
purgatives in the market, and their superior
irtin-s are so universally known, that we need
not do tuore than to assure the public their
•,da!itj is niaintaineil equal to the best it ever
j'as been, ami that they may lie depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C'. AYEK, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, M ass., and sold by
For sale bvßutinell A B.innatjne, and Lyman A
Whils, Tunkhaonoi k. Sterling A Sun, Mcshoppcn,
Stevefig A Ackley, Luccyville, Frear, Dsan A Co,
Fsctutyville, and all Druggists aud Deslsis in med
cincs, everywhere.
Howard Association Reports.for YOlNfi
MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER
RORS, ABUSES a id DISEASES which destroy the
manly |wers, and create impediments to MAR
RIAtiE, with sure means of relief. Sent iu sen'ed
letter, envelope®, free of charge Address Dr. J.
SKILLEN LIUI'GrKTOX, Howard Association,
Pbil idclpbia. Pa.
William I-llckner,
At I I.YAV/AAWOCA', Tenn 'a.
Who has the exclusive right for Wyoming county, is
.me of the, very few Machines that will cut Hay.
Straw. Stalks, <x- , better than the old fashioned
Cutting boxes,'use lby our grandfathers.
Those who value time and Übor: and wonld avoid
it need less loss of both, in feeding their stock, should
get one of these improved Cutters.
No man ever found anything better ; or ever went
back to the old machine alter a trial of it.
A Supply Constantly on Hand
and for sale.
VnekhMßoek, Dwst It, lS?7v"nl8ls
Americans ! wh proudly trace
Lineage from a noble r.wte ;
Who till a high and honored place
'Mong nations of the earth ;
Where is all your freedom grand ?
See ! a wretched negro band
Ruling o'er your Southern land,
Whero while men uow are slaves,
Tho' tfle Sonth at battle's call,
Madly staked and lost their all,
Shall we drive them to the wall
And crush their manhood out 1
Shall a base, ignoble horde
Over white men play the lord—
Lay in waste with fire and sword
Our Eden of the Sou th ?
Ts our Charter now repealed,
Which our fathers' blood has sealed 1
Shall we Freemen basely yield
The birthright ol our rtce 1
Shall we stand where Judas stood—
Break the bond of brotherhood—
Force the men of our own blood
To bow to negro rule !
Lo ' the land of sunny skies.
In the "gloom of Egypt" lies j
Soul of Washington arise !
And save us from our shamo.
By the I loud our fathers shed,
By the souls of heroes dead :
"We've made our brethren slaves !"
Two dark-eyed maids, at shut of day.
Sat whero a river rolled away,
With calm, sad brows and raven hair;
Aud one was pale, and both were fair.
Bring flowers, bring flowers unblown ;
Bring forest blooms of name unknown ;
Bring budding sprays from wood and wild,
To strew the bier of Love, the child.
Close softly, fondly, while ye weep,
His eyes ; that death may seem like sleep ;
And fold his bands, in sign of rest.
His waxen bands acro9S his breast.
And make his grave where violets hide.
Where star flowers strew the rivulet's side,
And blue buds, tn the misty spring
Of cloudless skies and summer, sing.
riace r.car him, as ye lay him low,
IBs idle shafts, his loosened bow,
The silken fillet that around
liis waggish eyes in sport he wounl.
But we shall mourn him long, and miss
His ready smile, his ready kiss,
The patter oi his little feet,
Sweet frowns and stammered phrases sweet,
Anl graver looks, serene and high ;
A light of Heaven in that young eye ;
All these shall hauut us till the heart
Shall ache and ache—and tears will start.
The low, tho band, shall fall to dust ;
The shining arrows waste with rust ;
And all of Love that eaitb can claim
Bo but a memory and a name.
Not thus his nobler part shall dwell,
A prisoner in his narrow cell ;
But he whom now we bide from men
In the dark ground, shall live again—
Shall break these clods, a foam of light,
With nobler uiien and purer sight,
And in the eternal glory stand,
Highest and nearest God's right band.
Excitement in a Peaceful Household.
Mrs. S., who resides in Third Avenue, New i
Y Tk, above Thirty ninth street, went out
a (ew evenings since to ttie grocers to buy
some coffee,and w hen she returned she found
a basket hunt: t > the knob of the door. Put
ting her hand in to see what it contained,she
felt something animate, A liitle surprised at
so extraordinary a discovery,she immediate!}-
retnioed into the hallway to examine by the
light of the lamp tho mysterious contents. —
Pinned to 'he clothes enwrapping the little
tiling she found a billet addressed to her ;
husband, which she instantly read, as fol- j
lows :
MY DF.AU S— T send you little Tommy,
and hope you will bring him np well. It is j
the pet of its father. Ah, what an old play- j
boy you are, making me believe all the lime ;
you were a widower ; now, you confounded i
old sinner, you will bave something to amuse
Your broken hearted NANCY.
P. S. Don't let that long nosed vixen of a |
wife of yours see this. She would be sure to |
give you rats, yet you cannot blame me.
Your inconsolable N. J
Filled with rage upon reading (he forego
ing news, Mrs. S. at once ascended to the l
[Scene in the Parlor —Mr. S. lounging on j
the sofa puffing a cigar, and looking perfectly
complacent Enter Mrs. S., her face as red j
as a pulpit cushion and her eyesballs glaring
with madness ]
Mrs. S.(loquitur)—Yes,there you are, you j
hypocrite ! you villain ! you deceitful, lying,,
mean, despicable, abominable—
Mr. S. (starting up amazed and frightened
at such vituperative expletives burled at him I
from his amiable spouse) —Hold, Jenny,hold;
what's all tins about—eh ? Gracious me—eh? ,
Mrs. S (with a curl of m.pretne dis lain >n ;
her rnbv hps)—Oh, faithless flunky of a bus j
hand ! Oh ! that I should C -me to this !
Never look me 10 the face again, base wntcli.
See, I have found you out at last. (Mrs S. j
places the basket deliberate!V on the carpet j
under her spouse's nose.) Now, !o"k at that
from your inconsolable Nancy ; look at it ! n
won't bite you ! Well, I declare, tie do "n't
seem (o mmd it a bit. 1 will call in all the
neighbors. •
(Exit Mrs, S. Mr. S. reconnoiters the
basket and touches 'he lively contents with
the delicate tips of his fingers ; is afraid to
open it. Enter Mrs. S., a dozen neighbors
looking grave.) !
Mr. B.—Now, ladies and gentlemen, I will
show you something that will make each
individual hair on your head stand bolt up
right like a telegraph pole.
(Mrs. S. proceeds to undo the swaddling
clothing io which the present from Nancy is
enveloped.) "It has the devil in it already,"
she remarks, as the little thing kicks. And
now all eyes are rivited to see if it really
looks like its father, and as Mrs. S. takes off
lhe last cover, out pops a Torn
cat, and scampers down the stars.
" To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. "
It was New Year's eve; a blustering
night. The wind dashed the frozen sleet
furioiiidv against the sturdy wall of the old
Red Stone Farmhouse, making the bright
fire that was burning in the large, old
fashioned kitchen seem doubly grateful,
and around which were gathered father
Williams, his wife, and four children.
The weather bronzed face of the farmer
had a careworn and discontented look. lie
was one of those who " make haste to be
rich," and though he is surrounded by
many blessings and every reasonable want,
at the close of the old year find no surplus
in his purse, his heart, instead of being
lifted up with gratitude, is filled with re
llis gentle, meek browed wife is sitting
beside him, and her countenance wears a
look of chastened sorrow, and tears glisten
in Iter eyes as they wander to a corner of
the room where stands a vacant cradle,
from which smiled, a week ago, the rosy
checked, bright eyed boy, upon whose lit
tle grave to-night the snow is drifting
The silence was broken by a heavy
knock at the door.
Farmer Williams immediately opened
it, revealing a respectable, middle aged
colored man, who held carefully in his
hand a covered basket.
" Does Mrs. Williams live here ?"' be in
" She does."
" The lady who buried a little child yes
tut day ?"
•' Yes."
" Well, here is a New Year's present for
Thrusting the basket into the farmer's
hands lie turned and walked quietly down
the road whore could Be dimly seen the
outlines of a covered sleigh, from which
could be distinctly heard the soiindof still
ed softs.
Bewildered and astonished, farmer il
liams carried the basket into the kitchen,
and carefully set it down on the table.
As he did-so he was startled by a plain
tive crv, and upon opening if, there lay a
lovely boy. apparentlv about three months
Farmer Williams sprung to the door,
but the sb-igh and its occupants were no
where to be seen.
In the. meantime Mrs. Williams and the
children gathered around the basket with
exclamations of surprise and pleasure.—
As the babe saw the gentle face that ber.t
over it, it suddenly stopped crying, and
smiling, stretched out its little bauds to
wards Iter.
The heart of the bereaved mother now
yearned toward the child, and taking it up
in her aims, she pressed it fondly to her
bosom. Just then tho husband came back
from Lis fruitless search.
'• I d'daie. it is an imposition!" be ex
claimed stamping the snow oil his boots
" But I won't submit to it. I'll Like it
over to the town farm the very first tiling
in the morning."
" I caft't hear the idea of its going there, ;
John," said his wife. "Just see what a
sweet babe it is 1"
" I don't see but what it looks like all
other babies," returned John, gruffly, do
ing his best to sto< 1 his heart against the ;
little, stranger, in which he only partly sue
j ceeded. for, rough as was the farmer's way, j
he had a kindly nature, if one could only
reach it,
" Any way, the authorities will have to
take care of it," farmer Williams continu
i ed. " We can't—we have got more months
j to fill now than we can find bread for."
Mrs. Williams' lips quivered as her
thoughts reverted to the little grave in the i
churchyard. Ah, to her heart there was
one too few.
" Dear John," said Mrs. Williams.plead-
I tngly, " It seems as though fiod had sent
! this babe to take the place of our own little
j Willie, whom He lias taken to himself.—
Let ns keep it. Tt will not fail to bring a
j blessing upon ns, yon may be sure."
Farmer Williams' countenance relaxed '
I as be looked into her tearful eyes.
" Well, well, Mary," lie said in a soften
|ed voice, " I'll think about it. If we do
! you and the children will have to go with j
out a good many things, for these are hard !
I times, and likely to be worse. So yon ■
! had better weigh the thing well before de
! ciding."
Mrs. Williams did so. and the resnlt was :
! that tfie New Year's present became a fix
ture in the Red Stone Farmhouse. lie !
grew up a merry, winsome lad, twining '
i even around the farmer's rugged nature, |
and taking in the heart of his adopted !
! mother, tlie place of her lost darling, and I
loved bv her with equal tenderness.
Many sacrifices did Mrs. \\ illiams make i
: —many toilsome hours did she spend, in
I order that her husband might not feel the
j expense of his maintenance heavily. And
; well bis growing intelligence and beauty,
and tlie ardCnt affection lie evinced for her
repay her for all. There was nothing
about him that would give the slightest
clue to It is parentage. Simply a hit of
white paper pinned to his frock. <>n which
were these words, evidently written by a
: woman, in a graceful but unsteady hand:
"Arthur— born September 23. 1 was
a stranger, and ye took ine in."
Farmer Williams made some inquiries
in the neighborhood, and learned that a
lady with an infant, accompanied by a ser
vant. bad been slopping f>>r a week past at
| the village tavern; that site was very
beautiful, but very pale and sad, and kept
I her loom uio.-t of the time. But they dis
appeared from there almost as suddenly as
, they came. • * i •
• * * * * *
It ia just ten years since Mrs. William#
received her New Year's gift. Let us take
another peep into the Red Stone Farm-*
house. 1 lie group is smaller now than
1 then. The farmer who murmured ten
years agothat he had so many mouths to
feed, has only one child left him—the lit—
! tie, flaxen haired girl that is sitting beside
his knee. The rest are sleeping in the
A heavy misfortune has befallen him ;
1 the thirst for riches has brought its usual
curse. Possessed with the mania for spec
ulation, he mortgaged his farm, house,
and all it contained. The gilded
burst and the dawning of the New Year
found him a ruined and homeless man.—
This was the last night that he and his
family were to stay in the old homestead,
that had been in the family for four gen
erations, aud was linked to his heart by j
so many tender memories. On the mor
row they knew not whither to go. It is
true that many of the old neighbors—kind,
good souls— had offered him a temporary
home ; but it was hard for the proud self- j
reliant man to accept chaiity from any.
" What can we do ? Where can we j
go to ?" he groaned as he thought of the
" The Lord will provide for us John "
said his wife, lifting her patiefit eyes'to ltis. |
"He never has forsaken us. Neither j
will he forsake one who trusts in Ilim. "
Lot the farmer lacked the Ohristain res- i
ignation that made thai gentle heart such
a heaven of peace and love.
" Ay, that s what you've always said,
wife, " he resorted, impatiently, " and you ;
see what we have cortie to. For my part j
I don't think the Lotd troubles Himself
much about us anyway. "
Mrs. Williams might have said that he
brought this upon himself, but she wisely
forebore. Just then then' came the sound
of a quick, buoyant step, and there burst
into the room a fine sturdy lad of about fen,
his eyes bright, and his cheeks glowing
from the keen, frosty air.
'' It's bitter cold 1 tell you, " he exclaim
ed flinging his cap, boy fashion, upon the
kitchen settee, and stepping up to (he fire.
" Not but what I've been as warm as
toast all but my ears and fingers," be
added, blowing upon the latter as he
" Here is something for yon, mother, " j
he said, seating hirnsi lf on a stool at her j
foci, and tossing into her lap a shining ;
piec of gold.
" Wliv Arthur where did you get this?" i
" The strange gentleman down at the j
tavern gave it to me. mother. He asked !
me into his room, and gave me as many
tints and raisins as I could eat, beside. "
" I wonder who he is ? " she said musing
" J can tell vou " exclaimed her hus
band, hie eyes flashing angiily. He is the
owner of the Lied Stone Farmhouse. He
is the man who bid against me on the few
articles I wanted to reserve. The curse of
the homeless rest upon hiiu. "
" Nay John, " interposed his wife gent
ly, " perhaps lie did not know how highly ■
you prized them. "
" Yes he did ; Parson Brown stepped
up and told him, but he only smiled, and
said he wanted to buy everything jnst as
it stood. "
" Well said the boy, gazing thoughtful-
Iv into the fire "I can't help pitying!
liim he locked so sorrowful, lie -asked j
me a great many questions about you,
mother, and all the rert of us, and kept'
walking up and down the room, w ringing
bis hands and groaning as if be was in
great trouble. "
" I will buy yon a new coat with this,
Arthur " said Mrs Williams, as she exam
inod anew the gold coin. " Yon need one
badlv enough, " she added, glancing with
a sigh at his well patched roundabout.
" Yon shall do nothing of the sort, moth
er, " said the generous hearted boy.—
" You shall buv yourself and sissy a
nice warm shawl. "
Before Mrs, Williams could reply there
was a quick knock at the door. Farmer
Williams opened it. It was only a boy
who brought a small parcel for Mrs. Wil-.-j
" Another I\ew Year's gift, I suppose, "
he said bitterly, as lie handed it to her,
for be was in a bitter mood.
Mrs. Williams glanced reproachfully at
her husband :
" God grant that it may bring as much
comfort, " she saiil laying her hand fond
ly upon the head that was. resting against
her knee.
As she opened it she uttered an exclama
tion of surprise. It was a deed ol Bed
Stone Farmhouse, and made out in her
name. On the inside wrapper were these
words : > . j
" Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least
of these, ye did it u.ilo Me."
There were grateful and happy hearts
beneath the roof of the-wld homestead that
night, though with Mrs. Williams joy there
was uimgled aq uneasy feeling, bhc was
well assured that it was in some way con
nected with Arthur, and trembled with
apprehension lest some one should appear
who had stronger claims to him. This,
fear was dissipated the next morning by a
letter that caipe to her in ttic first mail. It
contained a check for live thousand dollars,
together with these words ;
The boy that yon so generously re- j
oeivesJ ten years ago. and have so tender-1
IT cherished since, will never be tak< n frorti
von. The mother forced to relinquish
"the babe, dearer to ber than life, is new
in Heaven. The father who so basciy
forsook his child, and her whom he had
sworn t? cherish, is unworthy of so sacred
a trust. In S —Hank yon will find
j the sum of twenty thousand dollars defdsi
; ted in the name of your adopted son, of
j which he is to como Into possession when
he if legally of and the interest of
which mto b appropiated to his support
and education during his minority.
To this'singular letter there was neither
date nor signature. Thero were various
conjectures in regard to the stranger, who
had been in the village for some days, and
from whom the letter came, as well as the
package received the night before.
But when Arthur recalled to his mind
the look of sad, remorseful tenderness with
which he had regarded him, he felt that it
! must have been his father. Yet he often
said, as he looked into the face of his
| adopted mother, that be wanted no dearer
I friends than those he already had. And
as for Mrs. \\ tlliams, among all the bles
' sings that surrounded her, there was not
1 one that brought her a purer joy than he
| whom she had taken to her heart when a
: friendless babe, her New Year's gift.
AFRAID OK THE LAW. —The mongrel
destructionists at Washington, are afraid
of the law, as a mad dog is of water.—
Last week, when Stanton had Gen. Thom
as arrested and taken before the mongrel
Judge Cartter, that functionary, boiling
over with " loyalty," placed him under
uuusaily heavy bonds for his appearance.
After consulting with Stanton, and find
ing that holding Thomas to bail would
bring the test before the Supreme Court,
Cartter and Stanton backed square down,
and discharged Thomas. They are afraid
of the law, and dare not meet the issue
like honest men. This seems to be the
ruling feebng in Congress. Hence every
means will be resorted to, in order to pre
vent an expression by the Supreme Court.
It matters not, however, the verdict of the
people is already made out, and it will be
delivered to the utter discomfltute of the
disuniunists, in November next.
What can be more disgraceful in the'
eves of the world than the Executive and
Congress of the United States going off in ;
such high dudgeon because a tnarigy cur
ehooses to oceupy his kennel, after having
been kicked from the company of gentle
men. Congress does itself no honor, in at
tempting to force such a miserable apology
for a gentleman as STANTON upon the l'res- [
ident. Suppose that the President would j
attempt to compel Congress to receive an 1
expelled rn> rnber, they would be justly in- j
dgnaot at such an outrage upon decency.'
Who then can condemn Prcsidi nt JOHNSON
for doing all in his. power to get rid of a
pimp and spy .like STANION ? No fair mind- j
ed person can do so.
Immense Mass Meeting
An immense mass meeting of citizens
opposed to tin* impeachment, was held
Friday evening at the Cooper Institute in
New York city,
Resolutions were read declaring that
the present political crisis is fraught with
danger to the republican institutions of the
United States, and that a government by
and under a written constitution is the
only safeguard of freedom. Also affirm
ing the right of the President to remove
members of his Cabinet ,and declaring that
any attempt to deprive him of that right
is a monstrous perversion of the powers
conferred upon the House fc of Represen
In striking contrast to the unchristain
and unsoldierlike antipathy which Gov.
Geary in his message, expresses against
the inanimate remains of Southern soldiers
which lie within Antietam cemetery, is
the following from the message of Gov,
Kenton, of New Yoik, also a Radical:—
"To day nothing perhaps could sooner
awaken a national spirit in the heart of
the South than the thought that represen
tatives of the Northern States were gath
ering the remains of its fallen sons for the
interment in our National Cemetery,
New York, March 3.—The loss by the
hie at llamum's Museum is estimated at
£500,000. The giraffe valued at $20,000,
will die from its burns. The Museum was
insured for $150,000. Thelossis 8100,-
000. A pair of tigers were burned, val
ued at ?25,000. The scenery, Ac., forCu
now piece was burned. Circassian girl is
also a heavy loser. The giantess loses
$3,000. Twenty-two animals were saved,
and twenty-eight burned.
HOMESTEAD. —It, ought to he generally J
known but is not, that every citizen be-1
ing at the head of a family, is entitled to j
one hundred and sixty acres of land upon J
the payment often dollars in fees and ac- j
tual settlement there, upon any of the va- ;
cant lands in cither the States or Terri- j
tories unoccupied. A great deal of land (
of first quality yet remains unappropriated
in Arkansas, Louisiana. Missouri, lowa,
and other States and Territories.
The refusal of Judge Carter ( a Radical
of the most ultra stripe) to lrold Gen.
Thomas for trial for an alleged violation of
the tenure of office act, is a plain confession
that G<n. Thomas' arrest was only a ' ; game
of bluff " and that the act in question will
not bear legal test.
lOWA FOR I'ENPLF.TOH. —The largest
Democratic State Convention that ever
assembled in lowa, met at Des Moines,
on the 28tU, and passed a resolution de
claring George 11. Pendleton to be their
first choice for President.
Judge Black, of Pennsylvania, Judge
: Cost is of Boston, an 1 Mr. Evarts of New
York, it is said, bare been selected to dc
; fend the President in the court of the cop
j spiraton.
TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance.
I DJist aiti) ifitjiicijise.
j man will ever bo able to build a house
I by carrying bricks in his hat.
The first thing a hen says to hef btood
and not the last thing a child says to his
father—"Shell out."
What is the difference between a hen and
an idle musician ? One lays at pleasure and
the other plays at leisure.
If the happy days of wedlock arc called the
honeymoon, w"hy shouldn't the unhappy ones
be styled the lunar costies ?
A Wisconsin girl, who became crazy at
the deaih of her mother, was immediately
restored to reason when matrimony was pro
posed. That's what "fetched her."
A dancing master in New York has intro
duced a ' Kiss Cotillion," in which the gen
tleman always kisses the lady as "swing
corners." Our imp of the ink keg says ho
will take stock iu that kind of cotillions.
"Well John, did you take that note I gave
you. to Mr. Smiihers7' ;
"Yes, Sir, I took the note, but.T don't be
lieve he can read it."
"Cannot read it ! Why so, John ?"
"Recause he is blind sir. While I WOT in
the room be axed me where my hat wor, and
it wor on my head all the time."
deacon hired a journeyman farmer from a
neighboring town for the summer, and in
duced him—although he was unaccustomed
to church-going—to accompany the family
to church, on the first Sabbath of bia stay—
Upon their return to the deacon'a house, he
asked his hired man how he liked the preach
ihg. He replied :
"I don't like to hear any minister preach
"I atn very sure you heard no politics to*
day," said tho deacon.
"I am sure that I did," said the man.
"Mention the passage," said the deacon.
"I will," he said, "If the Democrats scarce
ly are saved, where will the Republicans ap
pear ?"
'Ah,'" said the deacon, "you mistake.-
These were the words : "If the righteous
scarcely are saved, how will the ungodly and
wicked appear ?"
"0, yes," said the man, "he might havo
used those words, but I knew duced welt
what he meant /"
A sensative lady from the country looking
for a coach, addressed a cabman : "Pray, sir
are you engaged ?" Ocb ! bless your purty
suwl, ma'am, I've been married these eeven
years, and 1 bave nine children 1"
—a —•
A Western Iloosier called on a boat otp*
tain to sell him a saddle of mutton :
"Say, Captain, don't you want a
nice saddle of mutton to day V
"No ; I would as soon eat dirt," replied
the Captain.
"Well," said the Iloosier, "'tis according
to bow a man has been raised. Now 1 IT o'd
rather eat mutton /"
Almost any remark one singer makes about
What is a rest 1
Going out of choir during sermon for re
What is singing with an "understand
ing ?"
Marking time on the floor with your fcot.
TUhatsymphony 1
Flirting with the soprano singer behind
the organ.
What is a staccato movement 7
Leaving the choir iu a huff because one is
dissatisfied with the organist.
What is a swell ?
A professor of tnusic who pretends to
know all about the science, while he cannot
conceal his ignorance.
What are grace notes 1
Greenbacks received for a quarter's sal
What is a turn ?
When one singer is discharged to sssks
room for another.
Hnw do you produce a discord ?
By praising a lady's singing at the expense
of another who overheard you.
How is a shake produced ?
By catching the bellows boy aileep when
the choir is ready to sing.
What is a flat ?
A singer who supposes himself or herself
indispensable to the success of the choir.
ters yu, yu kan kalkerlate that he is a rogno
or you're a fule.
Keep both ize open, but don't see mor'n
half yu nctis.
Ef yu ieh for fame, go into a grave-yard
and .scratch yourself against a tumestone.
Young man, be more anxious about the
pedigree yur going to leave, than yn are
about the won somebody's going tu leavo yu.
Sin is like weeds—self sone aud aura to
About as sure away to get rich as enny I
know of, is to git inter debt for a hundred
NO. 32.