Local and Personal. T photographer*.--A good one-half sir# and ail othef necessary material for carrying he PhMogrnphiug business, for sale at a bargain. - material is nearly new, and will be sold from 10 ' \ per cent below New York prices. For furthov k mistioa inquire at this office 29tf. Sieved.— Messrs. Hass A Stansbuvy, Cabinet- Jl ; fr , have removed their shop to the planing mill 0 1,. Peckham, with whom we learn they have *-med a partnership for the manufacture of furni on a more exiensi ve scale. Vow Harness Shop.—Mr. John Hastings has yoed a new Harness 9hop, just opposite this office, 1 eing of the old " Fort Sumpter'' building .' .an hopes by using good stock and doing good , r ii to deserve a share of the public patronage in bis line Vendues. —P. A. Miller, of Eaton, will sell on Thursday (fo morrow) Cows. Yearlings, Horses, Ac., it bis residence in Eaton Township. benjamin Kinfner, Administrator of Christian Push late of Washington township, will sell on Fri (jn the 13th inst, Cows, Sheep, Ac., at the late resi dence of deceased. Elista Stevens, of Eaton, advertises Cews, Year lings Horses, Wagons, Farming Utensils. Household Furniture, Ac., for sale on Tuesday the I7th inst. Curtis Harding, of Eaton, advertises Cows, Horses, for Safe oh Thursday, 19th inst. Chat.—lt is understood that G. 11, Eastman is stout to open up the Boot A Shoe making business on a much larger scale thaa heretofore attempted io ibis ricinity. Mr Eastman, who is fresh from the furetnanship of the largest Chicago Manufactory, ■pi-seises a thorough acquaintance with the business in all its departments and will introluce the latest ■pprored machinery in the trade. Under his man agement success is certain. It is talked —and doubtless with truth —that Miss Fannie Bacon, keeps the most perfect order in her school-room which enables her to teach the young ideas how to shoot a little closer to iho mark than most teachers. The talk is that quite a number of the "bloods" of town got on their high healed boots aud had quite a high old time on Saturday. One or two templars, got what is called ''slightly exhilerated " The common chaps got drunk, "boisterous" and generally disagreeable. Look out, boys, or the "sarpints" will be after you. It is said that work at Palen Bros". Tannery has been partially suspended for some week* past on account of the severe cold and drouth The past few days of warm weather has thawed them out. Tho icebridge across the river, at this place, seems to be good yet notwithstanding the thuwy weather Ssveral unbaptixed Eatonians appeared in town to day Itts said that Bnmoeß A Bannatyne are selling goods below New York wholesale prices. They are ihortly to go out of trade here The lease and bal ance of stock has been purchased by Mr. De trick, son-in-law of camuel Stark, who will continue the business. It is rumored that the stage from Montrose, which j has been snow-bank bound for several days, has got - through with three week's later news from Africa. 11. W. Rhodes has sold the brick-yard lot, tools, : .ioJ fixtures to a Mr. Guernsey, of Susquehanna Onti'y Mr. G. will continue the business of mak- 1 ir.g brick. Unless Madam Rumor has greatlv imnnsci upon ] the often too credulous ear of the public, a very se rious estrangement, misunderstanding or sjiat. oc curred at this place, w thin the pu few di; - be tween a loving couple who bad conclude i to r. y unite the rivulets oi their lives, into one broader smoother stream "The course of true love.'' it is ! •aid, "never did run smooth," Oh, fie ! young'n's. Don't be foolish. Let bygones, bo by-goues—kiss and make up. There, now, that's a couple of good ies Lehigh Valley It. R. Extension.—The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's North Branch Extension, buihiiug under the charter of Pennsylva nia and New York Canal an-l Railroad Company, between Wilkes Burro and the New York State line, is open to traffic at both ends, from Wilkes-Barre to Pittston at the South end, 10 miles, and between Towanda and Wavsrly at the North end. 16 miles, leaving uncompleted but progressing, 76 miles be tween Pittston and Townn la It will be seen that titenty eight per cent of the entire North Branch division is in operation. When the whole division shall have been opened to traffic, the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will operate 206 miles of maiu line, from Easton to Warerly, be sides its Beaver Meadow and Mnhanny branches.— And as the cars of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. will run north and northwest to the lakes, and south and east to tidewater, the area of its future opera tions, bounded by the sea and by the lakes, contains an immense population.— Fcrnon's Mining Reg. ' Throw physic to the dogs ; I'll none of it. To make assurance doubly sure I'll take" —Plantation Bitters. - They never fall. This great Stomachic Heeler is just what the peo ple need. It is a remedy they can rely no F'or liytpepsin, Heartburn, Headache, D ixiness, Ague, Liver Complaints, Pains in the Side and Back, it has no equal ; not the least among its virtues is its extreme pleasantness to the taste and ten eradiate beneficial effect. Try it, suffering Dyspeptics, and be cured. Such are the assertions of those situated > knew From the vast amount of this article sold, it must have great merit. Magnolia Water. A delightful unlet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. SMekllfS* is an afl'iotion that waits on us a'l.— None are exempt and there are none but n-cd re lief from its attacks Wboiver can furnish this be comes our benefactor. A conviction prevails that Dr. Ayrr does it- Disorders of the blood have been healed by bis Sarsaparilla. and affecti ns of the lung* by his C'eery Pectoral, too frequently and too distinctly to be disputed. His Ague Cure is said, by those who use it, to never fail. Reader, if you must have medical aid, take the best of medi cine. Poor remedies are dear as good are cheap, at any price you have to pay for them. Charleston Courier What changed your gray hair to its natural color 1 Mrs. S. A Allen's Improved (new sty It) flair Restorer, or Dressing, combined in one bottle. Price One Dollar. Sold by all Druggists. Be W ise to-day.—'Tis madness to neglect a cough or cold, however slight Consumption my follow, and though Dr. 11 'istar's Balsom of ft ild Cherry baa frequently cured this dreaded disease, for the primary diseases of the throat, lungs and chest, it always cures where other remedies fail Returned.— The County Commissioners who have been holding Courts of Appeal in the several townships of the County have returned and will lis ten to the touching appeals of the tax-payers of Tunkhannock Township and Borough. Their petil* by frost and snow hs ve been great, but they re|iort hospitable treatment and good cheer in every stop ping place Marleab, or " The Wild Flower " the celebrated Indian doctress, is now stopping lor a limned time at Wall's Hotel in this place, where she pr .js.-s to treat all chronic, or diseases of long standing, by the Indian methods of treatment,by roots bark and herbs. Can be consulted nt all boors, Sundsys excepted. C cultafiete free. GRAND JURORS Drawn to serve at April Term, 1808, Rrsintrini—Jacob Knspp. Albert G. Overfleld Clinioo— Lewis Armstrong, John V. Whitney. Katnu— Nelson Rog rs. Falls— Chauncey Sherwood. Forkston—lra Robinson Mebor>aoy—Zura Evans, Wm. liurgesa, Benj. B. Jayne, Elias Kerns. Meshoppen-E J. Mowrey. Northuioreland —John Myers. Nicholson—Jedediah Hewitt, Silas Harding. Tank. Twp Wra M Stark, B F, Hight. Tunk Born'. —Abrain Hoadiy. Washington--Benj Bartron. Windham —Mark Keeney, A. J. Hunt, Luther Sturdevant, Alva Fasaett, G. W. Smith. TRAVERSE JURORS. Braiutrim—L D. Sturdevant, Benj E. Wakemnn. Eaton—Ja<-ob M. Brungess. Stevens Dana, Jesse Harding. . Exeter—John W Roberts Falls— Theron Brown, Reuben Bender, Joseph K. Roberts. Riley Sickler. Forkston—Giles 11. Burgess Lemon—Gilbert Travis, Geo. Lewis. Meboopany— Theron Vaughn, James S, Carpen ter, C. K. Arnst, Wm. Russell. Merhoppen- James Bunnell, D. T. Sterling. Monroe —Byron Kuokle, Charles Deßoamer. Nicholson—Levi Pedr ck. Northmoreland-Calvin Perrin. North Branch—Grant Burgess. Ovcrfielu —Andrew Miller, James Stevens. Tunk Twp.—Jaines Harding, Wm Caskey, Ed gar Killings, John Jackson. Tunk. Boro'.—Robert Bannatyne, Mortimer Ter williger. Windham—Harlow Fassett, II S. Graves Washington —James Bunnell, James VulentiDe. Married, EASTMAN—KELLER—In Scranton, Pa., March 3, 1969. at the house of the bride, by Rev. B D, Sturdevant. Mr M J Eastman, of Tunkhannock, and Miss Mary Keller, of Scranton. With the above notice wm received the regards of Miles in the shape of n greenback May Miles nev er sue the day he will wnnt for them, and may Miles' Boy speedily see the day he will not want them. IDiedL. CANFIELD—Of Consumption,at tho Lur.erne House, in West Pittstoa, James E. CunfielJ, in the 29th year of his age. Friends and physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave. James was not startled when told that he must die. He had only to regret hie neglect of a prepara tion for death, till so late an hour. He died calmly trusting in tho mercy of his Saviour. He expressed his anxiety to his father, that he might go home ami see bis mother, sisters, brother. aDd young associates, before he died. But when told that it was impossi ble. he was resigned to hi* fate, and requesieJ hi* father to stay by bim till be died, and then bring him home to be buried. His sisters have lost au af fectionate brother; his parents, a dutiful son. JOSLIN—In Caibondale city, Tuesday, 25th ult., Martie 0., youngest daughter of Edwin F. and Julia A. Joel in. aged 1 year and 11 months. Smiling, she was borne to her rest " Death has robbed us rf our treasure, And the angels have her now, Where nu shade of pain or sorrow Comes to cloud our darling's brow." fpfrial UoliffS. BOILS. Like the volcano, Boils give issue to the foul and fiery contents of the deep interior. To remove the cause of such suffering it is only necessary to vitalise the Blood by supplying it with its Life Element, IkG!f. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, (a protected solution of th- Protoxide of Iron) will do this efife-on >Hv, nr.d give strength, rigor and neir life f o ti.e eh 'c system Es'rct of a Lot-or :>• :n ifi-v Rtcasttti S. Er as, <>P ' For years I -vas a sufferer r r m: fJoiis so that tnv life Iwo.tuie we.iria.oiie through their frequent and [.t this titne that I commenc ed taking the PERI, VIAN SYRL'P. I continued taking it until I bad used five bottles ; since then I have had nothing of the kind. For years I was one of the ere.itesf sufferers. Other medicines gave me partial and temporary relief, but this remarkable remedy, with a kind and intuitive sense.went direct ly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a thoroughness worthy of its established character." A32 paga Pamphlet sent free Thu genuine has 'Permian Syrup" blown in the glass. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. No 36 Dy St., New York Sold by ail druggists. The best known remedy for SCROFULA, in all its manifold foruis including Ulcere, Cancere, | Pvpbili*. Suit Rheum, C-usuuipttoo, etc., ie Da. An- | lints' IOWIXK WATER, a pure solution of lodioe WITHOUT A B'ILVKXT, discovered after uiany years of scientific rewsr h and experiment. For eradicating humors from the system it ha; no equal. Circulars ent free. J. P. DINSMORE, ' Sold by Druggists generally. 36 Dey St., New York- HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER The basis of iu reincdi.il properties is a vegetable compound. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the sculp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a hair dressing. R P lI.ALL A CO. Nashua, N H , Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. TO CONSUMPTIVES - The Risv. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) ts all who dessue it the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was ured of a lung affection and ' that dread disease Consumption Hie only object is j to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer ' will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 6u4(Ty. Commercial College—The suceess of Gard ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at 1 Seranton, hu surpass# 1 all expectation The course of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper and give better satisfaction than any other College f the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Lile Schol arship d 5 00. Clubs at reduced rates Send tor aollege Paper giving full particulars. Address J. ! C Gardner. Principal. Seranton, Pa. u7nloyl ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Neivous 1 Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful in iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy and directions for making the simple remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing | in perfect c infi lence, ! JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4o. DISSOLUTION. THE CopartrershipS heretofore existing between Jennings Brn.. J C. Kimner and 0. h Vaughn, is this day dissolved by mutual consent The Books Mod Accounts of the late firm will be • settled i.y the undersigned, who will continue busi i nff.s lit the oM iAn 1 on rfie Rurfy-Py System. ! Thankful for past favo:. we solicit a continuance iof public patromge. trusting that we can make j HEADY-PAY * benefit to ourselves aui customers- Rary Respectfully, • KINTN'KR A VAUOHS. lfvb-wpeey, Pa , Mr*h 3, fWB. WHOLESALE STOCK OF SEASONABLE SELLING AT RETAIL. IjalJ; pillion |)ollani Unequalled in Fabric, Cut and Work manship. A Sacrifice without a Parallel in the Clothing Trade ' Over Coats, Business Suits, Dress Suits, Selling at les* than HALF THEIR VALUE, manu factured the present teuton ; Retailing 60 per cent, below actual cost of production. TIIIS GREAT SALE is conducted by BALDWIN, The Clothier, North Bast Cor. Broadway and Canal, N. Y. N. B.—Retail Clothing Merchants, CASH buyers, will find this etock very attractive. TERMS. -Net t Casb.--v7n29w2 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. is hereby given that in pursuance of an LN Order of the Orphan's Court of Wyoming coun ty, directed to the undersigned as Administrator of the estate of Wm. H Wright, dee'd, he will expose to public sale on the premises, in Monroe Township, on Thursday, April 2.1, IS6S, at one o'clock in the forenoon, a tract ol land situate in the township of Monroe, Wyoming county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: On the North by land unknown, being wild laud, on the East by Hervey A James Pbenix, on ihe Sooth by Bowman's Creek, on the West by lands of Charles Wright, containing about Eighty-Fivb Acres, be the same more or lest, about lorty acres thereof improved, with a frame dwelling house, frame barn, shed, core ciib, and other out buildings and apple orchard (hereon, with the appurtenances, late the estate of Woo. H. Wright deceased, and will be sold to the highest and best bidder. Turns of Sal*.— Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money shall be paid at the striking down of property, the one-fourtb lew ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and the remaining three fourths in one year thereafter, with interest from the confirmation nisi CHARLES WRIGHT, March 2, 1869n30w-l Administrator IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TnE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Pennsylva nia. In matter of Riley Sickler, Bankrupt. To whom it mi y Concern : The undersigned here by gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee of Riley Sickler, of Fails township in the county of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on bis own petition by (be Distrirt Court of sa : d District Dated Falls township the 22d day of February A. D. 1863 d* PERRY COLVIN, Assignee. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing betneen R. J Hallock and S R. Ferrel of Meeboppen, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent The books and accounts will be settled by R. J. Hallock, who will keep up a stock of general merchandise and solicits the patronage of the public, at the old stand. R. J. HALLOCK, S. R FERKEL. Meshoppen, Pa., Feb. 15, '68.-029w3 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In re partition if estate of John Armstrong late of Eaton Tounship, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Wyoming County, an Auditor to make distribution of the assetts uad report in the above entitled case, will attend lo the duties of his appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunk hunnoek. on FRIDAY, MARCH 27th, '63, at one o'clock P. M : at which time and place all persons intcrcst-d in s.ti.t di-tri'uti ,t aie i-.I present tn*ir •'aim- US he debarred fposa o aiag in fee a h .re i < eeid ,1-m •- i'AKVKi -S!i KLL'R. Auditor. Tunk, I'a. ; March 4'n. If'jSnoOwd AUDITOR'S* NOTICE. THE undersigned bating l.eeu appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County au Auditor to distribute the fund arising from the Sher iffs sale of the real estate of Isaac N. Lacey will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunkhsonock, on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1869, at I o'clock P. M; at which time and place all persons interested in said tuud are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in ujam the saute. HARVEY SfCKLER, Auditor. Tunk., I'a., March 4, 1368n30w4 tX'MBER FOR SALE. HOUBE BUILDER* nd others, will find * full supplv of SEASONED PINE LI MBER For Sale at Tunkhannock. This LI MBER, which was manufactured at Walt man's Steam Saw Mill m Bradford county, is of the best quality, and well seasoned Boards will dress to inch. Plank to 1} and 1 inches in thickness. Buyers wishing their lumber planed, matched, Ac., will find Planing Milts at this place to do the work. For particulars consult E J. KEENEY, Agt. Tunkhannock, Jan. 1, 1368. NEW Jewelry Store!! P. C. BURNS dr PRO. STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY", Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, he., As. Solid and Plated Sileer Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Folks, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac , Ae. From ROGERS A BRO '3 Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS and WATCHES of the latest American and European Manufacture. Tunkhannock, Dec. 18, A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHEAPEST BOOK EVEB PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages Andl3o 6oe flutes and engraviog' of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of Health and DUeast', with a treatise on Early Ercors, its De plorable Consequences upon the oiind and body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment —the only ra tional and successful mode ot Cure, as shown by the report of eases treated. A tru'hful adriser to the married and tboee contemplating marriage, who en tertain doubts of their physical condition. • ent free of postage to any address, on receipt of .5 stump# or portal currency, by addressing DR. LA t'Rofx, No 31 Ma.dan Laee, Albany. N. Y. The author may be consulted upon ear of the diseases upon "hi -b his book treats. either personal! or by mail- .Medicines sent to any part of too world. Off' IMPORTANT ANNOIINCLMLNT!- A Btsutifully Illustrated Bik. worth a Thousand TV.Hera sent free to any addres* n seoeipt of 25 cts. JOHN VANDKRPOOL, No. ¥* r **" fJlfatfUaiiftius. ORPHAN'S COTTRT SALE. N OTICE is hereby given tbut, iu pursuance of an order of Hie Orphans' Court of Wyoming Co., rtirei ted to the undersigned Guardian of the minor children of George S Tattoo, dee'd, he will expose to public sale on Friday tbe 2(!tb day of March, 1868, at one o'clock P M., for cash, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Tunkhennock township, county aforesaid, and described us follows: Beginning at a corner on East side of public toad leading to Montrose and at the South West corner of land ol Thos Osterhout. thence East along the line of said Osterhout'B land to a corner, land of Benja min Stemples ; thence South on a line of said Stem pies to the North East corner of lands of Samuel Stark ; thence West along the line of said Stark to the said public road, and thence North along tbe East side of said road to the place of beginning ; containing twenty-five acres of land, more or less, with the appurtenances, Ac., with one small house, and other improvements thereon, late the estate of G. S. Tutton in suid order named, and to be sold ai the Court House in Tunkhannock Borough, at the time above stated, to tie highest and best bidder. CHARLES J HENRY, Guardian. Ac. d29W4. SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of u writ of Fieri Facias to me direct ed, there will be exposed to public sale at tbe Court House in Tuokbannock, Wyuming Co., Pa., SATURDAY, MARCH 14th, '6B, at 1 o'clock P. M. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate and being in the township of Nicholson, Wyo ming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the North by land of George Candee, Eat by land of Wm. Baylor, South by land of Alfred Widerman, and West by land of Floyd Sprague and Levi Pedrick, containing about thirty six acres of land more or less, about twenty acres thereof improved, with one frame house, one small barn, and a small apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon wiib the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alfred Widerman vs, Norman Sprague and G. B. Sprague And will be sold for cash only by M. W. DKWITT, Sheriff Sheriffs Office, Tunk., Feb. 25, 1868n29w3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, Pa. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 14, '69, at 1 o'clock P M. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate and being in the township of Braintrim, Wyo ming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit s On the North by land of Wm. S Hall, East by land of James Doolittle, South by land of the heirs of t.'harlei Keeney, dec'd, and West by land of Henry Wilson, containing about nine and one-fourth acres of land, more or less AH improved, with one frame dwelling bouse, one cow shed, one hog pen, and one small apple orchard and some oth er fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances. and taken in execution at the suit of C. P. Miller vs, Jacob F. Hal! and W m. S. Hall. And will bo solU for onsn ou!j M. W DEV ITT, Sheriff. Tunk., Feb. 25, 1869n29w3 SHERIFF'S SALE BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at tb Court House in Tunkhannock, Wyomiog County, Pa., ON SATURDAY, MARCH 14. '66, at 1 o'clock P M. The following described piece, parcel or tract of land situate in the township of Overfield, County of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows : Beginning at a post and stones in tho cen - tie of the road in Buckley's line, thence along the same South 43J decrees West 54 and lour-fenth lur ches to a post and stones ; thence North 4(iJ degrees West sixty-one perches to a post in line of Harvey lot, theDce along the same North 43J degrees East 54 and four-tenth perches to the road, thence along the same South 4GJ degrees West sixty-one perches to the place of beginning; containing twenty acres and 119 perches he tho same more or less, about ten acres thereof improved, with a small plank house thereon with the appurtenances. s ired ami t .ken iti exeeiit'on at the suit of Whit nev 1 • nard u-eof (liios Leonard vs. Philip Put rck And will bo 0 per month, according to ability Ad dress ZEGLER A CO., 614 Arch St., Phila., Pa. WANTED- -To Make ail Arrangement with a live man in every County, who wishes to make money, and can give good references. No capital required Will sell a business now paying 81,6b0 per month, and rely on profits for my pay.—■ Address J. C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Zem XL V A PRESENT OF $25 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or village. Particulars and a gilt sent free, by addressing with stamp, N. B. CLOUDMAN A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. AMERICAN CLOCK CO. 3 Cortlaiidt Street, New York. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in All Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for SET II THOMAS CLOCK. THE CELEBRATED " Estey" Organ, WITH VOX HUMANA STOP. Pronounced by all who have beard it the most natu ral and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN VOICE ever yet introduced. J. ESTEY A CO, Brattleboro. Vt., the original Inventors and Manu facturers. 417 Broome St., N. Y : 79 West Fayette St.. Baltimore. Md.; North 7th St., Phila.; 115 Ran dolph St., Chicago. Red Jacket AXE. ( OLBURN'S PATENT. Tried & not found Wanting. tYe claim It will cut Twenty-Five (93) per cent, more Cord Wood per day than any other Axe made. MrKaaseoßT, Dee. 19, 1667. Messrs Lippincott A Co Sirs :—I have fully tried your Patent Axe and find that it is all that_you claim for it. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, an I leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would not chop three days wiihout one for the cost. I need not sav anv mure for any man that tries one will be satisfied. WM. KEES. f \ TTnPT/~\"\T __ The Axe and the La- Vv/\LIJ i iUi 1 • bel are both patented Infringers on these patents will be prosecuted accor ding to law. Venders or dealers, aDd persons using any infringement, are liable with the maker of the infringement. For Sale bj all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, (Successors to Lippincott A Co.) Sole owner* of the Patent. PITTSBURGH, PA. NORTH AMERICAN STEAM SHIP CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New York December sth and 15th; January sth. 15th and 35th; and February 1 sth and 25tb. With New Steamships of the Frst Class PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, For further information address the undersigned at 171 West Street, New York- I>. N. CARRINGTON, Agent. ©nt polior! (Puf gtollar! A GREAT WONDER, a Silk, Thibet or Alpaca Dress, Wool Shawl, Carpet, 50 yds. Sheeting, Family Bible, Sots Ladies' Furs, Sewing Machine, Fine Wool Cloth f>r Gems. Suits. Ac., for ONE DOL LAR EACH Agents Wanted. Circulars sent free Address G. S. WARREN A CO., Boston, Mass. IMMENSE DOLLAR SALS! :Of English, French and German Dry and Fancy Goods, Plated Ware. Cutlery, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac., Ac. Send 15 cents for one, or 10 cents each for ten more names cf articles, which we wilt Sell at ONE DOLLAR EACH. Agents can purchase an article worth from #3 to S2UO, for One Dollar, according to site of club order ed. Circulars sent free. KIMBALL A CO., No. 3 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. P. O. BOX 2516. ONE DOLLAR EACH WEBS COTTON CLOTH. Dress Patterns, Pant Patterns, Sewing Machines, Watches, Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac.. Ac. Sand Ten cents for Patent Pen Fountain, with slip describing an article in our dollar sale. Any person, (mule or fenml®,) cm wnd in ft club of from 30 to 1,000, at same rate (10 eU. for each), 1 and get a premium for so doing Send in Rcgis i tered Letter*. Sample* mailed free to any address j EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover St., Boston Mass. WE ARE COMING! And will present to any person sendiog us a club in our Great One Dollar Sale of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Cata'ogue of Goods and Samplesent to any address PRE*. ALLEN, HAWES A CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mast. ! P.O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and Eng lish Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, A!*w lm**r THE INDEPENDENT. HENRY C. BOWEN, FUftLfiKHXB. No. 8 WntWllf tfCEXttl, NEW YORK. mi laegest mm mm II Tii mi THE CHEAPEST RELIGIOUS WEEK* LY IN THE WORLD. |he Jargeat in the ]|orli. Price 99.50 by Mali, 93.00 by Carrier In New York nndgßrooklyii. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT GRATIS. ITS CASH RECEIPTS THE PAST YEAR LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE. ITS CASH RECEIPTS the pest Six month* larger than ever before daring the corresponding period. ITS CASH RECEIPTS daring the peat 3 month* larger than aver before. ITS CASH RECEIPTS in January larger than ever before. ITS PROSPERITY IS UN R CHESTED in the history of religion* journali*m, IT IS THE ONLY PAPER SOLD to any asUnt by new* agent* and bookaeller* in all part* of the country, IT EMPLOYS THE ABLEST WRITERS in the country. ITS ARTICLES ARE ALWAYS READABLE, racy, and practical; not dull metaphyaical, and stupid. IT PAYS MORE FOR ITS WEEKLY COXTRIBU BUTIONS, than any other THREE relig ious papers in the country. IT HAS THE ABLEST CORRESPONDENTS in all part* of the country and Europe. IT DON'T FILL UP it* oolcmni with scissors contribution*." IT DISCUSSES BOLDLY and fearlessly all relig ious, moral, and political top.ca. IT HAS MORE ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS and other reading matter than any other weekly religious paper. ITS WRITERS are choaen from all the leading Christian denominations. ITS READERS are the thinking, progressiva, wide awake, and moit active men and women of the times. IT AIMS TO BE A CIIAMPION FOR TRUTH and equity. IT IS AS RADICAL AS TRUTH and jnetiee'ean make it, and means to be so always and torevef. IT IS UNSECTARIAN and earnestly Seeks Chris tian union. ! ITS EXPENDITURES the pre*ent year will be far greater than ever before. IT WILL HAVE MORE special department* than ever before. IT WILL HAVE MORE religious news than ever belore. IT WILL TAKE A DECIDED intereetfin the com ing great Presidential contest, IT WILL earnestly seek the moral, political and re ligious interests of the whole people of the nation, irrespective of race, Color, or oonditioo. IT WILL discnm Treaty all financial matters from a high moral stand-point. IT WILL insist that every engagement and obliga tion of the country shall be promptly met with gold, as agrend IT WILL oppose, under present circumstances, any further contraction of the eurrency. IT WILL not be in baste to give political power to those who have 1-een rebels, IT WILL advocate reconstruction on a basis (sad that only) of exact and impartial justice. IT WILL oppose all political manmuvering and ma chinery calculated to lower the standard of national hon or and integrity. IT WILL consecrate iLelf with all its power and in fluence to the great work of moral, political and religions reform and Christian freedom, the world over. IT IS THE PAPER for farmers, having weekly produce and market reports and prices current. IT IS THE PAPER for Bankers and Capitalists, having weekly money articles, financial naws, Wall street gossip, eto. IT IS THE PAPER for Merchants, having weekly dry goods reports, with latest quotations and general pricee current. IT IS THE PAPER for business men of all classes, having weekly discuHions on business matters. IT IS A GREAT FAVORITE with children, having weekly stories from the ablest writers. IT IS THE best advertising medium, it belie red, in the country. WE ASK NO snbeeriptions to support us as a char itable institution. WE ASK FRIENDS to help us in increasing onr circulation and usefulness, if they believe we are doing good—and not otherwise. 'WE EXPECT TO GIVE IN EVERY NUMBER OF the paper through the year leading matter to the extent of any ordinary sited vol erne of 300 pages sold at the bookrtores, WE EXPECT EVERY subscriber of this paper to say that the money paid for The Independent, Is the Beet Investment i Of th* kind atr mad*. We expect to have a good measure of euccess in what we shall aim to do. We expect tome opposi tion from rival newspaper*, some criticisms for mis take* of judgment, some fault-finding because we am radical, and lota of advice, as usual, from all quarters; hut, notwithstanding, we expeet to live , and thrive, and do more good, perbapa, than ever The Independent! Prlet 99.40 per Annum to Mall Snbatrlb* era, ©r 93 by Carrier In Bfrw York irud" BrocMyn.-- ..-.-r Henry €. Bowen, PUBLISHER, No. 8 Beekman Btreet, New York. GREAT NUMBER THIS WEEK, FEBRUARY OTH. ATTRACTIONS AS FOLLOWS I Too Fast Too Slow; Or what the great masses have done for FreadM and what they propose to do. By Hon. HENRY S. WILSON, United State* Stnalor from Massachueette, GRANT & COLFAX. Rrprrsrntatior Public itttn, The People's choice for President and Vice-President. Tedencies of Reaction—Wounds of the War—Taxation—The Party for Freedom in Peril. By Rev. T. M. POST, St. Louis, Mo. KEEPING ALIVE, An Appeal to Christiana, By Rer. TBEO. L CCYLER, D D., Brooklyn. N. T. PRAYING IN THE HOLY GHOST, The Great Experiment, |By Bey. GEO. B. CUEEVER, D. D., >*ew York. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Election of Oen, Beatty from Ohio. The first pan el the White House. Hopeful advices from the South. New Hampshire and Connecticut Elections. Supreme Court 011 Recon struction. The President Rod hie Cabinet after Gen. Grant. Speaper Colfax's reception, etc. By our Washington Correspondent, D. W. BA.4TLETT. THE LOST IMAGE. Chapter IX of an Original Story. Written by an Orthodox Clergyman expressly fer the Independent, and destined to he, we believe, one of the most popular, racy and instructive series of contributions ever givea to a religions newspaper. BOSTON CHIT-CHAT. Boston never says die. Religious Prosperity. Art. Crown of New England. Gould's Andrew. Law and Disorder. A Trick on Messrs Harrison, Gray, Otis, etc. By our Boston Correspondent. HA BITE, On# of the ablest and niist spicy writers in the country Henry Ward Beecher and Oliver Wendoil Holmes. The Guardian Angel and Norwood. By SUSAN PO3EY. DECEMBER WOODS. An Original Poem By JOEL BENTON, Amenia, New York. A COMPANION FOR THE WINTER. MAPLE WOOD FIRE. Endorsed by a •' Blessed Old Black Woman," A STORY WITHOUT A MORAL ' For Children. By ABBY SAGE, Chariestoaru, Mas*. EDITORIALS, AS FOLLOWS) The Tongue of Fire, or Extemporaneous I'i caching. Rueen Victoria's Experiences. TWO WAYS OF LOVING - Loving the Good and Loving the Wicked. THE METHODIST BIiHOI'S- Thompson, Morris, Janes. Scott, .Simpson, Baker, Aixh, Clara, Dr. Kinsley, Edward. Thom son—" as able men as any Christian Denomination can beast " AN OLD NEWSPAPER-" The Federal Spy and Daily Advertiser," of DecA2d, 17V4. INTERNASIONAL CO PYRIGHT. SHALL WE LOSE THE EXCISE LAW 1 WEEK OF PRAYER. REVIVAL RECORD. GENERAL NEWS. BOOK TAI3LB MINISTERIAL REGISTER SABBATH SCHOOLS. FOREIGN NEWS. PEBBLES. SELECTIONS. Commercial and Financial Department. AS FOLLOWS: Commercial aod F nancial—Talk, News and Goselp 10 Wall Street- Important News f..r Cap italists, Banke nese .Men— Money Market—Central Pacific Railroad. Dry Goods Report—Dry Goods Quotations—Produee Marget Reports—Prices Current— New York Cattle Market—Farm ers' Column. THE WHOLE COMPRISING Attractions Never equalled in any other Religious Newspaper. GREAT PREMIUMS. IIOWE SEWING MACHINE. We have made a special contract with toe now# Sewing Machine Company to furnish their world-renowned machines as a pie niium for new subscribers to THE INDEPENDENT during the present year. Any person who will send us the names of twenty-four new yearly subscriber*, at our regular subscription price, (*ue terms as above) will bo presented with one of those celebrated ma chines, the lowest price of which is StiO. It will be packed and shipped by express, or otherwise, as di rected. We simply want the names (with the money) of tttenly-Jour persons who do not take our paper, and who reallv subscribe for it; they may be sent one at a time, or all together ; they may bo at one post ofllce, or moie than one— we are only particular that they shall be bona-JUlt ntu subscribers. Any one person subscribing tor 24 years, or any fire persons for 12 years, or nny fhtee persons for 3 | years, will be entitled to tho machine under the above ofler. Persons intending to take advantage of this offer, and sending the subscribers' names as they obtain them, will please state in each instance thai they are sent on this account. All subscriptions sent under this offer must begin with the number of our paper next after trie receipt if the money. Remittances must be made by post-office money order, bank-cbeck, or express (paid.) C \KPi- NTKU'S HOOK, SIX MONTHS at the WHITE IIOUSB. I Any person who will send us the naaio of a new I subscriber for Thk I.vdepmdest for one year, with I the money, will be presented with this book. It i will be sent by mail postage paid, or delivered at j the desk of our publishing office. Old subscribers, | not in arrears, on renewing their subscriptions, and j sending us fifty cents extra, will also be presented I with a copy of the book. We have already given i away more than twelve thousand copies of this re ' markable volume, and the demand continues unaba ted. It ought to be in every family in the country, Tb# retail price at the bookstores is SI 60. OUR YOU SIG FOLKS. The demand for this periodical continues ; an i w* hope every family which is not al-endy supplied will at onca allow us to present them with a copy for 00# year, on tha simple condition that a new subscriber with the money be sent us. Old subscribers, not in arrears, will be supplied also, it they will, on renew ing their subscriptions, send us fifty cents extra. Na mora appropriate or valuable present could he d# sired. or one which would be so gladly looked for Irom month to month, as this monthly niagnsoe of biillient stories aod hapoUful illuetramoot. Tin