Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, March 11, 1868, Image 1
&ARVEY SICKLES,, Publisher. VOL. VII. Ppmiiig Bniuirat. A Dumocratic 4eekly - pafer devoted to Poll . rT t tics News, tha Arts /A and Sciences Ao. Pub- TiffS lithed every Wedncs- r |IT, at Tunkhaiiiiock . jPfifc* BY HARVEY SICKIER U Terms—l eopy 1 year, (in advance) Ui,oo; if t pwfd within six months, *2.r?U wiil be charged Ndpaper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar rearayesre paid; unless at the option of publisher. R ATES OF "ADVERTISING. TEX LIHF.A CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. One square ope or three insertions-. #l5O Every subsequent Insertion less than 3 ; -,51) RIAL ESTATE, PERSOXAL PROPERTY", and OEXTNXL ADTRRTtsiitt, as tnav be agreed upon, TATEHT MEUCIXES and i>ther advtnisements ny the column: One column, 1 year, Half column, I year 33 Thir d column, 1 year, 2a Fourth rukiuio, 1 year, 20 J HisaJiiC-89 Cat da of one square or less, peryear with paper, $8 tir EniTuttiAr,or LOCAL ITF.V advertising—with out Advcrtisewwiit—ls ets. [)r lino. Liberal terms made Wit h permanent adv'eitisers, A D ."VftNISTK A TORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length. #2,50 OBlTi AIUES,- excee<3Vig ten fins, each ; ROII LITERARY NOTICES, not of general uteroat, one half inc regular rates. _,— . . i ffS'' Adraftisemenls must be banded in hv Tucs- , BArbkioK, talusure m-crtion the tame week. JOB WORK •f all kin Is neatly executed and at prices to suit tie times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and J,OB WORK must b paid for, when ordered ißusiness Sot ices. R H.klf lil.lTfbi: \TTO ; > YS A'l LAW Odiee ou Tioga Street TunkhannoeX l'a | HS. COOPER, l'llY>l' LAA A SUISSoN • NewtonOentre, Luteruc County Pa. 0 1., P.4KKISII, ATrOANET AT LAW • Offi~e at the Court iijuse, in Ta tar iuck j WyomiDg Co. Pa. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Of fice iu Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk j aannock, Pa. ff J-'.CHASI-,, ATTORNEY AND CO! NSEL • 1 v LOK AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa Especial attention given to settlement ol dec. dent's estates. Nicholson, Pa. Dec 5. ls^T —v7nl9yl W, BHUADS, PHY sICIAN A SURGEO N • will atteud prom; tly to all calls in his pro- i fewion. May lie found at his Ofii o at the Drug I tsuire, or at his residence on Vutmau Sreet, I'orioerly occupied by A. K. Peokhaio Esq. DENTISTRY. DR. L T. BURNS hns permanently located in Tonkh*wnoei< Borough, end re-;,c-t fully tenlers | his professional services to its eititei-s Office on eeeou J flu'jr, formerly occupied by Dr. •ilaan vfSnSGtf. PORTRAIT,^^LANDSCAPE, X a afvx2vx*rjyrc3r. 'Jty }!". /tA'j Artist. Room" over the Wycrming'NaSuaal bank,in Stark's Brick Mock, TUNKHYNNDCK, I'A. Life-sire Pfirtraits painted fmm Amh'ol vpes Photographs—i'hoiographs Painted in Oil C<Tors — ' All orders for paintings en , uted according to or- ■ dr. or no charge made. or Instructions given in Drawing. Sketching, ! Portrait and Landscape Painiipg. in Oil or water Colors, and in all brnnt-hes of the art. T unk . Jdly 31, "c< *v(jhaO-tf. BOLTON 1-TOUSE. lIAHIHSHI FTD. L'EN NA. The undersigned having lately purchased the | " BUEHLER HOUSE " property, lias alreacly com menced luch alterations anl imiiTovcments as will 1 render this old and impular House equal, if not jupc eier, to any Hotel in the City of H-.trrisburg. A cojntinuance of the public patronage is refpeet fully solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATH AMERICAN HOUSE, TUSKUAffi N OCA, WYOMING CO., P.\ j I **"■ -■> „„ THIS ettabll.hincnt has recently been refined an ' fnrnished in tne latest style Everv attention i will b given K> the comfort ar*9 convenience ol tho-e W'JO oaUonite the House 1. D. TALL, Owtjer and Proprietor, 'lunkhanaarit. Septnuji.ei ' '• Yffil- NORTH SRANSH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA ! YVm. 11. C OUTRIGHT. Prap'r HAVLXG resumed the proprietorship of the atx.ve ITotet, the undersigned will "pare no efforts render the house an"Bgreeabje place o! sojourn to all who may favor it With their eustotn. J . IV®. H CORTP.IGHT. June, 3rd, 1363 MEANS'HOTEL. TOWANDA, r-A r- B. BARTi.ET, [LuU oil,. "sHsie vtu, lUrsc. Et.itiKA, N.Y I'RUI'K IBTOK. Tl MR-AN R HOTEL, U cue of the and B.BBT ARRANOED llousoe in the country—lt if fiu4 up *Jfl the most modern and improved style and no pains are spared to u,ke ivwpleasantand, a giweeblustof'pngi place for all, 211yv3-tl. r. ~ _J U.S. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE FOR 7(II D\- , vision, (Wyoffiipg County) half B. mile north oft Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at tbk l|te resideuee j ol Hon. R. K. Little. IRA AVERY Assistant Assessor, j 7th Division 13th Dutnet. | %MRL|WK DFF %. 18#7V7CL8NL Y,. THE peculiar taint or _ g - 1 _ inlVetion which K& CALI S CR,,RRLA IDFK' in tin* constitutions of multitudes of nun. It J eitlror produces or is feelded, vithited state If, °f ,1k blood, wherein 'U U beeciues in jjfffijSw '* "I" uetiou, :iild .JjKr JL- tilt 1 system to - fall into disorder and decay. The serofulons contamination is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living. dis'Hjtfcrflfl digestion from unhealthy food, inquire air. filth aud filtlijf habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending '• from parents lo children unto the third and fourth generationindeed, it seems to he the rod of Him who says, •• I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take j various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the ; glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach nod bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion. dyspepsia, ami liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz.. purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify- tiie blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With fec|le. fold, or corrupted I loud, yen cannot have health; with that "life of the 1L;!i" licaiihy, you cannot Lave scrofulous disease. Aycr'a Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes tltftt medical science lias ttptwwred lor , this aiHicfifig distaiand for the cure of the disorders it entail*. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devjjod. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in tl.eir effect upon this class of eonip'aints, is indi-putahlj- proven l>y the gn at multitude of pul liely kitiwn an(J remarkable cures it has made of the fdHovvTng diseases: Kinff's Evil, or Ghnuulnr Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches au:l Seres, Erysipelas, Rose cr St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Sen Id Head,, Coughs from tuberculous depouts in tho lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Memorial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and. indeed, the whole series of complaints that ari.-e from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may lie found in Ayj.it's A:>:i.u:< AX ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may Le learned the directions for its u e, c.i:d some of tiie remarkable c ures which it has 1; r.de when all other renu dies had failed to afford r-. !ief. Those cases nre purposely il.cn from all seehons of the country, in order that every read r may have access to some one who can -jealt to him of its bene fts t. in per-onal v xpenonce. S< r< fa la depve-s< s the \itail energies, and thus leaves it- victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these Com nictations h;-s led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public: under the name of Avi it's SARSAPARILLA, although it is compo.-ed T f ingredients, some of which exceed tho list of Sarta/taril'a in alterirtiv c ] v. ir. 1 v its aid you may protect your.-elf f.c m the • hi r ing and danger of these d'notders. I'mge out the foul c orruptions that rot sml fester in the Mood, jutrge* cur tiie cause sof disease, and vigorous health will fellow . By its jet tt iiar virtues this remecfv stimulate, s the vital fanetiens. and thus expels the cii*tempers wliich lurk within the system or Lurst out on any ]tart of.it. We krow the- yttf-iie have lc-c-st deceived l.v iiiuttr ecHi:|.oiii.(is < f .Nwiegsro/uv t! at prcMuised u lic it and did not: .;ig; Luf. t! oy w 13 neititer be eje (lived is#r urvq pointid in this. Its v Utues have- la c n proven Iy i. titi daut trial, and there remains no i! '1 its sitrpaksing excellent* for ti,e c ure of ;lie afflic ting diseases it is intended to re-.'.; h. Although under the same nat.te, it is a wry different medicine from any othc r wl :; h h: - bee n la-fore the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which lias ever 1 ce-n available to the-ui. -A. NTEFt'S CHERRY PECTORAL Tho World's Great Remedy ior Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has lw-en so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no mote than assure the- public: that its quality is kepi up to the host it ever IIRS been, and that U may lie relied on to do ail it has over done. Prepared by DR. J. ('■ AYF.R A: Co.. Practical and Analytical Lowe 11. Mass. Rohl by all druggit everv w here. For sale byßunnell A B.innatyne, and Lyman A Wblls. Xunkbannoik. Sta/bng A Son, M.:sbi>p|n, -tevens A Auklav, Icicsyville, Frear, Dsan A Co , FactoryviHe ond all Druggpfs and Deuisis in med cires, everywhere. THE HEALING TOOL, A.N* Hybot OF MERCY. Howard Assoriatloit R< porta for YOl Nd MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ABUSES and DISEASES S which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to MAR" HI AUK, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter, envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr J. SKILLEX HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. l'a. 6n44-Jyear TIIE UNION STRAW CUTTER, MANUFACTURED BY William Flickner, At y t N'A J/A All 'OCA; Tenn 'a. Who has the exclusive right for Wyoming county, one of the very lew Machines that will cut ll ay. Straw. Stalks, c , better than the old fashioned Cutting box*, hied by or grandfathcre. Those who value tune and labor: and woul l avoid a needles* loss of both, in feeding their stock, should get one of these improved Cutters. Xo man ever Found anything better ;o r v ver went back to the old machine after a trial of it. A Supply Constantly on Hand and for tale. WM FLICKNEB TorVbenifck, rt* 19T7v?019# TUNKHAMOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. -WEDNSDAY, MAR. 11. 1868. [B/ Request.] ALT, FOB THE NEGRO. We are tased an our clothing, our moat and oar bread, Our carpets and dishes, our tables and beds. Our tea and our eoffee, our fuel and lights, We are taxed so severely, we cannot sloep nights. CHORUS.— And it's all for the negro, Ureat (rod can it be, The home of the brave, 9 And land of the free We are taxed on our mortgages, our notes, checks nd bills. Our deeds, and our contracts, and on our last wills, And the star spangled banner, in mourning doth wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave, CHORUS.— And it's all for the Negro, Ac. We are taxed on our houses,our stores and our shops, Our stoves and our tin ware, our brooms and our mops, Our horses and cattle, and if we should die, We are taxed on the coffin, in which we must lie. CHORUS —And it's all for the negro, Ac. We are taxed on all goods,by kind Providence given, We are taxed on the Bible,that points us to lit av'n; And when we ascend, to that heavenly goal, They would,if they could, stick a siampou our soul CHORUS.— And it's all for the negro, Ac. Now this is not all, not money alune Did the Kail Splitter claim, to build up his throne, If you had not three hundred, your body must tell, And if killed in a month, it was all just as well. CHORUS, —And it's all for the negro, Ac. Now boys can you tell me, just what it hns cost, To elect old Abe Lincoln, and all his black host, Just ten hundred thousand, of our country's best blood, Have been slain, and their bodies lie under the sod CHORUS.— And it's all for the negro, Ac. TWO LITTLE PAIRS OF BOOTS. "Two little pairs of boots to-night Be fore the fire are drying ; Two little pairs of tired feet In the trundle-bed are lying tncks they leave ujon the floor Makes me feei like sighing. Those little boots with copper toes, They run tho live-long day, And oftentimes I almost wish That they were miles away ; So tired I am to hear so oft Their heavy tramp at play. They walk about the new-plow'd gruuDd, Where mud in pleuty lies ; They roll it up in marbles round, And bake it into pies, And then at night upon the floor Iu every shape it dries. To-day I war disposed to scold ; But when I look to-night At those small boots before the fire— The copper toes so bright— I think how sad my heart would be To put them out of sight. For in a trunk up stairs I've laid Two socks of white and blue; If called fo put those hoots away. Oh God ! what should I do ? I mourn that there arc not to-night Three pairs instead of two, I mourned, because I thought how nice My neighbor 'cross the way, Could keep her carpets all the year, Fmm getting worn and gray,; Yet well I know sho'd smile to own JSome littlo boys to-day ! Ah, we mothers weary get anl worn Over our load of care ; But how we speak of these dear ones Let each of us beware ; What would our (besides be to-night If no small boots were there ? " THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR RUE DELAY IN RECONSTRUCTION. —The London Times of a recent date, in a Jenthy article on the situation in this country, gives the Radical deslructionists the following to jnedilate on : " The responsibility of most of the evils •at present overshadowing the South rests upon Congress. The sudden liberation of four uiiilions of slaves, and the vast de struction of property, conlJ not, in spite of all that might be done, fail to cause great disarrangement and many troubles. — Rut the inevitable difficulties have beeu increas ed by inconsiderate or partisan legislatino. The overthrow of State organizations and the establishment of military govcrnmenti strangled private enterprise ane frightened capitalists away. The delay in the work of rsconstructiou has further impoverished the plutiters, AND in homely phrase, taken 'the heart out of them." The promises to freediucn made under the sanction oi the Radical party have confused all relations BETWEEN the employer and the employed Political discontents — those dkcontents which have grown up since the war — have entanglod the people of the two sections so, that the North will not use the South even as a field for investment. This is all that Congress has yet effected lor the settlement of a question which way intri cate enough to puzzle the wisest men America has ever had, but which would have yielded to patient discussion and fair treatment. In 1862 Congress silenced the men who pointed the way to restora tion, now it is obliged to listen to them, and the people are not unlikely to take their adricc after all. " " To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. " I The Democratic State Convention. Five Thousand Persons Present—Great Enthusiasm—The Speeches, Nomina tions, and Resolutions, Ac., Ac. Harrisburgh, l'A , March 4. Long before the hour of I' 2 o'clock the hall of the House of Representatives was : crowded with enthusiastic delegates, called together from every district in the COM- I niouwealth. The attendance is the largest [ ever witnessed at a State Convention iu Pennsylvania. The number of persons i present being not less than 0.000. At 12 M. the Convention was called to order by Hon. William Wallace, Chair man of State Committee. The list of del | egates having been called, Mr. Wallace proceeded to address the Convention as j follows : I GENTLEMEN OK THE CONVENTION ; The political events of the last year arc fnll of : reasons for pride in your strength and con fidence in your future. Success has crowned your efforts, and the great princi j pies of civil liberty and constitutional gov | ernment have asserted their power over ] the minds of the people. These great doc -1 trines gave birth to our organization, and when WE are defeated in their support, like ' the fabled Anteus when hurried to his mother earth, we gather therefrom new ; vigor to rise again stronger and more determined. The war and its attendant j train of horrors are remembered in sad ! ness. Reason resumes its throne, and de ! signing men can no longer attain their self j ish ends by appeals to passion. Christian charity now fills the place that rancor had usurped, and hate and hiiterness are slow ly passing away. The Radical party have shown their incapacity to govern the re public, and the mass of their own adher- I ents recognize the fact. Famine and j crime, military rule, insecurity of life and I property, the negro dominant, the white raee oppressed, are the proofs of this in one section ; while grinding taxation, un certaintv*i business, and financial distress pervade the other. The Radical party has given us a broken and dissevered union, corruption, extravagance in the use of the public money, confusion in monetary af fairs, mismanagement of the immense rev enues it has wrung from the people. It can unite upon no policy but the perpetu ation of its own power. In the mad spirit of faction it seeks to strip the executive of 11is prerogative, to ignore the sacred func tions of tin: judiciary. It tramples upon ' (he organic law. reverses our traditions, and brands as criminal every attempt to stay its wild career. Our form of govern ment is the external evidence of our ca pacity for sell-government — for govern- . ments are what the people make them. IF! we can govern ourselves we can sustain the government we love, and can safely trust to the force of ideas, to the march of mind, to public opinion, to crush with the ballot those* who through the forms OI law attack the vital spirit of our institutions. — The people have ordained a free system of laws, and a complex yet simple organ- I ism— the people, the State, and the Union. The preservation of the rights of each of) these is essential fo the existence of the whole. To maintain these they have ERE- j ated the throe great co-oidinate branches | of the Government — the executive, the leg islative, and the judicial. The public good and private rights demand the preservation of the integrity of each. Sovereignty is in the people. The Government is their creature, sworn to piotect their liberties. Its division into independent branches was of the very essence ot the system ; the de struction of either is a stride towards tyr- J army. The organic law defines the power of each, and to that law each must he con formed. The Constitution is the supreme I law. It is the only evidence of powers J granted bv the States and the people. It j must be strictly pursued and implicitly ' obeyed. To sustain these truths more than ILUO,OOO men, in conscious strength and ! quiet dignity, await your call, and this day I speak through you for obedience to law, I for the government of the Constitution, I aud for the Federal Union of the States. On motion of Hon. S. £. Ancona, of I Berks, the Hon. William M. Randall, of Schuylkill county, was chosen temporary chairman of the Convention. Mr. Randall, upon taking the chair, was greeted with tremendous applause. He addressed the Convotition in substance as ! follows ; We are on the eve of opening the Pres idential campaign, and if we desire success in our deliberations they must be conduct ed with wisdom and judgment. We mnst burv all past differences and animosities, and unite in one solid phalanx to defeat our ancient enemy ,w ho is arrayed before ui, and whose only name really is opposition to the Democratic patwy. The success of j that party is imperatively demanded, not on accouut of the advancement of individ uals, but that not only the welfare of the ' people, but the very essence of the govern- 1 merit itself may be saved. Look into the national councils, that should be the repre- ! sentativc of the people, and find the exec - j utive branch of the government enslaved, I the judiciary of the nation curtailed of its' prerogatives, and the legislature, which 1 under our form of government was but a co-ordinate branch, assuming the entire power and control of the national trinity in a way that has been deemed by all the great legal minds of the country inimical to the unity of the nation, if not violative L of the organic law. MR. Smith, of Lancaster, ofiered the fol lowing : Resolved, That A committee of thirty three, the members thereof to be named by the delegations from the different Sen atorial Districts, be appoined to report I permanent officers of the Convention. The resolution wa agreed to. The committee on permanent organiza ! tion reported for President the Hon. Wm. Hopkins, of Washington connty, with a Vice President from each Senatorial dis trict, and five Secretaries, The veteran Hopkins, on taking the chair, was greeted with prolonged applause. lie referred briefly to passing events, saying the De mocracy had stood by the Constitution and the Union of the States from the founda tion of the Government ; so it would staud in every crisis, whether the same be assail ed by traitors from without or secret foes within. The following gentlemen were unani mously chosen, amidst great enthusiasm, to head the ticket as electors at large : William Y. McGratb, of Philadelphia; ' George W. Cass, of Alleghany V The following were selected as delegates to the National Convention : WM. McMul len, L. C. Cassidy, W. M. Reilly, W. C. Patterson, J. E. Faunce, 11. J. Linderman, ! Jeremiah McKilbeo, C. M. 11 em ley, 11. P. Ross, B. M. Boyer, John D. Stiles, J. 11. Brinton, J. Lyons, Ileistcr Clymer, J. liegemen, F. A. Hughes, D. S. Hammond , D. W. Hamlin, U.S. Mott, J. B. Stark, R. 11. Little, Michael Meylert, David Lowen berg, David M. Crawford, William H. Miller, John A. Magee, John Gibson, Geo. W Brewer, J. R Donohue, James Burns, Owen Clark, George A. Auchinbaugh, William Briudle, B, D. Ilamlin, W. L. Scott, W. L. Corbett, Gaylord Church, John L. Dawson, J. B. Sansom, John A. Strain, J. B. Guthrie, R. 11. Kerr, John T, Bard, A. A. Gee. | The following names were selected as Representative Electors ; C. E. Kemberly, Charles M. Leizering. Cbaries Buckwalter, George R. Berrill, IJ. R. Cogshall, Reuben | Stable®, Robert E. Mangaban, David L Wernich, William Shirk, A. G. Brodhead, Jr., John Blanding, Jesse C. Amrnerman, W. P. Withington, W. R. Gorgas, Wm. P, Schfcll, Cyrus L. Pershing, A. C. Noyes William A. Galbraith, John R. Packard, James C Clark, James 11. Hopkins, Ed ward S. Golden, Samuel B. Wilson. C harks L. Boyle, of Fayette county, up on the third ballot, was nominated for Au ditor-General. The result was received with cheers, and was made unanimous amid great enthusiasm. General Welling ton Ent was made the unanimous nominee of the Convention for Surveyor General. Isaac E. Ileister, Asa Packer, George W. j Woodward and William Bigler were chos en delegates at large to the National Con vention. Hon. Wm. A. Wallace was re elected chairman of the State Central Committee. The convention adjourned with three J cheers for Johnson, the Union, and the Constitution. Lewis C. Cassidy, of Philadelphia, from the committee on resolutions, reported the j following, which were adopted : Resulted, That the happiness of the people and j the preservation and continuance of our power as a | republic depend upon the perjcUiity of the Union ; and the preservation of the Constitution ; and the J prompt restoration of each and all of the States to , tho enjoyment of their rights aud functions in the j Union is essential to our progress, our prosperity, and the protection of our liberties; and Radical leg i lslation is the barrier thereto. Resulted, That the Constitution of the United ' States is the supreme law. It is binding upon the | people and upon every department of the Uovcrn- I mout, and it is the highest duty of those in and out ; of official place to yield implicit obedience to all its ! provisions until it is changed in the manner provided therein. That the recent attempts of the legislative j branch of the government to usurp the office of the executive and to destroy the independence of the ju diciary are deliberate attacks upon the plaioestpro visions of the Constitution, iu utter violation of its spirit, and tend to the overtnrow of the government itself. Resolved, That the Radicals in Congress have wruug from the people enormous sums of money which they have squandered in icckless extravagance; that their system of revenue is ill-devised, incongru ous, and inequitable, that rigid economy ia every branch of the public service, a decrease in tho num ber oi ofiicers, a reduction in the army and navy,and reform in the collection of revenue, are imperatively ; demanded, and only by this means can a reduction in the amount of taxation now imposed on the indus trial and manufacturing interests bo attained, and the payment of our indebtedness be assured. Resolved, That the Republican party ig responsi ble to the country for the delay of the restoration of the Southern States to their just relations in the Un ion. and for the government of their pet pie by mili tary rule ; that the purpose of these measures is to perpetuate Radical power through the votes of illit erate negroes. Rcsolred, That in enacting the Tenure-of-Office j law, tho Legislative and Executivo branches of the 1 government each had a right to judge of itaconsti- I tutionality ; aud that in thus exercising the right the j Executive was only complying with that porti m of I his oath ot office which required him to " preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United ! States," and that it is the right of every br.anch of : the Government, and of every citizeD, to have the I questions involving the constitutionality of any law speeiily adjudicated by the Supreme Court of the United Statoc, and the right of all the people to have said decisions enforced. Resulted, That the pendinz impeachment of the President of the United States is a grogs and reck less abuse of partisan power, without justifiable cause, ami intended for the attainment of party purposes at the sacrifice of the most vital interests of the country. ! Resolved That a return to a specie-paying basis ! at the earliest possible moment is essential to the interests of tbe people and the prosperity of tho na tion, ResoWed, That the national debt should be paid as rapidly as is consistent wilh the terms of the laws uin whwh tbe several loans are based, in the view of the Democracy the flag ot the country ou-ht and must be made to prefect sit our cttirew | Rtsolrtd, That the five-twenty bonds and legal i tender notes ate component parts of the same finance system, and until the Government is aole to redeem the legal teadcrs iu coin the bolder* of those bondi should be required to receive legal tenders in pay ment. Renotced. That every species of property should bear its fair proportion of taxation, and that the ex- I emption of government bonds therefrom is unjult and I inequitable. Keeolrcd, That we recognite with emotions of the i dee pest gratitude the efforts ol the gallant volunteer j soldiery who so freely took up arms to protect the ' flag and preserve the Union and we denounce as un i just to them the efforts of tho Radicals to prevent a restoration of the Union until negro supremacy is es tablished in certain States, and negro equality made | the rule in all. I Resulted, That the naturalization of foreign-born j citizens places fhem on the same footing aa those j born in this country, and that it is the duty of the : Government to see Hat all citizens, naturalized and native, are protected in their rights of life, liberty, and property, abroad as well as at home, and that CURIOSITIES OF A CONSTITUTION. —It seems a paradox to say those persons who shout loudest for liberty are commonly i the most illiberal ; but the world abounds in proofs of the assertion. The telegraph J brings fresh evidence from the State of Arkansas. The convention which has | been incubating at Little Rock for a long j time past has at last hatched out a conati | tution, which combines the extremes of : freedom and tyranny to an extent hard to be paralelled in history, After giving the ballot to women and negroes, it proceeds to declare how voting shall be done on the i new constitution. Voters are required ,to swear that they have never given aid 'to secession in any State. This offers a premium to perjurv, or shuts the door of repentance and reformation against those j who have erred, and it is of itself a mon- I strous instance of injustice. Not satisfied with this, the framers of the constitution clap a muzzle upon every man's mouth, by requiring him to swear that he accepts for all times the social and political equal ling of the white and black races; not mere ly the " political, " observe, but the " soci al! ! " But the essential despotism ofthis new constitution reaches the climax when, after insisting on all these qualifications J for voting it disfranchises all persons who ' shall vote against the new Constitution. — 1 We match thtsagainst anything that can J •be found in the previous history of the J world. — New York Journal of Commerce. > ; Jt^-Judge Woodward has already prov ;ed himself as aide a debater in Congress las he was jurist upon the bench, llis late | speech upon the currency is, we think, one ;of the ablest speeches ever made in Con giess, and is absolutely unanswerable.— Nor does he fail to denounce in fitting ! terms the monstrous crime of impoverish ing the white race to let nejjroes eat the bread of idleness, lie says: " Let the country understand, therefore, that one hundred millions of their money go annu ally to setting up the negio to rule over white men. * * * g ut t}jj s j s cot a ]i the negro is costing us. * * There are three and a half millions more of money thrown away upon the negro. The secre tary says the freedmen, as a people, are making rapid progress in education, and mechanic arts, and in all branches of indu3 try, and snrely they ought to be, for no white men were ever so cared for by this government; ft d, clothed, warmed, educa ted, doctored, and carried about the conn try at the expense of the government."— Is not such a picture enongh to inspire the white race in America with a feeling of shame and revenge ? Then this report referred to by Judge Woodward, of the progress of the negroes are making is to wards their natural barbarism. They are already progressing in Hayti, Jamaica, Trinidad , Barbadoes, Surinam, and any other spot where they have been let loose from the control ol the white race. — Old Guard, A NICE LITTLE ROMANCE. —In *64, one of Price's rebs got left behind after a raid on Glascow.Mo being dangerously wounded in the back. Miss Sarah A. Smith, a school teacher happening to pa®s by took pity on him and staunched his wounds probably saving his life. She remained with him till near nightfall, when the sol dier advised her to leave, saying that his companion would probably come in the night and take him — if not, she would find him there in the morning. He told her that his name was H. C. McDonald, and that he was from Louisville, Kv. — The next morning he was gone, and Miss Smith did not hear from him again till a few days ago, when she received a letter from the administrator of 11. C- McDonald, senioT, informing her that she was named in the will of the deceased as the legatee of $50,000, in consideration of saving the life of his nephew and only heir, the 11. C, McDonald named in connection with the incident of 1864. The Glasgow Times vouches for the correctness of this story. Don't relv upon friends. Don't relv upon tbe name of your ancestors. — Thousands hare spent the prime of life, in the vain hope of those whom they called frienrts; and thousands have starved be cause they bad a rich father. Rely upon tiie good name which is made by your own exertions ; and kbow that better than the best friend you may have is unquestion able determination, united with decision of character. Tbe conspirators against the su preme law demand that Andrew Johnson should be removed and Ben. Wade put in his place, It is Power, Dominion and L*atronage that these men not Peace, Order or Constitutional Liberty, I hey care as little for the real wcltare of the country as a fool or a mad man cares for 1 tiie consequences of bi f.dly and inaanity. TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance. IJisf anil jftjwfote. Love is a gardner that pulls up heart* ease by the roots. A bird that always faces tbs storm—The weathercock. If a doctor orders bark has not the patient a perfect right to growl 7 %19 %19 f What king is most disliked by the ladies 1 Smo -king. What tune 1 Spit toon. Why is a newly marfied couple like a pair of sugar tongs ? They are two spoons joined. Why is kissing a girl line eating soup with a fork 7 Because you cannot get enough. When will water stop running down htll 7 When it gets to the bottom. A woman so deaf that 6be can't hear thun der, may make others hear it. We should not measure men by Sunday*, without locking to tchat they do all the week after. True wealth consists in virtue, and not in the possession of great estates ; ami wisdom consists in understanding, and not in years. The w lseat of men is he who has the most civility for others. Horace Greeley said at a meeting of tba Congressional Temperance Society,that "mora men lost their lives during the war on ac count of drunken officers in command than were lost bj' rebel bullets." Horace hae been saying some rather severe things of General Grant lately. The following is recommended as a recsipe for making Rologna sausage : —Take eel skin and stuff it with ground cat ; season it with Scotch 6nuff and persimmon oil ; lay it on a hog pen to dry, and then hang it up by the tail in a grocery for three months for flies to give the trade mark : then it is ready for use." An old lady, hearing some one say the mails were very irregular, said : "It was just so in my young days—no trusting any of them." Squileh asked his friend why he married so little a wife ? "Why" said he, "I tho't )ou said that of all evils we should choose the least!" An urchin suffering from the application of the birch, said. "Forty rods are said to be a furlong. I know better ; let any on# get such a plagued licking as I've bad, and he'll bud out that one rod makes an acher ?" A blacksmith was lately summoned to a couutry court as a witness in a dispute be* tween two of his workmen. The judge, ifter hearing the testimony, asked one why he iid not settle, as the costs had already amounted to three titnes the disputed sum. He re plied : "1 told the fools to settle—for I said the clerks would take their coats, the lawyers their shirts, and if they got in your honor'a court you'd skin 'em 1" A youth who much desired to wear the matrimonial yoke, had not sufficient courage to pop the question. On intoning his father of the difficulty he labored under, the old gentleman replied, passionately : "Why, you great booby, bow do you sup* pose I managed, when I got married ?" "Oh, yes, you married mother, but I've got to marry a stiange girl !" A SNOW SONG.— (Air, 'We Gather Sheila'} —One winter day, with careful foot, I wan dered o'er the slippery way ; The snow, in balls beneath my boot, made it a task up right to stay. And I so waddled in my walk, I jostled every one I met; So that some in some familiar talk, remarked : "He's very tight, you bet!" [Repeat.] I stooped and stood upon one leg, With cane to clear uiy hampered tread ; But as I stooped a boy did "peg" Another snow bad at my bead. And thus. I said, as down my neck I felt the melted snow balls ran. We gather bawls and little reckoo Where'ere they go or whence they come. [Repeat.] Mrs. Sulgge went one day to the parson to complain of her husband's aggravating tem per, and the abusive epithets he applied to her when he was in;* passion. The worthy Dotninie said, "You should not reply in a similar strain, but use words of loving kind ness, for by so doiog, "you heap coals of fire upon bis head.' " The fair lady, to hit as tonishment, ieplied," 'laint of no ass, Dom inie : the other night I poured a kettle of boiling water over his head, but it only made him madder. I guess the coals of fire wo'd 'nt have any more effect than the boiling wa ter- Mr. Pullup, coming home late, "pretty foil" finds the walking verj sKppery, and be ex claims : "Very singular, wbeneter water freezes it alius freezes with the slippery aido np. Singular I" NO. 31.