farm ©atiirit & liilrbfit. 13" Farmers, and Agricultural uich generally are requested to contribute to 'his Department, as it la from their experience that we hope to > ain some thing of interest for our readers. BREAD, BUTTER AND POETRY. The Committee on Bread and Bn'ter at the Dorchester, Mas,, Agricultural Fair c'ose . ed ther report with the lines givrn bel w, j and though some may not forget all other ac complishments than the ones spok n of, yet there is a playful air in them worthy <f a moment's notice attention. We do not know however, whether the p -et was any more in spired than the necessity of his snlj.-rt railed for when he plunged the fair dairy-maid "el bows deep" in ' meal and cream," hu< this would prohahly come under the head of po etic licenses : The g'tl engaged in moulding Bread Shall make Sine -Wie'her flutter, W tth hope to get thai dairy mail To make his btead and bu'ter She may not play the game croquet. Or French and German stu'ier, If well she knows the curd Irotn whev, And makes sweet btead ami butter. In meal and cream she's elbow deep, And cannot stop to put er ; But sax s it he writ sow and leap, She'll make h s bread and butter. The d airy maid, the farun r'- wife, Shall he the toast we II ter ; Alone, man leads a rrus'y l' r e, Without good bread an>t butter. CULTIVATION OF ORCHARDS. During a ride through several of the xvest ern counties of this State, opportunity was efFirded to observe the diff-renee in appear ance between orchards growing in grass and and those subjected to cul<ivation. The fo liage of the latter was marked with that pe culiar rich, deep green hue, which indicate invariably a strong, healthy gr>>wih ; the un cultivated trees showed the dull, light gum accompanying feeblentss and want <>f vigor. Tho difference was probably greater this year than usual, in consequence of the severe drouth that has prevailed through the west ern part of the State. In young trees, whicß had been but a few years transplanted, the difference was eminently conspicuous, and it gradually diminished as they were older.— But even iu old bearing trees, a decidt d su periority wa oberved in the foliage of those which had grown in gardens, or other places whete continued cultivation had nece-*ari!y been given, while the fruit was not only larger, fairer, and better but the trees wore more uniformly productive. We could nit but regret to observe, h >wc-vt r, that nearly •II orchards were allowed to grow up to grass —of course because sme pains a>-e reqoirt d to plow among the trees ofan orchard. Where occupied as a tneadow, or with neglec'ed coarse grass and weeds, the appearance was the most unfavorable ; but where the gra-s was grazed short, e-peciaily by sbeep.a much bat ter result was obvious. The top dressing g'.ven by the droppings of the an mals wa duubtless an important advantage. Whire the subsoil is o! such a character as to allow the roots of old trees to extend downward several feet, the hurtful effects of a heavy crop of grass are not so great as when thej are near the surface; but in all instances good surface cultivation is a ureat beneli l . Cultivator and Country Gentleman. LAND OCCUPIED BY FENCES. Mb. J. llar RiSjin the American Agricul turist, thus -peaks of land 10-t by fence- : U" w much land does an' ol I-fs*htniied fence occupy ? I have alwa 8 thought i took up a grea' deal of land, l.nt never lad the curiosity t< measure. But Hi- Biu>mrr we have been building a -tone wall along the whole West side of tl e faiui • 1 -•■ •• completed, and Ihe old fence removed, I wa. surprised at the quantity of land we had gained, The ground, of course, might have been ploughed closer to the fence, but taking the case as it actually was, the old rail fence, with stones, weeds, rubbish, etc.. occupied a strip of laud one rod wide. A Held, thtry one rods long and thirty-one r-uis wide, con tain- about six acres. If -tirr >unded by such a fence, it would occupy a In tie over three quarters of an acr of laud. A tami • f one hundred and sixty acres so fenced vv u<l have twenty acres of land taken up in tins worse than ue!e-.s maimer. Not only is ihe use of the land lost, but it is, tn the majority of cases, a nursery of weeds, and, in plowing much time is io-t in turning, and the head lauds ai.d corners are seldom properly culti vated. To PREVENT STOVES FROM RU-TING.—A correspondent asks how to keep stove- from rusting. One who speaks frotn long experi ence recommends common stove blacking, and no kind of oil but elb.iw grease. Mindi depends upon the condition in winch stoves are put away, and upon the place of deposit If in a filthy, rusty condition, thev will rust ■till more. If put in a cellar or damp place they will be likely to rust with any amount of polish. If thoroughly polished—the el bow grease not spared—and set in the gar ret or upper chamber, they will ordinardy go through without damage. But as in rial are engaged iu the manufacture of stove pol ish, and as servants that ply the brush are also mortals, we advise the house-keeper to look occasionally at stoves not in use. To MEASURE CORN IN THE EAR IN BA LK.— Rule : Multiply ihe length, the breadth and height together, in feet and tenths of feet, and multiply this product by 4 ; -tr.k.- off the right hand figure, and the result will be shelled bushels. tnsr For every three hundred and ft'fy bushels of potatoes removed from our Holds, the soil sustains a loss of ninety-two pounds of potash. Consequently, wood ashes is one of the must valuable of manures in the cul ture of the potato, LaIK A WESTERN R B. Winter Arrangement—lß6T-8. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. , WESTWARD I EASTWARD. Pasfeuger Mail Mail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train. Train. A M. p M. 9.C0 New York • 5,50 11.30 New Hampton, 2.30 1148 Washington, 215 12 03 Oxford, 2.01 12.15 Biiigeviile, 1.30 12 30 Manunk Chunk, 1.40 P M. Dine iOO Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 110 P. M, 1:25 Water Gap, 12.51 1,40 Stroudsburg, 12-36 151 cpragueville 12.24 2.02 Ilenryville, 12 14 2 20 Oakland. 11.56 2 39 Forks, 11.37 3 U0 Tobvhmnt, 1117 3.14 Gouldshoro', 10.04 3 36 Moscow. 10 40 347 Dunning, 10.30 4 20Ar ) C L 10.90 A M > SCRA.XTO.T. \ P M 10.10 4 35L*S f Ar.9 50 6.25 10 4(1 457 Clark's Summit, 928 5.55 10 53 5.05 Abington, 920 540 11.13 5.21 Factory ville, 904 5.21 11.43 541 Nicholson, 840 435 12.08 603 Hop'aittom, 8.23 410 12 38 625 M ntrose. 800 340 108 646 New Milt'ord. 7-29 3.10 135 7C5 Great Bond, 7.20 245 P M. I'M. AM P.M •Station toot of Liberty St. CONNECTIONS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con cert' it MANI'NKA CHU3 K with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 8 00 o. m. ami at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, aiol arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a m , aud at Sala uianc.t at 5 50 a. to The Passenger train from Ncranton connects at Great Ben I with through trains going west and east on Erie Railway, arriviu* at Buffalo at 12.00 mid tight, a in at Salamanca at 11 55 p. m. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects th re with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Philadelphia, Eastnn, Trenton, and in termediate stations.arriving in Philadelphia at 0.00 p m., and at New Hampton with a train for Kas ton. Betbl'-hem, Allentown, Reading and Harris burg, arriving at Harrishurg pt 8-30 p. in. At SCRAN TON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawant.a and Blot-msburg Rail road. and on tae Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Tone Tables of which roads are printed below. R. A Hgjtr.T. Geo. Pass & Tkt. Agent. je29tf E W STORE! Nicholson Pa., Will. o. GARDNER & CO have just received a large and a splendid stock 3 goods consisting ot jfimci) (boobs '"O CLOriIINO, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS <§rc, ill goods sldby us warranted as recommended Our aim ''To keep pood Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold " In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENT* CL'T .4*l) MADE I* THE LITEST STVI.E. pbiice nm ii immi W.O. GARDNER A (JO. Ni.-holMin, Pa. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. I The Subscriber, practical workman of long ex |>eritii ;e, is now tiriidtc "If a large lot of new Car ringes .iiol Buggies, at his Carriage .-hop IN TUiVKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality t Mirorial, auj finish, to these turned out at any other shop iu the country. Those wisoing to buy should (Coll anb (Crcminf Cijnn. PATNTNG, VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Don-on short notice and in a workmanlike style Oharges moderate J. CAMPBELL. Tnakharuock, Aug. 24, 55. v5n32 For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGIIAMTON BOOTS. of Les'er A Co' best make KIP and CALF OWEOO HOOTS. Best make EASTERN BOOTS. A full sfock of Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral, Congtess, Polish Boots of Glove Kid and Goat. Also, flutton (Waiters. GENTS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVES and MITTENS. Ger.U' KID GLOVES, Lined, (Jnlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORNEA STORE, stall* T enkkaaaeek ,'Pa. fJftscfUaiuotis. FA UM uits AND I VI KCHA N ICW- Take Notice. SURFACE PLAMNGand MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, Z7ARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HOtfSE-HOES, ROLL EAS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERY, v6n43-ly. A GREAT VICTORY!! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE * Enemy of Man Driven to the Wall!! THE NORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH : SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOUR, MEAL, FEED, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CHEESE. Both Green and Dried Apples, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Lemons. Oranges. Figs, Sardines, Candies, Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, Spices, Salt, I Soap, Segarg, Pork, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall i on or barrel ; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side of the Old Fort is fitted up for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oysters. ALSO, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup of Hot Coffee, Sar dines, cr a dish of fresh Peaches. ! . WANTED. •Butter, Eggs.Game, Chickens, Ducks, | and Geese, at all times, j for which cash will be paid on da ; livery, at the very highest market rates. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that the place to buy your Groceries, is iu the Old Fort : on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, j Tunkhannock, Pa. B. M- STONE. i Nov 5, 1867—v7nl4tf. JV E W iAN C V TRIMMING STORE | Tioga Street, Tunkbannock, Pa. Mliß. E LKASE. HAVIN i lately opened n new Fancy Store,, of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TH IMTVTIPJ&, ! Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries i Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and 1 Collars Veils, Corsetts, Ladies Ne kties, best ! quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead of the best I quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a I large stock of TOYS, Including China, Broure, Papier Macbe Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, tv ooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmatics Ac , Such a? Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 1, 1866 put, i.l Hi. iv acHDENTAII i GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ! MORTROSE, PA. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER *30,00", COO! Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,S3,7oo 000 Ins. Co. of N. America, Phila. " '• 1,800,000 International Ins. Co-, N. Y. " ' 1 50(1,000 Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, '• 3,000,000 Farmers' Mutual, York, " 560.000 Ins. Co.. State ot Pa , Phila., Pa. " 700,000 Hartford Eire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 1,800,000 Putnam " " " 600,000 Travelers' Ins Co. of Hartford Ct, insur ing against all kinds of accidents. 500,000 CcHtrECTiorT MUTUAL LIFE INSURAVCE COMPART. of Hartford, Ct., paying 60 per cent. divi dcnus to the insured. Capital 810,000,000 Notes received in payment of one-half the | premium, on which six per cent, interest I only is to be p.iid, and only four notes ro ! quired. The notes are never to be paid un der any circumstances—Policy will be paid in full and notes given up. j Assets over *3,000,000 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., | of Philadelphia, Pa., Capital, $1,000,000 C. H. SMITH. Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INS. CO., Capital . *5000,000 Insrvnce on all hinds of Lire Stoek against ! Theft and Deal from any cause. All Business entrusted to our care will be attended ' to on fair teruies, and all Losses promptly adjusted CHAS.T \ STOUD 4 BROWN - A * ent8 ' M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicitoi Office first door east of "Brick Block," uiontrose, Pa. v7-03-tf. Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT k NEPIIEW, At Junkhannock, Ta, Are Agents for the following, aud all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N America, Philadelphia, Assets, 81,763 267. Enterprise, .. 372.304. Manhattan, New York, " 1 052,123. N American, • • 755,057. Lorillard. < .. 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, '• "* 501 095. Farmers' Ins. Co., York, '• 525 ( 80 Lycoming, Muncy, '■ 2,800.000 Home, New York. " 3 645 383- Hartford, Hartford, ' 1 788! 153. Pboenix, • •• 1J03467 Travelers, n •' 741.337- Hartford Live Stock, " 178,929. Home, New Haven, " 1.438.491 Cumberland Valley, " 506 000. N. England Mutual, •- 5,000,000. Property of all kinds will be insured at the most reasonable rates, in any of the above companies. Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, promptly adjusted and paid. DANIEL WRIGHT j A NEPHEW, Tank-, Pa, Sept. 1, 1867,-T7a7-*. i JnuUiUiiif & prg Guotis ROss t Mils J cb t Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A, Are now opening a large stocko Hardware, such as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, j Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of ' all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, j Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated i Bitts of every kind, Hanies, Iron Pud | Trees, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth ! Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk i Awls, and needles, Halter Chains, Trat— i Chains, Ac. Ac. PAINT? AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. re* A T ails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have heen SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination oi the goods to satisfy all of the truth of | what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. Tank. Fa. May 29ih, 1567. HATS & GAPS ! GROL'KIiI.-S ! 11 iSale at F L. SIT SIB. k COS. Oil Bridge street nearly opposite Wheelock's old stand NOW OPENED. BV A. ID. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHAN NOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK I OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of const.-ting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS PKEss GOODS DRESS UOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GhOCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, Ac , Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., <Sbc, Ac., In large q-ttantitiea and at reduced price?. A. B. MOTT. Tmk. May I ft. *4 -I.M IJruijs & j)ltiiiinrs. THE EAGLE Drug Store TUNKHANNOCK. ' NEW FIRM, LYMANJFCJELLS. Dr Lyman respectfully announces that he has taken Dr. E 11. Wells as a partner in the DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J. W. Lyuian A do,, on Tinga St. We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten tion 11 present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market. an-J meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDIt INKS. PERFUMERY, * PAINTS, DYET SUIT*, Ac Ac. Ac.. At rates as low as can possibly U afforded. N. It —All professional . alls promptly attended. Prest Options carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J W. LYMAN, M. D. E 11. WELLS, M. D vf>u3R6ui. DR. RHDAD3 AND VARIETY fS.TORE. Xh lui M Hii'i HI i liny Murem TUNKIIAWOCR, NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! Trices reduced. NOW IsTHL ! 5 . £t* t.l'A Jos' recired r.r.J for -ale a splcn lid Stock el |LEH) (LSOOBS, including DRUGS, PAINTS, VARNIS II E 3 , DYE STUFFS, D UUSIIES OF ALL DESCKIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Tonics, IIAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBfiOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, IIAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONER Y, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) AI!LUMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac., Ac., i-. PATENT MIOIGI^ES of the da.y And in fact Qyery iiuagiuable article belonging to a FI IIST <JL\SS DRUG ST QUE PHYSICIANS' PRESRCIPriO.VS cfully compounded at all hour., of. and night. Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37if. T tnkhannock.Pa. TheUs^^^UCCe^ IS THE IMPROVED P^RESTy HAlßdressiKS PWCtONEDoI^JB, jDarttoarf, !;.''FIETR'HAIfTtO Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS WAIIBEN STREET, j PA. I Having bnrl n life-lone experience * Founiry iiirii iinJ M-cbincst#, employing none but lbs • best v.orUm n the undersigned pledge themselves to exe-ute all work in ibeir line tu a style uot eur. ' passed bj any t tnilar establishuint in the country i MILL GEARINGS I ma le and f t'ed up on short notice, from patterns on ; b:, nl ot all sites, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS and other Farming Implement*. ALSO STOVES C? ALL KINDS. Ttii, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. A.-/J/7V, LEAD, El EES, dc., dc. always on hand or furnished to order. C D. GEARHAKT, & CO. Tiinkhannock, April 29th, 1867 \6o3Stf. Hardware and Iron. RUNT BROTHERS. XOW OFFER FOII SALE IKON. STE-L, NAILS A .VP SPIKES. MINE KAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A COS VEX HOR.-E-SBOES. HAM MERED HORSE WROUGHT IRON. BmiDESS' BABBWAfiB. CARPEN TER.S' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES SEAT SPINDLES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES: PLASTER ' PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ac.. Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEA TU Eli AND FIND INGS SALES. .rtarch 25. 19b3 vl n 33 HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE. IMIE subscriber offer* for sale on reasonable terms a nuiubt r of m'll.DlNT, LOTS. •tu fe ,t Mic west em of Tu kb.inn ok Borough I - i rti.T.! it to price, nod terms inquire ot ELISHA CHURCHILL. Tunkhau ck. tn.. .1 i-.n. 1 1R68v7n21w2 INFORMATION. Information gu.irniiteetl to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless face, alao a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc ,on the ekin, leaving the same soft clear, and beautiful, can he obtained without charge by addresing T 110.5. F CHAPMAN, Chamist. MBtoadvay. NtwYwfc. SHERMAN ft LATHROKB COLUMN. TO TIE M! QF.WYBMIIG COBlTY" GREETING: ffpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST OPENED AT THEIR STAND, (Firat door below WALL'S HOTEL,!* Tunkhannocl) THE LARGEST AND MOST TASTEPULLY SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS MARKET f Comprising in part tha following t SILKS. BROWN, BLUE BISMARCK, MEXICAN AND MARIA LOUISA BLUE, BLACK and BROCADE SILKS, ef all gradgft FRENCH and IRISH, and NEW STYLE, PLAID POPLIXE ORIENTAL LUSTRES. MOHAIRS. COBURGS, EMPRESS CLOTH, FRENCH MEKINOES aad ALPACCAS. of all Shade#. An eodleea variety ef TRIMMINGS to match the above. ZEPHYR QOOM of all kipda Knit and Woven. SACKS AND CLOAKS, COMPRISING BEAUTY and ELEGANCE. THIBIT BROCUEA, and WOOL SHAWLS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. A Full and Elaborate Stock of Embroid ered Goods. JUbite Goods of all descriptions, Table and Towel Diaper, Domestics, DelainM, Prints, Ginghams, Ac. Alexander's K!D GLO\ ES, of all ihadaa, Gents and Ladies. A Large Stock .of Traveling Trunk*— Ladies' Reticules, Gents' Traael ing Valises, Ac., Ac. FURS of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. Carpets—Wool, Two and Tbrea Ply, and Brussels, Stair Carpets, Matting, 0.1 Cloth and Drugget. Rugs, Mats and Hassocks, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A large stock of FURNISHING GOUIA SHIRTS of the finest and most dorabla quality, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, i Cravats, Collars, Ac., Ac. SHOES— Woman's, Misses, and Children*!. BEDDING— Counterpanes, Coverlaide, Whiter* Blankets, German Blankets, Ac., Ac, YANKEE NOTIONS, of ell kinds. Our Stock of CLOTHING is complete, aud not equalled in this, nor surpassed in the best New York and Philadelphia mer chant Tailoring Establishments. Suits made to order in the latest and best style. We have purchased our stock since the last reduction in the prices of our goods. We have purchased largely, and are deter mined to sell at less prices than the samJ kind and quality of goods can be bought at any other establishment in this or adjoin ing counties. We bought them to sell, and all who call to see us will readily b that we are bound to dispose of them. * All goods cheerfully exhibited without scolding if you do not buy. Call and sec us. SHERMAN A LATHROP. TuDbhanneek, XtrMk. I##?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers