Local and Personal. Democratic Club Meeting.—A regaUr meet ing .f the '■ Central Democratic Club of Wyoming County' will bo bold at tbe Court Honee on Satur- j day evening next (29th inst.) at 7 o'clock. A gen eral attendance D requested, m business of impor tance is expected to come before the Clnb for action. To Photographers.—A good one-holf aize Camera and all other necessary material for carrying on tbe Photographing buaineea, for sale at a bargain. The material is nearly new, and will be aold from 19 i to 20 per cent below New York prieea. For further , information inquire at this oltce —29tf. Vendue.— Mr PA. Miller of Eaton township ndvertines by hand-bills a vendue of Horses, Cows, ! Yearlings, Wagons, a combined Mower and Reaper, Ac, Ac, on Tbnrsday, March 12th, at 10 o'clock A. M Farmers and others will make a note. House Builders and others should not forget ; that the best quality of seasoned pine boards can ' DO* he had here at considerably less than tbe usual ; price for such lumber For particulars consult E. J. | Keeney, Agent, at this place Mrs. D. J Osterhout, with Mrs. John Strmples and her infant son, while out on a drive tbe other day with an appparently gentle burse, hal a run-away which terminated in a very serious and painful dislocation of the bones of tbe foot and ankle of the first named. Mrs Stemples with rare presence of mind, in anticipation of a gen eral smash-up. dropped her little tour year old boy from the sleigh into the middle of the street, and ehortly after took to terra firm a herself, with but •light injuries to either. Mrs. Osterhout's foot and snkle was set by Drs. Lyman A Wells, and is re ported as doing well. Mew Cirrlsge Shop.—Wm Mack A Son, practical carriage makers, have purchased the Urge shop on Putnam Street, in this place, and have com menced the business of carriage making in all its branches. The specimens of their work which we hare seen will not suitor it. comparison with work dune at the largest and best shops in the country. ; This establishment will supply a want long teit in this region. Kepariing, painting and trimming in j the best style will be done at tbe shortest notice at [ this shop. Mews Agency.--Ws acknowledge the receipt, from the news agency of J. C. A C. J. Wright, at the Post Office, of the "Atlantic Monthly"— '• Young F< Iks' Maeaxine" and the " Flag of the Onion."— These publications, as well as all other standard se rials, books, newspapers, Ac , will be furnished by tbein at publiihers' lowest prices. New Book.—ALr.xsvnr.B li STKVKNS has writ ten a new work on the " Causes, Character, Conduct and Results of the late Civil War," which is present ed in a scries of colloquies in two, volumes, issued by ' The National Publishing Company, l'hilad'a."— ; This work will be sought after and read by ull can did readers of history. The author'; peculiar fitnes. of position, mind, and character for tbe preparation of such a work is ucknowled by all. Rumor sat* that T. B. Wall will build a number of Dwelling bouses here during tbe next summer. It is rumored that Daniel Wright will slse build sever al houses. It is known and felt that there is a great scarcity of tenant houses, aod that rents are tuucb higher here than ever before. It is said that the Rail Road Company intend to fash their work on vigorously as soon as spring opens, and that it will be completed to thee point by mid summer. Paleo Bros, team ran away a few days since, anj in turning a short corner, slued their driver, Mr Ba ker, off tbe sleigh. The horses were Qnally captured without much injury to themselves. Mr. B. limped •hour for a day or two, but has now taken to riding b-tial his favorite te am—reins aod whip in band as heretofore. C M. Koon has sold bis bouse and lot to Dr. Jas. j Kelly. P. C. Bums A Jim design building a Jewelry store and Dental Rooms the coming season. Tho?. D. Stonier, who has been quite sick, is now . convalescent. Made Easy,-To make some of the unpleasant labors of life comparatively easy—to rouoioff tho •o.rp angles, and smooth down the rough places in in pathway, has been the study of man from the 1-egmning As washing is one of those unpleasant links-and as Washing-day is one of these dark, rough placee—washing machines almost innumera- I kic have been invented —but with little or no suc cess until the H. P Jones machioe came out The agent for the sale of tbeee machines has left several of them in town for trial. Among others, one at our , borne. After a fair teat we only echo the opiniou of our •' better half' when we say that it is a most ex cellent maehino—th e nest ever used by her; and ares a large, portion of tbe unpleasant labor of wishing. Hesitating. —We read in somebody's book of fables of a certain ass which starved to death while j finding between two bundles of bay ; because be culd not decide oat of which one to take his fodder, i fur Representative seems to be very much in the wise situation as to tbe liquor question. Having been Bonded with petitions both for tbe repeal of the present prohibitory law, and for its continuance and extension; be dare not take the responsibility to do either. But, propones to do what no body wants dene, i ,, submit tbe question to a vote of the peo- | pie to inform the conscience of the Legislature which rosy or may not, at the next session, act ujion the information. Tbe House —just to accommodate the doubting representative—passed his bill, It t said that it wilt not oe passed in tbe Senate By taking ! a stand on tbe question, Mr Lott could doubtless repeal the lav or confirm it as it is. By hesitating, j did a certain Mrs. Lott of old, he will fiud him lelfm a worse condition than was tbat Lady. He'll , i turned into a pillar—or "monument" —without •t>y salt to save him. The Baud on Friday evening last sallied out to serenade somebody. Tbe street lamp in front of bunne'.l aod Ban-iatyne's store seemed to be a good place for that sort of nocturnal recreation. After Mytng No. 14, which has a good deal of tlai! Col unbiain it, and the night air being rather nipping, •about, tbey did not a alt for a second or more ur gent invitation from Frank to go in. After partak- j >-g of cigars, Ac., they played one or two in-door ' Feces-then cigared again—then played an air; ' -ea took a eegar ; then, feeling a little patriotic, keyed the real, genuine Hail Columbia ; then took * 'taeke ; and them absquatulated— wilb many i tiad wishes and words for Frank and Bob Some MALICIOUS slanderer, not having tbo fear of impeach- j Qent before bis eyes, intimated 'hat they took to "iking quite as naturally as to blowing. Acknowledgment.—Moatrose, Feb 18, 1868 •ke undesigned would roost respectfully return *" acknowledgments to their numerous tods at Nicholson and vicinity for the substantial os of resp *ct left with them at the donation visit ' 'he 12th iost.-especially to Mr Nlver and lady j w their kindness in epemag their house upon that 1 "*sion. j ( May yon never lack for temporal oomforts or spir '•bl strength is the prayer of your batuble servants. A. 0. WARREN. '• S. U. WARREN. Those who Suffer from coughs, colds, broncbi '"*• ""up, inflenxa, or whooping-congh, will ffnd sure t isf in Da. Wisraa's Bauau or WILD ESTimr. •B'ch has now been in use for nearly half a century, ' - still maintains its long established reputation as *o*" lor b " disease of the throat, Ido|S, , Of Interest to Everybouy.—Since the advent of the Star Shuttle Sewing Machine in the market, about one year ago, the manufacturers hare sold about Fifteen Thousand, and such unprecedented testimonials of their intrinsic worth has prompted i them to enlarge the machine, and otherwise improve it. that now the Star Shuttle Sewing Machine stands without a rival. Mr. Wilson deserves great credit . for assuming the responsibility ia putting a Lock Stitch Shuttle Sewing Machine in tbe market at I such a very low price, in direct competition with all the first class and high priced machines. RINGLETS BRIGHT . " Tbat toss in tbe brecte like a thing of light. " j She stood thus beautiful through tbe nso of Mrs S. A. ALI EN'S IMPROVED ( new style) HUB RISTOE ek or DRKsriNe (in one bottle ) Price on* Dollar.— j Every Druggist sells it. I "Oh I that Will be Joyful 1 " When men and women thrrw " Physic to tbe dogs, " and when ! a trifle out of order, or to prevent getting out of or ■ der* take Plantition Bitters. Are you Dyspeptic ; Nervous, Jaundiced, Hy'pped Low Spirited. Weak, ior are you sick and don't know what ails you ? We , have been, aod was recommended to try the Planta tion Bitters, which we did wilh great satisfaction and entire svccess. Delicate Females, Clergyman, Merchants,' Lawyers, and perons of Sedentary Habits, ar* particularly benefited by these Bitters. The sale | is perfectly enormous, j "A thing of beauty is a joy forever " And nothing is so beantiful as a picture of health Headache, Nervous Pains, Sour Stomach, Dis tress after eating, Prostrating Weakness, Disincli nation for Society, Mental Despondency, etc., are the rule rather than the exception with the human family, and have stamped their effects upon us all- The most effective, gentle, sudden and agreeable remedy is the Plantation Bitters, They have prob ably cured and alleviated more cases the past five years than all other medicines combined They are sold throughout the length and breadth of the land. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co* logne aod at half the pres. fiiffial |loticES. Among the many restoratives which nature has . supplied to relieve the offiictiors of humanity, there is no more favorite one for a certain class of disease? than the "medicinal gum" of the Wild Cherry Tree; but however valuable it is, its power to heal, to soothe, to relieve and to cure, is enhanced tenfold by scientific and judicious combination with other ingredients, in themselves of equal worth This happy mingling exists to a remarkable degree in Dr. Wlxlar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, i whose value in curing C<ughs. Colds, Bronch tis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af- , lection, and Incipient Consumption is inestimable. Nlrnng Testimony. From Benjamin V- kr E.-q Depot Master of ! * H .. li. . !oo DM iei with < hard irj vj'. with • u-u.il sceowps- ' Hiiuent.- o- night swea's. < plefi l> , r.i*'roiir *s. y nervous -vet- m and pro iu iug reh a debiii aied ' slate ot health that, after trying medical aid to no purp-Me, I had given up nil bo| es ever recovering, a? ha I also uiy friends At this stage of matters I ! WHS prevailed upon through the influence of a neigh bor to try Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and, be- i fore using two bottles tbe effect was almost magical. My cough entirely left me, the night sweat? desert ed me, hope once more elated my depressed spirits, and soon I hid attained my wonted strength and vigor Thus had this Balsam, a* ha* often been re marked by peisons conversant with tbe above facts, j literally snatched me from the yawniug grave. You , arc at liberty to use this for tbe bencht of the afflict- . ! Prepared hy SETH W FOR LB A SON, 18 Tre - ! mont St , Boston, and for sale by Druggists general- ! !*" GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. cures in a very short time CI TS, BURNS. SCALDS. WOUNDS, B TTSES, SPRAIN? ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, RINGWORM, CHAPPED HANDi, BOILS, FROZEN LIMRS. FELONS, CHIL BLAINS, Ac. It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and j reduce the most angry looking swelling* end in- ■ Hanintions. as if by magic,—thus affording relief and a complete cure. SETH W. FOWI.E A SON, Boston Proprietors, Soli by all Druggists, Grocers, and at all country stores. ■ALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE- . I NEWER Is the only infallible Hair Preparation for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO IT? ORIGINAL COLOR AND PROMOTING ITS GROWTH. It ia the cheapest preparation ever offered j to the public, as one bottle will last lung j er and accomplish more than three hot- j ties of any oilier preparation. Our Rerewer is not a Dye ; it will not stain the ; skin as others. It will keep the hair from falling out- It cleanses the Scalp, and makes the Ilair soft, lustrous, and silken. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail. R P HALL A CO. Nashua, N. H . Proprietors. j For sale by mil druggists. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The RBV. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who •icssre it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by wbich he was cured of a long affectum and I that dread disease Consumption His only object is to benefit 'be afflicted and he hopes every sufferer • ; will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing ' aud may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILBON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York I 6040y. j Gimmerclal College,—The sncees* of Gard- i i Der's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at Scrantori, has surpassed all expectation The coarse of study Is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— r and give better satisfaction than any other College f the kind in Northern Pennsylvania Lite Sehol orship *35 00. Clubs at reduced rates. Send tor i aollege Paper giving full particulars. Address J. j 0 Gardner. Principal, Seranton, Pa. u7nloyl ERRORS OF YOUTIi. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netvous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful in. iscrerttm, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy and directions for making the simple remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in porfoct ©mfidence, j i JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New Tork. V6D4U WHOLESALE STOCK j OF SEASONABLE yiT riT nr n ijljVl SELLING AT RETAIL jalf jjillion jjollars ]|ortlt. Unequalled in Fabric, Cut and Work manship. A Sacrifice without a Parallel in tbe Clothing Trade! j Over Coats, Business Suits, Dress Suits, j Selling at less than HALF THEIR VALUE, manu factured the present season ; Retailing 50 per cent below actual cost of production. TLIIS GREAT SALE is conducted by BALDWIN, The Clothier, North East Cor. Broadway and Canal, N. Y. N. B,—Retail Clothing Merchants, QASU buyers, will find this stoek very attractive. TERMS.-NSU Cash.--v7n2Bw2 OF jj RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF WVOMIN6 COHBB7* i County Duplicates. _ r Yef COLLECTORS' NAMES. TOWNSHIPS. Amount Colls. Colta. Paid I>l . |£ Duplio te. LXUUB Com o ! "i 1 li DOLS. cts Do! ets Dol.ets DOLS cts Dols cts ! I ! ; i . : . I 1 ' 1807 I) B Sloan Braintrim ?.') 58 10,36 4800 913 16 j.. iS. H. Bnggs Clinton 1644 42 7 a 'B3O j 148. 8.... .. .. Jjau.es BtSle E-'on 2187 38j 17 30 107 80 , 28 14,00 Th*. I). Ilt-adley Exeter j; 418 30' 22220 80 395 34b---- -. .... E. D-rshemicr....... jKslls 1052 98 10 24 8214 1560 60....!-. !(X Hitchcock :Frkfiton 043 22 34 2< 3045 57857 ; .... .James H Kelly Lemou 1048 54 31 20 5086 966 48;....;.. | C L. Vaughn Meboopany 1901 67 15 12 94 32 179223;...... ....P.C.Clayton ;Meahoppen 1821 50 .. —t--,j 1191 84 , 029 66 .... Jasper Parrish Monroe ;i 1092 98 ... .. . ... 719 00 373 98 N. D. Riker Nicholson I. 247698 . 141700 105998 Levi Winter* [Northmoreland ...1707 96 ...).. ! 1150 001 55796 !!!.!Joseph Boreess North Branch ' 49258* 1250 2400 45608'!.... .. ..41. H Waiters jOverfield 72891 1420 3574 67897! . .is. F. Fiuinerfelt Tunkhsnnock Twp. 2290 38 23 40 113 34 2153 64. W Lamotu Tunkhannock Boro'. 1272 84 ...1..)!...!. 1077,38, 195 46 I Jacob Decker Washington : 177500 40 35 86 43 164222'. ... .. j .....K D Faasett Windham 141376 1672 09,85 1327 19^....^.. | 25541 04 312 10 842109 21555 81 2831 04 Expenditures, AUDITORS. | Wm. Benedict, S8 00 James Robinson t -. 800 Martin Sickler 10 00 ! F. C. Hi'**, Clerk, 15 00 41 00 . W. Lamont, Auditor to exam* ir,e acc'ts Pruilt'inotary, &c - , 10 50 COMMISSIONERS. Elwin Stephen* 83 65 L-wi* C.H.k K. 5 00 II am 15 die 125 00 tj W. iherW'ud 135 00 s''B 65 Wm F. IV-rty, Com'ra Clerk out' 00 SHERIFF. Ahira Gay 85 80 M. W. Dewitt 871 15 957 55 . P'othonotsry. E. J- Keeney 125 00 District A'torney. Harvey Sickler... 145 00 i Cominnnwealth Cost* 495 11 Travere Jurors 1096 90 Grand Jori-r* 493 04 Tip Stave* o0 00 Cuniiable* 183 85 • C->urt Cner, F M. llcphurn 38 00 , Cuaiuiissionera' Counsel 40 00 ! . i WE hereby certify that the above and foregoing iw a true and correct state ment of the Expenditures of Wyoming County for the year ending January 6th A. D. 1868. LEWIS COOK, ) Commi99ionert GEO. YV. SHERWOOD \ Commissioners. ATT 1* 8T ' WM. F. TERRY, Clerk. ! Commissioners' Oflice, Tunkhannock, Jan. 9, 1808, , . g Treasurer's Account. DR. |To amount of Tax assessed for 1807 fur the use of Wyoming C 0.25,541 04 To Hiuouut due Irom bail of J. L. Mutlison, la'e Treasurer 2243 65 To amount received of Commission ers, borrowed "I Asa Keeler,... 1999 00 To amount received fur uncurrent money. 1 40 To amount received on redemption ■it Unseated Lands, &c 15 82 i T balance on hand at last settle* meat 2656 49 $32,457 40 Sheep Fund. Dr. To amount of T*x assessed on Dogs for the yaar 1807 511 50 1 To balance on hand at last settle ment 391 53 $903 03 ' ■. J,.., - - - Prothonotary's Account. DR. To Jury Fees received 16 00 Balai.ce due Protbouotary 180 44 $196 44 t ' Sheriff's Account. DR. Jo I'tie* and Jury l ees received b. Sheriff 78 00 Balance due Sheriff 1101 79 $1179 79 VVr, the undersigned Auditors of Wyoming County, being met at the ; ! Commissioners' Office in said county, do certify that upon examination of the accounts of the Treasurer, Commissioners, Prothonotary and Sheriff, do find them correct as set forth in tlie.foregoing Statement, and that the ex penditures of said county are fully and correctly set forth in said Statement as rendered to us by the Commissioners of said County. Witness our hands this 9th day of January A. D. 1868. WM. BENEDICT, ) J AS. K. ROBINSON, } Auditors. , HENRY LOVE, ) i (Bro't Forward) $4665 20 Election* 475 35 : AK*es*nr* 391 00 j Susqu'a C>. f<>r B.iurdmg Prisoners.. 95 66 Boatdmg Jurors and room rent paid by order ot Court 53 00 Eastern Penitentiary 300 45 Penn'a State Lunatic Asylum 302 10 Printing. Harvey Sickler 102 50 B'i'le*' Building ami Repairing 3145 09 k ia ' and Bridge Views :.. 279 Of' Rnd DamagM 115 00 Public Buil lings si i La; i 5*9 22 la ' ,mi Sit," If ? 11 ■mi ooiilrac' 7550 70 L'gbta. Fuel ami Stationery 187 83 Jury Ci'tnmmsioners 34 19 Coroner*' Inquest 49 18 Post Morten examination 10 00 lniere*t on money loaned 54 00 Water Rent 5 00 County Seal* 13 50 Medical attendance on Prisoners.. 3 25 Refunded Order 1 00 Postage 1 32 Miscellaneous Items 37 50 Total Expenditures $18,470 10 CR. By amount of Tax uncollected... 2831 04 By Exon's to Coll'rs on Co. Tax,. 312 10 By commissions to Collectors.... 842 09 By balance due from bail of J. L. Mullison, late Treasurer 2043 65 By Treasure!'* cotn'sn on $18,452 I 27, am't paid out at 2 per cent.. 369 04 By Treasurer's c >m'sn on $20,428 52, am't received at 2 per cent.. 528 57 By County Orders redeemed 18.452 27 i By balance due county 7078 04 $32,457 30 Cr. By am't Tax uncollected—lß67 180 00 By exon's allowed Cull's on Dog Tax 10 00 Hy coms'n allowed " " " 15 40 By damages paid on acc't of sheep being killed by unknown dogs.. 399 38 By Treas. coitis'n on $390 38, am't paid out a' 2 per cent 7 92 By Treas. cotns'n on $691 63, am't received at 2 percent 13 83 By balance in hands of Treasurer.. 270 50 $903 03 CR. By Bill rendered for 1867 196 44 $196 44 I OR. iy 15; 1! riTi fI ai d allowed by Auditors lor 18(i7 1179 79 j 81179 79 s[*fa piKrtisfmints. BOROENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BORIiFHTOWS, K, J. FURNISHES THE VERY REST EDUCATION AL ADVANTAGES in connection with a pleas ant home. Board and Tuition 8208 per year. For Catalogues address Rev. JOHN H BRAKELEY, A. M., President. " THE PULPIT?'— Journal of Public speaking, Pure Literature and Practical Religion, containing tl# best things said by the Clergy and Public Men the world over. By our plan sent one year fur lAtltiug. Send 10 els. with your address to " THE PULPIT COMPANY" 37 PARK ROW, N. Y. Agents iranted, nine ready fur Canvassers "The History of the War Between the Statee." Its Causes, Character, Cosduct Ann Resci.ts, By Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS- Send for Circulars, with terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED— IN EVERY COUNTY in thelEid red States, a good man to sell by eaptnle CHAMBERLAIN'S COMBINATION SQUARE, PLUMB LEVEL & BEVEL. The greatest invention of the age, and one thnt ev ery Mechanic, Workman and Farmer in the land will Luy Send address, with name, State, CouDty and Post-Office, plainly written, and we will send circulars and terms. W. S. BATCHELDES ACO , Pittsburgh, Pa WANTED —133 Teachers. Students, or other intelligent Men and Women. Business pays 8100 to 8200 per month according to ability Ad dress ZEGLKR A CO., 614 Arob St., Pbila., Pa. If ANTED--Tu Make an Arrangement with J YY a live man in every County, who wishes to make money, aDd can give good references. No capital required Will sell a business now paying 81,500 per month, and rely on profits for my pay.— Address J. C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. ZM XL v A PRESENT OF $25 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or Tillage. Particulars and a gif' sent free, by addressing with stamp, N. B. CLOUDMAN A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. AMERICAN CLOCK CO. 3 C'ortlaudt Street, New York. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in AH Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for SETII THOMAS CLOCK. THE CELEBRATED " Kstey" Organ, WITH VOX HUMANA STOP, Pronounced by all who have heard it the most natu ral and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN VOICE ever yet introduced. J. ESTEY A CO, Brattleboro. Vt . the original Inventors and Manu facturers. 417 Broome St., N. Y : 70 West Fayette St.. Baltimore, Md,; North 7th St., Philalls Ran dolph St., Chicago. Red Jacket AXE. COLBVKN'd PATENT. Tried ¬ found Wanting. YVe claim it will cut Twenty-Five (23) per cent, more cord wood per day than any other Axe made. " MCKEESPOBT, Dec. 19, 1567. Messrs Lippincott A Co Sirs :—I have fully tried your Patent Axe and find that it is all that vou claim for it. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, an 1 leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would not chop three days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that tries one will be satisfied. WM. KEES. j f*l \ TTTTfY\T mm Tbe Ase an,i lhe La " V_> A U 1. XV_/i.l • bcl are both puteuted. Infringer? on these patents will be prosecuted accor ding to law. Venders or dealers, and persons using any infringement, are liable with the maker ot the infringement. For Sale by all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, (Successors to Lippineott A Co.) Sole otcners of the Patent. PITTSBURGH, PA. NORTH AMERICAN STEA.M SHIP CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New York December sth and 15th; January sth, 15th and 25th ; and February 15th and 25tb. With New Steamships of the Frst Class PASSAGE tOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, For further information address the undersigned at 171 lVest Street, New York. D. N. CARRINGTOX, Agent. (One priiar! ©nt Dollar! A GREAT WONDER, a Silk, Thibet or Aljaaca Dress, Wool Shawl, Carpet, 50 yds. Sheeting, Family Bible Sets Ladies' Furs, Sewing Machine, j Fine Wool Clcth fir Gents. Suits Ac ,forONE DOL- I I.AR EACH Agents Wanted. Circulars sent tree Address G. S. WARREN A CO., Boston, Mass. IMMENSE DOLLAR SALE I Of English, French and German Dry and Fancy I Goods, Plated Ware Cutlery, Albums, Leather ! Goods, Ac., Ac. Send 15 cents for one, or 10 cents each for ten more mimes tf articles, which we will Sell at ONE DOLLAR EACH. Agents can purchase an article worth from S3 to S'2oo, for One Dollar, according to sire of club order ed. Circulars sent free. KIMBALL A CO.. No. 3 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. P. 0. BOX 2516. ONE DOLLAR EACH WEBS COTTON CLOTH, I>rea Patterns, Pant Patterns. Sewing Machines, Matches, Dry and i Fancy Goods, Ac Ac. Send Ten cents for Patent j Pen Fou ai it in, with slip describing an article in our [ dollar -ale. Any ja rson. (male or female,) cat) send in a club j of Iroiu d 0 to 1,000, at same rate (10 eta. for each), 1 and get a pre in uui for so doing Send in Regit | tered Letters. Samples mailed free to any address- EASTMAN A KENDALL, 05 Hanover St., Boston Mass. WE ARE COMING! And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great One Dollar Sale of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address PRE*. ALLEN, HA WES A CO.. 15 Federal St., Boston, Mas I F. O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and Eng- I lish Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, : Albums, Leather Goods, Ac, THE INDEPENDENT. lIENRY C. BO WEN, PUBLISHER. No. 6 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK, TIE lAIEST mm WEEKLY II THE ran. THE CHEAPEST RELIGIOUS WEEK LY IN THE WORLD. |hc largest Circulation in J J the |jjorld. Price #2.Ao by Mali, i 3.00 by Carrier lu New York aiirt a Hrooklvu. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT GRATIS. ITS CASH RECEIPTS THE PAST YEAR LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE. ITS CASH RECEIPTS the pant Six months larger than ever before during the corresponding period. P"S CASH RECEIPTS during the past 3 months larger than ever before. ITS CASH RECEIPTS in January larger than ever before. ITS PROSPERITY IS UNPRECEDENTED in the history of religions journalism. IT IS THE ONLY PAPER SOLD to any extent by news agents and booksellers in all parts of t he country. IT EMPLOYS THE ABLEST WRITERS in the country. ITS ARTICLES ARE ALWAYS READABLE, racy, and practical; not doll, metapßj'sieal, and stupid. IT PAYS MORE FOR ITS WEEKLY CONTRIBU BUTIONS, than any other THREE relig ious papers in the country. IT HAS THE ABLEST CORRESPONDENTS iu ail parts of the country and Europe. IT DON'T FILL UP it# columns with "scissors contributions." IT DISCUSSES BOLDLY and fenrlessly all relig ious, moral, and political top eg. IT HAS MORE ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS and other reading matter than auy other weekly religious paper. ITS WRITERS are chosen from all the leading Christian denominations. ITS READERS are the thinking, progressive, wide awake, and most active men and women ot the times IT AIMS TO BE A CHAMPION FOR TRUTH and equity. 1 IT I> AS RADIO\L AS TRI'TH and justice can make it, an t means to be so always an J lorever. IT IS UXSECTARIAN and earnestly "seeks Chris tian unioD. ITS EXPENDITURES the present year will be far greater than ever before IT WILL liAYE MORE special departments than ever before. IT WILL HAVE MORE religious UCWB than eyer betore IT WILL TAKE A DECIDED interest|in the com ing great Presidential contest, | IT WILL earnestly seek the moral, political and re ligious interests of the whole people of the nation, irrespective of race, color, or condition. i IT WILL discuss freely all financial matters from a high moral stand-point. ; IT WILL insist that every engagement and obliga tion of the country shall be promptly met with gold, as agreed IT WILL oppose, under present circumstaoces, any further contraction of the currency IT WILL not be in haste to give political power to those who have 1-een rebels, IT WILL advocate reconstruction on a basis (asd that only) of exact and impartial justice. | IT WILL oppose all political maneuvering and ma chinery calculated to lower the standard of national hon or and integrity, ' IT WILL consecrate it.elf with all its power and in fluence to the great work of moral, political and religious reform and Ch istian freedom, the world over. 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WE EXPECT EVERY subscriber of this paper to say that the money paid for The Independent, la the Best Investment Of the kind eter made. I We expect to have a good measure of success in ; what we shall ana to do. We expect snruo opposi , lion from rival newspapers, some criticis ns for mis takes of judgment, some fkuß-finding because we i are raoical, and lot* of advice, as usual, from all ' quatters; but, notwithstanding, we expect to live and thrive, and <i> more good, perhaje, than ever ! beftre, The Independent! Pries N2.60 per Annum to Mall *iibrrlb ert, or 8!f b<f Carrier lu New loik and RrSoU} in f ' Henry C. Bowen, PUBLISHER, No. S Beekman Street, New York. GREAT NUMBER THIS WEEK. FEBRUARY ) Til. ATTRACTIONS AS FOLLOWS | Too Fast Too 8Iow; Or what the great masses have done for Freedom and what they propose to do. By Ho.i. HENRY S. WILSON, United Slates Senator from Massachusetts. • GRANT & COITAX Rrprcscutfltinc Public iHrn, The People's choice for President and Vice President. 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