Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, February 19, 1868, Image 3
Local and Personal. Crowded.—We hardly need tell our readers . that a cro.d of uew advertisements—whioh no doubt i will bo road with interest—has left us little or no space for other matter this week. Smaller type, or larger paper, seems to be inevitable. In the lan guage of the great Patrick Henry we say. "let it come." Dress up.—Persons who expect to continue in the prevailing custom of wearing clothes-and thosa who feel assured that the rest of mankind will "fol- I law suit,' 1 would do well to note tho fact, that Mr. 0 S. Baldwin, oc the N. E. Corner of Broadway A Canal St N. Y., is now selling clothing, by the sin gle girmcnt or at wholesale,at heretofore unheard of low prices. See advertisement in to day's paper. Deeds,— A large stock of finely printed Deeds on hand and for sale at this office ; also Blank notes, Bonds, Appraisement blanks, Justices and Const a- j bles blanks of all kinds. Variable,—Tho weather is what tho Almanac makers might, with safety to their reputations, call variable. It varies from cold, to very cold, and from a slight flurry ot snow, to a regular old fash ioned nor'wester. The wind varies seveial points of the compass, from N. to N. W nd keep' on blowing as though it had taken the contract to cool off tho hot-heads of Congress. Getting Ready,--The Messrs Lees, who have the contract lor the building of the 11. R Bridge at this place ami who were force Iby the cold weather to suspend their wall building, are improving the fine sleighing and the ice brilge across the creek, by hauling stene from the quarries ID order to give the work an early start in the spring. Serious.—The scarcity of water, u!" h has been felt all over the country, is sai Ito have teen the came of several Templars tab,. p to o'h r and moro common fluids, with which to quench their thirst.— Deal.rs in the "ardent" are said to have been oblig ed to sell more liquor and less wot r since the great scarcity ot the latter fluid. These long eohtinued j drouths are hard on all classes. Several of the prominent Temperance tret of town have left for Harris!.urg, to attend the great Temperance Convention, which eomincnced at that place yesterday. It is hoped they will rs-a;-e the temptations to which men. who go from a cold-wa ter, to a hot-whisky district aro liable. "A thine of beauty is a joy forever " And nothing is so be intiful as a picture of health Headache, Nervous I'aius, Sour Stomach, Dai tress after eating, Pratt raring Weakness, Itis.ucii- | nation for Society, Mental Despondency, etc., are the rule rather than the exception with tho human family, and have stamped their effects upon us all. The tncsl effective, gentle, sudden and agreeable remedy is the Plantation Bitters. They h ve prob ably cured and alleviated more cases the past five years than all other medicines combined. They arc told throughout the length and breadth of tho land. Magnolia Water, A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the j r co. Me Medicine ever appeared with stronger vou ti ers for its general an 1 substantia! excellence than the Peruvian Syrup, Invalids, especially tho e suf fering from dyspepsia or debility, should send to J. P Diusinore, 36 I>ev -St., N. \for a p.;inp'ulet (sent free), concerning this remarkable remedy. Proof of Superiority.--Sales immense thro'- out England-tt 1 Fran e, of Mrs S. A All it's Im proved (new Style) Hair Restorer or Drt.-sing. (ir. one bottle.) I'rice One Dollar livery Dtoggi.t sells if Nicholson Correspondence. NI-H.IOON, Feb. 16, 1563. Mr. EDlTOß —Pegging par lon of jottr readers for occupying a sp-'e in your interesting paper, which no doubt might be filled with mote interesting mat ter, and hoping to be excused for trespassing upon your good nature, will again attempt to give an ac count of some of the incidents occurring h;re the past week. Our thriving little town, as remarked by a stranger,who sojourned b- re a tew days, " was on runners" Kaihor a novel idea, out very appropri ate, faking info consideration how fa-t :t slides. It is not really on runners. There ore certainly maty ruDnera in tho town —espec.ally for the past few days,—strangers comparatively 'due excitement commencing by a iargc gituering at the Presbyterian Church to l.sleu to a vocal con cert given by the celebrated I n.vcrsalist Choir, of Brooklyn, who not only rrpre-e tiled tho fash ins in dress worn forty years ago, but sung old fashioned tunes in the peculiar olu tashioncd stylo, which re minded those, who attended church at that time, of their youthful days. I hope the ladies will excuse me, when I say it uid look so odd to sec their beads covered over with bonnets, it being so much in con trast with the head-gear of to-day—a 3 by 4 bolder that crops out immediately above the cataract or waterfall. Their old style of dresses which were sufficiently short that a gentleman coul l walk with in ten feet of them without being considered rude or impeding their travel bv stepping on the same. But sayiug nothing about style, their ringing was excel lent, and well appreciated by a crowded house. At tire ilose, the cbuir left to partake of an oys:er sup per prepared at liivtr's Hotel, at which place the " Nicholson Brass Band" complimented theui ith some choice music. On Wednesday evening there , was a large turn-out to atten t a Donation lor the benefit of our Lniversalist Clergyman, Rev. A. 0. Warreu, of Montrose Hal a good time in oyster stews and other uelicacies prepared by our liberal minded christian ladies. Proceeds, cash 8 US. A " Musical Drill," by Trof. Thomas, was also held at the Methodist Church, commencing on Tues day and endii g on Friday night by a public concert to a full house. There was a good attendance thro'- , out tho drill. The Prof, being complimented for talent, proficiency, and new mode of teaching vocal music. There were many in attendance from the surrounding counties. Quite a number from your town, among them Mi-s Pike, your noted pianist, was complimented by a special resolution among a •tries of others for her attendance and skill uj-on the j organ. As u'usl on Saturday the streets were alive with people from out-town. At intervals throughout the : day there would be quite large groups and often smaller ones, not at any one particular point but at ; different ones at several points, some of them center ing where they could piartake of some of the " pro hibits," still uft others attending to their usual bus iness ; still others discussing the doings of our Leg islature ujon the repeal of the Liquor Law of 1367, which passed the lower liou-o unanimously,and went to the Senate for concurrence a few day s since ; some contending that it repealed the prohibitory Liwofl Ltttlo Wyoming, while others "could not sec the point." It was however decided by T, that it te- j jwale-J nil of the prohibitory laws that were upon the j statute hooks. In the evening in pursuance of no- ; tice there was a preliminary meeting of the Demo- ; erxti to organize a Club (or the ensuing campaign. k permanent organization was effected by electing - Edwtn Stephens, Pres't; Win. 0 Gardner and Gur- 1 don Hewitt, Vice Presidents ; If. Steenback and W. M Cooper, See'ys ; H. L. Harding, iress.j and E Bacon, Corresponding Secretary. A Committee *M apppoiated, consisting of H. Stecnbeck, Dr. E. s Banks and E. L Bacon, to draft a Constitution and By Laws to be reported at our first regular 1 "•wing to be held on Saturday evening the 39th j ftbrusry inst, B. ] Pied, . BROWN —In Falls, Jan. 30th. '6B, Samuel M., only son of Salem and I'bebe C. Brown, aged 2 years and 6 days—of incmbiauic croop. Rut could wo mourn, his tender heart No longer heaved with pain ; That sickness would no tuore distress, Nor fever parch again ; That ho now drinks from that pure stream Whence living fountains flow ; Escaped lite's dread buffeting, Its sorrows and its woe. No 1 though a bud of promise thou, Our bright and precious one ; And though our hearts bad well nigh burst When death its work had done ; And though sweet thoughts of tMe our child Has many an hour beguiled, Wo would not wish thee back again, Our lovely little one. j Thou too thy mother's fostering arms Was only lent, not given ; And tliou has early found thy way Into the gates of Heaven. Now in the bosom of thy God, From every sorrow free ; We do nut wi-h thee back again, But we would go to tbee s-,. trial Halites. Among the many restoratives which nature has supplied to relieve the afflictions of humanity, there is no more favorite one for a certain class of diseases than the "medicinal guti)" of the Wild Cherry Tree; ; but h -wever valuable it is, its power to heal, to ! soothe, to relieve and to cure, is enhanced tenfold by scientific and judicious combination with other ingredients, in themselves of equal worth This happy mingling exists to a remarkable degree in lir. Winlar's liaisam ot Wild Cherry, whose value in curing C ittghs, Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af fection, and Incipient Consumption is Inestimable. strong Testimony. From Benjamin Wheeler, E.-q , Depot Master of S.Hih Royalston, Ma.-s. "In the Spring of 1-33 I was most severely afflict el with a hard, dry cough, with its usual accompa niments of u'ght sweats, completely prostrating my nervous-vst- iu. an,l pro lu-iug sreb a debilitated 'tutu of health that, after try.ng medical aid to no purpose, I bad given up all hot es of ever recovering. ,as had also my friends At this stage of matters I w is prevai'e ! upon through the n fi ienee of a neigh bor to try Wi-t.ir's Balsam ot Wild Cherry, and, bo fore iiing two 1 o.lb s. the effect was almost magical. , My cough entirely bit mo, tho night sweats desert ed me, hope once more elated my depressed spirits, an I soon 1 htd at t lined my wonted strength and tigor 'Jbus had this Balsam, as has often been re uiinked by pctsons conversant wish the above facts, literally snatched me from the yawning grave. You are at liberty to use tins for the benefit of the afflict ed." Prepared ly sETff W. FO LK A SON, 19 Tre - mout St., Boston, and fcr sale by Druggists general ly- G RACK'S CKI.I'.HIt tTF.D M.IK YE. eur" in a very short time I CUT 3. BURNS, SCALDS. WOUNDS. n-T'ISE-, SPRAIN* ERYSIPELAS, U.TRiIEUM, LING Wt >r..M, CHAPPED H VXD-, D lIL*. FROZEN LI MRS. FELONS, ( If IL BLAINS, Ac. It is prompt in tetion removes pain nt ou~e, and reduces tho nio-t arir-rv funking swellings and in , fl-iir. it! a - us if by ruagic,—thus off irding relief and a complete euro. FETII W. FoWI.E A SON, Boston, Proprietors, Soli ly ail D-uggis:.-. Grocers, and at all country stores. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN II AIR RE NEWF.R I-t'eonlv infallible Hiir Preparation for RESTORING GRAY lI.VIK TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR AND PROMOTING ITS GROWTH. It is the dietpi'.st. preparation ever offered to the p'tl a- <ne bottle will lusj lung er and aee m; li b more tl in three bot tles -if any other preparation. Cur Re- ewer is riot a Dye ; it will not Stain the skin as others. It will keep the h lir from falling out- It cleans, s :lies Sc do, and makes the Hair soft. lu-ftotis, and silken. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mnil. R P HALL k CO. Nashua, N. 11, Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) ta all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions .or tusking and using the simple rem edy by which he was u.oJ of a lung atfeotien and rh it dread disease C'.rsuinption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this pres-ription, as it wiil cost them nothing and may prove .a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South oeuou Ist , WilliamsburgNe York 6n4(Ty. Commercial College,— The success of Gard ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, nt Scranton, h.s surpass--1 all expectation Tho course of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— and give better satisfaction thnu any ether College f the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Life Schol orship 815 CO. Clubs at reduced rates. Send tor aollege Paper giving full particulars. Address .1. C Gardner. Princ.pal, Scranton, I'a. uTnlOyl EKKOils OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Neivnus D'-bilttv. Premature decay, and all the effects of wathful in iseretiori, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy an I directions for making the zimrde remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in j'erfect enfi ten e, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, Now York. v6n4o A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages And 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a stte of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Eaily Errors, its De plorable Consequences u|xm the mind and body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only ra tional and successful mode ot Cure, as shown by the report of cases treate J. A truthful adviser to the married an 1 those contemplating marriage, who en tertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or pr>*tal currency, by addressing DR. LA CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. \ r . 'he author may bo consulted up-.u any of the diseases upon whi'-h his book treaSs. either pcrsonall or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of the world, GPP IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: A Beautifully Illustrated Book, worth a Thousand D-dlars. sent Ires to nry address on receipt of 25 ets. bv addressing Professor JOHN VANDERPOOL, No 265 Winthmp Place, New York City. ITonnd IN MKHOOL'AXY, i'ENN A. STOVES AND TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HAVING lately opened a Stove and Tin Store in the above named place, we are prepared to fur- | i,ish nt the lowest possible prices. Cooking and Par lor Stoves of the best, patterns for both wood and coal; Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Ware of all descriptions, Lanterns. Sad Irons, Enameled Nettles and Stew Pans, Lead Pipe, Coal Hods, Hollow W are, Stove Polish, and all articles usually found in a first-class Tin store. EAVE GUTTERS and Conductors put up on short notice in the best possible m-inner REPAIRING of all kinds, sueh as Kerosene j Lamps, I'm- relhts, Ac, Ac., neatly and promptly ex- j ecuted, HIGH prices paid for Did Copper, Brass, Lead and Rags Give as a call WHITE A KINIXER Mehoopany. Feb. 18, 1869.—3 m OF RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF WYOMING €O.-48*?. . - - - ----- - - County Duplicates. [' I -■ ilill 1 'J! 1 nr Year | COLLECTORS' NAMES. TOWNSHIPS. Amount Colls. Colls. p j j) CBi Duplic'ts. Exons Coin'o ' 1 DOLS. ets Dol cts Dol. ets Duns cts Dols ets I r I I '! I 18G7 0. R Sloan Braintrim 97158, 10 30 4800 ! 913 16 [.. S II Bri"gs Clinton 1644 42 78 29 i 8 3u ; 148< 83 . "**| Jao.ce B-.dle Eaton 2187 38 17 30 107 80 | 2048 28 14 00 i Thou. D. Headley Exeter 418 36 222 2080 395 34 E. Dersheimcr FalM 10529 ft 10 24 82 14 150000 .... .. H Hitchcock Fi-rkston ij 643 22 34 20 3045 57857 i ! ! .fame# II Kelly Lemon 1048 54 31 20; 50 86 966 48 ;.. 1 0. L. Vaughn j Mehoopany 1901 tj( 15 12 94-<2 It 92 23 1 0. Clayton Mesltoppen 182150 1191 84 629 66 3 ! *"! .liepcr Parrish Monroe 1092 98 71900 373 98 : N. D Itiker Nicholson j 2476 98 1417 00 1059 98 ) Levi Winters Northmorelantl 1707 96, 1150 00 557 96 i " \ J.seph Burgess North Branch 492 58' 12 50 24(10 456 08...... r .".11. II Walters ()?erlicll 728 91 14 20 35 74 678 97 , S. F. Flumerfelt I'unkhannnck Twp. 2290 38 23 40 113 34 2153 64 | .... W. Latnont Tunkhannock Boro'. 1272 84 j. 1077 38 195 46 Jacob Decker Washington. 1775i()0 , 46 35 86 43 1042 22 .... .. ! ;;;; E D. Fassctt Windhain. • 141376 1672 69 85 1327 19 ( ; 25541 04, 312 10 842|09 21555,81 i 2831 04 Expenditures, AUDITORS. Win. Benedict, S8 00 James Robinson 8 00 Martin Stckler 10 00 i F. O. Ross, Clerk 15 00 41 00 W. Lamonl. Auditor to csntn ite acc'ts Prothonotary, Ac, 10 50 COMMISSIONERS. I E-ltrin Stephens 83 65 l,ewis Cook I"® ll;rain Bodle 125 00 G. W. Sherwood 135 00 . 508 65 ' Wui, F. Terry, Com'rs Clerk 500 00 SHERIFF. ! Ahira Gav 85 80 M. W. Hewitt 871 75 957 55 P' -.thonotarv E. J K icy 125 00 District Attorney. Harvey Scklt-r... 14 >OO ! Commonwealth Costs 495 1 1 Traverse Jut or* 1096 90 j Grantl Jurors 493 04 Tip Staves Constables 183 85 Court Crier, F. M. H-phurn 38 00 Commissioners' Counsel 40 00 - JT! : •: ! WE hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the Expenditures of Wyoming County for the year ending January i 6th A. D. 1563. LEWIS COOK, ; GEO. W. SHE K WOOD \ ! ATTEST, WM. F. TERRY, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Tunkhannock, Jan. 9, IROB, I Treasurer's Account. DR. To amount of Tax assessed for 1867 for the ue of Wyoming C 0.25,541 04 To amouut due Irom bail of J. L. Mulltson, la'e Treasurer 2243 65 To amount received of Comn.ission ers, borrowed ol Aa Keeler,— 1999 00 To amount received f<r uneurreot money 1 40 T > amount received on redemption ol Unseated Lands, £c 15 82 , i To balance on hand at last si/tile* meat 2656 49 §32,457 40 ; Dr. To amount of Tax assessed on Dogs for the vaar 1867 511 50 To balance on band at last settle ment 391 53 §903 03 Prothonotary's Account. DR. To Jury Fees received 16 00 Balance due Prothonotary 180 44 . §196 44 Sheriff's Account. , DR. To Fines and Jury Fees received bv Sheriff '8 00 Balance due Sl.ei ;tf 1101 79 §1179 79 Us— sssßSH!s=!S _ =S!=^^ WE, the undersigned Auditors of Wyoming County, being met at the | Commissioners' Office in said county, do certify that upon examination of the accounts of the Treasurer, Commissioners, Prothonotary and Sheriff, do find them correct as set forth in the foregoing Statement, and that the ex penditures of said county are fully and correctly set forth in said Statement as rendered to us by the Commissioners of said County. Witness our hands this Oth day of January A. D. 18(J8. WM. BENEDICT, ) JAS. R. ROBINSON, } Auditors. HENRY LOVE, 3 (IWi Forward) 546G5 20 E'ections 475 35 Assessors 394 00 Sttsqu'a C>. for Boarding Prisoners.. 95 GG Boaidmg Jurors and room rent paid by order of Court 53 00 Eastern Penitentiary 306 45 Peno'a State Lunatic Asylum 362 10 ' Printing, IJarrey Stckler 102 50 Bridge Building and Repairing 3145 09 ; Road and Bridge Views 279 00 j- Road Damages 115 00 Public Buildings and Land 529 22 Jail and Sheriff's House, on contract 7550 7G Lights. Fuel and Sta iunery 187 S3 Jury Cottuii -stoners J4 19 <' .i uo r-' ! quest 49 18 Post Miiitfn ■ sin inatn ii 10 00 i Interest on motoy loaned 54 00 Water Rom 5 00 j County Seals ._. — 1-3 50 Medical attandance on Prisoners.. 3 25 j Refunded Order 1 00 , Postage 1 32 1 Miscellaneous Items 37 50 1 Total Expenditures 818,470 10 CR. By amonnt of Tax uncollected... 2831 04 By Exon's to Coll'rs on Co. Tax,. 312 10 Bj' commissions to Collectors.... 842 09 By balance due front bail of J. L. Mulltson, late Treasurer 2043 65 Bv Treasure! 's corn'sn on §18,452 27, am't pauDout at 2 per cent.. 3C9 04 By Treasurer's c m'sn ott §26,428 52, aui't received at 2 per cent.. 528 57 i Bp County Orders redeemed 18,5152 27 By balance due County 7078 64 §32,457 30 Sheep Fund. Cr - , ! By am't Tax uncollected—lß67.... 180 00 By oxoti's allowed Coil's on Dog Tax 16 00 By coins'o allowed " " " 15 40 , By damages paid on acc't of sheep being killed by unknown dogs.. 399 38 By Treas. coins'n on §.396 38, ain't paid out ai 2 per cent 7 92 Bv Trea. coins'n on §691 63, am't received at 2 per cent 13 83 By balance in bands of Treasurer.. 270 50 §903 03 i * CR. By Bill rendered lor 1807 196 44 $196~44 | CR. By Bill rendered and allowed by Auditors for 1867 1179 79 £ll7'.' 79 ! I I gJLfo a^nlistiufnts. BORDEKTOn K I'EMAI.E COLLEGE, BOWl"STOW!J, S, J. i TURNIsnEtf THE VERY BEST EDUCATION- X* ADVANTAGES in connection with a pleas ant home. Boaid and Tuition #2OB par year. For | Catalogues address Rev. JOHN H. BItAKKLLi, A • M., President. " THE PULPIT,"*—w j Journal of Public speaking, Pure Literature and ' Practical Religion, containing the best things sail Iby the Clergy and Public Men the world over, By I our plan scut one year lor nothing. Send 10 i cts with your addie.-s to "THE PL'I.PIT COMPANY" ] 37 PARK ROW, X. Y. Agent* wanted , hoi c realty for Cancassers "The History of the War Between the States." ITS CACSF.S, CHARACTKR, CONDUCT AM. RESULTS, By Hon ALEXANDER U STEVENS. Send for Circulars, with terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PPBLISHINU CO., Philadelphia, Pa. TI7AKTED—IS EVERY COUNTY in the Uni- \ \ VV red States, a good man to sell by saptnle ( IIAMIIEKLAPt'M COMBINATION SQUARE, PLUMB LEVEL & BEVEL. The greatest invention ol the age, and ono that ev- 5 ery Mechanic, Workman and Fanner in the land ' will buy. Send address, with name, State. County ! i and Post-Office, plainly written, and we will send circulars and terms. W. S. BATCIIELDKR A CO, Pittsburgh, Pa WANTED —133 Teacher*. Students, or other intelligent Men and Women. Ilu-incss pays #IOO to #2l*o jier month according to abilitv Ad- I dress ZEOLKIt A CO., 614 Arch St., Phila., Pa. WAN TED--To JMake an Arrangement with I a lite man in every County, who wishes to j make money, and can give good references. No 1 capital required. Will stlla business now paying J ! *> ,500 per month, an I rely on profit * for my pay.— , Address J. C. TILTOX, Pittsburgh, Pa. ONE Y T JS*. Ad A PRESENT OF §23 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or village. Particulars and ; a gift sent free, by addressing with stamp, N. B. CLOITDMAN A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. | I AMERICAN CLOCK €O. j 3 Cortlaudt Street, New York. . Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in AH Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for SETII TIIOMAS CLOCK. THE CELEBRATED " Esley" Organ, WITH VOX HUMANA STOP. * Pronounced by all who have beard it the most natu ral nr.d beautiful imitation of the ML" MAN A Oil I-', ever vet introduced. J. FSTEY A CO, | lira!dehor. VF . the original Inventors and Manu facturers 417 Broome Sf., N. V : 79 West Fayette j Ft.. Baltiiu-.re. Md,; North 7th St., Phila.j 115 Ran dolph St., Chicago. • lleil Jacket AX E I (Ol.nntv a PATENT. Trieil & not found Wanting, We rlalin it will rut Twenty-Five (*25) per cent, more cord wood prr day tliau any uttier Axe made. ! MCKEESPORT, Dee. 19,1367. i | Messrs Lippincott A Co Sirs I have fully tried your Patent Axe and find j ' that it is all that you claim for it. It will chop faster than any other Axo that 1 ever saw. an! I leaves the woo t without sticking at all. I would not j 1 chop three days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that tries one will be satisfied. VV'M. KEE.3. C 1 \ TTT TfAAJ mm The Axe and the La /j\ U JL IV/LA* bel are both patented, j Infringers on these patents will be prosecuted aecor dingtolaw. VenJers or dealers, and persons using any infringement, are liable with the maker ot the , infringement. • Fur Sale by all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, i (Successors to Lippincott A Co.) Sole owner." of the Patent. PITTSBURGH, PA. NORTH AMERICAN STEA.VI SHIP CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New York December sth and 15th; January stli, 15 th and '2sth; and February 15th and 25th. With New Steamships of the Frst Class : PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANV OTHER ROUTE, For further information address the undersigned at; 111 West Street. New York. D. N.CARRIXGTON, Agent. (Pnc Dollar! (Ditf Doliar! A GREAT WONDER, a Silk, Thibet or Alpaca Dress, Wool .Shawl, Carpet, 50 yds. .Sheeting, ! Family Bible Sets Ladies' Furs, Sewing Machine, Fine Wool Clcth f>r Gents. Suits Ac., for UNE DOL j LAlt EACH Agents Wanted. Circulars sent iree ; Address O S WARREN A CO., Boston, Mass 1 I ; 1 IMMENSE DOLLAR SALE: Of English, French and German Dry and Fancy") I Good*, Plated Ware Cutlery, Albums. Leather | Goods. Ac., Ac. Send 15 certs for one. or 10 cents i each for ten more names t.f articles, which we will ' Nell at ONE DOLLAR EACH. Agents can purchase nn article worth from $3 to \ $260, for One Dollar, according to sire of elub order- I ed. Circulars sent free. KIMBAI.L A CO.. No. 3 ; | Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. P. 0. BOX 2516. |ONE DOLLAR EACH 1 WEBS COTTON CLOTH. Dress Patterns, Pant' Patterns. Sewing Machines, Watches, Drv ar.d I j Fancy Goods, Ac.. Ac. Send Ten cents for Patent j Pen Fountain, with slip describing an article in our ! dollar sale. j Any person, (male or female,) can send in a elub j | of from 30 to 1,000, at same rate (10 cts, for each), 1 I and get a pre in it in for so doing Send in Rcgti- I tired Letters Samples mailed free 'o any address- j F, AS I'M AN* & KENDALL, | f>s H i-, wr St., IJnst-.n Mass. I WE ARE COMING ! i And will present to any person sending us a club in , our Great One Dollar Sale of DRV AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sboetmg, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address FREK. ALLEN, IIA WES A CO.. 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and Eng- i lish Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, ) Albums, Leather Goods, Ac, | THE INDEPENDENT, HENRY C, BO WEN, PUBLISHER. No. 5 BEE KM AN STREET, NEW YORK. THE L&BGEST BELMOUS WEEKLY II ! ' TIE TOO. THE CHEAPEST RELIGIOUS WEEK LY IN THE WORLD. fhe t argent (fircutation in 1 • j j •> the jjjjorld. Price 92.Z0 by Mail, #3.<>o by Carrier ; lu New Y'ork atxlJßrooklyn. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT GRATIS. j ITS CASH RECEIPTS THE PAST YEAR LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE. ' I I ITS CASH RECEIPTS the past Sis months larger 1 than ever before during the corresponding period. I T S CASH RECEIPTS during the past 3 months [ larger than ever before. ITS CASH RECEIPTS in January larger than ever before. ITS PROSPERITY IS UNPRECEDENTED in the history of rel'gious journalism. IT IS THE ONLY PAPER SOLD to any extent by news agents and booksellers in all parts of the country. j IT EMPLOYS THE ABLEST WRITERS in the . country. ! - ITS ARTICLES ARE ALWAYS READABLE, racy, I aud practical; not dull, metaphysical, and stupid. 1 IT PAYS MORE FOR ITS WEEKLY CONTRIBU BUTIONS, tban any other THREE relig ious papers in the country. IT HAS THE ABLEST CORRESPONDENTS in all parts of the coumry anl Europe. IT DON'T FILL UP its columns with ' scissors, contributions." • IT DISCUSSES BOLDLY and fearlessly all relig- i ioui, moral, and political topics. IT HAS MORE ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS and other reading matter than any uthex weekly religious paper. , ITS WRITERS are chosen from all tbe leading Christian denominations. j ITS READERS are the thinking, progressive, wide awake, and most active men and women ol the times. IT AIMS TO BE A CHAMPION FOR TRUTH ar. l equity. i IT IS AS RADICAL A® TRUTH nnd justice can make it, and mean; to be so always and torevcr. I IT IS UNSECTARIAN and earnestly "reeks Chris- | tian union. ITS EXPENDITURES the present year will he far : greater than ever before. IT WILL HAVE MORE special departments than ever helore. IT WILL HAVE MORE religious news than ever betord. 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' WE EXPECT TO GIVE IN EVERY NUMBER OF the paper through the year reading matter to the extent of any ordinary sired volame of 300 pages sold at the bookstores, WE EXPECT EVERY subscriber of this paper to say that tbe money paid for The Independent, j Is the Rest Investment Of the kind erer made. We expeet to have a good measure of success in j what we shall aim to do. We expect some opposi- 1 tion from rival newspapers, some criticisms for mis- } takes of judgment, some fault-finding because we are radical, and lots of advice, as usual, from all quaiters; but, notwithstanding, we expect to lire I and thrive, end da more good, perhaps, than ever f before, ! The Independent! I Price 92.H0 per Annum to Mall Kubacrlb era, or til by t rirrrier in Srw Yerfc aud Brooklyn. Henry C. Bowen, PUBLISHER, No. 5 Beektrum Street, New York f GREAT NUMBER THIS WEEK, FEBRUARY OTH. ATTRACTIONS AS FOLLOWS: Too Fact Too Slow; Or what the great masses have done for Freedom and what tbey propostr to do. 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Written by an Orthodox Clergytaiß expressly for tha Independent, and destined to te, wo believe, one of the most popular, racy and instructive series of contributions ever givem !to a religious newspaper. BOSTON CHIT-CHAT. Boston never says die. Religious Prosperity. Art, Crown of New England, Gould's Andrew. Law and Disorder. A Tri- kon Messrs. Harrison, Gray, Otis, etit. By our Boston Correrj-oDdcDt. HA BITE, : One of the ablest anl im sL spicy writers in 'bo conntry Henry Ward Beecher and Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Guardian Angel and Norwood, EySU-AN POSEY. DECEMBER WOODS. An Original Poem. By JOEL BENTON, Amecia, New Y'ork. A COMPANION FOR THE WINTER. MAPLE WOOD I IRE. Endorsed by a •' Blessed Old Block Woman." ' A STORY WITHOUT A MORAL. For Children. By ABBY SAGE, Cjariestowa. Muss. EDITORIALS, AS FOLLOWS ; The Tongue of Fire, or Extemporaneous Preaching, Ruecn Y'ictoriu's Experiences. TWO WAYS OF LOVING - Loving the Good and L'ving the Wicksd. THE METHODIST BISHOPS 1 Thompson, Morris, Jar.s. Scott. Simpson, Baker, j Ames, Clark, Dr. Kinsley, Edward, 'l"ecu son —" as able men as any Christian Denomination can boast." AN OLD NEWSPAPER-" The Federal Spy and Daily Advertiser," of Dec. lid, 1794. j INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. SHALL WK LOSE THE EXCISE LAW 7 WEEK OF PRAYER. REVIVAL RECORD. GENERAL NEWS. BOOK TABLE. MINISTERIAL REGISTER. | SABBATH SCHOOLS. FOREIGN NEWS. PEBBLES. SELECTIONS. Commercial and Financial Department. AS FOLLOWS: Commercial and F nancial—Talk, News and Gossip in Wall Street- Important News fir Cap italists. Bankers, and Burinese Men— Money Market—Central Pacific Railroad. Dry Goods Report—Dry Goods Quota'ions— Produce Marget Reports —Prices Current —New Y'ork Cattle Market—Farm • ers" Column. THE WHOLE COMPRISING 1 Attractions Never Equalled iu any other Religious Newspaper. GIIEAT PREMIUMS. nOWE SEWING MACHINE. 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