CURRENT NEWS. A negro in IndUna has been sentenced to ten years in the Penitentiary for marrying a white girl, HEAR A JURIST —Judge Woodward, of j Pennsylvania, in recent debate in the House j of Representatives on the bill to destroy the i Independence of the Supreme Court, said | that "Congress hid no more right to dictate ' to the Supreme Court how it should decide questions, than the Supreme Court had to d'Ctate to (Jonsress, The Supreme Court Was a coordinate branch of the Government and its decisions were to be made under the principlo of the common law by a simple ma jority." Gen Meade carries on in his atrsppy as though he has serious doubts in bis own mind as to whether he is a negro or a white man. But the way be carries sail, he will not leave the country long in doubt on the matter. No man ever sunk a respectable reputation so speedily before. Advices from our sister Republics, M< xico, Hayti and St. Domingo, represent affairs as ' going pretty much after our own fashion,from bad to worse. Military despotism and an archy prevail in one country, the ; Fetish te ligion" is gaining ground in another, and a revolutionary "provisional trumvirate" ha; been proclaimed in the third. The Hampstcad L. I. Inquirer c'aims that gold has been discovered in R 'ckville ('outre. II ore's,a chance for another purchase by Mr Seward. One of the latest inventions is paper stock ings, made of paper and muffin combined We prefer thc._old fashioned, home-knit hose. There arc sixty thousand Chinamen in Cal ifornia, but a drunken one is a rare sight. How is this ? A radical paper says Gen. Butler was insulted by Colonel White in sending his chalenge through the hands of a negro ! The Georgia Convention costs §2,000 a day. It has been thirty days in session, and Las adopted but twenty lines of the new con stitution. The largest number of churches ever erect ed in Pennsylvania were put up last year. Out West, instead of asking a man ' What will you.diink ?" they now say "Nominate your poison." The walls of Cork,which the Fenians Lave commenced blowing up, were built by the Danes some three thousand years ago. The Washington correspondent of the CiD cinnati Commercial (Rad.) rela'es the fol lowing incident connected with the surrender of Grant to Stanton : The President said. In a conversation on ' Saturday, that he would give §lO 000 out i f his own pocket if the American people could have seen Gen. Grant at the Cabinet meeting on Friday, while questions were being put to bim about his action in matter. He never saw a man look meaner or more humiliated. "lie is not a big man," said Johnson, "either mentally, morally, or ph}s I ically ; but before he had answered the questions we put to him, he seemed to have shrivelled up into no bigger than my fist." Queen Victoria has ordered the Governor of Jamaica to fill all the responsible offices hereafter only with while men from England Tb&negro has effectually played himself oui with the British Government by bis fantas tic tricks of murderous plots and massacres. That Government took the lead in the at tempt to emancipate and elevate the black race. It is now the first to perceive that the negro is unfit fi.r self-government cr to live harmoniously on an equality with white pcos pie upon the same soil. This country, fol lowing in England's wake, will pass through the same experience. The attempts to knock each other down with chairs, recently made by members of the Virginia Destruction Convention, shows conclusively that every delegate wants to be Chairman of that body. There seems to be as much rascality at Harrisburg a® ever. For painting the Senaie Chamber and Hall of the House, one coal of • paint, the whole job not being more than two week's work for three or four painters, the cost is two thousand three huudred and five dollars. There is a monster beef in Johnstown Which weighs 2 GOO pounds, measures nine (vet six inches in girth, and stands nineteen bands high. The Chicago Republicans want to get up a "wigwam." Better make it an Uncle Tom's Cabin. A mongrel paper says "the names of Abe Liucoln and John Brown, are written side by side in the scroll of fatne." We never bad any doubt about it; both ''died by the hand of Providence." A bushel of apples will buy a divorce in Indiana. The Thames tonnel occupied in its comple tion eleveil years, and cost about £2 273.270. . Chignons have fallen—oot one at a time, but all at once, in Paris. Americans rat yearly 41 pounds of sugar each, ou an average. Fred. Douglas favors the nomination of .Gen. Grant fur the Presidency. Cnion County, Ohio, boasts a giant sev en feet three inches in bis stocking®, 69 inch es about his chest and 53G pounds in weight. A Boston actor ia sueing his manager for S4O, which the manager refused to pay, be cause the actor "gagged." The Governor of Colorado won't sign bills of divorce, and there is much misery in con* sequence. A brother of Rarey is taming horses in Springfield, Ohio. Cln Democrat. o v ' HARVEY 9ICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 18GH. ADVERTISING AGENTS, EX CHANGES, and all others interested, will please note the CHANGE of TITLE, ofthis I aper. from THE NORTH BRANCH DEM- I JCRAT to WYOMING DEMOCRAT. Gen. Grant's Habits. Some of the Radical pap> rs insinuate in verv plain Kngli;h that Gin. Grant s per sonal habits are not what they should be. These ruinoft come froiu various sources and seem to be pretty well confirmed. It is notorious in Washington that General Grant, was found on F. Street, in the cap ital of the nation, on Stindav, January sth. intoxicated, and that he was conducted to more private quarters by friend*; and that only a few days previous, during the Christinas holidays, he was in a similar condition. The New York Independent, a Republi ; can p ip r, of a rec nt date, says : "Occasionally a Presidential candidate is seen FCDDLEU IN THE STREETS ; but as ! this happens only on a Sun lay, it cannot be said to interfere with public business !" Wendell Phillip®, in his paper, the An ti-Slavery Standard, says: "llow sad the result, when power is giv en to men who are wont "to put down an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains," this war has most impressively 1 shown us. Xoic rumors reach us from j Washington, coming from different, and ' trustworthy sources, that General Grant has been seen unmistakably drunk in the streets of '.he city u ithin a few wet ks " * * "It is perilous enough to give the Presi dency to a man who was, confessedly, an inveterate drunkud two or three yeurs ayo. Hut it will be the gravest crime to give it to him if that v.ce still holds him in his iron grasp.' I Another Radical p .per, the Revolution, talks right out in meeting, thus : "The talk is th.lf a Cabinet officer call d Gen. Grant a "liar" an ! a "sneak that General Grant is drunk r .'lt the tune, . h"s been sc- n steady ing himself on another s i arm in Pennsylvania Avenue; that Stan ton and Wasliburne have humbugged him, and that he feel- liis degradation,and don't look anybody in the face. The. talk is that Jav Cook goes in for kilting Gen, Grant and nominating f hasc : that Cl.a-e d ncy that had eve r been dis covered. Had any one used such language as we ijtiote from the Tribune then, lie would have had a short trip to Fort La fayett". It is a.ffonishing what a difference there i; in the gr tnbicks wh n it is pro. posed that the bondholders as well as the people sliali take them. I lien, instead of being the best, thev become the most mis i eradle currency in the world ~ j INCREASE OF THE FCBLIC DEBT.—Dur j ing the month January the public debt of the United States increased about $20,000, OttO ; and this increase is ol lliat kirn! of * debt bearing coin inter st making it near ly equal to an increase ot §:K),o00,0C0 of 1 greenback indebtedness, ihe cause ol tin* enormous and continued increase is the wasteful legislation of the Radical Con , gross, which, in lieu of trying to benefit the people, are laboring to add to their burdens in order that plunderers may flourish. So long as negro equality and military Jespoti-m is the Congressional policy, the I "debt will increase, ihe pe pie have a remedy ; and will exeicise it by electing a • Democratic Congress. APMIS'IOS OF .STATES, — the people of M ntana last fall voted to re strict tho sutlVage to white men, the rump j Congress has dei*iared that MoutatiA shall not be admitted into the Union as a State ■ until the negroes shah be allowed to vote. From liiis it is evident that whilst the rad j icals dominate in Congress no State organ- ized upon aw hite ha. is, wdll be allowed to iconic into tin* Union. WIKII party spirit is carried to such an extreme it is only fair to predict that eitln r the radical party i or the Government will be destroyed. A government cannot long be perpetuated by perpetrating such outrages against the ! rights of the people. CONGRESSIONAL CCTLFRY* — It is partly ; accounted for why this Congress isso*/ir/>-1 ly set. It is the same body see Forney's accounts which gave 18 pocket and pen knivi9 to each member —a knife every three weeks; 14 pairs of shears each; scis- j sors, 22 pairs each; portfolios 294, beach; pocket books, 446, 8 each; kid gloves 214 j pairs. 4 each; stationary in every variety, and cologne, key rings, soap, pomade, lem ons, &c.,A:c. The Leaks at the Capital. The correspondent of the Heading Times referring to the appointment of a commit tee on Retrenchment and Reform in the I loose says: "It is admitted on all sides that there are sorry; very important leaks that must be stopped, and any party which upholds and e by the Auditor General's Report that last year the enor mous sum of S2U,O'O was spent for folding and putting wrappers around the tive Record , and other public documents, amounting to no less than four thousand copies daily. 1 will give yoa some very interesting facts and figures, as—how men about Ilar risburg get rich enough to buy many houses and farms on a thousand dollars salary ; how the certain " rings " manage to draw their thousands out of the Treasury with out returning value therefore ; how and by w hat means legislators are induced to keep certain work —printing, furnishing station ery. Arc, for instance —in the hands of one or two individuals, and how all efforts to secure for the State the benefit of the con tract system are choked off. The time has coine for Republicans to speak out boldly against those wrongs, and to demnnd some- security of the Treasury against the few sharpers about llarrisburg." CHANGE OF BASE, —In 1864 Charles Summer, Ben Wade, Zachariah Chandler, Henry Wilson and other leading Radical Senators addressed a communication to President Lincoln, with a view of inducing him to make a change in his Cabinet. In that communication tliey said : "The theory of our Government, the early,and uniform practical construction thereof, is that the President should be aided by a Cabinet ageeing with him in p di'.ica! principle and general policy, and that all important measures and appoint ments should be the result of their com bined wisdom and deliberation." Now, lluse same Rone tors combine to thru;t upon President Johnson a Cabiue! officer obnoxious to him and with whom l.e can hold no confidential or personal communication without stultifying himself iu the eyes of the people. CHEAT C'l XFLAOKATION IN* CHICAGO.— Tuesday night, two weeks, Chicago was visited by the most destructive conflagra tion that 1 as ever occured in that city or in the West—3 large blocks destroyed 25 business firms burned out—the heart of the city laid waste. I'btimated lossc9 scutb ot Lake St., §1,426,000 —north of Lake St., $1,225.000—t0tal *2.683,000. E-lifiiat 1 insurance, $1,700,030. A Cor respondent w rites, "the most costly as well as the roost beautiful buildings evei erect ed in Chicago now lay leveled wi.h the street" The heart of this commercial city is consumed and 23 of our most wealthy and influential firms have had their stock and stores completely destroyed by this calamitous fire. "Lurch's Block," the loftiest and most elegant iron structure in the city is now a hideous skeleton, iron ribs aud ice clad framework against the ciear winter sky. " The fie was distinctly seen at Janesville, Wisconsin 97 miles dis taut. E To THE Til* OF THE FEATHER. A kind anil intellig ut lady, says the Herald of the Union, sun's us the follow ing photograph of what it takes to be a woman now-a-days. It is truthful and well writ ten, and reads thus: "Tobe a woman nowadays, appears to be the most liifli cult thing in the world. To be a creature bewigged, bepowered. bepuffed, rolled, coiled, padded, bagged, stufled, frizzed, curled, tied, tortuiej, strained, dyed, bead id, dotted, streamired, hinged, trimmed, ruffled, plaited, trailed, jetted, jewelled, fiilled, roughed, jerked, sm'rkcd, till the %ery fashion-plates hide their diminished heads, is one thing; to be a human soul with an eternity to live, with other human souls to help, with actual working, self-denying, conquering, learning and enobling before it is another". atiimlisrinnits. WHOLESALE STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTM2W&, SELLING AT RETAIL. |jalf Jjiltion joltum ]|orth. Unequalled in Fabric, Cut and Work manship. A Sacrifice without a Parallel in the Clothing Trade! Over Coats, Business Suits, Dress Suits, Selling at lew than HALF THEIR VALLB, manu factured the preeent season ; Retailing 50 per cent, below actual cost of production. TIIIS GIiEAT SALE is conducted by BALDWIN, The Clothier, North East Cor. Broadway and Canal, N. Y. N. B. —Retail Clothing Merchants, CASH buyers, will find this sto<-k very attractive. TERMS. —Nett JCash^-v7n2Bw2 ,C'AUTIOi WHEREAS my wife, Lucinda, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, this is therefore to forbid all lious harboring of trusting heron uiy acc uut, as I Wili pay no debts of her Contracting. J. A. RO?E. Monroe, Pa,, Feb IS 186Sn2Sw3 Dlisttllaufflus. Wanted SSOOO IN GOLD, IN GREENBACKS, $5llOO. SSOOO Worth of WHEAT. BYE, CORN, and OATS, in exchange for 3DH.Y GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Flour &. Feed, Meal & Bian, PORK and FISH, SALT, GREEN and DRIED FRUIT, BITTER, EGGS, CHEESE and LARD, Tobacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE and HARD WARE. OILS, COAL, large and small sizes, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash, or produce taken in exchange, at the old stand, formerly occupied by IVheelock, on Bridge Street. D BILLINGS. Tunkhannock, Pa Dec. 3, 1867-v7nlS-tf. U. S. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE for 7th Di vision, (Wyoming County) half a mile north of Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late residence o( Hon. R. R. Little. IRA AVERY. Assistant Assessor, 7th Division 13th District Tunkhannock, Doc 2, 1867%7n18uj3 3NT3EJXV Jewelry Store I! P. C. BURSTS & RRO. pjAVE JI'ST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 19 Carets fns. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins, Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac , Aft. Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin RiDgs, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Folks, Spoons, Nut Picks, Ac, Ac. From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS ami WATCHES of the latest American and European Manufacture. Tunkhannock, Dec 13,48^7. For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGIIAMTON BOOT 4. ot Les'.cr A Co's best make KIP and CAM OWEGO I3OOTS. Best make EASTERN BOOTS. A full stock of Ladies' Shoe*. Balmoral, Congress, I'olLli Boots of Glove Kid and Gnat. Also, Button tiinit*rs. GENTS CNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVES and MITTENS. Gerts' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORNER STORE, vsnlltf Tunkhannock, Pa. jpOUND. or can be Wells ai dJ. W Rhoads, Tunkhannock, Penn'a, and jSf r, a 1 other dealers, the GR'T ' T '~^=EBX" ENCI.I-H SWEENV SRNCTF . tc LmiMEHT. This Lini- I 7177 -II- -L I—.. inotit stands unrivalled, j and is the best, cheapest, most powerful Liniment ever offered to the public, for man or horse. I It has been used for many >eirs in Englnrd, by i the leading barriers, and they have had the greatest I success with it of any liniment ever used for the cure j of horses. I Those who have horses that are sweenied or lame, | have swelled joints, sprains, bruises, old sores, flesh : ents, collar galls, t the house of John Wall. Monroe. Eaton, Feb. 26, at the house of l'eter stroll. Elton. Forkston and ) Feb. 27, at the house of H. Hitch- North Bran-h ) cock. Forkston. WtnlkStn, Feb. 29, at the house of 11. Graves in Win ihotn Meboopany. Feb. 29, at the house of C. L. Vaughn in Meboopany. Pra'ntriin March 2, at the house of il W. DowJ ncy. Lacejviile Meshoppcn. March 3d, at the house of Wan. 11. Cortright in Me.-hop|xn Washington. March 4, at the house of Jacob Kint ner, Kussell Li ill. Lemon, March 5, at the house of Benj. P. Carver, in Lemon. Nicholson. M ir h 6. at the house of E. N. Bacon's old stand, Nicholson Clinton. Mat. h 7, at the Lou.-e of S. C. Mathews >n, Factory vtlle. Cvcrfi Id, March 9, at the School House near Agcrs. Falls, Mirch 1 I, at '.ha hou.e of Jacob Townsond, Falls Xunkannock Twp, / Mir-h llth, at the Cut " I! re, slf .use in TunUhannoek Bore. ; The Conrni -1 n -rs wLb it It tin.-tly unier.t.M.J, that thc.v will do.-" their appeals in each town.- ID, I at o'clock 1' M.. in ord rto give them sufficient time to reach their next appointment the same eve All persons having business with tho Commissioners will govern tbetu.-eives acta.r lingly. (By orderol Commissioners.) WM. F TERRY. Clerk. Commissioners' Office Tuuk-, Feb. 11, oS. BOOTS & SHOES. Foil TIIE AFFLICTED AND EVERY BODY ELSE. The subscriber has for many years, made the manufacture of boots and shoes for those AFFLICTED WITH cottNS and other KXCKKSCKSCLS of THE FOOT a specialty, in his business. Having given universal satisfaction to all, from Tradesmen and women, down to Presidents, Cabinet officers an I Congressmen, with their rosy queens he feels confident of his ability to I.IVE FITS to every body. lie uses none hat the best of leather and employs none hut the rnoct skiltul worktu u- .Sh ip, on Wyo ming Avenue, nearly opposite the Wyoming Hou.-e, Scrant in, Pa. 127wd P HAULER. NOT It'll IS herol y given that I am about to apply to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to pa Hon me the un spired portion or term of my sentence upon • onviction of assault, Ac., with iment to Woun 1, Ac , at the November term, IBbT, of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Wyoming (' unlv N A HITS HE.MI:US. Tunkh inn-jck, Feb 5, 1969.n27 w2 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Farias to me directed there will he exposed to Public Sale at the Court House, in Tnnkhannoek, Wyoming Co,, l'a., SATURDAY, FEB 29th, '69, at 1 o'clock P. M All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of lana sit uate and being in the township ot Nicholson, Wyo ming County, Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: On the North by land of Frank Miller, on the East by laud of Tobias Miller and Samuel Wheeler. South by land of James Brown, and West by land of S. lomun Sisco, containing fifty acres more or less, with about thirty-five acres there of improved, with or.e frame dwelling house thereon, one cow shed, a young apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of An drew Gordinier vs. Christopher Ward And will he sold for cash only bv M. W. DEW ITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tuuk , Feb. 10, 1869 EXECUTORS' NOTICE, ALL persons indented to the estate of John Gard ner, late of the township of runkhannock, de ceased, are required to make immediate payment : and all persons having claims or demands against said estate, are requested to make known the same to the subscribers, or one of thein without delay. P. 11. GARDNER. Ex'r, Clifford, Susq'a Co., Pa. L M. GARDNER, Executrix. v7n24w6 Tunkhannock, Pa, Jan, 10, 1968 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XT7HEREA.S Letters of Administration upon the ! VV estate of Samuel Carey, late of Xorthinoro land township, dee'd, have been granted to the sub -1 seriber. All persons indebted to sai.l estate are rc | quested to make immed.ate payment, and those hav | ing claims again-t the same will present them to the undersigned duly authenticated for settlement. J. M CAREY, Adm'r. Northtnoreland, Feb. 3, 1868n26w6 ADMINISTRATORS* NOTICE. i letters of administration on the es- VV tat© of Peter T. Miller, late of Nicholson j township, dee'd, have been granted to the subscri bers. All persons indebted to said estate are re j quired to make payment by tho Ist of April, 1369; j and those having demands against the said estate are required to present them duly authenticated for settlement by April Ist, 1963- TOBIAS MILLER, } . . , N.P.WILCOX. jAdmrs. | Kicbolaon, Jso. 20, 1868.—n24w6 smile fflsr f® swsi usiim Haviii"; made arrangements to go out of trade we offer our extensive and varied Stock ofGoods, exclusively for CASH or READY PAY AT U3VHBAR.D OF 3L.OW PRICES. BUNNELL & BANNATYNE. N. B. ..If persons indebted to us by note or book account arc requested to make prompt payment. SIOO,OOO WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR WHICH BOOKS. SX ,^L o riOnNr]E32FL"rsr fes WAT .T ■ IP-A-IREIZFI WILL BE GIVEN IN EXCHANGE, BY UNDERHILL & CAMPBELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Booksellers, Stationers, and News Dealers, No, 116 Perm Avenue, Scranton, Pcnn'a. I.UMKIIIi I'OK WALK. HOUSE BUILDERS tnd others, will find a. full •apply of .SEA.-ON ED I'INK UMBER JSof Sale at 'J'ank/tannort'. Thij LIMBER, which v.- . *ii .-<] M vv .lt. * man'* Steam Saw Mill Hi Bradford ,unty i- of be* quality, and -veil re..- nel Boards will drvas to in. h. Plank to 1} and 2 i inches in thlekneat. Buyers wishing their lumber plane.), matched . Ac., will fi .i Planing Mills ••-this p!a;e to do the work. For particular* consult E J. KEEXEi", Agt. Tankhannoek, Jin 1, lSbb'. , \ PDRE3S TO THE XKKVor.S AND DEBlL j\ itatod whose su? rings have been jt tra.f'i f'tn M*w ene, and whose require prom p t treatment to r t r.u-r . vister, e aesirable. If y u are • suffering or h ivc sufi •: if. in in luntary dischar ges, what cflT.—t do. s it p.o lu c u;-,n . ur general health ! Do ton feel weak, debilitated, ensile tired ? Does a little em exertion produce palpi tation of the he it' I D •* yi.ur liver, v.r ur.rnrv '•rgan*. or your ki h. ye, ir qu „t!y got ontof order I Is yoar urine somcti-tc" tbi.-k. milky, or flocky or is it ropy on sealing ! Or do< a thi k *rum rise fo ihe lop? Or is a sediment at the bottom alter it has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia ? Are your nose's constipa ted ? Do you have -pells ol fainting or rushes of blood to the head ? Is vonr memory impaired I* yout inio 1 constantly dwelling uje.n tois subject 1 I l)o you fee! dull, listless, mopi.ig i .rel of company, f life? Do you wMi to be left alone to get awav from everybody ? Docs any little tL og m.kev/u -tart or jam;? I- your I ,-p broken or restfss ? I- 'he ius' fV ur eve as bl lliant I The bloom on your cheek .u blight ? Do you enjoy yourself in Society as well ? Do you purine your busiueas with the same eurgy ? Do y,u feel .s uiuch confidence in yourself> Are you' spoil-. du'l an I flagging, given to fits of m' laneholv If so. do not lay it to your liver or dyspep-i* Have you r< - 'c** nights? Vour back weak, your kce< * weak, and have hut little apjietitc, and you aiiribute thi: to Jysjcpe.a or liver complai 1 ? Now, re . Icr, •clf-a? u, ve-cril dis—oe badly cured, and sexual excesses, ere : !l capable ol pm dii' ig a mhil ■of the pamtln organs. 'The or, g ins of generation, when in p-rf.-.-t health make the in m. D! 1 vou ever 'ui; ; ti, ' tbo-e Kid, aeGant, energeti-. por.-fvenrg. sue- fu! I w-iness men are always th- ewh -eg r. rat'.e . gir.s are in per | feat health ? V.u never he ir such men complain of being melon I. !y, of nerv .u -s>, of palp - .;tiou of the heart They are never afraid the? cannot suc cee iin i.usine-s; t'uey I n't become sll an-i discour aged ; tbey are always polite and pleasant in the company of l i lies, and I ok you a: i them right in the face - none of your d-.wn. t.-r looks or any other meanness about them. Id . not mean those who k • p the organs mo d f.y ruoning to eicesi. These will nt only ruin their coi.stiiutious, but also those they d < bu-ii.e-- w 'h or f-r. notv many m.-n fr m b- fly enn t diseases from •he eft ot s. it-j.i u-- ar. . ,-x -.'.--as. have brought about th state of we .kit • in r h .sc or" ins that lias reduced the g neral sy lem ■ ou has to induce al mo-t every other uis. - a-e -i-.i. . lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections so. i le, ao l almost every other form of dis< ise whi h humanity is heir to. and K.e real cause of the frouM- scarcely ever suspected an I have ioctorcO for all hut the right ae. Di-ta-; - of these orgat s require i'ie use of a din retic lIELMB 'I.D S f'LL'lO EX'IRACT BI'CHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for dis eases ot the Bial Jer. Kidneys, Grave), Dr. p- - y, Or ganic We.. hue -. Fern !c C u.ij !.:i its. General Debil ity, an f ,11 diseases of the t'riniry Organs whether existing ir. .Mile or Female, fr tn whatevei cause originating an 1 no inat er of how iong stan ling If no tre-.-f. mt is rat • "•e l to, c nvutnptlon or Insanity may ensue. tjur tl -h nr. I idooj arc sup portcl from these . nr-es, ar ! the health n: ! happi ness, an Ithi' .f j ■•ferity, de; .5 a /r .mpt use ot a reliab.e rcuic ly. Helm' Id's Extract csf i'.Eshel npwarl of 13 years, prep red by H. T. HELM BED. Druggist of) 4 Eroadwar, Ncvr York, and 101 Sou' 1 . 10th -trect. I'hiladeinbia, Pa Pt i. E-*1,25 ir bottla, or 6 bottles for 96.50, deliver." 1 t-j any address. So i by ail drrgg.sts ev erywhere. Insurance Agency. DAXIKf.: WRIOIIT .V- XEPIIEW, si/ 2'uitA'/taimocA.', 2' i.;-urers i v Eire, tcciiUat or theft, proui] :!y a iju.-'.eJ an l paid DANTTE WEIGHT & NEPHEW, | Tank*, To ?> (■:. 16, lci>7.- v 71.7 :; AUDiroar? iruricß. | HTHE undersigned having been nopointnd by the 1 Orphan's Gnu" of Wyoming C untv an Aui f to distru.utc th fun Is i . the binds cf he Admino trator of the e*tate ID cry M t-olf. desee*** I: will at'enti to the iu'ies of his ap; ■ i dun nt at h'soffi** in Tunkh tn'm k P .•:; •! .■•• lb ir-f ir V ir. h 12th. l-o -3 , at 1 o'clo k !'. w !i time ml place ail jiers-n- interest—J in l Isi utiti >n 're requ-s --e I to present ih ir •! or.- o bu i barfed from com ing in lor ask i*of.-i I fa • i J. i. RHODES, Auditor. Tankhannoek, Feb ij. ir>63a27wd | TheLas tCrownin3^ CCfiSi - IS THE IMPROVED PIRRESTO® 1, Hair DREssiwffi priCCONEDOIIj/UR, ADMIN IssTHATOR'S NOTICE. TT7HEKEAS Letters ot Administration en tbe es ~ \ tate of Christian Bush, late of Washing l ' o township, in Wyoming County, deceased, hsve teen granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted t' l said estate are requested to m ike immediate pat" nient, and those having claims against sail es'a" will present them duly authenimated dor settlement to the subscriber at Mvhoopanv BENJAMIN Ki NINEI's ATI ma Mehoopany, Jan. '27, 't*a. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that my wife, Sybil, bt- 4 left my be 1 and beard without any reason* I '"' cause or provocation. These are therefore to ferial any person or persons trusting or harboring bet on my account, as I will pay no charges of her ecu ,: noting after this date. AMb'S F. liulitf-- Forkstoc, Feb. 10, 186F.n27w3