fOpming Democrat. HARVEY SICKLER, Publisher. VOL. VII. Ppming plutocrat. A Democratic weekly mi p.per devoted to Poll tirt Sews, the Arts .o j Sciences Ac. Pub- " J Itched every Wdoea- /V*Tpfra^ 4J-. #t Tuokhannuck *"! ft JE**7S lflbci Wyoming County,Pa U J |y HABVEY SICKLER **- '.'SP Terme —1 copy I year, (in advance) 12 00; if •nt paid wittiin six luenths, $2.50 will be charged SO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar rearage?™ paid; unless at the option of publisher. RATES OF ADVERTISING. TBS LINES CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. On# square one or three insertions ' n Every subsequent insertion less than 3 50 RIAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, and GENERAL ADVERTISING, as ui.i? be agreed upon. PATENT MEDICINES and other advertisements oy the column : On# column, 1 year, #6O Half column, 1 year 35 Third column, 1 year, 25 Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Huslnuss Cards of one square or less, per year with paper, SB. TITE PITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM ad vertising—with out Advertisement —15 cts. per line. Liberal terms ■a.te with permanent advertisers. EXECCIORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of tbe usual length, $2,50 OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten lin ?, each; KELI GlOl'Sand LITERARY NOTICES, not of general Merest, one half tne regular rates. rr AI vc rtisaments roust be banded in bv Tt E6- DAV NOON, to insure insertion the same week. JOB WORK of all kin Is neatly executed and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK u ust be paid frr, when ordered Business S otices. RH.&W iuTTLB ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhanuock t'a H S.COOPER. PHYSICIAN A SI'KGEON . Newton Centre. Luzern*,County Pa 0 1., P.AKitISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW • Offi-c at the Court House, iu TufikLauuick Wyoming Co. I'a U/IM. M. PIATT, A'l 10HNKV Al LAW Of | fico in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk j aaanock, Pa r|i IjCIASE. ATTORNEY AND CO! NSIL 1 LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyo i.iug Co*, Pa Es r eeial atteution given to settlemeut ot dec dent Restates Nicholson, Pa. Dec. 5. lSjj"—v?nl9yl r W. RHOAIW, PHYSICIAN A SURGED N [ J. will attend jiroinj tly to all calls in his pro- I fession. May be found at his Office at the Dru, 1 Store, or at his residence on Putinan Srcet, formerly \ occupied by.A. K. Peekbaiu E ; q. DENTISTRY. g | <0 DR. I. T. BURNS has permanently located in _ Tunk hill.nook Borough, and respectfully tenders : his professional services to its citizens ! Office on second floor, formerly occupied by Dr. , Sjihnan 6n3Ctf. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, OSS XMEIfTAE PATNTIIVG 7iy Jr. HCC E ' A', Artist. Rooms over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's Brick Block, T U NKH A N'NOCIV, FA. Life-size Portraits painted from Amhmttypea or Photographs - Photographs Painted in All orders fir paintings eiecutei 'according to or der, or no charge made. rr Instructions given in Drawing. Sketching, Portrait an I Landscape Painting in Oil or water Colors, and in all branches of the art, Tunk , July 3!, *67 -V6uso-tf. BOLTON HOUSE. HAKKISHUHO, PKNNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the 41 Bt EHLER HOUSE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will render this old and popular House equal, if not suj-e --rior, to any Hotel in the City of H.irrtihurg A continuance of the public patronage is refpect fttlly solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TU N KHAN NOCK, WYOMING CO., FA THIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Everv attention will he given to the comfort and of those wjo patronize the House. T. B WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhannock, September 11, 1961. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. H. CORTRIGHT, I'rnp'r HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undereignod will -pare no efforts lender the house an agreeable place of sojourn to all who may favor it with their custom. Wm. II CORTRIGHT. June, 3rd, 1963 MEANS' HOTEL. TOWA-IXTDA., PA TL lb BARTI.ET, [Late oft.. " BRAISARH lloisn, ELMIRA, NY PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i one of tne LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —It la fitted up in the most modern and improved style and no pains are spared to make it a pleusaniund, agreesblestoppngi place for all, 2!lyw3-u. MELODEON FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers fo, sale VERY CHEAP, an almost new Piano Frame SIX OCTAVE MELODEON. Also, a lot ot Household Furniture at very low prices . For particulars inquire at the house now oceu' led by the subrcriber, formerly occupied by H- nry Stark. AG. aTARK. Tukbannoek, Jan. 30th, 1§66034w4 Till WORLD'S GRIAT ItLMZDT FO* Bcrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. From Emery Eden, a irell-lnown merchant of 0 font, Maine. 44 1 have soM quautiti s of your SATIS\FA III I.LA, but nt.'VtT y t one lottl which failed ot the dt'siwleffift ami lull Katisfwtioii totho.-c who took it. As fast :is our people try it, they agww HUT** has bcea no medicine like it before in our roinmuuiiy." Eruptions, Pimples, B!otehe3, Pustules, Ul cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Frr. Fobt. Strattan, Fristol, Fiu/hl nil. " I only my duty to you and tin public, when I add my testimony to that you publiali of the ine dicimil virtues of your S m:S.\I'AI;ii.I.A. My daurli ter, aged ten, linn an afflicting humor in tier ear#, eyes, and hair for year#, wiii 'b we were unable to cure until we tried your SAU.SAUAKILLA. She has beeu well for some months." From .1 Trx. June E. Pi "C, a well known anil murk eitmiieilltt'hf of Dennisritte, Capr Mag Co., A'../. " My daughter has sutf red for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your SAIISAI'AKII.L.A, which soon completely cured tier." from Charles I'. (Inge, /■,'•'/-, of the widely l. ncurn tinge, Murray ,f Co., in inuj.ctun rs of (tunnelled papers in Xashun, .V. 11. " I had for several years a very troublesome humor in iny face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became :Yi intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your S iltviiMitti.i.A. It immediately inudc my face worse, a . you tol l ine it might for a time; but iri a few weeks the new skin heg n to form under the blotches, and cR. ivi ii. 1 seldom hiil to remove Froptions and S-rofitluiix Sons by tlie perse .ericg u.-eoi" your SARSAI-AIIILLA, and I have just no x en red an at'.uk of A/ Fru-Hpelax with it. No alterative we possess equals the's.vKSAPlKlt.t. I von have sup plied to the profession as well as to tlie people." From J. F. Johnston, E-".. IP.-l.' man, Ohio. 44 For twelve years. I lia I the y How Krysipelas on niy rigtit arm, during which ti.ii • 1 tried all !he celebrated plivsieians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollar# worth of medicines. Tbe til - rs were so b id tliat the cords Ixvaine visible, uu l the doctor# decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your S MlS \p\i;ii.i. v. Took two bot tles, and some of your 1'11.1.5. Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound as any body. Being in a public, place, my case is known to every body iu this coiuiuuuity, and excites the wonder of all." From lion. ilenry Monro, M. P. P., of Xewrnxtfe, ('. If'., a Leading member of the Canadian Parlia ment. '• I have used vonr RARS.VP VRI! i.v In mv family, for general debility, and for purifying llir IJoad, vviUi verv liencii lul results, oi l feel coutideuii in couiuieudiug it to the atllioted." St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scold Hood, Sore Eye 3. J'rotn llarrey Sickler, Esq., the able "tifor of the J\tn/:hnutnw/: ih-mocrot, J'enu -yirania. 44 Our only child, about three years ot age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until tie y ormed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his fare, and actually blinded his eyes ior some day#. A bkildil physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without aity app ire'at eifect. For fiftei ii do e Wi gwanjed h:s hands, lest Willi them he should tear open the fee teriug and corrupt wouud which eoien d his wliole face. Having tried every thing else wo hud any 'hope from, we tiegun gi*. nig your Jv\I:V\P.\*I.ILLA, ailA applying the I aiwe OI potash lotion, as yon direct. The sore b-. gan to heal wh.ui we bad given the tlrst bottle, and was will when we had finished the second. Tlie child's evelas'ae.-, v.dii. h had come out, grew again, and lie now as ii -aiihy ami fair us i.iv oiler. The venule ueigiiDoi'hocid prcdicleu Unit the child must li> ." Syphilis Riid Morourial Diseaso. From l>r. itira.u Slo J, of St. J.oou, Missouri. "I find vour a more remedy for tie- secondary symptoms of SojiiiiU ha I ior syphilitic disease I itau any other we posse -s. '1 he pro.ession are indebted to jou for nouic of tlie best medicines we have-." From A. J. F enrh, M. />., fill eminent phy'i-im if Laurence, Moss., who is n prominent nnuii'.r of tlw Legislature of M soirhu.-etts. "Dii. Avtlt. My dear Sir* I have found Vour Svi'.sAPARII.LA ail excellent roiuidy for Syphilis, both of the piimarg ami m onitory type, and 4 'hv tual in some cases that were too oUdiunt • 1" V I Id to otle r remedies. Ido not we can em pfov with more ci-rtalnty of success, a power ful alterative is required." Mr Cfo's. F. Fan / inr, of Xetn Frun .mi l, X.J., had dreadful ulcers on bis kg#, i alls, d by tlm abuse of nit rcury, tir • 11reuse, which glew' more and more aggravated for years, in spite o! every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AVKit's > vits u-VKU.L.v him Few case# dan be found more inveterate and distressing than this, all 1 it took several dozeu Irottlcs to cure liim. Leueorrhcea, V/liitea, Female "Weakness, are generally produced by internal Srrnfutour I I reriitioii, and are very often euri d l>y the alterative effect of this Sviisvp.vnil.l.V. Soni" eases require, however, in aid of tlie ivVRSAPAKII.LA, the skiliul application of local remedies. From the well In am ami iriet'lycelebrated Or. Jaroh Morrill, of Cincinnati. 44 1 have found your an exe. Ilcnt alterative in diseases of lemales. Many cases . f Irregularity, I. Internal l lceration, and local debility, arising from tin- scrofulous diathesis, have vield. d to it, and there are few tint do nor, when"it# effect is prop rlv by local treatment." A lu IJ, unwilling to allow the publication of Iter name* trriles: 44 My daughter and my df have been cured of a yerv debilitating lauieorrlirpa of long standing, by two liottles of yonr SARSAPARII-LA.' Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused bv Sen fata in the system, ure rapidly cured by tins EXT. SAIISAIMIIILLA. AYER'S CATIIART 10 I'ILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known,that we need not 'lo more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has U en. and that they may he depended on to do atl timt they have ever done. Prepared by j. C. AY EK, M. D., & Co., I owed. Mass., and sold by For sale by Bunnell A Bannatyne, and Lymin A Whlls. Tunkbannoik, Sterling A Son, Meshoppen, Stevens A Aekley, L-teeyville. Frear, Dsan A Co, Factorytrille, and ail Druggists aud Deulsts in med cincs, everywhere. THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSK OF MERCY. Howard Association Report# for YOUNG MEN on the CRIME Or SOLITUDE, and the KR KORS, ABUSES a .d DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to MAR RIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sea ed letter, envelopes, free of charge Address Dr J. SKILLEK HOI'GIITON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. 6n44- lyear THE X73NTIO3\r STRAW CUTTER, MANUFACTURED BY William Klicbner, At 1 'HAAIVOCA'JPenn'a. Who has the exclusive right, for Wyoming county, is one of tbe very few Machines that will cut Hav Straw. Stalks, e , better than the oil fashioned Cutting boxes, used by our grandfathers. Those who value tune and labor: nd would avoid a needles- loss of both, in feeding thctr stock, should get one of these improved Cutters. No man ever found anything better ; or ever went back to tbe old machine after trial of it. A Hupply Constantly on Hand aud for sale. WM FLICKNER. Tankhsonoek, De 3, 16T7v7nl3tC. TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. -WEDNSDAY, FEB. 19, 1868. THE TWO„ PICTURES. KT STELLA, OF LACKAWANNA. Two lovers-(I peeped through the keyholt,— Hope 'twas a commendable peep ;) Sat breathing sweet nothing? by moonlight, When sensible folks were asleep ; They said —but why should I rejieat it 1 'Twns whispered, you know —nothing more, i While the rounl moon laughed in at the window. An t I—through the hole in the door. Two hands were cltsped fondly together, Two laces were radiant wiih joy, And I spied 'niong the frolicsome moonbeams The arch-eyed and mischievous boy ; And the fair cheek .grew crimson with blushes, When bin el they soon should be wed, While the round moon laughed in at the window, And I- through the keyhole instead. • ••••• The year# had whirled swiftly their changes, White moons h id lit many a #ky, But where were the rapturous lovers I pieeped through the keyhole to ?py 7 Were 'hey building their fabulous castles, \\ ith hand clasped in band as before 7 V bin tbe round uie n laughed in at tbe window, And I —through tbo hole iu the door. At last in my roautings I found them, Sitting glum in a summer day's glare, And I wailed in vain to discover One loverly took iu the pair. Ah, me ! and I ?ighed to remember '1 he vi-ion that tuit me before, When the round moon laughed in at the window, And I —tbtuugh the hole iu the door. "Small editions in calf' ranged the parlor, With knots in their carroty bair, Each bent on appalling gymnastics O'er sofa and table and chair ; Atnl 1 said to myself very softly, Return oil sweet romance of yore, When the round moon laughed in at the window, And I—through the hole in the door, I glanced at the trail little figure, Bent low over some unfinished scams, Then sidelong, the while, at the master, And wondered li these were the dreams That bewitched the blest hours with their magic. In the sweet time ere they two were wed, Wheu the round moon laughed iu at the window, And I- through the keyhole instead ! TO ONE IN HEAVEN. GEORGE D PRENTICE -himself one of the most gifted of tbe / meric .ii bants—thinks that no living j>etc.-s can surpass the gracefulness and beauty of the following lines from the muse of AMELIA. They are exceedingly be.iutilul. Pale star, that with thy soft sad light Came out upon my bri lal eve. I have a sing t> sing to-night, Before thou tak'.-t thy mournful leave. Since then .-u sotily time hath stirr'd, That months have almost seemed like hours, Aod I am like a little bird That slept too long among the flowers' An I waking, sits with waveless wing, Soft singing 'mid the shades of even ; liut oh, with sadder heart 1 sing— I sing of one who dwulLt in heaven. Tbe winds are soft, the clouds are few, And tenderest thought my heart beguiles, As. floating up through mist and dew, Tbe f>ale young moon comes out and smiles ; And to tbe green resounding shore In silvery troops the ripples crowd, Till all the o<-ean dimpled o'er, Lifts up its voice and laughs aloud ; And star on star, all soft and calm, Floats up yon arch serenely blue ; And, lost to earth and stee|>cd in balm, ily spirit floats in ether too. Loved one ! though lost to human sight, I feel thy spirit lingering near. As soltly as I foel the light Tiiat trembles tbrough the atmosphere ; As in some temple's holy shade-', Though mute the hymn aud hush'd the prayer, A -olciun awo the soul pervades. Which tells that worship has been there— A breath of incense, left aloie Where many a censer swung around, Will thrill the wanderer, liko a tono, Who treads on consecrated ground. I know thy soul, from worlds of bliss That stoops awhile to dwell with me, Ilath caught the prayer I breathed in this, That I at last might dwell with theo. I hear a murmur from the seas, That thrills me like thy spirit's sigh's ; I hear a voice on breeze, That makes to mine its low replies — A voice all low and sweet like thine ; If gives an answer to my prayer, And brings my soul from beaven a sign That I -ball know ani meet thee there. I'll know thee there by that sweet face, Round nb ch a tender halo plays, Still touched with that expressive grace That marie tbee lovely all tbj days, By that sweet smile that o'er it shed A beauty like the light of even, Whose soft expression never fled, Even when it# soul had flown to heaven, I'll know thee by the starry crown That glitters in thy raven hair ; Oh ! by these blessed signs alone I'll know tbee there —l'll know thee there. For ah ! thine eye, within whose sphere Tbe sweet- of youth and bcau'v met, Tbnt .-wain in love ami softness here. Must saiio tn love and softness yet, For ah ! its daik and liquid beams, Though saddened by a thousand sighs, Were holier than the light that streams Down from the gate? ot Paradise- Were I right and radiant like the morn, Yet soft and dewv a# the eve , Too sad for eyes where smiles are born, Too young for eyes that learn to grieve- I wonder if this cool sweet breeze Hath toU'hed thy lip# >md finn'd thy brow. For all my spirit hears and sees Recall thee too my mv memory now ; For every hour we breathe apart. Will but increase, if that can be, The love that fills this little heart, Already tilled so full of thee, Yet many a tear these eves mut weep, And many a sin mist be lorgiveu, Ere these p-i'e lids shall sink to sleep— £re thou and I shall meet in heaven 44 To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. " TRIED AND TEMPTED. Five o'clock of a piercing February night, and so dark already that tbe weari ed young workmen in Madame Tournay's " Fashionable Dress-Making Establish ment" movnl more closely to the window to catch the last fading beams of light. It was a small, ill ventilated apartment, shab bily furnished and over-crowded with pale, tired-h>oking girls—but what then? Mad ame her-lf rolled in a claret-colored coupe, and kept liveried servants to wait upon her door ; and who never paused to think how her money was made. " Oh dear," said Grace Hooper, with a sigh, " this Greek pattern is so puzzling, and my head does ache so hard. I don t see why Mrs. Wharton wants a dress al tered that she has worn but once. Fine ladies are full of caprices." 44 Give it to me, Grac<-," said Kate Sel wyn authoritatively ; '' I'll finish it, and you go home to bed, unless you want to be laid up with a brain fever." " But what is to become of vour work, Katie?" 4 * Oh, I'll take care of that—it's but an hour or two's uxtia work, wheu all's said and done." Grace Hooper hesitated a moment —she know from sad experience bow trying was an " hour or two's extra work" when brain, hack and fingers were alike wearied out. But the pain in Iter head was increasing too rapidly for much remonstrance '• It's very good tor you, Katie," she said meekly, " at.d perhaps 1 had butter go home." Kate Selwyn nodded a pleasant good bye to tlie pale sewing girl, and began to \vork on Mr#. Wharton's wine-colored silk dress with busy, skillful fingers. She was a tall, slightly made young wo man of two or three and twenty, with rich brown hair, wound round and round the hack of her head in heavy lustrous cils, and large black eyes. There was hut little color in her r. d cheek ; Madame Tournay's ivotk r-'Otn had stolen her roses away long | ago. hut her lips were red as cut coral, and there was an arch dimple in her rounded j chin that sp >ke of mirthful temperament j and unwearying cheetfulness. Poor Katie! ! it needed all her courage to meet the stern 1 realities of life, f->r even now she was pon