Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, February 12, 1868, Image 3

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    Local and Personal.
One Trial Delights Everybody.--Mrs.S. A
Allen's Impreved (new style) Hair Restorer end
Pressing, ( in ono h o ' ll ®)' l >riu9 9°° Dollar Every
prnjrgi--' it.
Contempt of I'ongrcas.—Tho Georgia Nig
gfrs failed to turn out in sufficient numbers at tbe
lie election, to adopt the Constitution fixed up for
■ -em by the radical Kuuijicrs. These indolont Nigs,
need reconstructing, badly. If they don't show
themselves mire " trooly loll," they'll l-.ee " dar
paro,' and have to go to work like " white traeh."
Worth Imitating."An active Democrat in
oa e if the township- of Guernsey county, Ohio, has
pro urcd the names of every Democratic voter in hie
uW n and an adjoining school district as subscribers
vi tbe Democratic county piper. This is an exam
ple that is well worthy of being followed, in this and
nd all |,l " er counties, in order to secure the ascen
derr of Democracy, liberty und const itutional gov
Mean.— Somebody —a drunken Almanac maker
.e presume—predicted last Fa 1, that we should
have thirty-six or sixty-six—the pre -ise number we
diiremeniber —of storms this The " Clerk
of the weathsr" seems to be fulfilling tbe prediction
to the letter. Without any apparent necessity for
more snow we have had an addition to the stock on
Inn! alinisf daily ; until now, the sleighing is about
6'teen ply. While we suppose everybody is delight
ed with the good 1 gettin' around," we, like a hun
gry child, begin to long for a sight of eien a small
patch of the bare " bosom of mother earth.'' The
j;reat scarcity of water is beginning to make people
wish fur storms in a more fluid form.
"(.iris a-slnging, Hell* a-ringltig—Our
good-natured and whole-souled townsman, Frank
Bunnell, one evening last week, took two large
sleigh loads of the little ten-year-old girls of town
on a sleigh-ride to the hospitable homestead on the
neck. There were upwards of f >rty of these minia
ture matrons of the lan iin the party. When snug
ly packed into the sleighs c.n 1 keeping time to the
merry jingle of the bells with their songs of mirth,
they looked like two overcrowded moving bird's
nests. The girls returned from this pleasant rife in
good season, r ady, " to a man," to east their rotes
jor Frar.k as the chief executive of these United
h'tates, uho by his many a ts of kindness h is rend
ered hiinseif immensely popular with these fractions
of femininity.
A friend thinks that Frank don't like full grown
women, nor little boys. Wo beg leave to disaent
from this opiaton.
Portrait of t'harl.-s I)!rk -us.--We have re
ceived a very elegant impression of a portrait, on
steel, of Chutes Di -kens, a copy of which the Messrs
Alpleton A Co. arc presenting gratis to every sub
scriber to their new and popular edition of Dickons.
It i- pronounced by goof judges to be the bet of the
distinguished author yet c-xc.uted. Any person re
mitting 51,."50 to D App-leton A CV, New York, will
re-eiie by mail, post-paid, tbe entire set ol I>l kens,
iu seventeen volumes, and the portrait, which is
suitable for framing, as above. The e '.ition of Dick
ens is published in weekly v lumcs, seven of which
are now ready. A copy of tbe p-.rtrait can be seen
at our office, where subscriptions for the books will
be received.
Northern Monthly.—There has been laid on !
oar tahie a copy rf the Northern M .n'hly for .Tanu- i
ary, anl an examination of its piges shows that this
new venture in the world of periodical literature has '
taken a fresh and hopa-fal start. Harriett Pregcott
fford begins a serial stirv. the January portion
jf shich, is. a magnificent prose poem. An article
up n Charles Dickens in America reveals a keen and
terrible pen, an i although the views uf the writer
will call out crilici.-ui, they will also command at
tend n. Oilier contrihutois are Wirt Sikes, who
tells us all "About Philadelphia Mr. Tufts, who
amly.-.s the power anl style of three eminent me
r [dit:in clergymen Deeeber, Chap o uad Durysa,
Harriett J! Fain Kimball, whose poem '• Bsfrien l
eJ." is a gem ; aud svcriJ other writers less known
lat thoroughly able, The editorial department has
features which distinguish it from the other M .ga
lines, an ! its liurary mattet is worked up in a quite
novel way.
Fur .iture.—Mr. A. E, Buck, <f this place, und
Mr. Add sterling of Me.-hopipen, we are informed,
ere about to open an extensive Furniture Store and
Cabinet wire r-aims, in this pliee. An establish
ment of the kin I proposed, cannot, we think, fail to
be remunerative to i s pr j-vctors, as well a? a con
venience to tue public. For the present, they have
sr-ure*l Wall's Hall as a place in which to exhibit
tbeir wares ; a large stock of which will be put up
.v a -hurt time As both of Ihe.-e gentlemen ap~
p.-i:ite the importance ot making their business
known to the public, our readers m y expr -t to b -ar
D .re of them hereafter.
ti<V It-Hoots '——Used tube quite a romicn
[hrtse with our genteel fast, young men, the met n
g.if w!ri h ha-, until recently, heeua little obscure
Pe< ;'e of all *ges, Aexi*, and ci n litions, however,
kept on going it with tight, ill fitting bo eta, until
we htve well nigb beehme A nation of cripp.les.—
Wi, . -Wjuleriog at the a'lsurd notions ot the Chi
ue-e in regarding the dcfortneil, diminutive feet of
their men as tb ■ highest type of feminine beauty
and perfection, tve have copie 1 on a lirge "cale.this
setc//feet custom -is a result, we have cultivated,
not small graceful feet, bet ure painfully conscious
of having on hand large crops of a kinl of corns
not very much sought lor in the grain market. Tbe
true remedy, is to return to boots ond shoes made to
£t th- feet Mr P. Kahler of Wyoming Avenue,
t-r intjn. whose aJverHsemewt appears in < ur piper
beday—manufacturers ani sell this kind of Corn
killers As prevention is better than cure,those who
re not crippled, h.al better avoid becoming so, by
sd' pfrng the new and sensible version of "Go-it-
Boots"—which now means:—Go to Kahler'a and
get yonr ho jts.
tlrcad Hi its,—ln all civilized portions of the
rll, bread has been regarded as an artie'e ,f
(r.ine nocessity—a most excellent thing in a family.
I deed, in su -h high esteem is it hell thit in Eu
r ;e, in times of great scarcity, or when the maferi
l oat of which it is made, is held at too high
prives, what are called "bread riots" occur. Riots
from tho cause above mentioned, rarely, if ever hap
pw. in this country Most rio's, here, spring from a
surp'us of whisky—not from a sear, it 7 of bread.— ]
■Bread is called the "staff of life ' and is said to be
rather more stiffening to the lower extremities tban 1
the other article mentioned. A pure, white, well
bkH article of bread, together with cakes, pies. (
fastry, Ae. can always be luunil at Z. Gray's Bak
6-7. 'a this place. Mr. G. has made bread bakiug,
the business uf his life. Very many families in
town use Gray-ham bread, exclusively.
Eclipses.—There will be two eclipses of the
un this year. One February 23, at twenty minutes
past nine o'clock in the morning ; invisible in the |
Inited States, visible in South America, the Atlan
tic ocean, and Africa. The secont is a total eclipse |
if the sua August 18th. at fifteen minutes past j
Deetrnctlve tire in He ran ton.—A fire broke
oat in Seranron, on Feb 5 at 8 o'clock in the even- j
lug, and continued until midnight. The following !
i*ts.,ns were burned out : Darby A Malviu. liquor
tre j Geo. II Wilson, hat and cap store ; Dale A
atcn, pro lace and commission merchants; D. Mor- |
hs, merchant tailor ; Geo. Blake A Co. variety
'tore The third story of Dl iko A Co's store only
was burned, but goods were aioeh damaged by mov-
The contents of the Ist and 2d National F-anks
were ill rern , ve q t,, of safety during tbe fire.
Ainoant of loss estimated at 9100,009, origin of .
Tuning and Repairing,—There are many
| persons in possession of Pianos and Melodeons that
j have been worn a good deal, or perhaps injoied,
1 who could still have a good deal of substantial wear
; out of ihern if they were properly put in order. To
meet this large and increasing demand L. B. Powell
| has added to his Music Store iu Scranton a Repair
Shop, and has put it in charge of a ta tn who has had
large experience both in ihe manufacture ol now in
struments and the repairing of old ones, so that he is
now prepared to do all kinds of repairing, iucluding
; Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Aceer
deous, anl everything in the shape ot musical instru
meuts, with promptnese and in a substantial manner.
I 2W "
! "Canst thon not minister to a mind diseased,
An t, with some sweet, oblivious antidote,
Clean-re the foul bosom of tbe perilous stuff
That weighs upon the heart 1"
Certainly; Plantation Bitters will do it when
| nothing vise will. Melancholy. Depression. 11/-
- pocboudria, Insanity, all spring, more less, from a
; diseased stomach, and this. Plantation Bitters is a
sure cure for. There is no mistake about it : Dvs
l*q-<ia. Ilea a. he. Dullness. and low spirits
! must yi-tl I to the h-alth-giving and g-nia! influence
j ofl ho Plantation Bitters, l! y u ore 111 <:oubt.isiake
one trial and be convinced. Tnus say those who
j know.
Magnolia Water.
A delightful toilet article —superior to Co
logne and at half the price.
Tile lllood owes its red color to minute globule*
which float in that fluid, and contain, in a healthy
person, a large amount of Iron, which gives vitality
to the blood. The Peruzian Syrup supplies the
blood with this vital element, and gives strength and
rigor to the whole system.
The Great Sale of the Jay property, on the
•Hh ins- in', (northeast corner Broadway and Canal
street), resulted in tbe large store being purchased
by Thomas Smith, and the unexpired lease passing
into the hands of Baldwin, lite clothier, who is pre
.-anting the public with an idea eutircly new to the
Clothing Trade of New Yurii, viz : offers at retail
first-class wholesale slock, ernbra ing all qualities
and styles of Cue and medium garments, at a heavy
discount from wholesale prices! We ure told the
undertaking is a complete success.
Noi t —lt may be iiuportaut to dealers and the
public generally to know ih-it the Mr. Baldwin men
, tinned iu the above notice —clipped from a New
York paper—is 0 S. Baldwin, formerly ot this place.
; Wyoming County men, visiting ' Stiles," will cer
tainly receive courteous truataieut. Besides the N.
j K. corner of Broadway and Canal sts. seems to lie a
good place for shabbily dressed individuals to con
g •• tare.
i Heavy Senteucc.—JudJ Wolcott, the notorious
rowdy of the La k -w.tnaa Valley, was sentenced on
Tuesday morning to tho Penitentiary for fourteen
years and nine months, for robbery and assault und
■ buttery with intent to kill Other indictments are
ready wheu he gets out. — Record of Ihe Times.
No Wonder so many worthless medicines are
advertise ! for tbe cure of various diseases, and when
! tried "found wanting," thit the invalid loses all
friith in .-pf.-ifiea. We have yet to learn, however, of
the fi'st failure of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
i ! to cure cougbs, colds, uud puiin m iry disease.
Gold was quoted in yesterday's N. Y. papers
|at 1.431. and is tiil going up—the result of radical
1 financial tinkering; and the threats of Presidential
I Impeachment, whi -h are n.w rife. •• lluw ling will
t lis een'inueasks a subscriber.
It will continue just o long as the white men of
the country tnu tl- fu'orait to the foolish, fanatic*',
unconstitutional, tyr.n.niial r.cgio equality schemes
of this in' st infamous of Rump Congresses.
£ "Trial itotiff.s.
Among the many rest' rativis which nature has
i supplied to relieve the afflictions of humanity, there
is no more favorite one for a certain class of diseases
than the "medicinal gum" of tho Wild Cherry Tree;
but h-'tvever vajuabie it is, its power to heal, to
soothe, to relieve and to oure, is enhanced tenfold
by scientific and judicious combination with other
ingredients, in themselves of equal worth This
happy mingling exists to a remarkable degree in
Or. Wistar's Ualsam of Wild Cherry,
whose value in curing C uglis, Col ts, Brunch tis,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary Af
, feclioa, and Incipient Consumption is inestimable.
Strong Tcalim-iity,
Froai Bcnj iiuin Wheeler Esq. Depot Master of
Sou<h Royniston, Ma-s.
"In the Spring of 1353 I was most severely afflict
el wi-b a bard, dry rough, with its usual neeoiiipa
• imen's of night sweaia. completely prostrating my
i nervous system m iprodu ing si eh a debili'ated
siatw ot b*vl b that, iflor tying medical ai Ito no
1 pu pose. I had given up ;i!i bo, es of ever recovering,
aba.l a!*- mj frienls At this stage of luiMsr* I
is prevai u|s>u through iu ofl ituee of a neigh
-1 .r to try Wistar's Balsaoi ■. Wild Cherry, ami !•-
fr re using two bo!I I s. the effect was almost magical.
My cough entirely lelt me, the nigh! sweats desert
e l me, ho| once more elated my depressel spirits,
' ; and soon 1 hvd attained uy wonted strength ana
vigor Thus had this Balaam, as has often been re
in irked by |ieisons rooversant wiih the above facts,
lfrrrnlly snatched me from the yawning grave. You
are at liberty to use this for tbe beucfit of the effiivt-
I ed."
Prepared by SETII W FOW LE A SON, 19 Tre
m< nt St , Boston, and fit sale by Druggists gener.l
-i ly.
cures in a very short time
It is prompt in actien, removes pain at once, and
i reduc*s the tuost angry looking swellings end in
! flaioations, as if by magic,—thus affording relief auu
a complete cure
BETH W. FOWI.K A SON, Boston, Proprietor*,
Sold by all D:uggiss, Grocers, utid at all country
1 •tores.
Is tie only infallible Ilair Preparation for
It is I lie cheapest preparation ever offered
to the public, as one bottle will last bi,g
er arid acc"mpli-li moie than three bot
-1 ties of any other preparation.
Our Rer ewer is not a Dye ; it will not stain tbe
I skin as others.
It will keep the hair from falling out'
It cleanses the Scalu, and makes the Hair
soft, lustrous, and silken.
Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail.
; R P HALL A CO. Nashua, N. 11, Proprietor*.
For ale by all druggists.
The Rkv. EDWARD A. WILSON wdl send (fre*
lof charge) to all who dessre it. the proscription with
! the directions .or tu iking nd using the simple rem
edy by which he was -urod of a lung a flection and
| that dread disease Consumption His only object is
I to benefit tbe afflicted an l he hopes every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing
and may nrove a blessing. Please address
No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York
Commercial College.—The sueees* of Gard
ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at
I Scranton, has surpasse I all expectation -The course
of ntu'ly is more thorough -the terms are cheaper
and give better satisfaction than any other College
f te kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Li' B Schol
: orships>sCo. Clubs at reduced rate*. Send tor
i aoliege Paper giving full particular*. Address J. |
1 C. f*r4D*r Prinripet, Sjnrate*. Pa.
County Duplicates.
~ ~ ~~ Ti r "
Ycmr i COLLECTORS' NAMES, i TOWNSHIPS. Amount (VII*. Coll*. p Dc||
I rilofis Coiu u 1
i • D(U>. liol cl|> LKil. otr iioLS 'ctf Dolf cU
i I j l ii : j
1867 D. B Shan Braintrirn ! 97158 10 36 48 00 913 16
S H Brunt jChnton 104-1 42 78 29 78 30 1487 83
- B (die .... Kvon 2187 38 17 * 107 80 | 2048 28 14 00
::: :hZ. P. ii^Wy... 41s 22220 > 395 34.......
.... E. Deraheiraer |Fi i lO 24 82 14 1500 60 .......
II H.tchcork Forkstoo (>4. •_! 34 20 ~04-j siBsi ...
H Kii y L,— •?!?; *•
.Jc L. Vaughn ; Mehoopany 1901 ti. 15 ll 94 o2 1# 9_ 2-
!!."! P. C. Clayton [M"hoppen 182150 119184 029 66
fawr Pirrish ... Monroe 1092 98 il9 00 3<3JB
:::: \D. 'NICI.OI.OD 2470 s 1417 00 1059
lLovi Winters jXorth morels nd 1707 00 ... t ....... 1150 00 5>7 90
Biirpe.. |North Branch 492 5.- 12 50 24 00 45G|08 |; ..
II II Walters Overfield <2891 1420 ofr <4 0789. ...
"!! S F Flomerfclt T.inkbannck Twp. 2290 38 23,40 113:34 2153 04 ... ..
W. Lamoi.t Timkhannock B<r.'. 1272,84 j. Jon 38 195 40
J Decser I Washington 1775 00 46 35 86 43 1642 22 .... ..
;;;:E D iwE: ;*.<>.. 141370 1072 1327,19
25541 04 31240 842:09 2i555;8i 2831,04
Win. Benedict, -S3 00
•James It >hnismi 8 00
Martin S'ckler 10 (tO
F. C. R"s., Clerk, 15 00
41 00
W. Lxnmnt. Auditor to unm
ir,e acc'ie Pr •tis>n , rv. Ac, 10 50
E l win Stephen* 83 65
L"w 1* Cook 165 00
111 Is in B .die 125 00
(jr. W. Sherwi od 135 00
508 65
Win. F. Terry, Crnn'r* Clerk 500 00
Ahira G*v 85 80
M. W. Dcwut 871 75
957 55
Pfothnnotarv. E. J Keeney 125 00
District A t'-rnev. llaivey N'ckter... 145 00
(.'••intn<<nwealth Coat'' 495 71
Travor-e Jut or* 1096 90
Grand Juror* 49.5 04
Tip Stavi '<o 00
C'.natable- 183 85
(' tut Crier. F. M. U<-pLurn >8 00
Commissioners' Counsel 40 00
WE hereby certify that the above anil foregoing is a true and correct state
ment of the Expenditures of Wyoming County for the year ending January
Gth A. D. IbGS.
WM. F. TERRY, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Tunkhannock, Jan. 9, 1868,
Treasurer's Aecouut.
To amount of Tax assessed for
1867 fur Ihe nee of Wyoming C 0.25,541 04
To aioMiut due Irotn bail of J. L.
Muliisoti, la'e Treasurer 2243 65 j
To amount received of Commission
t*. borrowed ol Asa Keeler, ... 1999 00
To am un recicwtwl f r ii'.cuirent
1 40 ,
To am ti it r: c oved on r< demptlon
ol l*M"'teil i.un ri, &. c - 15 82
fo halai.ee on ha 4 a: as: settle
mem 2656 49
532,457 40
Sheep Fund.
To amount of T*x as*esed on D"ga
for the yaxr 1867 511 50
To balance on hand at lat sett le
nient 391 53
$903 03
Prothonotary's Account.
To Jury Fee* received 16 00
Balance due Prothonotary 180 44
$196 44
Sheriff's Account.
T Fine* and Jury Fees received
by Sheriff < 8 00
Balance due Sheriff HOl 79
$1179 79
WE, the undersigned Auditors of Wyoming County, being met at the
Commissioners' Office in said county, do certify that upon examination of
the accounts of the Treasurer, Commissioners, Prothonotary and Sheriff, do
find them correct as set forth in the foregoing Statement, and that the ex
penditures of said county arc fully and correctly set forth in said Statement
as rendered to us by the Commissioners of said County.
Witness our hands this 9th day of January A. 1). 1868.
J AS. K. BOBINSON, \ Auditors.
(Bro't Forward) SIGCS 20
! E'ections 475 35
A s-os-ors 394 00
Snsqu'a C'i. f>r B .aiding Prisoners.. 95 66
15 aiding Junes and room rent paid
b\ order Court 53 00
Eastern Penitentiary 306 45
Pen.i'a Si'* Lunatic Asylum 362 10
Printing, Harvey Sxkler H'2 50
Bridge Budding and Repairing 3145 09
! Ileal and Bridge Views 279 00
Road Damages 115 00
Public Buildings and Laud 529 22
Jail and Sheriff's House, on contract 7550 76
1 Light*. Fuel and Stationery 187 83
I Jury Commissioner* 34 19
1 Cot oner*'lt quest 49 18
Post Mortem examination 10 00
Interest tin money loaned 54 00
Water Rent 5 00
County Seals 13 50
Medical aitendance on Prisoners.. 3 25
Refunded Older 1 OO
Postage 1 32
Miscellaneous Items ' 37 50
Total Expenditure* !5118,470 10
By amount of Tax uncollected.. 2831 04
l'.v Ex ui's So Coll'rs on Co. Tax.. 312 10
lly commissions to Collectors.... 842 09
IJv balance due fri>m bid of J L.
Muliison, Ute Treasurer 2043 65
Be Tr.-a-orei V cotn'sn on $lB 452
27. ain't paid m a' 2 pei cent . 369 04
lit ! i f-ur i'- c ni'm ori $26,428
52. to, rv, .ttl a' 2 |r C.-UT . 528 57
lit C...11U \ Of -. r ic K iue.i 18 452 27
IS- balance duo c u.ity 7078 64
$32,457 30
Bv stn'l Tax uncollected—lB67.... 180 00
By ixno'a allowed Call's on Dog lax 16 00
I• v coins''i allowed " " " 15 40
By damages pat J on acc't of sheep
1 being killed l.y unknown dogg.. 399 38
i By I'M AS. Cuna'N on $396 38, ain't
paid out a' 2 per cent 7 92
l>y Trea". coins'u on .$691 63, am t
receive! at 2 percent 13 83
By balance tu bands of Treasurer.. 2io 50
$903 03
By Bill rendered lor 18C7 190 14
8196 44
By Bill rendered and allowed by
Auditors for 1807 1179 79
$1179 79
I I'lti >V I <;r. \t i: I!I:n\1.11,
DAILY, 8 PN* Auxin
\£J" WEEKLY, 52.50 Pen A n * l *,J£|
Largest Circulation in the State of Rhode Island.
j C3f* Only Democratic Papers in Rhode Island J
rHE NORTHERN MONTHLY, a high-toned Lit
orary Magi zino ;61 a year. The American
Agriculturist sent one year free to new subscribers
|to Northern Monthly. Office 37 Park Row, N. Y.
Sample copy 25 cts.
•The Mystic Temple.
51 for si* months. Published Weekly, by the
No. U Spruce Street, New York.
A COMPLETE HISTORY" of the New States and
Territories, from the Great River to the Oreat
1 Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and
ihe Pacific Coast, with over 200 Engravings of the
i Scenery, Cities. Lands, Mines, People, and Curiosi
; tics of the Greet West. Its ready sale, with an in
! creased commission, uniko it the best subscription
i hook ever published. .Sen ! for circulate. Address
"National Publishing C 0.," Philadelphia, Pa.
W A N T ill) tC V EH V W II ERE,
CA001) AGEN'S for our new work. "HOME
X BOOK OF WONDERS;" also, for a new
"Family Photograph Bible," containing Notes, In
dexes, Maps. Engravings, Album, Family Record,
Ac. lieU 7'eruis Giten. Address BRAINARD A
SAMPSON, Hartford, Conn
Frank Miller's l,c:ither Prtservatlve and
Water Proof Oil Blacking, for Bhots A Shoes
Frank Miller's Prepared lluinssOil Blacking,
fir Oiling Harnesses, Carriage Tops, Ac.,
ready for use with directions lor using.
For sale generally in 1". S. and Canadas
FRANK .MILT.' It A CO., IS A2O Cedar St., N. X.
"Esley" Organ,
Pronounced by all who hive heard it the most natu
ral and lienuilfu! imitation of the HUMAN
VOII id over yet introduced. J. KSTEY* A CO,
Brattle'oro Vt , the original Inventors and Manu
facturers -117 Broome St., N. V' : IS West Fayette
St.. Baltimore, Md,; North 7lb St., I'hila.; UYllau
dolph St., Chicago.
Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books,
containn g important '■hysol 'gic.il Information, far
Men an ! Women, s-nf free on r cipt of 23 cents, by
addressing Dr JnllN YANDERPOOL, NO 30. Clin
ton Place, New York City.
EAl)IEs>,- you can receive for the sum of
Silk. Merino an! Alnacca Dresses, Shawls, Balmor
als, Linen floods. Embossed T ide Covers, Watches,
Jewclrv, .-ilicr plated Ware, Sew.rig Machines, Ac
Send ciubs ot ten or more, with ten c-nta f r each
descriptive check, an I the getter up of the club will
receive n present wnr'b 5? to 6 i"0. according to
nun Iter sent. Agents wanted everywhere Ciicu
lars -n- free PARKER A CO.. succc-.-ors to GRA
HAM A CO., 61 and lilt Eedctal St , Boston.
Through i.i;ie to Philadelphia,
Sailing from Nesr York
December 5Mi anil Jsth; January sth,
15th and 251U; and February
15th and 25th.
With New Steamships of the Frst CI ass
For further information address the undersigned at
111 West Street, New York
-1. X. CARHINGTON. Agent.
: sf'rn M Itf'wvFil X? (Srf
i o i ' L -A* &
Advertisements forwarded to all Newspaper*,
i No advance charged on Publishers' prices.
All leading Newspapers kept on file.
Information as to cost of Advertising furnished.
I All Orders receive careful attention,
j Inquiries by Mail answered promptly.
Complete Printed Lists of Newspapers for sale.
> Fpoi ial I,'sts prepared for Custoinei*
Advertisements Written and Notices secuteJ.
Orders Iroui Business men especially solicited,
We also lirg to call attention to our Liits of
100 New England Newspapers.
100 N. Y. &, N. J. Newspapers.
100 Ohio, Ind. and 111., Newspapers.
100 Principal Daily and Weekly News
papeis, inlu'ling Sixteen States.
100 Sslectioiis from sixteen States.
250 Newspapers at the Prices heretofore
charged lor or.e hundred
54 Religious and Agricult'l Newspapers.
Having special contracts wish all of the above pa
yxrs we run offer very hivor.ible lertus. Circulars,
with full pirtiufclniv, sent to any address.
AJ. n P* gtf
33,000 Acimg
with perfect titles, for sale cheap for cash. Apply
to E. G SIIEPPARD, 2 Bowling Green, N. Y 1'
0. Box. 4093
TYf. ANTED SALESMEN to travel for a M nu
\\ facturuig Company and sell by sample Go-*l
wages are guaranteed Address, with stamp. HAM
ILTON A IIOWE, 413 Chestnut St, Philad'a, Pa.
PbQfXfA PEL MONTH SURE. No money re
/\A quired in advance Agents wanted ev
ervwheie to sell our Patent Everlasting Mc.tatic
Clothes-].ines. Abb .-s Am. Wire Co., 1 6-' Broad
way N. V., or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
And will prigjpt to any person sending us a club in
our Great
One Dollar Sale
! Watch, I'ieee of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ae.,
Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address
15 Federal St., Boston, Mass.
P. 0. Box C.
I Wholesale Dealers in French, Gorman, and Eng
lish Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware,
Albums, Leather Goods, &e, •
UTEBS COTTON CLOTH. Dress Patterns, Pant
Patterns, Sewing .Machines, Watches, Drvar.d
Fancy Goods, Ac . Ac. Seud Ten cents for Patent
Poo Fountain, with slip describing an article in our
dollar salo.
Any porson. (male or female,) can c end in a club
of from 30 to 1,000, at same rate (10 cts. for each),
and get a preuiuin for so doing Send in Re'fis
tered Letters Samples mailed free to any address-
68 Hanovtr St., Byetcn, Man.
A Phygiologjol Vkf of Korriage,
j Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages :
And 130 fin plate* nnil engraving' of the
j Anatomy of the Human Organs ill n Ht'te ot JleaHh
' and I)ira*i-, with a treatise on Eaily Error*, i's De
j plorwble Corn-qm.-n-e.- upon the mind and b.idy,
I with the Author's Plan of Treatin-nt—ibe only ra
. tional and successful mode ot Cure, us shown by the '
rc'Wt of treated. A tru'hful adviser to the
n i,' lrr i etl * and ihoso conteui|>latiii|{ marriage, who en- '
teriain :>le ' r physical condition. Sent free 1
„( m .„ ra i n any address, on receipt of 25 cents in i
X-K-I '™;. "•"** *•j
CROIX, N. 31 Ma."' ll ' n . ! :in9 ' Albany, N- A . he i
author mav he consult "P ">;>* of the diseases
upon which his I tro.'• '"? Pr , IonaU or by
mail. Me Jisincasent to auy y rt " f GHH j
\ 1.1- I* lt IA ATE OK BOTH |
A SEXES treated success! "Hy, ' J *• >*•
ORBS IVT lUT NT TO PWCG.VANCY U riding rotn 11 llfor- |
motion, General Debility, or oth '■*" cause*, en. ire y j
obviated by our KKHKKIES and PKE VR.'TtvKS wfin- I
consist of a new. simple, convenient una eptcien j
form of Remedial Agents, the Sclcnti resum of j
careful Physiological, Chemical, and Mi "roseapica ;
Investigation, and which, locally ap/diea by '' a ~ <
tient, itt Alill.v and with SKonesv. entirety dis). ' nse '
with Injections. Instruments and Medicines / * r >
Mouth Unclose stamp for Private Circular. '
DOCTOR WALTER, 907 Broadway- N. V.
3 Cortlandt Street, New York.
Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in
All Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS.
Sole Agents for
Louisa Mi; Hindi's Historical Novels.
44C and 445 Broadway, New York.
The Empress Josephine. An Ilis'r.ncal rket h
[ of the L- - s ot Napoleon 1 vol., Bvo. Paper
j covers. $1.50; Cloth, 82.
Napoleon and the Utteen of Prussia. 1 vol.
I Bvo. Paper covers, $1,50; cloth, id.
j The Daughter of an Empress. ! vol., Bvo
Illus'.r.atud. Paper covers, 81,50; cloth, $2.
I Marie Antoinette and Her Sou. 1 vol., Bvo.
Paper covers. SI 50 ; cloth. $2.
] Joseph 11. and His Court, Translated from
the Ueruii.u iiy Alalaiio Je V. Chaudron. 1 vui ,
dvo. Cio'.h, Si.l'O.
P'rederlck the ftreal and IDs Court. Trans
lated t'r on flac Gcruiin by Mrs Chuj man Cole
man an i her Daughters. 1 vol., 1-aio. -131 pp.
j Cloth, $2.
Berlin AND Smg-Suucl; OR Ffter>*itzcK THE
i GREAT ASU His FIUE.SCS I vol., I2tno. Cloth,
S2,t 0.
The .Merchant of Berlin, Translated from the
li rtcun hv Amory Coffin. M. D. 1 vol,, l.uio
Cloth, $2.00.
Eiedeuck the Ctreat and His Family, 1
vol.. Bvu. lllurtre.t.'i. Cloth, $ 2
i l/<>uisa of I'russia and Iter Time*. I vol.,
J 8 vii Illustrated. Pa iter covers, 51.59; Cloth,
! 82,00
Historical Novel. By L Mublhach. 1 vol.,
iiuxo. Cloth, $2,00
I.—Tliey are Instructive.
; "At purely literary works, these historical ro
i mances |-MS- n high degree of merit They rea l
! like g i uitu hi-'oiies." Catholic World.
'J Ley are c rn ct dcs. ri|,tiwis ol lac eounlrits anl
j the people Jcrenoe Herald.
| ll.—TLey are Entertaining.
j. We regard these hooks as among the best and
: most ei;leri.iiuit.jj novels id the jay.- Upringjieid
| Republican
I 'Tin. reader 15 at once fascinated and hell s; ell
bound t-n'il the volume is e- raj.le.' I- l'rte Press
There is no dull chapter in it — Ultra Herald.
lll.—They are Mirrors of the Times.
No one ean peruse them wnhout conceding the
author's gicat -kid in grasping .it ilclineacng the
characters which ligure • onspicuously in them.
The study which enables the author to delineate
no iu-etirandy tne eiuo'ions and incentives to action
• which moved men and women of a past age mi st ho
: close and untiri gar.d Louisa Muhlbacb shows in
1 all of her works a perfection nh; h carri-s the reid
] er into the very pte.-er.ee ol the eharavters repreaeu
i ted.— Syracuse Journal,
IV.—They are Historically Correct.
] .Hist rietily correct, an la* entertaining as many
- of the volumes of -htr Walter .Sootl. Prcridcnct
j Harold.
j Louisa Mublhach must have carefully and delight
: fully stu tied the seret hi!')ries rt the times and
i countries of which she writes, and her is done
well anl effectively.--TUbrcesfer Spy.
No His'orieal Novelist has labored so faithfully
and successfully to reproduce a complete picture of
past times and events.— Utica Herald.
V.—They are Original.
it his agreeably •urprised readers to find a new
writer with such constructive genius and knowledge
of character as Louisa Mublhach possesses.— Public
Each succeeding novel ndJs to Mrs Mun It's repu
tation as a writer of historic fiction —_Y. Y. Times.
i Vl.—They are Full of Imagination.
j She is not only the skilful joiner, ly a neat-han
j ded artiz in — Christian HNt/ics-s.'
There is seldom any straining after effect, hut it
' is really wonderful how Madame Mundt manages to
su.-tain uud increase tho iuterest to the end City
: Item.
; The wor 1-painting of the authoress is much more
effective th in the best efforts of the engineer.—JUi
j no is State Regis', r.
Vll.—They Contain Anecdotes of Courts.
| Scottish history offered no freshvr -n-t more ro
tnanlic material to the magic wonting hand < f Sir
Walter Scott than she fin 1 s in tho annals of the
German Court".— Evening Gazette.
Theto are riot to be foun I anywhere in human an
nals, unused, such magmficent, such superabundant
j materials for romance, as - log the chronicles ot the
Prussian end Austrian courts of tho l?ih centurv.
I By their dress, their manners, tln-ir modes of tho't,
their tang' age, they are- almost as iuui.li separated
from \i" as if they had lived one thousand years
: ago---Observer
YlH.—They tell of Emeporors, Kings &
iVe leain frm her not only how Frederick Wi',l
- iam and rtederiek the Great. Joseph the Second,
Voltaire, K •tt-seaa, B-iri-n. '1 rcu k, the I'inpre-s
Catherine, walkel and talked in their grand r !es.
but how th-v powdered their hair, tlirted, and tick
i ten.— Rigisler.
The choice of her nVjcts axhihit; her genius
She takes the tituo of Ftederi. k the <?r> at, Joseph
the Second, for example, anl u|>on the hack ground
of facts which tho chronich-s ot the pctiods affords
- she embroi Icrs the bright an ! sombre colors, the
light aud s'na-le of hr fie'ton. with the skill ol acon-
I sumuiatc arti-t — The Facte
IX.—Tho Style is Interesting.
The stale of this writer f-.-r purity, perspicuity,
; and elegance, is sunething greatly to ho commended,
j It is free from imitations, mannerisms, and tricks ot
j every kind The Argus.
The translations do justice to the vivid, piquant
; style of the original; nn I the story is fu'l of move
ment and crowded with instructive and entertaining
| incident. — The Chicago Post.
The interest of the book docs not, depend upon its
characters nor its incidents, nor yet on its charming
i stvle, hut in its general harmony of composition.—
Pay Book.
X.—Everybody is Reading them.
! Gur people stem to have sti p|>eJ reading French
' novels, and English works are complained of as dull.
- MissMuhlbach precisely supplies tho public went.
j Tho novels of Clara Mundt are being read by ev
ery on" Times
Muhlbacb's novels have a world-wide reputation,
| and are read with nvi-lilv. as fast as issued from the
press - Springfield Republican
; They are wiuuing a wide cud deserved popularity
| in this country.- -Stale Journal.
Either of the Morels sent fret by mail to any ad
i dress on receipt if price. ' v7n24mi
| Is hereby givfn. that I have placed in possession
of Sitnuei D.iiley Jr., on p.air of steers, to be kept
by him during mv will and pleasure—all persons are
forbid molesting or interfering nidi the same.
J Orerrflrti Pit ,9et. 7th IW7 vTnlOff,
slisrf!bat c ctts.
W anted
• Worth of W'f'E vt,
and OATS,
in exchange for
Flour &. Feed, Meal &L Hi an,
COAL, large and small sixes,
whi -h I offer
for sale cheap
for Cash,
or produce
taken in e.Jfb*nge,
at the old stand formerly occupied by Wheetock, e
Bri Ige Street.
TunkhannocV, Pa Dec. 3, IS6"-v7n!?-tf.
T,I2L3S^^UCKtf -
J V vision, tWyoming (_ ur. . hull •- r. lie north of
Wall's Hotel, MmO : r'treU at the 'ate reeideuoe
ol lion R. R. Little.
IRA AVERY. Assistant Assessor,
7iii Division loth District
Tunkhannrtk, D-c 2, 18>i7v7nI8u?3
Jewelry Store !!
of the latest styles.
GOLD RING?, 1? Carets tin*.
Gents' Masonic an! Scarf Pins.
Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ao., A-
Solid and Plate 1 Silver Sp ns,
Forks, Napkin Rings,
Fruit Knives,
Cake, Pie and Butter Knivss
Castors, Cake and Card Baskets.
Butter Dishes,
Sugar Bowls,
Spoon Ihdders,
FOIBS, Spoons,
Nut-Picks, Ac , M.
From ROGERS A BItO 'S Silver Plated M'are Co.
of the latest American and European Manufacture.
Tunkhannock, l>ec. IS,
For Sale at Mott's,
ot Lester £ Co'*
best make
KIP and IML7
Best make
A full stock of
Ladies' Shoes.
Balmoral, Congress, Polish Boats of Glore
Kid and Goat. Also,
Button Gaiters.
Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined,
For Sale at Mott's
rfnlltf . Tunkhannock, Ti.