Local and Personal. Democratic Club Meeting.— The regular meeting of" Tho Central Democratic sub of Wyo ming County," will be at the Court Bouse, on Sat urday next the 25th inst., at 7 o'clock P. M. All persons in favor of perpetuating Constitutional Gov ernment and opposed to Military Despotism and negro suj rcmacy are invited to uttend uud become members of the organization. Township Officers' Bottds.—The law requires that Supervisors and Overs.' C is of the poor in the several Townships, shall give bonds lor the faithful performance vf their duties within thirty days after election —or on failure to do so the office becomes vacant. The writing or preparation of these bonds, often imposes an amount of drugery upon some in telligent but good nature. l Justice of the Peace, or other persoa. wit ch be would gladly avoid but can not. We have recently prepared and printed blank bonds expressly for these officers. The Clerk, or proper person for each Township should procure at the expense ol the Township, a dozen or two of these blacks to be used as occasion requires—which wo'd prove not only a saving in expense to the Townships but a relief from an unpleasant task to tho good na- Xurod bond writer. Snow Storm.—A regular ''old northeaster" set in sometime yesterday morning, very early— " afore de broke ot day"—and at this writing snow bas fallen to the depth of eight or ten inches and is ■till cont nuing to fall We have had very excellent sleighing a gooi part of the present winter, and ileigh-riJiog parties have been of frequent occur rence, affording pleasant pastime to the young people of our village The sleigh bells make sweet music for the lovers of fun and frolic, and the young lads and lasses of •' sweat sixt eeu" and upwards, ap pear to enjoy it " hugely." * " Oh. the hells, the silver bells ; What aw, rid of merriment their melody foretells." Accident by Falling.—Miss Mary House of this place, while returning h one from th : Fancy store of Mrs. Lease, her sister, on Monday evening last at the corner of Tiogi an t iiri !g s rets,slipped and fell upon the iee—dislocating and breaking 'he bones ot the ankle. This accident b.s so far caused hsr intense psin, and will be likely for some iim to prevent the use of the injured limb. Dr. J Lyman was called and set the bones. Several Rows, riots, fights and disturbances ot the peace, of a minor character, hive occurred in this vicinity, within a few days past. It is to be hoped that the doors to the j til cells wll soon be finished, that there may be a secure place for these disturbers or the quiet and good order of the com munity. Township Officers.—The following township officers for this County were elected on Tuesday o! last week to serve lh ensuing year : BRAI.NTRIM Juslices of the Peace, J S. Schem merhorn, F. J. Furuian ; Constable, Thus. Newman, Judge of Election, D. .V. Janes; Inspectors, Ezra Keeney. C. b. Pi. keif: Assessor, I'. R. Sloan. CLINTON. —Judge of Election, J. W Reynolds; Inspectors, N. 0. Brown. Chas. Gardner ; Assessor, S. C. Matheuscn; Constable, S. II Biigg* EATON.— Judre of tile.'ion J, ,sc. Harding; In spectors, Henry Hunter, A \V. > e : ght ; Constable, J. M. M iller; Assessor, .1 is. B. Hariing EXETER — Judge of Election, 11. Ciol' auth; In spectors, 11. smith, J Coolbaugh ; Constable, (' tickler; Assessor, Fisher Gay. FALLS— fudge of Election. J- tin Sax : Inspectors. Charruk Idewitt, Salem Brown. W. G. Point ; Con stable, Ilitam t vans; Assessor. E Dcr-bimcr. FORKVTIM — Jut/ge of Election, ffu. Krall ; In spectors, Wat. S. A I nns, Phillip Henry; Justice of the Peace, A. P. Burgess, Constable, CL is. L. Fin ney; A-.'CSsor, J. (i Spud,leg. Lkm m—Jud-e of Election Win. Sh.w; Inspec tors, Solum rn L'wcker, 11. IJ. Tiav.s; Ju-tice of the Peace, Dcnnisoii Loll; Constable, J. B. Harding; Assessor. G-utge Wallace. Meß'ioPANV— Judge of Election. H. K French: Inspectors. O. E Viughn, A li Farr ; Constable I) L. Ferris ; Astcsvor, T. M ivrnrd. MusHorrEß— ■Judge of Election, E. J Mowtey; Inspectors. A. J. .Cori right, U C. Bunnell; Justice of the Peace, T. F. Ballard; Constable, S. J. Cort rtght; Assessor . S J. Cortrighf. MONROE- Judge of Election , D. Newman: In spectors, Ezra Thompson, I. D. Smith; Jus ice of the Peace. John Wall ; Constable. Hugh W. PatLin ; Assessor S. 2 Clark. NICHOLSON —Judge of Election, E N. Bacon ; Inspectors. N. Oakley, I. S. D. Hiker; Assessor, Elijah I'd!. NORTH MORE I. AMI — Judge of Election James Bes tiler; Inspectors, A Race, J. N. Vantuyle ; C'OH sfable. J. D. R igera ; Assessor 5 W. Vansc iy. NORTH BRANCH -Judge of Election , U. D. Cas aon ; Inspectors, C. K. A lams, E K. Burgess; Con - gUble. GrantJ£urges ; Assessor. Peter Hope. OVE REIELD — Judge of El ction, Allied Mahon ; Inspectors, Janivs Stephens, G, 11. Evans; Jus ice of Ihe Peace, C. M. Daily ; Constable, II H. Walter; Assessor, Simon Armstrong. TCNKHAN.NOCK Twin Judge of Election, 11. P. TTilsey ; Inspectors, Willi in Dixon, J. A. f hippy ; Justice of ihe Pence , E. Vors. hkiuter; Constable, Henry Smith : Assessor , Daniel Bull. TCNKHASSOCI: BOKOII.H —Judge of Election, F C.Ross; Inspectors. A. M. Stalk Dani-I Wright; Justice of the Peace, John A. either; Constable, L. C. Conkltn ; Assessor, John Steinplet. W ASH I NtiToN — Jud"e of Election, J. D. Arnst; Inspectors. John Meliiuisb, Chiriei Russell; Con stable, M. Detrick ; Assessor, J. M. Carney. WINPH AM - Judge of Election, Geo. Allen; In spectors R< swell Garey, r-. Sturdcvant ; Justice oj the Peace 11. S. Graves; Constable, J. K. Rosen grant : Assessor, Murk Kecny The I.adles' Friend for February.—A beautiful steel engraving, representing the hiding of Moses in the tnilrushe". opens this number of ihe " Queen of the Monthlies." It is a very fine picture indeed Tho double cteel Fashion Plate is as re fined and elegant as usual Then we have two pret ty damsels peep'ng hrough the curtuins on St. Val entine's day in the morning —and also a fine engrav ing of '• The Meteoric Shower at Sea.' Ihe en ■gruT.''S' ttle Fashions, Patterns, Fancy Work, Ac arc numerous and excellent. Tlte music this month ts the P-P" 1 * 1 " Bor '*' " Pa ,Jle Vo " r own Ca " Dos " The Luxury matter is ' The R, in .nee of the Did Mail;" " A 1 Man's Rule," by Eliza beth Praacott; " I.itllo Feet." by Florence Percy ; ' Distiltsi m;" " Some Tt. '"K" Mr - bh.-'mp s nw " by Frances Lee ; " Jean Clilto"'* Letters," by Bel la F. Burton ; " Friendship* ol Siaters," Ac; Fd'to rials, Ac The publishers are still sending the December , number, which is a very beautilui one, free to all ; Heu Subscribers for 18-3 3. Oiher great in luceuients in the way of Pieminms, I Ac , are promised to subscribers, and our readers : should send for a sample copy, containing all these 1 Hberat offers. Sample copies will be seut for fiiieen j etc t. Price (with engraving) 82 59 a rear; Four copies ! (with one engraving) 86. One copy of Lady's Friond | and one of that popular weektv The Saturday Even Poet (and one engriving), 811)0 Address Deacon A Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Admitted to the liar.—John A. Sittser, F.*q of thts place, was admitted to practice law in Ihe 1 several courts of the county, on Monday last. Mr Sittser Le.-ides having a natural aptitude for the in tricacies of the law, is young man of viried ac compllsbuteiits and sound judgment; and will in time, no doubt, take position in the front rank of the profession. The Proceedings of Court, now in sossiod at this place, will be given in our next issue. Tba time, so far, bas ben occupied principally in deter mining whether or not there have been any viola tions of the laws in re'crorce to the sale of liquors. Persons Indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton Esq.. will save themselves costs au I trouble by making an immediate settlement of their accounts.— Delays are dangerous. Forbearance sometimes, ceases to be a virtue BAHA TPTTON. ) . . , HARVEY SICKLER, ) AUra Tuukh&nnoek, Pa.—tf. To Give Life. Growth, and Beauty to your hair, use Mrs. S. A Allen's Improved Ineiv style) flair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle ) Price One Dollar. Every Druggist sells it. "How can ye Boom so fresh snd fair?" goes the ol I Scotch Song. II i ? Why, those who show the bloom of ieil!h on their cheeks take PiauUtion Bitters, which has the power of fortifying the sys tem against disease, and of regulating the digestive apparatus. Are you dyspeptic, weak, void of ener gy 7 Have you little or no appetite, headache, con tinued lassitude and depression of spirits? Take S. T —IS6O -X., and bloom and beauty will return. The Bitters have be oine a household friend. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet anicle—superior to Co* Injjne and at half the prce. Tile Estey Organ.—The Springfield Republi can says : ' A peculiar and admirable feature of this instrument is the Vox Humana Tremolo, re cently invented, an l patented, and which does away with all the objections sometimes urge! against tremulants. This one being under perfect control as to rapidity its delicate pulsations appeal to the lislcnerwith a power end pal bos impossible to resist." These Organs are manufactured at Brattleboro, Vermont. We call attention to the advertisement of the Providence (11. I.) Jlcarld in column of new adver tisements. t Dr. 11, Anders, a German chemist and a mem 1 ter of the Medical Faculty of New York city, after ' fifteen years' research and experiment, bas discover ed a method of dissolving lodine in pure water. — : This preparation (Dr. An era' lolme Water) has i cured many cases of scrolula, ulcers, cancers, Ac, that had resisted the action of all other remedies. j (By Request ) OX TUE DEATH OK Till: BET RICK CHILDREN, I s.tw beside a grassy tomb, Four little coffins lair ; Ari l many guzel as if the bloom Of Eden wiihtred there. The liltle coffins short no t wide, Received a aigh from all; For four sweet cbil Iron, si lo by side, Were shrouded in tbeii pill. The father and the mother at tbiir hca l L ke marble stool with grief, Ai.d ui ny pearly te irs were shed, Whicn seemed to give relief. Th-y raised 'he napkin o'er them spread Which hi l theiu from tb"ir vicwr ; Then lending o'er the coffins' head, They g ized a last adieu. ItlZllK BlloWtt. Commercial Colleg .--The success of Gurd ner's Bus'tiess Colicge and Ladies' Academy, it -iTar toD h-w surpass -1 all caps-i.iuon The cowrs of study is mere thorough -the terms are cheiper— and give betur sai .stac .01 than any oihcr Coif ge of t c kin iin North' rn Peunsy Ivnriia Lile f-i lwl arshipA.aOU, v'iui.s at relu el rites .Send lor College I'iper giving full par;t ulars. A idregg .1. N Marin- r. Pfiiii- pl, S rnoioo I'a. uliill'i I 2M£ £X3?x-±g> d, WINTERS- CLARK—At the resilience of Ihe ! bride's lather in Mouroe, J ri. 15'h b * the Ri-v Wiij. Gay, Mr. Jo-'ph A Winters, of Nor I b inure - 1 m l, to Miss Fanny E. Claik, of M mrce. DERSIIIMER —ACE-On the llih ion, at the M E Parsonage, by the Rev. Isaac Au-tin, Mr. I) n nis Detrhmer of Newton and Miss LyJtaC. Ace, e of Ransom, Luz. Co., Pa. Jfifo rtMnlismfnts. EXIiCIITOIIS' KILE. Will be sold at Put In; Vendue 011 the premises Ice of John Gardner, of the township of Tunkhau neck, !•(•* • n Tuesday the 2?/A d,iy of January instant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the lollowtug personal property. 10 wit: 3 Cows, 1 Horse, a quantity of Hay in Barn, the undivided half 01 6 Acres of Rye, 1 Covered tar • 1 age, 1 Light Lumber Wagon, Sleds, 1 Single H ir i ness. 1 Robe and llor.se Bb.nket, Ploughs, H arrow. Chains. Drills. Crowbars, Sleig-e. Stone and o ber Hammers, S ws, >hov< Is and Hits, with many more Forming and oiber Tools, —.ugoiher wilh a variet> of articles usually found at a Farmer's home. Terms made knoirn on the day of sale. SiSK, Jan. 20, 1868. NOTICE. ALL person" are hereby cautioned against pur chasing or negof iat ing a terfaio note gi l 'en by me to Kil-> Race, dated January Istb, 1369, .r thirty dollars, pa' able one year after date As I re eivtd no value tor said not?, 1 will not pay it unless compelled bylaw ELIZABETH SICKLER. Cjen lertuoreland, Pa , J an- 211, 166" , n24wd Mil ICE IS hereby given that I b tve purchased one Span of Horse* formerly owned by Frank Decker, and that I have left the saiJ horses in the possession of the sai l Decker to be used by him during tny wt and pleasure. All person* are hereby forbid molest ing or in any way ititerferins witb the said horse", as they will do So at their |erii. NEfIEMIAII DIXON. Tunkhannock, Jan. 22, !863u24w3 For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOT-!. of Les'er A Co's best maka KIP and CALF OWEGO BOOTS. Best ciake EASTERN ROOTS. A full stock of Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral, Congiet-s, Polish Bo >ts of G!ov Kitl hikl G >at. Also, Button Gaiters. GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCK? KIN GIOVF.S and MITTENS. Certs' KIDOLOVES, Lined, Cnlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORS ER STORE, rSnlltf Tonkhannoek, P. &prrial Notices. bongt or xrcojxr. I am u'L'bt.v in toe stber, Fie e!y wielded by the brave, Glorious io the stalwart steamer, Laughing at the storm and wave. Beauteous in the palace pillars, Saving in oinied rod. As it brings incdeadly lightning Quelled and harmless to the sod. But there is a glorious essence, Where I take my grandest power, Giving to the RACE my surest. Sweetest aid, in danger's hour. See ' before uie fly diseases ! See the dai kest hydras bow ! See the rose of health and beauty. Take the palest cheek anil brew. Fly, dysp'psia ! lly, consumption Yes,all ills are crushed at length, For I give what human nature Only ever needed — STRENGTH ! Shall I tell in what great essence I can thus your spirits cheer up ? Pallid, trembling, dying sufferer, 'lis the famed "PERUVIAN SvROP." The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a protected solution of the Protoxide <>f Iron, a new discovery in medi cine that strikes at th- root „f disease by supplying l be blood with its cilal principle of life or element.— Iron. The genuine has ' PERUVIAN SYRUP" blown io the glass. Pamphlets free. J P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No 36 Dey St., New York Sold by all Druggists. v7n2l-4t. TO CONSUMPTIVES. I The REV. EDWARD A WILSON w'li send (free lof charge) ti all who dessie it. the prescription with ] the directions ,or making and using the simple reiu • edj' by which he was ured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption His only object is i to benefit the ufiii. te.l and he hopes every sufferer I will try this prescription, as ii will cost them nothing ! and may prove a hici-ing Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, Ne. 165 South Second St, Williamsburg New y or k 6n4< ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gen leman who suffft-e I for years (mm Neivous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of Youthful in is rctioii, will, for the sikc of suffering humanity, s-nd ir-e to all who uee l it the reeipy and directions for making the simple remedy be wbi b he was cured, ."-offerers wishing to profit bv ,be advertiser's experience, can do so oy addressing in perfect e -nfi 'en e, JittlN B. OGDUN, 43 Cedar Street, New Tork. v6n4o CHROME DlßKAftttft, SCROFULA, UL CER", Sir. It is well known that the benefits derived from drinking of the Congress, Saratoga and other I brated Springs ts principally owing to tho lodine tbey contain. Dr. 11. Anders' lodine "Water Contains fo line in the same pure state that it is foun I in these spring w iters, but ov-r 500 per cent more in quantity, containing as it does 1 ) grain- to ca> 0 tlunj ounce, dissolved in pur- water, I cdfiout a solvent, s discovery long sought for in this country anil Europe, an 1 's the i-est remedy in the world fm Scrofula Cancers, Salt Rheum, Ulcers , and ail • Chronic Diseases Circulars fr- e J. P. DlNcM'Jl'.E, Proprietor, 36 Dey St. New j York. Sold by ati Druggists. DISEASES OF THE S AM* PRODUCE GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESS! The us- of HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEW KR will restore it to its nti.ural color and promote its gr-.wth. 0 r Treatise on the Hair sent r rce hv mail. JJ P lI.ALL A CO. Nashua, N II , Proprietors. SIOO,OOO WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR WHICH BOOKS. STATIO3XTB2IY WALL PAFEB. WILL BE GIVEN IN EXCHANGE, BY UNDEMiILL & CAMPBELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Booksellers, Stationers, and News Dealers, Io. 116 Penn Avenue, Scranton, Penn'a. gjffo gnjimtisEinnits. IIROVIDENCE MOUSING IIERALD, £ fif Dajly, 8 ] > er Asst.* J3 HI Pi:HI,IC'AN IIEIlALk), Cy Weekly, 82.50 Per An!iuk,^P| Largest Circulation in the State of Rhode Island. Only Democratic Papers in Rhode Island. VALUABLEADVERTISING MEDIUMS. rHE NORTHERN MONTHLY, ahigh-toned Lit erary Mam rone ;84 a jear. The American Agriculturist sent one year free to new subscribers to Northern Monthly. Office 37 Park Row, N. Y. Sample copy 25 cts. The Mystic Temple. THE BEST MASONIC PAPER $2 per year; 81 for six months. Published Weeklyi by the 'FRATERNAL PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION," No. 9 Spruce Street, New Yurk. AGENTS WANTED FOR~ "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI," A COMPLETE HISTORY of the New States and Territories, fruui the Great River to the Great j Ocean Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and the Pacific Coast, with over 200 Engravings ot the Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines. People, and Curiosi ties of the Ore.it West. Its ready sale, with on in creased romtins.-lnn, make- it the best subscription liook ever published. Sen! for circular* Address "National Put dishing C 0.," Philadelphia. Pa IV A \ TED— i.VEH VIVII EH 14, i"/TOOD AG EN S for our new work, 'HOME | U BOt'K OF WONDERSaIso, for a new | "Family Photograph Bible," containing Notes, In j dexeg, Maps. Eigtaviugs, Album, Family Record, !Ac Best Terms Given. Address BRAINARD A ! SAMPSON, Hartford, Conn Kiatik Milter's Leather l'rrservsilve aud Water 1 'roof Oil 111 u king, for Boots A .Shoes Frank M-ller's Prepire l lla'tt ss Oil Bi irking, for Oiling Harnesses, Carriage Tops, Ac., ready for use with dire lions for using. ! FRANK MILLER'S POLISH OIL BLACKING. For sole generally if. P. S. and Canada* : FRANK MI t.LEK A CO., 19 i 20 Cedar St, N. Y. THE CELEBRATED 44 Ustey" Organ, WITH VOX PI UMAX A STOP. Pronounced by nil who have heard it the most natu ral ami l>ei.ut|fut iutiMfii n of the IIUVIAN VOICE ever yet introduced J. ISTEV A CO, Brnttleboro Vt . the original Inventors and M.inu- a farturer* 417 l'ro me St., N. Y ; ?'.) West F iyei:e St.. Baltimore. Md.; North 7th St., I'hiia.; 115 Ran dolph St., Chicago AZYGOH !- Three iiiogn.fioently illustrated Medical Books, contaiiui g important * hysologic.il Information, for Men and Women, sent free on r- eeipt ot 25 cents, by addressing Dr JOHN V ANDERPOOL, NO. 30, Clin ton Place, N w York City REVOLUTION IN TRADE! HIDE-.- you can receive for the lum of j 03NTT3 EOTaLjAn, Silk, Merino and Alnacca Dresses, Shawls, Balmor als, Linen Goods, Ftul oss- d Table Covers. Walctcs, Jewolrv, silver Plated Ware. Sewing Ma. bines, Ac Sentl club* ol tenor more, wiih ten cuts f.r each de criptive check, an I lite getter ur> of the club will reeeiv* r present w.ir'h $J to ail'O according to number sent. Agents wnit. l ev-r. where Ciicu- Isss s-ot free PARKER A CO., u censor* to GRA HAM A CO., G4 and tiii Feiltral bt, Boston. NOR llt AMERICAN SI'LI.U Mill* A 11. Through. Line to Philadelphia, VIA PANAMA OK NICARAGUA. * Sailing from New York December sth and 15th; January sth, 15th and 25th; and P'tbiuary 1 sih an t 'Jsth. With New Steamships of ctie Fret CI ifls PASSAGE LOWER THAN Bv AN • I)TH:R ROUTE, For fuitber information address the undcr.-iigncii at 17 T Writ Street, hew Vnrk I>. X. CARIUNGTON, Agent G EO f ILL & fe- Advertisements f .raarded to all Newspapers. No advan e charged on Publishers' prices All lending Newspapers kept on file. loforuiation as to cos of Advci'Ling furnished. All Orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by Mail answered promptly. Complete Printed Lists of Newspapers for sale. Special Lists prepared for Customers Advertisements Written and N"tices secured Orders irom Business men especially solicited, We also t>eg to call attention to our Lists of 100 New England Newspapers. 100 N. Y. 8i N. J. Newspapers. 100 Ohio, lnd. and 111., Newspapers. 100 Principal Daily and Weekly News pollers, ificliMinif Sixteen SrntPM. 100 Selections from sixteen States. 250 Newspapers at the Prices heretofore charged fr one hundred 54 Heligious and Agricult'l Newspapers. li XTII SI RE. No mon.y re quired in advance Agents w.-mte . ev. er.whe-eio sell our Pat-n! Everlasting Mitotic Clothes-Lines, Add! ss Am* \\ iie Co.. 162 Utuad way N Y , or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. WE ARE COMING ! And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great One Dollar Sale of DRY' AND FANCY GOODS, „ Watch, piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF cosr. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address rati. ALLEN, H A WES & CO.. 15 Federal St., Boston, Jlass. P 0. B x C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and Eng lish Dry and Fanrv Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Alliums. Leather Goods, Ae. ON EDOLLAR. EACH WEBS COTTON CLOTH. Dres PattcYnn, Punt Patterns, Sewing Machines, Watches, Drv ar.d Fancy Goods, Ac Ac. Send Ten cents for Patent Pen FnUHtuin, with slip describing an article IU our dollar sale. Any person, finale or female,) can 'end in a club of from 30 to L,ot 0, HI same rate (10 cts. fur each), and get a prion iiiu for so doing Send in Regis tered Letters. Samples mailed free ' any address- EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover St., Button, Mast. ,Tt;fo rHjiiftUstiiifnts. v —* A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHF Al* EST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages And HO fin- plates nnd engraving* of the Anatomy'of the Human Organs in *st >te of Health and Diseast , with a treatise on Karlv Errors, its De plorable Consequences u|*m the mind 3od hody, wittl the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only ra tional and successful mode ot Cure, as shown by the report of cafes treated. A tru'htul adrtser to the married an 1 thu-e contemplating marriage, who en tertain could* of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt ot 25 cent- in stamps or postal currency, by addressing DH. LA CHttlX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. V. he au'hor may be consulted upon nay of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personal! or by mail. Medieinearent to any part of the world, GI'P A 1.1. PRIVATE DISEASES OK BOTH r * HEXES treated successfully, and the DAU gkr* taciDKNT TO PnceNANcr arising from M i for mation, General Debiliy. or other causes cnilT e, y obviated by our Ukmkjiiks an I I'kkvkvtivks lcch consist of a new simnlc conrenien' and efficient form of Remrdial Airents the Scientific remits of careful Physiological, Chemical, and Microscopical Investigation iqd which, locally applied hv the pa tietit, HKUiil.y and with skchksv. entirely dispenses with Injections Instruments nnd Medicines per Mouth Enclose stamp for Private Circular. DOCTOR WALTER, *M.<7 Broadway N Y AMERICA! CLOCK CO. 3 C'ortlaiidt Street, New York. Manufacturers, Agents nnd Dealer* in All Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for | SETII THOMAS CLOCK. Louisa Mulbach's Historical Novels. D. APPLETON & CO., 443 and 445 Broadway, New York. HAVE JCST PC BUSHED, I The Empress Josephine. An Historical sket h | of the Da'.s of Napoleon 1 vol., Bvo. Paper j covers 81,50 ; Cloth. 82. Napoleon and Hie (luet-ti of Prussia. 1 vol. Bm. I'.iper cover*, 81,50: cloth, 82. The Daughter of on Empress. ! vol., Bvo Illustrated. Paper covet.-, bl.itt; cloth, 82. Marie Antoinette and Her Sail. 1 vol., Svo Paper covers. 81 50; cloth $2. .Jostpti H- B?, d ll' s Court, Translated (torn the German Adelaide do V. Cbauiron, 1 vol , Bvo. Cloth, 82.ir0. Frederirk the Great Ills Court. Trans late 1 ft-iii the G-rtu n by -Mis. Chcniuan Cole man and her Daughters. 1 vol., Pinto. 431 pp. Clntb, 82. Berlin and Sous-Sotici ; or FrkpvbicX thi: Uki ata.vo ills 1 blt-NPS 1 Vol., I2utj ClovJt, S 2,1 0. The Merchant of Berlin, Translated from the German by Ataory Coffin. M. D. 1 vol,. i2tno CiOtb, 82.0u. F-edeilck the Great and Ills Family. 1 vol.. Bvo. Illustrated. Cloth, 82 Louisa of Prussia and tier 'Mutes. 1 vol., Bvo Illustrated. Paper covers, 81,53; Ciotb, 82,00 HENRY VIII. AND CATHARINE PARR. An Hi-torieal Novel By L MuhtOaoii. 1 vol., 12ino. Cloth, 32,00 PROMINENT CHARACTERISTICS. I.—They are Listructive. " A* purely literary works, these historical ro mance* ju -sees high d. grot of merit 'ihey read like g I u;ue histories." Catholic World. They wre coriect ues- rij it. us ot toe countries ni toe j-ei plu describeJ.— Herald 11.--They are Entertaining. Wo regard tnese books as among the best nnd most entertaining tiovcis of the uy.— Springfield Republican. The ten.tor is at nttcc fascinated and hel Ij e!J bouud until the vtdurne is c mpleted— Free Press - There is uo dull oi.apU. to it. Utica Herald. lll.—They are T-tirrors of the Tames. No tote can peruse litem wt bout conceding the nut hoi'.a great skill ttt grasping and delineating the diameters which figute von-j.icu -u-ly in thorn. The stu ly wnich eueb.es the author to dciinoote so accural ly tne emotions and incentives to action which moved men una women of a ; a.-t age must be close and untiii g and Louisa Muhihach shows in ail ol her works u perfection wbi h carries the retd cr into the very pre-erice cd the characters n presen ted. Syracuse Journal, IV.—They are Historically Correct. Historically correct, and as eutertaining as many of the volumes of Sir Waller Scott.— Providence Ha raid. l.out-.t Muhihach must bare carefully an l delight fully studied the s- eret histories ot the times and countries ol which she wt ties, and her task is done well and efT-otivcdy.-- Worcester Spy. No Historical Novelist has labored so faithfully aou successfully to reproduce a complete picture of past times and events.— Utica Herald. V-—They are Original. it has agreeably surprised readers to find a new writer with such constructive gctiius and knowledge of character us Louisa Muhlbadl possesses.— Fubiic Ledger Each succeeding novel adds to Mrs Mun It's repu tatton as a writer of historic fi-tion - H Y. 'Times VI. ~They are Full of Imagination. She s not only the ski If > t jdm r, hut a neat-han ded urtix.in. Christian li'ilncss There is seldom any straining after effect, hut it is really won lctful how Madame -Maudi manages to su-t:iin and increase the iuterest to the end — City Item The worl-painting of Ihe authoress is much more effective then th" la st efforts of the eitgtaver.-Illi nois State Register. Vll.—They Contain Anecdotes of Courts. Scottish history offered no Ireshsr nd more ro roantie material to the m itc woriing hand • 1 Si Walter So.iti than lte fin Is in the anna's "f the Oenttan t'ou-ts.— Evening Gazrtte. There are not to be loun I anywhere in human an nals, unused, such magnificent, su h superabundant mate rials for romance, as clog the chronicles ol the Prussian and Austrian courts of the 18th centu-v. By their dress, their manners, their modes of tho't. their language, they are aluiost as utucb s pa rated (nun u- as if they had lived one thousand years ago - - -Observer VIII. --They tell of Emeperors, Kings & Q,uecns. We leiitu frnta her not otl i y f,ow Frederick Will iam and Ftedertck the Hreat, Joseph the Second, Voltaire, Rousseau, lia r ,, n T rpll k. the Empves. Catherine, walkel an-l miked in their grand vies but how they powdered their hair, flirted, and t-ok tea.— Register. The choice of hr r sn'.ja,-t)i exhi' it* her g-nius She takes the time ofF el-ri k the ( rcat. Joseph the Second, for example, and itpn the hackgootn i of facts which the ohr.-n'clcs of the period* affords she embroiders the br'gh' and sombre c dors. Ihe light and slta le (1 f h-r fie'ion. with the skill of a con summate artist — fhe Eaele IX.—The Style is Interesting. The style of this writer for puritv, perspicuitv, and elegance, is s mnthing great Ic to be commended. It is free ftoto imitations, mannerisms, and tricks of everv kind -The Araus The translations do ju?*iee to the vivid, piquant style of the origin tl ; an I t he storv is fu'l of move ment and crowded w'th instructive and entertaining •nci lent.— The Chicago Post. The interest of the bonk does not depend upon its characters nor its incident*, nor yet on its charming stvle, but in its general harmony of composition.— Day Book. , X-—Everybody is Reading them. Our people seem to have stopped rending French novels, an I English works are complained of as dull Mis Muhlbarh precisely supplies the public want. The nove 1 * of Clara Mun-it are being rea l by ev ery one Times Muhlbach's novels have a world-wide reputation, and are read wbh nvidilc. fast its issu d trum the pi ess Springfield Republican Tbev are winning a wi '<• md deserved popularity in this country.- State Journal. Either of the Novels sent free by mail to any ad dress on receipt if price v7u24uil NOTICE. THE annual election of Offi er* nnd Diroctnrs for the Tuokhannoek Bridge Company forthe enstt ing year will be held at the Court House in Tunk hannock. on Monday, Janutry Itlh inst , at 1 n'click P. M. A general attendance of the stockholders is requested fjlistfllanemi*. ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DKBU,- itnte'i whoso sufforingj have l>een protracted I from bidden causes, and whoabcnse* require prompt I treatment o> render existence titrable. If you are j suffering or hove suffered froth involuntary dischar ges, what effect doe* it produce upon your general I health ! Do yon feel weak, debil.tated, easily ; tired 7 Does a li:tl extra exertion pro line nalpi tatinn of the heart ? DOT s your liver, or urinary ; organs, or your kidneys, frequently JRETOUI O| order I j Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or flocky, or Hit ropy on settling 1 OR do. * a thick s urn rise to tho iop / Or is a sediment at. the bottom alter i". has stood awhile 7 Do you B.tve S|iel!s of short breathing or dyspepsia 7 Are your BOWELS eo stipa- L te-1 ? Do you have -pell* ol fainting or rushes of i blood to the head 7 Is your memory itnpaire T.' Is . yotit mind constantly dwelling upon this subject 1 \ Do you feel dull, li.-tless. moping. tired of company. !of life 7 Do you witdi to be left alone to get away ! from everybody 7 DOES any little thing make you ! start or junto 7 Is your sleep broken or recti **7 |ls the lustre of your eye as brilliant 7 The L>!nnm |ON your cheek as bright 7 Do you enjoy yourself in j SOCIETY as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the saiiid energy 7 Do you feel us much confidence liu yourself / ARE your spirits dull an I flagging t given to fits of melancholy 7 If so, do not lav it to ! vonr liver or dyspepsia Have you rustless uights? ! Your back weak, jour kcees WEAK, and ha. E but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia > or liver complaint 7 i Now, reader, •ELI-abuse, vcneral diseases badly cured, and sexu II excesses, ARE all capable of pro ducig a weakness of tho generative organs. The or. guns of generation, when in perfect health make the man. bid you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are alwavs those whose generative organs are iu per feet health? Vou never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are NEVER afr.id they cannot su" cee 1 in business; they don't BECOME SAL an', discour aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, aril look you an i them right in the face - none ol your downcast looks or any oibet ineau"ess ABOUT them. Ido not mean those who keep the organs iufl imed by running to excess These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. ,ioV manv men from badly cured diseases from tho EFF cts ol self-nbu-* and excesses, have lyough' I about that state of weakness in those OYG INS thai HI ; reduced the G- neral sy.-tcui SO inucQ as to indu E a'- i ; most evcrv other disease — idiocy, lunay, paralysis. spinal affecti .ns, suicide, and almost every othi-I | FORM of disease which humanity is heir to. an. l the J real cause of tho trouble scarcely ever suspected, j and have doctoreu for all but the right one. Dijeascs of these organs require the u-e of A diu | retic HELMBOLD'? FLUID EXTRACT IFT CIK ! is the gr'-at Diureti", and is a certain cure tor dis eases of the Dialler. Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, Or ganie Weakness, Female Complaints General Debil ifv, and all diseases ..f 'he Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mate or L'einale, from whafevei caus. originating and no matter of bow long gfan ling If no trea'mcnt I 3 eumnitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are sup oorted from these sources. Hn.L the health ami hapni- O E £S and that of posterity depends upon a prompt U C T- of a R eliab'E reiuedv. Ile'mholu"* Extract Duchu, established upward ol 18 years preparO'L ''T IL. T. HKLMBCLD, Druggbt 594 Brosdwav, New York, and lOTS iulh lOrb street. I'hiladeli hia, Pa PNICE-81,25 per b .ttle. or £ WTLAE for fn,so delivered to any address. S id by >ll druggists ev ery where Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT iz NEPHEW, A/ Ittnkhannoc/c, jPa, Are Agents for the following, aud all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N America, Philadelphia, Assets, 41,763 267. Enterprise, •' •• 372 304 Mauhittni. New York, •' 1052.128. N American, •' " 755 037. Lorilb.rd. ' " 1,436 540. Coru Exchange, " " 501 035. Farmers' Ins Co., Yoik, 525.' SO. Lvcoming, Money, " 2.800,000. Iloinc, NEW Vrk. " 3.645.'>88- Ilartford, Unrtford, " 1,738 153. Phoenix, ' '1 103.407 Travelers, '• " 741 337* Ilartforo LICE Stock, " 178,920. HOME, NEW Havffh, " 1.438.491 Cumberland Valley, " CO6 000. N. England Mutual, '• 5,000,000 Property of a!! kinds will he insured at the most reasonnt LE rates, in anyufthe anove companies Losses to insurers by l ire, accident ov tbeft, promptly adjusted and paid. DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, Tunk - , Pa Sept. 16, 1567,-v7u7 It, The I®itjuiar Edition of Dtckine. D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 413 and 415 Broadway. New York, maAcusn ma tLY A CHEAI' I DITION OF THt WO/.KS OF GHAS. DICKENS, FOR THE MIIXION, Clear T'pe, Handsomely Printed, and of Convenient Sire. Comprising the following Volumes, at the annexed Prices varying in nrice accord ing to the number of Pages: Oliver Twist (now ready) 172 pagcS"2s cents. American Notes 04 " "15 " Doiubey A Sin 343 " "35 " Martin Chii7.7.!ewit 350 " "35 " Our Mutual Fiicnd 330 " "35 " Christinas Stories (now ready)" 100 " ••25 " Talc of Two C'ties 144 " -20 " Hard Times ISO •' "25 " Nicholas Nickleby (now ready)-340 " --35 ■' llleak House 340 " "35 " Little Durrit. 33d '• .-35 •' Pickwick r.pers 326 " .-35 " Oavid C ppcrSel 1 330 " --35 •' Barnaby Rudge 247 " "30 •' OMCuriosity Shop 220 '• "30 '• Ore it Expe tati..ns 184 " ••2a " Sketches Jt Pictures from Italy, 170 " "25 " On re eipt of $4 51 we will mail to any address ns published, post-paid, the entire works of Charles 1)1; kens. Either of the above sent free bv ha:l on receipt of the price. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY For tho Million to a Library. CLCB RATES. A discount 0f25 |er ernt. will be made for 30 copies of one volume or 30 complete sets sent to one idJr*ss; a discount of 20 per cent, on 20 copies, 15 per cm . oB 10 copie >. CANVASSERS Have the opportunity ol procuring more snbscribe.-s lor this series than for any other, as every appren tice, mechanic, an I journeyman tviil certainty buy Dickens at this low price. Sen Jto the Publishers for special rates. N> AISLY RE AD s*. rII E W A V E II I X N OVELS. In the same cheap style, v7n2lml THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE; T") II AT on tho 26th dt\ of December A. D. 1867, a . Warrant in Bankruptcy wis i.-suej ogiinst the Estate of Nelson iV Fun. h. of the township of Winabain, in llie County ot Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania, who bus tieen a.ljuuged Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of aiy debts ml delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him. or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden bv law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of ail Bit krupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or in-.re Assignees of h s Estate, will ho held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hidden at the office of the Register, in the Bor • ugh of TownnJ.i, before Edward Overton, dr . Reg ister, on the 6th day of February A D. 1863 at 2 o'clock P M. THOMAS A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal -23w4 By E. B Coolbalgh, Deputy NOTICE. The public are hereby notified not to purchase a no e. given to Conktin for $260, d ted Deo. !1, 1867. payment on the 9th day of April 1868, as I have rt reived no va ue for the Sitne, anl that I will not pay the sai l note inlss coinpeltel to do so bylaw. EDWIN A DKWOLF North Branch, Pa Jan. 10. '6B v7n23w3. HOUSE I.OTS FOR SAI.E. THE subscriber offers for sale on reasonable trims a numb) r of BUI 1..D1N0 LOTS, situate at the west eni of Tu khann mk Bomugh. For particulars as to prices and terms inquire of ELISIIA CIH RCUILL. Tunkhanooeb. F*., Jan. 1,1868v7n2im3 Piscfil'in.fiu.i Waatcd. SSOOO IN GOLD, IN GREENBACKS, ©3l S3CGO , Worth of WHEAT, RYE, COP.N, j and OAT 3, iu ex'h ipge for 3311 V Crooaa, IIATS & CAT'S, HOOTS d. hiiOI.S, Flour &. Feed, 3ieali. Biari, PORK aud Fi-siJ, SALT, GREEN anu DRIED FRUIT, SUTTER, KGG3, CnEESE and LARD, Tobacco, i WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, 6TOXE and TIARD OILS, COAL, large and small s'zes, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash, t or produce t kcri in exchange, at the old s'and formerly CMop'ed fcy W beelo'.fc, on j Bridge Street. D BILLING** Tunknannock.Pa Dee 3, !6C7 v7n!B-tf. ThtLas tCrowms^ CCMf - IS THE IMPROVED pRRESTO^ Hair Messiiifi New^ 1 * j" o,,e ßoille pri££ ONEDQI^AS, IT, s. RE\ ESUF. NOTICE. 4 SfiISTANT AdeSEaSl'i.'S -HCH far 7l*n Di j\ vision, Coun' v ) half a rude north ntei s hired, at the late rebideuee ol Hon. K. it. Little IRA AVERY Assistant Assessor, 1 Tih Division lGib District Tunkhanco k, Dec 2. l£u7.7nir.oc IVSW Jewelry IStore!! P. C. BURNS & BRO. J|AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RrXOS, 1? Carets fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gems' Masonic an! Scarf Pins. Sleeve ar.J Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac. Solid and Plate! Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card E_skets, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. £poou Iloiders, Folks, Spoons, Nut Picks. Ac, Ac. From P.OGERS A BRO 'S Silver PiitcJ Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS arnl WATCHES of ihe latest American nrd European Manufacture. Tunkhannock, Dec. 18, 45,j7. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS 0* THE BIBLE, BT PROF. CALVI.V K.STOWK, ii, n. A work o r real value, an 1 an almost indispensubl couipanion of the Bibl-, shooing what the Ilib e U not. what it is, an I how to us-i it • answering alt the objections f its HUthecti ity u g I by modern infi* dels, and tracing the autlm itv of each i . >k up to its inspired authors, giving a >nu util of informa tion heretofore locked up very tare and costly vol umes making one of the most popular bo As aver published 10 0 0 Agents W a nt a "1. Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, scbeel teachers and othemshould seuo at onv'e lor circular* giving further information. Adlress, ZETGLF.R, ,f CURDY A CO , T7UB-4IU. 5I 1 Chestnut St roet, Pnilai'A. P NOTICE IN niNKIIUPTI Y. Tnis is to give notice, that on th* 4th day of January A. D 1868, a Warran' in Bankruptcy was issued against the Es'ata of Kib .v >ivkler, of Falls township in the County of Wyoming and State ol Pennsylvania, vho has been n.ijudge.l Ilarkrupt on his own |>etition ; that th < ; y incut of any dents and delivery of any pr. i- dv belonging to such Baukrup', to hiin, or for bis two, a ml the transfer of any property by him arc for illicit by law, that a meeting of the Creditors . f sai l Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to etton.-e one or mom Assignee* of his Esiate, will bo held a! a Court of Bankruptcy, to be bolden at Ihe Offi-e of the R.-gi-'er, in Towandw, Bradford county. Pa , before Elwarl Overtoil Jr., on the Bih day of Februury A. D. 1363, at 2 o'clock P. Si TII0.3; A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshah v7n22w4 By E. B. COOLBAI sh. Deputy, NOTICF Is hereby given, that 1 havo placed In pe'sesslon of Ntmuel Dailev JW, on pair of stc rs, to be kept by biui during qiv will an I pleasure—all persons ara forbid molesting or ioterferiug with the same DAVID PATRICK* Orerfleld Pa.Oct rth 1P67-T7nlCtf,