Loca 1 and Personal. Tow nship Officers' Bonds.—The law requires that Supervisors and Overseers of the poor in the M er*l Townshlpe, shall give toads for the faithful performance of their dutlee witnin thirty days after election —or on failure to do so the office becomes secant. The writing or preparation of these bonds, often imposes an amount of drugery upon some in telligent but good natured Justice of the Peace, or ether person which he would gladly avoid but ean not. We have recently prepared and printed blank bonds expressly for these officers The Clerk, or proper person for each Township should procure at the expense of (be Township, a dozen or two of there blanks to be used as occasion requires—which wo'd prove not only a saving in expense to the Township, but a relief from an uapleiuant task to the good natured bond-writer. Don't Forget—That next week is Court week ; and that the printer is sadly in want of "greaae" for the machine. Look at the figures on the label on this paper, and see if you aro responsible for any of the unearthly,screaking noises now grating on our ears. Wanted !—Five hundred additional, prompt paying, subscribers to the Democrat. We ask our friends to aid ua in supplying the requisite number. It will do them goid. It will do us good It will do everybody good Be not weary in well doing. Searching.— The atmosphere in these the past week or two has been what the man with tow and lionen breeches on, would call "rather nrchin\" The Borough Election held yesterday re sulted in the election of a Democratic Burgess, Justice of the Teaee, Coostable and Judge of Elec tion, by about the usual majorities. In the choice of Town Council. Poor Masters. Ac . party hues were ignored anl these offices were divided. The following are the names of tbs officers elected: Justice of the Peace—John A. Constable —L C Conklin. Burgess— W. Stanshury. Town Council—C. D. Gcarhart, R, R Little, Thos. A Miller, D. Bidleutan, G. E. Palen. Judge of Election—F. C. Ross. Inspectors—Daniel Wright, A. M.Stark. Assessor—John Stemples. ut hly magazine, issued on an entirely new plan by Messrs. Evans A Co., publishers. From our knowledge of the parties engaged in this enterprise.w.-feel justified in asserting that their umleitaking will be a success, and in all respects •■tinfactory to the public. In addition to the attractions of a fresh and awtT •stingmonthly, containing articles from the best authors in this country and Europe, as the title in dicates, the publishers uraw upon the whole world for topics of interest, aod offer as inluceiuents (if such were needed) a "dividend system" of an en tirely original character, in which All their patrols will participate This department is under the per sonal supervision and exclusive control of Mr. George b Evaus. long and favorably known as a geclleuian f experience, capability, enterprise and probity,— We commend to all a perusal of the "prospectus," wherein the distinctive features of the enterprise are fully set forth, feeling satisfied that the result will V* an immense circulation of their new monthly "The World at Home." Full particulars are sent free. Adtress Publishers ' The World at Home," fl4 Chestnut street Philadelphia, Pa Philadel pVu Sunday Time*. Everybody—Yea, everybody that kan ji-urneved on in the pathway of life, as far aa the matrimonial pasthous* where he "takes in" as a fellow passeD- Jtri choice bit of humanity, five feet and up ward?, wrapped up in diuiity arid other 1 fixias," has had occasion, at least once a week, to reflect upon the uncertainty of all sublimary things—except w.if'jing-d.iy. That day is one of the fixed daya it is sure to come—unwelcome aa it is- it's sare to eoine, and come it iPa> —oftener, it seetns.than any other day in the week. And with it comes the huge piles of soiled "figleavea"- assorted out. accordingly as they exhibit more or less of the "earth, earthy," 4c. Then couies also, the cry of ' water, water, ujore water Then an inundation of dirty suds and a cloud of eteaui rivaling that which ascends from Niagara—without the rainbow. Collapsed crinoline, drabbled dresses frouxy hair, scowling faces, a.-old •ag mother, squalling babies, late dinners,cold bites and such other interesting items make up the com plement of an old fashioned washing day, where the paternal "parent" has neglected to secure a first class wooden wa.-hing machine and a good clotbcs wriager. Wheat we apeak of a 6rat-raa* machine, *< mean such a one as the Agent,fur the sale of the H. P. Jones' "National Steam Washing Machine," left for trial at our house, last week —which made wasting day a great deal plessanter than anybody ever supposed this day of domestic thunderstorms, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions, could be made -1 • way have occasion to speak of this machine hereafter—if so —we shall speak as becomes • man wiih tkefe-y of broomstick* and mop-handles con tinually before bis eyes. For the present we say hurrah ! for Jones' Washing Machine— the friend of suffering woinan-ity. Temperance Will bs delivered by the Rev. J. A Davidson, at tbe following named placet--Lecture* to commence at 6} o'clock in the Evening of the day mentioned : At the M E, Church, in Falls, Jan. 13th " Centremoreland Jan. Mth. " tbe Union Church in Monroe, Jan. 15th. " Foriuton, Jen. 16th. Meboopany Jen. 17th. " Rus-ell Hill Jan 18th. A Temperance Sermon will lie preached at Church °*ar Stark'a in Nicholson, J at). lsth, at 6| o'clock iS 'E evening. Democratic Ctub Meeting.— An adjourned meeting of the " Central Democratic Clab of Wyo ming County" waa held at the Court House on Sat urday evening, January 11th, for the pnrpose of per fecting its organisation The meeting was called to order by Hon Wm M. Piatt, President pro. tem. and the report of tbe Committee, appointed at the previous meeting to draft Ry-Laws, was called for. Tbe Committee, through their chairman, reported the following By-Laws, which were read and adopted: The regular meetings of this Ctub shall be on the last .Saturday in each month (or oftener, at the call of tbe President and Executive Committee) at 7 o'clock P. M.; at which, there may be political dia cussions, reading of esanys, Ac. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club, to preserve order ; of the Vice President, to preside in the absence of the Pres ident ; of tbe Secretary, to record the proceedings of tbe Club, and to preserve all books and papers be longing to the same ; of tbe Treasurer, to receive and disburse all funds belongmg to tbe Club, to keep on account thereof, and to make report thereof from time to time as tbe Club may order. Tbe duties of tbe Executive Committee shall oon list in circulating Democratic newspapers, Ac., in arranging tbe time snd places for all public meet ings, securing speakers, and otherwise carrying ont the objects of tbe organisation, aa the Club may direct. The first business in order after the assembling of tbe Club (unless otherwise directed,) shall be the reading of ihe Constitution and Bv-Luws. Tbe Pres ident shall then give a general invitation to ail pres ent (not already members) to become members of the Club by signing the same. It shall also be the duty of each member of this Club to induce as many persons as possible to become members of this organ ization. All moneys, for defraying expenses of the Club, "bull be raised by assessment or subscription, from time to timejAo be paid out by tbe Treasurer, as tbe Club may direct After the adoption of the By-Laws, the next busi ness in order being tbe election of officers, tbe Club proceeded to the election which resulted in tbe choice of the following named persons for the ensu ing year : President—Ho.v WM. M. PIATT. Vice President— THOMAS OSTKHHOIT. Secretary— ALVlM DAV. Treasurer— HAßVEY SICKI.ER. Executive Committee — HON, R R LITTLE, WM. B OvßitriKLß, Esq., and J. P. LODERICC. Mr Little being called for, arose, adverted to tho present situation of the two great parties of the country. Tbe Democratic party had outlived all the requiems and obituaries pronounced by the Rad icals during the past six years. Instead of being dead and buried, as bad been so ofteD repeated in the past; it bad, by a fixed adherence to principles which necer die; struggled on through the storms of fanaticism and passion until now the clouds were breaking away, and calm reason was nga>n asserting its sway among the people, and triumph was again peiching upon the standards of the Democracy in every State where free elections were allowed. The radicals who for years had beeo dictatorial and defi ant, were now confessing more strongly, If possible, by their arte than their woids tho utter weakoess of themselves aod their cause, by manifesting so much anxiety to place in Rom.nation a man who on all tbe great questions of the day, either had no opin ions at all, or if he bad, had not the courage to make them known—who kept up a stubborn reticence up on question* of vital importance to the natiun— While, according to Gen, Grant, (for it was to hiin that Mr. L. alluded) all the honors due to bim as a persistent and stubborn military leader, he thought other traits of character ami qualities of mind were far more important in the chief magistrate of onr eo long misgoverned country. That principles should be more important now than epauletts or the uiagic of a name Mr. L.'s remarks were well received and highly applauded. Tho President called for the reading of the Con stitution, after which, a general invitation was ex tended to all present (who subscribed to the price!- pies set forth) to become members of the Club by signing the Constitution and By-Laws On motiun tbe proceedings of the Club were di- j rected to be published in the Wyoming Democrat. On motion the Club adjourned to meet at the Court House the last Saturday in this month at 7 o'clock P. M.—notice of which was directed to I* given through tbe columns of the Democrat. Wm M PIATT, Pros THOS OSTERUOIT, Vice rres ALVIN DAY, Sec'y. Nicholson Correspondence. NICHOLSON, 7an 13, 1898. If it was not f.>r the excitement growing out of the temperance question,or more prop erly epeakng, * the Gi*>d Templar question," there would not be sufficient interest for a communication at this tune, from this place. The Course which has beeD pursued for some months past, by a portion of the Order, has had he rff. ct of producing much hard feeling among many of our citizens which no doubt wilt continue for a long time. The great Templars' meeting held here on the 9'h, has by no means had the iff-el of recon cling the rancor heretofore existing. There were a number of distinguished lecturers frotn different portions of our country who look part in speaking. It waa said there were some 35 lead.ng spirits of the Templar organizaiion among ihem. U. V. Mace, who was chosen chairman, Dr. Virgil, W. E. Little and others represented the county of Wyoming The meeting was held in the Methodist Church. There were a goodly number in attendance, Including men, women and children—but very few ho Ti ter who were n t ideniilieil ill some way with the order. Rev. Davidson, 'he great mogul" or State lecturer, being the main speaker, lead off.— His address was well received, except thai part wherein he accuMtl the aniisieinplars of being barn burners, .tc , making a stirring appeal to keep on and tight the batile of rds in his familiar strain, which seemed tnole like benefitting the cause. Dr. P. of jour town next addressed the meeting somewhat radically, but in a plea-ant manner. Dr. Virgil, of Meehoppen, next de livered a fine address, being earnest and to the point, but conservative. It was conceded by true temperance men to be the best and most telling speech lor the good of the cause, taking the ground that ih people must be educated to believe, in order ihat the restric tion laws may be observed, and that persua sion would have a more salutary effect than force; his entire speech being well received by conservative men aod women. It being in fine contrast to Rev. Arms position, and one that he might profit by, if he can appre ciate a conservative and truly christian speech. 0 L. Halstead, Esq., next made a few re marks upon the beneliis be had received in becomings member of the order. The speaking was closed by our truly char itable and well known townsman, P. K- Will iams. His pleasant manner in addreaatng tbe andiencC; with so oncb christian like fueling, wherein he so sbly portrayed the necessity assisting the degraded, and extending a char itable hand to all the unfortunate, cold not help producing a good effect. It tfiuat have brought a blush of shame to some of the an sanctified christian teachers who preceded him, especially those who took the privilege of using such epithets as " barn-burners," " assassins," &c., applying them to those who do not happen to be possessed of their ideas of reformation, and advising Templar men to hold no communication with such characters. The pn>ceedings were interapereed bveing mg and instrumental music, by Mr. Clark Sissnn snd wife of Abington, snd was well received. A vote was taken to sustain the prohibitory law of Wyoming county, snd strange to say in a meeting of the kind was earned by a nice majority, which no doubt will have a great effect upon our Legislature The only arc dent occurring in this place during the past week, was a lag bp-ken on the person of Michael Hyan, by being run against in Ihe street by Mr. L. Harding with a horse and cutter. Fast horses are some titaes too quick for some men, as in this case. B. A Temperance C'onventlen for the State of Pennsylvania will be held at Ilarrisburg, beginning on Tuesday, the 18ih day of Feb. 180*8, at 10 o'clock A. M., and to continue as long as it find# business or matter for its consideration: Arrangements have been made with most of the Railroad companies to furnish delegates or representatives of the various Temperance organisations with/rct return ticket s, making half fare to all such. "All Churches, Colleges,and Academies, all Tem perance Societies, Divisi ns of Sons of Temperance, Temples of llonor, and Tcuipemppe, Lodges or Good Templars, County Societies the Union and a!l other friendly societies are requested to have themselves represented by such number of delegates as they may choose." A Easy Wagon Seat has ben shown us by Mr. A. Churchill who has the patent for this County for sale. This very simple invention has only to be seen, u> convince any one of its convenience in trav eling over our magh roads with a lumber wagon, market wagon or sleigh. It can be placed on and taken off as easily as an ordinary board sea'—occu pying no more space.—consisting of a few india-rub ber spring bands, placed below the scat in such a manner as to give it all the spring and elasticity of the ordinary eleptic spring Mr. Churchill has one of these seats on exhibition at Mr Baldwin's Hotel whete he will remain for a few days for the purpose of selling individual Townships or County rights.— Farmers go and see it. ForVston, Pa Jan. 6tb 1369. MR EDITOR : I notice in your issue of Jan Ist, the announcement of the marriage, by me, of Calvin Brooks and Mrs Emma Vaow. The parties named were not married by me nor by any other person, as I believe. lam satisfied that the notice came to you In an apparently authentic shape. I can hardly conceive the motive the writer had in giving public ity to such a falsehood. JAMES R. ROBINSON. f.pftial ftotirnf. SOTMG or inoN. I am mighty in the saber, Fiercely wielieJ by the brave, Glorious in the stalwart steamer, Laughing at the storm and ware. Beauteous in the palace pillars, Saving in the |ointed rod. As it brings the deadly lightning Quelled and harmless to the sod. But there is a glorious essence. tVhere I take my grandest power, Giving to the RACE my surest. Sweetest aid, in danger's hour. See ! before me fly diseases ! See the darkest hydras bow ' See the rose of health and beauty. Take the palest cheek and brew. * Fly. dyspepsia ! fly, consumption Yes,all ills are crushed at length, For I give what human nature Only ever needed-STRE.NOTH ! Shali I tell in what great essence I can thus your spirits cheer up I Pallid, trembling, dying sufferer, \ 'l'is the farneu "PEUL VIAS SvßCr." The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery in medi cine that strikes at the riot of disease by supplying the blood wit h its tital principle qf life ar element. Iron. *■ The genuine has 1 PERKVIAR SYRUP" blown in the glass. Pamphlets free. J P. DINS.MORE, Proprietor, No J6 Dey St., New York Sold by all Druggists. v7n2l-4t. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARI) A WILSON wdl send (free of charge) to all who desste it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which hu was cured of a lung affeetim and that Ireud disease Consumption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he bopes every sufferer will try this prescript; >n, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 6n4liy- ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Xeivous Debility, Premature decay, aud ell the effects of youthful in iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy and directions for making- the simple remedy I*) which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by '.he advertiser's cx]rience, can do so by addressing in perfect c mfi lence, JOHN B. OUDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n!o. CHRONIC DISEASES, SCROFULA, UL. CERS, Ac. It is well known that the benefits derived from drinking of the Congress, Saratoga aud eh-r cele brated Springs, is principally owing to the lodine they contain. Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water Contains fodine in the same pure state that It is found in these spring waters, but nv.-r 500 per rent, more in quantity, containing as it does If grains to each fluid ounce, dissolved in pure water, without a soleent, a discovery long sought for in this country and Europe, snd is the best remedy in the world for Scrofula. Cancers, Suit Rheum, Ulcers, and all Chronic Diseases, Circulars free J, P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St. New York. Sold by all Druggists. DISEASES OF THE SCALP PRODUCE ORAY HAIR AND BALDNESS ! The uae of HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER will restore it to its natural color and promote its growth. O-ir Treatise on the Hair sent r rcc hy mail. H P HALL A CO. Nashua, N. 11, Proprietors. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS is to give notice, that on the 4th day of January A. D. 1068, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was l*aed against the Estate of Riley Sickler, of ?alls townhip in the County of Wyoming and Slate of Pennsylvania, vho has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of soy debts and delivery of any property belonging to auch Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by lew, that a meeting of the Creditore of said Bankrupt, to prove their debta, end to choose ooe or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Offi w of the Register, in Towandh, Bradford county. Pa , before E lward Overton. Jr., on the Bth day of February A. D. 1868, at 2 o'clock P ' * THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. v7n?3w4 By 1 B Com,4cq, Deputy. List of Jurors Drawn to Btrre at Jan. Term, 1868. eIARn JUBORI Braintrim—Da*id Carlin, James M. Robinson. Clinton—J vines S Cspwell, E. 1). Gardner, Benj. Carpenter, Warren Brings. Eaton- Ruel Laßar. Falls- Benj. Place. Forkaton John G. Spaalding, Joseph Preston, Austin P. Burgess. Lemon—Denison Lott. Mehoopnny—Monroe Waller. NicholsoD- George Pratt, S. L. TiffaDy, I. S. Lit tle. Kortbmoreland—Calrin Halleck, Richard Man ning North Branch—Elias Bowen, Harker Ward, Henry Champin Washington—John Carney, Jacob Decker. Windhaut— Lorenio Myers. PETIT Jrauß*. Braintrim- S fl Gregory. Clinton—Honry Newcotnb, Harvey Briggs, U V. Mace Eaton—James B. Harding, Wilmot Carpenter, A*a S. Dana, lliram Bodle, Nelson Lee, Ellas Canfield Kxeter —Thomas D. Hoadley, Daniel Brown. Letnoo—Henry Harris. Mcshpin—Churchill Vanosdoll, Calvin D. Vose , Wm. F Mowrey, Edward Merrift. Mehoopany—John L Ilahn, Barney Walter, Wm II Sweatlan 1, Abner K Farr, Samuel V. Myers. Nurthmureland—Gordon liutfield, Robert Hat field. Mnhroe—Chancy Newberry, Richard More. North Branch—Edward Miller. Nicholson—Patrick Coddington, Perry Stark, Eliphntet Stephens, Overfield— Gilbert Hunter, Tunk. Tp —Mark A. Gardner, Tunk. Boro. —Jonas Lodrick, A. E. Buck. Daniel Wright Windham— Jasper Fassett, Commercial College,—The success of Gard ner's Business College and Ladies' Academy, at Scranton, has surpassed all expectation. The eov.rs* of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— an I give better satisfaction than any other College of the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Life Schol arship 8d5.00. Ctulis at reduced rates. Send lor College Pajier giving full particulars. Address J. K Gardner. Principal, Scranton, Pa. uinlOyl Iffo xTferHsnnntts. WE ARE COMING ! And will present to any person sending us a club iu our Ureal One Dollar Sale of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address R RE*. ALLEN, HA WES A CO.. 15 Federal St.. Botlou, Mas*. P.O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and Eng lish Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac. ONE DOLL AR E ACH WEBS COTTON CLOTH. Dress Patterns, Pant Patterns. Sewiog Machines, Watches, Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac Ac. Send Ten cents for Patent Pen Fouatuin, with slip describing an article in our dollar sale. Any person, (male or female,) can send In a club of from 30 to 1,000, at sitae rate (10 cts. for each), and get a premium for ao doing Send in Rteit tcred Letters Sample* mailef! free o any address- EASTMAN A KENDALL, 65 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. ® ® € It is the Host Chance ever offered to Agents One or two days' time will secure a good. Sewine Machine, Watch. Silk Dress, Re volver, or some other article of eijual value. Free of coat ' Agente wanted everywhere, male and fe male, for the beet One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sale in the country. Send for Circulur. S C THOMP SON A CO., REVOLUTION IN TRADE! LADI EJ*,— you can receive fur the sum of ONE SOZjXjAII, Silk, Merino and A 100 era Dre sees, Shawls, Balmor als, Linen Goods, Embossed T.:ble Covers, Watches. Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware. Sewing Machines, Ac Send clubs of ten or more, with ten cents for each descriptive check, and the getter up of the club will receive a present wor'h 8i to 8300. according to number sent. Agents w.mted everywhere Circu lar* sent froe. PAItkER A CO., surr-e.sors to GRA HAM A CO., 64 and 66 Federal St, Boston. H P, SELL FOR ONE DOLLAR, GtOLD *nd Silver Watches, Sewiosr Machines, Sil f ver Tea Setts, Silk Dress Patterns, Carpeting*, Domestic Goods Ac., Ac. CIRCULARS SENT FREE, giving full particulars of our grc-t One Dollar Sale Splendid inducement* offered to Agents sending us Clubs. Address, LABONTE A BABBITT, No. 83 Sudbury St., Boatn. NO MORE NEED OF people in the country paying three or tour prof its on the goods they have I) buy. The meth od* introduced i>y the DOLLAR SALE principle as offered by OILMAN A CO., 1 11) Hanover St..Bos ton, Mas*, enable* consumers to ohtain goods at wholesale prices, with almost unlimited allowing of exchange, and valuable presents thrown ij. Send for a Circular, or send Ten cents far descriptive slip Great inducements for persons to act as Agents. A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages Ami 130 fine plate* 11 nd engraving of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in : stfe of Heilth and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the mind and body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment —the only ra tional and successful mode ot Cure, as shown by the ! report of cases treated. A tru*hfnl adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who en tertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cent* in stamps or postal currency, by addressing DR LA CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. V. ' he author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personal! or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of the world, GBP ; MADAM FOY'S f Corset Skirt Supporter Combines in one garment a PER FECT FITTING COKSET, and the most Icsirable Skirt .Supporter ever of tered the public. It places the i weight of the skirts upon thel shoulders instead of the hips ; it ! improves the form without tight , lacing; gives ease and elegance; is approved enl recommended by ' phyiiciuus Sold at ladies' fancy goods stores gvner- \ ally,and at wholesale by J. B SAUNDERS A CO. i 9fi SummerSt Boston. I and 22 Walker Street, N. V. 1 Also by HENRY C. MOORE, 429 Market St., Philadelphia, and STELLMANN, HINRICUS A CO., 21 Hanover Street Baltimore, Md. NORTH AMERICAN STEAM SHIP CO. Through Line to Philadelphia, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. Sailing from New York December Stb and 14th; January 4th, 14th and 24th ; and February 14th and 24th. With New Steamships of the Frst Class PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, For furthar information address the undersigned at ITT Wert Street. New York. I). N CARRINGTON, Afent. |lffo gfoijertisemtnts. DELACOVE INSTITUTE.— EngIish and French Boarding School for Yonng Ladies. Ac complished Educators, healthful location, delightful river-side residence, and bome-lika comfort, are the chief attractions of this new and beaitiful Icstitu i tion. Thirty handsome chnml-ers limit the number lof boarders to sixty. Second term commences Feb. Ist, 186# For Prospectus address the Principal, Mine RACHELLE G. HI NT, Beverly, N. J. "CUT THIS OUT And send it to SMITH A COWLEY, Pitteburgh, Pa., ( for their large (juarto Circular of the IHOM CITY COLLEftB, containing specimens of Cowley's Premium Penmvn -1 ship, Eiegant Views of College Building, Halls, City , of Pittsburgh, Ac., Ac. j For IM6B. For 1868. THOSE WIIO WISH TO TAKE A QUOD RELIGIOUS PAPER, 1 For the New Year should subscribe for THK ADVANCE. Live, Earnest and Spiritual. Just the paper for horn* ami Sunday. 02,50 a year. Splendid Pretoi ; urns for those who get up Clubs. Specimen copies sent free. Address THE ADVANCE COMPANY, 25 Lombard Block, Chicago. THE Rural ffetlllemati, a Monthly Journal published gl Baltimore Md. $1 a year, in ad vance. Specimens I (lets. Advertisements solicited. Agents wanted. Address as above. MKAIISTRE£T'S IMPROVED RUBBER MOULDING AND WEATHER STRIPS. The best, cheapest and only perfect Weather Strips in the market. Excludes snow, rain, cold air and dust. Prices reduced to iigerits. The sale is beyond anything ever offered. Send dor un agent's circular J. R BRADSTREET A CO., 87 Nassau St., N. Y., 57 Washington St., Boston. VICK. IMPORTER A GROWER OF FLOW VEGETABLE SEEDS, ROCHESTER, N. Y. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OK Seeds and Floral Guide for I SOB, Is nnw published and ready to sent out. It makes a work of about OXK HINIUIKR LARUE PAOKS, contain ing full descriptions of the Choicest Flowers 2b Vegetables Grown, with plain directions for Sowing Seed, Culture, Ac. It is bcHutitully illustiaied, with more than ONE 1 HUNDRED FINE WOOD ENGRAVINGS of Flow ers and Vegetables, and a Beautiful Colored Plate of Flowers. Well printed, on tho finest paper, and one of the most beautiful as well as the most instructive works , of the kind [U Wished. cw ent to all who apply, by mail, post-paid,for Ten Cents, which ts not halt the cost. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. | AMERICAN CLOCK CO. 3 Cortlaudt Street, New York. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in All Varieties of AMERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for SETII THOMAS CLOCK. 30,000 Francs! Herring's BATENT CHAMPION SAFES AWARDED TnE PRIZE MEDALS AT WORLD'S FAIR, ... Loudon. WORLD'S FAIR. - - Nrw York. EXPOSITION UNIYERSELLE* Pari*. AND WINNER OF TIIE WAGER 30,000 FRANCS. (46,000 In Gold,) At the recent International contest, in the Paris Ex hibition. Tbe public are invited to call and examine the re port of the Jury on tbe merits of the groat contest and see the official award to the Herring's Patent over all othets. HERRING, FARREL A SHERMAN, 24 1 Broadway, Cor. .Murray St., N&W YORK. FARKi::,. HERRING A CO., PHILADELPHIA. HERRING A CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL A SHERMAN. HEW ORLEANS. AZYGOS 1 Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books, containing important rhysologtcal Information, for Mn and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing the Secretary of the N-w lurk Medical University, No 30, Clinton Place, Now York City. r-OTTATD. ANEW METHOD OF COPYING LETTERS, without either Pressor Water, saving t tgie, labor and expense. A.-k for •' PENN LET TER BOOK." For circulars, address P. GARRETT A CO., 702 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Agents wanted. FARMERS AND FARMER'S SONS B'wted to engage in a business, during the Fail and Winter, paying from 4140 to 8200 per month Address ZEIGLER, McCUKDY A CO. No. 614 Arch St., Philadelphia P. xYTANTED —Ladies or Gentlemen to sell the W GUM ; -or* Sharpener, Button Hole Cntter ani Ripper com timed. Sample sent by mail for 40 cts. Address Mrs. ANNA SMITH, 33 Parkuian-st., Cleveland, 0. WANTF.D- —SALESMEN to travel trnd sell goods by sample Good wages and steady em ployment. Address, with stamp, LANPIIEAR A PERKY*, 197 Superior St., Cleveland, 0 COURT PROCLAMATION. ff 711 EKE AS, the Hon. WM ELWELL. I'resi dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Court ot General Quarter Sesaions of the Peace, and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of cap ital and other offences, for the twenty-aixth Judicial District of Penn'a ; G. Pike, and J. V. Smith, Esqs, Associate Judges of tbe Court of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Associ ate Justices of Oyer ami Terminer and General Jail Delivery of the County of Wyoming, have by their precept to me directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER * AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to be held at Tunkbannock on Monday the 20th day of January A- D. 1968. Notice is therefore hereny given to the Coronor, all Justices of the Peace ami Constables within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in tbeir pro per persons at the time and place above mentioned, with their roils, records, inquisitions, examinations, recognisances, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices is that behalf respective ly belong. Notioe is also given that those who are bound by recognisances to prosecute the prisnnere that are or shall be In the Jail of Wyoming County, thaUhey be then and there to prosecute them a shall be just. M YV. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tunkhannock, Jan. 1, 1868. NOTICE Is hereby given, that I have placed in possession of Samuel Dailey Jr., one pair of steers, to be kept by bin during my will and pleasure—ail persons are I forbid molesting or interfering with the same. DAVID PATRICK, I Overfield Pa ,oet. 7th 1967 r7nlotf, gfrfo gMertiflfittfirts. ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBlL itated whose sufferings hare been protracted j from bidden causes, mmf #hone cawi require prompt j treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary dischar- I ges, what effect does it product hpon your general j health 1 I)o yon feel weak, debilitated, easily I tired 7 Does a little extra exertiod produce palpi tation of the benrtl Does your lifer, or urinary j organs, or yoar kidneys, frequently get JUt of order 7 I Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or ffocky-, or lis it ropy on settling ? Or do- s a thick sjoui rise to ! the top? Oris a sediment at the bottom aitv it , has stood awhile 7 Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia 7 Are your bowels constipa ted 7 Do you have -pells of fainting or rushes of 1 blood to the head 7 Is your memory impaired ! Is vout mind constantly dwelling upon this subject 7 j Do you feel dull, listless, moptog, tired of company. : of life 7 Do you wish to be left alone, to get away I from everybody 7 Does any little thing miike you ! start orjumt>7 Is your sleep broken or restless 7 Is the lustre of rour eye as brilliant 7 The bloom ;on your cheek as bright 7 Do you enjoy yourself in society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the same energy 7 Do you feel us much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy 7 If so, do not lay it to vonr liver or dysjxpeta Have you restless nights! Your back weak, your kr.ees weak, and hare but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint 7 1 Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable o! pro ducig a weakness of the generative organs. The or. gans of generation, when in perfect health, make the uian. Did you ever tbink that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative Oceans are in per fect health? You never bear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid tbef cannot suc ceed in business; they don't become sad and discour aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in 1 tbe face —none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who j keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. [ These will not only ruin t'jeir constitutions, but also i those they do business vf Ith of for. tlow many men from badly cured diseases from ! the effects of self-abuse and excesses, haVe brought i about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general gysfeal so much as to induce al- I most every other disease —idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other , form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, I and have doctored for all hut the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diu retic HELMBOLD'3 FLUID EXTRACT BICHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure tor dis eases of the Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, Or ganic Weakue.-e, Female Complaints. General Debil ity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, frrm wbatevet cause originating and no matter of how long standing If no treatment is euomitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are sup ported from these sources, and the health and happi ness, and that of posterity, depends upon a prompt use of a reliable remedy. Helmhold's Extract Bucbu, established upward of 19 years, prepared by II- T. IIELMBGLD, Druggist 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa PBICE—SI,2S per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all druggists ev erywhere. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following accounts and claims have been filed in the Register's Offi'-e in and for Wyoming Co. will be presented to the Orphan's Court to be held at Tiinkbanno-k, in and for the same County, on Monday the 2'Hh day of Jan. next, for confirmation and allowance : Final account of C. C. Mills. Administrator of the estate of T. P. Mills, late of Tunkhannock Boro., dee'd. Filed Nov. 12th !Sg7. Widows claim in the estate of Richard Brongess, late of Windham Tp dee'd. Filed Dec 7th 19(j7. 0. L PARRI3H. Register Register's Office. Tuuk Dec. 17, I8(j7, Insurance Agency. D Ay I EL WRIGHT . 13(}9, atone o'clock P M on the premise*, all the right, title, aDd interest (being one undivided nimh part) of tbe said Joanna Gregory, of, in, to, and out of tbe fu)- lowing described pieoe or parcel of land situate in tbe township of Mesboppen, county aforesaid, and bounded on the North by lands of Daniel Cole, Chat. Mowry and Benjamin Baker, East by land of Benja min Baker, Sooth by land of Benjamin Ellis and Anson Stocker, and ou the West by land of Anson Stocker. Levi Gregory nnl Daniel Cole; containing about one hundred and sixty-seven acrrdf, fnore or less, by me J. B. STURDEVANT, v7nl9lds „ Committee of Joanna Gregory SHERIFF'S SALE." BY virtus of a writ of Lerari Facia* to me direc ted there will be exposed to Public Rale at thu Court House in Tunkb innoek, Wyoming Co. Pa. ON SATURDAY, JAN. 18th, '69, at 1 o'clock P. M. The following described Building and lot of ground of James E. Howe and C. D. Willson, Terre Tennant a lot or piece of ground situate iu the Township of Nicholson, county of Wyoming, of INinn'a. Bounded on the North by public highway, East by lands of Mrs Colvin, South by land of Ed ward Hand and West by land formerly owned by 11. M. Stone. The building is wood, the main part two stories high and twenty-four and a half feet in front by thirty-one wild a half feet de p, with an L on the east side of main, part, being sixteen feet square, one story high with stoop on two sides of of same. Seized nnd taken in execution at the suit of J W. Griffith, vs. James E. Howe and C. D. Willson. Ter-. re Tennant. And will be sold for cash only, bv M W. HEWITT, Sheriff. Tunkhannock, Pa, Dec. I7th. U. *. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE for 7th Di vision, i Wyoming County) half a mile north of Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late resideuee ol Hon. U. K. Little IRA AVERY. Assistant Assessor, 7th Division ldth District Tunkhannock, Dec 2, 1867v7n19iJ ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICft. Whereas letters af administration to the estate of Joseph Ferguson lute of the towr.snip of North moreland, deceased, have been granted to the subscri rlber. All persons indebted to the said estate are re qrested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against the estate of tho said dec edent, will make known th>- sauie duly authenticated without delay. SrENCER FI RGKRSON Administrator, Northmoreland, Nov 32, 1867. TTII?W< | SHERIFF'S SAUL BY virtoe of a w* of Fieri Facias to me directed there will he exposed, to public sale at the Court ! House in Tuakhannock, Wyoming. County, Pa. I ON SATURDAY, JAN lSth, '6B. at I o'clock P. M. j All the right, title and iutcrest of the defendant in ' and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate and being in the township of Tunkhatinock, . Wyoming County, Pa., and bounded as follows : On the north by land of Hugh Dickson, west hy land of , William Dickson, south hy land ol Franklin Decker, east by land of Amos Williams, containing about ten acres of land, more or less, a hoot two acres thttw. , of improved, one dwelling house nnd one small boom i and some truit trees theroou, with the appiirtea>nce*-. 1 Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Jmhlt W. Graham vs. Charles Decker And will he sold for cash only by M. W HEWITT,, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tunk,, Dec 28, 1067. HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE. THE subscriber offer* for tale on reasonable terms a number of BCIII.niN'O LOTS, | situate at the west emi of Tir i khannoek Borough, t For particular* as to attest and terms inquire of I ELIBHA CHURCHILL^ ! Tvnkhoiaoik Pa., Ju l,lß6Sv7n'Jlm2