Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, January 01, 1868, Image 2

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Jeff. Duvis' bail bond iu lithographed and
tor aula Richmond.
The late Abraham Lincolb was ungallsnt
enough to style Mi*a Dickinson '*a crowiog
A No p th Carolina negro shot down a sher
iff sent to arreet him for theft, in the pret
ence of a file of United States troops.
Ztccheus Greeley,father of Horace Greeley,
died at Fort Wayne, Pcnn. on the 18th intt.,
aged 86 years.
The grandfather of George H. Pendleton
was the the second of Hamilton in his duel
with Burr.
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher has given sl,-
000 to fund for the benefit of General Lee's ;
By the annexation of St. Thomas we woold
tbe sweet boon of having Santa Anna j
tor a citizen.
Brigham Young is Mid to conduct bis es
tablishment on tbe principle of "large aalee
and small prophets."
About a million children gather weekly in
the Methodist Sunday Schools in tbe United
SteteSjOnder the instruction of 150,000 teach
The mansion of the Rev. Walter Barton
of Sufilcld, Connecticut, was burgled of §4OO
while that divine was eating his Christmas
dinner with a neighbor.
Bulwer's book on "Historical Charactcn"
treats of Talleyrand, Mcintosh, Abbot and
Caoning. His next volume will doabtleM
discuss Neptune and Nicodemus.
There it an old being extant on the Island
of Arran at the frisky sge of 105, whose
claim to regard is that be went to school
with Robert Barns and shared that bard's
The application for the body of Maximilian
by the Emperor of Austria and his family,
was made in language which recognized the
administration of Juarez as the Mexican gov
ernment, and styled his late rival as "the
late Archduke," not the late Emperor.
Six brothers in McLean County, Illinois,
named Houghman, weigh twenty-two hun
dred and nineteen pounds. The smallest
weighs two hundred and eighty pounds, the
heaviest four hundred and fifty.
Baptism and the sacrament are now ad
ministeied at Henry Ward Beecher's Church
with water from the river Jordan and wine
from Jerusalem.
Mark Twain, lecturing on the Sandwich
Island, offered to show how the cannibals eat
their food, if some lady would hand him a
baby. The lecture was not illustrated.
Ilenry Ward Beecber received 825,000
from Mr. Bonner for "Norwood," and as the
ItftTLJLtf iUSfST.U I ?!!. -FA* znticipated, an
It is said that one ticket speculator in Bos
ton, has realized 83,000 by buying up, and
re-selling the tickets for Dickens 1 first read
The Senate, on the 10th, refused to strike
out of the deficiency bill an item 0f512,500
for newspapers for the members. Twelve
thousand five hundred dolltrs for Radical
newspapera / Think of that taxpayers, but
don ! t swear.
Daring (be war a diamond was found at
Camden Mtss., in the rough state, which upon
examination ia found to be worth $50,000.
Two gentlemen of New York city, whose
names are kept a profound secret for tbe pres
ent, have just purchased five hundred acres
of land Dear Honcsdale, Pa., for the -purpose
of cultivating tbe wmler-green berry.
Two Tenresseans built a fire under a cow
to make her move, and the creature died of
the tortnre. The next day one of these men
passed the place on horseback, tbe horse
became frightened at tbe dead cow, threw bit
rider and nearly killed him, A neat case of
poetical justice.
A woodsawing tournament came ofTat La
fayette, Indiana, a few days ago,during which
thirty six cords of wood were sawed for the
poor by four contesting parties of nine each.
A large crowd with bands of music, attended
the contest, and a large sum of money was
realized in contributions, admission fees, and
and from tbe sale of saws and bucks, at the
completion of tbe contest.
Tbe woid Time ia tbe ooly word in the
English language which caa be thus arrang
ed :
Me t i
£ n it
And the different transpositions thereof are
all at the Mine time Latin words. These
words in English as well as Latin, may be
either read upward or downward. Their
signification aa Latin words are aa follows
Time—fear thou ; Item—likewise : Meti—to
be measured ; Emit—be buys.
A bell in New York ate up twelve tur
keys, leathers and all, for his Thanksgiving
A farmer at DeaMoinea, lowa,recently dis
covered ten thousand dollars, which some one
had buried on his farm.
There is a large emigration of despondent
Scalberneis from Georgia and Alabama to
the Western States.
"Yankee Robinson," showman, baa gono
into baakrtiptcy at the end of an unsuccessful
campaign, in Chicago ; liabilities $14,000.
Last week Col. J. 11. Nethercutt and wife,
middle-aged, respectable people of Jones Co.
North Carolina, were robbed and murdered
by a psrty of negroea.
The coat of registering and conducting
State elections in the South together with
the army and negro bureau, was $130'000,-
000 ! Advantage derived from such payment
vras 000 000,000 !!
®l )t Democrat.
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1868.
CHANGES, and all others interested, will
please note the CHANGE of TITLE, ofthis
Democratic Association.
AL! persons opposed to tyranny, despotism, snd
the revolutionary and unauthorised acts of Congress
ia endeavoring to Africanise the governments of
eleven States of this Union ; in favor of a white man's
governm-nt, and of rescuing the same from the
hands of the despoiler, are requested to meet at the
Court House in TuDkhamuck, on Saturday evening,
January 4th, 1868, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of
organising a " Democratic Central Association," in
order to oarry out more effectually the objects above
set forth.
It is expected that auxiliary Associations will be
formed in every township in the county, to more ef
fectually carry forward the great work so auspicious
ly begun by the people.
Let every friend of his country and of Constitu
tional liberty attend; and let our watchword be
" Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."
By order of the Democratic County Committee.
J. V. SMITH, Chairman.
The Ramp Congress is now taking
its Lolliday spree. After the passage of
the nigger equality bill for tbo District of
Columbia, these chaps felt like laying aside
work and taking a drink with their colored
bredren ob African 'scent.
Hcad-Quarters-in-my-saddle. Pope,
who for some time past, has been playing
the tyrant in the South, has been removed
and Gen. Meade appointed in his stead.
The Terrible Farce in Virginia.
The Washington Constitution, in speak
ing of the Virginia Constitutional Conven
tion, says:
Who now represents in the ncgropholist
convention bitting in Virginia, the District
of Richmond, where Marshall resided as
the greatest Chief Justice of America?—
Hunnicutt, Undcrwcod and two negroes.
Who sits for the district from whence came
to Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of
American Independence. Benjamin Har
rison, " tbe member with the strong nerve
who, when Mr. Hancock hesitated to take
the chair as the elected President of the
historian states ; and where were born aod
reared President Wm. Henry Harrison and
President John T}der; and where lived,
according to the American Biographical
Dictionary, " John Tyler, one of the most
leading of the American Revolutionary pa
triots." the father of the President ef the
same name, and both Governors of the
State in its day of glory ? A nrgro white
and a white negro / Who comes from
Hanover the birth -place of Patrick Henry
and Ilenry Clay, the noblest and grandest
oiators of modern times, and both immor
tal American patriots 1 A negro. Who
do we have trom Charlotte, the home of
Henry and of John Randolph of Roanoke?
A negro. Who from Orange, once adorn
ed by Madison? A negro. Who from
Albenparle, the home of Jefferson and
Monroe, and tbe seat of Charlottesville,
Monticello, and the University? A negro.
Who have we in this Convention from Pe
tersburg, the " Cockade City" in the war
of the Revolution for American Indepen
dence, and from the District of Dinwiddie,
where Winfield Scott was born and reared
and educated ? A negro. Who do we see
from the great tobacco mart of Lynchburg,
so important to the North ? Again, a ne
gro white and white negro.
Alarming cxcestes have recently been
committed by blacks in Bullock County, in
the neighborhood of Perote. The colored
loyal leagues have organized and resisted
the processes of the civil authorities. Un
der instructions from colored emissaries,
they have tramed a code of laws to govern
the negro population, opened a court, offi
cered and organized, and are arresting by
night all blacks who oppose their unlawful
proceedings, and have canied punnishment
so far that their victims have applied to the
civil authorities for protection. The black
sheriff and his deputy were finally arrested
but other insurrectionary leaders organized
tbe negroes and made armed resistance.—
Aid from other leagues was summoned,and
tbe blacks flocked to Union Springs,threat
ening a general rising and the extermina
tion of tbe whites, and taking possession of
the country. The black leaders went to
the plantations aud forced the laborers to
join them for vengeance, showing pretend
ed orders from Gen. Swayne that they had
a right to kill all resisting their authority.
During the excitement the negro church at
Perote Was burned by unknown parties it
is alleged by black leaguers, to inflame the
negroes. The whites universally regret it.
Tbe white citizens have organized for pro
tection. General Swaync was appealed to
and sent a detachment of troops promptly
to the scenes of trouble to restore order.
The black insurrectionists have been arrest
ed and sent to jail to be tried by the civil
authorities. At the last accounts, order
was restored, and all was quiet.
gW Edward W. Dunbar, a preacher of
the gospel in Minnesota, baa been convicted
of polygamy.
We will bet one hundred dollars that he
was a blatant Radical advocating negro
suffrage, and especially fierce in assailing
tbe Catholic Church. That is sure to be
the case with those sleek scoundrels, who
have so repeatedly been guilty of seducing
and ruining unsuspecting and trusting
women within the last five years. They
seem to have -an uncontrollable trcakpess
for the sex.
Message of President Johnson.
His Appreciation of Gen Hancock's Admin
istration of the Fifth Military District.
The President sent the following mes
sage to Congress last Wednesday:
An official copy of the order issacd by
Major General Winfield S. Hancock, Com
mander of the Fifth Military District, dat
ed headquarters, New Orleans, on the 29th
day of November, has reached mc through
the regular channels of the War Depart
ment, and I herewith communicate it to
Congress for such action as may seem to
be proper in view of all the circumstances.
It will be perceived that General Hancock
announces that he will make the law the
rule of his conduct; that he will uphold
the courts and other civil authorities in the
performance of their proper duties, and
that he will use bis military power only to
preserve the peace and enforce the law.—
He declares veiy explicitly that the sacred
right of trial by jury and the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
crushed out or trodden under foot. He
goes further, and in one comprehensive
sentence asserts that the principles of
American liberty are still the inheritance
of this people, and ever should be.
\Y hen a great soldier, with unrestricted
power in his hands to oppress his fellow
men, voluntarily foregoes the chance of
gratifying his selfish ambition and devotes
himself to the duty of building up the lib
erties and strengthening the laws of his
country, he presents an example of the
highest public virtue that human nature is
capable of practising.
The strongest claim of Washington to
be " first in war, first in peace, and first in
the hearts of his countrymen," is founded
on the great fact that in all his illustrious
career he scrupulously abstained from vio
lating the legal and constitutional rights of
his fellow citizens. When he surrendered
bis commission to Congress the President
of that body spoke bis highest praise in
saying that he had " always regarded the
rights of the civil authorities, through all
dangers and disasters." Wherever power
above the law courted his acceptance he
calmly put temptation aside. By such
magnanimous acts of forbearance be won
the universal admiration of mankind, and
left a name which has no rival io the his
tory of the world.
I am far from saying that Gen. Hancock
is the only officer of the American Army
who is influenced by the example of Wash
ington. Doubtless thousands of them are
faithfully devoted to the principles for
which the men of the Revolution laid down
their lives. But the distinguished honor
belongs to him of being the first officer in
high command south of the Potomac since
the close of the civil war who has given
utterance to those noble sentiments in the
form of a military order.
I respectfully suggest to Congress that
some public recognition of Gen. Hancock's
patriotic order is due, if not to him, to the
friends of law and justice throughout the
V.VUIIII J. Vi OUVITUU UVI CEO 1113 at ouwu d
time it is but fitting that its dignity should
be vindicated and the virtue proclaimed,
so that its value as ao example may not
be lost to the nation.
Washington, D. C., Dec. 18, '67.
Treasury Report.
The Treasury report has been published.
In regard to the resumption of specie pay
ments, the Secretary says:—That desira
ble consummation has been delayed chiefly
by the poor crops of 1866, by the immense
expenditures of the War Department con
sequent upon the Southern military gov
ernments and the Indian hostilities and by
the shock to the public eredit given by the
expressions of such financiers as Ben. But
ler and Thnd. Stevens. Yet the Secreta
ry boldly declares that if the policy of con
traction is maintained, and the crops are
good next season specie payments may be
resumed by January, 1869, or, at the very
latest, six months later. The measures
requisite for this condition, are given as
First—The funding or paying the bal
ance of the interest bearing notes and the
continued contraction of the paper cur
Second —The maintenance of the public
faith in regard to the funded debt.
Third—Restoration of the Southern
States to their proper relations to the Fed
eral Government.
As to the National Banks, the Secretary
thinks that any attempt to destroy them at
the present time would bring on a crisis;
yet be hints that the time may come to
dispense with them. Conservative legis
lation, be declares, is now indispensable.
Notwithstanding the sigus of the times,
he insists even more strongly than usu
al on the poliey of rapid curreucy contrac
tion, and declares stubbornly that trade
has not been and will not be, injuriously
affected by such a policy. "An irredeem
able currency," it says •' is a financial dis
The Secretary then speaks briefly of tbe
internal laws—saying nothing of the great
whisky frauds —and recommends that only
slight changes be made in the tariff until
we have returned to specie payments. The
present tariff has failed to be protective, as
was intended, but bas produced a large
revenue, and in toat particular pleases the
He insists with much emphasis that the
understanding of the government which
issued our bonds and of the people who
bought them, was that they would be paid
in gold and he maintains that it would be
a disgraceful breach of national faith to pay
them in currency.'
Gen. Ord, eomipanding the Fifth
Military District, has issaed an order direc
ting General Gillem to proceed to Wash
ington and represent to the President and
Secretary of war the starving condition of
the Freedmcn in this district, and the
necessity of some provision being made by
the government to feed them and avert the
impending war of races. Gen, Ord also
orders that all freedmen who are able will
be requireed to earn their own support
during the coming year, and to go to work
on the heat terms that can be made, and
thus prevent their being a burden to the
government. Those who can, but will not
earn a livelihood, will lay themselves liable
to arrest and pnnishmcntas vagrants.
General Grant'■ Testimony.
General Grant's testimony before the Ju
diciary Committee is published. Tbe Gen
eral says be was frequently in consultation
witb Mr. Johnson in relation to tbe recon
struction measures ; and that be interceded
for Gen. Lee,and recommended the pardon
of Gens Longstreet, French and George H,
Stuait. On the subject of pardons, General
Grant expressed tbe opinion that so long
as the surrendered rebel soldiers kept their
parole and obeyed tbe laws, tbey were not
subject to trial by the courts. He disagreed
with the President when the Utter insisted
that the leaders must be punished, and told
Mr. Johnson that this could be done only
when they violated their parole. This did
not apply to Jefferson Davis or others who
were captured, only to those who were pa
roled. In regard to the Amnesty Procla
mation, Geo. Grant testified that he "could
not sec any reason why the fact ofa volun
teer rising to the rank ofa Gen. should ex
clude him any more than any other grades,
with reference to tbe 520.000 clause,
I thought that a man's success in tbe world
was no reason for bis being excluded from
amnestv, bnt I recollect afterwaid saying
| to the President that 1 thought he was right
in that particular and I was wroDg. I never
claimed that tbe parole gave these prisoners
any political right whatever, I thought that
i was a matter entirely with Congress, over
which I had no control • that, simply as
| General-in-Chief commanding the army, I
: had a right to stipulate for the surrender on
terms which protected, their lives. That
is all I claimed."
In regard to the North Carolina Procla
mation, General Grant said : "I was in favor
jof that or anything else which looked to
| civil government until Congress could meet
1 and establish government there; I did not
1 want all chaos left there and no form of civil
' government whatever; I was not in favor of
I anything or opposed to anything particular
ly ; I was simply in favor of having govern
; rnent there. • • • • *
"1 know that immediately after the close
I of the rebellion there was a very fine feeling
: manifested in the South, and I thought we
1 ought to take advantage of it as soon as
possible, but since that there has been an
evident change there."
In regard to the Presidents policy, Gen.
Grant said : "Mr. Lincoln, prior to his as
sassination had inaugurated a policy intend
ed to restore those governments. I was
; present once before his murder, when a plan
j was read. The plan adopted by Mr. John
son was substantially the plan which bad
i been inaugurated by Mr. Lincoln as the ba
sis for his future action. Ido not know
that it was verbatim the same. 1 think the
very paper which I heard read twico while
Mr. Lincoln was President was the one
vrtich was carried right through."
"Q. what paper was that ? A. The
North Carolina proclamation."
Since the publication of this testimony,
the Rads are not so enthusiastic tor his
nomination for the Presidency. It is doubt
ful now whether he will be their " chosen
j standard bearer."
vi iUC lllliCllb lUC LFCVpiV
werf foolish enough to suppose that men
of brains were necessary to frame consti
tutions and enact laws. That idea is dissi
pated and " Cuff," " Sarabo," and "Pom
pey," fresh from the cotton fields are now
thought fully qualified to remodel govern
ment and establish political systems. For
instance, the Alabama Coustitional Con
vention is composed of the following ma
terial: Negro barbers 18, coach drivers
(white and black) 18, valets (hall and half)
11, ex-plantation bands 8, Yankee pedlcrs
14, Freedmen's Bureau men 7, Mass. col
porteurs 5, Tribune correspondent J, negro
preachers 3, escaped convicts 2, loyal leag
uers 2. Total 87. Of the white total but
nineteen are natives of the South the bal
ance are squatters from New England,—
One of those classified as escaped convicts
lias ears cropped, the others branded as a
deserter from the Federal army.
The same condition of affairs exist in La.
In the convention of tbat State sev
enty eight members are present of whom
forty-four are negroes. — Phila. Age.
Good.—Ge.n Sickles' idea of the Pros
idential policy—tbat Congress should listen
every morning to the reading of the Con
stitution, and then spend several hours in
silent meditation.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of writ of Fieri Facias to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court Houee in Tunkhnonock, Wyoming Co., Pa.,
ON SATURDAY, JAN. 18th, '6B, at 1 o'clock P.M.
All the right, title and interest of the defendant in
that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate and
being in the Borough of Tunkhannock, Wyoming
county, Pennsylvania,- and bounded as follows : On
the North by land of Mrs. Eveline Rndfield, east by
land of Thomas B. Wall, south by land of P. M.
Osterhout, and west by land ot the heirs of A. Dur
ham, containing about one acre of land, all improv
ed, with the right of way to the creek and privilege
of water and with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J.
Kelley, assigned to S. S. Grovei vs. Oriffin S. Martin
And will be sold for cash only by
M. W, DEWITT. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tunkhannock, Dec. 28. 1967.
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias tome directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the Court
llouse in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, Pa.
ON SATURDAY, JAN. 18th, '6B. at 1 o'clock P. M.
All the right, title and interest of the defendant in
and to that certain piece, parcel or traot of land sit
uate and being in the township of Tunkhannock,
Wyoming Connty, Pa., and bounded as follows; On
tbe north by land of 11 ugh Dickson, west by land of
William Dickson, south by land of Franklin Decker,
east by land of Amos Williams, containing about
ten acres of land, more or less, about two acres there
of improved, one dwelling house and one small barn
and some fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution at the salt of John
W. Graham vs. Charles Decker
And will be sold for cash only by
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tank,, Dee. 28, 1867.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County,
ON SATURDAY, JAN. 18th, '6B, at 1 o'elock P. M.
All tbe right title and interest of the defendant In
BDd to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit
uate io the township of Meshoppen, Wyoming Co.,
Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, to wit; On
the north by lot or land of H; B Brown, west by
Jamee M. Baker, south by James Quinn, and west
by Waehington street, containing one-fifth of an
acre of lend, more or less, with one frame dwelling
house thereon, with the appurtenances.
Seised and taken in execution at the suits of 8. W.
Vangorder and John Reynolds vs. Chat. W, Baker.
And will be sold for cash only* by
M. W. DBWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tunk,, Dec. 28, '67.
(Soccenor of Straus A Radlich.)
HaTiDff purchased the interest of Straus, is now en
abled to sell
HATS, Ac., Ac.
Than can he found elsewhere
for the same kind and quality.
My stock is new and complete.
lie respectfully invites the people of Tunkhannock
and vicinity te jtive their attention before making
purchase elsewhere.
Remember the plaeo
TuDkhanDock, Jan. 1, 1863.
HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find a full
supply of
I<or Sale at Tunkhannock.
This LUMBER, which was manufactured at Walt
man's Steam Saw Mill in Bradford county, is of the
best quality, aiid well seasoned.
Boards will dress to inch. Piank to 1} and 2
inches in thickness.
Buyers wishing their lumber planed, matched,
Ac., will find Planing Mills at this place to do the
work. For particulars consult
Tunkhannock, Jan. 1,1368.
THE undersigned offers at private sale a valuable
Grocery Stand, situated in the Borough of
Shickshinny. Luzerne county. Pa. The buildings
consist of a Plank Dwelling and Store House 20 by
40 feet, Barn 30 by 50 feet, together with other out
bouses, all having been erected within two years.—
A liberal chance will be given any one desiring to
purchase, and any one buying for cash it will be sold
extremely low. The purchaser can have tbe stock of
goods at cost if desirable. Reason lor selling, going
This stand is a central one and capable of doing it
large business witb proper management. As tbe
town is Improving very rapiJly, the rent of it as a
dwelling house will pay a good percentage to any
one desirous of investing capital. For further par
ticulars addrea BOWMAN GANISON.
v7n2lm2 f-hitkshinny, Lut Ao. Pa.
The Popular Edition of Dickens.
44 3 and 443 Broadway. New York,
op TUB
Clear T.'pe, Handsomely PriDted, and of Convenient
Sue, Comprising the following Volumes, at the
annexed Prices, varying in price accord
ing to the number of Pages :
Oliver Twist (now ready) 172 pages-25 cents.
American Notes 104 " --15 "
liombey A Son 348 " >-35 "
Martin Cbuxzlewit •••330 11 —35 "
Our Mutual Friend 330 " -35 "
Christmas Stories (now ready)•• 160 " -25 "
Tale of Two C'ties 144 " --20 "
-- •-• >o/i •' ..25 '•
Nicholas Nicfcieby (now readv)-340 " --35 "
Bleak House 340 " -35 '
Little Dorrit 330 " —35 "
Pickwick Papers 326 " -35 "
David C/ pperßeld 330 " —35 "
Rarnaby Kudge 247 " —3O "
Old Curiosity Shop 220 '• —3O '•
Qreat Expectations IF4 " —25 "
Sketches A Pictures from Italy, 170 " —25 "
On receipt ot $4.50 we will mail to any address, as
published, post-paid, the entire works of Charles
Either of the above sent FKEE BY MAIL on receipt
of the price.
For the Million to Secure a Library.
A discount of 25 per ceut. will be made for 30
copies of one volume or 30 complete set*, sent to one
address; a discount of 20 pier cent, on 20 copies, 15
per cent, oa 10 copies.
Have the epportunity of procuring more subscribers
lor this series than for any other, as every appren
tice, mechanic, and journeyman will certainly buy
Dickens at this low price. Send to the Publishers
for special rates.
In the same cheap style, v7n2lml
PROPOSALS will be received by the
until Monday, January 6th, 1969, at 3 o'clock P. M.
for furnishing the material and building ODC STONE
PIER and ICE-BREAKER ; and also for the WOOD
WORK or SUPERSTRUCTURE of a Double Track
Bridge, on the BURR Ptaw, across the river atTunk
hannock. Flans and Specifications of the work will
be found with Samuel Siark at tho"WyomiDg Na
tional Bank," in Tunkhannock, Pa., where bids or
proposals may be left.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtne of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the Court
House in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Connty, Pennsyl
ON SATURDAY, JAN. ISth, '63, at 1 o'clock P. M.
All the right, title and interest of the defendant in
and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit
uate and being in the township of Brainlrim, Wyo
ming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: On the north by land of Bradley
Wakemaa, east by land of I. J. Labarr, south by
Main street or River road, and west by Spring Hill
road, containing about thr> e-fourtlis of an acre of
land more or less, all improved, with one frame
dwelling house thereon, a small fmine barn, one Ice
llouse nnd some fruit trees thereon, with the appur
Seized and taken in execution atthesuitof Wake
man A Dnscnbury vs I. N. La.tey
And will be sold for cash only by •
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tunk. Dec. 27, 1867.
BY' virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at tbe Court
llouse in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Connty. Pa.
ON SATURDAY, JAN 19th, '6B, at 1 o'clock P. M., ;
All the right, title and interest of the defendant in '
that certain piece, parcel or traot of land situate and
being in the township of Nicholson, Wyoming Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows: On the
north by land of Arah Squires and Charles Thomas,
west by land of Stephen Siteo, south by land of To
bias Miller, and east by land of Arah Squires, con
taining about sixty acres of land, more or leas, about
forty ucres thereof improved with one Irame dwell
ing house, one frame karn and an apple orchard
thereon, with Hie appurtenances.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Mc-
Alpin A Knight vs M E Sanford
And will be sold for cash onlv by
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Offloe. Tank., Deo. 28, '67.
THE subscriber offers for sale on reasonable terms
a number of
situate at the west end of Tunkhannock Borough.
For particulars as to prices and terms inquire of
Tunkhannock, Pa., Jan. 1, 1863r7n21m2
Tunkhannock Wholesale and Retail Pro
duce Market.
Corrected Weekly by BUNNELL £ BANNA
TYNE, at Samuel Stark' old eland, Leo doori
btloxt Woming National Bank
Wheat, per bushel 92 30@#2 40
Rye. " • 1 30
Com, " " 25
Oat*, " " 75
Buckwheat, " '<••• 80
Beaos, " 2 00
Potatoe* 75
Butter, ft 35<346
Eggs, per doien, 30
Lard, ft 14
Tallow, ft • 9c 10
Dried Apple*, per bushel 2 50
Rags per ft 03
Hay per ton, 15 00
Wheat Flour per bbl 12 75(313 00
Rye Flour per bbl '•
Corn Meal per 100 ft 3 CO
Chop per 100 ft 2 50
Salt per bbl 3 5t
Buckwheat Flour per 100 ft 3 50(J1 00
Hogs, dressed, per ft ••■•Bc
Mess Pork, per bbl 28 00
Mess Perk, per ft 15
The above named firm are dealer* In Dry Good*,
Groceries and Provisions, Hardware, Hats and Caps.
Boots and Shoes, Notions, Ac., Ac., and will well at
the lowest cash price ruling at data ot tale. v7nll
Jewelry Store ! !
of the latest styles. .
GOLD RINGS, 18 Caret* fin*.
Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins,
Sleeve and Collar Bnttons, Ac., Ac.
Solid and Plated Silver Spoons,
Forks, Napkin Rings,
Fruit Knives,
Cake, Pie and Batter Knives,
Castors, Cake and Card Baskets,
Butter Dishes,
Sugar Bowls,
Spoon Holders,
Folks, Spoons,
Nat-Picks, Ac, Ac.
From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silv*r Plated Ware Co.
of ib latest American and European Manufacture.
Tunkhannock, Dec. 18, 4Rg7.
Fruit Trees & Seeds.
FARMER 3, Lot owners and all others wishing to
get the choicest kinds of
niw have an opportunity of doing so by application
to the subscriber, who, for two or three years past
has inalo annual importations trorn German Nur
series and Seed Growers, the largest in the world.
Seventy diffeient varieties of imported frnit trees
planted last spring and the year before, by their ex
cellent condition and rapid growth, attest their ready
acclimation and peculiar adaptation to this soil
Especial attention is called to the dwarf trees
suitable for gardens and front yards, which, unlike
h,ve sou ny most tree pedlar 3 here, are genuine
dwarfs and not low standards. Tbcso dwarfs bear
fruit in the first and second year? after planting
M>ny of them as they arrive are filled with fruit
blossoms. Many of the best European varieties are
rarely known here, and very few have yet tested our
unsurpassed foreign varieties.
Farmers inclined to try different Enropenn seeds
can be suppl ed in lerge or small quantities, to wit:
100 sorts of grass and clover, mixtures of grass for
horses, cattle and sheep, adapted to dry land, wet
land, and under trees Many celebrated kinds of
gram and turnips for feeding.
For further particulars apply to
Tunkhannock, Pa , Dec. 13, 1367.tf.
A work of real value, ami an almost indispensabl
coinpanion of the Bible, showing what the Bible is
not, what it is, and how to use it ; answering alt the
objections to its authenticity urged by modern inSe
dels, and tracing the authority of each book up to its
inspirod authors, givißg a vast amount of informa
tion heretofore locked up very rare and costly vol
umes, making one of the most popular books ever
1000 Agents Wantad,
Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school
teachers and others should send at once for circulars
giving further information.
Address, ZEIGLER, aIcCURDY .1 CO,,
T7n3-4m. 501 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa
Letters of administration having been granted to
the undersigned, upon the estate of Abraham Cafl
terline, late of Nicholson Tp., Wyoming Co. Pa
dec'J. AH persons indebted to said est3t are noti
fied to makt immediate payments, and those having
claims against the same are requested to present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Administrator, or to his Attorney. T. J. CHASE.
Nicholson, Pa. Nov. 21, '67. v7nl7-6w.
rHE undersigned having been appoiuted by the
Orphan's Court for the county of Wyoming, an
Anditor to distribute the assets in the hands of the
Executor of Samuel Vanduier, late of Tunkhannock
township in said county, decease!, will attend to the
duties of his appointment, at hia office in Tunkhan
nock Borough, on Thursday, December 2Gth, 1867,
at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place, all per
sons interested therein are requested to present their
claims or be debarred from coming in for a share of
said assets.
Auditing in the above case adjourned to January
2d, lS6a
Tnikhantwclr, live. 2, 1867v7n13w4
BY virtue of a writ of alia* Venditioni Exponas,
to m i directed, there will be exposed to public
sale at the Court House in Tunkhannock, Wyoming
County, Pennsylvania.
ON SATURDAY, JAN. 13th, '6B, at 1 o'clock P. M.
All that piece or paroel of land situate in the town
ship of Braintrim, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania,
and bounded north by lard of Bradley Waueman,
east by land of I. J. Labor, south by Main street or
River, nnd west by Spring Hill road, containing
about three-fourths of an aero of land, all improved,
with one frame dwelling house thereon, a small
frame barn, one ice hoase and aomeftuit trees there
on, with the appurtenances.
One other house and lot, known as the Win. F. Rugg
lot (turned out by I. N. Lacey, defendant,) bounded
as follows:
On the north and east by lands of Wo. F. Rugg,
south by Main street or River road, west by land of
N. D. Ross, containing about six acres of laud, ail
improved, with one small frame bouse, one small
barn and one small shop and some fruit trees there
ou, with the appurtenances,
All that certain piece or parcel of land sitnate in
the township of Braintrim Wyoming County, Penn
sylvania, bounded as follows: On the north by main
road leading to Towanda, on the east by land of B.
Edwards, on the South by meeting house lot, and on
the west by land of B. Edwards, containing one
fourth of an acre oi land more or less, all improved,
with a frame dwelling house and storehouse barn
frail trees and out buildings thereon, with tho ap
Seised and taken in execntion at the suit of Aran
nell X Creswell vs. I. N Lacey and T, T.
And will be sold for cash only by
M. W. HEWITT, Simiff.
Sheriff's Office, Tunk. Dec. 27th, '67.
to i pili of lYonis irirr
(First door below WALL'S HOTEL,!* Tonkhannoek)
Comprising in part the following i
BLACK end BROCADE SILKS, of ell grade*.
ALPACCAS, of all Shades.
An endless variety ef
TRIMMINGS to match the above.
of all kinds Knit and Woven.
A Full and Elaborate Stock of Embroid
ered Goods.
JFbite Goods of all descriptions.
Table and Towel Diaper,
Domestics, Delaine^
Prints, Ginghams, Ac.
Alexander's KID GLO\ ES,
of all ahadec,
Gents and Ladies.
A Large Stock of Traveling Trunks-
Ladies' Reticules, Gents' Travel
ing Valises, Ac., Ac.
FURS of ail kinds for
Ladies aod Gentlemen-
Carpets—W 001.
Two and Three PIy r
and Brussels,
Stair Carpets, Matting, Oil
Cloth and Drugget.
Rugs, Mats and Hassocks,
Ladies' and Gents' Hoaiery-
A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS.
of the finest and most darabla
Cravats, Collars, Sec., See.
Woman's, Misses, and Children's.
Counterpanes, Coverlaids, Whitney
Blankets, German Blankets, <kc. f kt,
of all kmAu
Our Stock of CLOTHING 1 ii compktK
and not equalled in this, nor surpassed a
the best New York and Philadelphia met-,
chant Tailoring Establish menu. Suit*
made to order in the latest and best style.
We have purchased out stock since the
last reduction in the prices of oor goods.
We have purchased largely, and are deter
mined to sell at less prices than the same
kind and quality of goods can be bought at
any other establishment in this or adjoin
ing counties. Wo bought them to sell,
and all who call to sec us will readily W
convinced that we are bound to dispose of
All goods cheerfully exhibited without
scolding if you do not buy.
Call and sec us.
Tuukbsnnoehf Nov, Mfe t£lf,