Itoriii; Garb fit & liitcfifii. tar Farmers, and Agricnltural men generally, ! are requested to contribute to this Department, as it i is from their experience that we hope to gain some thing of interest lor oar readers. WEIGHT OF CATTLE BT MEASURE- j MENT. E. J. E , Grafton, lowa, asks for a rule for ascertaining the weight of cattle, the calcula tion being based on the measurement of the animals. Many experiments have been made by graziers and dealers in cattle to ascertain the net weight of cattle by measurement.— Rules have been given and tables constructed of the results obtained. At best these are but approximations, and the measurement of correctness will depend much upon a practi cal acquaintance with the form and prominent points of the animals to be measured. Some thing will depend, i n the breed, size, mode of fattening, the time the process has been go ing on and the character of the feed supplied. The following method comes as uear a cor rect result as any known : Measure carefully with a tape line from the top of the shoulder to where the tail is at tached to the back ; this will give the length. For the girth measure immediately behind the shoulder and forelegs. Multiply half the girth by itself in feet, and the product will give the net weight in stones of eight p>unds. For example, witfc an ox or cow 5 feet in : length and 7 leet in girth, the calculation • will be as follows : Multiply half the girth by itself in feet 3.5 ; 3.5 _ ■ 12.25 | Multiply by length in feet 5 ! Weight in stones 61.25 This multiplied by eight, the pounds In a stone, or rather a half stone, and the resuli will be 490 pounds net. —Rural New \ork- | PRACTICAL HINTS. —A coating of three j parts lard and one pint rosin, applied to farm i tools of iron or steel, will effectually preyent { rust Common nails heated red hot and j dropped into cold water, will clinch and ans wer the put pose of wrought nails. The sharp corner of a common Indian arrow head, or flint, will cut glass effectually. A wagon jack may be mada of boards two or more feet long. Place the board in front of the wheel, one end on the ground, and the other just under one of the spokes, close up to the feU loe ; then take hold of the spake on the op posite side of the wheel, and lift it, and at the same time placing the second board un der the axle. IT this way a loaded wagon may be lifted with ease. Rusty nails msy be drawn from wood without difficulty, by first giving them a blow hard enough to start them a little. A gun will not need cleaning in five years, il the muzz! is tightly corked, and a piece of rubber kept upon the tube under the hammer, when standing idle. To KEEP POTATOES FXOM ROTTING. —The Germantown Telegraph is authority for the following which may be worth something to farmers whose potatoes already show signs of rotting badly The sorest protection against rotting the potatoes, after being har vested, there is no question, w think is atr slacked lime. Let the lime be sprinkled over the bottom of the bin before filling, and re peat the application at each foot of potatoes until the bin is filled up. The quantity is what a farmer would call a good sprinkling. Potatoes should bo excluded from the light, and where convenient, covered with old car pet. When buried out of doors, alight dry sp6t should be selected, which can be thor oughly drained, and then pursue the fame with the lime as before. A vent must of course be left as in the top for the escape of the confined air. GOOD HAMS. —After hams have been smok ed, take them down,thoroughly rub the flesh part with molasses, then immediately apply ground or powdered pepper, by sprinkling on as much as will 6ticK to the molasses, when they must be hung up again to dry. Hams treated in this manner will keep perfectly sweet for two or three years, This must be doDe before the fly deposits its eggs,for after that is done, nothing will stop their ravages. The above has been practiced in our section ftr more than twenty years. No soaking is necessa.y. One pint of molasses and one and a half or two pounds of hlacn pepper art sufficient for ary ordinary family. Try this plan if you want good sweet hams.— Rural American. TREATMENT OF GALLED BACK— George 11. Dadd, veterinary surgeon, gives,in the Prai rie Farmer , the following : So soon as an abrasion is discovered on the back of a horse, the animal should be excus ed from duty a few days , the abraded parts should be dressed twice daily with a portion of tinciure of shies and myrrh. This simple treatment will soon heal the parts. Should there be no abrasion, but simple swelling,at tended with heat, pain and tenderness, the part* should be frequently sponged with cold water. Occasionally the skin undergoes the process of hardening, (irritation.) Thts is a condition of the parts, known to the farriers of old as "stitfast," aod the treatment is as follows : Procure one ounce ol iodine, and sinrar the indurated spot with a portion of the same, twice daily. Some eases of galled back and shoulders are duo to negligence and abuse ; yet uiany animals, owing to a peculiarity of consiitu tion, will "chafe." as the saying is, in those j parts which come in contact with the collar and saddle, and neither human foresight nor j mechanical means can prevent the same. LAMPERS IN HORSES.— The following is a certa-n cure : Divide the ha ; r, on the end ot 1 the tail and with a knife, make a cross mark 1 no as to start the blood. I have never failed \ to effi-ct a cure by doing this. Try it, horse owners. at it takes but very little time to do U. 8o says J. T., is Rural A>*4t*can. UlisrEUaitfDus!. D EL LACK. 1 WSSTIM KR. Winter Arraneut~ 1367-8. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Btsil Passenger 1 Train Train. STATIONS. Train. Train. ■A M. p M. 9CO Neir York" 5,59 1130 New Hampton, 2.30 1148 Washington, 2.15 12.03 Oxford, 2.01 12.15 Bridgeville, 1.50 12.30 Manuok Chunk, 1.40 P M. Dine. 100 Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 110 P. M, 1:25 Water Gap, 12.51 1,40 Stroudsburg, 12*36 151 Spragueville 12.24 2.02 llenryville, 12 14 2.20 Oakland. 1156 239 Forks, 11-37 3.00 Tobyhanna, 11 17 3.14 Gouldaboro', 10.04 3,36 Moscow, 10.40 3.47 Duuning, 10.30 4 20Ar ) C L 10.00 A.M. > SCJUSTOS. < P.M. 10.10 4 35Le ) ( Ar.9 50 6.25 10.40 457 Clark's Suinm:t, 9.29 555 10 53 5.05 Abington, 920 5.40 11.13 5.21 Factoryville, 904 5.21 11.43 541 Nicholson, 840 435 12.08 603 Hopbottoin, 6.23 410 12 33 625 M>ulrose, 800 340 1.08 646 New Milford, 7*29 3.10 135 7G5 Great Bend, 7.20 2.45 P. M. . PJJ. A M P.M •Station loot of Liberty St. CONNECTIONS— Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MANCNKA CHUNK with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 8 00 a. in. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a m , aud at Sala manca at 5 50 a. m. The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Bend with through trains going west and east on Erie Railway, arririn-> at Buffalo at 12.00 mid night, aid at Salamanca at 11.55 p. na. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Philadelphia, Easton, Trenton, and in termediate stations,arriving io Philadelphia at 6.00 p. m., and at New Hampton with a train for Em ton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harris burg, arriving at llarrisburg at B*3o p. m. At SCRANTON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanr.a and Bloomsburg Kail ; road, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s | Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed i below. J. M. TOUCEY, Supt. R.A llbsrt. General Ticket Agent je29tf LEHIBH VALLEY BAIL ROAD OPI3 THROCGH FROM SAW I'CRK AND PHI LADE LP HI A TO WILKBSBARRE, forming direet rail connections WRTH, son IT. 2TAS2 and 7VES2, SUMMER TIMETABLE COMMENCING JUAT E J7t h , /X 6 7. All Through Trains make close connections with Trains to and from New York and Philadelphia. | THE MAIN LINE TRAINS FROM I WILKESBARE (the present north ' ern terminus ofthisroa i) TO NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, Leave WILKESBARRE at 8 o'clock A. M. and 1.30 P. M. Arrive at New York at 3.15 and 10,25 P M. '• Philadelphia, at 2 (15 anl 8.40 " I Leave New Yo'k at 6.30 A. M and 12* M. | " Philadelphia at 745A. M. and 1.30 P.M: | Arrive at Wilkesbarre at 3.02 and 8.43 P. M. ! SIORET Nicholson Pa., Wm. O. GARDNER & CO \ have ja5. v5n32 $lO A DAT MADE BT ANY ONE, i with in.v Patent .-tencil Tools. I prepay samples tree. Beware cf infringers. My circulars will ex | Plain. Address A, J. ITL LAM Springfield,^^er- UJtscfllanfXius. FA KM KItS"AND M KCHANICS- Take Notice. SURFACE PLAMNG and I MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair- , in good stylo PLOWS, NARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HOtfSE-HOES,' ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLEIt A A VERY, v6ii43-Iy. A GREAT VICTORY!! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE Enemy of Man Driven to tlic Wall!! THE NORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEE?, FLOUR, MEAL, FEED, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CHEESE. Both Green and Dried Apples, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges. Figs, Sardines, Candies,* Potatoes, Cabbage, Nots, Spices, Salt, Soap, Segars, Pork, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Fisb. Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall on or barrel; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side of the Old Fort is fitted np for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oyster*. ALSO, ' Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup of not Coffee, Sar dines, or a dish of frosh Peaches. WANTED. Butter, Eggs, Game, Chickens, Ducks, and Geese, at all times, for which cash will be paid on de livery, at the very highest market rates. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that the plane to buy your Groceries, ig in the Old Fort . on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, ; Tunkhannock, Pa. B. M* STONE. ! Nov 5, 1867—v7nl4tf. ~ A'Y W~i" A M C Y AND TRIMMING STORE ; "Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MHB. K LEASE. HAVIN 5 lately opened anew Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of THIMTVRIN,G Dres Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in ull colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and j Collars, L-ce, VeiU, Corsetts, LndicsXc kties, best i quality of Combs, Needles aud Tinead of the best | quality, and Fancy Notioos of every variety, a i large stock of TOY'S j Including China, Brouxe, Papier Mache Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmaties Ac , Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 1, ISC6 LIKE & ACCIDENTAL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY I MOSTROSE, PA. CAPITAL REPHESENTED OVER 530,00",C00! Home Ins. Co., N s*.,Capital and Surplus, Ins. Co. of N. America, Pbiia. " '* 1,800,000 International Ins. Co*, N. Y. " ' 1,500,000 T,yc,ming Co. Mutual, Muucy, Pa, '' 3,000,000 Farmers' Mutual, York, " 560.000 Ins. Co.. State ot Pa., Phila., Pa. " 700,000 I Hartford Eire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 1,800,000 i Putnam " *' *• " 600,000 Travelers' In Co, of Ilnrtfird Ct, insur ing against ail kinds of accidents. 500,000 Ccssirricrr MUTUAL LIFE INSFRAVCE COHPAXT. of Hartford, Ct., paying GO per cent, divi dends to the iusured. Capital 810,000,000 I Notes received in payment of one-balf the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is to be pai l, and only four notes re quired. The notes arc never to be paid un der any circumstance"—Policy will be paid * in full and notes givm up. Assets over 83,000,000 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., Capital, 81,000,000 C. 11. SMITH, Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INS. CO., Capital $5000,000 Lismnre on all hinds of Lire Stoek against Theft and Deal from any cause. All Business entrusted to our care will be attended toon fair lennes, and all Losses promptly adjusted CHAST BBOWX! J STOUD A BROWN. Agents, M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicitoi Office first door east of "Brick Block," montrose, Pa. \*7n3-tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A. WILSON wdl send (free of charge) to all who desste it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was cured of a lung affection and lb it dread disease Consumption llis only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will costtbem nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, Na. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 6u4fly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Neivous Debility, Prematura decay, and all the effoc is of youthful in. iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy anl directions for making the simple remedy lie which he waa cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bv the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect onfi lence, JOUN B. OUDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6o4(A §arl>taf & flrg Suctis | ROSS, MILLS &- GO, Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TUNKHANNOCK, PENN'A, Are uow opening a large stocko Hardware, sueb as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, Painta, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Selves, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Oloth, Rosin, j Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles. Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts cf every kind, llames, Iron Pad Trees, Snldlc Trees, Gig Trees, Girth j Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk ' Awls, and needUs, Holier Chains, Tracp j Chains, |*RUG AND The largest and most complete Drug Store in TUN KUAN NOCK, [NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY !!! I PRICES REDUCED. NO*V IS THE TIME TO BUY I : Just received and for Sale a splendid Stock of llclll (hoobs, ' ineludiDg DRUGS, ■p. PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF AI.L DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, 7 Mail* Tonics, IIAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac,, Ac., A. All the Popular PATENT MEDICINES of the da y And iu fact every imaginable article belonging to a FI ST GLASS DRUG STO E PHYSICIANS' PRESRCIPTIONS efully compounded at all hours oft and night, Don't forget to call at DR. RHOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37:f. Tankhannock,Pa. 3VESS.A.T M ar ket! The Subscriber announces to the citizens of Tunkhnnm>ck B>to. and vicinity, that he •tow ha- exclusive charge of the MEAT MARKET AT THE OLD STAND. And de-igns, lieteaf'er to keep on hand at all times MEATS of ALL KINDS. The best that can he procured, which will positively be -old at tuucii LOWER PRICES. than heretofore. In order to do so lie has been obliged to adopt the READY PAY SYSTEM. and feels confident thai by so doing he will not only secure the patronage, but will be treating his customers more fairly, than by charging thein prices to compensate hiui for looses by mm paving ciis'ouhts. CHARLES HARDING. Tunk., P; -vToIO 11 IN FOIt MATIt >.V Information guarantee* lo produce a luxuriant growth of hair opon a I>h|.l head or beardless face, also a recipo for the removal of Piioples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving Ibe same soft clear, mid beautiful, cau be obtained without charge by addresing. TUO3. F.CHAPMAN, Chemist. 623 Yert fjartifoarf, Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS WAEIiEN STREET, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Having bad a life-long experience as Foundry tnen and Machines!;, and employing none but tbe best workmen the undersigned pledge themselves to execute all work in their line in a style r.ot sur. passed by any ; ini'ar enaUitLmnt in the country- MILL GEARINGS made and fitted up on short notice, from patterns on bs n 1 ot all sixes, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOYES OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and IIOLLOW-WARE. ! LAMPS, LEAL, PIPES, dc., dc. j I always on ban 1 or furnished to order. C D. GEAR HART, & CO. Tunkhannock, April 29ib, 1667 v6n3Btf. Hardware and Iron. IV OW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKFS, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, mum mumME, CARPEN TERS'TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES,CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STNES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS FALffBAK'B SALES. err.ntr.n [.larch 26. IB(>3. vln33 BRICK! BRICK ... Tbe subscriber baa now on hand and will bereaf ter constantly keep FOR S A L E A FTNE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros new Tannery. EY T EYE HA .YYOA\ PA. which will be told cheap, and in quantities to sui purchasers. W, U. RHODES ufeA'-tf. iiiisll. kimminn A LARGE • / / STOCK OP Fall & Winter GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale VMiE.ll*, c ALL KINDS OF Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE I FOR GOODS AT BUNNELL Jt BANNATYNITS Tunkhannock, Pa. 5n41. PBBF. J IE1LIHII?, BARBER AND HAIR-DRES3BM Takes pleasure in announcing to his eld customers and the public, generally, th.t he has now secured the services as an assistant — ot f&r |*IRST (OLASS LATE PROM PARIS, Those wishing a good share or other work i hi. line can DOW be accommodated without the vexsuo®' deli ys experienced at "one horse" shops, 1 SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING CURLING, Ac. A. done in the boat style and at reasonable ratss. POMADES, PER* UMERT and EXTRA TS, i always on linnd. anl for sale at tho old ttand s* Tioga Street. J BERLINGHQF •Twwkbwwjsch, U. FekrAA WG *o* *