Local and Personal. I . HS—- 1 Co to the Drug Store in Mesheppcn, Pa. for Christmas presents, for eld and young. Co to those who advertise in the Democrat— if you would buy cheap—for your materials for Christ mas pies, and for your Christinas and New Year presents. The La dlea connected with the M. E. Church of Tunkhannock, will hold a Fair and Oyster Supper in said Church on Christmas Evening, December 25, '67. The proceeds to be applied towards furnishing the New Church. H9 the Newa.—We are anxious to *ltu our readers all the local news of the county, and would take it as a great favor if our friends would keep us advised of passing events. Something Valuable and at the.same time beautiful aud appropriate as a holiday present can now be found at the Jewelry Store of P. C. Burns A Bro, where, besides all styles of Watches, Chains, Pins and Ear rings, can also be found an extensive stock of pure ami plated silver-w ire, sugar bowls •ad spoons . batter knives and dishes, cups, spoon holders. and a score of other articles both useful and ornamental. Go and look at them. It will do your eyes gool. Dropped Through.--The team of Mr. James -Bodle of Eaton, while crossing the river on the ice at this place oo Saturday last, tell through at a place where the w iter was five or six feet deep, and were only extricated alter muth difficulty from their perilous,.position aud cool bath. Mr. Bodle should ■nake liberal subscription to the stock ef the pro jloeed flew bridge. it . .'.t Theaterm,—Everyltody in this region must Itwiw that wo were leet week visited by en oil fash ioned snow storm, which with the accompanying "eold snaps" fer the time, has suspended work on the Railroad bridge, churches and other buildings Shoemakers and other having in-door employments can keep "pegging away," provided they have a euppty of the anthracite. Runaway. —On Saturday last Mr. Gcorgo Stans bury's team, attached to a sleigh, came furiously down the road past John Day's and Perry Marcy's, crossing the bridge in safety over Swail Brook and leaving the sleigh at the side of the road just before crossing tha canal bridge at the aqueduct. Ihe horses were caught near Mi hael McDermot's . Mr. Stansbnry. his wife and two children were in the sleigh when the horses commeuced running, but were thrown out ju COO of the stock was taken, excepting the 100 shares which Mr. Samuel Stark proposes to take. An op portunity in therefore Afforded >ne or inure of our citizens to make an investment in this stock, which ennnot under proper management, fail to pay divi dends to stockholders As announced elsewhere in to-day's paper, thdre will be an important business meeting at this place, on Saturday next. All stock holders should attend. It should be borne in tniad too, tha! the annual election of officers of this company as provided in the charter, will take place on the First Monday in Jan. the 6th prox. Evory stockhol ler shoul fbe present at the election. The Jury Commissioners.— Messrs. Roberts and Fassett, met at this place last week and select ed an l placed in the wheel the names of persons for jurors for the year '63. After having filled the wheel, the required number for January Term, was drawn. We give the list in to-day's paper. This is the first drawing under the new jury law which went into effect on the Ist inst. Judge Elwell who under the law is, ex officio, a member of the board to an equal voice in the selection; —for teatons which may be apparent to and approved by most nen, does not we nn ler stand, design to tako part in th* selecting in any of the Commies in bis district; but to learn it rn the hands oTtbe respec tive Commissioners. The law provide* that a ma jority or two members, tn iy portorin the duties of the board Wo shall 10-k wi.h some interest and enriosity to sec if this example is followed by Judge Stxeeferin tho Bradford and Susquehanna district. No Paper Next Week.—The whirligig of time, in its unceasing revolutions,has again brought cs around to the printei's holiday. There will, therefore, be o> paper issued from this office next week. In order to take our customary respite at this season, and not interfere with tho adtertising for the January Terut of court we have decided to omit the Christmas instead of the New-Yeir day is sue—both these days, this year, falling OP Wednes day. Our readers during tbe interval between this and the new year can read an i re-read tbe Presi dent's Message, lately published by us. and wben they have thoroughly digested that, they may read with profit, the Sermon on the Mount and other por tions of the Bibie, not forgetting to put in practice tbe precepts therein contained .especially tb >se that enjoin charity to all maikind-not forgetting the poor and destitute within the range of their acquain tance' The poor are a'.way- with you ; and as it is "tnore bles*ed bo give than receive," we doubt not the philanthropists who have an abundance of this world's goods, will be liberal in all charitable works. Woah l*. Smith Arrested,—lt will be recol lected by our readers that upwards of two years ago Fobru vry, 1365 -one Jamas Ilosie, no officious character, employed as a deserter-catcher, was shot while attempting to arrest a deserter in Newton township, Luzerne county. A reward of JlhOO was offered by the I'rovoet Marshal of the Luzerne District for the arrest of Noah P. Smith, charged with the shooting of Ilosie. On Sunday last he was taken poisoner by McCasey, of Seranton, conveyed to that city anl confined in tho lock up, for a further , investigation of the matter. A terrible howl has gone up from the republican press against this man Smith, but the case is not half so aggravating as the one which occurred short ly alter in Exeter tewn-hip, this couuty, when Mr. Isaac Sickler, a private citizen, was shot dead while walking along the roan, by theso bell-hounds who were sent out from Scranton to scour the country in neerch of deserters. Mr. Sick'.er was a uuiet and or derly ctiizen, not a deserter nor liable to military du ty under the laws, yet these miscreants, without • eanee or provocation, took his life at the mid-hour of #ny, thereby clothing his house in mourning, and leaving de pendent orphan children and a heart-broken wife to the cold charities of the world. These guilty parties were permitted to go unwhipped of justiee and an outraged community lett with out redrew —the military authorities refusing to give uy> f>r trial and punishment the guiby offenders •f the lew. Our readers are familiar with this hor rid act of crime, committed by men charged with the execution of the laws, and it is only necessary to eall attention to the fact to bring vividly to mmd U itf ad features, flw > '44 . ■ * The American Farmer.—We are in receipt of this excellent agricultural journal for Dec. , which closbsjhe volume lor 1867. Bach number contains 32 pa K es, handsomely illustrated, and filled with valuable reading matter for farmers. It is published at 91 per year, and at that low price ought to be in the hands of every fanner in the country. Now is the time to subscribe for 1868. Address John Turn er, Rochester. N. Y. Railroad Project.—A movement is on foot for a railroad between Owcgo and Skinner's Eddy, on the Susquehanna to run up the river to Apalachin, thence up the Apalachin to Bear Swamp, on the Montrose turnpike, and thence down the North Branch of tne Wyalusing Creek to the Susquehanna, which, as an extension of the Southern Centra) Southward, is not only a feasible route, but a shorter cut to the Wyoming and Sullivan County Coal fields by some 25 or 30 miles than the winding course of the river between Owego and Skinner's Eddy.— Owcgo Gazette. Dr. J. VY. Rhoads would call the attention of the public to bis large assortment of Christmas Goods tor the Holidays. Call and get a splendid Photo graph Album, at Wholesalo prices, for he is selling nil kinds of Holiday presents at panic prices. He has also all kinds of Pictures, Engravings, Photo graphs, Toys, Confectionaries, Perfumery, and in fact almost everything to please the eye and gratify the taste Don't forget the old stand, Dr 3 W. Rhodag in the Bardwelt Building" on Bridge St. Down among (he dead men. Are, at thi- tiimnent thousands who might ave been alive and well had thev used ilia' great life pieserver, Plantation Bitters Le' 'he living lay it to heart that they aru the beat km n remedy for all dyspeptic com- el- Rtach derangements, and genera debility. As a delicious cardial combined with great tonic virtues, their equal cannot be found. Delicate Females, Clergymen, Merchants Lawyers -in 1 persons of sedentary habits— particularly those who are weak and stiff -t with nten'al depression, are greatly benefitted by these Bittets. Magnolia AA'ater. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. The Palm ol Superiority is awarded to Mrs S. A. Allen, for her improved ( new style) Hair Re storer or Dressing, (in one bottle ) nn.l grateful public appreciates the very low price One Dollar.— Every Druggist sells it. AA'il hin the whole range of tunic and altera tive medicines known none is entitled to more con sideration than the enfeebled anl debilitated constitution it is the very remedy needed. The most positive proof of this can be adduced. M arried. ARNOLD-HART—On December slh, 1867,~by Win- F. Terry. Esq.. Mr. Christian Arnold to Mis. Emily Hart, all oi Tunkhaanock, Pa. EASTMAN-COOPER—On Wednesday the 11th inst it the residence ot the Bride's Mother in Nic h ols n, by E N. Bacon Esq, A. M. Eastman of Tunkhannock, to Miss Nellie Cooper of the former place. STEINBECK-COOPER On Tuesday the 17th inst. at th" residence if the BriJe's Mother, in Nicbol s n. by the Rev W. P. Arms. Hurley Steinbeck to Miss Clara Cooper, both of Nicholson. BURNS—COOPF.R - At the same time and place by the same Dr. Li T. Bums to Miss Jennie L Cooper, both of Tunkhannock JENNIE and CuvrtA, who, as will be soen, by the above notices have each formed a "printer's Union," were for several years connected with the office of the Democrat, where they became first-class compositors. This "Uuion," we think we may safely predict, will divorce ihem forever from the "compos7 ing dick." In its stead they will wield tbe rod of correction, which in their * 'cases" will be Ladies' Slippcjs May tbey never get "out of sorts" especially of SHAM. TAPS. May their companions al ways find pleasure in distributing their "pi," and may they never fail to furnish them "clear proofs" of constant affection and regard, with an occasion al glfto Ifohfrtisrafnts. List of Jurors Drawn to Serve at Jan. Term, 1868. CHARD JURORS' Braintrim —David Carlin, James M. Robinson. Clinton—J imes S Capwell, E. D. Gardner, Benj. Carp'-nter, Warren Briggs. Eaton- Rue! Laßiir. Falls- Benj. Place. Forkston—John G. Spanlding, Joseph Preston, Aiislm P Burgess. Lemon— Denison Lott. Meboopany—Monroe Waller. Nicholson- George Pratt, S. L. Tiffany, I. S. Lit tle. , Northmoreland —Calvin Ilalleck, Richard Man „ North Branch—Elias Bowen, Harker Ward,llenry Champiu Washington—John Carney, Jacob Decker. Windham —Lorenzo Myers. PETIT JCRORI. Braintrim—S H. Gregory. Clinton —Henry Kewecmb, Harvey Briggs, C V. Mace Eaton—James B. Harding, W : lmot Carpenter. Asa S. Dana, Iliram ltodle, Nelson Lee, Elias Canfield. Exeter- Thomas D. Headley, Daniel Brown. Lemon—Henry Harris. Meshoppen—Churchill Vanosdoll, Calvin D. Vase , Wm F Mowrey. Edward Merritt. Mehoopany—John L Hahn, Barney Walter, Wm II SweatUnl. Abner K Farr, Samuel V. Myers. Northmoreland —Gordon Hatfield, Robert Hat field. Monroe—Chancy Newberry, Richard More; North Branch-Edward Miller. Nicholson—Patrick Coddington, Perry Stark, Eliphalet Stephens. Overfield-Gilbert Hunter. Tunk. Tp —Mark A. Gardner, Tunk. Boro.— Jonas Lodiick, A. E. Buck, Daniel Wright. Windham—Jasper ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court to the undersigned directed as Adm'x of A'tn. Fitzrharles late of Northmoreland, dec'd.,l wi I expose to sale, at the premises hereinafter described, on the IGth dav of January, 1563, at one o'clock P. M , all that cert-tin piece or lot of land situate in said township of Northmoreland, and hounded on the North by lands of Drii ker. on the East by land of Charles Ilouser, on the South by land of S H McCardly.and on the West by land of Ja -ob Shook ; Containing forty nine acres, and 106 perches, more or less—with one house, one biro, and some young fruit trees thereon ; late the estate of said Wm. Fitzcharles dee'd. REBECCA FITZCHARLES. v7n2o-4w. Adm'x. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in Tunkhannock. Wyoming County, Pa ON SATURDAY, JAN. 18tb '67, at 1 o'clock P. M. All the right, title and interest ot tbe Defendant in thst certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate and being in the Township of lutikhannock Wyo ming Po. Pa , bounded as follows, to wit : on the North >y the North Branch Canal, East by land of 11. W". Rhodes, South and West by the Susque haDrjA River , containing about three and a half acres of land, all improved. Seized aed taken in execution at the suit of U. W. Rhodes, vs. L. H. Stephens. And will be sold for cash only, by M. W. HEWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's Office; Tank- Pa., Dtc. 17, ipetial Hotices. Dr. WISTJIR'S BAI,tM OF WILD CHERRY. Where this article is known it is a work of super erogation to say one word in its favor, so w11 is it established as n unfailing remedy for Cough*, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth ma, diseases of the Throat, Chut and Lungs, as well as that most dreaded of all diseases. Consump tion, which high medical authority has pronounced t be an incurable disease• . Those who hare used this remedy know its value ; those who have not, have but to make a single trial to be satisfied that of all others it is the remedy. The Rev. JACOB SECURER, wall known anil much respected among the Herman population of this country, writes as follows : llstrovFß. Pa„ Feb. 16, 1859. Messrs. S. W. FOWLE * SOB, BOSTO.V. DEAR SIRS :—Having realisod in my family im portant betiofits from the use of your valuable pre paration—Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—if af tords ine pleasure to recommend it to the public.— Some eight years ago, one of my. daughters seemed to be in a decline, an! littlo hopes of her recovery wer entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of it there was a great improvement in her health I have,in mv individual case, made fre quent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways heen beneficed by it. 1 would, nowever, cau tion the public against imposition because there is a gootl deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherrv "float throughout the country. 3 J JACOB SECHLER. None genuine unices signed ' I BUTTS," on the "'prepared by BETH W FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre inont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists general ly GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From Mr. James Ourlin, of Amesbury, Mass. "I was afflicted with a severe feloo on one of mv fingers, and tried many remedies without relief Mv friends indued me to apply your Salve. In two days it evtraeted the inflaination from my finger so as "to enable tne to resume m v work 1 can almost say that the Salve worked like magie for it effected a cure withoul leaving a scar 1 unhesitatingly prononnea Grace's Suite au excellent remedy and do not doubt it will be appreciated throughout the land." ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. SETIi W FOWLE A SON, Boston. Proprie tors Sold bi Apothecaries and Grocers generally v7nlß-lmo, ITS EFFECT IS MI n A CU 3j o TJ S. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR KE NKWER It is a perfect and wonderful article. Cures bald ness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or ''pamatura." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses But. nb .ve all, the great wonder la the rapidity with which it restories GRAY IIAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COL OR The whitest awl worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty by its u-e. Ir d ies not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life and coloring matter The first application will do good; yeu will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will he gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beau tiful locks. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewor ; no other article Is at all like it in effect See that each bottle has our private Goverament Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. HALL A CO: Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors- For sale by all druggists. v7ulß-lino. \ DDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBIL- A Rated whose sufferings have been protracted fiora hidden onuses, nod whose eases requireprompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary dischar ges, what effect does it produce upon your general health 7 Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired 7 Does a little extra exertion produce palpi tation of the heart 7 D- s your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order! Is your urine somcti.zes thick, milky, or flocky, or I is it ropy on settling ? O- do s a thick *.nfm rise fo I the'op? Oris a sediment a' the bottom alter it has stood awhile 7 Do you have S)*!la of short breathing or dyspepsia 7 Are your bowels constipa ted 7 Do you have -pells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head 7 Is your memory impaired 7 Is yout mind constantly dwelling ujsin this subject 7 Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tirftd of company, of life 7 Do you wish to be left alone to get away from everybody 7 Does any lit'lm thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restlss 7 Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant 7 The bloom on your cheek as bright 7 Do you enjoy yourself in society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the same energy 7 Do you feel as much confidence in yourself.' Are your spirits dull and flagging given to fits of m-lancholy 7 If go, do not lay it p ( yonr liver or dyspepsia Have you restless nights 7 Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, aud you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver ocmplaint 7 Now, reader, self-abase, venerol diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are ill capable ol pro ducig a weakness of the generative organs. The or. gane of generation, when in perfect health make the man. Did you ever thihk that those bold, defiant, energetic, |icrsi'.vcring, succe-sful business uicn are always those whose generative organs are in per fect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart They are never afuid they cannot sue ceed in business; they don't become sad ana discour aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of lad : er, and look you and them right in the face noDe of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them Ido not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will nut only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. now many men from badly cured diseases from the eff'-cts ol self-abuse end excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in th'iae organs thai has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most everv other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but tbe right oue. Diseases of these organ* require the use of a diu retic HEI.MHOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT fH CIIU is tbe great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for dis eases ot tbe Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, Or ganic Weakness, Female Complaints. General Debil ity, and all diseases of the Urirairy Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, tirin wbatevei cause originating and no matter of how long standing If no treatment is sumnittcd to. Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are sup ported from these sources, and the health and happi ness, and that of posterity depends upon a prompt use of a reliable reme ly. llelmbold's Extract Buchu. established upward of 18 years, prepared by U. X. UELMBOLD, Druggist 594 Br< 'tdwv, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa PRICK— BI,2S ]>cr bottlo, or G bottles for 86,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all druggists ev erywhere. BBik NOTICE. The Stockholders of tbe Wyoming National Bank will meet at their Banking house in tbe Borough of Tunkhannock, on Tuesday the !4 83 a year; to clubs of ten. [ $2,30 per copy. Vol. XI begins Jan. 4 1868 Note is the time to Subscribe and Club. Great Of fers to Club Agent* Specimen*, .--how-bills, Pre mium L d-, Ac. SENT FREE ; or the 13 numbers of this Quarter. (Get to Jan) ou trial, lor ONLY FIFTY CENTS ! Address D T MOORE, Rochester, N. i'. rpilE PAPER FOR THE MILLION !-The Amer- X ican Farmer tho practical tanners own paper, the Best Agri -nlrural and Horticultural Journal in America Beautifully Illustrated with Numerous Engravings of Farm buildings, Animals, Fruits unJ Floweret Now is the time to subscribe for 1569. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Agents wanted everywhere. For Club Price List of Valuable Prises open to all, Ac., address JOHN TURN F.R, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester,N.Y. WANTED. —IOO Farmers to engage in a business that will pay from 8100 to Sl5O t er month from cow until Spring.' Address JONES BlvOS. A Co , Phil. C>XC EI.B|OR DIALOGUES, consisting ot I J New and Original first-class Dramas, Colloquies, Ac., for advanced speakers in S hoqla, -Exhibition rooms ani private theatricals. Every liua written expressly for this book, by a corps of Professional Teachers and writers. Acknowledged to be 'he best work of the kind ever published Cloth, nearly 400 duodecimo pages, price A 1 .75, mailed free. Address P. GARRETT A CO., Publishers. 7u2 Chestnut St. Pbila. AZYGOS !- Three magnificon'ly illustrated Medical Books, containing important Vhysologieal Information, for Men and Uouicn, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing the Secretary of the New York Medical University No 30. Clinton PI ice, N w York City. ! FUS'I MORTGAGE liONDS. ST. LOUIS A IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO Seven per cent, interest, February and August. The'-e Bonds cover a Road ol 91 milts, finished from St Louis hi Pilot Knob, and in first-class or der. and an extension of about the samo length from Pilot Knob, and to Belmont, now rapidly construct ing, for which the proceeds of these bonds aro to ue j used, making a thorough route from St. Louis to ' New Orleans by rail The earnings of the ninety- I one miles, are 8606,000 a year ; the net profits now are sufficient to pay the interest < n the ,if bonds, were they all issued. The basis of securi ty is believed to be beyond that of any other bonds now offered. Apply at the office of the Company. No. 43 Wall st , to 11. G. MARQUAND, Vice Presi dent, or to CLARK D')I)GE A CO., corner of Wall I arid Uilliaiu-sts , \ew York City. OTANPARD MILLING' MACHINES—OF IM 0 PROVED CON STKI i'TION, great power, large capacity, unrivaled convenience ol adjustment. Al- : so, pipe vises of all sir.es, for heavy and light work j Sen t to I'nion Vise Company, of Boston, Mass. for illustrated circular Fur sale by dealers in hard ware and machinery. CENTURY TOBACCO ! SIOO i..wr w e have not j n . rlfrn discontinued, nor do we l lAt K Kit iht^n ,, , 0 ~e as(? pn , kin _ IN Till?* BRAND 8100 Daily in pajers ! Daily. jf Tobacco, > * * reports to the contrary Mondays, One #IOO Note Tuesdays Two Kitties We are raakin Wed'sdays, Five Twenties the CENTI'RY from th Thursdays, Ten Teas Choicest Leal ; it is free ' Fridays, Twenty Fives,from drugs, and it is in Saturdays, Ffty Twos every respect, the Best P. AQ. LORILLARJ), ;Fi e I'til Tobacco 16, 16 & 2*l, Chambers St.lmanufactured. Sold by NEW YORK. lal I esyectable jobbers. MAI>AM F<>Y*S /"*L- Corset Skirl Anppoiter *-'■■ ja rVJt Combines in one garment a PKR \ ri-* [ jb l -' 1 CT FITTING CollSkT.iind the most h sirahle Skirt Supporter ever of- | Mja !l tered the public. It pla-es the. "V. '4j vf wight of the skirts upon th" ! shoulders instead of the hit*; it j &sh3^improves the form without tight j I'wV lacing; gives ease and elegance; j is approved nnd recommended by I phystci.i.s < ' el In Ties' fat <■ ? t'' ''• mif prri ally,untl at wholesale by J- li NAI XDERS A CO. 0(5 SuunnerSt Bostoa. and 22 Walker Street, N. V. Also by IIF.NKY C. MOORE, 429 Market St.* Philadelphia, and STELLMANN, lIINRICOS A CO,, 21 II Rover Street Baltimore, Aid. WJ ANTED -AN AGENT— One chance ! n each YY tow i, worthy the attention of an active busi ness man. to take tbo agency tor the sale of Brad street's Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips, ap plied to the sides, bottom, top and centre of doors ■ and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever ot j fered before to an agent, and from #lO to s2a per 1 day can be make. Send for agents' circular The I first who apply can secute a bargain. Terms for Moulding, cash. J R. BRADSTKEET A CO-, Boa j ion. Mass. C? 1 F\ T0 ®" 5 I>E ' l I,AY > I?l RE. Agents want -1 tJ ed everywhere, to sell our Potent Ever j lasting While Wire Clothes-lines " Every house wife should use it."-jV IT Tribune. 'We have seen it used and it gives entire satisfaction." —N. Y. Christian Adrocate. " The' Patent Wire Clothe-- line is all it purports to be," —2V. Y Independent Address the American Wire Co , 162 Broadway, New York. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, rHE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court for the county of Wyoming, an Auditor to distribute the assets in the hands of the Executor of Famuel Vanduier, late of Tunkhannock township in said county, decease I, will attend fo the duties of his appointment, at his office in Tnukhan nock Borough, on Thursday, December 26th, 1867, at 1 o'clock P M„ at whioh time and place, ail per sons interested therein are requested to present their claims or be lie ba.ro i from coming in for a share of j said assets. HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. Tonkhaetwck, Dec, 2, 1667v7u10w4 |lrtn ptiEftiSfittM£ REVOLUTION IN TRADE. LADIES, you will be astonished at the value of all kinds of Goods sent by the well known and ! justly celcbiated fiiui of GRAHAM A CO. for oily one dollar. Such as Silk, Merino, and Alpacea Dressos, Shawls, Balmorals. Linen flood*, Embossed Table Covpr*, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Ma chines, Ac. This is no humbug but a reality Send vour clubs of ten and upwards, for checks describing the goods, with ten cents for each check, and the getter np of the club will receive a valuable present, worth from 83 to 8300, according to number of names sent. Agent* wanted In every town, Circular* **nt free Address GRAHAM A CO., 64 A 66 Federal Street. j j Boston, WE AHE COMING, J And will present to any person sending as a club in our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac 8 a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Shoeting, Watch Ac., free of cost, Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any address tree. Address J S. HAWKS A CU-, 30 Hanover St., Boston Mass. P. 0. Box 5125., 0 € It is the Best Chance ever offered to Agents Oue or two days' time will secure a good, Sewine Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Re volver, or some oilier article of equal value. Free df Cost* Agents wanted everywhere, male an I fe male, for the best Oue Dollar Pawnbroker's .Sale in the cnuutrv. Send for Circular. S. C. THOMP SON A CO., Diseases OF the genital organs.— l Dr. WAI.TK R. 907 Broadway. N. Y,, devotes j particular attention to all diseases peeuliar to these j organs in both sexes. Send stamp for a circular. • pn Solomon Rothschild having recommended to many of bis friends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, , an I they being desirous to procure it, he shjuid ad- . vise him to establish a depot in Paris. _____ THE INDIAN LINIMENT. As a reßef, ever ready ; ns a kiilcrof pain, taken in wardly or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the i relief and cure f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec- | tions, Sprains. Bruises, Ac ,it is unequaled It is also most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of ! Cholera, Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach, Diar- [ rhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum | Ac , fand is without exception the most woderful Pun- | acea the world a fiords, No Family should be with- J out it. Every traveler by land or sea chould have a j bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance ; from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand, In cas • of Aceidenst, and su l ien attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannot be estimated. Inquire ! for Major LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, and take j no other Price 50vts. per bottle. Tor sale at wholesale an i retell by Demas Barnes A Co., 2i Park R w. New York j Gale A Robinson !>6 Green wich st, N. V. ; F. C. Wells A Co , 192 Fulton-st., | N, Y. : Chas- N. Crittenden. 39 6th Avenue, N. Y. . and by rcsp ctable Druggists throughout the wertd | None genuine unless signed by John Thos, Lane and j countersigned liy J, T. LANE A CO, Proprietors,; 163 Broadway, N, I• t 1 ,wr c ' TVul lr tiPR j CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, The true remedy at last discovered, Vpham's Fresh : Meat Cure, prepared irora the formula of Prof. I Trousseau id Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Di.-cag cs, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General De bility and all morbid conditions of the system de pendent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant j to taste, and a single iait'le will convince the most ' skeptical of its viatue as Ihe gre it healing remedy j of the age. S 1 a bottle, or six liotries for 8 5 .Sent j by Express. Fold by S. C I PIIAM, Ne 25 South | Eight St., Philadelphia, ani trincipal Druggists.— j Circulars sent free. GPR I THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should imuiediatt 1 use UKLUBOLU'S EXTRACT HI-CHIT. Insurance Agency. DANIEL WEIGHT NEPHEW, j At Tunkbannock, Da, Are Agents for tho following, and all other responsi- i ble Insurance Companies : N. America, Philadelphia, Assets, 81.763 267. J Enterprise, " " 372.304. Manhiltan, New York, 1 1 052.128. N. American, •' " • 755.057. Loriliurd. " " 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " " 601.095. F'anners' Ins Co., Yoik, '■ 525.1 SO Lycoming, Muncy, " 2,800,000. Home, New York " 3.645,388- Hartford, Ilartford, " 1,793,153. Phoenix, ' 1 I 103.467 ' Travelers, '- •' 741.337- j Ilartford Li-'e Stock, " 173,92;'. | Iloine, New Ifaven " 1.438.491 | Cumberland Vailcy, " 506 000. N. Euglauil Mutual, '• 5,0j0,000 J Property of ail kinds will he insured at the moil I reasonable rites, in auy of the above companies Looses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, ! promptly adjusted and paid DANIEL WRIGHT j A NEPHEW, Turds-, Pa Sept. 16, 1867,-v7n7-tf. 11l MILLIRY & FASCY GOODS MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING A SUMMER Goods of 11 the new est SHAPES <>f FELT and VELVET HATS for LADIES aid CIIIL DKEN. Alan BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS j FLOWERS, and FEATHERS, and a full assortment of FANGY GOOOS. at prices to defy competition All the latest styles of paper patterns, SLEEVES j CLOAKS, JACKETS. Arc.j from MA DA MB DEMOUES 7. 5 f Dresses made, cut and basted at the shortest | notice. MRS BARDWELL. Tunkhannock, May. 22, IBg7—vg'.,4l-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. YITHEREAS letters of adruinistration on the es \ V V late of Richard Brurjgesa late of Windham township, deceased, have been granted to the sub -1 scriber AH persons indebted to the said estate, are , requested to make immediate settlement and those having claims or demands against the same, will , present them duly authenticated, without delay. J, M. BRUNGESS, Adm'r. i tutcm, Nov, 18, 1867—v7ni0wfl- For Sale at-Mottfsy v . u BOOTS. - ' a. ' 1 -* n BINGIfaSITO* BOOTS. • i'"'- w of Lester A Co'* Wit Aak* KIP UN.L CAL? OWEGO BOOTS. | Beit make KASTERN BOOTS. | A full stock of Ladies' Shoes. j Balmoral, Congress, Foluh Bojts of Glove Kid and Goat. Also, Button Gaiters. GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GIOVES 1 and MITTENS. Certs' KID GLOVES, Lined, Cnlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORNER STORE, vSnlltf Tunkhannock. Pa. OKP *ASS' COURT SALE. BY VIRTL' Eof an order issued out of the Or phans' Court of Wyoming Courty, I will expose to pnhlic vendue or outcry upon the premises in the township of Windham, eountv of Wyoming. Pa., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1567, ! at twro o'clock in the afternoon, the following des j scribed Real Estate to wit : All that certain mes j auage and tract of land situate in the townsh'p of j Windham. County of Wyoming and State of Penn | sylrania, bounded and described as follows - Begin ! ning at a post corner on the main road leading up ■ and dovn the Litlle Mehoopany Creek, on line of j N. C. Frost, and running thence North 21 degrees ' Eust 111! rols to land of John Fin-sett, thence South 44 degrees East 2SI rods to a hemlock tree, thence ! South 2' degrees West 37 rods to a stake, thence . North o:> dcg.CC? West IC? 'ods to a hemlock, thence j ; bv land of P. B Jennings, Nortn 64 degrees R j 's7nol* to a beech, thence North 60 degrees >Yest j : dj4 rod" to a hemlock, thence North 62 degrees : West 37J rods to the place of beginning ; containing ! 128 acres strict measure, excepting and reserving therefrom about two acres reserved by E. A Ing ham in his assignment to A. W. Whilecotnb of one ' half of the above. described land, reference to said assignment dated September 6th, A, D. 1953, will fully appear And also excepting and reserving therefrom two pieces sold by Geo. W. Groo (in his j lifo-tiine) to L E. Dwolf,.by Deed dated October 20tb 1857. and describe 1 gs follows : FIKST PIECE.— Beginning at a tost and corner on the road ad job ing lauds ef N. C. Frost, thence along said road and land of P B. Jennings South 42 degrees East 60 rods to a post and corner, thence North 23 degrees East 114 rods to a corner adjoining land of Fas sett, thence North 42 degrees West 60 rods to a hem lock corner, them-e South 23 degrees M est 110 rods along land of N. C Frost to the place of beg nniug ; Containing about 40 acres more or less. SKCDan PlECE.—Beginning at the road adjoining land of Solomon Whitcomb and running along laud of said Whttcomb, South 42 degrees East 40 rods to a corn er, thence South 374 degrees West 40 rods to a post, thence North 42 degrees West 40 ndsto a post cu main road thence North 374 degrees East 40 rods j to the place of beginning , supposed to contain ten j acrcg but be the same more or less, as by reference j to said Deed ot Geo. W Groo to L. E. Dewolf does fully appear. It being the same tract of land con- 1 veyed by Prudence M Euston to T. M. Whitcomb ! and E. A Ingham, and by Sundry conveyances be- 1 came vested in G. W Gruo. About 60 acres thereof ; improved, with one frame house,barn, gaw-miil grid | mill and some fruit trees thereon, with the appurte nances TERMS OP SALE, —Ten per cent, of one fourth of ; the purchase money to be paid down at the striking j off the property, one fourth less the ten per ctnt. at the continuation absolute and >he remaining three fourths iu one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation ni si ALLEN JAYNE, Adm'r. of GEO. W. GROO, Dec'd. Nov 27th 1897-v7ul7- Gen. Grant IS THE MOST AVAILABLE MAN For President In 1868 1 And the best place to buy your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. HARDWARE, BOOTS ir SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, j READY-MADE CLOTHING, DISSS & 111 4, UTS & DIPS, K, SC., It at Ike Store qf JENNINGS is CO, Whore may be found a now and extensive stock of , the above GOODS, including, also BUFFALO ROBES, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURS, Looking Glasses, Clocks, Ilorse Blankets. Ladies' ard Gents' Shairs, ij-c, ij-c and in fact everything usually found in a coi'etry ; Store, whi :h we will sell at the LOWEST MARKET RATES Pleise give us a cull before purchasing elsewhere JENNINGS A CO. Mehoopany, Ra, Nov. S, lSSf.—v7ulsm2. 'JMIE SCUANTON DAILY REPUBLICAN will be issued on and after Nov. 1, 1867, in time to be sent by the EARLIEST MORNING TRAINS OX THE Delaware, Lackawanna i Western : Lackawanna A Bloomsuurg ; Lehigh Valley : Lehigh A Nuquehanna j and Delaware A Hudson J Railroads. It will reach points within ' Fifty or a Hundred miles of Scranton 8 sveral hours in advance | of the New York and Phi' adelphia Morning Papers. It will be printed in new type, on a large 32 column sheet ; ill contain All the Telegra ins of the Associated Press! including marke - lS from all important points, and is 1 intended to he i n every respect a - FIIidT CLASS NEWSPAPER. A rrangy, ejects will be made for its delivery by the loc.| news Agents at about two thirds the cost ot Nc , v York or Philadelphia dailies r. A CKAXPALL, > CRANDALL ACQ jog. A RCRAXTOS, ] Publisher 1 v7nll6w CAUTION. ALL persons arc heroby cautioned against par chasing or negotiating a certain note given by us to Seymour G. Rhinevault or bearer for $25, dat ed June 21st, 1866. As the consideration therefor was never received, we will not pay the same unless soinpellea by law. B. D, JAQt'ES, v7nlßw3 J. C. JAQI'ES. U. S. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE fbr 7th Di vision, t Wyoming County) half a milo north of i Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late residence 1 ol Hon. K. B. Little. IRA AVERY, Assistant Assessor, 7th Division 13th District ! Tunkhannock, Dec 2, 1807v7n18m3. Wanted " SSOOO [N'.GOIiD, IN GREENBACKS. ssooo Worth of WHEAT. • -bye; CORN, .i '■ and OATS, in exchange for DRY GOODS, ttATH & CAI'S, BOOTH & SHOES, Floor & Feed, McalA Bian, PORK aud FI>II, SAXaT, GIIEEX and DRIED ERUIft BUTTRR, EGGS, CUE ESC and LARD, Tobacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE and HARD WARE. ' ottH. CoAL, large and small sizes, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash, or prod u>w3 taken in exchange, at the old stand, formerly occupied by Wheelock, on Bridge Street. D BILLINGS. Tunkhannock, Pa Deo. 3, 1867-v7nlß-tf. W K KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides, SHERMAN & LATH HOP. {Las^^^ucceti - IS THE IMPROVED P J HAIR dresSING am PBICtONEBoUjAR THE UNION STRAW CUTTER, MANUFACTURED BY William Flickner, At 2 UA'A'IIA.WYO CA\ J\nn Vsr. Who has the exclusive right for Wyoming county, is one of the very few Machines th .t will cut llay. Straw. Stalks, sc., better than the oM fashioned Cutting boxes, used by our grandfathers. Those who valuo time nud labor: and would avoid a needless loss of both, in feeding their stock, should get one of these improved Cutters. No man e\er found anything better ; or ever weut back to the old machine alter n trial of it. A Supply Constaut'y on Hand and for sale. WM FLICKNER. Tunkhannock, Dec. 2, 1577v7n18tf. PUHf.IC SALE j In the mailer of the real estate of Joanna Gregory. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Coinmou Pleas of Wyoming County, to me directed, will be exposed to eale by public otttciy or auction on Thurs day, the Igth day of January A. J>. at one o'clock P. M.,on the premises, all the right, title, and interest (being one undivided ninth pari) of the said Joanna Gregory, of, in, to, and ont of the lol ' lowing described piece or parcel of land situate in ! the township of Meshoppen, county af resold, and bounded on the North by lands of Daniel Cole. Chas. | Mowry and Benjamin Baker, East by !a:i l of Beuja ; mill Baker, South by land of Benjiiun Ellis and Anson Mocker, and on the West by land of Anson j Stocker. Levi Gregory an 1 Daniel Cole; containing i about one hundred and sixty-seven acres, more or ; less, by me J- B- RDKVANT, v7n!9tds Committee of Joaun* Gregory NltTlt F ! Ts hereby given, that I have placed in possession ; of Samuel Dai ley Jr., on< pair of steers, to be kept lby him during my will and pleasure—ail persons are ' forbid molesting or interfering with the same. DAVII) PATRICK. Overfield Pa ,Oet. 7th 1667-v7nlttf, ADMINISTRATOR*' NOTICE. j Whereas letters af administration to the ertatc of Joseph Ferguson late ot the township of North lUorelanJ, deceased, have been granted to the subscri j rtber. All persons indebted to the said estate are re qre&ted to make immediate payment, and those having demands against the estuto <>l the said doc -1 edent, will make kn wn tli" same iluly authenticated | without delay. "SPKNCEK vl lIG ERSON Administrator, Northnrowland, Nov 22, 18C7, v?niTws