Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, December 11, 1867, Image 2
ty aririnsr fo n aoctdental defect* of evidence, mode | of iurestiK.itinst if, and secrecy of hearing. It i# not ; Wonderful that official malfeasance should become bold in proportion delinquents Icn-n to think, themselves safe I am entirely persuaded that under i such a rule the President cannot perioral <hff greatdfl- ; ty as.si-ned to him of se< ing the laws faithfully execut ed, en i that it disables hiui most especially from en forcing that ritfi.l accountability which is necessary to the execution of tho Revenue Laws, The Onsti- . tulion invests the President with authority to deride whether a removal should be rondo in any given ease. The a. tof Congress declare*, in substance, that he shall only <ic,-jtc su.h as he sup)ioses to be ' unworthy of their trut. The Constitution makes hint sole jiidte in the premises, but the statute takes away fcis jurisdiction, transfers it to the Senate, and leave* him no'hing hut the odious and sometime* iin practicable duty of becoming a prottculmr. I'roe ecution is to be conducted before a tribunil whose members are not, like him. responsible to the whole people, but to separate constituent bodies, and who may hear his accusation with great disfavor. Tb'. I Ben..te is absolutely without any known standard of j decision ap[ licahle to su ha case. Its judgment cannot he anticipated, for it is not governed by any I rule. The law uoes not define what shall be deemed good cause for removal It is impossible even to conjecture what may or tniy not be so considered by tho Set-ate. The nature of the subject forbids clear proof. If the charge be incapacity, what evidence will support it 7 HJeliiy to the Constitution may he understood or misunderstood in a thousand dif ferent ways, and l.v violca! party men in violent par ty times unfaithfulness to the Cnnsiitntion may even • ome to he considered meritorious. If an officer be accused of dishonesty, bow shall it be made out 7- sVill it be inferred from acts unconnect d with pub lic duty, from private UUstoty, or from general repu tation ; of must the President await the commission of an actual misdemeanor in office? Shall he, ir. the meantime, risk the character and interest of the nation in the hands of men to whom ho cannot give his confidence 7 Most he forbear his complaint until the mischief is dono and cannot be prevented ? If hi# zeal in the public service should impel him to anticipate the overt act, must he move at the peril i of being tried himself for tho offence of slandering i his subordinate ? In the present circumstances of | the country, some one must be held responsible for official delinquency of every kind It is extremely difficult to say where that responsibility should be thrown if it !e not left where it has been placed by the Constitution. But all just men will admit that the President ought to be entirely relieved from such responsibility, if he cannot uivct it by reason of restrictions placed by law upon his action. Unre stricted power of removal from office is very great one to be trusted even to a Magistrate chosen by the general suffrage of the whole people and accountable directly to them for his acts. It is ui.doubtedly lia ble to abuse, and at some periods of our h'story per haps has been abused. If it be thought desirable ami constitutional thai it should be so limited as to make the President merely a common informer against other public agents, be should at leas! be permitted to net in that capacity before some opeu tribunal, independent of party politics, ready to in vestigate the merits of every case, furnished with the means of taking evidence, and hound to.deeide according to established rules. This would guaran tee the safety of the accuser when he acts in good faiih, and at the same time secure the rights of the other party. I speak. of course, with all proper re spect for the present Senate ; but it does not seem to me that *nv legislative body can he so constituted as to insure it? fitness lor these functions. It is not tho theory of this Government tbat the public offices are the property ot those who hold them. They are given merely as a trust tor tho public benefit, some times for a fixed period, sometimes during good be havior; but generally they are liable to be termi nated at the pleasure of the appointing power. #hih represents the collective majesty and speaks the will of the pieopde. The forced retention in office of a single difhouest person may work great injury to the jiuhlic interest. Danger to the public service co'iie# not froin the power to remove but from the j# wer to appoint; therefore it was that the framer# t.f the Constitution left the power of removal unre stricted, while they gave the Senate the right to re ject aTI appmrntuients which, in its opinion, were not fit to be made. A little reflection on this subject will probably satisfy all who have the good of the country at heart that our best course is to take the Constitution for our guide, walk in tho path marked out by the founders ot the Republic. aaJ obey the rules* made sacred ty the observance if our great pre > :e#sor?, FINANCIAL MATTERS. The present condition of our Cnanres and circulat ing medium is one to which your early consideration is invited. The pwopjortion which the currency of any ct.tintry should bear to the whole value ot the nnnu il produce circulated by its means is aquestion upon which jmlitical economists have not agreed; nor can it bo controlled by legislation, hut must be left to tbofe irrevocable laws which everywhere reg ulate commerce and trade. The circulating medi um will ever irresistibly fl..w to those points where it is in the greatest demand. The Lv of demand and supply is as unerring as that which regulates the tides of the ocean; and, indeed, currency, like the tides, has its ebbs and flows throughout the com mercial world At the beginning of the rebellion tlie bank uote circulation of the country amounted to not much m re than s2t)o 060,000. .Now the circu lation of the National Bank notes, and those known as legal-tenders, is nearly $700,000,000. While it i# urged by some tbat this amount should he in creased, others contend that a decided reduction is absolEt'-ly essentia! to the best interests of the coun try, In view of these diverse opinions, it may be well to ascertain the real value of our paper issues, when compared with a metalile or convertible cur rency. For this purpose let u# inquire how much gold ~nd silver could be purchased by tha $700,000 000 of papier money now in circulation. Probably not UMire than half the amount ot the latter, show ing that wbc-u our paper currency is compared with gold and silver, its commercial value is compressed into $350,000,000. This striking fact makes it. the obvious duty cf the Government, as early as may'be consistent with the principle* of sound politics! econ omy, to take such measures as will enable the hold ers of its notes and those of the National Banks to convert th.-ra without loss into specie or its equiva lent A reduction of our paper circulating medi um need not necessarily follow. This, however, would depend upon the law of demand and supply; though it should be IKHT.O in mind that by making legal-tender and bank nut's convertible into coin or its equivalent, their present specie value in the hands of their holders would be enhanced one hun dred per cent. Lcgislati in for tho accooiplUhmeut 01 a le.-ult so desirable is demanded by the highest public considerations. The Cinstitution contem plates that the circulating medium of the country shall be uniform in quality and value. At the time of the formation of that instrument the country had just emerged fioiu the war of the revolution, and was suffering fiom the effects of a redundant and worthless paper currency. Tbc sages of that {.eri .d were anxious to protect their posterity from the evils vhich they themselves had experienced, ller.ee in iu providing a circulating u%liuiu, they uoulerred upon Congress the power to coin money and regulate the vu-io thereof, at the same time prohibiting the States from making anything hut .gold and silver a tender iji payment of debts. The anomalous condi tion ol our currency it in striking contrast with that which was originally d signed. Our circulation now embraces, first, the notes of the National Banks, which are made receivable for all dues to Govern ment, excluding imposts, aud by all its creditors, ex cepting ic payment of interest upon its bonds and securities themselves ; second, legal-tender notes, is sued by the United Mates, and which the law re quire# shall be received as well in payment of all liekts between citizens, as of all Government dues, excepting imposts j and third, geld and silver coin By tho operation of our present system ot finance, however, the metallic currency when collected is re served only for one class of Government creditors, who, holding its bonds, scrni-arnually receive their interest in coin from the National Treasury. They are thus matte to occupy an invidious position, which may be used to strengthen the arguments of those who would bring into disrepute the obligaxions of the nation. In the payment of all its debts the plighted faith ol the Government should he inviola bly maintained ; but while it acts with fidelity to wards the bondholder who loaned his money that the integrity of the Union might be preserved, it should at the same time observe good faith with the great masses of the people, who, having rescued the Union from the ja-riU of rebellion, now bear the bur dens of taxation tbat the Government may be able to fulfil its engagements. There is no reason which will be accepted as sati.-factory by the people, why tbvse who defend us on land and protect us on sea; the pensioners upon the gratitude of the nation, bearing scars and wounds received while in its ser vice; the piublic servants in various departments of the Government; the farmers who supplied the sol dier* of the artny and sailor# of tbs navy; the arti zans who toil in the nation's workshops, or the me chanics and laborer* whv build its edifices and con struct its forts and vessels of war, should, in pay ment of their ju-.t and hard earned dues, receive de preciated paper, while another class of their country men. no tßota deserving, are paid in coiu of gold and silver. Equal and exact justii^requiresthat all the creditors of the GoVcrotuent should be paid in a cur rency possessing a uniform value. This can only be accomplished by the restoration of the currency to the standard established by the Constitution ; aod by this means we would remove a discrimination which may, if it has not already done to, create a prejudice that may become deep-rooted and wide-spread, and imperil the Natiou.il sredit. The feasibility of mak ing our currency correspond with the Coostitutional standard may be netu by reference tu few fact* derived from our commercial statistics. The pro duction of precious metals in the United ?tatcs frmn 1849 to !5.7, inclusive, aitouotea to $579,000,000; from 185? to 1850, inclusive, to $1.17,500,000 j and from 1861 to 1807, inclusive, to $457,500,000 ; task- ! ing a grand aggregate of the products since 1849 of •1.174,000,000. The amount of specie coined from 1849 to IRST. Inclm-ive, w*# $439 000,000; from 1858 k< 1860, itielusive, $125,000,000, and fro in 1861 to j 1567. inclusive. $3lO 000,000; making total coinage Since 1549, $874,000.000. From 1849 to 1857. in clusive, the net exports of specie amounted to $271,- OOo.OOO; from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, to •148,000,- 000; and from 1861 to 1867, inclusive, o 322,000,- 000 making an aggregate of net exports since 1849. of $741,000.0u0. These figures sln>w an excess of product over net exports of 433,000.000. There are in the Treasury 8111 000,000 in coin, something more than $40,000 000 in circulation on the I'acific coast, \ and a tew millions in National and other banks—in j nil about $160,000 000. This, however, taking into account the sj>eeie in the country prior to 1849, leaves more than $ >oo,ooo,tNiO which have not been ac counted for by exportation, and therefore uay yet remain in the country. These are important fcts and sltow !tow completely the inferioi currency will supercede the better, forcing it trotu circulation among the masses, and causing it to be exported as a mere article of trade to add to the money capital of foreign lands. They show the necessity of rotir- 1 ing our paper innney, that the return of gold and ! silver to the avenues of tra e may be invited, and a | demand created which will cause the retention at \ \ home of at least so much of the productions of our ' rich and inexhaustible gold bearing fields as may be sufficient for the purposes of circulation Jt is un rcison.blo to expect a return to a sound currency so lo tg as the Government, by continuing to issue irre deemable notes, fills the channels of enculation with depreciated paper. Notwithstanding a coinage by 1 our mints since 1849, of ! now strangers to the currency which was designed 1 for their use and benefit, and specimens of the pre i cious metals bearing the nattunul device are seb'om ; s"en except when produce 1 to gratify the interest ex ; cited by their novelty If deprecated paper is to be continued as the permanent currency of the conn -1 try, nud all our coin is to become a mere article of : traffic an.l speculation, to the enhancement in price i of all that is in JispT.sable to the comfott of the peo ple, it would he wise economy to abolish our mints, ' thus saving the nation the care and expense incident 1 to such establishment', and let our precious metals j be exported in bullion. The time h-iseome howev er, when the Government and National Bankssht.uld be required to take most efficient steps, and uiake all necessary arr ngemcnts for a resumption of specie '■ payments at the earliest practicable period. Specie t payment# hiving been once resumed by the Govern ment and banks, all notes or bills of paper issued by i | either of a less denomination than 820 should by ! . law be excluJed from circulation, so tbat the people may have the benefit and convenience of a gold and ! silver currency, which in all their business tronsae- j i tions will be uniform in value at home and abrojd ' 1 •' Every man of property or industry, every man 1 i who desires to pr serve what he honetlv possesses. I | or to obtain what he can honestly earn, has a direct interest in maintaining a safe circulating medium, such a medium as shall bo real and substantial —not liable to vibrate with opinions, not subject to be blown up or blown down by breath of speculation, but to be made stable and secure. A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils. It un dermines the virtues necessary for the support of the soc al system, and encourages propensities destruc tive of its happiness It war* against industry, fru- , j guilty, and economy, and it fosters the evil spirits of : j extravagance and speculation." It has been assert i ed by one of our most profound and most gifted statesmen that 44 of all contrivances of cheating the ! laboring classes of mankind none has been more ef i f-ctual than that which deludes them with paper ! money This is the most effectual of inventions to ! fertilize the rich man's fields by the sweat of the I poor m ill's brow. Ordinary yrar.ny, oppression, the excessive taxation, these bear lightly on the happi i oess of the mass of the community, compared with ' a fraudulent currency and the robberies committed | by depreciated paper. Our own history has recorded i fur our instruction enough and more than enough of I the demoralizing tendency, the injustice and the in tolerable oppression on the virtuous and wcll-dis- ' ! posed o< a degraded papier currency, authorized by j law, or in any way countenanced by the Govern ' uient." It is one of the most successful devices in , times of peace or war, expansions or revuls : on*. to j accomplish the transfer of all precious metals from | the gvat mass of the people into the hands of the few, where they are hoarded in secret places or de | posited in strong boxes un-ler bolts and|bars. while I the picoplc are left to endure all the inconvenience, sacrifice and demoralization resulting from tho use : of depreciated and worthless paperuiuaey. The condition of our finances and the operations of I our revenue system are set forth aud fully explained 1 in the able and instructive report of the Secretary of j the Trea-ury. On the 3oth of June, 1866, the pub- 1 lie debt amouated to 52,733,4d0 879; on the 30:6 of l June last it w is $2,692,190 215, showing a reduction | during the fiscal year of s9l, #75.661. During the fiscal year ending June 39th, 1867, the reee : pt#were ! $490 631.010, and expen iitures $316 729.129, Icav- I j ing an available surplus of $141,904,580. It is esti i uiateii that the receipts for the fiscal year ending | June 39, 1868, will be $417,161,928, and that the ex j penditures will te icb the suui of $393,269 226. leav- , j ing in the Treasury a surplus of $23,892,702. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869, it is estimated tbat ' the receipts will amount to $3Bl 000,000. and that I the expenditures will oe $372,000,000, showing an j excess of $9,000,000 in favor of the Government. THE REVENUE SERVICE. The attention of Congress is earnestly invited to j tho necessity of a thorough revision ot our revenue , system Our internal revenue laws and impost sys ; tern should be so adjusted as to bear most bcavily on ' articles of luxury, leaving the necessaries of life as ; free from taxation a# may be consistent with the re : al wants ot the Government, ecunoniumcaiiy adtnin j isteied. Taxation would not then fall unduly on the j man of moderate means, and while none would lie . entirely exempt from assessment, all in proportion : to their peconiarjr abilities would contribute toward j the supi>ort of the State. A modification of the in ; tern.il revenue system by a large reduction in the i number of articles now subject to tax, would be fol i lowed by Results equally advantageous to the citizen I and tho Government. It would render the execu , lb n of the liw less expensive and more certain, re tnove obstructions to industry, lessen the temptations j to evade the law, diminish violations and frauds per ' ps" tinted upon lis provisions, make its operations less | inquisitorial, and greatly reduce in numbers the ar my of fax gatherers created by the system, who "take from the month of honest labor the bread it has earuoi " Retrenchment, reform, and economy should be carried into every branch of the public service, that the expenditures of the Government m.iy be rcfuced and tbo pieo) le relieved from oppres sive taxation; a sound currency should he restored, and the public faith in regard to the national debt sacredly observed. The accomplishment of these important results, together with the restoration of the Union of the States upon the principles of the Constitution, would inspiire confidence at borne and abroad in the stability of our institutions, and bring to the nation prosperity, peace, and good will. WAR DEPARTMENT, The report ol the Secretary of War ad interim ex hibits tho epic rations of the army and the several Bureaus of the War Department The aggregate strength of our military force on the 30th September t last was 56,315. The rof.il estimate for military ap- I propriations is $77,124,707, ffk-luding a deficiency in last year's appropriation of fts 6U0,000. Payments al the Treasury on account of the service of the War Department from Jan. 1 to Oct. 29, 1867, a period of ten mouths, amounted to $109,807,000. The ex penses of the military establishment, as well as the j numbers of the army are now three times aj great as they have ever been in time of pieace, while dis- J cretionary piwer is vested in the executive to add millions to the expenditure by an increase of the ar my to the maximum strength allowed by law. THE INDIAN D 1 FFICI'LTIKS. The comprehensive report of the Secretary of She Interior furnishes interesting information in refer-, ence to important branches "f public service connect ed with his department. The menacing attitude of some warlike bands of Indiaus inhabiting the dis tricts of coun try between the Arkansas and Platte Rivera, and portion* of Daeotah Territory, required tho presence of a large military force in that reg'on. Instigated by real or imaginary grievances, the In dians occasionally committed acts of barbarous vio lence upon emigrants and our frontier settlements But a general Indian war has beew providentially averted. The Commissioners, under the act of the 2Ulb of July, 1-867. were invested with full power to adjust existing difficulties negotiate treaties with disaffected hands, and select for them reservations remote from traveled routes between the Mississippi River and the Pacific. They entered without delay upon the execution of their trust, bat have not yet made any official report of their proceedings. It is of vital importance that our distant Territories should bj exempt from Indian outbreaks, and that the construction of the Pacific Railroad, an object of national importance, should not be interrupted by hestile tribes. These objects, as well as the material Interests and the moral and intellectual improvement of the Indians, can bo most effectually secured by concentrariug them upon portions of the country set apart for their exclusive use and located at points I remote from the highways and encroaching white 1 settlements, PACIriC RAILROAD, j Since the commencement of the seoond session ol I the 'J hirty-ninth Congress, 510* miles of road have been conetrueted en the main lino and branches of tlie Pacific Railway. The line from Oma- i ha is rapidly approaching the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, while the termi- 1 nus of the last section of the constructed j : road in California, accepted by the Gov ernment on the 24th of October last, was ' but eleven miles distant from the summit of the Sierra Nevada. The remarkable cncrary evinced by the companies offers the strongest assurance that the completion of the road from Sacramento to Omaha will not long be deferred. SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS, During the last fiscal year 7,041,144 acres ol public land wer disposed of, anil cash receipts from sales and fees exceded j one-half million dollars more than the sunt realized from those sources during the pre ceding year. PAYMENT OF PENSIONS. • • 1 Idie amount pa : d to pensioners, inelud- i ing the expenses of disbursements, was $18,619,956, and 36,482 names were ad <led to to the rolls. The entire number of pensioners on the 2Uih of Juue last was 1 00,414, ISSUES OF PATENTS. Eleven thousand six hundred and fifty five patents and designs were issued during the year ending September 30, 1867, and at that date tho balance in the Treasury j to the credit of the Patent fund was §286, 607. NATAL AFFAIRS The Report of the Secretary of the Na vy states that we have seven squadrons actively and judiciously employed under efficiant and able commanders in protect- - ing the persons and property of American ' citizens, maintaining 'he dignity and pow ier of the Government, and promoting the I commerce and business interests of our countrymen tn every part of the world— j |Of the 238 vessels composing the present j navy of the United States, fifty-six, carry i ing five hundred and seven guns, are in 1 squadron service. During the year the number of vessels in commission has been i reduced 12, and there arc thirteen less on squadron duty than there were at date of. last report. A large number of vessels were commenced and in course of construc tion when the war terminated, and altho' j I Congress has made the necessary appropri- ; I ations for their completion, the Depart- : ment has cither suspended woik upon them, or limited the slow completion of the steam vessels, so as to meet contracts for machinery made with private establish ments. The total expenditures of the Na vv Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867, were §31,034,011: No appropriations have been made or required since the clcsc of the war for the construc tion and repair of vessels, for steam machi ! ncry, ordinance, provisions and clothing, . fuel, hemp, Ac., the balance under these ' several heads having been more than suf ficient fjr current expenditures. It should I al-o be stated to the credit of the Depart ment that,besides asking no appropriations j for the above objects for the last two years, the Secretary of tlie Navy, on the 30lb of September last, in accordance with the act of Mav 1, 1820, requested the Secretary of the Treasury to carry to the surplus ' fund the sum of 505,000,t00 being the amount received from sales of vessels and other war property, and remnants of for tner appropriations. TOSTAL AFFAIRS. The Report of the Postmaster General j shows the business of the l'ostoffice De-! parturient and the condition of the postal service in a very favorable light, and the attention of Congress is called to its prac tical recommendations. The receipts of the Depnrtment for the year ending June i 30, 1867, including all special appropria- I tions for sea and land service and for free mail matter, were *19.978,693. The ex penditures for all purposes were *19,235,- j 'j 483, leaving an unexpended balance in fa- j vor of the Department of *743,410, which can be applied toward the expenses of the II Department for the current year. The in crease of postal revenue, independent of specific appropriations for the year 1867 i over that of 1866, §850,040. The increase ,of revenue from the sale of .stamps and stamped envelopes was §783,404. The in crease of expenditures of 1867 over those of the previous year was owing chiefly to ' the extensive land and ocean mail service. , During the past year new postal conven- 1 | tions have been ratified and exchanged i with the United Kingdom of Great Britain | i and Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands. Switzerland, the North German Union, Italy, and the Colonial Government at Hong Kong, reducing very largely the rates F of ocean and land poßtagcsto and from and ; S within those countries. 1 1 : THE AGRICULTURAL BUKEATT. I The Report of the Acting Commissioner of Agriculture concisely presents the con j dition, wants, and progress of an interest i eminently worthy the fostering care of Con • gress, and exhibits a large measure ot use ful results achieved during the year to s j which it refers. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. 1 I The re-cstablishment of peace at home, and the resumption of extended trade,trav el, and commerce abroad, have served to J increase the number and variety of ques : tions in the Department for Foreign Af fairs. None of these questions, however, s i have seriously disturbed our relations with -j other States. The Republic of Mexico, • having been relieved from foreign iuter . vention, is earnestly engaged in efforts to S re establish her constitutional system of 1 government. A good understanding con tinues to exist between our Government - and the Republics of Ilayti and San Do mingo, and our cordial relations with the. [ Central and South American States re } main unchanged. The tender made, in ' conformity with a resolution of Congress, f of the good offices of the Government,with ■ a view to an amicable adjustment of peace I between Brazil and her allies on the one \ side and Paraguay on the other, and bc t tween Chili and her allies on one side and r Spain on the other, though kindly received II has in neither case been fully accepted by t the beligerents. The war in the valley of ' the Parana is still vigorously maintained. | On the other band, actual hostilities be >! tween the Pacific States and .Spain have | been more than a year suspended I shall i on any proper occasion that may occur re ( new tb# conciliatory recommendations r ■ which have been already made. Brazil, with enlightened sagacity and comprehen sive statesmanship, has opened the great channels of the Amazon and its. tributaries to universal commerce, One thing more seemed needful to assume a rapid and cheering progress in South America. I refer to those peaceful habits without which States and nations cannot in this age well expect material prosperity or social ad vancement. THE PARIS EXPOSITION. The Exposition of Universal Industry at Paris has passed, and seen s to have fully realized the high expectations of the trench Government. If due allowance be made for the recent political derangement of industry here, the part which the Uni ted States has borne in this exhibition of invention and art may be regarded with very high satisfaction, 6TANDARD COIN. During the Exposition a conference was held of delegates from several nations, the United States being one, in which the in convenience of commercial and social inter course resulting from the diverse standards of money value were fully discussed, and plans were developed for establishing by universal consent a common principle for the coinage of gold. 'lhese conferences are expected to be renewed, with the at tendance of many foreign States not liith- ' erto represented. A report of these inter esting proceedings will be submitted to Congress, which will, no doubt, justly ap preciate this great object, and be ready to adopt any measure which may tend to fa cilitate its ultimate accomplishments. LEGAL TENDERS. On the 25th of February, 1862, Con gress declared by law that Treasury notes without interest, authorized by that act, should be legal tender in payment of all debts, public and private, within the Uni ted States. An annual remittance of $30,- 000, less stipnlated expenses, accrues to claimants under the Convention made with Spain in 1834. There remittances since the passage of that act have been paid in such notes* The claimants insist that the Government ought to require payment in coin. The subject may be deemed worthy of your attention. TILE ALABAMA CLAIMS. No arrangement has yet been reached for the settlement of our claims for British depredations upon the commerce of the United States. I have felt it my duty to decline the proposition of arbitration made , by Her Majesty's government, because it has hitherto been accompanied by reserva tions and limitations incompatible with the rights, interest, and honor of our country. It is not Co he apprehended that Great Britaiu will persist in Iter refusal to satisfy these just and reasonable claims, which in volve the sacred principle of non-interven tion—a principle henceforth not more im portant to the United States than to all other commercial nations. THE WEST INDIES. The West India islands were settled and colonized by European State- simultaneous ly with the settlement and colonization of the American Continent. Most of the colonies planted here became independent nations in the clo3c of the last and the be ginning of the present century. Our own country embraces communities which at one period were colonies of Great Britain, France, Spain,Holland,Sweden and Russia. The ueople in the West Indies, with the exception ol those of the Island of tiayti, have neither attained nor aspired to inde pecdenee, nor have they bec-. rue prepared for self-defence. Although possessingcou siderable commercial value, they hare been held by the several European States which colonized oral some tiine conquered them, chiefly foi purposes ol military and naval strategy, in carrying out European policy , and designs in regard to this continent. In our revolutionary war, ports and harbors in the West India Islands were used by our enemy, to the great injury and embarrass ment of the United States. We haJ the J same experience in our second war with Great Britain. The same European policy for a long time excluded us even from trade with the West Indies, while we were at peace with all nations. In our recent civil , war the rebels, and their piratical and blockade-breaking allies, found facilities in .the same ports for the woik which they too successfully aceomplised, of injuring and devastating the commerce which we are now engaged in rebuilding. Wc labored i especially under this disadvantage—that European steam vessels, employed by our j i enemies, found friendly shelter, protection and supplies in West Indian poits, while our own naval operations were necessarily car- | rieJ on from our own distant shores There was then a universal feeling of the want of an advanced naval outpost, petwecn the I Atlantic coast and Europe. The duty cf ! obtaining sueli an outpost, peacefully and lawfully, while neither doing nor menacing injury to other States, earnestly engaged the attention of the Executive Department i before the close of the war, and it has not I been lost sight of since that time. A not | entirely dissimilar naval want revealed itself i during the same period on the Pacific coast. I The required foothold there was fortunately ! secured by our late treaty with the Emperor j of Kureia, and it now seems imperative that j the more obvious necessities of the Atlantic coast should not be less Carefully provided ; for. A good and convenient port and har bor, capable of easy defence, will supply i that want. With possession of such a sta tion by the United States, neither we nor j any other American nation need longer i apprehend injury or offence from any trans | Atlantic enemy. I agree with our early I statesmen that the West Indies naturally gravitate to and may be expected ultimately I to be absorbed by the Continental States, I including our own. I agree with them, also, that it is wise to leave the question of such absorption to this process of natural ! political gravitation. The islands of St. j Thomas ano St. JOIID, which constitute a ' part of the group called the Virgin Islands, seemed to offer us advantages immediately desirable, while their acquisition could be . secured iu harmony with the principles to , which I have alluded. A treaty has therefore been concluded with the King of Denmark for the cession of those Islands, and will be submitted to the Senate for consideration. THE Pl'ItCH 4SE OF ALASKA. It will hardly he necessary to call the attention of Congress to the subject of provibing for the payment to Russia of the sum stipulated in treaty fur the cession of Ala-ka. Possession having been formally delivered to our Commissioner,the territory remains for the present in the care of a military force, awaiting such civil organiz ation as shall be directed by Congress. NATIRALIZED CITIZENS. The annexation of many small German States to Prussia, and the reorganization of that country under a new and liberal constitution, have induced me to renew the effort to obtain a just and prompt settlement of the long vexed question concerning the claims of foreign Stales for military servioe from their subjects naturalized in the United States. In connection with this subject the atten tion of Congress is respectfhlly called to a singular and embarrassing conflict of laws. The Executive Department of this Govern rncnt has hitherto uniformly held, as it now holds, that naturalization in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States absoives the recipient from his native allegiance. The fdourts of Great Britain hold that allegiance to the British Crown i is indefeasible, and is not absolved bv our laws of naturalization. British Judges cite Court and law autboiities of the United States in suppot of that theory against the position held by the Executive authority of the United States. This conflict perplexes the public mind concerning the rights of naturalized citizens, and impairs the nation al authorty abroad. I called attention to this subject in my last annual message, and now again respectfully appeal to Congress to declare the national will uuinistakably upon this important question. THE SI.AVE TitADE. The abuse of our laws by the clandestine prosecution of the African slavetrade from American ports, or by American citizens, has altogether ceased, and under existing circumstances no apprehensions of its re newal in this part of the world are entertain ed. Uuder these circumstances, it becomes a question whether we shall not propose to II er Majesty's Government a suspension or discontinuance of the stipulations for maintaining a naval force for the suppression of that trade. [Signed,] ANDREW JOHNSON. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 18G7. New York City Municipal Election of Dec. 3, 1867. John T. Hoffman was re-elected Mayor by 21,590 majority over both the oppos ing candidates. The whole vote polled was 104,132, a reduction of about 8,000 from the vote at the election last month, and 31, 000 less than the registered vote of the city. All of the Aldermen elected are Democrats. All bnt three were the nomi nees of Tammany Hal!, The eonncihnen elected were nil Tammany nominees. Of the seven Schools Commissioners elected three are Republicans /if The Impeachment reports, printed at the government printing office, by Sti perintendent Dcfrees, will make a volume of 250 pages. The additional evidence taken since the Judiciary Committee met this fall, which will make from 75 to 100 pages, is also being printed. In this addi tional evidence Impcacher Ashley testifies that the published letters with his name at tached, and addressed to the perjurer, Sa- 1 ford Conover, were gnetiine, and written by him (Ashley.) This volume will be ■ important in the liiture, as furnishing evi- ; donee ot the mental and legal capacity of the leading members of the Committee. H. Ward Ueechcr, in his political sermon or, Thanksgiving day at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, made use of the follow ing language : "The desperate condition of the South > the antagonism between the whites and black.-, the revolution that will follow the return of the Southern States to the Union, leads me to think thet we shall not have reconstructed this nation when reconstruc tion is completed, That was as sure as the fact that the powerful party that carried the country through the war were unable to administer to its wants at the close." The names of Governor English, E\-Gov ernors Hawley and Buckingham, and of eigh teen ulhei prominent citizens of Connecticut, are attached to a published appeal of the Christian women of the State in behalf of its indigent, vagrant and vicious gir's. These gentlemen and their associates propose to raise a subscription of §25,000 with which to commence and endow a girl's industrial school Thtre are now in the State five hundred girls, destitute of parents, property, home or triends. Rob't J. Walker on our National Finances. The Hon. Robert J. Walker litis written a long and able letter or, the subject of ovr national finances, looking to the re sumption of specie payments. He opposes the present system of the secretary of the treasury, and advocates a foreign loan of $250,000,000. He contends that this loan would be readily taken in Germany, as was that of 1863 4—that Count Bismarck will aid the measure,as he is a great friend of American unity, and that the German Bankers, having studied our resonrcos.will readily take it at less rates of interest than , it could possibly be sold for He op 1 poses any considerable payments at pres- I ent on the national debt, and contends that ! the resumption of specie payments would restore the prosperity of the count!y, and j cause an immediate and immense reduction ;in taxation. Thi3 however,will be secured j only by rigid economy our national expen ! ses. With this economy our national ex . penditnres could be reduced to $244,000,- , 000, which he proposes to derive from ; three sources ; This revenue of 8-44,000,000 a year as a maxim, I would derive from three sourc es alone : "1. By a tariff by revenue. "2. Bv an excise on wines, malt, and opinions liquors and tobacco ; abolishing all other internal taxation. "3. By a tax on our national banks, bas ed upon just and fair equivolents, remem bering how essential they are to the pros perity of the country, and that we must not drive them into liquidation by unfair and unusual taxation, and thus revive the wretched State bank system." Cjje Democrat. HARVEY TICKLER, Editor. TUN KHAN NOCK., PA. Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1867. t&T ADVERTISING AGENTS, EX CHANGES, and til others interested, will plea-e note the CHANGE of TITLE, ofthis •per, from THE NORTH BRANCH DEM OCRAT to WYOMING DEMOCRAT. IMPEACHMENT. —The Presidential im- j pcacliment business has turned out most disastrously to its authors. The vote io the House being for impeachment 57 , against 108. In their unjust attempt to degrade the President, the red-mouthed rads bare brought contempt and eventual ruin upon themselves, verifying the old adage—" Hive a rascal rope enough, and he will hang himself." ' " THE M ESSAGE. —We make no apology ; for the amount of space given in to-day's paper to the President's message. None will be required by those who read it, and every mac, woman and child should do so. It gives the finishing blow to the same old i radical coon, which was so effectually brought down from the tree, by the Au tumn elections. — REPUDIATION.— Gen. Carer, a conservative R< publican, eleced to Congress from the j Cincinnati district, made a speech, after the election, tn which he said : •'I am in favor of paying the United S'ates ! bonds as we have agreed to pay them, and in , no other way, that is in lawful money,which is greenbacks. So long as the laborer has to take greenbacks as lawful money, the bond holder should do the same. The capitalists of the country ought to pay thef 6hire of I the war debt." tr The Radicals admit the cost of vo ting the negtoes in the South will not be i less than $75,000,000 for the present year. ' Let the workingmen of the North think of: that. Every dollar of it is wrung from their toil. $75,000,000 a year to keep ten ; States impoverished and subject to negro j rule. How do you like it fellow wot king men ? ■ i Tunkhannock Wholesale and Retail Pro duce Market. Corrected I Vcekly by BUXXELL <$- 8A.Y.Y.4 j TYXE, at Samuel Stark's old stand, txo doors below Warning Xationit Bank. Wheat, per bushel 30@92 4C i Rye. '• " 130 Com, " " i 25 | Oats, " " 75 Buokwheat, " 90 j Beans, " 2 00 ! Potatoes " 75 j Butter, ft y 35@40 j Egg*. per doxen, 30 Lord, ft, HI T illow, ft, 121 Dried Apples, per bushel 2 50 j Rags per ft, 03 Hay per ton, .....15 00 ' Wheat Floor per bbl 13 00@14 10 { Rye Flour j*r bbl Corn Meal per 100 f- 3 00 ! Chop per 1001b 2 50 i Silt per bbl 325 | Buckwheat Flour per 100 ft, 3 Hog, dressed, per fe , ..7c<#B J Mess Fork, per bbl 28 00 Mess Perk, per ft, 15 The above named firm are dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, Hardware, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Notions, Ac., Ac.. and will sell at ; the lowest cash price ruling at date of sale. v7D!I IN THE DISTRICT COI'RT OF THE UNITED STATES lor the Western District of Pennsylva nia. In the matter of William 11. Cortright, Bankrupt. . IN BANKRUPTCY. To whom it may concern • The undersigned here ' bv gives notice of his appointment as assignee of j William H. Cortright of Meshoppen, in the county j | of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, within said i District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon 1 his own petition by the District Court of said l>is- 1 I trict. Dated at Meshoppen this 2d day of December, A, | ! D. 1567. 1 v7nlßw3 n. P. CARTER. AUDITOR S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming county an I Auditor to distribute the fund arising from the Sher i tff's sale of the real estate of Stephen B. Hunt; will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office : in Tunkhaunock Borough on Thursday, December I 26th, 1567, at 10 o'clock A. M , at which time and place all persons interested in said distribution are requested to present their claims or be debarred 1 from coming in for a share ot said fund. HARVEY SICKLKR, Auditor | Tunkhannock, Dec. 3, 1867.v7n19w4- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to I the undersigned, upon the estate of Abraham Cas i terline, late of Nicholson Tp., Wyoming Co. Pa j dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are noti | lied to make immediate payments, and those having claims against the same are requested to present | them duly authenticated for settlement to JOATHAM H CAS TERLINE, | Administrator, or to his Attorney. T. J. CHASE. | NicholsoD, Pa. Nov. 21, '67. v7nl7-6w. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Crane A Lull, of the Borough of Tunkhannock, | has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The | business will lie continued at the old stand by F. M. Crane, to whom the partnership accounts have been 1 assigned, and with whom all settlements must be made. F. M. CRANE, GEO. M LULL. Tunkhannock, Nov. 5.1867. All persons indebted to 'he above firm, by note, book account or otherwise, are requested to make immediate settlement of the same. F. M. CRANK Nov. 5, 1867 ESTKAY. Came to the enclosure of the subscriber in Nichol son, Wyoming County, Pa. on or about the 13th Inst Two Red Bull Calves. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of ac cording to law JOHN S. CAMP. Nicholson, November 22, '67-v7nl"-3 SHERMAN &LA THRO P'B COLUMN. TO M MM OF RAISE mm GREETING: fHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST OPENED AT THEIR STAND, (First door below WALL'S HOTEL,ia Tunthanfiock) THE LARGEST AND MOST TASTEFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN THEIR LINK EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS MARKET, Comprising in part the following: SILKS. BROWN, BLUE. BISMARCK, MEXICAN BLUE, AND MARIA LOUISA BLUB, BLACK and BROCADE SILKS, of all gradu. FRENCH Md IRISH, and NEW STYLE, PLAID POPLINS. ORIENTAL LUSTRES. MOHAIRS. COBUROS. EMPRESS CLOTH, FRENCH MEKINOES and ALPACCAS, of all Shades. An endless variety ef TRIMMINGS to match the above. ZErUTR GOODS of all kinds Knit and Woven. SACKS AND CLOAKS, COMPRISING BEAUTY and ELEGANCE. THIBIT, BROCHEA, and WOOL SHAWLS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. A Full and Elaborate Stock of Embroid ered Goods. White Goods of all descriptions, Table and Towel Diaper, Domestics, Delaines, Prints, Ginghams, ic c. Alexander's KID GLOVES, of all shades, Gents ar.d Ladies. A Large Stock of Traveling Trunks- Ladies' Reticules, Gents' Travel ing Valises, kc., <kc. FURS of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. Carpets— Wool, Two and Three Ply, and Brussels, Stair Carpets, Matting, 0.l Cloth and Drugget. Rugs, Mats and Hassocks, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS. * SHIRTS of the finest and most durable quality, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, Cravats, Collars, &c„ dec. SHOES— Woman's, Misses, and Children's. BEDDING— Counterpanes, Coverlaids, Whitney Blankets, German Blankets, <tc., dec, YANKEE NOTIONS, of all kinds. Our Stock of CLOTHING is complete, and not equalled in this, nor surpassed in the best New York and Philadelphia mer chant Tailoring Establishments. Suits made to order in the latest and best style. We have purchased our stock since the last reduction in the prices of our goods. We have purchased largely, and are deter mined to sell at less prices than the same kind and quality of goods can be bought at any other establishment in tfe or adjoin ing counties. We bought them to sell, and all who call to see ns will readily be convinced that we are bound to dispose of them. All goods cheerfully exhibited without scolding if you do not buy. Call and sec us. SHERMAN * LATHROP, TuDkbauoock, Nov. bik,