SICKT.ER. Publisher, VOL. VII. lllijonthuj ftaiuitral A I>eu -eratic woekly _ _ pper. devoted to Poll • ■ faoghy tics News, the Arts ® and science sic. Pub- SjtrilJ ids'- listed every Wednes- - at Tunkhannock ■ SY HARVEY SICKIER Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2,00 ; if .Mt paid within six months, *'2.50 will be charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar reirapesre paid; unlets at the option of publisher. RATES OF ADVERTISING. TEN LINES CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. One square one or three insertions $1,50 Kerry subsequent insertion less than 8 50 RIAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, and (1 ESERAI. Ate SRTI9IXG, as may be agreed upon, • PATENT MPPICISES and other advertisements oy the column : One column, 1 year, SGO Half column, 1 year 25 Third column, 1 year, -5 Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Rusincsa Cards of one square or less, per yea r with paper, *8 NR EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with out Advertisement —15 cts. |r line. Liberal terms made with permanent advertisers EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50 OBTTU ARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each; RELI OlOUSan l LITERARY NOTICES, not of general ntere t, one half tne regular rates. rer Advertisements must lie handed in by TUES PAT No N, to insure insertion the same week. JOB WORK. of all kin Is neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB | WORK must be paid for, when ordered Business Notices. RH. A W E I.ITTI.K, ATTORNEYS AT' LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannock Pa HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SUKGEOH j • Newton Centre, LuierncCounty Pa. OL, I'ARRIsiI,"ATTORNEY AT LAW • Ofti-c at the Court House, in Tuukh.inuock j Wyoming Co. Pa. 117 M. !H. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Of , \ fiee :n Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk ! naunock. Pa. JW. Kll>Y!>*, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON ; • will attend promptly to all calls in his pro- | tension. May be found at bis Office at the Drug Store, or at his residence on Putiu.iu Sreet, formerly occupied by A. K. L'-;. DENTISTRY. > ~-V" • -.7^5--" 'A,. -A A DR. T. T. BURNS has permanently located in Tunkhannock Borough, and respectfully tenders ! his professional services to its citizens. Office on second Boor, formerly occupied by Dr. , Wit man. v6n3otf. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, I •OSIT IMMT iL FAINTING-, &y ?r. HUG EH, Artist. Rooms over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's Brick Block, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Life-size Portraits painted from Ainb'otvpes or I Photographs —Photographs Painted in OiK'clors— | All orders for paintings executed according to or- i der, or nocbsrge made. nr Instructions given in Drawing, Sketching, Portrait and Landscajie Painting, in Oil or water Colors, and in all branches of the art. Tuck , July 31, '(;7-vgrioO-tf. NEW TAILOEJNS SHOP The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac ; tlcal experience in cutting and making clothing now offers bis services in this line to the citizens of KICHOLSON and vicinity. Those wishing to get Fits will find his shop the place to get them. JOEL, R. SMITH -nSO-6mos BOLTON HOUSE. IIAIIKISIUTtG, I'ENNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the " RT'EHLER HOUSE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will render this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior, to any Hotel in the City of llarrisburg. A continuance of the public patronage is refpeet fully solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALLS HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA rifts establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every attention •ill be given to the comfort and convenience ol those wio patronise the House T. B W ALL, Owner and Proprietor . _Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861. WORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA YVM. 1,. CORTRIGIIT, Frop'r fTAY INQ resumed the proprietorship of the above *- j Hotel, the undersigned will spare no efforts fender the h<>uae an agreeable piece ot eqjoari to el) who may favor it with theircußtum. O A Wm.lL COMTRieHT. June, 3rd, 1M MEANS' HOTEL. TOWANDA, F A J>. 13. HALT LET, ILate of I U 'IBRAINARD HOUSE, ELMIRA, N. Y. PKOI'HIETOK. The MEAN? HOTEL, Honeofthe LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt •s fitted up in the most modern and improved style, end no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and •greeable steppngi piaoe for all. v3-n'2Mjr. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and Jloase of Representatives: The continued disorganization of the Un ion, to which the President has so often called the attention of Congress, is yet a subject ot profound and patriotic concern. We may, however, find some relief from that anxiety in the reflection tnat the pain ful political situation, although before un tried by ourselves, is not new in the expe rience of nations. Political science, per haps as highly perfected in our own time and country as in any other, has not yet disclosed any means by which civil wars can be absolutely prevented. An enlight ened nation, however, with a wise and be neficent constitution of free government, may diminish their frequency and mitigate their severity, by directing all its proceed ings in accordance with its fundamental law. THE PRESIDENTIAL POLICY. When a civil war has been brought to a close, it is manifestly the first interest and duty of a State to repair the injuries which the war has inflicted, and to secure the benefit of the lesson it teaches as fully and speedily as possible. This duty was, upon the termination of the rebellion, promptly accepted, not only by the Executive De partment, hut by the insurrectionary Slates themselves, and restoration, in the first mo ment of peace, was believed to be as easy and certain as it was indispensable. The expectations, however, then so reasonably and confiJently entertained, were disap pointed by legislation from which I felt constrained, by ruy obligations to the Con stitution, to withhold rny assent. It is, therefore, a source of profound re gret that, in complying with the obligation imposed upon the President by the Consti tution. to give to Congress from time to time information of the state of the Union, 1 am unable to communicate any definite adjustment, satisfactory to the American people, of the questions which, since the close of the rebellion, have agitated the public mind. On the contrary, candor compels me to declare that at this time there is no Union as our Fathers under stood the term, aud as they meant it 10 be understood by us. The Union which they established can exist only where all the States are represented in botli Houses of Congress; where one State is as free as anothei to regulate its internal concerns according to its own will; where laws of the central Government, strictly confined to matters of national jurisdiction, apply with equal force to all tiie people of every sec tion. That such is not the present "state of the Union" is a melancholy fact; and we all must acknowledge that the restora tion of the States to their proper legal re lations with the Federal Government and with one another, according to ( the terms of the original compact, would be the great temporal blessing which God, in his his kindest providence, could bestow upon this nation. It* becomes our imperative duty to consider whether or not it is im possible to effect this most most desirable consummation. The Union and the Constitution are in separable. As long as one is obeyed by all parties, the other will be preserved, and if one is destroyed both must perish to gether. The destruction of the Constitu tion will be followed by other and still greater calamities. It was ordained not only to form a more perfect union between the States, but to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the com mon defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to our selves and our posterity." Nothing but implicit obedience to its requirements in all parts of the country will accornpli.-h these great end-. Without that obedience, we cau look forward only to continual out rages upon individual rights, incessant breaches of the public peace, national weak ness, financial dishonor, the total loss of our prosperity, the general corruption of morals, and the dual extinction of popular freedom. To save our country from evils so appalling as these, we should renew our efforts again and again. To me the process of restoration seems perfectly plain and simple, It consists merely in a faithful application of the Con stitution and laws. The execution of the laws is not now obstructed or opposed by physical force There is no military or other necessity, r<-al or pretended, which can prevent obedience to the Constitution, cither North or South. All the rights and all the obligations of States and individu als can be protected and enforced by means perfectly consistent with the fundamental law. The courts may be everywhere open, and, if open, their process would be unim peded. Crimes against the Unit'd States can be prevented or punished by the prop er judicial authorities, in a manner entirely practicable and legal. There is, therefore, no reason why the Constitution should not be obeyed, unless those who exercise its powers have determined that it shall be dis regarded and violated. The mere naked will of this Government, or of some one or more of its branches, is the only obstacle that can exist to a perfect Union of all the States. On this momentous question, and some of the measures growing out of it. I have had the misfortune to differ from Congress, and have expressed my convictions with out reserve, though with bocomitig defer ence to the opinion of the Legislative De partment. Those cenvictions are not only unchanged, but strengthened by subsequent events and further reflection. The trans cendent in portance of the subject will be a sufficient excuse for calling your atten tion to some of the reasons which have so stroDgly influenced my own judgment.— TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA.-WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1807. The hope that we may all finally concur in a mode of settlement, consistent at once with our true interests and with our 6worn duties to the Constitution, is too natural and too just to he easily relinquished. STATUS OF TUB REBEL STATES. It is clear to my apprehension that the States lately in rebellion are still members of the National Union. When did they cease to be so! The "ordinances of ce cession," adopted by a portion (in most of them a very small portion) of their citi zens, were mere nulities. If we admit now that they were valid and effectual for the purposes intended by their authors, we sweep from under our feet the whole ground upon which we justified the war.— Were those States afterwards expelled from the Union by the war■? The direct contrary was avered by this Government to be its purpose, and was so understood by all those who gave their blood and treasure to aid in its prosecution. It can not be that a successful war, waged for the preservation of the Union, bad the legal effect of dissolving it. The victory of the nation's arms was not the disgrace of her policy ; the defeat of ceeession on the bat tle field was not the triumph of its lawless principle. Nor could Congress, with or without the consent of the Executive, do anything which would have the effect, di rectly or indirectly, of separating the States from each other. To dissolve the Union is to repeal the Constitution which holds it together, and that is a power which does not belong to any Department of this Gov ernment, or to all of them united. I This is so plain that it has been acknowl ' edged by all branches of the Federal Gov j eminent. The Executive (my predecessor as well as myself) and the heads of all the ' Departments have uniformly acted upon the principle that the Union is not only undissolved, but indissoluble Congress submitted an amendment of the Constitu tion to be ratifiid by the Southern States, and accepted their acts of ratification as a necessary and lawful exercise of their high est function. If they were not States, or were States out of the Union, their consent to a change in the fundamental law of the Union would have been nugatory,and Con gress in asking it, committed a political ab surdity. The Judiciary has also given the solemn sanction of its authority to the same view of the case. The Judges of the Su preme Court have included the Southern States tn their circuits, and they are con stantly, in banc and elsewhere, exercising jurisdiction which does not belong to them unless these States are States ol the Union. It the Southern States are component '■ parts of the Union, the Constitution is the supreme law tor them, as it is for all the other States They are bound to obey it, and so are we. The right of the Federal Government, which is ctear and unques tionable, to enforce the Constitution upon them, implies the correlative obligation on our pait to observe its limitations and ex ecute its guarantees. Without the Consti tution we are nothing; by, through, and; under the Constitution we are what it j makes us. We may doubt the wisdom of | the aw, we may not approve ol its pro visions, but we cannot violate it merely because it seems to confine our powers within limits narrower than we could wish. It is not a question of individual or class,; or sectional interest, much less of party j predominance, but of duty—of high and sacred duty which we are all sworu to perform. If we cannot support the Consti witli the cheerful alacrity of those who love and believe in it. we must give it at least the fidelity of public servants who act uri- ; der solemn obligations and commands which thev dare not disregard. The Constitutional duty is not the only j one which requires the States to be re- j stored, There is another consideration which, though of minor importance; is vet of great weight. On the 22d day of July, 1861, Congress declared, by an almost unanimous vote of both Houses, that the war should be conducted solely for the pur pose of preserving the Union, and main- ' taining the supremacy of the Federal Con- i stitution and laws, without impairing the ! dignity, equality, and rights of the States ' or of individuals, and that when this was done the war i-hould cease. Ido not say ; that this declaration is personally binding on those who joined in making it, any more \ than individual members of Congress are j personally bound to pay a public debt ere-1 ated under a law for whicb they voted.— But it was a solemn, public, official pledge , of the nations' honor, and 1 cannot imagine j upon what grounds the repudiation of it is j to be justified. If it be said that we are : not bound to keep faith with the rebels, let { it be remembered that this promise was not made to rebels only. Thousands of true I men in the South were drawn toourstand | ard by it, and hundreds of thousands in the ! North gave their lives in the belief that it ! would be carried out. It was made on the ; day after the first great battle of the war i had been fought and lost. AH patriotic j and intelligent men then saw the necessity of giving such an assurance, and believed : that without it the war would end in dis j aster to our cause. Having given that as | surance in the extremity of our peril, the | violation of it now, in the day of our pow- I er, would be a rude rending of that good faith which holds the moral world togetb ier ; our country would cease to have any i claun upon the confidence of men ; it would make the war not ouly a failure, but a fraud. THE RECONSYUCTION LAWS. Being sincerely convinced that fhese views are comet, I would be unfaithful to ' my duty if I did not recommend the repeal of the acts of Congress which places ten of , the Sonthern States under the domination I of military masters, If calm refection shall • To Speak his Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. " satisfy a majority of your honorable bodies that the acts referred to arc not only a vio lation of the national faith, but in direct conflict with the Constitution, I dare not permit myself to doubt that you will intra— diatelv strike them from the statute book. To demonstrate the unconstitutional character of those acts, I need do no more than refer to their general provisions. It must be seen at once that they are not au thorized, To dictate what alterations shai! be made in the Constitutions ot the several States ; to control the elections of State legislators and State officers, members of Congtess and electors of President and Vice President, by arbitrarily declaring who shall vote and who shall be excluded from that privilege ; to dissolve State leg islatures or prevent them from assembling; to dismiss judges and other civil function aries of the State, and appoint others with out regard to State law; to organize and operate all the political machinery of the States ; to regulate the whole administra tion of their domestic and local affairs ac cording to the mere will of strange and ir responsible agents, sent among them for that purpo-e—these are powers not grant ed to the Federal Government or to any one of its branches. Not being granted, we violate our trust by assuming them as palpably as we would by acting in the face of a positive interdict; for the Constitution forbids to do whatever it dors not affirma tively authoiize either by expressed words or by clear implication. If the authority we desire to use does not come to us thro' the Constitution, we can exercise it only by usurpation ; and usurpation is the most dangerous of political crimes. By that j crime the enemies of free government in all j ages have worked out their designs against; public liberty and private right. It leads j directly and immediately to the establish- j ment of absolute rule; for undelegated j power is always unlimited and unrestrained, j The acts of Congress in question are not j only objectionable for their assumption of ungranted power, but many of their pro visions are in conflict with the direct pro hibitions of the Constitution. The Consti-j tution commands that a republican form of j government shall be guaranteed to all the j States; that no person shall be deprived of j life, liberty, or property without due pro j cess of law, arrested without a judicial war- j warrant, or punished without a fair trial : before an impartial jury ; that the privi lege of habeas corpus shall not he denied in time of peace; and that no bill of at tainder shall be passed even against a sin gle individual. Yet the system of measures established by these acts of Congress does totally subvert and destroy the form as well as the substance of republican govern merit in the ten States to which they apply. It binds them hand and foot in absolute slavery, and sul j cts them to a strange and hostile power, more unlimited and more ( likely to be abused tfian any other now ! known among civilized men. It tramples down all those rights in which the essence of liberty consists, and which a free govern ment is always most careful to protect. It denies the habeas corpus and trial by jury. Personal freedom, property, and life, if as sailed by the passion, the prejudice, or the rapacity of the ruler, have no security whatever. It has the effect of a bill of at tainder, or bill of pains and penalties, not upon a few individuals, but upon whole masses, including the millions who inhabit the subject States, and evert their unborn children. These wrongs, being expressly forbidden, cannot be constitutionally in flicted upon any portion of our people, no matter how they may have come within our jurisdiction, and no matter whether they live in States territories or districts. I have no desire to save fiom the prop er and just consequences of their great crime those who engaged 111 rebellioh against the government; but as a mode of punishment, the measures under consider ation are the most unreasonable that could be invented. Many of those people are are perfectly innocent; many kept their fidelity to the Union untainted to the la-t; many were incapable of any legal offence ; a large proportion even of the persons able to bear arms were forced into rebellion against their will; and of those who are guilty with their own consent, the degrees of guilt are as various as the shades of their ehara'ter and temper. But these acts of Congress confound them all together in one common doom, Indiscriminate ven geance upon classes, sects, and parties, or upon whole communities, for offences com mitted by a portion of them against the governments to which they owed obedi ence, was common in the barbarous ages of the world. But Christianity and civili zation have made such progress that re course to a punishment so cruel and un- I just would meet with the condemnation of all unprejudiced and right-minded men.— | The primitive justice of this age, and espe -1 cially of this country, does not consist in stripping whole States of their liberties, and reducing all their people, without dis ; tinction, to the condition of slavery. It 1 deals separately with each individual, con-' fines itself to the forms of law, and vindi ■ cates its own purity bv an impartial ex ! animation of everv case before a competent | judicial tribunal. If this does not satisfy j all our desires with regard to Southern reb- I els, let us console ourselves by reflecting | ! that a free Constitution, triumphant in war and unbtoken in peace, is worth far more to ns and our children than the gratiflca tion of any present feeling. I lam aware it is assumed that this sys ! tem of government for the Southern States is not to be perpetual. It is true this mil itary government is to be only provisional, but it is through this temporary evil that a greater evil is to be made perpetual. If the guaranties of the Constitution can be j broket provisionally to serve a temporary pnrpose, and in a part only of the country, we can destroy them everywhere and tor all time. Arbilrary measures often change, hut they generally change for the woiae. It is the curse of despotism that it has no halting place. The intermitted cxcicisc ' of its power brings no sense of security to its subjects ; for they can never know what more they will be called to endure when its red right hand is armed to plague them again. Nor is it possible to conjecture how or where power, unrestrained by law, tnay seek its next victims. The States that j are still free may be enslaved at any mo- > ment; for if the Constitution does uot pro-, tect all, it protects none. NEGRO SUFFRAGE. It is manifestly and avowedly the object of these laws to confer upon negroes the j privilege of voting, aud to disfranchise such j a number of white citizens as will give the j former a clear majority at all the elections 1 in the Sou the to States. This, to the minds ' of some persons, is so important,that a vi olations of the Constitution is justified as a means of bringing it about. The morality is always false which excuses a wrong be cause it proposes to accomplish a desirable , end. We are not permitted to do evil that ! good may come. But in this case the end itself is evil, as well as the means. The subjugation of the States to negro domina tion would be worse than the military des potism under whicb they are now suffering. It was believed beforehand that the peo ple would endure any amount of military oppression, for any length of time rather than degrade themselves by subjection to the negro race. Therefore they have been left without a choice. Negro suffrage was established by act of Congress, and the military officers were commanded to super intend the process of clothing the negro race with the political privileges torn from white men. The blacks in the South are entitled to be well and humanely governed, and to have the protection ofjust laws for all their rights of person aud property. If it were practicable at this time to give them a gov ernment exclusively their own, under which they might manage their own affairs in their own way. it would become a grave questiou whether we ought to do so or whether common Immunity would not re quire us to save them from themselves. But under the circumstances, this is only a speculative point. It is not pioposed merely that tliey shall govern themselves but that they shall rule the white race, make and administer State laws, elect' IV. sidents and numbers of Congress, and ! shape to a greater or less extent the future ' destiny ot ttie whole country. Would such a trust and power he safe in siiel) hands ? j The peculiar qualities which should char I acterise any people who are fit to dtctde upon the management of public affairs for a great State have seldom been combined. It is the glory of white men to know that they have had these qualites in sufficient mesurc to build upon this continent a great political fabric, and to preserve its stability for more than 90 years, while in every oth er part of the world all similar experiments I have failed. But if anything can be prov ed by known facts if all reasoning upon evidence is not abandoned, it must be ac knowledged that in the progress of nations negroes have shown less capacity for gov ernment than any other race ot people. No independent government has been success ful in their hands. On the contrary wherev er they have been left to their own devices they have shown a constant tendency to relapse into barbarism. In the Southern States however. Congress has undertaken to confer upon thern the privilege of the ballot, Just rtb-ased from slavery, it may be doubted whether, as a class, they know more than their ancestors bow to organize and.regulate civil society. is admit ted that the blacks of South the are not only regardless of the rights of property, but so utterly ignorant of public affairs that their vottDg can consist in nothing more than carrying a ballot to the place where tbey are directed to deposit it. I need not remind you that the exercise of the elective fran chise is the highest attribute of an American citizen, and that when guided by virtue, intelligAce, patriotism, and a proper appre ciation of our free institutions, it constitutes the true basis a Democratic fotm of govern ment in which the sovereign power is lodged in the body of the people. A trust art tfically created, not for its own sake, bnt solely as a means of promoting the gener al welfare, its influence for good must nec essarily depend upon the elevated charac ter and the true allegiance of the elector. It ought, therefore, to be reposed in none except those who ate fitted morally and mentally to administer it well, for if con ferred upon persons who do not justly esti mate its value, and who are indifferent as to | its result, it will only serve as a means of placing power in the hands of unprinci pled and ambitious men, and must eventu ate in the complete destruction of that lib l erty of which it should be the most pow i erl'ul conservator. I have, therefore, here tofore urged upon your attention the great danger to be apprehended from an untimely extension of the elective franchise to any nfcw class in our country, especially when the large majority of that class, in wielding the power thas placed in their hands, can not be expected correctly to comprehend the duties and responsibilities whicb per tain to suffrage. Yesterday, as it were, four millions of ' persons were held in a condition of slavery 1 that had existed lor generations ; to-day they are freemen and are assumed by law to be citizens. It canuot be presumed ftom their previous condition of servitude, as a class, they are as well informed as to the nature of our Government as the intel j bgeut foreigner who makes our land the home of his choice. 111 the case of the latter neither a residence of Ave years and a knowledge of oir institmions which it gives; nor attachment to the principles ot the Constitution, are the only conditions upon which he can be admitted to citizenship, lie mut prove in addition a good moral char acter, and thin gite reasonable ground fur be'ief that he will be faithlul to the obliga tions which he assumes aa a citizen ol the Republic. Where a people, the source of all political power, speak by tfceir suffrages tbro' the instrumentality of the ballot-box, it uiust ' t be carefully guarded against the control of 1 those who are corrupt in principle and ene j tuies institutions, for it can only be ! come to our poll ileal and social ay stem a safe 1 conductor of healthy popular sentiment when j kept free from all demoralizing influences I Controlled through fraud and usurpation by ; tHe designing, anarchy and despotism must | inevitably foil iw. In the hands of the patri ; otic and worthy, our Government will be ' preserved upon the principles of the Consti | tution inherited from oar fathers. It follows I therefore, that in admitting to the ballot box ! a new class of voters not qualified for the ex ercise of the elective franchise, we weaken our system of government instead of adding to its strength and durability. I yield to no one in attachment to that rule of general suf frage which distinguishes our policy as a j nation, but there is a limit wisely observed hitherto which makes the ballot a privilege and trust, and whicb requires of some classes a lime suitable for probation and preparation. To give it indiscriminately to a new clais, wholly unprepared by previous habits and opportunities to perform the trust which it demands, is to degrade it, and finally to do -1 strov its power ; for it may be safely assum ed that no political tiuth is better established than that such indiscriminate and all embra cing exiention of popular suffrage must end at last in its overthrow and destruction. 1 repeat the expression of my willingness to join in any plan within the scope of our con- I stitutional authority, which promises to bet -1 ter the condition of the negroes in the South by encouraging them in industry, enlighten ing their minds, improving their morals, sod giving protection to all their just rights as freedmen ; but the transfer of our political inheritance to them would, in my opinion, be an abandonment of a duty which we owe alike to the memory of our fathers and the rgbts of our children. The plan of putting the Southern States wholly, and the General Government partially, into the hands of ne groes is proposed at a time peculiarly unpro pitious. The foundations of society have been broken up by civil war. Industry must be re-organized, justice re-established, public credit maintained, and order brought out of confusion To accomplish these ends would require all the wisdom and virtue of thegreat inen who formed our institutions originally. I confidentially believe that their de-cendants wdl be equal to the arduous task before them; but it it is worse than madness to expect that the negroes will perform it for us. Cer tainly we ought not to ask their* assistance until we despair of our own competency. The ureal difference between the two races in physical, mental, and moral characteristics will prevent an amalgamation or fusion of them together in one homogeneous mass. If the inferior obtain ascendancy over the other, tt wdl govern with reference only toils own interest, for it will recognixe no coroou inter est, and create such a tyranny as this conti nent has never yet witnessed. Already the negroes are influenced bv promises of Confis cation and plunder. They are taught to re gard as an enemy evefy white man who has any te-pect for the rights of his OWD race— If this continues, it tuust become worse and worse, until a.I order will he subverted, all industry cease, and the fertile fields of the South will grow up into a wilderness. Of all the dangers which our nation has yet encoun tercd, none are equal to those which must re-ult from the success of the effort now ma king to Africanize one half of our eoantry. THE COST OF CONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION. I would not put considerations of money in competition with justice and right, but the expenses incident to "reconstruction" under the system adoplad by Congress aggravate what I regaid as the intrinsic wrong of the measure itself. It has cost uncounted mil lions alraad), and, if persisted in, will add largely to the weight of taxation, alteady teo oppressive to he borne without just complaint and uiay finally reduce the Treasury of th natron to ■ condition of bankruptcy. We must not delude ourselves. It will require a strong standing army, and probably more than two hundred millions of dollars per an num. to maintain the supremacy of negro governments after they are established. The sums thus thrown away would, if properly ! used, form a sinking fund large enough to pay the whole national debt in less thin fif teen years. It is vain to hope the negroes will maintain their ascendency themselves.— Without military power they are wholly in capable of holding in •subjection the white people of the South. I submit to the judg ment of Congress whether the public credit may not be injuriously affected by a 6ytem of measures like this. With our debt and the vast private interests which are compli cated with it, we cannot be too cautious of a policy which might by possibility impair the confidence of the world in our Govern ment. That confidence caD only be retained by carefully inculcating the principles of justice anckhonnr in the popular mind and by the most tcrupulous fidelity to all our engage ments of every sort. Any serious breach of the organic law persisted in for a considera ble time cannot but create fears for the sta bility of our institutions. Habitual violation of prescribed rules which we bind ourselves to observe most demoralize the people. Our only standard of civil duty being set at naught the sheet anchor of our political morality is lost, public conscience swings from its moor ings and yields to every impulse of passion and interest. If we repudiate the Constitu tion, we will not be expected to care much fore mere pecuniary obligations. The viola tion of such a pledge as we made on the twen ty-second of July, 1861, will assuredly di minish the market value of our other prom ises. Besides, if we now acknowledge that the national debt was created not to hold States >n the Union as the tax-payers were led to suppose, but to expel them from it, and hand them over to be governed by negroes, the moral duty to pay it may seem much less clear. I sav it may seem so, for 1 do not admit that this, or any other argu ment in favor of repudiation can be entertain as sound, but its influence on some classes of ininds may well. be apprehended. The financial honor of a great commerdai nation. TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance. largely indebted, and wbii a republican Inrm st he can do is to com* plain to the Senate and ask the privilege of supplying hia place with a Wtter loan. If the Senate be regarded as personally or polit* ically hostile to the President, it is nutuml and not altogether unreasonable for that of fioer to expeet that it will take hi part as far as possible, restore him to h's [lace, amfc give bira a triumph over his execut ve superi or. An officer has other chaqcct of unyoni- NO. 19;