Local ami Personal. .- f ~ TVT " —"*"i ' T)m e Table.—ThQ corrected Time Table of the j, 'nv;irc, Lackawanna and Western Railroad ap jrs in our advertising columns to-day. •uccefsl ul, because of superior merit. Mr*. S. j Ulcus Improved (neic style) Hair Restorer or ;.- e .-itig (in one buttle.) Price One Dollar Temperance Lecture.— The Rev F. L. Ilill- Wavcrly, Pa-, it is announced, will deliver a I -dure at the M. E. Church at this place this— V'ednesJay - evening. Masonic.— The next.regular Communication of Tempte Lodge No. 249 A.Y. M.; will be held at their llall in Tunkbannock, on Monday evening text (9th inst.) A general attendance is requested. \lmost a Centenarian.—We saw watkiog !„,ut town the other day-fifteen miles from home _Mr Mathew l'lienix, who has reached the remark sole age 9" X eare - r - PBenix does not appear to be above 60 years, and walks with a firm, elastic jtep. and upright mien, which certainly give prorn yt. of half teoTt more t years'. \ True Baßam.'~Dr Wistar's Balsam of Wild rberrv is truly a balsam. It contains the balsamic principle of the Wild Cherry, the balsamic proper ty of tar and of pine. Its ingredients are all bal samic. Coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and ton.viuipfion speedily disappear under its balsamic influence. Wintry.—During the past few days we have had a ahght touch of Winter weather without snow e&ughtc brag about, o enough rain to fill the re ne and wells, which are said to be—like the g ...is oflhose who advertiee in the Democrat—low er :lia,C!iy haqj been for years before. We hope ail pi)#, pec pie will pray for the continuance of the rr'cn of cheap calicoes—and as to the other matter, Irt there be a regular old fashiincd " waterfall." Pyramids of lcaches,—Our neighbor across tie way, B. M. Stone, who bis taken Fort Sumpter, in order to secure it troiu invasion, has built around its walls iin me use pyramids of peaches. This build in: pyramids is an old fogy way of fortifying which an old Egyptian, named Cheops, tried in the year oi.c. lien, will find that it won't work so well in these modern times. His pyramids will be demol ished and the cheap groceries in the fort will all be captured before the proprietor is aware of the design of the vandals. River Bridge Meeting.—A meeting of the t i. kboMers and others interested in the rebuilding of the bridge sit this place, was held at the office of Win M Piatt. Esq ,on Monday lost. Several new subscriptions to the stock were made, and many of tli original subscribers doubled their subscriptions There arc still one or two hundred shares yet to be taken, which it i* hope J wil 1 all be subscribed on or lef 're the next general meeting, which it was re ei'.vcd to hold at the same place on Saturday the Hth inst. All stockholders and others interested, are ex it ted to be present, as important business will c ;ce up for their consideration and a:tioa. Collision*—Although the Railroad is not com- I >ted to this place, yet a collision occurred a few day- ag >by one of the L. V R. U cars running against a canal l.ri.lge near Daniel Newman's, about three niilos d t\vn the river, completely demoi'shing • lie same. The cau-o of the accident was not from running off the track, neither was it from running :s-ter than the time-table allows; but is supposed t have occurred from either the bridge being too ;w or the car too high to pis- fcifely under. No ' VPS wer# lost in this terrible sm isVup; nnd the only damage done,was to the c.ina 1 bridge, which is a total wreck. I lie Show,- -We notice in all of our recent ex changes that Dan Rice, the great Circus-man, has retired from the show business, having, at it is stat ed, acquired a fortune at it. It has not yet been tirCniiely announced that Vanamburg, Barnura and other menagerie men have ceased to exhibit their living animals to the wondering millions They are however about closing nut their extensive stocks of varmints," and wi'l henceforth associate with two legged folks. We are led to this conclusion by an evunuiatioft of Ihe piles of furs of every description recently brought from the cities by Sherman A La throp of this place. Judging from what we have seen ihrc is not in all the country a half dozen living animals. Do not, gentle reader, imagine from this ther. will be no more shows. In fact, the shows fcnvf just commenced ' Go to Sherman A Lathrop's and see for yourself. Admission Free—children, half price. G-'-ids so losr that the smallest figures in the book—(though they have good characters for trutb)-*wnuld tell whopping big lies about them, The Teachers' Institute for this County opened yesterday. The attendance is not so large *s it should be. Professor Boyd, of York County, is present, aiding in an I con.iu -tiiig the (xereises.— Teachers ar. l others cannot fail to derive much ben efit froin bis practical suggestions. Last evening he delivered a fine Lecture to a rather small audience. The mite meeting was thought by many to be a more imjortant matter to attend to. The Lecturer will remain during the whole of the week, and if time an I opportunity is afforded, deliver addresses on The Relation of Geographical Science to History." " The Relations of Teach .is and I'areDts." " Histo ry and Meaning of Geographical Names." 'Course of Study for American Boys," or other interesting educational subjects. It is to be hoped that our young men and women will, just for a few evenings, forego the pleasure of these " ring-around'y-rosy" plays, which they so hugely enjoy, and attend. These Lectures cannot tail to afford more rational enjoyment and benefit, to both old and young, than any of the occupations ' r pastlhxss ip which they will engag® during the week. During the remainder of the Professor 8 visit, let's give hiui a crowded house, every evening. At this Season of the year, when so many peo ple are suffering from colds, we ca 11 attention to AyerisCherrv Pectoral as a sure cure not only for coughs aad colds, but all affections of the lungs -ud throat. Having used it in our family for many years, we can speak from personal knowledge of its efficiency. There may be other remedies that are good, but in all our experience this has proved to be ly far the best. Its qualities are uniform and whol ly reliable. It is pleasant to take, and should be kept at command, by every family, a* a protection ''gainst a class of complaints which seem harmless iu tie beginning, bu( become afflicting and danger ous if neglected.— iV. //. Register. *!x P's—Poets- Painters--Preachers —Players— I'-'inters end Pfiliti claws— all suffer from Dyspepsia, Neiwotsness. Loss of Appetite. Liver ComplaJata,and k|l diseases which they may cure or nrevent by the use of Plantation Bitters. If those sufferers took thee Bitters, the Poetry would be purer, the Paint ings grander, the Sermons livelier, the Acting truer, the Printing neater, and the Politics honester. This splendid tonic invigorates the sys;em, and enables the brain -to, work healthily. Perhaps no article was ever so well endorsed by all nho have used it. Magnolia lVatcr. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. < < inmcrclal College.— I The sueeess of Gardner's business College and Ladies' Academy,at Scranton; las -urpassed all expectation. Tfas coaoge of study i> nwre thorough—the tcrins are cheaper- and give letter satisfaction than any other of the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Life Scholarship k?5.10. Clubs at reduced rates. 9et)d for College Paper giving full particulars. Address J. N- Gard n, iptrial JtutirfS. Dr. WISTAR B BALSAM OF WILD tUERRV. Where thU article is known it is a work of super ero'gation to say one word in its favor, so well is it established as an unfailing remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth ma, diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well as that most dreaded of all diseases. Consump tion, which high medical authority has to be an incurable disease: Those who have used this remedy know its value ; those who hare not, have but to make a single trial to be satisfied that of all others it is the remedy. Thr Rev. JACOB SECHLER, well known and much respected among the German population of this country, writes us follows : HSHOVKR, Pa„ Feb. 16, 1859. Messrs. S. W. FOWLE t Son, BOSTON. IEAR SIRS :—Having realised in my family im portant benefits from the use of your valuable pre paration—Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cheiry—if af fords me pleasure to recommend it to the public Some eight years ago, one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery wcr entertained. I then procured a brittle of your excellent Balsam, and before she bad taken the whole of it there was a great improvement in her health I have ,in iny individual case, made fre quent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefited by it. /I could, hoicever, cau tion the public against imposition because there is a good deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SECHLER. None genuine unless signed ' I BUTTS," on the urapper. Prepared by SETH W FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre mont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists general ly GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From Mr. James Curlin, of Amesbury, Mass. "X was afflicted with a severe felon on one of my fingers, and tried many remedies without relief My friends induced me to apply your Salve. In two days it evtracted the intlaination from my finger so as to enable ine to resume my work. 1 can almost say that the Salve worked like magic, for it effected a cure without leaving a scar I unhesitatingly pronounce Grace's Suite an excellent remedy and do not doubt it will be appreciated throughout the land." , ONLY 25 CENT? A BOX. SETH W FOWLE A SON. Boston. Proprie tors. Sold bC Apothecaries and Grocers generally. v7nlß- lmo. ITS EFFECT 13 AX I n A liOU 8. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER It is a perfect and wonderful article. Cures bald ness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or ''painatuui." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses. But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restories GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COL OR The whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty by its u-e. It docs not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life and coloring matter The first application will do good ; you will sec the NATURAL COLOR reluming every day, and BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will j be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beau tiful locks Ask for Hall's Sicilian II :ir Rencwer ; no other article is at all like it in effect See that each bottle has our private Government •Stamp over the top ol the bottle. AU other* are imitations. R. I*. HALL A CO: Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors- ' For sale by all drugg'ts. v7ulß-lmo. A HDRESS TO THE KRRVOUS AND DEltlL f\ itated whose sufferings have been protracted 1 from hidden causae, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered froui iuvoluutary discbar ges, what effect docs it produce upon your general health 7 Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired 7 Does a little extra exertion produce palpi tation of the heart! Doea your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order 7 Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or flacky, or is it ropy on settling 7 0' dm a a thick scum rise to the top 1 Or is a sediment at the bottom alter i has stood awhile! Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia ? Are your bowels constipa ted ! Do you have -pells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head ! Is your memory impaired 7 Is . youi mind constantly dwelling upon this subject I Do you feel dull, li.-tless. moping, tired of company, of life 7 Do you wish to be left alone, to getaway from everybody ! Does any little thing make you start or junio ! Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ! The bloom on your check as bright ! Do you enjoy yourself in society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the same energy 7 Do you feel us much conidence in yourself.' Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fita of melancholy 7 If ao, do not lay it to vour liver or dyspepaia Have you restless nights 7 Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but litt'e appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia . liver complaint! Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral diseases badly ured, ami sexual excesses, are all capable ol pro ducig a weakness of the generative organs. The or. gnns of generation, when in perfect health make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in per fect health 7 You nover hear such men complain of ta-ing melancholy, of Dervousneas, of palpitation of the heart They are never afraid they cannot suc ceed in business; they don't become sad and discour aged ; they are always polite and pleasant.in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face-none of your downcast looks er any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. flow many men from badly cured diseases from the effects of self-abuse and oxcesses, have brought about that state of weak [less in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diu retic. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for dis eases of the Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Or ganic Weakness, Female Complaints. General Debil ity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of bow long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh aod blood are sup ported from these sources, and the health and happi ness, and that of posterity, depends upon a prompt use of a reliable remedy. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of 18 years, prepared by H. T. lIELMBGLD, Druggist 694 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa Phicb— sl,2s per bottle, or 6 bottles for_s6,so, delivered to any address. Sold by all druggists ev erywhere. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rkv. EDWARD A. WILSON will send ffree of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was cured of ft lung affectum and that'dread disease Consumption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer wilt try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York fiu4Cly- ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Neivous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy and directions for making the simple remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex|)rienee, can do ao by addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4U. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseas :s. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu Wt t<*t ftoved Rose Wash. itetHsentente. Wanted $.5000 IN GOLD, IN GREENBACKS, $5Ol. SSOOO. Worth of WHEAT, RYE, CORN, and OATS, in exchange for DRY GOODS, HATS AC CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES^ Flour Sl Feed, Meal & Bi ail, PORK and FISH, SALT, GREEN and DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE and LARD, Tobacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE anl HARD WARE. OILS, COAL, large and small sites, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash, or produce taken in exchange, at the old stand, formerly occupied by Wheeluck, om Bridge Street. , I) BILLINGS. Tunkhannoclt, Pa. Dec. 3, 1567-v7nlß-tf. G-en. Grant IS THE MOST AVAILABLE MAN For President in 1868! And the best place to buy your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS iV SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, OBIGS & MEDICIs, BATS & CAPS, M, K, Is at the Sture if JENNINGS & CO, Where may be found a new and extensive stock of the atxive GOODS, in.-ludmg, also, BUFFALO ROBES, LADIES' ami CHILDREN'S FURS, Lunliing Glasses, Clocks, Horse Blankets, Ladies' ai d Gents Shawls, \c , VE., and in fact everything usually found in a country Store, whi h we will sell at tho LOWEST MARKET RATES. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A CO. Mehoopany. R.i, Nov. 6, 1967.—v7n15tn2. LACK A WESTERN R R. Whiter Arr:igomrnt~lHßl7-FS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Mail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train. Train. A M. P. M. 9XO New York'* 5,50 11.30 New Hampton, 2.30 1143 Washington, 2 15 12.03 Oxford, 2.01 12.15 Bridgeville, 1.50 12.30 Manuuk Chunk, 1.10 P.M. Dine. 100 Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 110 P. M, ' 1;25 Water Gap, 12,51 1.40 Stioudsburg, 12-36 1 SI Spragaeville 12.24 2.02 Henryville, 12 14 2.20 Oakland. 11.56 2 39 Forks, 1137 3.00 Tobyhanna, 11 17 3.14 Oouldshoro', 10.04 3,36 Moscow, 10.40 3.47 Dunning, 10.30 4 20Ar ) C L 10.00 A. M. > SCRAXTOS. J P M 10.10 4-35Le ) ( Ar.9.50 6.25 10.40 4 57 Clark's Summit, 9.28 5.53 10 53 5.05 Abington, 920 5.40 11.13 5.21 Factoryville, 904 5.21 11.43 5.41 Nicholson, 840 435 12.09 603 Hopbottom, 8.23 410 12 39 625 M -ntrose. 8.00 340 1.08 646 bew Milford, 7-29 3.10 1.35 705 Great Bend, 7.20 2.45 P.M. PM. AM P.M 'Station loot of Liberty St. CONNECTIONS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MANCNKA CHUNK with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 8 00 a. in. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a m , aud at Sala manca at 5 50 a. m The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Bend with through trains going west and east on brie Railway, arrivin - at Buffalo at 12.00 mid night, aid at Salamanca at 11.55 p. u. East ward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train for Philadelphia, Easton, Trenton, snd in termediate stations,arriving in Philadelphia at ti.OO p. m., and at New Hampton with a train for Ens ton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harris burg, arriving at Harrisburg at B'3o p. m. At SCKANTON, connections are made with trains on the Lackawanr.a and Btoomsbnrg Rail road, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed helow. J. M. TOUCEY, Supt. R. A. Ila.ißY. General Ticket Agent. j29tf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Pennsylva nia. In the matter of William 11. Cortright, Bankrupt. IN BANKRUPTCY. To whom it may concern • The undersigned here by gives notice of his a,i |)ointiiient as assignee of William 11. Cortright ofMesboppen, in the county of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said Dis trict. Dated at Meshoppen this 2J day of December, A. D. 1867. V 7nlßw3 H. P. CARTER. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming county an Auditor to distribute the fand arising from the Sher iff's sale of the real estate of Stephen B. Hunt; will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Tunklisnnook Borough on Thursday, December 26th, 1867, at 10 o'clock A. M , at which time and place all persons interested in said distribution are requested to present their claims or be debarred from coming in for a share ol said fund. HARVEY SICKCKR, Auditor, i Tuokhaopoek, De#. 3, Id67.T?nISwV | Ijiffo 4b luitist mints. VASMAR COLLEGE fop Young Ladles. The Trastaes of tbjEs Institution, desiring to ex | tend the benefits &f Mr Yasser's mdnificSnt gift for , tbe better education of yonog women, will admit, at any time in th Collegiate year, students prepared to join College classes, charging expenses only .'mm the date of their reception. Terms lew. great facil ' ities for oducation, such as Cabinets, Art Gallery, I Library, Musical Conservatory, Ac. For circulars J corjuming .full information, address J. , Potighkeepsie; N Y. J THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! HARVEST IS OVER ! THE YIELD IS GREAT ! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS/ WINTER IS CUMING! ArW JDOW fs the tiind TO TAKE \ MO ORES RURAL NtW YORKER The Great Town and Country Weekly! THE RURAL is the Leading And Largest-Circu lating Newspaper of its Class on the Coutinent, — superior in value and variety of Contents and Beau ty of Appearanve. It embraces more Agricultural, Horticultural, Scientific, Educational, Literary and News Matter, interspersed with engravings, than any other Journal, —for it comprises Departments in eluding AGRICULTURE, CDOICB LITERATURE, HORTICULTURE, SctfcSCK AND ART, £HK£i> III'sBANDRT, EDUCATION. GRAZING, DAIRYING. YOUTH'S LOADING, R' HAL ARCHITECTURE, GENERAL NEWS, DOMESTIC EUONOMT, COMMERCE MARKETS, With Illustrations, Tales, Essay*, Music, Poetry, Rebuses. Enigmas, 4c., (J-c.. The Rural New-Yorker is a National Journal, circulating largely iu the E .st and West, North and South. It employs the best talent in all Depart ments. Its corps of Editors, Contributors, Ac., com prises many of tho best Farmers Planters, Wool Growers, Grariers, Horticulturists, Ac., and also Au thors, Scholars, Ac, of note ouil ability. In brief the RCRAT, is Ably Edited, Profusely Illustrated, Neatly Printed— Practical, Scientific, Useful— Moral, Instructive and Entertaining. Wherever located,—in Country, Village or City,— KIU WANT THE RURAL ! Your Family and Friends Want |t. For it is adapted to the wants of all. Noto that it is not a monthly, but a Large and Beautiful Week j ly. and that Vol. XIX will be materially ENLARGED! j Each No. contains Eight Double Quarto Pages, ' printed in extra style,--Clear Tyi>c, Good Paper, and more and bolter Illustrations than any other i Journal of its class. A Title Page, Index, Ac., at close of Volume, TERMS—OuIy S3 a year; to clubs of ten, $2.50 per copy. Vol. XIX begins Jan. 4 1868. — I Note is the lime, to Subscribe and Club. Great Of- : fers to Club Agents. Specimens, .-how-Bills, Pre- I mium Lists, Ac. SENT FREE; or the 13 numbers of this Quarter, (Oct to Jan) on trial, lor OISLT FIKTT CENTS ! Address I D. T MOORE, Rochester, N. Y. I rpiiK PAPER FOR THE MILLION !—The Ainer- X icon Farmer, the practical farmers own paper, , the Rest Agri"ultural uud Horticultural Journal in America. Beautifully Illustrated with Numerous Engravings of Pgrm, Uutjiiings, Animal--, Fruits and Flowers: 7 • 'r ' y < Now is the time to subscribe for 1363. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Agents wanted everywhere. For Club Price List of Valuable Prizes open to all, Ac., address JOHN TURNER, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester,N.Y. WANTED.—IOO Farmers to engage in a business that will pay from 8100 to 8150 per month from now until ,-priug. Address JONEB 8K0.3. ACo , Phil. ' -——— PXCtliUMft nLvroUUES, consisting of | 1 J New and Original first-class Dramas, Colloquies, Ac., for advanced speakers in Schools, Exhibition rooms antl ■private-Hhcatrioals. Every line written ""expressly for tkl.-t be-k, by a corps of iTofeSsional T tellers and writers. Acknowledged to Ijg tbe best wor!; of the kind ever pq iisie 1' Cloth, nearly 400 duodecimo pages, firlco RI.TS. uiail"7l free. Address P. G.UfULiT 4 IX6, L'allishtrts, 712 CUtsiuut Bt, 1*1; iI a. ' * '' ' " 4 A/.kLOS! Three magnificently illustrated- Medical Books, | contain of important phyeolqgioa I Intoriuution, for Men and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing the Speretary of tbe New Yolk Medical 1 I'iiiverrity, No 30. CliHVon l'lacc, Now YoYk City. KIIIST MDRTfrVGK ]3 SI OO Dally in papers j Dail) . of Tobacco, '-.reports to the contrary „ , „ cinn xt .notwithstanding. Mondays, One $ 100 Note ° Tuesdays, Two Filties Ijr We are uiakin Wed'sdays, Five Twenties the CENTURY' from th Thursdays, Ten Tens Choicest Leaf; it is free Fridays, Twenty Fives from drugs, and it is in Saturdays, Fity Twos every respect, the Uest J*. A (i. LORILLAItD, Fine Cut Tobacco 16, 18 A 20, Chambers St. manufactured. Sold by NEW YORK. all respectable jobbers. MAI)aM FOY'S f Corset Skirt Supporter Combines in one garment a pkr skct FiTTiftß CoRSKT.ar.d the roost desirable Bkirt Supporter ever of fered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips ; it improves the form without tight lacing; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by I physicians Sold at ladies' fancy goods ft ores gener ally,and at wholesale by J. B, SAUNDERS A CO, 9g SumuierSt ~ Boston, and 22 Walker Street, N. Y. Also by HENRY C. MOORE, 429 Market St. Philadelphia, and STELLMANN, JIINRICHS A CO,, 21 Hanover Street Baltimore, Md. WANTED— AN AOENT—One ehance in each town, worthy the attention of an active busi ness man. to take the agency fof the sale of Brad street's Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips, ap | plied to the sides, bottom, top and centre of doors I and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever of fered before to an agent, and from kit) to *25 per j day can be make. Send for agents' circular The first who apply cau sccuie a bargain. Terms for Moulding, cash. J. Ij. BRADSTREEf A CO - , Bos ton, Mass, "I £. TO $25 PER DAY, SI RE. Agents wnnt ed everywhere, to sell out Patent lirer | lust in " Wire Clothes-lines " Every house wife should use,it."-.V. Y. Tribune. "Me have I seen it used and it gives entire satisfaction." — N. Y. ! Christian Advocate. " The Patent Wire Clothes ! line is all it purports to be," — N. Y Independent j Address the American Wire Co., 162 Broadway, New ! York. ; ' •' > ■*TPTPE STILE LIVE ! Don't bo hum ' bugged by Impostors or "patent" east 1 iron or machine 'Stencil tools." Send for our New | Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIES, 20 va rieties all of St el carefully finished no! tempered. Is M. SPENCER A CO., Brattieboro. Vt. 3PR CIKCLLAKA SENT FREE, CONTAINING Lists of Dry nnd Fancy Goods, Watches, Plated Ware Cutlery, Ac., Ac., to be sold, ONE DOLLAR for each article. . Great induce ments to Agents. PLUMMER A MOILTOJfj 15 Marshall Street gMmtisfiiiints. REVOLUTIOM IN TRADE. IADIES, you will be astonished at tbe value of J all kinds of Goods sent by tbe well kuown and ' justly celebrated firm of GRAHAM A CO. FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Such as Silk, Merino, and Alpaoce Dresses, Shawls, ! Balmorals, Linen Goods, Embossed Table Covers, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Ma | chines, Ac. This is no humbug but a reality Send I your clubs of ten and upwards, for checks describing the goods, with ten cents for each check, and the gctier up of the club will receive a valuable present, worth front 83 to 8300, according to number of names sent. Agents wanted In every town, Circulars sent free. Address UKAHAM A CO., 64 A 66 Federal Street, Boston, WE ARE COMING, And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, Acs a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch Ac., free of cost, Catalogue of goods, and sample, saut to any address free. Address J. 11 AWES A CO., 30 Hanover St., Boston Mass. I'. 0. Box 5125. O 1 €~ It is the Heft Chance ever offered to Agents One or two days' time will secure a good, Sewine Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Re volver, or some other article of equal value, Free of cost! Agents wanted everywhere, male and fe male, far the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Salo in the country. Scud for Circular. S. C. THOMP SON A CO., DISEASES OF THE GENITAL ORGANS.— Dr. WALTER. 907 Broadway, N. Y,, devotes particular attention to all diseases peculiar to these organs in both sexes. Send stamp for a circular. i( TJSYCUOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING." X How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, intsant ly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free by mail, for 25 eents, together with a guide to the unmarried of both sexes A queer, exciting book. 100,000 copies seld. Address T WILLIAM A CO , Book Publishers, Philadelphia. A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHFAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages 4od 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the mind and body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only ra tional and successful mode ol Cure, as shown by the report of eases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who en tertain doubts of'.heir physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or pottal currency, by addressing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. "he author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personall or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of the worli, GPP THE RICHEST MAN IN THE lE ORED. Extract if a Lellcrfrom DaronSolomon Rothschild PARIS, 3th Apr., 1564, 25 P.ue Faubj, St H.nore Will ycu be kind enough to have forwarded to mo here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment; if you will send at the same time the account, I will forw ard'you the amount through Messrs. Belmont A Co, New York Baron Solomon Rothschild having recommended to many of bis friends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, and they being desirous to procure it, he should ad vise him to establish a depot in Paris. THE INDIAN MMMEST. A? a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain,taken in- i wardly or outwardly applied, ban no equal. For the i relief and cure > f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Afl'ec- j tii.nr, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., it is unequaled. It is s alw iaot efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of ! Cholera, Cramp?, and Pain? in the Stomach, Diar- 1 rhoca, Ityscntery, Cholera Morbus. Cholera Infantum Ac , and is without exception the most woderful Pan acea the world afiords. No Family should be with out it. Every traveler by land or sea should have a bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance | from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand, In cas'of Aecidenst, and sudden attacks of Stomach | Complaints its value cannot be estimated. Inquire i for Major LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, and lake j no other Price SOcte. per bottlo. For sale at wholesale and retail by Dernas Barnes A Co., '2l Park Row, New York ; Gate A Robinson, 186 Green wich-st. N. Y;F. C. Wells ACo , 192 Fulton-st.. ; N, Y. ; Chas- N. Crittenden, 38 6th Avenue, N. Y\ ! and by respectable Druggists throughout tbe werld j None genuine unles.- signed by John Thos, Lane and j countersigned by J, T. LANE A CO, Proprietors, j Hi 3 Broadway, N, Y. J yseud tor Circular. Gl'R ! QONSUMPTIOy CAN BE CURED, The true remedy at last discovered, Upbam's Fresh Meat Cure, prepared trom the formula of Prof. I Trousseau of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseas- j e?, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General De bility and all morbid conditions of the system de- , pendent on de6ciency of vital force. It is pleasant i to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skepticul of its viutue as the greit heating remedy of the age. $1 a bottle, or six bottles for S3. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 25 South Eight St., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists.— Circulars sent free. GPR THE GLORY OP MAN IS STRBNGTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should immediately nse HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHW. Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT de NEPHEW, | AI 'lHnk kannock, 'l'a, Ate Agents for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies s N. America, Philadelphia, Assets, $1,763 267; Enterprise, " " 372,304. Manhattan, New York, " 1 052,128. N.Americao, *• " 755,057, Lorillard, " " 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " " 501,095. Fanners' Ins. Co., York, " 525,080 Lycoming, Money, " 2,800,000. Home, New York. " 3,645,388* Hartford, liartford, *' 1,i88,153. Pbrenix, ' " 1,103.467 Travelers, '• " 741,337* Hartford LD*e Stock, " 178,929. Home, New Haven, " 1.438,491 Cumberland Valley, " 506.000. N. England Mutual, " 5,000,0d0. Property of all kinds will be insured at tbo most reasonable rates, in any of the above companies. Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, promptly adjusted and paid F v 3 ' DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, Tunk*, Pa. Sept. 16, 1067,-v7n7-tf. 11l MILLISEBY IW GOODS. MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING A SUMMER Goods of i 11 the new est SHAPES of FELT and VELVET II ATS for LADIES and CHIL DREN. Also BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS FLOW E It S, and FEATHERS, and a full assortment of FANCY GOODS. at prices to defy co mpctition All the latest styles of paper patterns SLEEVES, CLOAKS j JACKETS. &c., &c., i from MADAMJS DEMOJINS2. fqtf Dresses made, eut and basted at the shortest notice. MRS. BARDWELL. | Tunkhannock, May. 22, 18g7.—vgn4l-tf. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "IT 7IIEREAS letters of administration on the es -1 V * tate of Richard Brungess late of II indham township, deceased, have been granted to the sub scriber All, persons indebted to the said estate, arc 1 requested to make immediate settlement, and those I having claim* or demaßd* against the same, will ' present tbeiu duly authenticated, without delay. present m j j. M. BRUNGESS, Atim'r. ~ • Talon, Nor. 18,1867~r7n16w6* gtiscellaraits. For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGIIAMTON BOOTS. ot Lester A Co'g best make KIP and CALF OWEOO BOOTS. Best make EASTERN BOOT 3. A fall stoeFof Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral. Congress, Polish Booti of Glort Kid and Goat. Also, Button Gaiters. GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVES and MITTENS. Gerta' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORNER STORE, rsnlltf Tunkhannock, Pa. ROSS, MI 11S JCO, Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A; Are now opening a large stocko Hardware, sncb as IRON, STEEL & BAILS, Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var-j nislies, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of : all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Selves, J Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, i Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. | HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, IJames, Iron Bad ' Trees, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth j Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk j Awls, an l needles, Ilalter Chains, Trace j Chains, Ac. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS, ! I SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. tsr Wails and Hand-Rakes at! wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS A: Co. I Tunk. Pa. Mav 29th, 1867. - j ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS OF j THE BIBLE, BT PROF. CALVIN B, STOWB, B, IT; A work of real value, and an almost indispensabl companion of the Bible, showing what the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it • answering all the objection* La its authenticity urged by modern infie dels, and tracing the authority of each book up to it* inspired authors, giving a vast amount of informa tion heretofore locked up very rare and costly vol umes, making one of the most popular books ever published 1000 Agents Wantsd, Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school i teachers and others should send at once for circulars giving further information. Address, ZEIGLER, MeCURDY A CO,, v7nß-4m. 501 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa •JMIE SCKANTOX DAILY REPUBLICAN will be issued on and after Nov. 1, 1867, in time to be sent by the EARLIEST MORNING TRAINS ON THE Delaware, Lackawanna A Western I Lackawanna A Bloomsuurg ; Lehigh Valley : Lehigh A suqiichanna ; and Delaware k Hudson Railroads. It will reach points within Fifty or a Hundred miles of Scrant on Several hours in advance of the New York and Philadelphia Morning Papers. It will bo printed in Ml type, oo a large 32 column sheet; v. ill contain All the Telegrams of the Associated Press! i including markets from all important points, and is intended to be iu evory respect a FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER Arrangements will be made for its delivery by the local news Agents at about two thirds the cost of New York or Philadelphia dailies. r. a cRAxnALL, \ CRAXDALL A C'o | sos. a scRAKTos, j Publisher *7nll6w DISSOLUTION NOTICE. ' 'I ''HE Copartnership heretofore existing between ; 1 Crane A Lull, of the Berough of TunkhanDock, hns this day been dissolved by mutual oooseot. The business will be continued at the old stand by F. M. Crane, to whom the partnership accounts have been assigned, and with whom all settlements must be made. F. M. CRANK, GEO. M LULL. Tunkhannock, Nov. 5,1867. All persons indebted to the above firm, by note, book aeeeuat or otherwise, arw requested to make immediate settlenient of the same. T. M. CRANE I Her. t, I9fT. FARMERS AND MECHANICS' Take Notice. SURFACE PLAAKNGand MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style FLOWS, NARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HO72SE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Comshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERT, r6n43-ly. W K K B K P A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS j AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides, SHERMAN dc LATUROP. Tt,eLa£^^^ucce< - IS THE IMPROVED HiPRESTop HAIE DRESS! Kfi s\%^ PKKgONEDot^B. A GREAT "VICTORY!! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE Enemy of Man Driven to the Wail i! WORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITB SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOUR, MEAL, FEED. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CIIEESE. Both Green aixl Dried Apples, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Lemons, OraDgos, Figs, Sardines, Candid, Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, Spices, Salt, Soap, Scgars, Poik, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall* on or barrel; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIBS and PROVISIONS. The South side or the Old Fort is fitted up for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oysters. ALSO, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup of Hot Co fife e, Sar dines, cr a dish of fresh Peaches, WANTED. Butter, Eggs, Game, Chickens, Ducks, and Geese, at all times, for which cash will be paid on de [ livery, at the very highest market rittes. I Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that the place to buy yonr Groceries, is in the Old Fort : on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, i Tunkhannock, Pa. j B. M- STONE. ! No*. 6, 1867—v7nl4tf. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Whereas letleis testamentary to the estate of John Bird late of Meahoppen, deceased, ; have been granted to the subscriber. All ! persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment, and ihnse having claims or demands against the estate of said ' deceased, will make known the same without j delay to JOHN II BIRD, El'r. Meahoppen, Oct. 29, 1867.—vTnlR. NOTICE I? hereby given, that I have plaoed in possession of Samuel Dailcy Jr., on' pair of steers, to be kept by him during my will and pleasure—*ll persons arm forbid molesting or interfering with the same. DAVID PATRICK,. t Overfield Pa ,CM. 7th 19C7-v7ulCtf,