Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, December 04, 1867, Image 2

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Within tHe past ten years nine evening pa
pers have failed in Ciuciaaati.
Erie. Pa., is said to haw foriyifccvip milts, .
f si reels.
Head Centre Francis lias at length been
captured In Dublin.
They are exhibiting an eel in London that
wuighs thirty six pounds.
The largest circulation of any paper in '
Dublin is only fifteen thousand.
They propose to fish by steam in Virgin-
L. ,1 1),
Mads are delivered ia New York B nrss
teen days from San Francisco.
Liverpool streets are kept level- and hard
by steam rollers, running in the night.
* The profits of the London Times are said
to rsach nearly half a million dollars a year.
Louisana has a wax uiyrtle which yields
eight pounds of tallow a day.
Chicago has a pedestrian named John
Shepardy oho is backed to walk to New
Orleans in twenty dajs.
A newspaper appears at Terre Ilaute, Ind., ,
on the Ist of January.. It will be edited by !
three women.
It must be pleasant for Thad. Stevens to
know that the Washington papers have his j
obituary in type.
There is a sensation in Dubuque. A young
woman kicks, beats, pounds and hacks an in
fant to death, breaking all its boDes and
rendering K uarecogn zible. Cause un
• "Horse Oil," instead of batter,is frequent
ly used in dressing vtgetablas in Paris. The •
first taste of it makes a man feel like trotting
•way from the table.
Dr. Livingstone is reported not dead. In
telligence has been received in London that
he is aaowo to have been alive and well in
April last. He was then exploring the
wastes of Africa, hundreds of mdes from the
sea coast.
Mr. A. T. Stewarl, the New York million
are, recently pnrchased a carpet in Paris for .
one of the parlors in his Bfew honse, that cost
$7,000. It is one entire piece, and repre
sents a coene in Versailles.
The clerks in the various departments at
W,sh ington are clirporing for more pay, and
they threaten to "raise" a certain individual,
not mentioned in circles polite, if the Guv
esnmcnt don't came down,
• The submerging of the Island of Tortola,
as reported last week, was greatly exsgcrac
ed by the press despatches. It suffered con
siderable damage by the St. Tbomis tornado
and was partially inundated. Many lives
were lost.
Dickens landed in Boston on Wednesday
last, and will give his first public readings j
on Monday next. Tickets to the entertain
ment were sold from §5 to sls, and even
S2O apiece, and went off like the very dick
ens, at that,
A "tin" wedding was lately observed in
Gloucester after a rather nnusual manner.— j
The wife eloped, with a young fellow, taking
with her all the "tin" she had saved in ten
years. The discovery of her absence closed
the festivies.
The latest style of bonnet has turned up at
Richmond, Indiana. It ia described as ' con- ,
sisting of two straws tied together with a
blue ribboD on the top of the head, and red
tassels suspended at each of the four ends of
the straws. Trice sl9.
Over 2,500 balls and soirees will be held
in New York city the comming winter— from
the splendid hops at the Academy to the
rongh-and tumble "raffles" at the M'Ginnis
Hall in First Avenue. Upwards of five mil
lions of dollar*, it is estimated, will be the
cost of this "libcrial spirit of amusement;"
The British Expedition to Abyssinia, for
the purpose of forcing King Theodoras to
some respect for Her Majesty Queen ictoria
and her representatives at the Abyssinian
• Court," it is feared will fail in its object.—
It has drawn tnany millions from the ex
chequer, and has as yet failed in even mak*
ing a landing on Abyssinian sand.
"Who's there 7" said Robinson, one cold
winter night, disturbed in his repose by some
one knocking at the street door. "A friend,"
was the answer. "What do yoti wart
' "Want to stay here all night." "Queer
t%ste, ain't It ? but stay there by all means,"
wis the beuevolent reply.
We commend the following paragraph to
"whom it may concern."
"A man advertised for a wife, and request
ed each candidate to enclose her carte tie
rude. A spirited young lady wrote to the
advertiser in the following terms : "Sir, I
do not encloee my carte, for though there is
eome authority for putting a cart before a
horse, I know of none for putting one before
an ass."
In Richmond, a few days ago, it was deci
ded that a person whtrhad taken a counter*
fcirtioto and kept it for several months,
could not then recover from the person he
took the note from. It was long ago decided
in Pennsylvania,, that a person "receiving a
counterfeit note from an innocent person in
payment, and keeping it by bim six months
without notice, was guilty of gross negligence
—.and must Rustain the loss."
• • How long will business men, holders of
the bonds of the Government, give support
to a party that has no principles except such
as look to its own retention of power, and
that is driving the country headlong to de
, enaction by its fanaticism, corruption and
mismanagement ? The vote in the cities of
New York, Philadelphia aud Boston, goes to
abow tLat the solid wen are beginning to
understand this.
New York ha Dro first class Jewish ho
(T!)c Democrat. |
Wednesday, Dee. 4, 1867.
CHANGES, and all others interested, will j
please note the CHANGE of TITLE, of this 1
The President's Message.
The President sent in his annual Mes
sage to Congress, yesterday. Through
the enterprise of the X Y. World, which
put it iu type some hours before it was
read, we were enabled last evening, to 1
1 trlance at its contents.
lie reasserts his determination to stand
by the Constitution, and appeals to Con- j
gress to aid him in restoring the Union
under it. In reference to the radical
scheme of setting aside or snspending the |
powers of the Executive Department of
the Government, —in the impeachment
programme—the President, with Jack
sonian firmness, declares that he will "take
the responsibilities and save the life of the
nation." The Ash leys, Bcutwells, Butlers
and Conovers of Congress must begin to
conclude that they have caught, in him, a
most unmanageable kind of a Tartar. The i
message discusses, at length the military
reconstruction, and negro equality schemes
of Congress, and exposes to the world all
their pernicious and unconstitutional ten
Next week, we shall give our readers,at '
least a full synopsis of this important doc- '
ument, which, we are glad to assure them
has in it, the ring of the pure metal, and
which,with us, goes a great way in atoning
for what has, heretofore, seemed amiss in
the President.
A majority of the Committee of the
Rump Congress, as stated by us last week,
have cooked up articles of impeachment
against President Johnson for " high
crimes and misdemeanors." The founda
tion upon which their charges are based is j
of the mo=t flimsy and unsubstantial char
acter, and is so completely demolished by !
the Minority Report of two dissenting Re
publicans of that Committee, that it is very
doubtful whether even the Rump will pur
sue the matter further Ly adopting the rc-;
port of the Majority. To show the char
acter of the evidence upon which the char
ges are made, and the utter hollowness of
this whole transaction, we give below an
abstract of the minority report made by ,
Wilson and Woodbridge, whose " loyalty," I
and fidelity to their party, has never been
; doubted. What they say, therefore, should
be taken most strongly against the radi
' cals, as men are not supposed to make un-
I true confessions against themselves and
their party friends. This is, therefore,
! first rate Republican evidence against the
ladical revolutionists. We hope Repub
licans, into whose hands it falls, will read
I it:—
"On the 3d day of June, 18G7, it was
declared by a solemn vote in the Commit
tee that, from the testimony then before
them, it did not appear that the President
of the United States was guilty of such
high crimes and misdemeanors as called
for an exercise of the impeaching power of
this House. The vote stood yeas 5, nays
4. On the 21st inst. this action of the
Committee was reversed, and a vote of 5
to 4 declared in favor of recommending to
the House an impeachment of the Presi
dent. Forty-eight hours have not yet
elapsed since we were informed of the
character of the report which represents
this changed attitude of the Committee.
The recentness of this event compels a
general treatment of some features of the
case as* it is presented by the majority,
which otherwise would have been treated
more in detail. The report of the inajori
tv resolves all presumptions against the
President,closes the door against all doubts,
atlirms facts established by the testimony,
in support of which there is not a particle
; of evidence before us which would be rc
' ceived by any court in the land. We dis
-1 sent from all of this, and from the temper
j and spirit of the report. The cool and un
' biacd judgment of the future, when the
1 excitement in the midst of which we live
! shall have passed away, will not fail to
j discover that the political bitterness of the
I present time has in no considerable degree
' given tone to the document which we de
cline to approve. Dissenting as wc do
! from the report of the Committee, both as
to the law of the case and the conclusions
! drawn from the facts developed by the
! testimony, a due regard for the body which
| imposed on us the high and transcenJantly
: important duty involved in an investiga
; tion of the charges preferred against the
i President, compels us to present at length
' onr views of the subject which has bee.n
' committed to us by a most solemn vote of
the House of Representatives. In ap
( proaching this duty we feel that tho spirit
, of the partisan should be laid aside, and
iuterests of the Republic, as tbey
1 are measured by its constitution and laws,
aloße shall guide us ; and we most deeply
regret that in this regard we cannot ap
' prove the report of the majority of the
Committee. While we would not charge :
them with % dssign to act the part of par-:
tisaoa in this grave proceeding, we never- :
theless feel pained by the tone, temper, and 1
spirit of their report. But regrets will not I
answer the demands of the present grave <
and commanding occasion, and we thero
i fore respond to them by presenting to the i
1 House the results of a careful, deliberate,
and as wc hope, a conscientious inveatiga
tion of the case before ns.
Messrs. Wilson and WoodbriJge then j
proceeded to discuss the constitutional
question, with regard to the impeachment, i
etc., showing by reference to legal author- i
ikies that an impeachment cannot be sup
ported by any- ac'. which falls short of an
indictable crime, or misdemeanor. Eng
lish precedents are referred to at length
and copious extracts are made from the
testimony of the Committee in order to re-'
; fute the reasoning., and conclusion of the
majority. They conclude as follows :
" A great deal of the matter contained in
the volume of testimony reported to the
House is of no value whatever. Much of
it is mere hearsay, opinions of witnesses, i
and no little amount of it is utterly irrele- i
vant to the case. Comparatively a small
amount of it could be used on a trial of
I this case before the Sedate. All of the
j testimony relating to the failure to try and
' admission to bail of Jefferson Davis, the
assassination of President Lincoln, the dia
ry of J. Wilkes Booth, his place of burial,
i the practice of pardon brokerage, the al-1
leged correspondence of the President with
: Jefferson Davis, may be interesting to a
reader, but is not of the slightest import
ance so far as a determination of this case <
lis concerned. Still, much of the irrelevant
matter has been interwoven into the ma
jority report, and has served to heighten
its color and to deepen its tone. Strike
out the stage effect of this irrelevant mat
ter, and the prominence given to the Tu
dors, the Stuarts, and the Michael Burns,
and much of the play will disappear; set- j
tie down upon the real evidence in the ;
case, that which will establish in view of
; the attending circumstances a substantial
crime by making plain the elements which
constitute it, and the case, in many re
spects drops into a political contest. In
approaching a conclusion, wc do not fail
to recognize the standpoints from which
this case can he reviewed—the legal and
J the political. Viewing it frcrp the latter, '
the case is a success. The President has ;
! disappointed the liopcs and expectalion
of those who placed him in power: he has
betrayed their confidence and joined hands
with their enemies ; he has proved false to
the express and implied condition which
J underlie his elevation to power, and in our
: view of the case deserves the censure and
condemnation of every well disposed citi
zen of the Republic. While we acquit
him of impeachable crimes we pronounce
him gnilty of many wrongs, Ilis contest
with Congress has delayed reconstruction
arid inflicted vast injury upon the people
of the rebel States. lie Las been blind to
the necessities of the times and to the de
mands of a progressive civilization, envel
oped in the darkness of the past, and seems
not to have detected the dawning bright
ness of the future. Incapable of appre
i ciating the grand changes which the past
six years have wrought, he seeks to meas
ure the great events which surround him
by the narrow rules which adjusted pub
i lie affairs before the rebellion, and its legit
imate consequences destroyed them and
; established others. Judge him politically,
condemn him ; but the da}' of political im
peachment would be a sad one for the
country. Political unfitness and incapaei
| ty must be tried at the ballot box, not in
| th# high court of impeachment, A con
' trary rule might leave to Congress but lit
tle time lor other business than the trial
of impeachment. But we arc not now
dealsng with political offences. Crimes
and misnemeanors are now demanding
i our attention. Do these within the mean
, ' ing of the Constitution appear ? Rest the
case upon political offenses and we are
prepared to pronounce against the Presi
' dent for such offences are numerous and
grave. If Mexican experience is desired
we need have no difficulty, for there almost
every election is productive of a revolution.
If the people of this republic desire such a
result we have not yet been able to discern
' it, nor would we favor it if its presence
were manifest; while we condemn and
censure the political conduct of the Presi-
J dent and judge him unwise in the use of
j. 1 his discretionary power*, and appeal to the
i people of the Republic to sustain ns, we
J' still affirm that the conclusion at which we
! have arrived is conect. We, therefore
declare that the case before us presented
by the testsmony, and measured by the
law, does not disclose sucbhigh crimes and
j misdemeanors within the meaning of the
* Constitution as require "the interposition
' of the constitutional power of this House'"
i and recommend the adoption of the fol
lowing resolution :
Resolved, That the Commitlcc on the
' Judiciary be discharged from the further
1 consideration of the proposed impeach
ment of the President of the United States,
' and that the subject be laid upon the ta
-1 blc.
(Signed,) JAMF.S F. WILSON,
The reconstruction Convention has pass
ed an ordinance imposing additional tax of
ten per cent, on taxes otherwise assessed
on the taxable property in this State, for
the purpose of paying the expenses of the
Convention, to be assessed and collected
during the tax year of 1808,
The Bill of Bights ol the Constitution
provides for political and social equality,
without distinction of race, color, or pre
vious condition.
The franchise article provides that those
who shall be convicted of treason shall not
be allowed to exercise the right of suffrage.
It is believed that all persons who come
within the $20,000 clause of President
Johnson's amnesty proclamation, and
against whom proceedings were instituted
iu the United States District Court, who,
on being pardoned by the President, had to
appear in court and enter the plea of par
don and guilty, are disfranchised by the
Constitution. If this is correct, 40,000 to
50,000 whites arc disfranchised at one blow
in this State.
At the evening session of the Conven
tion, an amendment to tlie Bill of Rights
was offered, that common carriers shall not i
make any discrimination on account of
color between persons traveling in public t
conveyance. Which caused great excite
• mpnt. Several black delegates delivered i
inllamatory speeches, demanding entire so
-1 cial equality, and the right to ride in sleep- 1
ing cars, See. Two whites fatored the '
amendment, Messrs. Grifiin and Keffer j
making violent speeches, aud after a heat- I
: ed and protracted debate, the subject was
postponed until Monday next,
Site, B. —All persons before registering 1
1 must take and subscribe the following
oath :
I, , de solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I wjJJ support and maintain the Con
stitution and laws of the United States,
and the Constitution and laws of the State j
lof Alabama; that lam not excluded from
registering by any of the causes mentioned
in section 2d of this Article; thai I will
never countenance or aid in the secession i
i of this State from the United States: that
: 1 accept the civil and political equality of
all men, and agree noi to attempt to de prive
any person or persons, on account of race,
; color, or previous condition, of any politi
cal or civil right, privilege or immunity.
! enjoyed by any other class of men ; and,
furthermore, that I will not in any way in
jure or countenance in others any attempt
: to injure any persons on account of past or
present support cf the Government of the
I'nited States, or the principle of the polit
ical and civil equality of a!! men, or of affil
iation with any political party.
Another section provides for a negro
militia, governor's staff, etc.
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican, a
I " loyal" paper says :
The decision of the Alabama Convention J
for the extreme policy of disfranchisement
and proscription will confirm the general
j opinion that the present experiment in re
construction is a failure. The minority I
report on the franchise, which was almost :
unanimously rejected, provided for the dis- 1
franchisement of the citizens " who shall
1 have been convicted of treason, perjury,
bribery forgery, or other high crimes or
misdemeanors, which may be by law de- ■
clared to disqualify him," aud required of
the voter oalv an oath to support and obey
the Constitution of the United States and
\ of the State of Alabama, and to defend the
Union. The majority report disfranchises j
not only cx-rebels, but all who will not
| swear to approve and sustain ncgrc suf
frage. This will exclude from the ballot
and front office the entire white population '
of the State, with the exception of a few
northern settlers—for not all these are fo
negro suffrage—and the few radical white
Alabamians. The proscription is more
sweeping than anything heretof .ro cr else
where proposed, for it not only make* past
loyalty a condition of suffrage, but present
support of a measure that has just been
voted down in several leading Republican
States of the North. And if Alabama
made a Republican State for the present
by such means, it will bo only to be more
inveteratclv against us the moment power
is rc>tore 1 (o the whites; for it surely will
be restored to them ; the people will not
support standing armies to keep a minority
in power in any State, To say that this
policy will not do and must be stopped is
to state the case very mildly. Congress
and the Republican party cannot allow it
to proceed, without certain and deserved j
ruin. It is in defiance of all the tecogniz- j
cd principles of popular government and
of the professed principles of the party, and
its consequences can be nothing but per
petual discord and rnin in the South. The
division in the Alabama Convention on
the suffrage question is significant of that j
which must occur throughout the whole
j country if this thing is allowed to grow and
ripen. The northern soldiers who have
settled in Alabama and the more intelli- |
ge.nt of the white natives in the convention
voted against the proscripttvc policy; the
bureau officers, northern and southern rad
ical politicians aud negroes voted for it.
The constitution adopted by the Conven
tion will of course be nominally adopted by
the people ; for only the negroes will vote,
the whites knowing their inability to defeat i
it, and preferring to put the whole respon
sibility on Congress. And upon Congress
that resdonsibilitv will rest. If such a con
stitution as the Radical Convention is now
sure to make is imposed upon that State,
Congress and the Republican party inu>t
be responsible for the consequences. The
course reconstruction takes in Alabama is
.' an admonition upon the general subject.—
j Shallow politicians chuckle over the idea
that all is made secure for the presidential
election, if the votes of the ten Southern
States are given to the Republican candi
' date through a process which excludes the
white population from a voice in that elec--
tion. Arc they quite sure of this, and will
! an ascendancy maintained by such means
| last? The mere apprehension of such con
' sequences from the Congressional scheme
' of reconstruction has reduced majorities in
' the Republican States, what, then, will be
the result when the apprehended conse
quences arc more than realized.- And yet,
with such clangers impending, men who
assume to lead the Republican party at
' tempt to divert public attentiou by silly
| talk about plots of the President to sub
vert the Constitution and overthrow Con
j gress.
The attempt now to Africanize the South
; has turned the attention of the white men
' of this country to the result of similar expe
-1 riments in other countries. In this connec
, tion,the New York Herald, in the course
of an article showing how the Radical theory
of reconstruction is making a combination
fof Hayti and Jamaica in the South,says :
In Ilayti we have nothing but a war of
I races since its discovery by Colifnibus, from
I the negro Emperor, Jacques 1, in IBu4, to
I the present ruler, Salnave, the Uaytien part
■ of the island has presented even a worse
j condition than that which is presented in
\ the long years of wholesale Spanish murd
ers which made its horrors a proverb. llow
rapidly the country marches to the prim
itive barbarism, which is the delight ot the
negro race, is best shown by the value of
the exports just previous to ihe accession of
Jacques 1, compared with those of to-day.
| At that time they reached the large figure
of i 27,818,000. to-day they are scarcely
j $8,000,000.
j But if Ilayti exhibits a sorry argument
■ for negro domination, what does Jamaica
show? Since the island was given up to
I negro rule, its march has been rapid from
bad to worse, until to-day one of the finest
i and formei ly one of the most productive of
all the West India group lies but a wreck
iin negro hands. All tlf has taken place
in thirty-four years, notwithstanding the
J efforts of the English government to pre
' vent it. And how of Liberia ? Large
i sums of money, Christian aud missionary
: efforts unlimited, have been used to little
advantage. The negro there, forced into
a hot-house grow th, and kept upon the plus
' side of civilization by a constant w.iite ef
fort, is still far down in the scale. lie often
runs eastward to his native barbarism, and
is only kept inside the.bounds of the colony
by large contributions to his welfare. e
dismiss Liberia as a mammoth negro poor
-1 house.
But Liberia is nothing to the negro poor-;
house we are establishing in the whole
Southern half of the United States. We
i go into this negro asylum business as we so
into everything else in America. We set
the whole Northern half of the nation to
earning money to maintain the negro. We
make huge appropriations for the benefit
iof the negro. We take no time to legis
late upon our ruined commerce, for we are
occupying every moment for the negro.
We approach a financial panic, but try to
hide it by holding before it the negro.
We reconstruct the South, not tor the
common benefit of the white and b!ac<, rel
ative to the whole nation, but entirely for
the pegro. The Radicals go so far that—
; ride Bon. Wade —they say that we may
have a war of caste, and even bound on the
negro, Wc have gone negro mad; and the
madness threatens to wind up by a war of
I races which when it comes, will sweep the
negro out of existence. The nation is not
powerful enough, with all its vigor, to stand
under the negro lead. Wc must shake it off
or down we go to the level of Ilayti, San
j Dommgo and Jamaica.
The Rump CongTess.
This illegal and oatrageous concern reas
sembled in Washington on the 20:h ult., in
accordance with the adjournment of Jul}'
last. As usual upon the assembling, the
Capitol was filled with visitors, who begin to
■ gather about ten o'clock, and before the hour
of meeting, the galleries, halls and corridors
of the building were densely crowded. The
Hall of Representatives seemed to be an es
pecial point of interest, and for nearly two
hours a scene of nc little animation and ex-
I citcinont prevailed. The result of the recent
State elections was actively discussed on both
sides of the House, the Radicals endeavoring
to explain away the ficts and figures, and
the Democrats c ngratula'ing each other
over the happy change, and mutually prom
ising to do better next time. Mr. Wasbburne,
of I• who is regarded as the leader m the
Grant movement, had quite a crowd of Ridi
cal numbers around him, while Butler, of
Mas-achuseit*. entertained Mr. Chase, ther
in the area in front of the Speaker's chair.
The desire to see Mr. Stevens did not appear
so strong as heretofore, and that gentleman
remained in his committee room uniil a few
minutes before the House was called to order.
On the Democratic side, the central, figure
wa the tall form of ex-Chief Justice Wood
ward, of Pennsylvania, who was sworn in
I soon after the meeting of the House. Messrs,
Boyer, Getz, Glossbrenntr, and Randall, of
; our State,were also in attendance, and among
the prominent Democrats preseut from other
Slates were Messrs. Brooks, of New York ;
Eldridgc. of Wisconsin ; Marshall, of Illinois;
and Margan, of Ohio.
The ball was opened in the Ilonse by Mr
Brooks, of New York, on the modern Radi
cal delegation from Tennessee, and how
Brownlow secured their election. The Re
publicans were not prepared for this retalia
lion on theui for their conduct in the case of
the Kentucky members last session,and were
! forced to refer the credentials of one of the
Tennesseeans (Butler) to the Election Com
mittee, aud to keep him out of the House
pending the investigation. This, of course, is
1 simply a sham, and he will no dmbt soon b.-
admitted,notwithstanding the charges against
him of alleged participation in the secession
movement. The other members (including
Stokes.) were adinit'ed. During the discus
sion the floor and galleries were crowded,aud
considerable interest mauilested by all pres
No business of importance was transacted
during the very brief session of the Senate.—
Mr. Sumner re-iotroduced his negro jury bill
for the District of Columbia, which, it will
be remembered, was passed last spring, but
failed to receive the signature of the Presi
dent. Forty-three Senators were present,
and on motion, an adjournment took place
until Monday,
Monday arrived. The Rump reasembled.
But little business was transacted, except
that the Impeachmcmt Committee handed
in their report of 1,300 pages, demanding the
impeachment of the President for "high
: crime* and misdemeanors." This announce
! ment was received with applause and hisses.
I The negro galleries applauded lustily, while
' the white galleries hissed. The Speaker
looked daggers at the white trash, but smil
ed at the niggers. The report was postponed
until Wednesday, the 4th of December, when
! it wiil come up for adoption in the House.—
I Wo predict its failure.
The President docs not recognize the
Rump. Ilia message and the repcrts of the
heads of Departments will not be transmitted
' | until after the commencement of the regular
1 Constitutional term —the first Mondav ol
: December. The Rump will most likely or
p Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, adjourn
, ' over until this time, when the message and
! documents will be sent in. The folly of this
t useless third Extra Session everybody laughs
' at, and some of the Radical members groan
' : uuder the extra expense and trouble to which
lit exposes them- Nothing of any great im
i portance will be done till after tbo holidays
p} "With ten of the States under negro rulf
f 1 what chance is there for business to becomf
, | prosperous, and how can wc expect auj
, | other rcsnlt than the utter destruction ol
, ! what was once the most lovely portion o
■ our country ? Sorely billions of debt, anc
t ! taxation in all imaginable shapes was no'
i ■ incurred for that,
A Radical delegate to the Louisiana consti
tutional convention, a negro about eighty-five
years old—appeared at Alexandria, a few
days ago, on his way to business, with Iwo
large navy revolvers buclrled ia his belt, a |
pepper box revolver in each pocket, a huge
sugar cane knife in his bosom and a loaded
cane in his hand. He couldn't easily have
stuck any more Radical arguments about
t ' * i J—g
Tunkhannock Wholesale and Retail Pro
duce Market.
Corrected Weekly by BUNNELL \ BANNA '
TYNE, at Samuel Stark's M stand , tiro doors
belox Warning Nation'it Bank ~
Wheat, per bushel #2 300*2 50
. hje. " " 1 40
Com, " " 1 35
Oats, ' " 75
Buckwheat, " 80
Beaos, " 2 00
Potatoes " 75
Butter, ft 35040
Eggs, per dozen, 30
Lard, It 14
Tallow, ft 12|
Dried Apples, per bushel 2 50
Rags per ft 03
Hay per ton, 15 00
Wheat Flour per bbl 13 00014 10
I Rye Flour per bM
Corn M--al per 100 ft 3 00
Chop per 100 ft 2 50
Salt per bbl 3 25
Buckwheat Flour per 100 ft 3 5004 00
Hog.', dressed, per ft I • ••••7c09
Mesa Pork, per bbl .......... 28 00
Mess Perk, per ft 15
| The above named firm are dealers in Dry Goods,
j Groceries and Provisions, Hardware, Hats and Caps.
Boots and .Shoes, Notions, Ac., Ac., and will sell at
the lowest cash price ruling at date of sale. v7n!l i
A LL persons are hereby cautioned against pur-
I\. chasing or negotiating a certain note given by
us to Seymour G. Rbinevault or bearer for 1125, dat
ed June 21st, 1806. As the consideration therefor
was never received, we will not pay the same unless
compelled by law. B. D, JAQUEs,
v7ul9w3 J. C JAQCES.
vision, (Wyoming County) half a mile north of
j Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late residence
o( Hon K K. Little.
IRA AVERY. Assistant Assessor,
7th Division 13th District
Tunkhannock, Dee 2, 1567v7n18m3.
rllE undersigned having been appointed by the
Orphan's Court for the county of Wyoming, an
Auditor u> distribute toe assets in the hands of the
Executor of Samuel Vaoduzer, late of Tunshannock
township in said eountv, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appoiutment, at his > ffice in Tunkhan
nock Borough, on Thursday, December 261b, 1367,
at 1 o'clock P. M..at which time and place, all per
sons interested therein are requested to present tbeir
claims or be debarre i from coming in for a share of
said assets.
Tunkhannock, Dec. 2, !367v7n15w4
THE inxrioN
William Flicknrr,
A/ 7 (.VAV/A.V.YOCA) TentYa.
Who has the ex luslve
one of the very few Ma es that will cut Ilay.
■sraw. Stalk-, s. ■ , belter than the old fashioned
Cutt ng boxc. used by our gran Ifathers.
Th"e who value time and labor: aud would avoid
a nee lies' loss of both, in feeding their stock, should
get one of these improved Cutters
No man eier found anything better ; or ever went j
back to the old machine after n trial of it.
A Supply Constantly oil Hand
and for sa'e.
Tunkhannock, Dec. 2, 1977v7n18tf.
BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or- |
pbans' Court of Wyoming Courty, I will expose
to public vendue or ornery upon the premises in the
township of Windham, county of Wvomine. Pa., on
at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following des
cribed Real Esta'e to wit : All that certain mes
suage and tract of land rituate in the township of
Windham. County of Wyoming and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and descried as follows • Begin- |
ning at a post corner on the main road leading up ,
aDd do to the Little Meh >opany Creek, on line of j
N. C. Frost, and running tbence North 21 degrees i
East lit) mis to land of John Fas sell, thence South j
44 degrees East 281 mds to a hemlock tree, thence |
South 2' degrees West 37 rods to a stake, thence |
North 69 degrees West 123 rods to a hemlock,thence |
by land of P. B Jennings, North 64 degrees West
57 rods to a beeeh, thence North 60 degrees West
36J roils to a hemlock, thence North 62 degrees
West 374 rids to the place of beginning ; containing
123 acres strict measure, excepting ami reserving
therefrem about two acres reserved by E. A Ing
-1 ham in his assignment to A. W. Wbitecomb of one
half of the almve described land, reference to said
■ assignment dated September 6th. A, D. 1553, w ill
fully appear And also excepting ami reserving
therefrom two pieces sold by Geo. W. Groo (in his
life-time) to L E. Dewolf, by Deed dated October
20th 1657 and described as follows : FIRST PIECE
Beginning at a post and corner ou the road adjoin"
, ing lands of N. C. Frost, tbence along said road and
land of P B. Jennings, South 42 degrees East 60
! rods to a post and corner, thence North 23 degrees
i East 114 rods to a corner adjoining land of Fas
sett, thence North 42 degrees West 60 rods to a hem
lock corner, thence South 23 degrees West 110 rods
along land of N. C Frost to the place of beg lining ;
Containing about 40 acres more or less. SECOND
PIECE. —Beginniugat the road adjoining land of
I Solomon Whiteomb and running along land of said
Whitcomb, South 42 degrees East 40 rods to a corn
er, thence South 37i degrees West 40 rods to a post,
thence North 42 degrees West 40 reds to a post on
main road thence North 374 degrees East 40 rods
| to the place of beginning , supposed to eontain ten
acres but be the same more or less, as by reference
to said Deed ol Geo. W. Groo to L E. Dewolf does
fully appear. It being the same tract of land con
veyed by Prudence M Eiston to T. M. Whiteomb
and E. A. Ingham, and by Sundry conveyances be
came vested in G. W Groo. About 60 acres thereof
improved, with one frame bouse,barn, saw-mill grist
milt and sorno fruit trees thereon, with the appurtc
TERMS OF SALE,— Ten per cent, of one fourth of
the purchase money to be paid down at the striking
! off the property, one fourth less the ten per cant, at
' the confirmation absolute and the remaining three
fourths in one year thereafter, with interest from
confirmation ni si.
ALLEN JAYNE, Adm'r. of
GEO. W. GROO, Dec'd.
Nov. 27th 1897-v7nl7-
Letters of administration having been granted to
i the undersigned, upon tiie estate of Abraham Cas
! terline, late of Nicholson Tp., Wyoming Co. Pa
! dec'd. All persons indebted to said estate are noti
fied to make immediate payments, and those having
j claims against the same are requested to present
i them duly authenticated for settlement to
j Administrator, or to his Attorney. T. J. CHASE.
| Nicholson, Pa. Nov. 21, '67, v7nl7-6w.
Came to the enclosure of the subscriber in Nichol
son, Wyoming County, Pa. on or about the 13th inst
Two Red Bull Calves. The owner is requested to
eoine forward, prove property, pay charges and take
them away, otherwise they wii! be disposed of ac
j cording to law
) Nicholson. November 22, '67-v7nl7-3
j Whereas letters af administration to the estate of
; Joseph Ferguson late of the township of North
in,lreland, deceased, have been granted to the subecri
rtber. All persons indebted to the said estate arc rc
qsested to make immediate payment, and those
having demands against the estate of the said dec
edent, will make known the same duly authenticated
without delay. SPENCER FI'RGERSON.
1 Northmoreland, Nov. !2, 1867. V7817W6
! (First door bslow WALL'S HOTEL.ii Tunkhannock)
Comprising in part the following f
BLACK and BROCADE SILKS, of all grade#.
ALPACCAS, of all Shadez.
An endleie variety ef
TRIMMINGS to match the above.
of all kinds Knit and Woven.
A Full and Elaborate Stock of Embroid
ered Goods.
White Goods of all de-^riptions.
Table and Towel Diaper, A
Domestics, Delaines,
Prints, Ginghams, Ac.
Alexander's KID ES,
of ail tliadrs,
Gents ar.J Ladies.
A Large Stock of Traveling Trunk*—
Ltdies' IL ticu'.es, Gents' Travel
ing Valises, Ac., Ac.
FURS of all kinds for
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Two and Three Fir,
and Brussels,
Stair Carpets, Matting, Oil
Cloth and Drugget.
; Rugs, Mats and Hassocks,
Ladies' and Genta' Hosiery.
A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS.
of the finest and most durable
Cravats, Collars, Ac., Ac.
Woman's, Misses, end Children's.
Counterpanes, Coverlaids, Whitney
Blankets, German Blankets, Ac., Ac,
of all kind*.
Oar Stock of CLOTHING is complete
and not equalled in this, nor surpassed in
the best New York and Philadelphia mer
chant Tailoring Establishments. Suits
made to order in the latest and best style.
We have purchased our stock since the
last reduction in the prices of our goods.
We have purchased largely, and are deter
mined to sell at less prices than the same
kind and quality of goods can be bought at
any other establishment in this or adjoin
iug counties. We bought them to sell
and all who call to see us will readily be
convinced that we are bouud to dispose of
All goods cheerfully exhibited without
scolding if you do not buy.
! Call and sec us.
J Tuukbaunock, Nov. Mh, 1867, ,