HARVEY SICKLER, Publisher. VOL. VII. ill pining Bfinorritt. A Democratic weekly paper, devoted to l'oli • Iwot-r ir-'Ai/t?1 E ics News, the Art* Jfe t nd Sciences Ac. Pub- iB fejjLj ' ' lisheJ every V'edres- : i day, at Tunkhannock Iff |P"jf Wyoming County.Pa | ' \U I" BY HARVEY SICKIER * Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) 52,00 ;if not paid witain six month?, V 2.50 will be charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar rearage?™ paid; unless at the option of publisher. K ATES OF ADVERTISING. TEN LINES COSSTrTCTE A SQI'ABE. f*ne sqoare one or three insertions- f Every subsequent insertion less thau 8 50 BEALESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, and GENERAL ADVERTISING, a? may be agreed upon. PATENT MEDICINES and other advertisements oy i the column : One column, 1 year, $6O Half column, 1 year 35 Third column, 1 year, 25 Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Business Cards of one square or less, per year I with paper. *-8 [ { f EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with out Advertisement —15 cts. per line. Liberal terms i made with permanent advertisers EXECFTORS, ADMIXI>THATUiIS and AUDI-j TOR'S NOTICES, of the u.-ual length, 82,50 OBITUARIES,-ex -eeding ten 'in ?, each ; IiELI GlOl'S and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general nterest, one half tue regular rates. XV A dvertiseraents must be banded in bv TUES DAY NOON, to insure insertion the f.IIHC week. JOB WORK if all kin lg neatly executed, and at price? to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and : WORK n ust be paid for, when ordered Business Sot ices. ) K. dt V El.ll ILE, ATTORNEiS AT 1\ LAW Otfice on Tioga Street I'uiißiia "• k >a ; I I !•>. i. ooii:k. PHYSICIAN a SURGEON ' 11. N'owton Centre, Luiern j County Pa 0 1.. PAKHIV,!, "ATTORNEY 41 LWV • Gfa-e at if.e Court House, in Tunkhanuoek | Wyoming Co. Pa. %\' 31. >1 . PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW f ! \\ lite n >iaii'o Lruk Block 'Tioga St., 1 un* 1 naunock. Pa J\V. UIIO4US PHYSICIAN x - ' MEo N • will all nt promptly to a.i . iil? in his pro fession, May be !<>u d at his Ofii.-e at the Drug : Store, or at his re-l ten -o on i'utiuau Srctt, loriuerly ; occupied tiy A. K. Pe- khaui ii*q. DENTISTRY. ... /* Z' 4a r~~ *rv. ■ W md -JQ ."- OR, L T. BrRX.S hns permanently located in Tunkbiiiinoch Borough, and respectfully U*nler his professional service* to its citizens Office on second fluot, formerly occupied by Dr. oilman \6n'dGtf. PORTHAIT, LANDSCAPE, AND ©EN .AMENTA I. FATSTI ZSTC3r, Uy If. Artist. Rooms over the Wyoming National bank,in Ntark's Brick Block, TUNKHANNOCK, IA. Life-site Portraits painted from Ambrntypes or Photographs Photographs Painted in OilCtlore. All orders for paintings executed according to or der, or no charge luade. { Instructions given in Drawing. Sketching. Portrait an J Landscape Painting, in Uil or water Colors, and in all branches of ihe art. Tuok , July 31, 'g7 -vgnoO-tf. NEW TAILORING SHOP The Subscriber having ha 1 a sixteen years prac ticul experience in culling and making clothing now offers bis scrvics in this liue to the citizens of mcHOi.HON and vicinity. Those wishing to got Fits will find his shop the place to gel them. JOEL, R, SMITH -n5O-Ctnos BOLTON HOUSE. HAUKISHUKO, PKNNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the •' BFEHLER HOFSE " property, has already com menced su -h alterations and improvements „j|| render this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior, to any Hotel in the City of Uarrisburg. A continuance of the public patronage i? refpect fuily solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HCUSE, TU NKtf ANNOGK, WYOMING CO., IA rHIS estahlishinent has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every attentii.n suit be given to the comfort and convenience ol those who patronize the House T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861 - KCJSTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPKN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Mm, 11. C'ORTHIGIIT. Frop'r tTAVIXG resumed the proprietorship of the above 4-A Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effbr's lender the house an agreeable plrve Cl sojourn to - il who may favor it with their custom. , 0 , Via. II CORfRIGHT. June. 3rd. 1563 M JwIC HoTEl r°sT^AKfi^T, I Late of t "BKAINARD lIOUSK, Elwira, N Y PROPRIETOR. The .MEANS HOTEL, i-one of the LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —It is Bfted up in the most modern and unproved style, and rio pains aro spired to make it a pleasant and agreeable stopphig-jdace for All, t 'i, n3l, Ijr. fUpittiitg Democrat. TBNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO.. PA. -WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1807, TIIS WORLD'S GREAT RSMIDT TOR Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. JVofls Emery Edes, a ice!l-known merchant of 0 ford, Maine. " I hare sold large quantities of your Sausada r.ll-LA, but never vet one bottle which failed of tlio desired effect snd fnIT satisfaction to those who took it. Aa fast is our tvople try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before iu our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustulos, Dl cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Pit. Hold. Strntton, Itristol, England. " 1 ouly (to my duty to yon and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the ine (licin.il virtues of your SAitaArAitil.i.A. My daugh ter, aged ten, hail an afflicting humor in her cars, eyes, and hair for years, which wc were nnable to cure until we tried"your SAKSAI'AIULLA. She has been well for some months." From Mrs. danc E. Hire, a well-known and much esteem< tlafy < f 1/ennisriUe, ('ape May Co., X. J. ' Sly daughter has suffered for n year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until wo tried your Saksada kill A, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Cage, Esq., of the widely hearts Gage, Murray if Co., manufacturers of enamelled pavers in Xashtw, -V. H. " I had for several j-cara a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became au intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Saksaparilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you toll me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new ekiu began to form uud.T the blotches, and con tinued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 am without any symptoms of Hie disease that I know of. I enjoy porteet health, and without a doubt owe it to your Saksapakilla." Erysipelas —General Debility—Purify the Blood. From Dr. Ilaht. tin win, Houston St., Xcw York, " Int. Avi.'t. ! seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrar'nlmn Son < by the per -••wring useof your Sar- vi'.utii.i. a. and I have iu-1 now cured an attack of Malignant I ryeipelas with it. No alterative we possess equals the S.UWAI'AUILI.A you have sup plied to th profession as well as to the people." Eroct J. E. Johnston, E*g„ lYal.eman, Ohio. " For twelve years. I had lis- yellow Ertsi|ielas on ray ri -ot arm, during which tune I tried all the celebrst. 1 physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of medieiues. The ulcers were so had tint the cords became visible, and the doctors d' eided that inv arm must lie amputated. I began taking your Sausapakili.A. Took two bot tles. and some of your IMi.ua. Together they have cured me. lam now ns well and sound us nuy body. Being in a puiilfc place, my ease is known to every body in this community, ami excites tlie wonder ol all.' 4 From /Ton. Ilmry Monro. M. P. P., of hewcastle, C. ir., a leading member of the Canadian Parlia ment. •• I have used vour Sars vparilla tn my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneilrial result#, and leel toulidcuce in couuueualug it to the afflicted," St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey SieUer, />/., the aide editor of th* FuuLlutnnrwk hem treat, Pennsylvania. "Our icilv child, at iout three years of age, was atta. ked b> pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spr* .ut until they formed a loathsome arid virulent sore, villi, li covered his face, and cvftislly Winded his (y s .or -oinc days. A skillul pliysiciau applied nitr.,ie of silver mil other remedies, without any apoa!'"U! effect. For lii'le-n (lavs we guarded Ids he: is. b -t with them lie should tear open the fes tering and corrupt wouud which covered hie whola face. Having tried evcry # thing else we had any liojm' from, we hegati giving vour Sarsarahilla, and applying tlm RklhU- of |sitash loiion, as yo direct. The sore uto heal when we lutd given the lirst bottle, and was well when we had lilushed the second. 1 lie fluid's eyelashes, which liad 'anno out, grew eg tin, and he i- now as licaJtliy sod full as auyoihor. The whole neighborhood pr -listad? that the cl.ii.i must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Front l*e. Hiram Slant, of St. Louis, Missouri. " I fiud vour SAKS.M'AKILLA a more effectual remedy lor the secondary symptoms of Syphilis an 1 for syphilitic disease than any otlmr we posai ss. The pro.essiou lure indebted to you lor some of the best medieiues we have." From A. J. French, M. 11., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent number uf the legislature of Massachusetts. "lflv. AVER. My dear Sir: I have found your Sal'.sa dauii.i.a an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the prim try uud secondary type, and effec tual in some ea-ws'tliat avere too otistioate to yirld to other remedies. Ido not know what we can era ploy with more certainty of success, where u power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chat. S. IVrn I.iew, of Xetr J1 runs wick, ,V. J., li-.l dr.aidful ulcers on 1< I gs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial a i-' 1.- , vvbl li grew more and nmre ags.-ra-.ated for years, in spite of every renvdv or ttcafment that could la- appli.-d, until the persevering use of Ay Kit's Sarsm-arilla relieved Lira, few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure hiin, Deucorrhoe-R, 'Whites, Female 'Weakness, arc gmrraliy producd by Internal Se-refntous 11- Ctraiion, uud are wry ofl.'a cured liy the alterative effect of tills Sarsai-artli a. Some cases require, howeva r, iu aid of the SARSAPABILLA, the fckdfnl application of local remedies. From the well l.n>acii orul widely celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. "I have found your RaiisAl-AUILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of Irr.■guilt ily, la ucirrlinca, Int< nod Ulceration, and locm debility, arising from the serofnlous diaShcais, have yielded to it, aud there are few that do not, when "its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes .- " Mv daughter and myself have been etired of a very debilitating ls>ueorrbo-a of long standing, by two bottivs of your BAksa pakll.i.a.' Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused Ivy Scrofula in the system, arc rapidly cured by this Ext. Saksai arilla. AYER'S CATHARTIC' PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their ((utility is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that, they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by j. C. W Eli, M. D-, Si Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by Tor sal.- by Bunnell A Rllnnatyne, abd Lyman A Whlls, iunkhuuisAck. Sterling A Son, Mes happen, Stevens .t A kley, L iecyvilte. F'rear. Isn A Co , F u ti.ryville, an i nil Druggists and Dcclsrs in med i. ines, everywhere. Teeth Positively Extracted WITHOUT PAIN! MEW PROCESS NEITHER CLOROFORM, ETHER. NOR GAS. WHICH ARE SO INJURIOUS TO TO H E A L TH AN LIFE. Tliis Substance is applied directly to the gums producing a numbness (local Anaesthesia) of only the parts uround the tooth, whereby it ean be extracted without any pain whatever, and without unpleasant ness to the Pafi' Bt: - - CALL AT MY OFFICE AND BE CONVINCED. J. J. SEI'MOWR, Surgeon Dentist, Laceyville, Pa.—v7na-3mi NOTICE. TnE firm of Ross. Mills Jt Co., having been dis solved, the rote? and accounts of said firm have been left wilh s miih A Ross for settlement. Persons indebted are respectfully requested to call snd settlp without delay, by so doing save costs. Rfi. MILLS A CO, Turikbiinnoek, Nnv. sjb. 1867. v7nl4w3. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbola's Extract Buehu. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL vrooß are oydsouai r.n fltrilfff iFPJfPT. INn- From the Cttisen THE OLD BACHELOR'S NEW YEAR. BY MILES O'RILET. Oh, the Spring hath less of brightness Every year, And the snow a ghastlier whiteness, Every year; Nor do Summer b!o?bx>ms quioken, Nor does Autumn fruitage thiccen, As it did —the seasons sicksn Lvcry year. It is growing cold and colder Every year, And I feel that I am older Every year. And my limb: arc less elastic, Aud my fancy not so plastic- Yes, my habits grow monastic Eveiy year. 'T is becoming bleak and bleaker Every year; And my hopes are weaker Every year ; Care I now for merry darcing, Or for eyes with passion glancing 7 Love is less trad less enchanting Every year. Ob, the cays that I have squandered Every year, And the friendship rudely sun lered Every year! Of the ties that might have twined me, Until time to death resigned me, My infirmities remind me Every year. Sad and sad to look before us Every year, With a heavier shadow o'er us Every year ! To behold each blossom faded, And to know we might have mad® it An immortal gtrlan.l, braided Round the year. Many a spectral, beckoning finger, Year by year, Chides mo that so long I linger, Year by year ; Every early comrade sleeping In the churchyard, whither weeping, I—a'one unwept—am creeping, Year by year. THE BEGGAR ; A TRUE TALE. One col.l winter mnrnitiff, tlitr last Sun day of I>ecctnbcr, 1840, a half-nuked man knocked timidly at the basement door of a fine substantial mansion in the city of Brooklyn. Though the weather was bit ter even f- r that season, the young man had DO clothing hut a ragged pair of doth pants, and the renmna of a fianncl shirt which exposed his muscular chest in many large rents. But in spite of his tattered apparel and evident fatigue, as he leaned heavily upon the railing of the basement stairs, a critical observer could not fail to notice a conscious air of dignity, and the marked traces of cultivation and refinement in his pale haggard countenance. The door was speedily opined, aud dis clos. d a lartre, comfortably iurrii-hed room with its glowing grate of anthracite ; be fore which was piactd a luxuriously fur nisbed breakiast table ; a fashionably at tired young man, in a brocade dressing gown and velvet slippers, was reclining on a soft fautenil, bu-ily reading the morning papers. The beautiful young wife had fingered at the table, giving the servant in waiting her orders for the household mat ters of the day, when the timid wrap at the door attracted her attention. She com manded it to be opened, but the yonng master of the mansion replied that it wa> quite useless — being no one but some thievish beggar ; but the door was already opened, and the sympathies uf Mrs. May wood enlisted at once. " Come in to the fire," cried the young wife, impulsively, "before you perish !" The mendicant without exhibiting any surprise at such unusual treatment of a street beggar, slowly entered the room, manifesting a painful weakness at every step - On his entrance Dr. Maywood, with a displeased air, gathered up his papers and left the apartment- The compassion ate lady unwisely placed the half frozen man near ihe fire, while she prepared a bow! of fragrant coffee — which with abun dant food was placed before him. But noticing the abrupt departure of her bus band, Mrs. Maywood wilh a clouded countenance, left the room, whimpering to the servant to remain until the stranger should leave. She ran hastily up the rich mounted stair-case, and paused before the entrance of a small labrator and medical library,and occupied solely by her husband, who was a physician and practical chemist. She opened the door and entered the room.— Dr. Maywood was sitting at a small table, with his head resting 011 his hand, appa rently in deep thought. " Edward,'' said the young wife gently touching his arm " I fear I have displeased you, but the man looked so wretched, I could not bear to drive bim away," and her sweet voice trembled as she added—" You know I take sacrament to dav." " Dear Mary," replied the fond husband 44 1 appreciate your good motives I know itispuie goodness ot heart which leads you to disobey me, but still I must com mand— that no beggar shall ever be per miltcd to enter jbe house, It is fot your own safety that I insist upon it. Ifow deeply y<>o might be imposed npon. in my frequent absence from home I sliudd r to think." The man that is below may be but a burglar in disguise, and already in your, absence take impreevione in wax of the " To Speak his Thoughts is Fvory Frer-mnn's Right. " different keyholes in the room so as to en ter some night at )is leisure. Your limit ed experience of city life makes it, difficult for you to credit so much dipravity. It is no chaiiiy to give to street bedgars, it ori ly encourages vice, dearest.' " It may be so,'" responded Mis. May wood, " but it seems wicked not to relieve suffering and want even if the persons have behaved badly— and we know not. But I promise you not to ask another beggar iuto the house." At this moment the servant wrapped vi olently at the door, crying out that the beggar was dying. " Come, Edward, your skill can save him, I know," said his wife, hastening from the room. The doctor did not refuse this appeal to his piofessional vanity, for lie immediately followed his wife's flying footsteps as she descended to the basement. They found the mendicant lying pile and unconscious upon the carpet, where he had slipped from weakness from the chair, where Mrs. Maywood bad seated him. " He is a handsome fellow," muttered the doctor as he bent over him to ascertain the state of his pulsp. And we!! lie might a av so. The glossy locks of raven hair had fallen awav from a broad white forehead ; his closed eyelids were bordered bv long raven lashes, which lag like a -i!k n fringe upon his pale btonz ed ehec ks, wnile a d lieate rose, and a square, massive chin displayed a model of manly beatify. "Is he dead?" asked the young wife anxiously. "Oh, no. it's only a fainting fit, induced by tbe sudden change of tempera'nre, and perhaps the first stage of starvation," re plied the doctor sympatliizingly. lie had forgotten for the moment his rohl maxims of prudence, and added: " lie mnt be carried to a room without lire, and placed in a comfortable bed." Tbe coachman was called in to assist in lifting the athletic si ranger, who was carried to a room iu the chamber, where tbe doc tor administered with his own hands strong doses of port wine sangaree. The young man soon became partly conscious, but all conversation was forbade liim, and lie sank quietl) to sleep. " He is doing well; let him rest as long as lie can ; should lie awake in our ab sence, give him beef tea, ar.d toast ft(l libi tum.," said the doctor professionally, us he left the room. In less than an hour afterwards, Dr. Maywood iirul bis lovely wife entered the gorgcus church of "the imst Iloly Trinity." And the hundreds of fair dames that en tcr d its broad portals, dress d vviili all the taste and magnificence that abundant wealth could procure, not one revealed, in grace and beauty, the orphan bride of the i rich physician. ' Her tall, graceful figure robed in a violet silk, that only heighten ed by c mtrast her large azure eyes, bright with the lustre of youthful happiness, yet, there was a touch of tender pity in their drooping lids that won the confidence of every beholder. The snowy carmine man tilla, which protected her from the pierc ing wind, rivaled, but could not surpass the delicate purity of her complexion.— Many admiring eves followed tiie faultless figure of Mrs. Maywood, as she moved with unconscious grace up the aisle of the Church, but none with more heartfelt de votion than the young, wayward but gen erotls man who had recently wed her in spite of her poverty and the sneer of his aristocratic acquaintances. The stately organ had pealed its last rich rotes, which were still faintly echoing in the arches when a stranger of venerable aspect who had previously takon part in the services of the altar, rose and announ ced for his text, the oft quoted, but seldom applied words of the Apostle—" lie not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.' I)r. Maywood felt his forehead flushed painfully—it appeared to Liui for the mo ment that the preacher must have known of his want of charity toward strangers, and wished to give hnn a public lesson, but lie soon saw from the tenor of his dis course that his own guilty conscience had alone made the application in his particu lar case. 1 have not space, nor indeed the power to give any synopsis of the sermon, but that it, combined with the incident of the morning effected a happy revolution in the mind of at least one of its hearers. So much so that on the return of Dr. Maywood from church he repaired at 01 ce to the rontn.oi the mendicant to offer such atten tions as he might stand in ne> d of. But tin* young man seemed to be much refreshed by rest and nutricous food,and commenced gratefully thanking his ho-t, for the kind attention he had received, which without doubt saved his life. "I will recompense you well, for thank God, I ain not the beg gar that 1 seeui. 1 was shipwrecked on Friday night in the Ocean Wave, on my return from India. My name was doubt less among the list of the lost—for 1 es caped from the waves by a miracle. I at tempted to make my way to New York, where I have ample funds in bank await ing my orders, but I must have perished from cold and hunger, had it not been for you and your wife's provident charity. 1 was repulsed from every door as an im postor, and could get neither food nor rest. To bean exile fiom one's native land fen years, and then affei escaping from the perils of the ocean, to die of hunger in the streets of a Christian city, -I felt truly a bitter fate." " My name is Authur YVillett," added the stranger, " Why, that is my wife's family name. She will he doubly pleased at her agency in your recovery." , " Of what State is she a native?" asked Author Willett, eagerly, " I married her in the town of B , where she was born." At this moment Mrs. May wood entered the room, surpris ed at the long absence of her husband. Authur Willett gazed at her with a look of the wildest surprise, murmuring. "It cannot be—it cannot be. I am de lirious to think so." f Mrs Maywood gazed with little less as | tonishment, motionless as a statue. " What painful mystery is this?" cried Dr. Maywood, excitedly, addressiug his | wife, who then became couscious of the j singularity of her conduct, " Oh, no mystery," she replied, sighing | deeply, " only this stranger is the image of Imy long lost brother Authur." Aud Mrs. Maywood overcome wilh emotion, turned j to leave the room. ( " Stay one moment," pleaded the stran | ger, draw ing a small ring from his finger, ; and holding it up, asked if she recognized that relic? " It is my father's gray hair, and you are—" " His son Authur Willett and your brother." Marv \V illett Maywood fell upon the ! mendicant's breast, weeping tears of the i swe. test joy and thank-giving. Dr. Maywood retired from the room I and left sister and brother alone in that : sacred hour of reunion, saying to himself. | "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, ! lor thereby some have entertained angels ii ° unawares. —— MEDICAL SIGNS OF DREAMS. The second number of Dr. Hammond s I Journal of Psycological Med.cine and Medical Jurisprudence, contains a long communication on " Dreaming." from which we extract the following ; ° i " Lively dreams are, in general, a sign of the excitement of nervous action. Soft dreams a sign of slight irritation of the brain ; often in nervous fevers, announc ing the approach of a favorable crisis.— Frightful dreams are a sign of the deter mination of blood !o the bead. Dreams about fire ave, in women, signs of an im pending hemorrhage Dreams about blood auo r. d ol jeets are signs of inilaunnatorv conditions. Dreams about rain and water are signs of d'seased mucous membranes and dropsy. Dreams of distorted forms are frequently a sign of abdominal obstruc tions and disorders of the liver.. Dreams in which th; patient sees any part of the body especially suffering, indicate disease in that part. Dreams about death often pu cedes apoplexy,which is connected with deteimiualion of blood to the head. The nightmare fincuhus ephialtcs), with great sensitiveness, is a sign of determina tion of blood to the chest. "To these," says Baron Von Feuclitersleben, " we may add that di earns of dogs, after the bite of a mad dog, often precede the appearance of hydrophobia, but mav be only the conse quences of excited imagination." Doctor Forbes Winslow quotes several cases in which dreams are said to have been prog nostic: " Aruaud de Vilieneuve dreamt one night that a black cat bit liiiu on the side. The next day an Hnthra.x appeared on the part bitten. A patient of Galen dreamt that one of bis limbs was turned into stone. Some days after this leg was paralyzed. Roger d'Oxetyn, Knight of the Bt company of Douglas, went to sleep in good health; towards the middle ol the night be saw in his dream a man infected with the plague, quite naked, who attacked him with fury, threw him on the ground after a desperate struggle, and, holding him between bis open thighs, vomited the plague into his mouth Three days after he wa9 seized with the plague and died. — HyppoCrates remarks that dreams in which one sees black spectra are a bad omen." A Judicial Solomom Decides a Cow Cask. —ln Dayton. Oido. recently, a man and a woman laid separate claims to a cow. Each proved by a crowd of witness es that the other was at fault, ai d each proved too, their respectability ami integ rity. Under such circumstances it became evident that both were honest in their claims, and the justsce, with the wisdom of Solomon, directed the cow to be sent into a (old with others. The man tried ail his persuasive powers, but the cow would not recognize bira. The woman called out, " Polly !" and the intelligent an imal scatteied the crowd that surrounded her and broke for the woman, w here she rubbed her nose agiinst bor mistress,over- j -ye.l to find Iter. The justice dccid- d the cow was hers. JtfH' Waggs went to the depot of one of our railways 1 lie other evening, and find ing the best. car full, said in a loud tone : " Tins ear isn't going I" Of course these words caused a general , -Hampede, and Waggs look the best seat. The cars soon moved off. In the midst of the indignation Waggs was questioned : " You said this car wasn't going." " 4V ell, it wasn't th< n, it is now !" The " sold" laughed a little, but \V aggs came near getting a good thrashing, I'ridknck.—A Jers>yinan called at a ; hardware store, and, after being shown a ' , large assortment of scissors, turned to the ' j cleik, remarking : " My w ife s putty sick, | and it's about au even thing if she gets I auy better ; guess I'll wait and see if she 1 j gets belter 'fore 1 buy any scissors," A lively convict in an Indiana Jail, rush ed nut of ihe door of hn cell as it was opened opened to lot in his supper, turncd.the key on i Ihe iailor, and bade a hasty adieu 10 thai | vicinity. i Kind I'hOLoht.—A good woman nev er grows old. Years may pass over her ' head, but if virtue and benevolence dwells in her heart, she is as cheerful as when the spring-time of life opened to her view, i When we never think of her age, she looks a.m charming as when the rose of youth bloomed on her cheek. The rose has not faded yet — it will never fade. In her farn j ily she is the light and delight. In her neighborhood, she is the friend and bene factor. in the church, the devout and exem plary christian Ob, who does not respect and love the woman who has pa"t days in acts of kindness and mercy — who has been ; the friend of God aud man — whose whole life has been a scene of kindness and love —a devotion to truth and religion ! We repeat, such a woman ean never grow old She will always be fresh and buoyant in spirit, and active in humble deeds of uiercy and benevolence. Tiie Lay oh of Woman. —Woman has no natural gift more bewitching than a sweet laugh. It is like the sound of tiutes on the water. It leaps from her like a clear sparkling rill ; and the heart that hears it feels as if bathed in the cool, ex hilarating spring. Have you ever pursued an unseen fugitive through trees, led on by a fairy laugh — now here, now lost, now found ? We Lave ; and we are pursuing that wandering voice to this day. Sometimes it come to us in the midst -of care or soriow, or irksome business, and then we turn away and listen, and hear it ringing in the room like a silver bell, with power to scare away the evil spirit of mind. How much we owe to that sweet laugh ! It turns prose to poetry ; it flings floweis of sunshine over the darkness of the wood in which we are traveling ; it touches with I ght even our sleep, which is no more than the image of death, but is consumed with dn-ams that are the shadow of immortality. — Prentice. A Mystery Explained, — Kcv. Mr. of Khinebeck, Dutchess County, is a bachelor. Noticing early in the spring that one of his members, a married lady, was not at meeting for several Sabbaths, he called to ask the reason, As her reply was somewhat evasive, he surmised that she had "notlijng to wear," said he : "You are waitiug for your spring bon net, 1 suppose. Weeks passed and still she did net make her appearance. He therefore thought he would call again. Approaching the house, he saw her siti.ng at the window, aud blandly re marked • "Good morning. Ilave you received your spring bonnet yet ? ' "Yes, sir," she archly replied. "Shall I show it to you ?" "If you please," answered the wondering pastor. Holding up a wee bit of a baby, she said blushing : "This is the spring bonnet I was waiting for ; did I do right T A Practical Enoch Ardes. —One fine day a soldier who had been reported killed, "but was only a prisoner, returned home to fine that his wife had turned over a new leaf in the marriage service, and that another man occupied his seat in the chimney corner. Did he go to work slaughtering the false v ife and new hus band ? Not much, he walked in and said : "Well, old gal, how is things ?" "Puty good, Bill," said the double mar ried waman, not taken back greatly. "Which do you prefer, the old or the now love ?" She hesitated for au instant and then said : "I don't like to hurt your feelings, but —but—" "Oh, spit it right out. Don't mind my feelings. nor the other chap's ! I won tbe angry if you come down a little rough on mv vanity. Count on me being amiable. I won't cut up nasty if you should go back on me." "I'm triad you're so thoughtful, Bill ; and I acknowledge that 1 do like my pres ent husband best ; but if anything should happen to him, I know nobody else I would so soon join fortunes with again as you." "That's the way to talk it. I'lHiow bid you good bye, hoping that no Occident will happen to the other fellow, and that he will like lontr to enjoy your delightful socielv. Good day." And the careless husband traveled off, with his knapsack oo his back, whistling in cheery clear tones, "The girl I left be hind me," An old lady who had never traveled in the cars, resolved last year to visit Boston. She had no sooner alighted from the car than a man took hold of her arm with the usual, "Have a hack V Looking him full in the face, (the drawled out hesitatingly. "Waal I dunno, be they good to eat ?" A Maine mechanic has procured a pat ent for an invention for running shafting at right angles or at any angle, without the use of gearing or belting. Tbe idea is en tirely novel. A slide bar is placed in the angle, and motion transferred by the ac tion of a double crank on each shaft. The machinery runs without the least noise. — Bonner's horse Dexter i said to be ten i years old. TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance. Pist aito gftfiftfoise. A minister of the Established CoarchJ ia England,asked an itinerant preacher, "iiow ; does it happen that you have not more doc | tors of divinity in your connection ?" The I reply was. "Because our divinity is never sick." .t A Lawyer had his portrait taken in his favorite attitude, standing with his hands in his pockets. "It would resemble him more j closely," said an acquaintance, "if he had hie ; hands iu somebody else's pockets." THE PRINTER.— Printer —fool enough, Puffs the folks ao funny ; lie does all the pufl They get all the money ! "John, did Mrs. Green get the medicine I j ordered ?" "I guess so " replied John, "for I saw crape on the door next morning." Some one has sweetly said of those who die young, that they aie like the Alpine lauib which shepherds bear ia their arms to higher and greener pastures, that thd flocks uuy follow them. Keep up the habit of being rc £ pectcd, and do not attempt to be more amusing ' and agreeable than is consistent with the preser vation of respect. It is more difficult, and Calls for higher energies of soul, to lve a martyr thsn to die one. An anecdote of Sir William Hamilton, itr his account of the clearing away of some des mohshed houses after a Sicilian earthquake evinces the strength of maternal affection.— "Beneath the ruins," says he, " the meD were discovered in an a'titude of resistance* and the women in that of prayer, saving only the mothers, who were invariably found brooding over their children." ' 4 >- If you your iips Would keep from slips, Five thing 6 observe with care Of whom you speak, To whom you speak, And how, and when, and where. A modern philosopher, taking the motion of the earth on its axis at seventeen miles a second, says that if you take off your hat in the street to bow to a friend you go seven teen miles bareheaded without taking cold. The people of both Chicago and Xew York who ride on tbe passenger railways of those cities, are marvelling greatly at the great vigs or of what they call '"insect lite on the cars.'' A Yankee being asked to describe bis wife said : "Why, sir, she'd make a regular fast go-a-head steamer, my wife would—she has a wonderful talent for blowing up." A very modest young lady who was a pass senger on board a packet sbip, it is said, sprung out of her berth, and jumped over board on hearing the captain, during a storm order the mate to "haul down the sheets." John Brougham, in company with a friend once called at the house of Bancroft, the his torian. "They tell me," said the latter to Brougham, in the course of conversation, "that you love a glass of wine." "Those who so informed you," replied Brougham, "have done me a great injustice— they should have said a bottle." "I'm a broken man," exclaimed a poet. — "So I think," was the answer, "for I have seen your pieces." Our lives are truly at an end when we are beloved no longer ; the chilliness of the grave has been passed through. If ill-luck befall you, think that it may be a blessing to somebody else, and that your turn may come next. -*• — Love is the shadow of the morning, which decreases as the day advances. Frteudship is the shadow of the evening.which strength ens with the setting sun of life. A teacher of penmanship,in twelve lessons, taught a lawyer to read his own writing. The officer who recently arrested a savage blow has since further distinguished himself by stopping a flying report, and catching a violent cold. Why is a kiss like the creation of the j world 1 Because it is made of nothing aDd ia : all very good. | "Won't the boa constructor bite me | aa id a little boy to a showman. "Oh, no,boy I he never bites—he swallows his wittlea whole." -• Josh Billings says : if you trade with a Yankee, steal his knife fust, f>r if he gets to whittling you are gone in spite of thunder. Subscribe for the Wyoming Dmvtrat, NO. 16.