Local and Personal. * ' ponat'on. The friends of the Rev. C. R. Land ar. invited to mike him * Donation visit, at his residence, Thanks iving Dy< November 28th, afternoon and evening j Cbild ren wl " not admitted on Thursday, but invited to attend on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. By order of Committee. Foot Crushed. Mr stenry Rosengrant, Jr , while working about the stone-work at the R. R. bridge at this place, on Friday last, had his foot severely crushe 1. Though dig iyrtitand power.- ft endurance wbove a . u , eß the exciulisting pain caused Hank to think enough!-pretty nearly out loud. jure. Grundy Flora MeFlimsey and several other flambergasted females have concluded that in order to dress in a suitable manner to appear in the "higher circles" thev will have to purchase some of the cast-off, sec ond-hand fripperies of the distinguished Mrs. Lin- Cooti. Sensible women, in this region, select their street-sweepers frutn the immeuae etoak of new and eleganHltfl# f drdß now on exhibition at the store of ShertfiWi A Yafhrop, one door below Wall's Hotel. Still Another 1 One not familiar with our town might suppose, from our frequent references to bri Iges, that the town, like Venice, was a " sea-girt island," a sort of city on a sea. Indeed we are blessed, or cursed — as one chooses to have it—with our full complement of bribes. We also have .,goodly aapply of-terra frtna— as the faces, feet and hands,of scores of our healthy dirt-rcvgling youog America will testify,— nut to ingress frpm bridges to dirty feces—Mr. Perry Jtfarcy, ; whe haethe eo.itruot for the construction of the BorOogh briJgVat the "east en!?* we are told is pushing on the work with all possible dispateh, in order to make a safe and convenient passage for the crowds of people who are turning their attention to the extensive stick of Dry Gools Groceries, Hard ware and general uier;hanJise now kept at the store of Iluunell A Bannatyne iu Stark's brick block on Tioga street. Vendues. Yendm bills have been printed at this office, for the sale of stock, Ac., as follows : By Andrew F'reewan, in Overfielu, Saturday 16tb inst., fot sale —two cows. By Wright Broadbeot, in Clinton —Situ nlay 23d inst., for sale, of cows, 1 yearling Bull, 3 Calves, 10 sheep—spring-wagon, plows, farming utensils, Ac. By D. C. Post, in Falls, Wednesday 2Jth inst. for sale of 5 cows, 3 yearlings, 1 yoke oxen, 1, 8 year old mare, FsfctlftoU, wagon, harness, Ac., Persons wishing to purchase the stock and articles mentioned, will make a uite of days and places of sale and attend. The Canal Rtidgcw Which for sotne months put have been in such condition as to furnish a rubject for bitter, and some times unrea.-4jn.ible complaints, are now being put in such condition as wiil oblige all croakers OR canal bridges to hunt upanother theme on which they may gratify their morbid, cmplaining propensities. Three entirely new bridges of good width, built in the very best manner, ana of the very best material, are now being put up. With all persons familiar with the facts in rela tion to the bridges, the company are less deserving ofeen-ure for what may have appeared to some, an uiiexcuiable neglect than these chronic complainers will allow. We shall prob bly adv-rt to this subj -ct at some future time, in order to show that there has beeu but little reason far the censure which has been so freely bestowed upon the company. While it is a fact that many of our citizens and business men have suffered much inconvenience for want of the lower bridge it also is a fact that they ina le less com plaint than some of those busy bodies who were actually benehtted by having trade and travel diverted to ward their business places. That.ka. We are under many obligations to several friends in different part* of the County who have recently taken an interest in the su-cess of the Democrat, which they have manifested in a pactical business like manner by calling the attention of their friends And neighbors to the importance of subscribing for it- By the aid of these true friends, and by our own ef forts to make our paper a necessity in every house hold in the county, we have greatly increased its circulation and consequent usefulness since August last. Let the gwd work go on ! With a little effort on tba part of one or two persons in each township, our circulation could be in.re.-isod at least one-third.- - We would than ba enabled to make the paper, if one third batter than it now is. Democrats should bear in mind that the success of our princi ples depends upon the knowledge the masses possess of them. This is best attained through a live Dem ocratic local paper—such as wo propose to print. Leaves Have Their Time to Fall, &e. A few evenings since we chanced to observe a dev otee of bnccbus, who, apparently, had imbibed too freely of the •' anti-prohibitory excitement," which so recently swept over the " hub of the universe," endeavoring to bold tip a lamp post that he was grasping in loving embrace, but in spite of his efforts he wojlJ come to the ground or the ground would come to him —he could hardly decide which. The scene was eminently sugges/ive, an i called to our mind the following stanza, said to have originated with a poet in one of his bacchanalian reveries. The sentiment rather than the pastry is suggestive : " Leaves have their tine to fall, so have I ; Bat the difference 'twixt the leaves an 1 mo Is, that 1 falls harder and more frequently." Information Wanted Of the wberqeiyiirfi of .George IV; Hdlorihack, who left hi* bojite*irf ifiCUfryvillsA** iuie last August Was going to work for -Mr. Carpenter about three miles from Factory ville, but did not stop there. Was last seen in Tunkhannock. Any information Concerning him will be thankfully received Towauda, Pittston and Wilkes-Barre papers please Copy. I>. V. IIOLLE.SBACK. Factoryville, Pa , Nov 12, 1867. Teachers' Institute. A Teachers' Institute will be held at Tunkhan nock, Wyoming county, Pa, commencing Tuesday, December "2d, 15671 PROGRAMME. Tuesday A M., meet at 10 o'clock for organiza tion, social intercourse, A a., and adjourn for dinner. 2 o'clock P. M., Intellectual Arithmetic, by Miss Jane Bodte. 3 o'clock, Essay, by ,Mtss M. £. D Wites when his own reservoir oi oil took fire from holding a han l-lamp over it- and yet talk about " veracity." (Lull unyon ask for a plainer example of " honesty undone V I also have statements quite as credita_ trie as bis, that the Eureka will not burn so long a. Kerosene, and its illuminating properties are certain ly inferior. None but scientific individuals will ap preciate fully his essay on oxygen- capital illustra tion, only it appl'es on the wrong side ' for oxygen is not chemically combined (though ictiinately mijced with nitrogen) in the atmosphere ; anil I can con vince anyone who will call, that if benzine be at nil combined in his oil. 'he affinity is so slight that a moderate degree of heat will disengage it in the furui of vapor or gas. Still that illustration is about as relevant as the jumbled fable. Practical arguments are not wanting I could mentiou several prominent cases in which the oil was tried and abandoned, even before its public con demnation They did not like its behavior. Now I can enumerate others, if necessary. It is simply safe as benzine .which all know to be the unsafe part obtained troin crude potroleum during the process of refining. There may be those who doubt my authority in this matter, an 1 wi;l not satisfy themselves by see ing the incomplete exjieriiuents I am prepared to make, Allow me therefore to offer an extract from a letter written by Mr C. P. Matthews, a practical chemist,one of the firm of Matthews Bros.,oil dealers, Scranton, Pa. I hare uo doubt I can elicit any de sirable amount of similar testimony from the highest authorities. AoJ I assure J W. R. that it was not written out of " malice" toward him, for his fame has never reached so far. Mr. Matthews says : " The fcureka oil or any other oil that has i.ny Ben zine, Gasoline, Benzole or Xuptba in its composition wiil explode ; and, in my opinion, the man does not live who can combine anything with the lightest portion of Petroleum (which is Benzine) that wil' make it non-explusire." To ail fair minds this must be conclusive E H. WELLS, M. D. "Come up as a Flower." Is the title of an autobiographical story of the richest kind just issued ly D. Appleton A Co, New York. The London Timet speaks of it with great praise Its chief merits consist of the powerful and i vigorous manner in which it is told, in the exceeding i beauty and poetry of its sketches and scenery, and 1 in the soliloquies, sometimes quaintly humorous, , sometimes cynically bitter, sometimes plaintive and melancholy, which are ottered by the heroine It is written by a lady—a new hand, and is said to be so extraordinarily good, that whenever you begin it you cannot lay it down again, hardly even when it is finished New Y'orit: D. APPLETON A Co. Price, 60 cents. More Economical. Remarkable certainly of prompt action, in fact every good quality is guaranteed for Mrs. S. A. AL- I.E.N'S IMPROVED (neie style) HAIR RESTORER or DRESSIJIU, {in one bottle ) Every Druggist sells it. , Price One Dollar. "Their Xante la I.eglon." Miy be applied to the innumerable diseases to which the skin is subject. It would be well for those wbo are afflicted with apparently incurable ulcers, old sores erysipelas BDd eruptions, to use 1 Grace's Celebrated Salve, which cures in a very •"hort time, cuts, burns, scalds, flesh wounils, Ac. Ancient Fine Art#. To THE EDITOR OK THE NEW YORK HERALD. Respecting the relics of porcelain ware found in the late exhumations at Ilercula neuin, which have been forwarded to the So ciety ol Antiquities in London, whereof your corresp-uident says the bottle resembling Drake'- Plantation Bitters was undoubtedly placed among (he rums by the agent of Dr. Drake, we desire to state he,is incorrect in every respect. If a bottle was found there bearing our lettering he language of the an cient Romans was different from the accepted literafu eof that day. Our agent has other business than this in Europe, and has noi been tn lialy a' all No doubt Americans carry Plantain n Rulers to Rome ; but try ing to impose upon a s< ciety of Antiquarians in this way, seein- quiie u-eless, and we do not appreciate the joke. It is unnecessary for us to spend money in Europe while we are unable to supply the demand for these celebrated Bitters here. Respectfully, P. n. DRAKE & CO > Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. Married. GREGG—HARDING-At the resilience of the bride'a father, io Eaton Township, on the 6th inat., by E. A. Taft, late chaplain 179 th N. Y. Voir, Gen. Wo. M. Oregg, of Elmira, and Mr. Cordelia Harding, of Maaeillon, Ohio, Died, BUNNELL —L'nna Moor®, daughter of Geo. N. and Frances E. Bunnell, Oct. 26th, aged 20 months and 14 days. ADAMS—At the Eaglo Hot-1 in Pittston, Pa., Oct 17th , Oscar Adams, of Typhoid Fever, after a brief illness of live days, aged a little over nine teeo years. He left his home in Mehoopany only a few days before apparently in perfect health, and so soon re tarns to his friends in the embrace of death.— Oscar was kinu, obliging, modest and beautiful, and made lasting friends wherever ho went lie exirienct-d religion two years ago the com ing winter, but owing doubtless to not connect ing himself with any church, he became after a time rather negligent ot religious duty, but not losing en tiie'y his hope in Christ. Inn lucid moment during his siekuesr, he said, " I should like to go home and see mother, brothers and sisters, and young friends, but never shall Toll them all to meet me in Heaven." How sad a blow has fallen upon his loving parents and relatives. May God bless and sustain the'n. — The very large corfeonrse of wecpiug friends at b>s funeral tells how much he was loved and how greatly he'will be missed, llow true, "death loves a shin ing mark." Rest! Oscar, rest! we trust we shall meet thee in Heaven. Mehoopany, Nov. 8, 1367 J S. S. f.prrjai BcHrrs. fT-JITIN TUE The necessity of a due proportion of iron in the blood is well known to all medical men ; when it becomes reduced from any cause whatever,the whole system suffers, the weakest part being first attacked, and a feeling or languor, lassitude, and "all gone ness" pervades the system Stimulants only afford TEMPORARY RELIEF, and have the samo effect as giv ing a tired horse the whip instead ot oats. The tiuo remedy is to supply the blool with the necessary quantity of iron. This can be done by using the PERUVIAN SYUUP. a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, which j is so prepared that it assimilates at once with the j blood, giving strength, vigor and new life to the ; whole system To ta'.e medicine to cure diseases occasioned by a deficiency of IRON IN THE BLOOD, without re storing it to the system, is like trying to repair a J buil ting when the foundation is gone. An eminent divine says : "I have been using the Peruvian Syrup (or some time past ; it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." Pamphlets containing certificates of cures, and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergy men and others, will be sent free to any address. The genuine has "PERUVIAN SYRUP" blown in the glass. J P. DINcMORE. Proprietor. No. 36 Dey St., New York Sold by .ill druggists For all the Protean forms of diseases originating SCROFULA such as Salt Rheum, Cancer. Consumption, Ac, there is nothing can equal the purifying effects of lodine when administered in a pure state. |)r. 11. Anders' lodine Water is a pure solution of lodine dissolved in water, with out a solvent an lis the best remedy f.ir Scrofula, and kiudred diseases ever discovered. Circulars free J P. LINSMORE, Sold by druggists generally 3C Dey St, New York v"nl4-lmo. Commercial Colics .—The success of Gardner's Business College and Ladies' Academy,at Scraoton; has surpassed all expectation The euros' of study is mure thorough—the terms are cbeiper an I gne better satisfaction thau any other College of the kind in Northern Pennsi Ivania. Life Scholarship 135, < 0 Cltitis at reduced rates Send tor College Paper giving full particulars. Address J. N. (laid- | ner, Principal, Scraoton. l'a vTnlUly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Ri v. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of t liarge; to all who desste it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem- ' ed.v by which he wag cured of a lung uffectien and that dread disease Corsumption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg No* York 6n4f ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Neivous i Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of ' youthful in iseretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send tree to all who need it the reeipy an 1 directions for making the simple remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect cmfilence, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4(/ TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN.! AEE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous J sieas s. Use licltnbold's Extract Buchu and Imp ; Sred Rose Wash. PERSONS - W ilO ARB GRAY Can have their hair restored to its natural color, j and it it has fallen out, create a now growth, by using HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE NE WER It is the best hair dressing in the world, making | lifeless, stiff, britsby bair. healthy, soft, and glossy, j Price SI 00. Eur sale by all druggists. R. P. HALL 4: CO: Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors, j G-en. G-rant IS THE MOST AVAILABLE MAN For President in 18G8! And the best place to buy your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARD WARE, BOUTS Sr SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, DISSS & IlIMh, SilS b CAPS, SiC, K, It at the Store of JENNINGS & CO, Where may be found a now and extensive stock of the above GOODS, inclujing, also BUFFALO ROBES. LADIES awl CHILDRENS FURS, Looking Glasses, Clocks, Horse Blankets, Ladies' ard Gents' Shawls, 4-c, \c., and in fact everything usually found in a country Store, which we will sell at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere JENNINGS A CO Mehoopany, Pa , Nov. 6, 1867.—v7n15m2. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Crane A Lull, of the Borough of Tunkh.innork, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent The business will be continued at the old stand by F. M. Crane, to whom the partnership accounts have been assigned, and with whom all settlements must be made. F. M. CRANE, GEO. M LULL. Tunkhannock, Nov. 5.1867. All persons indebted to the above firm, by note, book account or otherwise, are requested to make immediate settlement of the same. F. M, CRANE. Nov 5, 1867. IJffo giiertisfiiifiib. NEW HOLIDAY EOORS O. W. CARLETON & CO., Publishers. Love Letter*.— A selection of the most absorb ing character and interest, hum correspondence of | celebrated and notorious men and women Price 52,00 Widow Mprlgglttf,— A new comic volume, by | the author of 'Widow Bedott" Illustrated- •• • 1-.75 I A Book about Lawyer*.—A reprint of the in tensely curious London work, just published-••• 2,00 Epistles of C'c.ry O'l, aim*,--An irresistibly laughable book ot Comic opinious. Illustrated. 1,50 I Woman's Strategy .--A splendid new Enelish Love Story. Beautifully and profusely Ilu.-traiod : Price • • •> 1,50 Condensed Novels, and other Comic and Bur i lesque Papers. By Bret llirte. Illustrated••• 1,50 ' The tameren Prlde.—A most delightful new . home novel. By Jlary J. Holmes 1,50 Arlrmtis Ward in London.—A new Comic Booc by this great author. Illustrated 1,50 St. E'mo.—By the author of "Beulah." One of the best auJ must popular Novels of the age 2,00 The Culprit Fay.— A magnificent Illustrated Edition of ibis Po*Jn- Elegamly bound in gilt-1,500 How to Wake Money and how to Keep It. A valuable book that every one should reu 1 •* •• 1,50 The Habits of Cood Society.—An excellent work, teaching good manners and behavior I, to The Art of Coiivers.t*' on, ""A book that can not fail to make almost auy' one a S°° l talker** 1,50 The Art of Amusing—L lu tructions and Hints for every sort of Home Amusements. ,00 These books ore nil beautifully bo,'nd--sold every where —and sent by mail, pottage free, on receipt ol price, by G W.FARLETON A CO., Publishers, N, Y. "VTEIV SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1869 to the liLl'S i\ Tit AT EI) PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, at I 9'l a year, will receive Nov. and l>ec Nos. this year J Free, AddressS.lt WELLS, 369 Broadway, N. Y. BALLOITS MONTHLY MAGAZINE' FOR IHtiW. Enlarged to One Hundred Pages, , The circulation of BALLOI 'S MAGAZINE hav- ! iug increased during 1867 nearly Jifstn thovtan | rujies and never being so prospjrous as at press 1 II c publishers are thereby induced to still furth u Id to its v.'luo by t NI.ARCINO KACH MMBKR To oft ill MiREd I'AUES Ailhough this enlargement in- j volves an additional expense to mine S.'vUOU a year, 1 vet there will le no in cease in the price NOW IS THE TIME TO GET UP CLU3S. Terms ;—$ I*so a year ; seven copies, 89 00 ; twelve copies, 15,09 ; and a copy graft* one year lo the person .tending a rluh of tirelre Single number. 15 cents >n I stamp f>r specimen copy. The Cheapest Magazine in the Wor.d AiMrcss. ELLIOTT. Til'iMAS A TALBOTT, lin-tm, Mas-. l" A M VABB Klt 8 WANT Kl> . TIT jr are in want of CANY ASSING AGKNTa for V.V sioyntou s History of the Navy, the . most elcgict illustrated work ever issued in this or > any couot. v. Apply for Circular to j D. API'LLTON A CO, 443 A 445 Broadway, N, Y. j AGENTS WANTED FOR THE "History of the Secret Service." By Gen. L. C BAKER. The astounding revelations | and startling disclosures made in the this work arc j creating the most intei.se desire in the uiinds of the j people to ..main it. Its official character and ready , - ile, eom ine i with an increased commission,make ! it ti.e best subscription Book ever published. Benil j I'or circulars and see our terms, and why it sells tas ter than any other work. Address P GARRETT A CO.. 7u2 Chcs'iiut St., Philadelphia. - ! x DVEKTI-'BK'S GAZETTE. New Vol Price /X advanced to 82 per year in advance. Single j C. pies 25 cents. G. P. ROWKLL A f * *.. Publisb ers, N, N. t'ompte I.lst of all Newspapers i Michigan and Wisconsin in Nov. other num- ! her Also a complete list ot all Religious News pa pets in America. ['iliST MOHTGAGK BONDS, j ST. LOIIS A IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO Sevon j.cr cent, interest, February and August These Bonds cover a R .ad ot 91 miles, finished' from S. L"ui to Pilot Knob, and in first-eliss or- . d.-r, and an extension of about the same lengtn from pilot Knob, and to Belmont, now rapidly construct ing, for Which the proceed* <>t h -e bonds are to tie j used, making a thorough routp from Ft. Louis to j New Orleans by rail The earnings of the nioety- j one miles, are 8600,000 a year ; the net profits now . are s.ifii. ieuf to pay the interest . n the entire amount j of bonds, were they all issued. The basis of geeuri- j ty is believed to be beyond that ot any other bonds | now offered. App.lv at the office of the Company, j No. 43 Wall st , to 11. G. MARYLAND, We-Pre-i- ! dent, r to CLARK, DODGE A CO., corner of Wall j and Williaui-sts , New York City. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. OPPi SITI -N LINF. T " 1 "®- | PAST AGE and FREIGHT AT REDUCED RATES, For further information, aptly to. D. N. CA KING ON, Agt, 17"' West St., N, Y. MISSOURI LANDS,—IS,OOO acres cheiee farm ing and Timbei lands, in South Western Mis souri, at 81,25 pel acre (cash) in lots to suit- Title ! perfect. YVYi. 11ICK0K, JB. 30 Broad-st., New I Y'ork city [HYDRAUYGR^S FOKCE PUMPS ' |TS po wE it I*u M rs, Cowing & Co,, XTTW FLITS, I I EY'BRY'BODY' Can Cut Tui ik On Ci/.th- | irto for Men or Boys, by using Parsonr*" Self Instructing CnAitTs. Compdete se sent to any addreru, for $:,00. Agents order ; i sample. Send stamps for terms and circu lar. HUBBELL A PARSONS, Unadila.N. \ MADAM FOY'S f Corset Sklrt .supporter Combines in one garment a per pkct fitting CoRSET.and the most desirable Skirt supip*>rter ever of fered the public. It places the weight of the skirts u;on the shoulders insteid of the hips ; it improves the form without tight lacing; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians Sold rt la.iifs' Inter prods sloes gener ally ,and at wholesale by J. B N.YI XDEKS A CO. 9g Summerst ~ Boston, ami 22 Walker Street, N. Y. Also by IIENRY C. MOORE, 429 Market St. Philadelphia, and STF.LL.MANN. HINRICHS A CO., 21 Hanover Street. Baltimore, Md. $lO A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE, with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay sa...piles tree. Beware < f infringers. My circulars will ex plain. Address A. J- FULLAM, Spriugfield, Ver mont UPR -W*7|r7 PE STII.Ii LIVE I Don't be hum \/lf bugged tiy Improstors or ' patent ' cast iron or machine "Stencil tools." Sen 1 for our New Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIES, 20 va rieties nil of St el carefully finished nni tempered. S M. SPENCER A CO., Brattleboro. Vt. 31'R "IT 7 ANTED-AN AGENT -One chance ; n each W town, worthy the attention of an active busi ness man. to take tbe agency for tho sale of Brad street's Rubber Moulding and YVee.ther Strips, ap plied to the sides, bottom, top and centre of doors and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever of fered before to an agent, nßd from 810 to 825 pier day can be make. Send for agents' circuoir Tbe first who apply cau secuie a bargain. Terms for Moulding, cash. J. R. BRADSTKEKT A CO", Bos ton, MM, flcfo Jtortsfinrrib. TORRfeV'S PATENT WEATHER STRIPS.— An exarnina ion of its merits will convince nov one that Torrey's Patent Weathei Strips excel HI! other* Send for illustrated circular. Agents want ed in every town. E. S. A J TORREY ACO , Sole 1 Manufacturers, 72 Maiden Lane. Now York. WANTED—SALESMEN TO TRAVEL AND Se'l Goods by sample, Good Wages and steady I employment. Address, with ft imp, | HAMILTON, PERKY A CO.,Cleveland, Ohio. TIT ANTE 1 1—3 CENT —To sell a lire man V V iu ev* ry County. a business paying 5230 per in >nth sure. J, C. 'I ETON, Pittsburg. Penn I'AINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS—THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY' are now manufacturing tlie Rest, Cheapest and most Durante P.iiutin use; two ! coats well put on mixed with pure Linseed 0 1. will last 10 or 15 years j it is of a light brown ftr beauti ful chocolate color, and can be chm-'e I to green, I lead, Stone, olive, or drab, to suit™ the taste <>l I the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Earns, | Fences, Agricultural Implements.Carriage and Car ! makers, and Wooden- Ware, Canvas, Metal j and Shiogle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) ! Brbtgts, burial Cases. Canal Boats. Ships an 1 ships' Bottoms. Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used 5000bbls. the past ye ir.) and as a paint fr any pur)ioso is unsurpassed lor Body, durability, elastic ity and adhesiveness. Prices 6 per hbl. of 3('ofl>s which ; will supply a farmer fnryeors to coine. Warranted in all eases as above Send for ncircular, which gives I full particulars. None genuine unless branded tn a trade mark Grafton Mineril Pjint. Address DAN- I IEL BIDWELL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl st,N. Y*. ! Agents wanted. GPR THE RICHEST MAN IN THE I WORLD. ! Extract of a Letter from Barun Solomon Rothschild | PARIS, 9th Apr., 1864, 25 Rue Faulty, St II more Will ytu bo kind enough to have forwarded to I uie here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment ; if i Von will send at the same time the account, I will ' forward yon the amount through Messis. Belmont A I Co. New York | Baron Solomon Rothecliild having recommended to many of his friends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, , and they being desirous to procure it, he should ad- vise him to establish a depot in Paris. THEIXDIAN LINIMENT. I As a relief, ever ready ; s a killer of pain, taken in- ! .vnrdly or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the re/'ef and eure < f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec- | tions, Sprains. Bruises, Ac., it is unequaled. It is j also u. ost efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of { Cholera Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach, Jdi.ir- ! rhoea. D*v 'entcry, Chnlcra Morbus. Cholera Infantum Ac wild" is without exception the most woderful Pan acea the war. 1 afiords, No Family should be with out it Every . raveler by lan I or ses chould have a bottle. Miners i- "d Farmers residing at a distance from Physicians si. ould keep it constantly on band, In cas •of Aecidenst. and " u ! icn attacks of Stomach , Complaints, it* value 'sinoot be estimated. Inquire for Major LANE'S JN'T'IAN LINIMENT, and take no other l'riee aO'.ts. per bottle. For sale at w holes.leant retail by De mas B.rncs A Co., 21 Park R itv, New York : tio'o A Robinson. 1-6 Green wich st N. Y. ; F. C. Weils A Co., 192 Fulton-st . N, Y. : Chas N. Critt. nlcn. 33 6th Avenue, N Y. an Ihy respectable throughout the werld None g. Ouinc units. signed ''V John Thus. Lane and countersigned bv J, T. L.\NB A CO, Proprietors, 163 Brouuway, N, V u /' Seui orCircular. Gl'R QONSUMI'TION CAN EE CURED, The true remedy at last discovered, I phain s Fresh Meat Cure, prepared troni the formula of Prof. Trousseau of Paris, cures Consumption. Lung Dise is cs, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Mir isnius, Gen>ral He- . bility an t all morbid conditions of the system de- . pendent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant j to taste, and a single bot'le will convince the most I skeptical of its vintne as the gre ,t healing remedy j of the age. 81 a bottle, or site Ditties for 8 5 Scut i hv Nvpress. Sold bv S C FPIIAM.No 25 South [ Eight St.. Philadelphia, an i i r'.uipul Druggets.— ! Circulars sent free. Gl'lt A Physiological View of Marriage,' THE CHFAPKST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Thr°a Utmdred Pages And 130 fin' plates and tUC-'vinif "t the Anatomy of the Human Organs t-. ;l and Disease, with a treatise on Eail>" Errors, id Je plorable Consequences Q|>n the uiino l,n body, wit:, the Author's Plan of Trentuv nt—the W r , tii.nal and successful modem Cure, as sho.cn j report of eases treated. \ tru'hful alviser to " 18 j married and tho*e ..intern] I .ting m irriage, who en- ' teriwin ouhts .f thei" physical condition Sent fret ! of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in j stamps or post it currency, by a I trussing PR LA j CROIX, No 31 Maiden 1 ane, Albany, N. Y. he author may he consulted up,n any of the diseases upmn whi-h his hook treats ei.her persnnall or by ! mail. Medicines suit o >ny >art .f tie w -rl 11 GPP j \VK A E COMING, And will present to any person sen ting us a club in our Great One Price S de, of Dry n I F in v Goo s. Acs a S.lk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch . Ac., free of co-d, Catalogue of goo is, and sample, sent to any address iree. Address J 8. HA\t E"* A CO., 30 llanover St., Boston Ma.-s. 1' 0. Bo* 5125. Tins IS NO HUMBCGI!— By sending 30 rents and st imp with age, height color of eyes and hrnir.you will receive. hy return mail, a cornet pic ture of yi ur future husband r wife, with nam" and date of marriage. Address MINNIE CLIFTON, P" 0. Drawer No. 8, Fultqnville, N. Y, LADIES & GENTLEMAN You can have .a beautiful Card Pliotosrraph Jrcc of expense, (with circulars of our great Dry and Fancy (roods Sale) by sending stamp for return pos tage to EASTMAN A KKSDALL, tis Uanover-st., Bos ton, Mass. 0 € It is tlie Best Chance ever offered to Agents One or days' time will secure a wood. Sewine Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Re volver, or some other article of equal value, Free ! of cost! Agents wanted everywhere, male an 1 fe- ; male, far tho best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sile in the country. Send for Circular. S C. THOMP SON A CO., ''WANTED—Agents to A A I *) tho best low priced SewingV-i U U i Sewing Machine ever made— either by the match or 'on commission. Our machine will sew, hem fell, j ! tuck, bind, and embroider equal to a high priced j I machine. Cut any third stitch, and the goods will tear before the satn will give out. From s7o to i ! £2OO per menth. expenses paid. Address BAKER • j SEWING MACHINE CO., Cle/eland, O. lIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT DTJCIXT7 Is a certain cure lor diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEK NESS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in M ADE OR FEMALE, I from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these organs require the use of a i diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity inav ensue. Our Flesh and BlooJ are sup i ported from these sources and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of re liable remedy lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by . 11. T HEI.MBODD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street,t'biladelphia,Pa v6n29-ly, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Whereas letters af administration to the estate of Sargent Kelly, late of the township of Tutikhan- I nock deceased, liavfe been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate are rcqnest ed to make immediate pavment. anl those having demands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the sauic duly authenticated, without delay. JAM Ed KELLY Administrator, j Lemon, Oct 12th, 1867. v7nil6w | MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are i iwyMoed oytlebMSiun'i tf travrr Baaiv, JJlistfllanttius. 3VEESAT IMC arket! The SubncCbttr aimouuivs to Ihe litizens a! Tiikhaii.i >ck B-.ro. anil vcinity. thai ho i ha- rxrlti-ivr d arn*? of the M E A T MARKET AT HE OLD STAND. ! And 'lt-i.'Mf. lien-afier to k"*P "n hand a! ail ■ iities ME'ATS-if ALL KINDS. The b-M ! ihat can b>* procured, winch * 'II positively be j - c K • p I:NN ' A . j Are now opening a large stocko Hardware, such as IRON, STEEL & fIAJLS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of j all kinds, C'utlery, Shovels, Seives, j Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, j Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. j HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of everv kind, llames, Iron Pad Trees, Sa 'die Trees, Gig Trees, Girth; Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls, and needles, LI alter Chains, Trace Chains, Ace. ike. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS, Wails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale anil retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly fur this market, and all they ask is an examination ot the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. Tunk. Pa. May 29th, 1867. ~ . NOTICE. THE firm of Ross. MILLS A Co., having been dis solved, the notes and aveounts of said Srm have been It-It with Smith A Ross for settlement. Perßoi s j indebted are respectfully requested to call and settle I without delay, by so doing save costs. ROSS, MILLS A CO. Tunkhannock, Nov. stb, 1867. —vToHwJ. JjliscfUaiuous. T'AKM JEItS ANL> ME C IIA NIC Take Notice. PLAIt 1N G and MATCHING, CIRCULAR antf SCROLL .LOVI N G . [ ALL KINDS of M ACi/ l - N * F -iiY £p"r-. . in good >'>le '■ PLOWS, NARROWS, (. 'Ef.TfVA TORS, HOi2SE-HoeEb, ROLLERS, and > SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. 1 Power and hand Cornshellera; and .Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERY. v 6 *i43-ly. WE KEEP A LAORE stock of carpets, AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides* ! SHEIiMAN tf LATH BOP. ! ! TheLas^^^uCce^ IS THE IMPROVED fflimßEsy RAIRDRESSINII w inoneJßoiCte prjCEONEDGU/IR ORIGIN AND Iir.'TORV OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. BV PROF. CALVIN E, STOWE, D, D. A work of real value, and an almost indispensabl conpaniori of the Bible, shorting what the Bible is not, what it is. and bow to use it • answering all the objections t" its authenticity urged by modern inflo dels, and tracing the authority of each book up to its inspired authors, giving a vttftstnoufit of informa tion heretofore locked up very rare nnd cosily vol umes, making one of the most popular books ever published 1000 Agents "Wants >l. i Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school I :cachers anil others should send at once for circulars I giving further information. j Address, ZEIOLER, AfeCTRDY ACO 1 v7n3-4m. 5t 1 Chestnut Street, I'hilad'a. Pa- INFORMATION. information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upou a bald head or beardless fac->, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotch*?. Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same sett I clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing TIIO3. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 623 Broadway, Ken Ve-rk EXECUTORS xoncn. Whereas letteis testamentary to the esta'c j of I'din Bird late of iVleshoppen, decease'"* j have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate are ri' j quested to make payment, and lb sc having j claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, will make known the same without delay to JOHN II BIRD, EXT. MI sh .ppen, Oct 29. 1867. —v7ul3. REGISTER'S NOTIC E. Notice is hereby given to all persons intei ! ested, that the following nccotr.ts and clait j have been tiled in the Rogißter r s Office in a d | (or W yntning county, will he presented'to too ! Orphans Co'-,it to be heltl at Tunkhaiuioih, j in and for the same county, on M ndav t ; I 18ili day of N 'vember nex', for conflrmati' i | and alio Vance : Fint,i account of Cordelia TTarding, nd*n ; ' * ,i,r dor ol '.he estate of E. Q Harding, dcc'-i j F lie I 4'cpt. 30th, 1867 ' Fmal account of R anna Baker and (. . j Vanosdall. administrators of tire estate 1 Win. II Baker. la ! e o( Rlrshipprn towrsbiy. doe'd. Fded Sept. 30th, 1867. Widow's c'aun in the estate of John Cy> tillers. late of Lemon town-lop, dec'tl. Filed t Aug 21,1867. 0. L PARRISn. Register. Register'* Office, Oct. 23, 1867. • j Pictures. M J. B. STrRDEVANT would nform the either.* } | of Wyoming County thai he may again be found c ! his rooms tn M.thoppen, ready to w..it on any v. I may wish anything in the picture line, . i A word to tue wise is sufficient. | v7-ul2 4w NOTKF j Ts hereby given, that I have placed in possessor | of Snnuel Pailey Jr., ot" pair of steers, to ho ko) * by hitu during iuv will and pleasure—allpersons ar* forbid molesting or interfering with the same. , DAVID PATRICK, o Ovcrfield Pa,Oot. 7th 19G7-vTnldtf SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED oj Helmboia't Extract Uuetiu,