Local and Personal. justices of the Peace Should not fail to send in the recogniwinoes taken before them, in all criminal cases, at least ten days before Court. Qnestlon. Who will bring us a load or two of pumpkins, on subscription? Don't all speak at once—but bring along the pumpkins. Look Out 1 If our delinquent subscribers don't send or bring UJ what they owe us pretty soon, we shall have to go to printing bogus 10-40 bonus with which to pay our honest debts. Tunkhantiock Seminary. We announce with much satisfaction, the fact that Mr E AY Watson proposes to establish a Seminary at this place, For the coming winter, he will occupy the public school house By Spring, it is to be hoped, arrangements will be completed for the erec tion of suitable buildings and for the permanent es tablishment of such an institution in 6Ur town. The Fall term of this Seminary will commence on the 25th inst., and continue 12 weeks, For further information inquire of R. R. Little, E-q .at this place; or of the Principal at New Mil ford, Pa. The Me-hr.ppen Meeting. The Democratic Meeting and Buck-roast at Me shoppen on Wednesday last, was, considering the un favorable condition of the weather, largely attended. After partaking of a most excellent dinner at the Fellows' Hotol, speeches were delivered by Col. V. E. i'iolleti and Wm M. Piatt, Esq., which elicited frequent bursts of applause. The Tunkhannock and Laceyville brass bands were present, and vied with each other in"furnishing music for the occasion. The utmost enthusiasm and best of feeling prevailed. Peaches; B. M. Stone, of the Ft. Sumpter Grocery- Store, has just received, we are told, 1200 quart cans of peaches, fresh from the peach orchards of Delaware. Liost. * Lost on the street between the M. E. Church, and my home, an oval, revolving Breast-pin, with locket arrangement for pic tures. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the 6aras to me. ETTA OVERJIELD. Death from an Accident. A boatman from Eituira, N. Y. named Jud son Scott, who had his leg broken by a kick from a horse, about two weeks since, died at Medioppen last week lie is said to have been the owner of considerable property which he disposed of by will, which, from ex'reme physical weakness he was uuablo to sign. Unexpected demise- We see by the posters about the Meat market of Charley Harding, that old trust who has been the bare of the butchers in this place, has departed sad bereavement to the printer.—Poor pay was the cause of his taking off—cash down, is said to he his sue | cessor at, thai establishment. Anew way to Adverii e. An enterprising firm in this place have res cently hit upon an entirely novel and appar ently successful way of advertising an exten sive and elegant siock of" Dress Goods and Trimmings, Cloaking*, Carpeting* Ac. Their plan seems to be about a- follows : They first gather up .all their accumulated shin i pla-ters. These they take to the city aDd exchange on the most favorable terms for elegant styles of dress goods and other arti cles which ladies, do most dearly, love to have. These goods are then brought here and sold at marvelously low prices to ladies, who, when they get a fine dress, dou't care a fig who sees it ; and who, when asked about the price, allow their mouths logo off. To hear ihe dear creatures talk, at some of their accidental meetings—where they get together on purpose to discuss these matters —onu would think that Sherman Lathrop had more dress patterns Ac., than the late Mrs. "Government'' and were beating that lady badly, on prices. This funny way of advertising is giving them crowds of cus tomers who, seizer like—come, and see, and take. Large Cucumber Crop' HORSE RACE DAM, Oct. 26, '67. Mr. EDITOR : In looking over the report of the Nicholson Agricultural Fair, I noticed some very interesting articles and some very funny one 9 oil exhibition, as there is noth ing said about how much the expense of those are, I wish to publish by your jiermis sion, a statement of a crop of cucumbers that I have raised this season. I planted a very trifle over two square rods of ground, with cucumber seed, in drills, and the product is as follows: While growing, we used all we needed for table use and gave away a great many, besides selling about §5 worth at oDe time. 1 have also pickled 3,100 in salt, the most of which I have sold at one dollar per hundred, which will yield about .§ls per rod, multiplied by 100—the number of square rods in the acre—will produce two thousand four hundred dollars per acre, extra of ex pense, as those used while growing will pay all expenses. Will some of our enterprising gardners beat this in Little Wyoming 1— Yours, Truly. JOIIN MELIIUISII. The Oil Question. We gladly give place to the following,which entirely relieves us from any responsibility ou the question of the explosivencss or non cxpLsiveness of the Eureka Oil. The mat ter is now fairly at issue between the Doc tors- If the question is to be further discussed, we hope the dis cussert will try to be as "short and sweet" in their communications as the nature of the case and their natures will a'low. In any event, we hope they will be shorter than the average of Dr.'s bills,and sweeter than any of their pills. We migat add, that, in our opinion, any talk about animals is foreign to the subject under discussion. In the matter of epithets, Drs. should confi ;e themselves to doctrinal turns. They taay call each other Butchers, blisterers, scurfs, scabs, pill-peddlers, pukes, *nd such other names as their explosive na tures may prompt. The right to call each other Jackasses, has become by long, unin terrupted usage, one that belongs exclusively to editors. It is therefor* trespass upon editorial prerogatives for Drs. to talk of lion skins, long ears, &c. MR. EDITOR ; I noticed in last weeks Democrat, an article modestly signed E. H. Wells, M. D., in which communication he makes the broad assertion that "a newly in vented burning fluid," sold by the undersign ed, is Explosive, and cautions the public against using it, &c- Whoever wrote that article,whether M. D, or some one else, appears to have a very lim ited knowledge of Chemistry and is profound ly ignorant concerning the Laws of chemical combinations. Look at his argument. He says : "The basis of the fluid is Benzine, aDd any one hav ing the slightest knowledge of the chemical properties of tbis article will tell you that it is htghly explosive." He does know perhaps that although Ben zine mav be explosive when not combined with other substance*—yet when joined with the other constituents that compose the "Eureka Oil," form a fluid that is not explo sive. He might with the same propriety "from a a sense of duty," write a labored article ad vising the public not breathe the atmosphere, because it contained oxygea. We all know that Oxygen is essential to respiration ; no animal can live in an atmos phere daprlved of Oxygen ; yet at the same time pure Oxygen is injurious to life on ac count of its highly stimulating properties,all of the functions becoming extremely excited. We cannot exist without the atmosphere, al though at the same time one of its .constitu ents breathed by itself into our lungs is high ly injurious to life. Many other such instances in Nature might be cited, but this is sufficient to show the fallacy of M. D.'s argument and that his ba sis is untenable. We make the assertion here "and claim to know whereof we affirm," that the oil undwr consideration is not explosive, and challenge and defy any one to prove the contrary. We also say that it gives a softer and more agreeable light than Kerosene,it burns equal ly as long, can be used in the same lamp9,and the same wick and chimney that is employed in burning Kerosene, and last but not least in importance, this oil can only be obtained at my Drug Store, for the trifling sum of 40 cents per gallon. We should add in this con nection, that the only change to be made in the lamp, is in the burner, which can be pur chased of me at a trifling cost. We read of a Certain animal once on a time, for the purpose ot accomplishing a certain object, donned the skin of a lion, but unfor tunately the ears protruded, and thus his identity was discovered. This innocent and unoffensive young man tells us " he was actuated to a sense of duty" when he warns the people to beware of the fluid lurking in their lamps. How very uncharitable for any one even to hint that envy or malice actuated him. He don't care whether you buy the "Eure ka Oil" of me at 40cts a gallon, or get of Lyman & Wells, the Kerosene at 60cts, He evidently is disinterested, and simply wi-hes to become a Public Benefactor. Deal gently with the young man, consider it as "an error of the bead and not of the heart," only a youthlul indiscretion, he too perhaps is desirous of sieifig Ins name in the public prints, bis motive was pure, "was ac tuated only by sense of duty." We have nothing to say personally against the innocent young M. D., but we fear his present surorundings are such that will not tend much to enhance his happiness, or to es tablish his character for sincerity and veracity J. W. RIIOADS. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. Its good effects are Permanent, In this it differs from all hair dyes. By use luxuriant growth is guaranteed, natural color and gloss are restored. One trial will cause you to say this of Mrs. S, A. Allen's Improved (New Style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. As a Tonic aud Appetizer. Nothing can equal the effect of Dr. 11. An ders' lodine water. Unlike all stimulants its effect is permanent, building up the body,and giving strength and vitality to all parts of the system. In old and chronic cases it may be used with almost a certainty of success. Ancient Fine Arts. To THE EDITOR or THE NEW YORK HERALD. —Respecting the relics of porcelain ware found in the late exhumations at Hercula neum, which have been forwarded to the So ciety of Antiquities in London, whereof your correspondent says the bottle resembling Drake's Plantation Bitters was undoubtedly placed among tba ruins by the agent of Dr. Drake, we desire to state he is incorrect in every respect. If a bottle was found there bearing our lettering, :he language of the an cient Romans was different from the accepted literature of that day. Our agent has other business than this in Europe, and has not been in Italy at all. No doubt Americans carry Plantation Bitters to Rome ; but try ing to impose upon a society of Antiquarians in this way, seems quite useless, and we do not appreciate the joke. It is unnecessary for us to spend money in Europe while we are unable to supply the demaud for these celebrated Bitters here. Respectfully, P. n. DRAKE & CO. Who Appreciates the fact That there is any great importance attach ed to such a commodity as a PILL 1 It is generally supposed that anybody caD make them, as all can take them. But visit the laboratory of Dr. J. C. Ayer and you will be 1 disabused of the idea, that it is a trifle to make any medicine and adapt it to the wants iof millions of men—to so adjust it to their needs, and so cure their complaints, as to make them its constant customers in all the I zones. Physicians find it requires some skill |to adapt their doses to a single patient: ask them if it is not an intricate problem to ad just a purgative pill to the necessities of un* told numbers, so that it shall benefit them nearly all. Dr. Ayer's laboratory supplies 60,000 doses of his Pills per diem,or 19,000, 000 a year. Think of that Esculapins ! Well may it whiten the head of any man to amidn ister to that amount of suffering,and especial ly when, as is here evident, everything i 6 done with the extremesl nicety and care.— [Randolph (Vt ) Statesman. fecial flutim. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free lrom all injuriou properties, and immediate in its action. iptrjal ftotitw. IRON IN THE BLOOD The necessity of a due proportion of iron in the blood is well known to all medical men ; when it becomes reduced from any cause whatever,the whole system suffers, the weakest part being first and a feeling or languor, lassitude, and "all gone ness" pervades the system Stimulants only afford TEMPORARY REI.IEF, and have the same effect asgiv. ing a tired horse the whip instead of oats. The true remedy is to supply the blood with the necessary quantity of ironi This can be done by using the PERUVIAN SYUUP. a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, which is so prepared that it assimilates at once with the blood, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system To take medicine to core diseases occasioned by a deficiency of IRON IN THE BLOOD, without re storing it to the system, is like trying to repair a building when the foundation is gone. An eminent divine says : "I have been using the Peruvian Syrup for some time past ; it gives mo new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures, and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen and others, will be sent free to any address. The genuine has "PERUVIAN STRCP" blown in the glass. J P. DINSMORE. Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St., New York Sold byjall drnagists. For all the Protean forms of diseases originating in SCROFULA. snch ns Salt Rheum, Cancer, Consumption, Ac. there is nothing can equal the purifying effects of lodine when administered in a pure state. Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water is a pnre solution of lodine dissolved in water, with out a solvent, and is the best remedy for Scrofula and kindred diseases ever discovered. Circulars free J. P. LINSMORE, Sold by druggists generally S6 Dey St, New York v7ni4-lmo. Pictures. J. C. .STURDEVANT would inform the citizens of Wyoming County thai he may again tie found at bis rooms tn Mtshoppcn, ready to wait on any who may wish anything 'R the picture line, A word to'the wise is sufficient. v7-nl2 4w AUDITOR'S Nh'TIC E. The uuuersijned, having been appointed an Audi tor to tnaishall the assetts of the estate of P< ggy Flannery, late of Forkston Tp-, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the offi.-e of It. R A AV". E* Little, in Tun';bannock Boro. on the Sixth day of November. A D 1867. at 1 o'clock P M. at which time all parties interested in said estate will appear and present their claims, or be deba-red fro;, receiving anv portion thereof. AY F: LITTLE. Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct 8, 1 c 67-t7nlo-4w. XOTKF Is hereby given, that I hare placed in possession of Annuel Dailey Jr., on" pair of steers, to be kept by hi a; during ray will and pleasure—all persons are forbid molesting or interfering wiib the same. DAVID PATRICK. Overfield Pa, Oct. 7th 1967-v7nlotf To Our Customers. Thoss having unsettled hook accounts with us of more than three months standing are respectfully requested to call and settle the same without delay We must have money to purchase uiore goods, an l hope our customers will respond to our call prompt ly. Grain and produce of all kinds taken on accout, or cash paid lor same. JENNINGS A CO. v7u96w, Commercial College.—The success of Gardner's Business College ami Ladies' Academy,at Scranton; has surpassed all expectation The couose ol" stud}' is more thorough—the terms are cheaper—and give better satisfaction than any other College of the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Life Scholarship *33,00. Clubs at reduced rates. Send for College Paper giving full particulars. Address J. N. Gard ner, Principal, Scranton. Pa. vTulUly • TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A AVILSON will send (free of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was cured of a lung affection and that/dread disease Consumption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost (hem nothing and may prove a blessing. Piea.se address REV. ED ATARI) A AVILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 6n4t'ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Goutleinan who suffered for years from Neivous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects ot youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the recipy anl directions for making the simple remedy he which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect e >nfi lence, JOHN 13. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4U. EXECUTORS NOrilE. Whereas tetteis testamentary to the estate of John Bird, late of Me-shoppen, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment, and th'.se having claims or demands again-t the estate of said deceased, will make known the same without delay to JOIIN II BIRD, Ex'r. Moshoppen, Oct 29, 1867. —v7nl3. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that the following accounts and claims have been filed in the Register's Office in and for Wyoming county, will be presented to tie Orphans' Court to be held at Tunkhannock, in and for the same county, on M'-ndav the 18th day of November next, for confirmation and allowance : Final account of Cordelia Harding, admin istrator of '.be estate of E. Q Harding, dee'd. Filed Sept. 30th, 18C7. Final account of Rosanna Baker and C, Yinosdall, administrators of the estate of Wm. 11. Baker, late of Mcshoppeii township, dee'd. Filed Sept. 30th, 1867. Widow's claim in the estate of John Cy phers, late of Lemun township, dee'd. Filed Aug. 2d, 18C7. O. L PARRTSH, Register. Register'® Office, Oct. 23, 1867. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND LN. AFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous sieasis. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Imp Sred Rose Wash. I ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Whereas letters af administration to the estate of Sargent Kelly, late of the township of Tunkhan nock. deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate pavinent, anl those having demands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same duly authenticated, without delay. JAMES KELLY. Administrator, Lemon, Oct 12th, 1867. v7nil6w PERSONS WHO ARE GRAY Can have their hair restored to its natural color, and if it has fallen out, create a new growth, by using HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE " NEWER It is the best hair dressing in the world, making lifeless, stiff, brashy hair, healthy, soft, and glossy . Price *1 00. For sale by all druggists. R. P. IIALL A CO: Nashua, N. H. Proprietors- Seiii ptoHsfiitnits. _ _ _ _ NEW HOLIDAY BOORS I G. W. CAELETON & CO., Tublishers. liOve letters.—A selection (if the most absorb ing character and interest, from eorres|i(>ndonoi of celebrated and notorious men and wouienPrme 82,b0 Widow Spriggltl9.--A new comic volnme, hv the author of''Widow Iledott " Illustrated-••• 1,75 A Hook about lawyers.—A reprint of the in tensely curious Loudon work, just published-••• 2,00 Epistles of I'cry 0'I,:11111s,--An irresistibly laughable book of Comic opinions. Illustrated. 1.50 Woman's Strategy,--A splendid new English Love Story. Beautilully and profusely Ilustrato-1 Price 1,50 Condensed Novels, and other Comic and Bur lesque Papers. By Bret Harto. Illustrated--• 1,50 The Cameron Pride.—A most delightful new home novel. By Mary J. Holmes 1,50 Artemus Ward tn Eondon,—A new Comic Book by this great author. illustrated 1,50 St. Elmo.—l!y the author of "Beulah." One of the best and most popular Novels of the age - • • -2,00 The Culprit Fay.--A magnificent Illustrated Edition of this Poem. Elegantly bound in gilt-1,500 llow to Hake Money and how to Keep it. A valuable book that every one should read-. 1,50 The Habits ot Good Society.—-An excellent work, teaching good uianuers and behavior 1,75 The Art of Conversation.—A book that can not fait to make almcst any one a goad talker--1,50 The Art of Amusing—lnstructions and Hints for every sort of Home Amusements. 2,00 Thse books are all beautifully bound--sold every where—and sent by mail, pottage free, on receipt of price, by U. W. CARLETON A CO., Publishers, N. Y. 7VT E\V SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1869 to tho ILLI'S- J.M TRATEIJ PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, at 83 a year, will receive Nov. and Gee. Noa. this year Free , Address S. R WELLS, 359 Broadway, N. Y. BALLOO'SIiOIHL! MAGAZINE FOR Enlarged to Ono Hundred Pageo, The circulation of BALLOI S MAGAZINE hav ing increased during 1567 nearly fifteen thuusan CO), its and ncicr being so prosperous as at preso the publishers arc thereby induced to still furth add to its value by KSLAWUNO EACH NUMBER TO ON HUNDRED I'AGRN Although this enlargement in volves an additional expense to some *5,000 a year, vet there will be no in-'ease in the price NOW iS THE TIME TO GET OP CLUBS. Terms Sl'so ayeir ; seven ■ opies, $9 00 twelve copies, 15,09 ; and a copy emits one year to the person sending a club oj tirelri single number. 15 cents. Send stump for specimen copy. The Cheapest Magazine in Hie Wor.d Address. ELLIOTT, THOMAS A lALBGTT, Boston, Mass. I A N \ 188EI 8 WA N TEI) . \T7K arc in want of CANVAS TNG AGENTS for Y\ Hoynton s History of the Navy, the most elegant illustrated work ever issued in this or any country. Apply for Circular to D. API'LETON A CO , 413 A 413 Broadway, N, Y. A 0ENI& WANTED TOR TSI "History of the Secret Service." By Gen. L. C BAKER. The abounding revelations and startling disclosures made in the this work arc creating the most intense desire in the minds of tha people to obtain it ltsofiicial character and ready >a!c, combined with an increased com mission,make it tho best subscription Book ever published. .Send for circulars at. 1 see our terms, and why it sells fas ter than any other work. Addrcs P GARRETT A CO., 702 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. VDVERTISER'S GAZETTE. New Vol. Price advanced to 82 per year in vdvance. Single C pies 25 cents. G. I*. ROW ELL At .Publish ers N, N. fomple l.ist of alt Newspapers j,i Miritlgati and Wisconsin i i N-.vcmhcr num ber. Also a complete list of all Religious News paper* iu America. FIRST AIOFiTGAGF. BONDS. ST. LOUIS A IKON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO Seven per cent, interest, February and Auznst. These Bonds cover a Read of 91 miles, finished from S. Louis to I'll ot Knob, and in first-class or der, and an extension of about the same length from Pilot Knob, and to Belmont, now rapidly construct ing. for which the nr t-ecds of these bonds are to be used, making a thorough route from St. Louis to New Orleans hv rail The earnings of the ninoty one miles, are 8600,000 a year ; the net profit* now are suftb icnt to pay the interest en 'he entire amount of bonds, were they all issued. Tiic basis of securi ty is believed to be beyond that ot any other bonds now offered. Apply at the office of the Company, No. 43 Wall st, to 11. G. MAKQUAN I>, Yiee-Pre-i --dent, or to CLARK, DODGE A CO., corner of Wall and William-sts , New York City. XORTII AM ERIC AX STEAMSHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE TO CATIIFOHLXRIA EVERY 20 DAYS. PASTAOE and FREIGHT AT REDUCED RATES, For further information, apply to D. N. CA3RING ON, Agt , 177 West St., N. Y. MISSOURI LAND:,— 10.000 acres cheice farm ing and Titnbei lands. in South Western Mis s >uri, at 81,25 pet acre (cash) in lot-' to suit- Title perfect. WM. HICKOK, JR. 30 Broad-st., New York city- HYDRAULIC RAMS DEEP WEEL^ ' FlVlltH i'IJMPS, ' P() \Y EfvIIM rs, MJ'Mi. CoAviiiff &. Co., XB&KCiI FALLS. I Y. EVERYBODY CAN ci tTbeip. own Cloth tNti for Men or Boys, by using PARSONr' 8 SELF INSTRUCTING CnAitTs. Complcto set sent to any address for 8 .00. Agents order a cample. Send stamps for terms and ciicu lar. HUBBELL A PARSONS, I uadita,N Y MAI >AM FOY'S /we. /TN Corset Skirt Supporter C Combines in one garment a PER f \ .] & ■ jh ks:CT FITTING CORSET, and the most -fi' fi J lesirable Skirt Nup|-.rter ever of- Jj i-H'l the put,lie. It place* the V Jt *-Sgr weight of tho skirts u|xm the V*'i tjflPui shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without tight V" -T$ fivSS?' lacing; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians Si Id : t ladirs' fprcv goods stiirs g< nrr ally,nnii at wholesale by J. B SAUNDERN A CO. 9p, .SumuierSt ~ Boston, and 22 Walker Street, N. Y. Also hv HEXIIY C. MOORE. 429 Market St. Philadelphia, and STRLLMANN, HINRICHS A [ CO., 21 Hanover Street Baltimore, Ml. $lO A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE, with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay samples tree. Beware cf infringers. My circulars will ex plain. Address A. J. FULLAM, Springfield, Ver mont GPR STII.I/ I.IVE I Don't be hum l/V hugged by Impostors or "patent" cast ' iron or machine ".Stencil tools." Send for our New Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIES, 20 va rieties all of Steel carefully finished and tempered. SM. SPENCER A CO., Brattleboro. Vt. 3PR TI/XNTED— AN AGENT— One chance in each V\ tow a, worthy tho attention of an active busi ness man. to take the agency tor the sale of Brad street's Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips, ap plied to the sides, bottom, top anil centre of doors and windows, The sale is beyond anything ever of fered before to an agent, and trom 810 to 825 per day can be tnake. Send for agents' circular. The first who apply can secuie a bargain. Terms for 1 Moulding, cash. J K. BRADSTREET A CO-, Bo- I ton, Maes, Drill 3Mertis(nteitts. ' PATENT WEATHER ' JL An exensiria ion of its merics will convince any ' j one that Torrey's Patent Weathei Strips excel ail I others Send for illustrated circular. Agents want ied in every town. E. 8. AJ. TURKEY A CO, Sole i Manufacturers, 72 Maldeu Lane, New York. f ! kT/A NT F.I)— .SALESMEN' TO TRAVEL AND j ; VV Sell Goods by sample, Good Wages and steady employment. Address, with stimp. , HAMILTON, PERKY A CO., Cleveland, Ohio. YITAKTRD—3 CENT.—To sell a live rnsn VV in every County, a business paying #250 per j month sure. J, C. iILTON, Pittsburg, Penn r PAINTS FOIL FARMERS 1 AND OTHERS.—THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are n.iw manufacturing the 1 , Best, Cheapest and most Durante Paint in use; two j ' coats well put on mixed with pure Linseed 0.1. will I last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beauti ful chocolate color, and can be changed to greeD, " | lead, stone, olive, or drab, to suit tho taste of 1 j the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Barns, 1 Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car ' j makers, and Wooden- Ware, Canvas, Metal ' | and Shingle Roofs, (it treing Fire and Water proof,) Bridges, Burial Cnses, Canal Boats, Ships and Ships' I Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (ono Manufacturer having 1 used 50001>bls. the past year.) and as a paint for any : purpose is unsurpassed for Body, durability, elastic '■ ity and adhesiveness. Priceß6per bbl.,of 300 ft, which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in j all cases as above Send for a circular, which gives ! full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a I trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN ! IEL BIDWEI.L, Proprietor, 254 Pearl st, N. Y. 1 Agents wanted. GPR THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD. Extract of a Letterfrom Huron Solomon Rothschild PARIS, Bth Apr , 1964, 25 Kuo Fauby, T>t Ilonore Will ytu be kind enough to have forwarded to ) me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment ; if j you will send at the same time tbe account, I will 5 j forward you the amount thiough Messrs. Belmont A j Co, New York Baron Solomon Rothschild having recommended r | to many of his friends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, jr j and they being desirous to procure it, ho should ad j vise biui to establish a depot in Paris, THE INDIAN DIMMEST. - [ As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain, taken in t 1 wardly or outwardly applied, has no equal. For tbe r relief and cure < f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec tions, Sprains. Bruises, Ac., it is unequaled. It is also most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of , Cholera, Cramps, and Pain? in tbe Stomach, Diar | rhica. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum ; Ac ,*ana is without exception tbe most woderful Pan i acca the world afiorus. No Family should be with j out it. Every traveler by land or sea rhould have a . : bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance ' | from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand, ; : In casi of Acciderist, and sudden attacks of Stomach i | Complaints. il° value cannot he estimated. Inquire ' ! for Major LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, and take .1 no other Price 59cts. per bottle. For sale at ! wholesale an! retail by Pjinss Barnes A Co., 21 I Park Row, New York ; Gale A Robinson, 18G Green- I wich-st., N. Y ; F. C. Wells A Co , 192 Fulton-st., t healing remedy i ! of the age, 81 a bottle, or six bottles for 85. Sent 1 Iby Express. Sold by S. C UPHAM, No 25 South • Eight Sr., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists.— i j Circulars sent free. GPR A Physiological View of Marriage, THE CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages And 130 fine plates and engravings of the I Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of Health j and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De- i ploralile Consequences upon the mind and body, ' with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only ra- J tional and successful mode ot Cure, as sbowc by the report of case? treated. A truthful adviser to tbo I i married find thoe contemplating marriage, who en i tertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent frc-c i of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in 1 | stamps or postal currency, hy addressing DR. LA j j CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y> 'he ■ ' author may be consulted upou any of the diseases j upon which his book treats, either personal! or by i mail. Medic nessent to any part of thewjrl 11 Ghi' WE A K COMING, And will present to ;ny person sending ns a club in j our Groat One Price Sile, of Dry and Fancy Goods, j Acs a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch 1 Ac., free of cost, Catalogue of goods, and sample, j ! sent to nnv address free. Address J. 8. 11A WES A ' ' CO., 30 Hanover St., Boston Mass. P. 0. Box 5125. ! THIS IS NO HUMBUG '--By sending 30 cents ' and stamp, with age, height, color of eyes and I hcair.vou will receive, by return mail, a correct pic ture <"f y' ur future hnsban 1 or wife, with name and j date of marriage. Address MINNIE CLIFTON, P' j O. Drawer No. 8, Fultonville, N. Y, LADIES & GENTLEMAN. You can have a beautiful Card rhotograph.Jree of expense , (with circulars of our great Dry and ! 1 Fancy Goods Sale) by sending stamp for return pos- j 1 tage to EASTMAN A KENDALL, 65 Hanover-st., Bos ! ton, Mass. 0 € , It is the Bost Chance ever offered to Agents j One or two days' time will secure a good, Sewine Machine, Watch.Silk Dress, Re- j volvcr, or some other article of equal value. Free of cost! Agents wanted everywhere, male and fe male, for the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sale in the country. Send for Circular. S. C. TIIUMP , SON A CO., A7 ■'WANTED—Agents to V' v the best low priced SewingV^U'7 ! Sewing Machine ever made—either by tbe inutnh or ! on commission. Our machine will sew, hera fell, 1 tuck, bind, and embroider equal to a high priced machine. Cut any third stitch, and the goods will s tear before the seam will give out. From 87a to 8200 per memh, expenses paid. Address BAKER [ SEWING MACHINE CO., Clercland, 0. ' HELMBOLD'.S FLUID EXTRACT BTTCIIU Is if certain cure tor diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL. DP.OPSY, OR GANIC WEEK NESS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, t and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, e 1 whether existing in 'j MALE OR FEMALE, 1 ! : from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. | f Diseases of these organs require the use of a ! diuretic If no treatment is submit' l "' to, (' insuinption or Insanity inay ensue. Our Flesh and BiooJ are sup— ! ported from these sources and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, ; ! and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use ot a re | liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU; Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T HELNBOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, snd - I IC4 South lOih Street,! hlladelphi*,Pa t v6n29-ly. CAUTION, • j My wife Lerinda, having left my house without just cause ur provocation, and hav I ing taken with her my bed and hoard withs i out law or license, I heiebjr forbid all per ' ! sons harboring or trusting her on my ao _ | count, or in any way using or interfering s with the property so taken hv her. - ' /OIIN B. WALL. r Tunk., Oct. 20th. 1857. e - i SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by ' lletmbola'* Extract Buchu, gßscfllaiuous. MEAT M ar ket! The Subscriber announces to the citizens 'of Tunkhannock Boro. and vicinity, that he now has exclusive charge of the MEAT MARKET AT THE OLD STAND. And designs, hereafter to keep on hand at all , limes MEATS of ALL KINDS. The best that can be procured, which will positively be j sold at much LOWER PRICES. than heretofore, i In order to do so he haa been obliged to I adopt the READYTAY SYSTEM. and feels confident that by so doing he will ! not only secure the patrdnage, but will be treating his customers rtiore fairly, than by charging them prices to compensa'e him fur looses by non paying customers. CHARLES HARDING. I Tunk , I'a-v7nlo-tf Farm for Sale, The Subscriber offers fur sale, the farm on which ; he now lives, situate In Tunkhannock, Pa. about ONE MILE FROM THE LINE OF THE NEW RAILROAD, containing TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY THREE ACRES with about 75 ACRES CLEARED, with a large New Frame House and Barn— j Lot well watered. Balance ol Lot WELL TIMBERED and j available Lr fanning purposes. For particulars. Call at this office, or at the premises. WM. CASKEY. Tunkhannock, Oct. 9, '67-v7nlo 3w. For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOTS. ot Lester A Co's I best make KIP and CALF OWEGO EOOTB. Best make EASTERN BOOTS A full stock of Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral. Congress, Polish Boot 9 of Glove Kid and Goat. Also, Button Gaiters. — — GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVES and MITTENS. Ger.ts' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott's CORNER STORE, vSnlltf Tunkhannock, Pa. HOss7 MILL'S A CO7 Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TUNKHAN NOC K, PENN'A. Are now opening a largo stocko Hardware, such as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass Putty, Var- j nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail ! Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated I Bitts of every kind, 1 lames, Iron Pad Trees, Saldle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth , Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk | Awls, and needles, Ilalter Chains, Trace Chains; Ac. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS,. SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. i T*R Nails and Hand-Rakes at ' wholesale and retail. All of which have been | SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, ! and expressly for this market, and 1 all they ask is an examination ot the goods to satisfy all of the truth of I what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. Tunk. Ta. May 29th, 1867. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU | TIONS,of bolh sexes, use Ilelmbold's Extract, Bu i ehu. Ilwil eerisk andzive energetic feelings an I euabtcyou to Bleep well. Dftisctllanejus. FAHMKKS AND MECHANICS Take Notice. SURFACE PLAMiNG and MATCHING, CIRCULAR nnd SCROLL S A W I N T G . ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in gr>od style PLOWS, NARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HO//SE -HOES, ROLLERS, a xi d SCRAPERS, . on hand or to order. Power and liand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER Jt AVERT, v6u43-ly. SHERMAN & LATHRUP, (Successors to John Weil,) AT THE OLD STAND, NEXT DOOR TO THE BANK,AT TTTN'THIA.ICKroCKt Tukepleasu.e'ia mnoum-lng to the penile of Wyo ming County, that they :ire now receiving from Now York one of the largest and most complete assort ment of DRY GOODS, DRESS GQOqS and TRIMMINGS; WOMEN'S ANO lII.DRLV S SKOKS ; CASSIMERES ANO GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING J and a large stock of READY-MAKE tEWjmig purchased from a fiiet class New Vnrk House at pri ces trom 10 to 20 per cent. lower than the usual rates ; enabling tb m to dispose of them at prices MEL 0 WALL O. WEE TITO lis Having had 20 year's experience in this buonesfs they feci certain that they can eeute a trade at this point; and to do this,they only ask the people to COMS AND BEB THEIR GOODS AND PRICES, BUTTER, EGOS, ard PRODUCE, of ALL KINDS, titren at the highest market rates in exchange for Goods or Cash at the option of the seller, n. N. SHERMAN, I, B. LATH HOP. Tunk. Pa. Apr 10 1°67. W K K E E P A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides. SIIEIIMAN ft* LA Til HOP. TheLas^^^ucc^ IS THE IMPROVED PSI HAIRDRESSIHfi NewrtJ ! jnceßotfte PBI^OMEBoUj/UR. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE HOOKS OF THE BIIiLE, BV TROF. CALVIN E. STOWE, P, P. A work of real value, and an almost indispensabl eotnpanion of the Bible, showing what the Bib e i not, what it is, and how to use it • answering all the objection? to its authenticity urged by modern infie dels, and tracing the authority of each book up to its inspired authors, giving a vast amount of informa tion heretofore locked up very rare and costly vol umes, making one of the most popular books ever published 1000" Agents Wantad, Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school teachers and others'houl 1 send at once for circulars giving further information. Address, ZEIGI.ER, McCURDY A COt,, v7n9-4m. 5i 1 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa- I S FORMATION. Information guarantee !to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of l'imples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc . or. the skin, leaving the same jolt clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing. TIIO3. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 623 Ilroadway, New York FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE of Trine, irritation, inhumation, or ulceration of th bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate gland stone iu the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases ot the bladder, kidneas. and dropsical swelllings. i Use llklmbold's Fluid Extract Bv#if