farm Sar&fit & i&itclint FATENTNG FOWLS. All Summer long the (armor and his family have fussed with the poultry; the young chickens and turkeys need care in the lung rain U>nns, and protection against nocturnal depredators. Just as they are fully grown and out of danger, the shrewd huckster makes bis appearance, buys, fattens, and prepans them for market, and pockets the profits fr his smartness. Obviously, the farmer had better fatten hi* fowls and send them to market himself. He can do it with less trouble, perhaps, than he imagines. Feed liberally at all times, so as to keep tbem growing thriftly, but about twenty days before being slaughtered, feed them in thia way : Make a coop for one dot fowls ; more should not be put together. The coop should ba three feot long, two feet wide and two and a half high— make the sides of bars, and about three inches a part,the bottom of round poles two inches apart, the fop of a board- Place this in a comfortable room, el evated two feet Irom the floor, in the ham < r poultry house, where the cold wind will In kept away, and where the light will bedim Attach feed troughs all around the outside. — Commence feeding very light, giv ng little water the first day ; then feed regular three or four times per day with the strongest focd as oat meal mixed with milk, boiled barley or corn. Observe the utmost cleanliness,and give a supply of fresh water. In twenty days the poultry should be killed, and f->r such the farmer would find plenty of greedy buyers willing to pay the highest price,—Ru ral New Yorker. APPLE TREKS. —Tbe raoi on your young •pple trees it not tbe cause, but rattier in consequence of the decay of the trees. If your treat were properly set. and if you have kept the gtound cultivated to some hoed crop since, as you should do. applying a coat of manure around each tree, fur a space of five to ten feet, according to size of trees ; and forking tit in above the roots of tbe trees their decay roust be attributed to some cause beyond tbe science of pomologists to state what it is, without being present on the pre mise# wbera the trees are grown. Sometimes severe froata will so injure tbe tree*, as t>> cause tbe bark to split open and peel off; and if your traea have been thus injured, it is probably the cause of their decay. SELECTING POULTRY MEAT —A young tur key has a smooth leg and a soft bill, and if fresb, the eye will bo bright and the feet moi.t. Old turkeys have scaly feet. Young fowls have a lender skin, smooth legs and the breast b .ne yields readily to tbe preasure of the linger. The be*t are those with yellow legs The feet and legs of old fowla look u though they had seen hard ser vice in the world. Young ducks feel tender under the wings, and the web of the foot is transparent. The best are thick and hard on the breast Young geese hate yellow bill*, ad the feet are yellow end supple. The skin maybe easily broken by the head of a pin ; the breast is plump ami the fat white. An old goose is unfit for the human stomach. Fowls are inoat easily picked if scalded,but this renders the skin liable to tie torn, and consequently they witl not look so nice. MXADOWS Now is a good time to topdress with fine manure, giting a protection to the grass roots from a burning sun, and furnish ing a stitnulous to start a good af'ermath— Millet is better for feeding, cut before ih" •eed is ripe : cut as aoon as .he seed begins to form, or before even, if you would base a aafe, good feed, after curing. FRUITLESS PLAR TREES.— It sometimes happens that pear trees are barren year after year. If the soil has been manured and cul tivated, let manure and tillage be withheld If th>s does not answer, prune back the rank wood, and cut off the extreme! ies of some of the roots with a sharp spade. Hard usage i is What such trees need. PLACE FOR THE PIU-STT.— Desirable as N is to hove a pen within ea-y leach from ihi kitchen, it ia yet a barber- us custom to haet it so near that its no'ses and offensive stnt-IL wlll penetrate the house. Wherever it is, there should be a good walk provided, tor convenience in carrying slops to it. Nor should it be too close to tha norse sub'e.— There is a foolish noti in abroad that a horse stall next to a pen is hurtful to the pigs, es pecially to the breeding sows. The only conceivable harm would be l" the horse and his master, arising from toe foul smeil of the hogs. Common sense says, let the pig sty be ar ranged on one side f the barn yard, so as to allow the pig manure to be mixed with that of the horse and c<.w, as they severally accu mulate. One apparttnent of the pen should open in to the yard, so as to allow the hogs to run out, and work orer the horse manure, and to feed on such grain as thev may tind among it Tbepigjen should, of couiae,bave its sleeping ro<>m well provided with straw and the whole establishment should he kept clean. SAVE THE CORN FODDER.— The following timely advice is from, the Ohio Former— The severe summer drought which has prevailed all over this region, causing faim rs to resort to early feeding o| lrm an-clc, *h'd admonish them ti> save all the corn fotde" before it is touched by fr st. The corn crop in many places will not ripen well, and a good thing can be made of the stock- for fo I der by cutting thein and securing in clone ahocks front the weather. In cases where the cars are likely to ripen the grain, the top si.k at d leaves can he saved by taking them < ffbef re frost C 'tnf and storing litem in an airy loft or shed where they will cure well and be safe from the weather. Well cured corn fodder is the Usi kind of feed for cows and sheep ; and there is noth ing better tor Colts than well cored corn blades, taken ■lf tie f re . Iwy ar.- fir—l by dr\ weaiher r touched by frost, aud then cured (B the shade. gflisrellaitfouf. LACK. A WESTERN R R. Summer Arrangement—l SOT. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Ala it Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Tiaiu Train. A M. p. M. 9.C0 New York * 5 -5 11.30 New Hampton, 230 1156 Washington, 208 12 02 Oxford, 1.56 12.13 Bridgerille, 1.45 12.19 Manunk Chunk. 1 35 Dine. 12.45 Delaware, 1.30 Dine. 100 Mount Bethel, 100 1:20 Water Gap, 12.44 1.34 Stroudsburg, 12-20 145 Spraguevilio 12.17 1.56 Henryville, 12 07 P M, 2 11 Oakland. 1149 229 Forks, 11 30 2 50 Tobvhanna, 1110 3.04 Gouliisboro', 10.57 3.26 Moscow. 10.34 3.37 Dunning, 10.24 1 lOAr ) C Le 9.55 A. M. } SCRASTOH. < P M 10.10 4-30 Le S C Ar.9 45 6.20 10 40 452 Clark's Summit, 923 5.50 10 53 5.00 Abington, 915 5.35 11.13 5.16 Faetoryville, 859 5.16 11 43 536 Nicholson, 635 430 12.08 553 Hopbuttoui, 8.19 405 12 38 620 Mvutrose, 7.55 335 P.M. 1.09 641 New Mi I ford. 721 305 135 700 Great Bend, 715 240 P M. PM. All P.M •Station toot of Liberty St COS N ECTlONS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN fmui New Vork con nects at MANI'NKA Clllif K with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7 30 a. ui and at GREAT BKNDwith the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 18 a, in The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Bend with through trains goiDg west and east on Erie Railway, arrivin at Buffalo at I.P S a. m.. aid at Salamanca at 12 m. Eastward. The MORNING TP.AIN from Great Bend con nects tin re with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Cbu k with a train for Philadelphia and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6.30 p. m.' and at New Hampton with a train for Easton. Bethlehem, \l - Rending and llarrisburg, arriving at llar risburg at 9-30 p. m. At SCRANTON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanr.a and Blooinsburg Rail road. and on the Delaware anil Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Time Tables ot which roads are printed below. J. BRTSBIX. President. R. A. Hts.tnr. General Ticket Agent. je29tf HI H BAIL fiH OPEN TUilol Gil PROM NEW VCRK AND PHILADELPHIA TO WILKfeSBARRE, forming direet rail connections .YOUTH, SOT/J/, HAS? and JtES'I. SUMMER TIMETABLE COMMENCING ST.YE J 7 th, /if 67. All Through Trains make close connections with Trains to and from New Fork and Philadelphia. THE MAIN LINE TRAINS FROM WILKESBARE (the present north ern tarniiriiis uf this roa i) TO NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, Leave WILKESBARRE at 6 o'clock A. M. and 1.30 P. M. Arrive at New York at 3.15 and 10.23 P M. Philadelphia, at 2 05 and S 40 " Leave New York at 6.30 A. M. and 12- M " Philadelphia at 745A. M. and 1.30 F. M- Arrive at Wilkesbarre at 3.02 and 8 48 P. M. STORE! Nicholson Pa.. Will. O. GARDNER & CO i huro just received a large una a splendid stuck i goods consisting of fantn (fioobs CLOTIHXQ, BOOTs A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE YOTIOYS #c, all goods sld hy us warranted as reoomme I)d Our aim "To keep good Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS CUT AND MADE IS Till LITEST STYI.R. FEME TAKES if MM. W. O. GARDNER A CO. Xicholsen, Pa. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. The Subscriber, a practical workman of long ex perieose, is now finishing off a large lot of new Car hages and Baggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not suf>erior, in Workmanship. Qualify of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop in tho country. Those wisntng to buy should (Call anb (Cruminf Cljfin. PAINING, VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND HER A Hi ING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style Charges moderate J. CAMPBELL. laakkauMti, Aug. 24, >*, , Dfefllaiifous. ||ILLCOXAmjjIBBS noiseless ■FAMILY (SEWING is the only MACHINE in the world that makes the twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger glitch than any hr machine now m use. j All are invited to call at p. n.s&sßßs&sair*. JKNYKLIIY STOR arid examine for rfccavelre3. agents for all other machines fur Wyoming Co. Pa. P. C BURNS A BUO. Tunkhannock, Po. Oct. 31 IStiC.—vGiil2-tf W JEWELRY REPAIRED P. C. BUR N S lie B 110 . Take pleasure in announcing to the po< pie of Tunkhannock and vicinity, tbat they hae opened a Ulfltof) unb (Clurh Shop opposite Wall's Hotel,where the.v are prepared to do i the most diffi ult jobs in Jboirlineinan APPROVED | and BKILLFI L MANNER, ou shoft uoiije. Hav ing had long experience in the bu-ine.-s, they feel I confident that they can give entire atisluctionto all j favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL- I .V. B.—Paras* Is.Fans df- Umbrellas rspair.-d j Also. Areor'eons and other musical instruments j tuned and put in order on short tioti e. | A NEW STOCK ..I WATCHES and CLOCKS I just received. ! JE er has now on hand and will hereaf tor constantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros new Tannery, /.V TPA'A'HA-YA'OA*. TA. which will be euld cheap, and in quantities to tui pure baser j. n. w, RHODES v6n47-tf. JJnj ©00)15 & ©rotetifs: High Water IN THE SUSQUEHANNA | RAFTS staving up, DAMS gona out, KIVER re ceeding, PRICES GONE DOWN, &c., &c. At the Old StJnd formerly occupied by E. Whee # lock wi'l lie Touud cheap for cash nil Winds of ti JiO H'Ji/BS an d MtO VISIONS CROCKERY, WOOD-WARE, WILLOW WARE, HARD-WARE. TIN and GLASS-WARB, I Tea, Coffee, I Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Soda, Sale rat us. Cream-Tarter, Mustard, Cheese, Mackerel,, Dried-Apples and Peaches, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Oranges, Lemons. . Cocia Nuts Nutmegs, Cloves, Pimento, Pepper, Cinnamon, Candies of all Kinds, TOBACCO. CIGARS, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, and FLOCR, SHEETING, SHOES, COT TON YARN. LAMPS, CANDLE* WICK., SOAP. INK, PEPPER SAUCE, NAILS, PitchaFurks, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Pails. Tubs, & Boards, Half Bushels, Peck-Meas ures, Siv e s , Butter-Bowls, Stampers. & Ladles, Brushes, Oil, Lead, Shot, ' Powdr, &c., &.C., to many things to mention Call and examine before pur* chasing elsewhere. Produce wanted in exchange ; Eyery thinjwill be found bere that belongs to a first class Grodery and Provision Store. I) BILLINGS. ; Tunkhannock, Pa. Apr. 9, 1867-v6n35-tf. mf wf HATS & CAPS! GROCER K-S F< lPale a: ; F. L SITSEB, & CD'S. On Bridge street nearly opposite Wheelock's old stand J>J 0 VV 0 P E N E D . ,T I A. 13. MOTT. TIIE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHANNOCK, PA. I A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consi-tinsr of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DP.Y GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, Ac, Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., An*, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In Urge quantities and at redaoed prices. A. B. MOTT. frags & gjctiirinrs, THE EAGLE Drug Store TUNKHANNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS. Dr Lyman respectfully announces that be has taken Dr. E H. Wells as a partner in the DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep A COMPLET E ASSOTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J W. Lyman ! A Co., on Tioga St. I We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten | tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, Ac Ac. Ac.. At rates as low as can possibly to afforded. N. B.—Ail professional calls promptlv attended. Prescriptions carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J W. LYMAN, M, D. E H. WELLS, M. D v6n396in. DR. RHOADS AND VARIETY I|TORE. •The largest ami most complete Drug Store io TUNKIIANNOCK. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY !!! TRICES REDUCED. NOW IS THE TIM 12 TO BUY' ! Just received and for Sale a splendid Stock of Hell) #oobs, including DRUGS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, j Hair Tonics, HAIR DYES, I STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONE LIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, .TRUSSES, Ac., Ac., A<\ All the Popular PATENT McDICINES of the da.y And in fact every imaginable article ! belonging to a FWST GLASS DRUG STOR £ PHYSICIANS' PRESROIPriONS afuUy compounded at all boon of. and night, Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. vfiFftf. ISjDkhiitnostanP*. Harttare, C- D- GEARHAR CO Foundry, Machine, I AND : STOVE SHOPS W A REN STREET, ; • I TUNKHANXOCK, PA. Raving had a life-long experience as Foundry - ' men and Machines?*, and employing none but the ; best wurkun n the uudereigncd pledge themselves : to exe< ute all work in their line in a style not sur. : passed by tiny r u-iiar et-taUitbmnt in the eouutry- MILL GEARINGS made and Pt'ed up on short notice, from patterns on I hind ot all sizes, PLOWS CULTIVATORS and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF ALL KINDS. j . i Tin, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WAIIE. LAMPS, LEAD, P/PES, Ac., Ac. ' always on han I or furnished to orfer. C D. GEAR HART, A CO. Tnnkhannock, April 20th, IBfi7—v6n3Sif. HARDWARE & IRUA QDN : ;• NOW OFFER FOR ALE IRON, STE'iL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN & CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BSILDEBS' HARDWARE CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES SEAT SPTNDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HANDIN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHEE AND FINDINGS FAI-KBAK'S SALES. arantr.n ..arch 26. IBb3 rln33 ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of bo.h sexes use Ileluibnid's Extract, Eu chu. It will eerisk andglre energ'etio feelings and enable jrov to aieep wU. BCSSELL & BMimirS mil A LARGE STOCK OF SPUING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale *'4 * . JIM!.-. >• ' ! 1 Cf/E.ll* ALL KINDS OF Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT BUNNELL I BAKNATYNKS Tunlchannock, Pa. 5n4l NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY, This is to uivk sotick ; That on the 3ltd day of August A. D, 1867. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against tbe Estate of William Coitright of Meshoppen, in the County of Wyoming and State of Penn>ylvan'a, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt oil hisowu petition : that tbe payment of any dehu and delivery of ny property belonging to aoch Bank rupt, to hiut, or for bis use, and tbe tianafor of any property by hiut are forbidden by Law • that a meet wg of the Creditors ot tbeauid Bankrupt, to prove their debts, to chooe. one or more Assignee* of his Estate, will be taelJ at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be ho Men at the office of the Register in the Court House at Towanda, Pa., before Edward Overton, Jr. Register, on the 24tk day of October, A. D. 1867, at 9 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A ROWLEY, v7u7-4*itnes. U. S. Mar NOTICE. All persens are cautioned against purchasing or negotiating two notes ofilOO, each given by me to F. D. Odrpenter— dated about the Ist of April 1867 -the said note* having been paid by me, the pur chaser will obiaiu no'liiq; by them. JOHN PUKNIX- Tank, Sept., 11th 1567.-trfs6-lw.