garni Garten & Bitrlirn, It 18 poor practice for • tarnter t<> dig anH . delve, tug and grub. and olear up fifty acre' | of land at a cost <•> 8-000 and then in the j third yesr rorrrtxier ab< ui a tinli of it to the briara, brambles and < x i by exposing it to tbi. atmosphere in u warm place. A Rowing it to run slowly lr-- pr> cess.— A 'aw drops <>f red cabbage water will nmk< the Color a deejier red, if paop'e desire it, When hcn> pick the fa'hers > ff each nfher round the necks, so as to make ihetii bare, it ia because they need something in their food as animal mailt r. 'liny may be seen picking at the ends of the leathers, thus plucked, from which some substance i? exraoteJ.— Give them fresh meat, such as liver and lights, which are cheap. Bakei. Ham Most persons boil hain.— They are much better baked if baked right. Soak lot an hour in clean water and wipe dry, and then spread ii all over with a thin flour battery and lay in a deep dish will aticas under it to keep it uu. u! the gravy.— When fully done take - ft the skin and batiii crusted upon 'he flesh suit-, and set away ti cool. You will lind it very delicious, but rich lor dyspeptics, says one of our agricul tural exchanges. The following hints to Y'oung Farmers we clip from an exchange, and fully endorse the sentiment: Consider jour calling the most elevated, and the most important ; but never be above it, n>>r be atrmtjl "1 tlie Irock and the apron. Put iff no business witch ought and can be done to d. y. until losinorrow. As Soon as the spring opens and the frost is out cf the ground, put y oui fences in or der. Plant no more ground tlan you can well manure, and.cultivate to advantage, Never Lire a man to do a piece of woik which you can do yi ur-e'il. Keep no more siock than you can keep in good 'idr, olid that ot the best kind Keep out of debt and HY'id ihe Sheriff. SUMMER FftfiTs.—Acid* promote tbe *e- • parstii/n "I tie bile Irom th btis-d, which is then passed fr.-rn the y-tein,ihus preventing i levers, the pieva'lii g d- a-e of summer— All fevers are "billotus," that i, the hile is i.. the blood. Whatever tw n'e -nt-ic level is cooling. It is a count)':!) -aying lhat f u l '- j are "cu.lli.g," and also be rues of every de Bcripti--n ; His becau-e the acidity wh c they cotilain aid> in separiMog t tit? hile it• in the bio-d, that is, aids in purifying thebl-x-d lieace '.he greit yearning tor greens, and let tuce, and salads u ihe early spring, these t>.- log eaten will) Vinegar ;, also, the tasti for souieihit'g soil),for itui-made*, on attack of fever, but this f ting the case, it i* -a\ to see that e nu'hly the good off c's ol Iruits and berries, in prop rniy I quid with thetn wbauver. HOW A FARMER MAY LOOSE MONEY. By not taking his cumy paper > Keejung no account ol faitn <.|i-ra'i.-rs Paying no atteinion to ihe ti axitu, " stitch in time saves nine," in regard to the bowing ol gram anil planting of seed al th proper time. Leaving reapers, plows, cultivators, etc.,un eh- It. d lrow ttie raw and heat of the sun M ■ru money is lost in this way annually 4 ian most persons Wou d he willing to be lieve. Permitting br ken implements to be scat tered ovt r the lartn until they are irrepaira ble. By r | airing broken impletnenis at the proper tune, many dollar* niay tw saved —a proof of the ass. rti jn tha*. "time is in->n ey." Attending auction sales and purchasing all kinds of trumpery, because, in the word of the vtnder, the articles arc "very cheap." Allowing leuces to remain unrepaired un til "strange" cattle are found grazing in the meidow, gram fields, or bruwsmg the fruit trees. Di-bel levit.g the trirciple of a rotation ol crops, btf.-re making a single exjwritHent. Plant fruit tr.e- with the expectation ol having fruit, without giving the tries hall the attention required to make them profit able Practicing economy by depriving s'eck nl proper shelter during ihe winter, and feeding thetn unsound food, such as half roitenand mouldy hay c.r fodder. Keeping an innumerable trtbe of rats on the premises, mod two or three big lry dogs, who n* vi r molest tbe vermin Spen inz ra'fcy dav* in groceries and bar rooms, insteid if being at home putting thino io t g t- wh'-n y ii have lei-ure. \i " \ TO*ATQ C. raop - Now thai tomatoes ARE i * n tt.eii ret' -t bundau-*- , the lol|owu>g re. c pe for making tomato catsup, c-omiunica't-d -V ' by Mrs. Pig. to the I'tairie Fanner, will lie j found us. fal * "Take r>\4> tomatoes (the small red one are prvferahk)wsh bn'not skin ihetn. and ibor-ughly hoi I one hour, and then fn them through a hair sieve, and to one quart ol juiCn add i tie table spoof fnl of cinnamon, table-spoonful ol black pepper,hal' nfeatennr half of nutmeg, one <>t g,, j mus'ard, t ra thirds t.l a lea-cupful of sl. R,,|| three bonis, and then to one quart of juice add tin. pint ol pure r>d r vinegar. Bull hall an hour 10. ger ; bottle but and -el up. flu* cat-u wiT keep for years, and not nqmre shaking be I '-re using. A poicclem kettle ahuuid be wed- Utisffllauftius. JJEL lack a western r r. Hummer Arrangement—lß6T. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail .Mail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train Train. A. M. P M. 9tO New York • 5 '.5 11.30 New Hampton, 230 115 C Washington, 203 P M. 12 02 Oxford, 1.56 12.13 Bri tgeville, 1.45 12.18 Manunk Chunk, 135 Dine. 12 45 Delaware, 1.30 Dine. i IK) Mount Bethel, 100 1:20 Water Gap, 12 44 1,34 Strnudsburg, 12-20 145 Spragueville 12.17 1.56 Henry viile, 12 07 P M 211 Oakland. 1149 2 20 Forks. 1130 2 50 Tohybanna. 1110 3.04 Gtiuldsbnru', 10.67 3.26 Mosrow. 10 34 3.37 DunniDg, 10.24 1 lOAr ) ( Le 955 A M t SCRA.KTOtf. ? P M 10.10 4-30LeS f Ar.9 45 6.20 10 40 4-52 Clark's Summit, 9 23 5 50 10 53 5.00 Abiiigton. 915 535 11.13 616 Kaetorvville, 559 516 11.43 526 Nicholson, 935 430 12.CW 6.59 Hopbottom, P. 13 405 12 33 620 31 ntrosc, 7.55 335 P.M. 1.03 641 New Milford, 7-24 3.05 135 700 Great Bend, 7.15. 240 P 31. PM. A M P.M •Station toot of Liberty St. cox X EMTIO N*— Westward. The MORNING TRAIN fr>im New \~ork con nects-u MANI'NKA CHI": lv witn ihe train leav ing Philadelphia (kenj-ington I'epc-t) at 7 30 a. iu and at GREAT REND with the through Mail Traiu on the Erie Railway with keeping ear attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo al ti 15 a, ra The I'iMDgeT train Iroui Srranton connects at Great Ren I wi'h through trains goirg west aud east ••o trie Railway, arrivin * *t Buffalo at I.P S a. nr., anl at Salamanca at 13 m. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects th re with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from jhe West; at Manunka Chu k with a train for Philadelphia and intermediate stations arriving in Philadelphia at 0.30 p. oi.' and at New Hampton with a tram for Easton Bethlehem, Al lentown, Re oling aud Harrisburg, arriving at Har risburg at g-30 p. m. • At SCRANTON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawnnr.a ami Blonmsburg Rail road. and on the Dei aware and Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Tune Tables of which roads are printed helow. J BRISBIX. Presi.lent. R A.IJE.VRT. General Ticket Agent. je29tf in ViLLLY RAIL ROAD OPES THROt GH FK.IM .VEW VCRK AND PHILADELPHIA TO WILKfcSBARRE, forming direet rail connections XOllTIf, SOU7II, EAS7 and HES7. SUMMER TIMETABLE COMMERCING JU.V E 17th, /SG 7. All Through Trains make close connections with , Trains to and from New York and Philadelphia. THE MAIN LINK TRAINS KUOM WILKE>BAKE (the present north ern t a rininiiß oftliis rua t) TO NEW YORK atul PHILADELPHIA, Leave WILKESBARRE at Bo'clock A. M. and 1.30 P. M. Ative at New York at 3 IS and 10.25 P M. Philadelphia, at 2 PS and 8 4(J " Leave New York at 6 30 A M. and 12' M •' Philadelphia at 745\ M. aud 1.30 P. M- Arrive at Wilktsbarrc at 3.02 and 8 48 P. M. STORE!* Nicholson l'a., Wni. O. GARDNER Si CO hire just received a large and a splendid stock a goods rootling oi fanci) (6001)5 - 'I •<> CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS Vt\ j|rc. all goods s Id by us wmrante-l as recomme to. Our aim "To keep good Good.-," Our motto, "Not to be undersold " In connection with tbe store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMKXTS (UT AND MADE IN THE LATEST STYLE. PIKE TAKEII! EH. W. O. GARDNER nor, iu Workmanship. Quofth •f Material , and flnisfi, to thoiw turned out at any ther shop iu the country* Those wismng to boy ahould (Cull onb (Crominr Cljfin. mr . VART7IBHJNG TRIMMING AND lit I'AIRING, Dne < ere prepared lo d the lie'St -1 iHi olr j.i.s in tbeii lin-ia in AIT'ROVED ' an.l SKILLFUL MANNER, uu -f. .ri notice, llav | ing had long ex[ rien ••• in liie • u-ui--s, tee' i onfi.lent that ihev can give ei.tire utistaeiiboto ad ! favoring them with tb. ir pirn-Luge. . ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONLY KKFENDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL* 1 A'. /?. - I'd nit, In Fa us 4" ( mlii fllas re/icti/-. r / Also. A-cordenrw and other noi-i il ios'rumeu's i tuned and put iu order on shirt i. >a e \ NEW aI'OCK I WAICIIES an c'Lu; iv - ■ jus* received. ! FEWELEi of'EVEZiUSJES 77 OA : Also i 'IIEET MUS I C .1 M I It: BOOK •ii h-cdor furiAhed : > .n th- shortest Duties ai d o (siDli-ber's l o ir !•: $ r i; at f. -. GUNSANO PISTOL CARTf IGES | nl-pled to all tb- trio Icro styl sol hre-ar..'s. eon j -Untly on hand ... 4T50-- ISMSSZ A 13-322308, - dir., ykc , &c , yw:-. .we. rlso De:i'ers in the PARAB(>LA (Si'ECTACLE. THE BEST HELP FOR THE II CM A N VISION EVER ISYS-NTKD P C RI-RNS A PRO. Tnnkhncr*-V. Pa 0 t 31 19^g MtJSIC STORE! i ji - . -w * ry Also agent for CHICK BRING'* DIiCKEIt l'K"8. ant II \ I NBA BROS PIANOS ,ani) TREAT LINBLEY A CO's MKLOUEONS Also keeps a general stork ot the smaller Musics Instrument*, Aheet Musi. - , A". IfT Chureb "nd Sunday S. hool Singing Books.— i Instruction Books of all kinds, any of whi:h will be ! sent by mail upon receipt ufthe Market price. | Order* from DEALERS aud i'EACERSH ppecral- Ily solicited Address L. B. POWELL Scranton, P. ! v6ns-I vear | INOTIck. Harmg purchased theenlire interest in tha Pho tographic Gallery in this place. I take pleasure in itiiorming tny Irlcn-ls and ihe public In general tftut lam prepare .t 0 produce pictures of every dferi r i tion, imlu ling CARTES DE VISITE, |VI (> \ 1/I T MS. \M H IIOTYP KS MELA IK Ol YPES. FERROTYi ES, IVOR ITT YPK,&c, &c, j Being possessed ot every facility. I FEEL CON i FIDENT oi gitiug entire satisfaction. All are re | qoesied to eall ami examine, and '•. c eue the shadow, ere the substanee fade." All kin sot colored work dot eat the shortest no | liee and in the best Style of the art. Al*. all birds i •>. copying Tone from ol l pictures, ftom card to sire. Sit sfa lion guar uiteed KOIKE. All DT-ens are eautionc l against purchasing or negotiating two nnfrs ot 41U0. each given by mo to F. D. Carpenter- dated a'u-u: ibe ht of April 1A67 th- sai-l notes hav'ng '.e--n |n I b> me, the pur j chaser will obtain nothing by neni. JOHN PHENIX- Ttalt, akfpt-, lltb 1567 -6n6 3. pry ©tubs & ©rurmrs. : , High Water IN TIIE SUSQUEHANNA RAFTS staving up, DAMS gone out, RIVER re- ( needing, PRICES GONE DOWN, 1 &C., &.C. At the Old Stand formerly occupied by E. Whet, ! lock w'l be found cheap fur cash nil kinds of GliO ERIES an d 'PRO VJ-S/O.YS 1 | CROCKERY, WOOD-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, UARD-WARE. ( TIN and OLASS-WARE, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mtdasms, Syrup, Soda, Saleratos. Cream-Tartar, Mustard, Cheese, Mackerel, Cod-Fish, Dried-Apples and Peaches, Crackers, Nuts. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons Cocaa Nut Nutmegs, Cloves, l Pimento, Pepper, Cinnamop, Candies of all Kinds, TOBACCO. CIGARS, CORN MEAL, CHOI'FEED, and FLOUR, SHEETING, SHOES, COT TON YARN, LAMPS, CANDLE-WICK, SO AC. INK, | PEPPER- S A UC E, NAILS, Pitch-F"rk, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Pails. Tubs, A Boards, Half Bushel®, t Peck-Meas ; tires, SiT e s , Butter-Bn wis. Stampers, it Ladles. Brushes, ()i|, Lead. Shut, Powder, Ac., A.C., to many things ;to mention Call anil examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Produce iranled in exibange ; Eyery thing ir 11 be found here that belougs to a | first class Grocery and Provision Store. D HILLINGS. ' Tunkhannock, Pa. Apr. 9, 1567 v6n35-tf. 1 HATS & CAPS! GROCER I. S ]•iSale at F L SITSEB. HI'S. On Bridge streei ; nearly opposite Wheclock'sold stand ; NO W OPENED. BT A. B. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHANNOCK., PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRINU AND SUMMER GOODS j • consisting of ennsi.-ting of consisting of consisting ot DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRE-S GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS IIATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,. Jbc , Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac, Ac.. Ac , Ac , Ac, Ac., Ac., ' In targe quantities and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. Tnolr. MT Brttgs & Ufriririnw, THE EAGLE 0 Drug Store TUSKHANNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS. Dr Lyman respectfully snunmces that he has tak-ii Dr. E H. Wells as a partner in th DRUG BUSINESS, on J that they will continue to keep A COUPLET I ASSOTAIENT, In their tine, tit the old stanl of J W Lytnnn J: ' 'o., on Tioga St. We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten tion t . present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STUCK adapted to tnis market, ind meriting the attcn tiou of all who desire MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, Ac Ac. Ac.. At rates as low as can possibly t,e afforded. N. B —All rails promptly attended. Prescript inns carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doetors. J W L\MAN. M, D E 11. WELLS, M. D v6njS)6m. DR. RHOADS "X>M!G AND .Y AKIKTV STORE. v' V" r ?" The larj;eet and ifluut complete Dru£ Store in tinkiianxock. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES I!EDUCED. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 1 Just received and for Sale a splendid Stork of Jtclu (Soobs, iueluding races, PAINTS, VARNISHES, I) Y F. STUFFS, 13UUSIIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, lair Tonics, HAIR DYES, STERLING'S • AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, IIAIR OILS, POMADE* A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CON KECTIO N E R V. STATIONE bIK.S TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGAR*. (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac., Ac., i-. Ail the Popular PATENT MtOICINES ot the da y And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FIRST (JLkSS DRUG STOR E PHYSICIANS' PRESJCIPriONi efully comp.uaJed at all hourj of, and night. Don't forget to call at DR. RHOADS' DRUG STORE. T rokhnuro *-P fjarbtae. jrTWRHAR 'Of Foundry, 31achine, I AND STOVE SHOPS i I W A KEN STREET, TUKKIIANAOCK, PA.j Having h:id a life-long experience as FoonJry oieii if. Al ebiru-sfs. ami employing nolle but the best w-irko n the undersigned pledge themselves to ex • ute ll work in their line in a style not sor. i passed t\ ■■ ay s uiiiar t.-taLiithmiit in the country MILL GEARINGS . made end fit'ed up on short notice, from patterns on i ol all sires. • I PLOWS , CULTIVATORS, i 4 and other Farming Implements. ALSO I " j STOVtS OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and i ' HOLLOW-WARE. ! LAMPS, LEAD, PEDES, Sc., Sc. j I always on ban I or furnished to order. | CP. GEARUART. A CO. | Tunkh innock, April 29th, 1367.—vbn33tf. HARDWARE & IRON 01 ■ Mb R S . NOW OFFER FO ALE IRON. STEEL. NAILS AND SPIKES MINE RAIL, RAILUCAD SPIKES. ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HOR>E-SHOKS, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON. IIILBIIS' BASOVABE CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, ( ALL WARRANTED,) IIT'P S , SPOKES, FELLOES SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES PIPE POXES, SPRING STEEL P.OTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ac , Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATUEE AND FINDINGS FAIABAK'S SALES. eranton. .rtarrb 26 1663. *ln33 ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONrTITU j TIoNS, of •■o.b ii xen use llelm'o d'a Extra, t, Bu -1 chu. It willeeriak andgive energetic feeling, and enable yaj to well BBIIELL & SJlimiMim A LARGE stock: OF SPKING GOODS, V V JUST RECEIVED AND * tml For Sale CHEAP, c ALL KINDS OF Produce •i E i ;$ TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT BUNNELL A BANNATYNEW Tunkhannock, fa, 5n41. NOTICE IN R\NKRVFTCY, THIS ta TO 6tvß notice ; That o* the 3Ut day el August A. D, 1967. a Warrant in Bankruptcy wai issued against the Estate of Williams Gortrifht of Mesboppen, in the Uouaty of aad Sir t~ Penmylvanva, who.has been adjudged a Baakraf* on bis own petition : that ihe payment of any dehif i ami delivery of any property belonging toaadhßaak ' rupt, to biu, or for bis uae, and the tranefer of property by bim are forbidden by Law • that a w**t tng of the Cteditors ot the said Bankrupt, to pto<* their debts, to choo*e one or more Assignees of hie Estate, will be held at a Court of Baakruptey, to he bolden at the office of the Register in the Co id House at Towanda, Pa., befora Edward Orerton, Jr. Register, on the 24th day of October, A. D. 1067, •* 9 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLBT, r7n7-4ltme, 17- A Mtr TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dengeross rise as s. Use Helmbold's Extract Beohg and If ered Rfse Whrsfc