Ltical and Personal. nuestton fbv Radical. you beard the news from Connecti . California, Maitw. Montana, Peansylva- Ohio, lodiaua and Iowa? yiatou a"d H-tmlln Have added to their already large l*t of Cabinet Organs, a number of new styles. Go lo Powell's Music Store, Scrantou, and see ibein. WE JUDGE FROM TITE IMMENSE -lea that Mrs. S A. Allen's Improved (new —vie) Hair Resteer of Dressing lin one but A3 is oreferrnd by every one. Every Drug- r st Vebslt. rt'ce One Dollar. Mkct School- Jfiss Fannie Bacon proposes to open a e --feet *hool in the rooms over the Bank, at f h in a few days. Mss Bacon ha< citenuniversal satisfaction as a teaciier of the common English branches, both here and elsewhere. That she will secure a good achool there is no doubt. , Loral Iteß*. W Our time lias been so exclusively occupied in printing and sending out tickets, and at tending to election matters generally, that we have bad but little opportunity to look up and jot down matters of local interest. We hope to have more time to devote to these matters, hereafter. Peruvian Syrup Thl*valuable medicine Wn silently making its way into public favor by the nu merous remarkable cuffs ft has performed Its singular efficacy is-owing to the protoxide of i|hich remains unchanged in this pyeparation and is the only form in which this vital element of health blood can be sup plied. The Question Settled Those eminent men, Dr. James Clark. Physician to Queen Victoria and Dr. Hughes Bennett, sap that Consumption can be cured. Dr. Wistar knew this when he discovered his „ow widelv known Balsam of Wild Cherry and experience has proved the correctness of his opinion. Important Arrest. It is currently stated that Cyrus Stark, Hotel keeper at White Haven, was arrest-d on Wednesday, charged wrli complicity in the recent heavy robheiy from the office of the Lehigh Coal k Navigation C'mp,'JT, at While Haven. F ket. If. •. '<4 V W. \ LITTLE. Auditor's notice. Mis Allen's HAIR RESTORER Teacher's Examination, by J. B. Rhodes, j County Superinteiid n'. Quarterly Statement of Xa'iona! Batik. j Caution to the public, by D-md Pa'nck. Commercial College —Seratiion, l'a. School Books. In obedience to the requirement of the School Laws, the school Directors of Tunk hatinocii Boro. have, by resolution of the) B iid, adopted, lor use tu the schools of -aid B ro, the following uxt b .oks, v.z. Robin, tan's Series of Mathematics; and A eels Grammars, They cm be procured at the office ol R. R. Lit lie, the S. ctetaiy of the Board —at wholesale prices, or with the •Id bouks in exchange, at one half re'ail. Pa rents will do well to look to ihts, a* the oiler < xtends ouly to the first day ol December uexl Wtatya'9f WiliiWierry. I* "it & laLijhß'fa a * -fin 'fed* for liealinf qdbicilring dftt*Mfio||lle auffibvSL ."liiyMt-s a by I'i conviction ef the persm or persons who set , fire to my barn, wbicb, with their contents were en- i tiralyaonsumed on Monda\ night. B>-pt. 23d, 1867.1 ' • PERKY MARCY. Oct. Ist, 1967. v7n<>93w. I Arming Niggers. The startling fact Las come to light that in Viiginia secret militaiy organiza tions of negroes exist all over the State. They have b> en provided with arms by the Nigger Bureau or some other Radical Agency, and their purpose is, no doubt, an insurrection and the massacre of tire* whites, the same as happened several years ago in St. Domingo. The whites are all unarmed and living in constant f*r. And yet it is said that we boast ol a republican form of government! Such are the means which our Northern Jaeo bins are using to accomplish their infernal purposes. It is no wonder lhat the Presi dent has commenced to overhaul these scoundrels and bring them to judgment.— M'e have been inclined to look upon Gen eral SchofielJ, in military command ot Virginia, as the best of al! the Rtnnp sa traps. but if he tolerates these nigger Or ganizations he cannot be put out of the w ay too quickly. The fact is not one of these despots can be trusted. All ought to be abolished, and let the country have peace. DECREASING. —The length of these early autumnal days, or, at least the day light portion of the hours —is perceptibly diminishing. Other sad reminders of the waning year in silvered leaflets and sombre shadows are also making themselves seen and observed ; and happy, if not to be en vied. are those foitnnate ones who look lovingly hack upon the past seasons o! spring and summer, with complacency and contentmet, and greet the future with un diminished hopes. AM I A RADICAL ?—God forbid! Call me any other name, but 'as thou lovest me," call me not a radical. H"Jiat ? a trampler upon and a despiser of the constitution of my country ; a viliti er and an abuser of the section of my birth—an oppressor of my people—an avowed enemv ol my own race and color and a worshipper at the shrine of Africa ! No, no, not a radical. Call me anything else, but for goodness sake don't call me a radical — Journal of Commerce. sr ti ie New York ILrald truly says that the desire to force to the surface a vat negro element—untrained, uneduca ted, unfitted to control themselves, much less legislate fur those who have set them f,v e — ;s the maddest phase of a revolution which is urged on with a partisan violence which forgets in its present success, that it must finnil :• bring a reaction that will be terrible to both black and white. HERE'S A GOOD ONE. —My first is what lies at the door; my secoud is a kind of a grain; my third is what nobody can do without, and my whole is oue of the Uni ted States. —Matrimonv. Imperial .HotiCfS. AUDI TOR'S KOTK E. ! Thi undesigned, hiving been appointed an Audi- I tor to matshall the asset t# of the estate of p. ggx F'lannery, l ite ot Fnrkston Tp-, dce'd, will attend to I the duties of hi? appointment at the office of R. P> ' i W. E- Little, in Tun hannock Boro on the Sixth ; day of Novein'er. A l at 1 o'clock P M. at i which time all parties interested in said estate will appear and present their claims, or he debarred frotu receiving any portion thereof. W E: LITTLE. Tunkhannoek, Pa Oct. S, 1567-wnlO-4w. NOTICE i I" hereby given. that I hare placed in possession i Dailey Jr., on' pair of steer?, to be kept by hiw during my will and pleasure—all persons are fortnd molesting or interfering with the same. DAVID PATRICK. Orerfield Pa ,Oct. 7th 18G7-v7nlotf, To Our Customers. Those having unsettled book accounts with u? of more than three months standing are respectfully requested to call and settle the sure without delay We must have money to purchase more goo-is. and hope our customers will respond to our call promptly. Grain and produce of all kinds taken on accout, or ; cash paid for same. JENNINGS A CO v7n96w, ADM INESTIMATOR'S NOTICE, IETTERS of Administration on the estate of JLu Id nake-, late of Windham Towdship dee'd, having been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given alt jiersons indebted to the said es tate, to make immediate payment of tto same , and all persons having claims against the same will pre sent them without delay duly authenticated for settlement to HARRISON C'OMS'i'UC'K. North Branch, Aug. 23rd, 1367. v7n46r TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A WILSON wdl send (free of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he was cured of a lung affection and fhatjdread disease Consumption Ilis only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 163 Poulh Second St., Williamsburg New y 0 rk 6n401y- INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce n luxuriant growth of hair upon a bal 1 head or beardless fane, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches. Eruptions, etc . on the skin, leaving the same soft clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing TIIO.?. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 823 Broadway, New York ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, BT PROF. CALVIN B, STOWE, P. A work of real value, and ail almost indispensable | companion of the liiblc, showing what the Bible is ; not. what it is, and how to use it • answering all the ' objections to its authenticity urged by modern infi dels, and traeing the authority of each book up to its : inspirod authors, giving a vast amount of informa tion heretofore locked up very rare and costly vol umes making one of the most popular books ever published 10 0 0 Agents Wantsd, Experienced agent#, elorgvmen, ladies, school teachers and others should send at once for circulars giving further information. Address, ZEIGLER, ofoCI'RDY A CO,, v7nß-4m. 501 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa . SIIATTEREDCONSTITI'TIONS RESTORED bv Heluibolu's Extract Buchu, SCROFULA" CONSUMPTION. Dr. LI'GOL of Paris, one of the most eminent Chemists of Europe, said : ... '•The most astounding results may bo anticipated when lodine can be dissolved in pure water. Dr. 11. Aspens, after fifteen years of scientific re search and expertm nt, has sne ceded in dissolving one an'l one quarter groins of lodine to eueh flui I ounce of water, an I the most astounding esults have followed its use, par'i ulariy in Scrofula anil ktu slred diseases. Circulars free. Dr. 11. Anders' lodine Water is for sale by J Fj DLNSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York, and all Druggists.—v7ns-tm itffo Stofctisnufiibs. OSLY DIRECT FINE TO FRANCE. The General Transatlantic Company's Splendid Mail Steamships : ST. LAURENT Bocasoe-• ■ -Saturday.Oct. 5. PEREIRE. Duchesnk• • Saturd'y, Oct 19, FTLLE DE PARlS•■Sarmoht • ••Saturd'y, Nov. 2, El ROPE, Lemahie-* -Saturd'y,Nov. 16. To Brest or Havre, (wine included,) First Cabin, #l6O ; Second Cabin, #BS, (in gold). These Steamers do not carry Steerage Passen gers. a GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent. 53 Broadway, N. Y. G, P, R. WOl THE MISHSSIPPP A Complete History of the Next States and Ter ritories, from the Great Riter to the Gr at Ocean. BY ALBERT P. RICHARDSON. ITS POPULARITY IS ATTESTED BY THE SALE OF OVER 20,000 COPIES IN A SINGLE MONTH "Life and Adventure on Prairies Mountains and the Pacific Coast. With over 290 Descriptive and and Photographic Yiewsofthe Scenery,l.itiet,Lands, Mines. People and Curiosities of the .New States and Territories." To prospective emigrants an 1 settler: in the ' Far West," this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it d >es a w. UMI'TJ O.Y CA -V HE CURED, ; The ivue remedy at last discovered, Lpham's Fresh i Meat C'uro, prepared from the formula of Prof, i Trouse iu <>f Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseis ie- BroneL'ii Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General i>e ' biiitv and ali morbid conditions of the system de ! pendent on defie.ADey ° f T ' ,al f,)r, " e - Uis P lcMant to taste and a 'in- 'e bot'le will convince the most i skeptical of its viatue as the gre.t healing remedy „t the age. SI a bottie. or * hntt ton for 85 Sent by Express. Sold hy S. C J j Ligfrg Philadelphia, am. In'ipnl Druggists.- Utrculars sent free. GPR _ THE RICHEST JMU* llf THE Extract of a Letter from L'a run So/urn ™ Rothschild PARIS, Bth Apr , 1864, 25 Rue übj, ><• II more i Will y< übe kind enough to hare forwarded to me here 200 bottles of your Indian Linin. *-'H ; Jj j vou will send at the same time the accoC nt . ™'v for* aid you the amount through Messrs. b.dmotn * j Co. New York Baron Solomon Rotbeehild having reeommei. led to many of his friends Major LANE'S UNIMEX * . | and they being desirous to procure it, he should ad- , ; vise him to establish a depot in Paris. THF.INIHAN I-IMHI3NT. ! As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of p.iin, taken in- 1 wnrdly or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure < f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec tions, Sprains. Bruises, Ac., it is unqualed It is also most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of Cholera, Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach, Diar rhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Mo-bus, Cholera Infantum Ac , and is without exception the most woderful Pan acea the world a fiords, No Family should be with | out it. Every traveler by land or sea .mould have a i bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand, In cas* of Accidenst, and sudden attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannot he estimated. Inquire for Ma jit LANES INDIAN LINIMENT, and take no other Pried s'h-ts. per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by lie mas Barnes A Co., 21 ! park Row, New York ; Galo A Robinson, 186 Green wich st., N. Y. : F. C. Wells A Co , 192 Fulton-st., X, Y. : Chas-X. Crittenden. 28 6th Avenue, X. Y. and by rcspictable Druggists throughout the world None genuine unless signed by John Thos, Lane and countersigned by J, T. LANE A CO. Proprietors, 162 Broadway, X, Y. i for Circular. GPR ONLY 8!. Unfortunate Humanity, 81 ONLY My Injection cures Gonnorrhsea or Gleet in ten i days without noxious drugs, when all other remedies i fail, Du lIENKIE REMMAIR, Station F„ N. \ r j City. GPR A Physiological View of Marriage, THF. CHFAPEST ROOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing; Nearly Three Hundred Pages And 130 fill" plates and engravings of the ! Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its Do ! plorahte Consequences upon the mind and body, j with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only ra tional and successful mode ot Cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A tru'hful adviser to the 1 married and those contemplating marriage, who en tertain donh's of their phys'cal condition Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing DR LA I CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y. 'he I author may he consulted upon any of the diseases I upon which his book treats, cither personall or by j mail. Nediein"B sent to any part of the world, GPP Manhood and the vigor of youth restored In T weeks Success guaranteed. DR RECORD'S Essence of Life restores manly power, front whatever cause arising, the effects j of early pernicious habits, self abuse, impotency and ' climate, give way at once to this wonderful medicine if taken regularly according to the directionsfwhich are very simple, and require no restraint from busi or pl 'asure,) Failure is impossible. Sold in bottles, at $1 or 4 quantities in one for 89. To be |ad only of the sale appointed agent in America, i HERMAN GEUTZEN, 323 Bowery, and 205 21 Ave N. Y, GPR r Thfo afo&frtirsinrnt. A List of Newspapers. We published a complete List of all News papers in the Now England states ; price 25". State of New York ; price 2"V Del | MJ„ and Diet, of | 001. ; price 250. Ohio : prin. 25'-° Pennsylvania ;-- price 25c. Indiana ; price 25". All of the above for One Dollar. O. P. ROWELL A CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y. GPK nm AGENTS wanted, to sell Six New In- Ov>vrv/?entlons, of great value to families - all pay gr< at profits. S nd 25e. and get 80 1 ages and sample gratis. Agents have made 8100,000. — Kphrairn Brown, Lowell, Massachusetts. ' MADAM FOY'S f Corset Skirt -Supporter Combines in one garment a ppr- Ft< T riTTiito the most desirable Skirt 4up|rter ever of fered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shnuldefs instead of the hips; it improves the firm without tight lacing; gives easo and elegance; is approved ani recommended by J. B. SAUNDERS A CO., Summer St., Boston. PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS.—THE GRAFTON MINERAL I'AINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durante Piint in use ; two coats well put on mixed with pure Linseed Oi. wiJI last 10 or 15 yecrs; it is of a light brown or beauti ful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, or drab, to suit the taste of tt,e consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Barns, Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car makers, and Wooden- Ware, Canvas, Metal ani Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof.) Bridges. Burial Case*. Canal Boats. Ships and Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Clo'bs, (one Manufacturer having j used 500U bbls. th" past te ir.) ami as a paint fr any purpose is unsurpassed f. r thai/, durability elastic ity and adhesiveness. Price 86 per bbl.,of .flOtbs which will tuimly a farmer for yea rs to come. Warranted in ( all cases as abvo Send for a circular, which goes full purticnlars. None genuin '■ nu'* B3 branded 111 tudrk Grafton Mineral P l ' nt ' Address DAN- ; IEL LIDWELL, Proprietor, 25 A 1 : '0 si, -V 1. i Agents wanted. J i YOU'RE WANTED! Li 1( HERE! Agents, both male and female, wan, ed everywhere to sell the PATENT IMPROVED INK RESER VOIR, (by which iroin one to two pag>s " nn be writ ten without replenishing with ink), and o. ir Fancy and I>ry Goods, etc. Can clear from Sd to 3'U a day. No capital required. Price 10 cents, nith * n ai '" vertisement describing an article for sale ,n _ our Dollar Purchasing Agency, CIBCPLA&< FREE. PASTMAS & KPN DALE. <1.5 Hanover St., Huston, Mi'ss. WE ARE COMIMG7 And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great One Price Nile, of Dry ant Fancy Goods, Acs a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch Ac., free of cost. Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any addaess tree. Address J. S. HAWKS A CO., 30 Hanover St.. Boston Mass. i'. 0. Box 5125. THE HEALING POOL, AMD HOUSE OF MERcy. Howard Association Reports, for YOUNG MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ARI SES a id DISEASES which destroy the manly |wers, and create impediments to MAR RIAGE, with sure means of relief. Scut in sealed letter, em elopes, free of charge. Address Dr J. j SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, 1 Philadelphia. Pa. 6u44- lyear A CANVASS OF TUE UNION proves that the most successful candidate for genera favor erer placed before THE PEOPLE, is that.pure and salubrious vegetable btauliHer, CKISTADORA'S HAIR DYE, Far and wide, throughout the restored republic, in defiance tit rivalry and eompe.ition. it appeals TO TIIK POLLS: of ai who disign to clothe the same the magni ficent black or brown hues which nature has denied, or age stolon away. Manufactured by J. CRISTA DOHO, 6 Astor House, Now York, .-old by Drug gists, applied by all Ilair Dressers. -v7 n5-lm. TUE GLORY OF MAR IS STRENGTH.— IThere ore the nurvoos and debilitated shorn! immediately nse UKLM HOLD'S EXTRACT Brent;. Dr. Wist ii> Ba|aaaof wUJ Cberrj, la Use whole history of medical discoveries no remedy has p< rfi rtuel so many or such remarka ble cures of the numerous affections if the Throat, Lungs, and O'hest, as this long tried and justly celebrated Balsam So generally a knowledge'! is the superior excellence of this remedy that but few ot the many who have tested its. virttyss by experi ence fail to keep it at hand as a sj-edv and cer tain cure for sudden attacks of Cold —fail believing that its remedial powers tire comprehensive cn ugh to embrace every form of disease, fr. :u theslighest cold to the most dangerous symptom of pulmonary complain,' UNSOLICITED lESTIMDXY. Frcm Rev. Francis Lobdell, Pistorof the South Congregational Chutcb, Bridgeport, Connecticut "I consider it a duty which I owe'to suflering humanity to bear testimony to the virtues of Dr. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I have used it—when I have had occasion for any remedy for Cougbs.Colds or Sore Throat —for many years, and never in a 1 single instance hag it failed to relieve snd cure me, have lrcquentiy been very hoarse on satuiday,and | lJO ''td forward to the delivery ot two sermons on the h,.' lowing day with sad mi.-givirgs. tut by a lib er '1 use 'd the Balsam my hoarseness his invariably been rerno v -d> and I havo preached wi.iiout ,'ifficul- I reeon mend R m y brethren in the ministry, and to' public fner.lly, as a certain reme dy for the bronc hil . r ""hitsto which we ire peculiar- Prepared'by SETH W. FOWLE A SON, IS Tre moot St.. Boston, and for .'• by Druggst generally QRABE'S CELEBATED SAL\'?- From Mr. E. Tucker, Depot Master at Salisbury. Mass- , , "I have been troubled for ynnrs with ba nu liior ; Sometimes outwardly and .ometimeW inwa'd ly. During the past summer it manifested its -It more than Usual outwardly, and I used your >Salve All signs of it have since disappeared, without affec ting me inwardly, indicating, i think, the eradica- J ting nature of the Salve. ,SET 11 W. FOWLE 4 SON. Boston Proprietors. Sold by Druggists at 25cts a box. Sent by mail for 35 cts. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to tbo frame and bloom to the palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption insantity, or epileptic fits ensue. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are pre[red according to rule* of Chemistry rni Bharmacy, aud ara the most active that can be made. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentlemau who suffered for years from Netvous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects o{ youthful in< iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the reeipy an 1 directions for making the simple remedy be which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OUDON, 43 Cedar Streot, New York. vGnlO. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in last • and o lor, free lfom all injurtou properties, and immediate in its action. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are • - IT, I tt, 11 • t.n's Etrstcr BUCHP. TAKE N( MO It E~~UN P L EAS AN T AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant anl dangerous r-eas-s. Use Helmbold's Extrart Buchu and Imp oved Rose Wetb. LEMON SCHOOL DISTRICT. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI TURES FOR SCHOOL YKtR ENDING JUNE IST 1807. RECEIPTS. Amount of School Duplicate $517,08 Amount received from other Districts 29.28 ToUl *546,36 EXPEKDITIRKS. Amount paid to teachers $360,72 " " " Collector and Treasures 32.08 " " ' Secretary 8.00 Exonerations and Mistakes 20 93 Balance in Treasury, unexpended 124.63 Total ss4#, 36 NATHAN KEIM. PresiieDt. GEO WALLACE, Seci'y. v7n42w. ROSS* MILLS *5 GO* Comer Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TI; N KHAN N6C K, P KNN'A. Are tiow opening a large stocko Hardware, such as IKON, STEEL & NAiLS,! i'aints, Oils, (Hass, rutty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of j all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seivcs, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil (Roth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated j litts of every kind, I lame?. Iron Pad Trees, Sa-dle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Bilk Awls, and needles, Halter Chains, Trace Chains, &c. die. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and HCTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. Wails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, ami expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth ol what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. Tunk. Pa. May 29th, 1867. .1 VST. PUBLISHED NEW WORK ON SINGING. HAS£INI s TWENTY MELODIC EXERCISES. IN FORM OF OLFEGGTOS F'O'/t SOTTtA.YO O'Jt )'OVA'S, INTENDED AS Studies to acquire the Art of Singing "Those exercises were composed to be need simul taneously with his sy-tui, "Tub Art op Si.vging," or with any other method for the cultivation of the voice, and will take the place of COXCONE'S SOL- j FEGGIOS ; being more melodious and better adapt ed for teaching "Some of these exercises are specially beautiful j as well as useful, a mingling of the dulce et utilt which secures the interest as well as the improve ment of the student. The various styles leveloped n these exercises reuder them invaluable in an edu cational point of view, as they tend to enlarge the intelligence and the appreciation, and at the same tiuia form the taste of the pupil. They must be i studied carefully with reference to the innuuieiable marks of expression and forms of ornamentation.— Upon the minute accuracy with which these aro ac complished depends the actual sterling advancement of the pupil; any evasion or slurring in these re spects is time and effort utterly wasted, while, on y the other hand, a close and patient investigation,and minutely and faithful execution of them, will give j unexpected power and facility, and open to the student the means and resources by which groat artists produce their most, brilliant and profound ef- I facts. — Watson's Art Journal. In Two ) cltones. Price, each,, in Boards. Retail, *2 00 do. do, in Cloth, Retail, - w A Sample Copy sent by Mail, post paid, on receipt i of Wholesale I'rice, 81,50 Published by W M. HALL & SO In , Ho 5 *3 Broadway. N. V. Publishers and dealers in Music, and Manufactur ers of FLUTES, FIFES, FLAGEOLETS, Ac., Ac. Send (or catalogue of prices. iVE W HAN C Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MI.'S.K LKASE. HAVIN J lately opened a new Fancy Ftore , of- j fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TIIIMM XISX.G- Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zwpher, in all colors. Rid Gloves, Cuffs and ; Collars, L'ce, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies Ne'ktiei, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead of t'oe best ; quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a j large stock of TOYS, 1 Including China, Bronre, Papier Mach e Tin, Rose- J wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy ' T ° J ' B For Ladies. i ! Oosmaties Ac , Such as Pomades, Oils. Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac 1 MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannack. Ma} 1, IWi- IJliscetlarauE. GET THE WEST WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. INABBIDGED MEW ILLEBTRATKH OVER 3.000 EINE ENGRAVINGS. 20,000 W 'urds and Alanines not in other Diction aries. A necessity to every intelligent family, student, teacher and p;H •e-ioual mun "THE NEW YVIO.TSTEU is glorious-it is perfect—it distances and defies competition—it leaves notuing to be desired."— J. H Raymond, LL, I) ~ Pres. of l r assar Cvtl "All young person* sbolM have a standard Die tionary at their elbows. Aid while vou are about 1 ittiET THE BEST; that Diclioi'nry is NOAH WEBSTER'S I the great work unabru/ged if you are too poor, j r.s, an unbroken line across the continent, atlracts attention to the value of the First Mortgage Ijonds which the Company now offer to the public. The first question aske Iby i prudent investors is, "Are these bonds secure ?" Next, "are they a profitable investment 7" to reply in brief: Ist. The early completion of the whole great line J to the Pacific is ns certain as nnv future buttress event* an be. The Government grant of over twen ' ty million acres of land and fifty milliob dollars in ! its own bon is practically guarantees it. One fourth , of the work is already lone, and the track continues to he laid at the rate of two miles a day. i 2d. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon what promises to be one of the most profitable lines of railroad in tha country. For many years it must be the only line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific; and being without competition, it can main tain remunerative rates, 3d. 425 mili sol this road are finished, snd fully equipped with depots, locomotives, cars, Ac., and two trairs are running each way. The materi als (or thfc ,(imaining 131 miles to tiio eastern base of the Rocky Mountains are on hand, and it is under contract to bo done in September. 4th The net earnings of iho sections already fin ished are seceral times greater than the gold inter est upon the First .M irtgage Bon Is upon .""uch sec tions, and if not another mile of the road were built the part already completed would not only pay in terest and expenses, but be profitable to the Com pany. sth. The Un : in Pacific Railroad bonds can be is ued only as the road progresses, and therefore can never be in the market unless they represent a bona JicU properfv. 6ih. Their amoust- is is stric ly limited by law to a sum equal to what is granted by the t*. S. Gov ernment, and for whi h it takes a second lien as its security, 'ibis amount upon the firsi 517 utiles west from A mall a is only Sld.tlOO per mile. 7th The fact that /be I". 5. Government consid eis a second lien upon the road a good investment, and that some of the shrewdest railroad builders ol the country have aire ad- paid in five million dol lars upon the stock (which is to thorn a third lien), may well Inspire confidence in a first lien. Bth. Although it is not claimed that there can be any better securities that Governments, there are parties who consider a first mcrfgage upon such a property as this the very best security in the world, and who sell their Governments to re-inved in these bonds —thus securing a greater interest. 9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bends are offer ed for the j resent at 90 cents on the dollar and ac- j crned interest, they ive the cheapest security in the j market, being over 15 per cent, less than U. S. , Stocks . lOih, At the current rate of of premium on gold, they pay Oyer .Vine per en/. Interest. The daily subscriptions are already large, and the will continue to be received in New York by the Continental National i,auk, No, 7 Nassau St. Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 5l Wall St, John J. Oisoo & Son, Bankers, No. 33 Wall St. and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally through out the United States, of whom tnops and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained, They will also be sent by mail from the Company's Offi-e, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select their own Agents in whom they have eonfi- j dence, who alone will be responsible to them for the safe delivery of the bonds JOHN J. CISCO. Treasurer, NEW YORK. v6n43 3m. , HELM ISOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Eucnrr Is a certain care tar diseases of the BLADDER, KI UN KVS. GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEERXKXS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS , GENERAL DEBILITY, and a':l diseases of the l liI.VARY ORGANS, whether existing in MAZE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STA.VDINQ. ► Diseases of these organs require the use of a ! diuretic |. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ! ported "from these sources and the 118 \LTU A XT) HAPPINESS, and ( that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. T HELM BOLD, DRUGGIST, 8T ; t P.rtndwny, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia,?* | v6n'29-ly. U, S, INTERNAL REVENUE' Notice is hereby given that the Annual " lls t 0 f Excise taxes for 1967 has been '.ansmitted t0 mat y the Assessor, and the same has becotno ' , )e acf j pay able. All persons Assessed in the bounty of "W'sro JM lIsJG-. j Wit' make payment to F. M. CRANE. Deputy Col leclor, on or K-l' .re the Gth day of September 1867 I at his ofE.u in !ha store of Daniel Wright, in Tunk j hannock. Notice is a!so given that all persons who neglect or refuse to pay the duties and taxes Assessed upon J hcui withiu the time specified, will become liable to ' paythe penalties imposed by law, ia addition. H. L, SCOTT, Collector 13tk District. PtnrCa j Collector's 06iee, Tuwan ia, Pa., Aug. 17, '67 j 4-3v7n w j CAUTION. My Wife Angeline having left rar l>ed an 1 board | without any just cause or provocation, this is there ; foru to caution all persons against harboring or trust- I trig her on my acconnt as I will pay Ho debts of her , contrictine j TnnkhannooU Tp. ELISIIA BLONG- Sept; 3rd 1597. R •- Sliscfllifttffliis. T Teeth Positively Extctaerd WITHOUT PAIN! NEW PHOCFSS. ! NEITHER CLOROFORm, ETHER; NOB s^iv%?oWtS' li TO HE A L rfl AH LIFE. This Sttbstnnfe is applied directly to fhtf gQm* producing a r.utnhewi (local Ana"ftthe*ta) Of only the parts around the tooth, whereby it onn be extracted without any pain whatever, at,J without uayieeeena < i ness to the Patient; CALL AT MY OFFICE AND BE CONVINCED. J. J. .SEYMOUR, Snr&eon Dentist, Laceyville, Pa.—v7ns-3tn: mrnniTimr BARBER AND HAIR-DR EMBER Takes pleasure in announcing to his old customers and the public, generally, that he has now secured tho services as an assistant—of late pro Mj paris, Those wishing a good share or other work in hit line can now be accommodated without tha vexatious deli ys experienced ut "une horse" shops, SHAMPOOING, n.'.rß-CLTTINO, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, Ac.. 1,. done in tha best style and at reasonable rales. TOMADES, DERI EMERY and EXTRA TS, always on band, an 1 for sale at the old stand em Tioga Street. J BEKLINGII0? Tunkhannock, Pa ; Feb. 12, 1867—vbn27-tf.. FARMERS AND MECHANICS Take Notice. SU FACE PLAJvgIG and * MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCRO LL SAWING . ALL KIXD3 of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, Zf ARROW, CULTIVA TORS, HORSE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hind or to order. Power and hand Cornsliellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER 4 AVERY, v6n43-Iy. SHERMAN St LATHItOP, (Successors to John Weil,) AT THE OLD STAND, NEXT DOOR TO THI BANK,AT TUIVK:iIA.ISrJVOOH^ Take pleasu e'in announcing to the people of Wyo ming County, that they are now reciiving from New York one of the largest and most complete assort ment of Din GOODS, D11E33 GOO(iS and TRIMMINGS; HOME'S AMD CHILDREN'S SHOES | CASStaS AND GENTLFMEN'S FURNISHING MB fss W Bar G f and a large stock of READY-MADE OHolhinii purchased from a first class Xew York House at pri ces trom 10 to 20 percent, lower than tile Usual rates; enabling th in to dispose of them at prices 73EL0 W ALL OMTJSTITOH* Having had 20 year's experience in this business they teel certain that they can senate a ttade at this point; and to do this,they only ask the people ta COUI AXI> SEE THEIR GOODS AJTD PRICES, BUTTER, EGGS, and PRODUCE, of ALL KINDS tnrec at the highest market rates in exchange fo* Goods or Cash at the option of the seller, H. N. SHERMAN, I, B. LATHROP. Tank. Pa. Apr 16 1967. WE KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides. SHERMAN & LATH HOP, BRICK! BRICK The subscriber has now on hand and 4 will fih tIW ! ter constantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bro% \ new Tannery, I.V TIWHAX.YOi:, which will be sold cheep, and in qnantitiee tat wl i purchasers. H. W, Rll WOKS' , T6n47-tf. ■ FOR NON-RETESTIOX 011 INCONTINENCE of I'rino, irritation, inflamatioa. of ulceration of the i bladder, of kidneya, disease* of the prostrate glands. ' stne iu the bladder, calculus, gravel or brh kdo st dewsits, and all disease* ot the bladder, kldaj„ • nd dropsical sivelllinps. i TVi tawmwr as Finn Rtaeirr llf*w x