CURRENT NEWS. AGAIN.— For the first time in more thaD ten years the Democrats of Vermont have elected one member of the State Senate. Mr. D. W. Voorhees is to speak twice in Ohio next week. Democratic Congressman Noeil, of Mis souri, is quite ill in St. Louis. Bisrstadt's "Domes of the Yo-Semite" is on exhibition in Boston. Henry Coltart, of Pittsburgh, has challeng ed Hami|l to row five miles for §2,000. The proprietor of the; White Sulphur Springs in Virginia, is said to have made §40,-000 this season. Commodore Vanderbell ia'|Said to be the backer of Gen Charles P. Stone in his min ing enterprise in Virginia. Maj. Geo. Hancock will leave Washington in a few days for St. Louis, but will not go to New Orleans for,some weeks. Mrs. Ellis, the author of |"The Women o* England," (of how many of them ?) has in press a new novel entitled "Northern Rosea." The flags |on the office/and depot of the Erio Railway are half masted out of respect to the memory of Sir Fredrick Bruce, who was a director ot the|cooipauy. Mr. William D. Kelley, know for his Mo bility on occasion of riots, has made a speech in Indianapolis. and|nn Indianapolitan paper describes him as "a fussy little maD with san whiskers." Lotta carries around a big slick, an old •tick, a Crab-tree stick. It is Crabtree whoguesjto guard her from admir ing and unprincipled ardor. Tbe President has recognized Francois Bes ton as Consul of Switzerland for the States of California, Oregon, and Nevada,and Wash ington Territoty, to reside at San Francis co. A child was foundled, on Sunday night un der the steps of Mr. John Jacob Astor, on Fifth avenue. The device failed, and the foundling was sent to Police Headquarters. A Missourian went to see tbe reception of Sheridan, under the impression that it was tbe reception of McCoole, and concluded that "Aaron Jones wasn't much if he couldn't lick Arm." Oaket Ames, the Massachusetts Congress man, has taken the contract to bnild nearly all the remaining portion of the Union Paci fic Railroad, about 600 miles, through the Rocky Mountain region, for £47.000,000. A CANDID RADICAL Hon John Hickman, who waa last week nominated in Chester Co. for the Pennsylvania Legislature, made a speech in which he|gave hts opinion of Ilar risbnrg in the.following plain terms : I would rather spend three months in the poor-house or prison of Chester County than in Harrisburg* 1 No man can go there and come back with an unsullied reputation, and I am uot sure that it is not my enemies rath er than my friends that desire to there. ScHLRZ AND THE GERMANS. —CarI ScIlUrZ takes pains to deny that he advised the Wis consin Germans to "bid farewell to the Re publican party in State and local elections, while standing firm in national contests."— It makes vety httledifference whether Schurz eTer gave this advice or not, foi sensible Ger mans, not only in Wisconsin,but throughout the country, are abandoning the Radical par ty, and takiDg position under the standard of the Democracy Drummer boy Ilendcrshott ran away with a girl from Poughkeepsie, and a stage coach baa ran away with her from him. Hender abott has brought suit for £IO,OOO damages. Perhaps he thinks he damaged her father to that extent took her away, and per haps not. It makes a difference whose ox,so ao to speak, is gored. Gov. Helm of Kentucky died at his resi dence near Elizahethtown the Bth inst., and tit burried on Tuesday, just one week from the day of bis inauguration. His death hav ing occurred during the first two years of bia term, being in fact the shot test guberna torial terra that has occurred in the history of the States, the law call for another election to be held on the first Monday of August next. Meanwhile Lieut.-Gov. Stevens will be the acting Governor. RADICAL ENEMIES. —"LocaI Difficulties" and "General Apathy" seem to be the two most terrible impediments in the way of Rad ical success. '• Local Difficulties" sent that party to the wall in California ; ' General Apathy" caused a loss of thousands in Ver mont ; and ia Maine both these cruel distur bers of Radical harmony nearly sent that or. ganization into political bankruptcy. NECRO AMBITION FOR OFFICE— The New Orleans Times, referring to the approaching elections in Louisiana, says It is undeniable that a strong feeling o ratle— ofexclusivenes—is growing up in the breasts of the colored people, and that the tendency to ignore white men as counsellors and leaders—even though they be of the most Radical type politically—is constantly on the increase. Even at this early day,long before an election for new local governments can be held, there is scarcely a State or mu ■teiple office that can be ramed for which a negro candidate has not already beeD put for ward, with strong and active supporters at his baek. A colored man, now holding of fice by appointment of General Sberidan, toasted on a leading thoroughfare, in tones to be beard by passers, that he would be the next Bhenff elected, if it cost him fifty thous and dollars. lie is confident of succeeding without any auch liberal expenditure, anotb* er is quite as confident of being the next Mayor. The member of Congress from the Firat Diatrict is decided upon, and so on to the end of the list." ®{je Democrat. HARVEY SICKI.ER, Editor. TVNKHANNOCK, PA. Wednesday, Sep. 25, 1867. JEST ADVERTISING AGENTS, EX CHANGES, and all others interested, will please note the CHANGE of TITLE, of this r per, from THE NORTH BRANCH DEM OCRAT to WYOMING DEMOCRAT. Business Men and Advertisers will make a note of the fact that the DEMO CRAT has a Circulation much larger than any other Paper in the County. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, GEORGE SHARSWOOS, 0> PHILADELPHIA. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, HIRAM WHITE, of Susquehanna. TOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Win. B. OVERFIEL D, ot Tunkbanuock Township. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, JAMES G. FASSETT, of Windhaui. FOR CORONER, Dr. A. J.TRIPP, ol Centremoreland. FOR AUDITOR, Hon. HENRY LOVE, of Mehoopany. ELECTION TUESDAY, OCT. Sth. Do not neglect to get assessed at least ten days before the election. After Satuiday next will to be too late. fg°jThe radical newspapers are parading before their readers the fact that the rad ical state Legislature repealed the State tax on real estate ; and that without this, Geo. Geary is rapidly paying off the state debt. They neglect to tell the people that the State authorities demand and re ceive as large, if not a larger amount trom the funds collected for county purposes than that realized from the old state tax. It makes but little difference by what name a tax is called. The laboring masses are sure to have it to pay. The State tax on real estate was pretended to be repealed in order to deceive and humbug the peo ple. Governor Geary is not paying: the state debt with money earned by himself. TAXATION. —A cotemporary puts a case as follows : "Money lender A. and farmer B. live side by side. A had ten thousand dollars. B. bad one son and no monev • but B. gave his own son to the war. That 60n was his onlv dependence. He was crippled in the war for life! B. had no support left in conseqnence of the war.— But A. puts his 10,000 dollars into bonds, and receives annoally 7-30 per cent, amounting to 730 dollars per year. A pays no tax, but B. is taxed 100 dollars for an inconsiderable farm ! In this show ering the blesri igs and burdens of govern ment, like the dews of Heaven, equally upon all ? A soldier of the war of 1812, named Andrew Klotz of Lower Saucon township, Northampton county, committed suicide last week, rather than go to the poor house. The late Radical Legislature, which increased the salaries of its mem bers and officers to $48,900, repealed the act granting $7,000 in annuities to soldiers of the war of lbl'2, and their widows, hence Andrew Klotz the old veteran, had no alternative but the poor-house or the grave. He chose the latter, and his patri otic blood will rest as an everlasting stain upon the heads of the Radical cormorants and corruptionists. Tbe Radical organs are having a happy time explaining how tbe Pacific black and tans were defeated in California. They have generally settled down upon the be lief that it was for want of votes. Sage conclusion. The New York Tribune endorses the amnesty proclamation in the following terms: We are in favor of it now, and would gladly have every peaceable, well disposed man in the South assured that no harm will befall him because of his share in the rebellion so long as he deports hirn- B elf as a good citizen should." Will the small blockhead snarlcrs quit their fuss now about it ? RADICAL PRINCIPLES, —CaIIing every pesson in favor of law and order a rebel, voting niggers by military force, compell ing white laborers to support lazy niggers, electing drunkarJs to the Legislature on their promise to pass prohibitory laws and electing a little repudiating Yankee to the Supreme Bench to enforce them. AMNESTY PROCLAMATION. By the President of the United Stales. WHEREAS, In the monih of July, Atmo Domini, 1861, the two Houses of Congress with extraordinary unanimity, solemnly declared that the war thci} existing was not waged on the part of the government in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose ot conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the States, but to defend and maintain the supremacv of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired, and that as soon as these ob jects should be aecompli-hed the war ought to cease ; and WHEREAS, The President ot the United States on the Bth day of December, Anno Domini 1863, and on the 28th dav of March, Anno Domini 1864, did with the objects of suppressing the then existing rebellion, of inducing all persons to return to their loyalty, and of restoring 'the au thorisy of the United States, issue procla mations offering amnesty and pardons to all persons who had directly or indirectly participated in the then existing rebellion except as in those proclamations was spec ified and reserved; and WHEREAS, The President ot the United States did, on the 20th day of May Anno Domini 186.), issue a further proclamation with tho same objects belore mentioned, and to the end that the authority of the government the United States might be restored, anii that peace, order and free dom might be established, and the Presi dent did, by the said last mentioned proc lamation, proclaim and declare that he thereby granted to all persons who had directly or indirectly participated in the then existing rebellion, except as therein excepted, amnesty and pardon, with res toration ot all the rights of properly ex cept as to slaves, and except in certain cases where legal proceedings had been instituted, but upon condition that such persons should take and subscribe an oath therein prescribed, which oath should be registered for permanent preservation : and WHEREAS, In and bv the said last men tioned proclamation, of the 20th day of May, A. D. 1865, fourteen extensive classes of persons therein specially de scribed were altogether excepted and ex cluded from the benefits thereof: and WHEREAS, The President of the United States did. on the 2d day cf April, Anno Domini 1&06, issue a proclamation declar ing that the insurrection was at an end, and was thenceforth to be so regarded : and WHEREAS, There now exists no orga nized armed resistance of misguided citi ! Zens, or others, to the authority of the j Unitpd States in the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkan ras, Mississippi, Florida and Texas, and the laws can be sustained and enforced therein by the proper civil authority, State or Federal, and the people of sajd states are well and loyally disposed, and have conformed, or if permitted to do so will conform, to the condition of affairs. grow ing out of the amendment to the Constitu tionof the L'nited States prohibiting sla very within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States; and WHEREAS. There no longer exists any reasonable ground to apprehend within the States which were involved in the late rebellion any renewal thereof, or any un lawful resistance by the people of said States to the Constitution and laws of the United States ; and \V HERE AS, Large standing armies, mil itary occupation, martial law, military tribunals, and the suspension of the privil ege of the writ of habeas corpus, and the right of trial by jury, are in time of peace, dangerous to public liberty, incompatible with the individual rights of the citizen, contraiy to the genius and spirit ot our free institutions, and exhaustive of the na tional resources, and ought not, therefore, to be sanctioned or allowed except such cases of actual necessity, for repelling in vasion, or suppressing insurrection or re bellion ; and WHEREAS, A retaliatory or vindictive policy, attended by unnecessary qualifica tions, pains, penalties, confiscations and disfranchisements, now, as always, could only tend to hinder reconciliation among the people, and national restoration, while it must seriously embarrass, obstruct, and repress popular energies and national in dustry and enterprise; and WHEREAS, For these reaons, it is now deemed essential to the public welfare, and to the more perfect restoration of constitu tional law and order, that the said last mentioned ptoclamation, so as aforesaid issued on the 29th day of Mav, Anno Domini 1865, should be modified, and that the full and bencfigent pardon conce ded thereby should be opened and further extended to a largo number of persons who, by its aforesaid exceptions, have been hitherto excluded from Executive clemen cv. Now, therefore, be it known that I, An drew Johnson. President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that the full pardon described in the said proclamation of the 20th day of May, An no Domini. 1805, shall henceforth be open ed and extended to all persons who direct ly or indirectly participated in the late re bellion. with the restoration of all privileg es immunities and rights of property, ex cept as to property with regard to slaves, and except in cases of proceedings under the laws of the United States ; but upon this condition, nevertheless, that ev ery person who shall seek to avail him self of this proclamation shall take and subscribe the following oath, and shall cause the same to be registered for perma nent preservation, in the same manner and with the same effect as with the oath prescribed in the said proclamation of the 29th day of May, iB6O, namely; Ido solemnly swear (or affirm) in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of the States there under; and that 1 will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made du ring tbe late rebellion with reference to ■ the emancipation of slaves. So help me God. The following persons and no others are excluded from the benefits of this proc lamation, and of the said proclmation, of the 29th day of May, A. D. 18G5, namely ; First—The chief or pretended chief: Executive officers,'including the President Vice President, and all heads of depart ments ot the pretended Confederate or Rebel Government, and all who were agents thereof in foreign States or coun tries, and all who held or pretended to hold, in the service of the said pretended Confederate Government, a military rank or title above the grade of Brigadier Gen eral, or naval rank or title above that of Captain, and all who were or pretended to be Governors of States while maintaining, abetting or submitting to and acquiescing in the rebellion. Second—All persons who in any way treated otherwise as lawful prisoners of war, persons who in any capacity were employed or engaged in the military or naval service of the United States. Third—All persons, at the time tbey may seek to obtain the benefits of this proclamation, are actually in civiL milita ry or naval confinement or custody!' or le gally held to bail either before or after conviction, and all persons engaged direct ly or indirectly in the assassination of the late President of the United States, or in any plot or conspiracy in any manner herewith connected. In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand, and have caused the seal of the United States to be thereunto affixed. [L. S.j Done at the City of Washing ton|the seventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. ANDREW JOHNSON. By 'he President. Wm. 11. Seward. Secretary of State. A REPUBLICAN VIEW OF THE SITUA TION. —The Pittsburg Republic declared that it would have gladly supported Judge Williams, but "No word or act of ours, however could be given in support of the dogma announ ced in the Williomsport platform—that the Supreme Bench should be debased to harmonize with the clamor of a political majority. There are yet other reasons ot equal weight which lead us to labor for the electiou of the candidate of Democra cy in preference to his worthy opponent. — The election of Judge Williams will be claimed by the opposition as an endorse- ! ment of all the heresies of the Radicals, including negro suffrage at tlie North by enactment of Congress, continued and more oppressive military despotism at the South, which must also eventually extend to the Northern States, and of all the con templated wrongs which the wicked and j corrupt liadical leaders have foreshadowed or can invest. \\ e thus define our own positiuu in regard to tho canvass for the office of Judge of the Supreme Court of this State." OK COJRSE. —Old Ben Wade made a speech at Marietta, Ohio, on the 2bth, in support if the Radical course. lie said negro suffrage is the logical result of Re publican principles. Of course; and so is negro equality and miscegenation—a mix ture of tie races. The Democrats used to charge tiis tact upon the old Abolition party, yiars ago, and they always denied it. The/ said they only meant free races. They now admit that equality is the legit imote of their action, and when they demand miscegenation they will claim for that the same prestige legitimacy as ase quence ct Radicalism. And the claim will be true, EQUA.ITV lIEFORE THE L.\W !"—Two negroes have announced themselves as can didates br Congress in the First and Fourth districts of Georgia. They claim that the right to vote carries with it the right tc hold otlice, and that as the blacks arc in Majority, white men are not entitled to repriScnt them. The Rads will get enough of negro equality presently. Reconstruction at the North—Democrat ic Gains. Whle reconstruction, under Radical manipulation, lags in the South, the great party >f constitutional freedom is march ing 01 to inevitable triumph in the North. Let u.- count np the Democratic gains in round numbers since last spring: In Connecticut 3,000 In Kentucky 20,000 In New Hampshire 5,000 In Rfode Island 2.000 In Vermont 5,000 In California 2G,000 In Miin 14,000 In Ahntana 1,000 Total 7 (5,000 Here is a total Democratic gain in seven small States and one Territory of nearly eighty thousand votes —nearly one quarter of the entire popular majority for Lincoln in 18G4 in the loyal States alone ! As an offset, the Radicals are entitled to a credit of Bresi4 age' and give auch other evidence ae ia required by thia Act, whereupon the name of the person go admitted to rote shall be inserted in the alphabetical fiat h„ the Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto u writing the word "tax," if he shall be admitted t u vote by reason ot having paid a tax, of the word "age" if he shall be permitted to vote on account of bis nge, and neither case the reason of such rote shall be called oot to the clerks, who shall name it in the list of voters kept by them, '•lf any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent a any officer of an election, or use or threaten any violence to any/och officer, or shall interfere wiq, him in the execution of his duty or .hall block up , r attempt to block the window or arenne or any win dow where the same may be bolden, or shall riotous ly disturb the peace of such election or sbal 1 nee or practice any intimidation, threats, for ce or violence ; Hth design to influence unduly or overawe any' elector to prevent him from voting or to restrain I the freedom of choice, such person on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hun dred dollars and be imprisoned for any time not lew than one nor more than twelve months ; and it it I shall be shown to the Court where the trial of sack ! offense shall be had that the person so offending wig not a resident of the city, ward, district, or township, where tho offence was committed, and not entitle . to a vote therein, then on eooviction be sbal! h* j sentenced to pay a fine of lot less than one hun j dred dollars and be imprisoned not leas than six months or more than two years. AN ACT Regulating tho mode of voting at all elections, in the tevera) counties of this Commonwealth. SKCTIOH. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth ef Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, and it it hereby enacted by tbe authority of the same, That the qualified voters of tbe several coantias of this Com monwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, autboria> d and and required to vote by tickets, printed or writ- I (en. ot partly printed and partly written, s overs Ily | c!a.ssifiou as follows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be la j belled , outside, "judiciary ; " one ticket shall ttn ! brace the names of all state officers voted for, and to be labelled, "state one ticket shall embrace the | names of all county officers voted for, including of i lice o I senator, member, and members of assembly, i if voted for, and member of congress if voted for,and |be labelled, "county one ticket shall embrace the names ol all township officers voted for, and be la belled, "township one ticket ska!) embrace tbe names of all borough officers toted for, and be re belled, "borough and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot-boxes. Agreeably to the provisioosof the sixty-first sec tion ot said Act every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and tea in the forenoon and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in tbe even ing, when the polls shall he closed. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the Act, tbe Judges of the aforesaid dis tricts respectfully shall take charge of tbe certifi cate or return of the election of their respective dis tricts, and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the Court House in tbe bo rough of Tunkbannock, on the third day after the day of eleetioD, being the l)tb day of October next then and there to do and perform the duties re 3uired by law of said Judges. Also, that where a udge by sickness or unavoidable accident ia unable to attend said meeting of Judges then tbe certifi cates on return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of electkm of sai l district who shall do and perform thedutiee required of said Judge unable to aiten 1. Also, that in tho 31st section of said Act, it is enacted, that when two or more counties shall com pose a District for tbe choice of a member or mem bers of the senate of this Commonwealth of the House of Representatives of the United States ot this Commouwealtb, or President Judge, the Ju &TOl D 4 BROWN - AENT '- M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicifoi Office first door east of 'Brick Block," inontrose, Pa. ▼7-n3-tf. Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT t NEPHEW, Af Tunkhantiock, 'fa, Are Agents for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N. America, Philadelphia, Assets, $1,763 267: Enterprise, " " 372,304. Manhattan, New York, " 1 052,123. N. American, •' " 755,057. Lorillard. " " 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " " 501,095. Fanners' Ins. Co., York, " 525.030. Lycou-ing, Muncy, " 2,800,000. Home, New York. " 3,645,388- Hartford, Hartford, " 1,788,153. Phoenix, ' " 1,103.467 Travelers, '• " 741,337- Hartford Live Stock, " 178,929. Home, New Haven, " 1.438,491 Cumberland Valley, " 506.000. N. England Mutual, L 5,000,000. Property of all kinds will be insured nt the most reasonable rates, in any of the abovo coin(>anies. Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, promptly adjusted and paid. DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, Tunk-, Pa. Sept. 16, 1867,-v7u7-tf, NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE ; That on the 3Ut day of August. A. D, 1867. a Warrant in' Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of William Cortright of Meshoppen, in the County of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition : that the payment of any debts and delivery of any properiy belonging to such Bank rupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by Law • that a meet ing of the Creditors ot the said Bankrupt, to pt> |V9 their debts, to chooee one or more Assignees of h" Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to N holden at the office of the Register in the Court House at Towanda, I'a., before Edward Overton, Jf Register, on tho 24th day of October, A. D. 1367, '• 9 o'clock, A. M. THOM V 3 A ROWLEY, v7u7 It'cues. I", ft Mat